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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 473 KB, 1067x1600, i-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173656 No.7173656 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7158672

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji chapter 71.

>> No.7173657

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/))
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration

>> No.7173658

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.7173660

Current Contests:

Zenon Magazine:

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:


Silent Manga Audition:

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.7173689

I spend more time writing and planning panels than I do actually drawing.... haha.... actually beginning to draw is agonizing....

>> No.7173695
File: 582 KB, 1365x2048, 132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys practice drawing? Aside from drawing manga, I mean...

>> No.7173711

Gesture studies, architecture studies, panel recreations, etc.

>> No.7173712

do you have a specific schedule that you recommend? (say 1 hr gesture, 1 hr architecture, 1 hr panel recreations, etc.)

>> No.7173720

Aside from drawing manga? I don't.

>> No.7173726

I can't be as based as you, anon...

>> No.7173729

Why not?

>> No.7173731

Back in the day when I was still doing all of that, it wasnt an hour doing this or that but just a dedicated day to xyz subject. I would go through several pics and just keep doing them. Exception was panel studies - I'd purposely find some of the busier stuff and go out of my way to replicate them which would take time.

Nowadays, I just practice via drawing my comic.

>> No.7173778

I unironically just do some loomis for a warm up, then just draw whatever is in my head

>> No.7173789

that's good. 20-80 rule. 80% of how good or engaging something is is based on that first 20% of work, the writing, storyboards, and composition. however, that only applies if you actually finish something, so ganbatte

>> No.7173791
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working on a cover

>> No.7173811
File: 621 KB, 1344x2629, Illustration24dd5dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this kind of uhhhh manga level enough if i just want to make 1 coom page or 2 at max.

>> No.7173813
File: 780 KB, 1351x900, GLOW UP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a big break i'm semi back, can't wait to get alittle bit more progress, then get pulled away by other projects and feel obliged to start from scratch, again.

>> No.7173814

It's been a long time, nice to see you again

>> No.7173820
File: 706 KB, 1920x1080, 1715179165607089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna sound mean or anything, but i really like her design before the change

Is like those soul/souless memes

Can i ask what did make you change your artstyle?

I remember when i started drawing i also could hit a pretty realistic level, but part of me just thought that it was boring so i devolve into something more animeish

>> No.7173821
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>> No.7173823
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>> No.7173824
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>> No.7173826
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>> No.7173850
File: 2.67 MB, 9643x1386, chef lisette timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal has always been to ape a style of Seto Yuuki or Shigenori Soejima, I don't (or can't) take this too seriously or i'll get bogged down in analysis paralysis, im not fooling anyone or myself into thinking im creating anything excellent, its a fun porn comic about a blonde slut with daddy issues who gets railed by an old grumpy chef, its kitche not art.

I think its a massive improvement, and on the timeline of their designs; these are their strongest.

>> No.7173854

Can I read this anywhere?

>> No.7173863
File: 35 KB, 649x472, 34343333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres nothing to read.

>> No.7173872
File: 299 KB, 1280x720, carlton disappointed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop wasting your time with all this prep material and actually make the fucking thing.

>> No.7173877

Do not listen to this crab

>> No.7173879

Im like a nerd with books but one time I actually became a hobo weirdo drawing people in public when i was 19 for like 2 years straight

>> No.7173881

I made a japanese written manga oneshot about anime jesus doing dbz stuff during covid and I posted it here on 4chan in a osamu tezuka thread i lost the original digital phile TT but im planning on making it longer i have the original 6 page roughs in physical it took me a month to make ^^

>> No.7173882

did that help you get better?

>> No.7173890
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>> No.7173921

If I learn Japanese, do you think I could apply to become a mangaka in Shounen Jump?

>> No.7173934

Anybody can apply.
Can you succeed? Probably not. Being a foreigner has nothing to do with it, getting into Jump is a long shot even as a japanese person.
I think it's really, really stupid to try to go straight to the top immediately, especially as a foreigner. Even getting into a smaller publisher is hard enough, so make THAT your goal and work up from there. It's not stupid to aim for Jump in the long-term, but it is stupid to aim for Jump right away.

>> No.7174011
File: 126 KB, 478x492, 1715837222525141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, now i can be totally honest with you anon, i said the soul/souless stuff because i didn't remember if yours was a porn comic, or a comic that had sex on it, and i didn't wanted to sound like a pervert

so what i wanted to say, is that i think that the right side drawing is way hotter, but that is just my personal preference, there is something about tall slimmer girls that i like a lot, it's obvious that the left side is a improvement, just that the other side fit more with my taste so part of me is gonna miss her

Anyways, how the hell you do backgrounds, did you use some assets or reference? I mean about the first 2 panels in the right side, the background there looks incredible

>> No.7174014

i hope this sounds more motivating than discouraging, but the amount of work and drawings in this timeline would be enough for at least 20 pages of solid fap material. you definitely have a strong enough outline for a porn comic, so just start. I remember drawing a porn comic a month ago fairly quickly because season 3 of the show was coming out, and i wanted it out by then, so find something to motivate you to just get it done, otherwise it's gonna be on hold forever

loooks great though

>> No.7174054
File: 140 KB, 228x296, 1615815981851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i found this site where you can compare two texts to spot the differences, and i used to check the grammar check of the quillbot

So went and edited a lot of text and i'm done with the changes and i wanted to ask if the changes are enough
The site also works to share both of the text so i will share from there, since i don't wanna be posting every time that i do a correction in the comic


>> No.7174082

unironically don't listen to prebegs shitting on your awesome work

>> No.7174127

Nice progression anon, although I think I like the cute chef mice at the beginning most of all, kek. Very cute.

>> No.7174181
File: 484 KB, 1536x2048, Untitled832_20240515204820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to continue this little idea I had. Catholic super hero aims to destroy the porn industry.

>> No.7174204

Both look fantastic but right is incredibly stylish and also unironically appeals to women from a design sense.

>> No.7174236

Your new style is lightyears better, anyone saying otherwise is gaslighting you badly. Soul/Souless is a cope for people who hack technical skills to do better. take care anon.

>> No.7174270

your new style has hentai mass appeal. Your old style was too niche, only appealed to people who like super skinny girls with big tits and big hair. The new style has some of that muscle girl appeal that is trendy right now

>> No.7174283
File: 28 KB, 525x416, F095z7ZaIAA02Pn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop

>> No.7174306

Yeah it did lol

>> No.7174351

Straight up improvement in my eyes. Good to see you again.

>> No.7174353
File: 122 KB, 1093x1431, 1693530266376902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...i'm broke, also if no one is capable to pin point what the fuck is wrong with what i'm doing, then what the fuck people want me to do?

>> No.7174360
File: 527 KB, 1292x969, Screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a short comic where a spaceguy is stranded on a desert planet, one of the panels is the terminal screen of the spaceship to make the reader understand that no one is coming to save him
right now it's looking a bit barren, what's something i can include to make it look more legit?

>> No.7174374

People have told you what the issue is. Its that there are parts that don't make sense. At all. In some places, you can't even discern what is happening, or what you are trying to convey. The problem is that you probably need someone who speaks your language, but also has a better grasp of English or something.

I think a big part of making sense of your writing and dialogue would be if you actually drew in word balloons so we can at least somewhat have the ability to figure out what order the text is supposed to be read in, for the most part.

