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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7177108 No.7177108 [Reply] [Original]

Listen man all I'm saying is that ive never seen a valid critique from someone who's completed the course. People on here are lime "muh uhh grinding" or "muh cus the artist behind it has bad taste but have good technical skills" Listen I ain't no master at art. I'm shit at it lol.

Here's my work:

Now then now that we got the "pyw" argument out of the way, can someone tell me. Someone who's completed the course tell me why I shouldn't do this course in the first place? If so please pyw as well and before after results.

>> No.7177114
File: 52 KB, 400x500, 52899052_577609949419143_8096165988422790401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is drawabox so hated again?

>> No.7177116

Do I really have to draw 1000 boxes before I draw what I want

>> No.7177122
File: 1.59 MB, 480x270, yE2k2G.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally doesn't fucking say that you fucking retard holy shit. Listen I'm sorry but this is a pathetic excuse for not using drawabox. I can't tell if this is because I'm probably ignorant or retarded to fully articulate le "art mindset" but if you actually read carefully I actually didn't even read carefully I just fucking glanced at it to be honest it encourages people to draw for fun and studies for 50/50. Like it never stated that you have to draw 250 boxes to fucking draw whatever you want.
>muh cus the artist behind it has bad taste but have good technical skills

>> No.7177137

His art is absolutely horrid. It is like taking diet advice from an obese nutritionist

>> No.7177138

I'm not putting excuses, I genuinely want to improve. My mind can't think in 3d for whatever reason...

I might need to master shading as well

>> No.7177153

It's just regurgitated dynamic sketching from peter han
much like how a lot of moderndayjames stuff is regurgitated scott robertson

>> No.7177158
File: 203 KB, 820x597, sktch you rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People want to be given permission to do it however they want and still receive the feedback/ feel validated.

Feedback which is only possible in bulk or from other begs BECAUSE it's so specific and limited. It's actually democratizing art, it's free, you don't even need to make an account to access everything. Same people shit on it but can't recommend a better resource that's also free, and reliably gives critique. Or they got filtered by 250 boxes because they did nothing but draw boxes for 6 months.

>> No.7177162

I have not completed the course btw, but I took what I needed from it and moved on.

>> No.7177167 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 237x201, 16912585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen man all I'm saying is that ive never seen a valid critique from someone who's completed the course.
They refuse to help anyone that doesn't do exercises in physical medium, using pencil art sets...which they happen to promote in their website.
His excuse is that you must first learn to draw in a physical medium and that he has nothing against digital art...but that's bullshit, because even if draw in paper, they refuse to help unless you used pencil art sets to do your exercises.

TL;DR: A pencil art set ad website masquerading as a community for aspiring artists.

>> No.7177170 [DELETED] 
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>>7177108 (OP)
>Listen man all I'm saying is that ive never seen a valid critique from someone who's completed the course.
They refuse to provide feedback to anyone that doesn't do exercises using pencil sets...which they happen to promote in their website.
The owner's excuse is that you must first learn to draw in a physical medium and that he has nothing against digital art...but that's bullshit, because even if draw in paper, they refuse to provide feedback unless you used pencil sets to do your exercises.
In the end it's all about buying the pencil sets.

TL;DR: A pencil set ad website masquerading as a community for aspiring artists.

>> No.7177171

How much money do you think they make off pens

>> No.7177172
File: 45 KB, 177x173, 1673813869868885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They refuse to provide feedback to anyone that doesn't do exercises using pencil sets...which they happen to promote in their website.
The owner's excuse is that you must first learn to draw in a physical medium and that he has nothing against digital art...but that's bullshit, because even if draw in paper, they refuse to provide feedback unless you used pencil sets to do your exercises.
In the end it's all about buying the pencil sets.

TL;DR: A pencil set ad website masquerading as a community for aspiring artists.

>> No.7177293

Holy fucking shit this thread again, the replies are the same too, is this board run by bots? Am I the only human visiting in here? Am I going insane?

>> No.7177304
File: 1.65 MB, 4096x3072, ceiling cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bloated version of Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching. The creator of drawabox claims that it can take you 5 months at the fastest to complete, but that it can take a year or two to complete the course. Since it took pawell 2 months to complete Loomis Fun with the pencil, I assume getting a hang of Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching will take about the same amount of time.
2 months vs 5 months(potentially a year or two), sounds like a massive bloat.
Haven't looked into dynamic sketching yet, still practicing observation from Keys to Drawing. So take what I write with a grain of salt.