I haven't read any of the weird links you've been posting, only your actual pages you posted a thread or two ago. Putting your text in boxes and bubbles would be a giant leap in helping us figure out what order to read things in, and who is saying what. That's really your first major problem, but for some reason, you don't seem to want to fix that so that so we at least have a starting point.

>> No.7174415

check out some SDR user interfaces or unix command-line tools like nmap
this conveys the information it needs to as-is, maybe adding a status line or a radio gain indicator would look cool, but I would prioritize readability over realism
not saying you should or shouldn't add some flare to it, but something to keep in mind

>> No.7174467

I did that when i was playing with the screentones, now i would've to do it again, since i chance some text too

>> No.7174498
File: 574 KB, 1292x969, Screen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I would prioritize readability over realism
100%, considering I'm looking to submit this to SMA21 I'm already stressing out over the fact that I'm using text at all, so I'm trying to make it so any japanese oldman car read it with ease
what about this?

>> No.7174525

I think it looks good
I like using the status panel to prime the reader that they're looking at a communication device before they get to the "SOS/FAIL" messages (assuming this is R->L)

>> No.7174530

So, it doesn't matter 'that' much since I'm doing pure digital, but would it really be a bad thing to have dialogue above the 'cut line', but below the safe line? I know dialogue is meant to be within the safe line as a rule

>> No.7174557

I think you should be practising drawing instead of engaging in this autistic rigmarole about dialogue.
If there's no risk of it getting cut off then yeah.

>> No.7174908
File: 1.63 MB, 1512x2048, monasterio2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is coming here, so here's Madalena in her winter clothes. Her cheeks get really red.

>> No.7174986

This makes me wanna nibble her check

>> No.7175025


>> No.7175034
File: 1.01 MB, 1207x2146, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this one came out nice : )

>> No.7175775
File: 536 KB, 632x803, GONeYcIaMAE5Q9o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something that i think slows my process is not having access to good brushes, any recomendation for clip studio?

>> No.7175806

Does anyone here have any experience with using neocities to publish your comic? Is it a good idea? Or are there better alternatives?

>> No.7175922
File: 476 KB, 1123x1600, 0045-015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, do you know how to get the text like that? I just get a white square instead

>> No.7175925

Literally just the default Real G-pen. I've fucked around with brushes for so many years and what I've stuck with is just the Real G-pen that I've tweaked the pressure settings on.

>> No.7175927

Like what? Outlined? There's a button in the layer proporties in CSP that enables an outline on anything in the layer. Probably same in PS.

>> No.7175946

I am not entirely sure what you're trying to say, but like >>7175927 I am guessing you mean that you want the words to have a white outline. I can answer, but only for PS as that is what I primarily use. If you double click a layer, a bunch of options come up. You'll see that one of those is called "stroke." If you go there you can set what color and what thickness you want the words to be. Adjust to your liking.

>> No.7176059
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>> No.7176075


I think the number 1 most important thing for a comic is that its understandable. You can have shit art but if its easy to follow, then its readable and has some value. Try to read your comic pages as if its the first thing you're seeing, and see if you can figure out whats happening if you never saw it before. "this guy is yelling at a women, and the woman is standing far away from him" is the type of thing you want to be able to say.
>how many people are talking
>where are they in relation to each other
>what their emotions are

>> No.7176087
File: 145 KB, 800x900, aaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to see how my comic would look on paper so I decided to print the first chapter just to make a test.
I have to say, the sensation is so fucking good. Even if it's just a mediocre print. Cant wait to have the final product done in a print store someday.

>> No.7176097

Hey, nice job making a physical proof. Felt the same way reading my own stuff as well. Feels real good.

>> No.7176127

I know, right? It's weird how satisfying it feels to look at your work printed.

>> No.7176131

Right? Btw I feel that I gained new perspectives on things like paneling and tones that I didnt fully grasp reading on digital.

>> No.7176134


>> No.7176194
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1600, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your name or sketch layer vs the lineart, I'm kinda curious
>inb4 spic
well, of course.

>> No.7176197
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>> No.7176198
File: 3.27 MB, 2559x3751, 22222222222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176200

You're doing god's work anon.

Jesus christ, you better be getting paid.

>> No.7176204

Are you working with a team?

>> No.7176207
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>> No.7176276
File: 3.13 MB, 3300x2269, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cool, the way a drawing evolves.

>> No.7176315
File: 39 KB, 323x440, 1635008845958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now just to discuss, what are the best ways to portrait thoughts boxes, for the protagonists i'm using the squares for narration and just text with border, but i don't know if i should follow the patern for other characters or not...

>> No.7176316

Looks great, and what it's best is that fucking feeling of watching the two pages at the same time, i don't know why, but it feels better

But do you have csp? You should try the 3d binding preview of you do

>> No.7176317
File: 143 KB, 1268x1644, 7417db1127e27dd09596bc6e01c44521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, try to draw this next time
It has the same energy

>> No.7176328

I think you should figure it out, like all things you ask about; its time to sink or swim.

>> No.7176329

Do it in a little cartoon cloud floating near their head

>> No.7176339

Depends in personal taste. Some do the thought box where its just a bunch of speedlines put together, some like thought clouds, others just have the words floating without any bubble at all, others use a box as opposed to a bubble. You need to try and see for yourself.

>> No.7176354
File: 397 KB, 847x1200, 1610431396324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some do the thought box where its just a bunch of speedlines put together
You mean like this?
I tried to some of those with the csp tools, but i couldn't get it right, so i wonder if i should download some assets to see if those works

Also it seems more fun do different bubbles for different characters

>> No.7176356
File: 1.53 MB, 1350x1924, 1632067722287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, last thing about bubbles, there's any way to get them look like this?
I mean, is some brush or they just draw it that way?
I ask because i tried to change the settings of the bubble brush, but i couldn't get to look somewhat like them

>> No.7176410

Some are just brushes or premade speedline bubbles. I personally ise a speedline brush and have it set to draw in a radius around a focal point. You can try to do speech bubbles that are unique for each character but keep in mind thats extra work you are asking of your reader to remember and some might not want to do that and see it as a negative. Just keep that in mind.

>I mean, is some brush or they just draw it that way?
Most likely it's a brush that they just chose and manually drew the bubble.

>> No.7176412
File: 991 KB, 1826x1280, photo_2024-05-13_09-03-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first part would be the storyboard that I have on paper

>> No.7176716

thats a pretty decent page there . will there be any dialogue ?

>> No.7176728
File: 310 KB, 1339x868, Chaos Bakas cover ink vs lineart a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the best ways to portrait thoughts boxes,
I have put the thoughts in boxes. But usually I try to avoid thoughts lately.
>Show me your name or sketch layer vs the lineart
I do the sketch with a pencil then ink with a pen. then I scan the inks. so I don't usually scan the sketch.. then I do the line cleanup. which I spend way too much time on. (I'm autistic)

>> No.7176744

Thanks and no, its for the silent manga audition

>> No.7176786

Anyone else just forget how to draw a character they were just drawing? I end up having to redraw them like 3-4 times to get back on track, and I don't get what happened.

>> No.7176792

All the time

>> No.7176856

Hey this is kinda neat. Makes me feel like when I first read homestuck. Like there's a lot under the surface

>> No.7177078
File: 584 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finishing chapter 3 of the little bear comic, this one got weird
I think my paneling is a bit better, still really fucking suck with the ink wash but I'm not giving it up

>> No.7177128

>still really fucking suck with the ink wash but I'm not giving it up
Sucking at something is just the first step to becoming decent at something. Keep going anon.

>> No.7177155
File: 1009 KB, 1207x2146, 13DENSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.7177156
File: 1.16 MB, 1207x2145, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7177160

I'm so bitter about drawing things twice that I dont sketch anymore, I draw on the fly and only sketch out circles to decide where people go.

>> No.7177163
File: 181 KB, 899x525, Screenshot 2024-05-23 230316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best method

>> No.7177173
File: 176 KB, 1256x1132, 1696892929371998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You suck, you grind, you succeed
That's how it should be, you may end up redrawing it later, so why won't draw it twice

>> No.7177220
File: 1.10 MB, 1207x2145, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7177245
File: 40 KB, 598x316, 1621464967543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to post the pages directly here, but when i exported they were more than 4 mb, and i want to try to sleep so...

I still need to make more things on the 3rd page, but i wanted to post to see how was looking so far, and for the page 2 that i don't know how to fill some white spaces without fucking it up (i mean with something that actually looks good, i'm sorry i'm sleepy i don't know what i'm writting)


>> No.7177445
File: 1.14 MB, 972x777, Lineart Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7177480

im going to start drawing my first manga
any minute now

>> No.7177503

Don't let your dreams be memes. We've got anons from the entire skill spectrum making comics here.

>> No.7177506
File: 14 KB, 166x166, 1608914877887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right, we are in the whole fucking spectrum right now

>> No.7177570

just start it, you either have one or you don't

>> No.7177832

if you're planning on selling your manga to a magazine, you probably can't upload it anywhere, can you?
I imagine there's some kind of rule about that, anyone know?

>> No.7177906

I doubt there's a rule. Magazines are generally a bigger, totally different audience from whatever audience you can reach self-publishing, so I'm not sure they'd really mind.
There's a good chance that whatever you approach them with won't be what they publish. However, I can't say the chances are nil, so just to be safe it won't kill you to hold on to it until you know. In any case, unless the work has already been published by a publisher before, it's not really "I'm selling this work to you, magazine" and more like "please give me a shot in your magazine, this is what my work looks like".

>> No.7178006
File: 3.10 MB, 1615x2500, pagenew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure everything that can be said about your work has been said. Quit stressing so much and just practice drawing. You'll learn as you create.

>> No.7178009
File: 591 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a HOLE in that nigga

>> No.7178016

>that pic

>> No.7178023

NTA but this kind of hurt me to look at. please tell me it at least took you several reiterations before getting it right. I need to cope

>> No.7178082

>draw 3 pages in a day
>then 0 pages for a week

>> No.7178083

3 pages is what I need to draw to finish chapter 5 but aaaa

>> No.7178086

its because those final pages aren't the end of it. You still need to proofred and edit which creates more work in an infinite loop, I never actually FINISH a comic, I just GIVE UP trying to fix it. It finally broke me. I think I'm done.

>> No.7178087

You know what? I'm not going to do any work today at all. It's fukkin gaming time baby. Been a while since I took a break.

>> No.7178098

>I just GIVE UP trying to fix it
I know how you feel. I'm currently looking back at my previous chapters and seeing pages I clearly rushed up. But since I've been drawing comics for some years now, I can control my impulses to want to fix them immediately. So in this chapter, I am being more cautious and working slowly to avoid it.

>> No.7178224

I'm in this post and i don't like it

I was asking more just in case someone had any advice to fill a panel with screentones, but 1)without looking repetitive and 2) since the characater that most shows up has screentone in his hair how to make it look nice

>> No.7178780

But that's my point. Why do you, at the end of production, have random empty space you don't know what to do with? If you think your panels look vacant then screentones aren't going to fix it, it's a compositional issue that you need to study to improve.
Also this is more personal preference but I believe if you're drawing in black and white you should be thinking in black and white. Using screentones to imply colour just gets confusing.

>> No.7178840
File: 634 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay hat

>> No.7178860
File: 580 KB, 1096x1274, toyotaro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off the wizzard hat is cool

>> No.7178953


>> No.7178973
File: 639 KB, 738x1130, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to expand this chapter a bit more. instead of 15 will be 20

>> No.7178982

wizards are nerd shit, bear would never wear such an un-cool hat

>> No.7178993
File: 2.16 MB, 2440x3508, page 1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7179087
File: 887 KB, 1488x2105, pg5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi bros. I think this style is an improvement to what I last posted.

>> No.7179239

you draw most things pretty good it seems but I feel like you would benefit to draw your human characters a bit differently.
your the guy with the story about the meteor and the water dragon right? the head to body proportions of your characters were a bit to large. imo it wouldnt hurt to make the male characters more heroically proportioned, maybe 8 heads? the guy who dove into the water to fight the dragon looked a litttle juvenile to me, becuase his head was a little big. it stuck out to me becuase your art is fairly good otherwise. people might not take you as seriously as you deserve if they see what your characters look like.

>> No.7179253
File: 688 KB, 755x1000, 118781844_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you making a manga right now? I have an excuse. I'm playing video games.

>> No.7179257

sounds funny

>> No.7179291

The body of the revolver is slightly wonky, but that's just me nitpicking. It's obviously more than satisfactory for getting the point across to a reader. Cool noir feel anon.

>> No.7179294

I like it. Don't get bogged down by perfectionism, like the critique of the other anon concerning revolver. Your art is good enough for now. I'd now focus on quantity. Pump out pages. I even like the writing (super rare to have even just mediocre writing in comics).

>> No.7179476

Cool, Are you french?
Much better

>> No.7179477


>> No.7179586

that's great, if you want criticism, the hand holding the fun is fucked (the three fingers shouldn't reach that deep on the wrist), but it doesn't look bad at first glance so it's okay

>> No.7179587

I DON'T KNOW BRO, maybe I don't have a clear actionable objective yet, just a cloudy idea of what I'd like for it to be

>> No.7179593


Time to get started on fleshing out your plot, anon. We want to see what you make.

>> No.7179634

whats you anons biggest challenge in making manga?
for me I have a tendency to rush when I'm drawing. its a terrible habit.

>> No.7179747
File: 613 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


composition, if I was going to pick just one
the rushing thing is real, slowing down is the key to quality

>> No.7179764
File: 173 KB, 512x512, 1709128458925906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a great excuse too, i'm half way through a depressive episode wanting to an hero'd myself

>Also this is more personal preference but I believe if you're drawing in black and white you should be thinking in black and white. Using screentones to imply colour just gets confusing.

Actually i was thinking that it was a problem of balance too, i tried to do it too dark, because i was trying to have fun with some brushes and that i didn't find a way to make some parallel linear hatching without using a perspective ruler, that i hate to use

>> No.7179768
File: 970 KB, 1765x2500, 26-05-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrambling around at the last minute like always B)

>> No.7179788

Doing the storyboard, its just a struggle for me everytime I'm working on it I'm always scratching my head if the camara angles are interesting enough and no to repetitive.
Also I feel I'm to slow making pages, making 1 page per day it's my top and I feel I'm always procrastinating. Dont know how the fuck weekly mangakas can do 3-4 pages per day.

>> No.7179812

remembering i can actually draw. i always dread getting started on even light sketches because i feel like i'll fuck it up and expose myself as a fraud, but then i start and can't fucking stop because it's so fun and i really like my art.
even when i look back at good drawings i've done, it doesn't register to me that i can actually just do it again and i feel like i have to grind out books and tutorials for months again.