>> No.7177311

brainlet tier take. maybe the course is bad or good, but it isn't a pencil sales site. they are sticklers about fineliners and for understandable reasons. newsflash: fineliners are cheap everywhere, you don't have to buy from them, and it's impossible that they make much selling them.
the actual way that they are making money is from patreon subscriptions, and the negative incentive they experience is padding the course or introducing steep hurdles to delay students exiting the subscription funnel

>> No.7177312

it's soul-crushingly tedious and drawn out. Most other resources (including peter han's, which this mimics) are a thousand times more engaging.
You WILL see gains, your sense of form and perspective will improve, and I'd say the first 3 or so lessons are a great start point for anyone trying to learn art, it's just that even with the 50-50 rule they mention it's still going to be super frustrating. It takes ages to complete and you barely get to draw anything interesting throughout, and you won't really see much of it translate to your free time drawings because you'll struggle with those since drawabox isn't teaching you things like human figure alongside its form studies. The plants and animals chapters are neat, but again if your intent is to eventually draw people it just feels frustrating to work on personal art until you exit out of drawabox and study figure drawing elsewhere.
Also I don't like how to get official feedback you have to pay their patreon and only get 1-2 feedback sessions a month, and if they tell you to do one lesson again you are stuck waiting another month to get more drawabux to submit things again. It's an absolutely retarded feedback system.

TLDR: it teaches good shit, but it's super drawn out for what's essentially a beg's first month course. Other resources teach the same but better and faster.

>> No.7177318

>Why is drawabox so hated again?

It's an okay course. I didn't finish it but i got what i wanted from it and went to other stuff. The main reasons it has the rep it does on /ic/ is

>Too many anons on this board are stuck looking for "The one course that can make them good!" and get upset when they aren't able to draw what they want after doing the exercises just once. DAB isn't the only course that people act like this about.

>Many people act like you aren't supposed to do anything but grind boxes. Not only is this not true for the later parts of the course, but the guy running it even tells you not to do this because you'll hit burn out. Anons will not follow the 50-50 rule where its half studies and half drawing for fun and then act like it's the course's fault they can't get over their fears of something not looking good.

>Probably goes with the 2nd point, but people will jump into the 250 box challenge early on and get burned out because the boxes dont look right and/or they try to do it all in one sitting. While you can do the task in a day (10 boxes on 25 pages, and thats only using the front), you aren't required to do this.

There are better courses out there but for being free and easy, it's alright. It's always better to look at other stuff, and take bits and pieces from everything to help you grow as an artist.

>> No.7177330
File: 518 KB, 984x1144, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but have good technical skills

>> No.7177386

I guarantee you've taken advice from a doctor who smoked. Giving advice is easier than taking it yourself.

>> No.7177391

>complete Loomis Fun with the pencil
What does this even mean? To draw everything in the book at least once or what? The book isn't a course. There's no way to "complete" it.

>> No.7177402

If you like this approach to drawing, you're better off with a Scott Robertson book

>> No.7177409

I guess giving every methods presented in the book a fair try?
From the looks of it, it seems he tried out the methods, by trying to replicate the examples in the book.

>> No.7177420

>brainlet tier take. maybe the course is bad or good, but it isn't a pencil sales site.
Then why do they refuse anyone that doesn't buy the pencil sets?
Their focus is not on art, it's on the pencil set sales.
If it's not their focus, and the owner claims to not be against digital art and people that start on digital, why is their policy so aggressive with the pencil set requirements?

There is no other explanation than the whole thing being an excuse to sell pencil sets.

>> No.7177434
File: 536 KB, 590x578, my cute painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen man all I'm saying is that ive never seen a valid critique from someone who's completed the course
I completed it.
Author of the course insisted that going with his methods will teach me how to draw anything I'd want to draw. I was trying to learn how to draw cute girls with it, went through all of his exercises and challenges and what not and I still couldn't do it - the blocky figures I did at the end of his course were just as bad (if not worse) as my regular work. After trying my best for over a month of daily drawing it's natural that I felt a bit cheated and disappointed. While going through this course I've also spotted some technical errors in his perspective lessons, ones that Peter Han and Scott Roberstson avoided in their courses.