>> No.7179834
File: 230 KB, 793x1121, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like I'm playing it too safe with the paneling here but I have to ask can I draw in space surrounding the manga panel? I'm complete unfamiliar with a3 page format. Also if my page layout is incorrect what should I add to it too make it correct? This is for the Silent Manga Audition btw

>> No.7179900

Paneling looks fine here. Remember that if you're going to draw beyond where you have things now that you're going to start going into the trim/bleed areas. If you do that, it is best for you to draw to the page's edge as you cannot control where the trim would be if it were to ever get printed. I hope I'm answering the right question.

>> No.7179920

Pushing through that 50% mark, of course. The hardest part of a project is always when the fun parts are all done and all that's left is the grind.

As the other anon said you CAN draw outside of the safe area (the area you've drawn in on that page) but the further out it is the higher likelihood it would get cut off in print, so that's why it's always recommended to keep everything important neatly within the safe area. So for stuff that it doesn't really matter if it gets cut off, go ahead.

>> No.7180067
File: 618 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds like I'm being conceited about the quality of my work
I know it's shit but it's worse when I rush

>> No.7180141

>I DON'T KNOW BRO, maybe I don't have a clear actionable objective yet
you should spend some time to focus and figure it out. you wont figure it out playing video games.

>> No.7180144
File: 92 KB, 768x518, how to kys japanese style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm half way through a depressive episode wanting to an hero'd myself
making a manga can unironically pull you out of that
>Pushing through that 50% mark,
whats the 50% mark? >>7180067
>know it's shit but it's worse when I rush
I dont think this comic is bad. yeah its simple but that can work.

>> No.7180258

Idk, I prefer the more cartoony look. It's going to be a pretty light-hearted story and I have more characters and races show up later, so that'll add some variety to the proportions. That being said, I definitely don't practice consistent figure drawing as much as I should.

>> No.7180594
File: 270 KB, 835x1200, 1637338391626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do anybody knows how to do that texture on the walls?

I forgot how to do them, or i forgot how to use the perspective ruler for how to make them, either way if someone could help with a reminder of use or a.guide of how to make that thing

>> No.7180626

>I dont think this comic is bad. yeah its simple but that can work.
appreciate it, but it's inconsistent, and there's some stylistic nonsense I have to figure out
simple can work but it still takes effort, I can't use that as an excuse

>> No.7180664

Its just simple crosshatching? You just do it.

>> No.7180809
File: 26 KB, 714x423, GOmMhrUXQAAaiX8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because its memorial day dont think you should just goof off and not make your mangas

>> No.7180844

You just draw vertical lines... then horizontal lines
You guys need to stop with "how do I pet the dog" shit

>> No.7180856

Can someone tell me what size paper would be a 16:9 aspect ratio?

>> No.7180984
File: 76 KB, 240x240, 1689956978983319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read what i said, is in digital so, how the fuck do you want that i do straight lines?
I tried to use the perspective ruler to try to get them, but the horizontal lines just jump into a straight 90° angle instead of the angle i need, and with any other ruler just mark the ruler and can't do lines out of the ruler mark

>> No.7180987

Also i remember that i could do it before, but i should've change something in the settings or something changes between updates

>> No.7181022
File: 3.45 MB, 338x332, 1703676268047109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants to draw manga
>Literally can't even draw a straight line

>> No.7181032

Bro, I am on my hands and knees, begging you to just read an art book instead of looking for digital shortcuts.

>> No.7181051

try holding shift that usually makes the pen go into straight line mode
you still gotta manually place them evenly apart but you'll have the straight part

>> No.7181057
File: 667 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to do a 9/11 on my next page in honor of the troops

>> No.7181068
File: 76 KB, 1920x1080, 1685452225829531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that already, i actually use it for walls and the floor, but the thing is that i can get the ruler work fine, in the normal ruler, i can't make other lines outside the ruler mark, and with the perspective ruler i can't get the horizontal lines in the angle i need, if i could get the normal ruler working fine i could do it, but after trying some settings is still the same

>> No.7181084
File: 1.12 MB, 1668x2388, IMG_1987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copying i guess. I know i should do full page but it’s a start.
I didn’t want to copy one to one I just wanted to draw things I normally don’t draw

>> No.7181111

It's one guy.

Instead of running to papa /ic/ for help every single time you hit a gap in your knowledge, have you considered, I dunno, fucking googling it? Or even better, just fiddling with the tools in the program in front of you?

>> No.7181119

You can't freestyle a straight line outside of using a digital ruler? We're not even talking a super long line either here, the crosshatching you mentioned would all be short quick lines. C'mon, dude. You don't have access to a line stabilizer either to smooth out your strokes?

>> No.7181176
File: 98 KB, 680x637, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even draw a straight line
Do something else with your time, art isn't for you.

>> No.7181375
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1617638802457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definetly could do hatching, but it wouldn't have been the same since i needed parallel lines.
Anyways after regretting asking, i stop trying to use the normal ruler and the perspective one, and use a bunch of focus rulers, with different angles

>> No.7181382 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1024x1024, bergOIG4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because its memorial day dont think you should just goof off and not make your mangas

I did a little manga making today. not much though.

>> No.7181415
File: 293 KB, 402x1111, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the topic, I feel like we've all been harping on about your garbage grammar in your dialogue, there are other real big issues with your illustrations,

- Background blacks are just SO black, its drawing focus from what the panel is about (the basic bitch emo fringed protagonist)
- Work on your line quality, your line art is scratchy and unrefined.
- Using the default CS texture/decoration brushes like you are, is such a detriment to the drawing, it looks cheap and distracting and unconsidered, (less is more)
- Stay in the lines, you've got texture brush from the ground behind him on his face, "tree" brush outside of the frame.
- 3rd panel with the shadows of the leaves on his face, you switch from a monochromatic illustration to greyscale, pressumably to get more fidelity on the light dithering, this could be avoided if you didn't just lather on the cross hatching brush randomly and thought about how you could define lighter shadows, it'll also keep it consitent across the page since you swap straight back to monochrome with the screen toned stock photo drawing of the sky in panel 4.

I have much more to whinge about, but you have a pretty consitent track record of not taking criticism, and if you want to dismiss my comments because they we're alittle meaner, by all means, but there are like 10 other people in here all trying to tell you the same thing.
We aren't crabs we are just trying to help.

>> No.7181456

>taking so long to work on a single chapter the way I draw my characters changed
I'm gonna lose it

>> No.7181457

>wow, implied character growth represented visually through the eyes of the unreliable narrator
good work anon, meticulous storytelling just as planned right?

>> No.7181544
File: 36 KB, 200x217, 1608845193226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, about that, i realize the balance problem a while ago(you can read a fews post up), and i'm actually come to terms with my linear, and althought i know it looks kinda bad, i was mostly playing around with the brushes, the trees, just have the leaves made with a texture brush, the texture that it's on the guy face is from a ground brush

And also about the 3rd panel i notice that i just reduce the opacity of the layer and forgor to change it, and the screentones that i'm just using the ic monthly rewards

>but you have a pretty consitent track record of not taking criticism
I would ask to explain further, but at this point i the mostly i have ask for is about the text, which i tried to do what i was told (except hiring someone to help)
I think that's the only part that piss me off, is not like i'm not hearing anyone, i might not reply, but i know that i still tried to follow the advices

>> No.7181680
File: 268 KB, 655x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty much sketching everything twice before I ink it. There's a pretty clear increase in the quality of the final result, so it's probably worth the extra week per batch of pages it takes to do it this way.