So yeah. I've had awful experiences with it and wasted a bunch of time. Ever since I've being recommending against going through with it. If you're want to draw in a realistic style, then I highly recommend going through a course that teaches sight-size drawing method (like sticky-recommended Keys to Drawing or Drawing on the right side of the brain).

>inb4 pyw
Pic related.

>> No.7177524

I'd rather learn from Peter Han and Shaddy Safadi like the Drawabox guy did.

>> No.7177672

didnt complete the course but his teaching method sucks and he gets so uptight about the medium and pencil you need to with. additionally other teachers and books have the same concepts better explained and shows how to apply them to your own drawings as well. brent evistons beginner courses are pretty good to get you to put lines on a paper and understand the basics of forms, perspective, and observstion and this is just one of the many examples of better teachers that'll just get you started with drawing

>> No.7177678

It was made by someone mentally stunted. Anyone who uses it is kicking themselves in the foot.

>> No.7177751

>It was made by someone mentally stunted
He's got aphantasia right?

>> No.7177765
File: 161 KB, 850x1169, loomis_FIGURE_draw_0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this single page will teach you more about construction and perspective than a million hours of DaB.

also gentle reminder that taste matters when pursuing teachers and studies in art.

>> No.7177767

people go into DaB expecting the world but really its just a few exercises that is literally just Dynamic Sketching but repackaged and given its own website

>> No.7177874
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, Peter Han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawabox is just poor man's Dynamic Sketching.
The course's bloated and the discord is a cult.

>> No.7177879

Well at least your toad is better than mine, lol >>7177544

>> No.7177903

>this single page will teach you more about construction and perspective than a million hours of DaB.
Loomis-Sama is so cool !!!

>> No.7177913
File: 274 KB, 1500x1160, f4dg92124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro. views * pen conversion rate * profit = nothing. they aren't making meaningful money that way and never will, it's practically charity for the community.
they have an entire million line reddit post about why, and the answer is that a fineliner is the best pen for the job (correct) and that standardizing the toolset in the graded papers eliminates tons of problems (also true)
what's your complaint, that you A have a tablet and B want to pay to subscribe but C can't afford a pen from Michael's somehow? SEEMS WEIRD, DAWG

>> No.7177958

post one artist that got good using drawabox.

>> No.7177959

DaB being a cult is the reason why I find it an unhealthy course for anyone who hace been drawing for a while. For beginners, sure. Anyone with some experience can smell out the bullshit but his white knights would defend him like a cult.

>> No.7177975

Tell me where he goes wrong
Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
>Draw with your entire arm and use Pen
>2 filled pages of the Superimposed Lines exercise
>1 filled page of the Ghosted Lines exercise
>2 filled pages of the Ghosted Planes exercise
>2 filled pages of the Tables of Ellipses exercise
>2 filled pages of the Ellipses in Planes exercise
>1 filled page of the Funnels exercise
>1 filled page of the Plotted Perspective exercise. One page should contain three frames as shown in the exercise example.
>2 filled pages of the Rough Perspective exercise. Each page should contain three frames as shown in the exercise example.
>1 filled page of the Rotated Boxes exercise
>2 filled pages of the Organic Perspective exercise
>Rotate Boxes
Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction
3d Thinking
>2 filled pages of the Organic Arrows exercise
>2 filled pages of the Organic Forms with Contour Lines exercise (1 page of contour ellipses, 1 page of contour curves)
>1 filled page of the Texture Analysis exercise.
>2 filled pages of the Dissections exercise
>4 filled pages of the Form Intersections exercise. The first page should consist only of boxes.
>2 filled pages of the Organic Intersections exercise
250 Box Challenge?