>> No.7181687

>sketching everything twice before I ink it
As in you do a first rough draft, then you draw over it again but more refined, or you do a separate draft from scratch and then you compare/combine what you like about the two? Either way, that some anon(s?) here really hate doing any kind of sketching whatsoever is mind blowing to me. We can't all be KJG, lol.

>> No.7181693
File: 2.36 MB, 838x4646, Comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in I'm drawing the storyboard -> doing a sketch to figure out what the panel actually is -> doing a cleaner sketch over the top -> inking that.
Honestly the sketching is the closest thing to a "fun" part for me, but I don't usually indulge myself like this. I'm only doing it here because I think following up my debut with something with 120% effort put in is the move, even if it takes longer.

>> No.7181698

>following up my debut with something with 120% effort put in is the move, even if it takes longer
As long as you don't do that into perpetuity. End up with Berserk/Miura's historic release rate, lol.

>> No.7182023
File: 924 KB, 1438x2000, 27-05-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7182085

I wish I was a moon man

>> No.7182180
File: 3.18 MB, 4624x3468, roughs2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a new one shot, want 5 color pages to start so I'm rough sketching them before I do the real things

>> No.7182202

Any of you guys have any success at Patreon?

>> No.7182213

I can't even get 200 followers on social media, anon. Forget about anyone actually giving me money.

>> No.7182259

Patreon makes me sad. So many talented artists that aren't making comics and instead are making repetitive trash at the behest of commissioner slug people.

>> No.7182366
File: 595 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allahu snackbar

>> No.7182392

>>Patreon makes me sad. So many talented artists that aren't making comics and instead are making repetitive trash at the behest of commissioner slug people.
I know what you mean.

>> No.7182405

making comics is willingly giving up money. If I was rich I'd be making 5 page a day until I die, but I'm not rich so I have to draw what makes money.....

>> No.7182517
File: 201 KB, 624x879, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally started making a comic, hope I actually stick to it this time.
I hope the first page isn't too loredumpy.

>> No.7182522
File: 152 KB, 619x874, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of making it up as I go but I have some general background lore in mind and I know what all the weird sci fi words mean.
these two pages are the most finished

>> No.7182533
File: 80 KB, 809x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the story is basically just sci fi mecha shit but with child soldiers who get really fucked up by having to fight in a war.

>> No.7182538
File: 262 KB, 1533x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's all the guys
I tried to make them all recognizable in spite of my tendency to sameface
not sure how well I did

>> No.7182610

Not even the people who make comics has some grand expansive story to tell let alone the average artist. Drawing pretty pictures is just easier.

>> No.7182681
File: 709 KB, 844x758, Storyboard and Lineart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aytan and Hannah. Working on page 11 now. Only have uh........ 106 more pages to go to end this arc, lol.

>> No.7182770

I'll be honest I have no idea what you could possibly be asking here. If you can use the perspective lines to draw the backgrounds, why not use them to draw the hatch lines too? In fact, you don't even need to use the perspective ruler because they're very faint lines in the background, you can just use the line tool and draw to where you think they should be.
I also don't know why you're being rude to people being confused when this is a very simple issue... Why not show an example of what you've done so we can understand what you'd need to change? Like it's literally just drawing straight lines man there's not much to it.

>> No.7182904

Finally done chapter 5. I just need to translate it to the language of the Anglo-saxons for you guys

>> No.7183019

Also, you should just hire someone. Just hire someone and don't rely on anonymous strangers online to go through your work every time you have a new draft because we can't be your editor and English teacher on any level of consistency, and any one of us could just start to fuck with you and pretend to help with grammar but actually be making it more unintelligible.

I'm not even trying to be rude when I say this, but what's the plan? There's nothing wrong with not knowing English properly, but if you're writing a story in English then it does need to make sense, and if your plan is to keep showing your drafts and working your way through like that then your knowledge of English isn't going to get any better because it'll just be pieced together from what people tell you and not what you've learned yourself, or learned from a professional. At best you'll have one grammatically correct comic, and then nothing else you write will make that level of sense unless you come back here again.

If you don't have the $5, or for whatever reason don't want to spend it on an editor, then you really should just join a discord or something that's dedicated to helping writers with their grammar for free. You keep coming back with random questions about things that are very easily doable like thought balloons and textures, and I seriously don't understand why other than you just want to talk here? It's the same as with the script's grammar, you aren't going to get anywhere by coming back here every day to ask these questions instead of dedicating time to just do it and see the finished product afterwards.

And if you're struggling that much, then please just do a 1-5 page test comic and not a fucking 54 page comic when you're still unsure about so many basic things. If you can just do that, then you can ask here again and someone can properly help edit your work in its entirety, and you can add the random things you're unsure about to see if you've done them correctly.

>> No.7183126

Wow that guy's retarded

>> No.7183132
File: 638 KB, 738x1016, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 5 : https://tapas.io/episode/3191812

I tried my best to improve the points raised based on previous feedback. Hope you like it

>> No.7183143
File: 36 KB, 389x430, e1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183170

Not that anon, but yes. You're literally posting in /mmg/, which is all about reading. So yes, you should be reading it if you're serious about getting better. Unlike a lot of the rest of /ic/ anons here actually give half a shit about one another.

Pretty good action sequence. The only thing I noticed was that the banshee's face kept warping somewhat between panels to being either younger/older and more/less fucked up. Dunno if that was intentional or what.
>I cannot wait to rape your virgin corpse
I don't have an issue with this, just don't be surprised if Tapas or any other popular site notices and gets huffy about it and demands you censor, lol. S. Korean laws and app store rules are wiggidywack.

>> No.7183200

>Dunno if that was intentional or what.
"She" is a creature from the land of the dead that has a form that resembles a woman but in a corrupted and unstable way. It barely keeps the angelic facade only to lure souls; its true face is even more horrifying.
>or any other popular site notices and gets huffy about it and demands you censor
Let's see how many times it will take until they notice.

>> No.7183222

I'm starting to think some anons aren't taking this as seriously as they should.

>> No.7183242
File: 30 KB, 500x500, war-peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm not joking, totally. But my Interest is in making manga, not writing a novel

>> No.7183272

There is no point in making a manga if it's not abundantly clear what is going on, especially since you have a LOT of dialogue panels where there is very little action happening.

>> No.7183312
File: 622 KB, 981x1248, new-project-c3p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried being bolder with the ink wash
four more months of my life
next fucking chapter

>> No.7183314
File: 151 KB, 609x391, loines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to use the perspective ruler, but when i tried to draw horizontal lines i just got the yelow lines, and what i wanted to get was what it's enclosed in the cyan? Circle and what anons ask me to do (simple hatching) is in the red circle, if you can see(quality sucks is a screencapture into paint) they aren't quite the same, or at least my hatching wasn't the same what i wanted to do with the walls

Anon, i'm broke, and to be honest i didn't even think in discord since i didn't like it to use it, but i maybe should check /lit/ first, and then try with some discord, i just asked because i remember that one or at least 2 anons said that i could ask them for help a long while ago

Also i did a sma entry and i have done more things, but i took a break from digitial from august 2022 until earlier this year, and my memory is not great, this isn't like a ride a bike at all

>> No.7183327
File: 3.49 MB, 1920x2687, roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few things I wanna do, so I'm pulling an old method I feel helps, a roadmap to track my progress.
a bit of an intense time ahead for me

>> No.7183352

Holy shit 600 entries in the SMA script contest and there is not one that deserves to win the Grand prix.
Fuckin kek

>> No.7183366
File: 613 KB, 988x643, image_2024-05-30_005025230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comic, first iteration of chapter one when I thought I was ready, vs now,
So a little context for the story, I've been remaking the same chapter one for about a year now, and I know is not smart but I really wanted to nail at least a basic level quality to begin with, even if I am expecting to get better along the way.
I started publishing the newest iteration but had to put it down, the reason was that the site didn't allow to change page orientation once it was decided for a first chapter. So I tried to make it vertical to test the waters, realized I didn't like it and that I had so much more fun playing with panels with the traditional book style but I couldn't change the orientation for chapter 2, so I pulled chapter 1 down and plan on re releasing both as one chapter alongside chapter 3.

The funny thing is, all 3 chapters tell the same story in 62 pages that the original chapter 1 did in 18 pages.

I know I still got ways to go, but I just wanted to compare them.
By the way, yes, the backgrounds are 3D models, obviously, but I modeled them myself, and I'm practicing texture painting, I've seen some artists do beautiful stuff in Blender and I think I can make my own art style within it.

>> No.7183367
File: 571 KB, 1222x496, image_2024-05-30_005140761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one board needs multiimage posting is this one.

>> No.7183368
File: 705 KB, 983x827, image_2024-05-30_005227489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately I wanna thank this board to keep me at this for a year. The criticism every time I posted helped a lot.

>> No.7183369
File: 888 KB, 1258x899, image_2024-05-30_005501624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 3 page fight was expanded into 20 pages.

>> No.7183431

I do similar things to that chart. although a bit different.

>> No.7183450

Man where does the time go, i draw a page and 2 hours pass. But if i look at whata drawn, its like 15 minutes of ink. Most of my time seems to be spent clicking tools and setting guide lines and alligning text and other administrative crap.

>> No.7183525

I dont understand "inking" a digital drawing.

>> No.7183544
File: 374 KB, 706x493, snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, If you actually picked up an art book and studied, instead of copying random manga, a lot of your confusion would disappear.

If you suggest that 'cleaning up the sketch.' is the correct way to draw. I'll have to kill you.

>> No.7183545

>If you suggest that 'cleaning up the sketch.' is the correct way to draw. I'll have to kill you.
not that anon but I will die on that hill

>> No.7183546

>I tried to use the perspective ruler, but when i tried to draw horizontal lines i just got the yelow lines, and what i wanted to get was what it's enclosed in the cyan?
Dude, the lines should be following the yellow. Why would you have them go off-perspective? The yellow lines clearly follow the perspective you've already established based on the top of the tree garden, the thing that the shadow is supposed to be falling off of, and no other structure in the environment is lined up to that diagonal.
Do you not understand how perspective works? The guidelines you establish are what tell you where the lines should go, you shouldn't be deviating from them just because you think it looks wrong, it's very simple. The yellow is correct; the cyan is off-perspective.

>one or at least 2 anons said that i could ask them for help a long while ago
They could've been referring to just a few pages to get you on track or they could've even been trolling, but the point is nobody here is going to edit an entire chapter for you for free, and if they do you probably shouldn't trust them and will need a second opinion anyway. If you don't know English and can't afford to get someone to edit for you then you should just get a free English writing and grammar course while practicing art. Making comics isn't a right, it's a privilege, and you're not going to be able to get along on free advice from 4chan of all places.

>Also i did a sma entry and i have done more things, but i took a break from digitial from august 2022 until earlier this year, and my memory is not great, this isn't like a ride a bike at all
Please don't tell me you took a 1 and a half year break and then immediately started making a 54 page comic.

>> No.7183566

>The yellow is correct; the cyan is off-perspective.
What? I really don't get it, i just did that to have some texture, not perspective

>They could've been referring to just a few pages to get you on track
I remember that was when i posted a full draft then, by i don't remember which one, i have done a lot of writting and re-writting stuff
>or they could've even been trolling
Maybe you could be right on this one, i'm little naive with my anons, since i mostly used /a/

>Please don't tell me you took a 1 and a half year break and then immediately started making a 54 page comic.
Nop, the other thing i done was a few pages and the old version of what i'm doing, but then i got fuck up with an ural tunnel syndrome that took the movility of my right arm, so i couldn't draw until late 2022, and i have been recovering to the point where i can draw on digital again

>> No.7183618

>What? I really don't get it, i just did that to have some texture, not perspective
Not that anon, but even your texturing has to follow the rules to make it readable and make sense. Considering that texturing is just straight lines, its actually working against the 3 dimensional space you've otherwise created, so it looks kinda off. Everything should follow the perspective of the space they're placed into, it doesn't matter if it is people, or bricks, or a trash can, or a piece of paper on the ground, or the hatching that is meant to build up the space. If it is working against the perspective, it looks off to the trained eye.

>> No.7183727

>What? I really don't get it, i just did that to have some texture, not perspective
Okay just stop what you're doing and read these
If not both, then at least the first, and they're mainly pictures so English or not they should be easily understandable.
You have to have at least a basic understanding of these things before going into something like a comic so you don't get tripped up on easy things like drawing textures in perspective.

>> No.7183739
File: 129 KB, 489x424, 1645369989376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

どうも i was about to ask since after thinking it a lot, i just have read a bunch of manga making artbooks, but none other

>> No.7183750
File: 2.35 MB, 200x200, 1614990276437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is not like i'm not hearing anyone, i might not reply, but i know that i still tried to follow the advices
>explicitly ignoring advice

>> No.7183776

Please judiciously take to hear the various advice that anons here have taken the time to write out for you, and especially study the links that >>7183727 anon posted. Many of your questions can be answered just by studying these things. While /mmg/ anons are extremely helpful at the end of the day what you are basically doing is outsourcing the entire editing process to us and asking that we do everything for free. You need to apply on your end as well.

>> No.7183777

Meant to say "take to heart" in the first sentence. Keyboard somehow didn't register.

>> No.7183796
File: 64 KB, 508x767, 1705295566782793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know that's not me, right?

>> No.7184546
File: 190 KB, 602x892, main-qimg-dc5d0899b781f438218dd372376a9167-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what your manga pages look like?

>> No.7184550

Not him but why are you trying to pin him as somebody who thinks comics should be words words words merely because he posted detailed feedback on 4chan.org forward slash Artwork/Critique forward slash?

>> No.7184551
File: 54 KB, 510x680, GOz9mDjaEAAOJQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of togashi, dude's been pumping out page after page in the last month or so. nothing gets you working like the fear of death and seeing your peers go one after another

>> No.7184569

You're right, this general would be way better if the only feedback people got was "it's good" or "it's bad".

>> No.7184591

My guess is hes striking back, because criricism about comics hurts a lot. We're all here working our asses off so if we make something thats bad, it can damage us mentally.

>> No.7184598

I doubt that's the same guy as the one receiving the criticism. The english isn't bad enough, for one.

>> No.7184614
File: 2.77 MB, 2293x3292, page 2.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7184728

The passive.agressive tone in this thread is something else...

>> No.7184765

>Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
is there any other source for this? I can never download big files from mega.. Could someone re-up thos in maybe video sharing site like rumble or odysee

>> No.7184787


>> No.7184809
File: 99 KB, 666x767, F32W3nVXEAAYc9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, downloading this from yt will be much easier for me

>> No.7184827

nta but is there any way to watch the recent newer episodes without using a jp VPN and paying for NHK ondemand? Is piracy dead?

>> No.7184871

which episodes do you mean?

>> No.7184883

oh shit I'm dumb. It's only missing the most recent episode

>> No.7184893
File: 73 KB, 736x732, a5d986d345bbebd2530d4de421198078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take you to complete a page? It took me about 9 hours yesterday just to do line cleaning and color. I really need to get more efficient.

>> No.7184898


here is MANBEN Series in 1080p quality playlist

>> No.7184906

Between 2-5 hours from sketch to finish

>> No.7184955
File: 100 KB, 1397x607, 32492374327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this. Usually where perspective becomes confused is when we attempt to mix points to smush together the image from our brain. For example, the view of the ground in front of the character is following a different point, making the panel 2 point perspective. However the end of the wall doesn't follow it as it crosses perpendicular to the frame itself.

You can tackle this two ways. You can draw the end of the wall following the ground, which seems to be the original intention. Or you can simply make it one point like the edited image is trying to show. Here i've provided some examples of what they might look like. Both work fine.

My advice: make most scenes just one point perspective. Yes it does make things appear isometric-y, but consider comics are a medium for communicating a story. Most of the time, that's all you need to focus on. If you cannot learn to simplify, the foundations for storytelling will be shakey no matter how flashy your artwork is.

>> No.7184997

As always, it depends on how busy the page is. Some pages take 5, some take 9.

>> No.7185148
File: 1.45 MB, 1439x2329, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've uploaded a few pages for my comic now, check it out

>> No.7185162
File: 93 KB, 302x308, 1716869395144993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have decided that, since i wanna finish this by june 15th, i will leave the panels that have that tricky angle as i had them scketched, mostly for a matter of time, i will fix them later, they are like 10 out of +350
I'm still reading the art book between breaks

I really forgot that i wanted to finish this by march 2nd, and then may 2nd and since is so little left now i wanna see finish by then, i don't wanna finish this by july 2nd

>> No.7185358

very promising

>> No.7185359
File: 76 KB, 618x246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the project. Some projects the pages only take 2 or 3 hours a page. The current project the pages are taking me roughly 15-18 hours per page (the project files are 2 pages each). This is just the CSP activity tracking too so in reality it's something like 20 or 30% more.
What's most important IMO is the mindset you're going into the project with. The projects I go into thinking "I'm going to make the prettiest, most polished pages I can" take the longest, projects where I go in thinking "I'm just going to bash these out as quickly as possible whether it looks good or not" are the quickest.

>> No.7185360
File: 44 KB, 449x478, 1651179539885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw 29 out of 30 pages to almost completion
>struggle to finish last page and details on other pages
why is it so hard to finish things goddamit

>> No.7185363

its overworked. Why do you need to draw all those construction lines when the image is relatively simply. Copying is good but you're doin' it wrong.

>> No.7185381

>This is just the CSP activity tracking too so in reality it's something like 20 or 30% more.
Where do you can see that?

>> No.7185387
File: 41 KB, 494x819, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "information" sub-menu. Dunno where it is by default cos I move shit around.

>> No.7185434
File: 553 KB, 1228x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next batch pages sketched, back to inking!

>> No.7185447

Pretty neat premise. I particularly like the bald guy with the glasses, reminds me a lot of the creepy doc from the original Outlaws pc game: https://youtu.be/SjAHjaa4xYw?t=240
There's a few typos or grammatical errors, but nothing super jarring. This was nice to read, keep up the work anon!

That's how it be, anon. That's how it be. I just chalk it up to burnout.

>> No.7185472
File: 277 KB, 925x711, 1624230332177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babe wake up, new kyoto contest has just been announced

>> No.7185478

NO DUDE I was getting excited and it ended there. I swear, the art really matches the vibe, I adore it, it reminded me of Coraline kind of horror. The boss scene also made a big impression on me; it was amazing.

>> No.7185497

this was really cool to read, very much looking forward to more.

>> No.7185521

Thats cool. Ill give it a go.
>no page limit.
Good, cause i need like 200 to get to the fucking point of it.

>> No.7185523

>new kyoto contest
do any of you have something already made that's good enough for that contest? Because I don't.

>> No.7185552

>do any of you have something already made that's good enough for that contest?
No, and frankly I don't believe I ever will. Not even trying to be a downer, just matter of fact self-reflection.

>> No.7185558

good time for this to come up
one more place I can have one of these one shots go to

>> No.7185562

dude? You likely have at least 20 years left in life, and those years of grinding really will make a world of difference

>> No.7185566
File: 35 KB, 148x392, IMG_20221112_165944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does winning this kind of contest actually mean anything in comparison to just 持ち込み my work to publishers.
My goal is to get published in any of Japanese physical / digital magazine.

>> No.7185581

I want to 込み your ass

>> No.7185592

Sort of, not really.
Publishers will probably recommend you enter competitions like this anyway, if only so they can say you won (an honorable mention or otherwise) as your debut. However, there's a lot of professional manga authors out there and it's not like they all "won" competitions like this, so I'd say no you don't have to.
There are two anons who've gone pro since using this general, one did so by placing in SMA a couple of times and the other just directly approached a publisher. So we know that you can do either.
In any case, they're good practice.

>> No.7185623

Chin up anon, we grind and improve in this thread.

>> No.7185625

anon is right. but I dont know if you can pull it off by the deadline, aug 31

>> No.7185715

quick question, someone undestand the drawing section of the kyoto contest?
It says to add colour to two pages of the manga you submit but at the same time they give you like a draft?

>> No.7185765

Well since the name is also a valid entry i have a few of them

>> No.7185766

i have a good 30 of one I need to redraw.
I need to think of a shorter story because this one im thinking needs a couple of events to occur for the emotional pay off.

>> No.7185874

Even sending a name is a valid entry I doubt It has any chance of winning anything.

>> No.7185876

>any genre
Like, ANY any?
You know what I mean by 'any', right?

>> No.7185880

They're going to use submissions on their socials. I doubt they would use porn to promote their organization.

>> No.7185942

My scanned line art keeps coming out pixelated, is there a way to fix this in Krita to smooth it out? Some kind of anti-aliasing filter?

>> No.7185952

Quick fact. I am in the shopping mall right now and there is a girl here that looks so similar to Madalena. Very cute.

>> No.7186161
File: 231 KB, 1152x648, artlog 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manga making
I don't know if it's making me a better writer, but keeping a notepad of notes helps the creative process flow along.

>> No.7186178
File: 255 KB, 1663x1001, edges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here. How do I clean this up to something fillable without needing to manually erase around every line?

>> No.7186188
File: 127 KB, 581x443, 1337557249669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186191

Have you adjusted the levels?

>> No.7186232

Ah yes. Much note. Many runes.

>> No.7186233

very cool
Keep uploading
Reminds me of tsutomu nihei
Also david lynch

>> No.7186241

I usually don't make notes in Nipponese . I just thought it looked cooler if they were moon runes.

>> No.7186263
File: 1.79 MB, 1299x2067, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without completely reworking my style, how can i make my work seem less comic-y and more manga-esque, stylistically speaking?
also, is there an alternative to crosshatching that looks good and is less of a burden on the wrist in terms of workload? new to this but i'm already thinking crosshatching is not the way.

>> No.7186306

Last night I met the gyaru girls from pornAnons manga. It got crazy.

>> No.7186318
File: 1.85 MB, 2500x1643, 31-06-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too :(

>> No.7186354

>how can i make my work seem less comic-y and more manga-esque, stylistically speaking?
I don't know. Make them samurai instead of knights? But as far as technique goes. you can always learn things by studying other artists.

>> No.7186360

Looks like JPG compression. My scanner does the same thing if I don't tweak the settings first. Look up how to get uncompressed images from your particular scanner model.

>> No.7186365
File: 226 KB, 502x702, testmang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys is this sequence hot enough for an ero-manga?

>> No.7186376

feels more like horror-manga

>> No.7186407

Depends of the character. Is she a prostitute trying to make thing fast?

>> No.7186414

The face perspective looks a little off otherwise I could whack off to it. Got any more?

>> No.7186418
File: 305 KB, 1503x953, tttdrerersdrfsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also never heard of this site so I decided I would copy you and start uploading my own comic for the first time here as well

>> No.7186456

>giving a blow job
>using a condom

>> No.7186474


Just kind of... basically a couple of twenties something disguised as highschool students luring unsuspecting victims to steal them and eventually killing them,..

>> No.7186481
File: 436 KB, 894x1264, testmang4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, I see what you mean. here´s a previous page

>> No.7186526

nigga go study dicks NOW

>> No.7186571

I have to agree with this anon - you would be helped by looking at a doujin or two.

>> No.7186614

There's really just nothing erotic about these drawings at all. I get the impression you have never had a blowjob, or even sex for that matter.

>> No.7186618

Experiencing something doesn't necessarily make you any better at depicting it. Just sayin'.

>> No.7186661

It does. This is the difference between great art and mediocre art.

>> No.7186664

It could. But not necessarily. You're thinking of examples where somebody took their experience with something and made something great while ignoring instances of people making something great without having personally experienced it. Experience might inform a depiction but skill in depicting something is independent of experiencing it first hand.

>> No.7186671

You're making an assumption that the latter exists at all with no example, yet logic concludes that only the first can be true.

>> No.7186684

The Wire was written by white people, 'nuff said. I could sit here all day listing examples, but I'm not going to do that, because you're trying to argue that somebody needs to get their dick sucked to know how to draw a dick getting sucked, which is downright fallacious.

>> No.7186705

It looks horror manga. Reminds me of attack on titan when the Titans eat people

>> No.7186725

>sucks dick for research purposes.

>> No.7186760

After reading through the guidelines of these several manga competitions I still feel pretty lost. Do they own the characters/story? Or just that specific comic strip that you sent them? I imagine it's different also for silent manga since it's a separate thing, so you probably wouldn't want it to be your debut story. But for MAGIC would it be okay? Maybe I need to read more into it but it seems like they'll own publishing rights.

>> No.7186763

It's giving Oshimi Shuzo vibes (complimentary). It's the realistic eyes, and the hatching. If ya just want something for us to jack off too, I would remove the hatching on her face, keep it clean and distraction free as I got my dick in my hand.

But you have a style that works really well to unnerve me, so I do suggest you try something weird and creepy with your stuff.

There's that guy that made FNAF that was originally making JRPG Christian games, and because the feedback he got was "your characters models are giving me the creeps dude, I got no faith in God no more" he pivoted to making that work for him. Ofc that might not be what you want. If not, I'll happily suck your dick if youre anywhere near brisbane

>> No.7186922

Holy shit, I never thought I'd see you again. I have to know: Does that one guy actually end up selling her kidney?

>> No.7186948
File: 46 KB, 500x363, 5906514313_ab26845c42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you mean... fellatious?

>> No.7187042

... wut?

>> No.7187434
File: 24 KB, 301x267, 1608853306919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we already hit the bump limit, I have another quick fact for you anon, today i went to a supermarket, and waited in the wrong line for more than half an hour, also the fuckers didn't have any basquets so i was carring my groceries in my hands all the time

Just in case anybody thought that i was narcissistic(?), instead of just retarded

>> No.7187530

>Absolutely love what I’m working on when I’m mid drawing
>Walk away from it from little while
>Absolutely hate what I drew

People tell me my art is good but I don’t believe it, what is wrong with me?

>> No.7187531

I feel this. Like you can't trust yourself. I just expect that I'll see the mistakes later and move onto something else and come back to it and fix it later

>> No.7187541

I just want to stop stalling and post my work but I look at my art and I feel like it’s never ready

>> No.7187545

Show me, I'll tell you if it's ready.

>> No.7187547

>narcissistic(?), instead of just retarded
I think they are both the same

>> No.7187671


Thanks for your long reply. Yes, I was reading a lot of Oshimi Shuzo, Junji Ito and others, I guess it kinda reflected into my drawings.

What I wanted to do is to mix erotica and "noir" stuff so to speak, I guess it didn´t worked. There is a publish author that mix erotica and horror called Iwasaki Yuuki, but his style is way more stylized than mine.

Thanks for the crosshatching advice. I will eventually make an horror short story to test the waters, the problem is where to publish it without getting banned, amazon.com?

>> No.7187741
File: 1.32 MB, 1058x1500, 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something you need to pay attention to when you're looking at all of these artists for your technique is the specifics. Take the hatching, for example. Oshimi uses hatching in place of tone to make things look rougher, Ito uses it to make things look darker and more uncanny. Their goals are definitely not eroticism.
By contract Iwasaki Yuuki's hatching is very tightly controlled and used sparingly -- it's used for things that it's okay if it looks "dirty" or rough, and mostly to create darker values. He mostly avoids it on the heroine's face other than very light and tight hatching for the blush, and to create a gradation in the eyes. He'll use it on the penis to create softer change in value/form. But it's always kept tight and controlled.
Your execution lacks that tightness. It's messy and rough and applied in areas where that roughness isn't an appealing trait -- the heroines face and lips, the head of the penis and so on. Especially in h-manga, hatching is something you aught to be very very mindful of, it's not something you can just throw in all willy-nilly.

>> No.7187791


I see your point, what about using that rough hatching only for the background leaving the women pristine clean of it, as sort of contrast to the background?

I am now experimenting with scaning rough lineworrk and adding tones later in CSP or Krita.

>> No.7187808
File: 1.21 MB, 1450x2048, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see your point, what about using that rough hatching only for the background leaving the women pristine clean of it, as sort of contrast to the background?
That would probably work quite well.
An artist I can think of that does something along those lines is Hirune, though he pushes it to the extreme by making the dude and backgrounds both very heavily hatched, to such a degree that he can then have some hatched shading the heroine and keep that contrast intact. It wouldn't work if he didn't push the rendering on the male characters and the background to such an extreme level (to the point of looking almost grotesque). So yeah, if you're going to use hatching to render the heroine, you need to keep the contrast intact. Well, so long as that contrast is what you want. That's just one thing that can appealing.

>> No.7188034
File: 213 KB, 800x844, 1651553838063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, not really, i mean all the narcissist are retarded, but not all the retards are narcissistic, if you know what i mean

>> No.7188056

New thread: >>7188049