>> No.7177980

Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants
>1 filled page of the Organic Arrows exercise from lesson 2.
>1 filled page of the Leaves exercise.
>1 filled page of the Branches exercise.
>8 filled pages of plant drawings.
Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids
>2 pages of organic forms with contour curves, just like from lesson 2
>4 pages of insect/arachnid drawings that are purely constructional with no texture or detail.
>6 pages of insect/arachnid drawings that can go into texture and detail if you wish.
Lesson 5: Applying Construction to Animals
>2 pages of organic intersections, just like from lesson 2
>2 pages of birds, 1 of which should be construction only (with no detail or texture)
>4 pages of two non-hooved quadrupeds
>4 pages of two hooved quadrupeds
>2 pages of any random animals of your choice - take this opportunity to try a wider variety (lizards, fish, etc.)
>1 page of hybrids -
Lesson 6: Applying Construction to Everyday Objects
>3 pages of form intersections, just like from lesson 2.
>8 pages of everyday objects. Vary your subject matter and the nature of their construction - choose some that are largely cylindrical, some that are boxier, etc.
Lesson 7: Applying Construction to Vehicles
>1 page of form intersections from lesson 2.
>1 page of cylinders in boxes, along with the error-checking method. You may do these with an ellipse guide.
>4 pages of form-intersection vehicles.
>8 pages of vehicles

>> No.7177989
File: 998 KB, 953x688, OH MY GAWD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the result by the way

>> No.7177992

there's no single course that will teach you everything
this course doesn't even involve painting or design

>> No.7177993

>Anyone with some experience can smell out the bullshit but his white knights would defend him like a cult.
His simps are the worst, they're the reason that the 50/50 rule is a thing.
>What do you mean you didn't draw a Brazilion boxes? do you even draw bruh? drawing for fun? Ay lmao go draw some more boxes begtard.
They're worse than crabs on IC and that's hard.

>> No.7177994

its not the concepts that are bad, its how theyre taught because you'll find majority of teachers teaching the same concepts, but they just explain things better

>> No.7178002

has anyone done the Charles Hu dynamic sketching course ? ive heard it's the best

>> No.7178155

Exactly right.

>> No.7178160

I'm not even trying to shit on the guy, but he should of put all his eggs into sight-size drawing.

His works are stunted because his brain is stunted. He has enough autism to him that if he just applied it to sight-size, he'd probably be decent.

Regardless, i do think DrawABox is a good filter to see, if nothing else, whether you're dedicated. I think thats the one thing about his program that i like. If you were stupid enough to start, you should finish it.

>> No.7178164

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not.

>> No.7178177

Stick with the first two lessons and then never look back.

>> No.7178483
File: 360 KB, 520x791, Screenshot_20240525-133249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you were stupid enough to start, you should finish it.
I know plenty of decent artists that went thru his lessons, not a single one of them finished the course. They all stop on lesson 5 for some reason.

>> No.7178488

>Stick with the first two lessons
I also know a few that say the same thing as this anon.

>> No.7178546

most detractors get filtered by that much

>> No.7178556

i did it all years ago
i even did the last two
its where it (obviously) gets more technical in perspective when most of the course is designed around just sketching things
of course you can do that with cars but concepts like adding and subtracting through forms is given little attention so its more daunting than it should
lesson 3-5 are essentially just you feeling things out with 3d thinking
needless to say, there's a reason why "How to Draw" has you make random forms before drawing a car

>> No.7178561

>"How to Draw"
by who?

>> No.7178660

Scott Robertson probably

>> No.7178773
File: 93 KB, 818x1000, 71wjI9q+fFL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its where it (obviously) gets more technical in perspective when most of the course is designed around just sketching things
That explains why most people stop at lesson 5.

>> No.7178863

Lovely painting man. Love the warm/cool contrast

>> No.7178891

Why are you saying pencil sets it’s fine liner pens not pencils.
And where are you getting that from? You don’t have to use their pens
You rarely get advice on discord after lesson 2.
I think the subscription submission is a different thing obviously

>> No.7178912

Even if it did, how long does it take to draw a box? You could do like two hundred in a day. You'll find any excuse to not draw you little dilettante wiener.

>> No.7178916

>Even if it did, how long does it take to draw a box?
If you do it according to how DAB *tells* you to do it? More time than I wanna dedicate to a single box.

>> No.7178930
File: 69 KB, 1949x300, dbx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Author of the course insisted that going with his methods will teach me how to draw anything I'd want to draw.
I'm doing it right now and it quite literally never says this, the exact opposite actually, multiple times, why are you lying?

>> No.7179076

>quite literally never says this
Have you checked with a wayback machine? He's constantly updating his course, Anon.

>> No.7179086

What is this shit?

>> No.7179104

4chan is a hostile environment for learning. I suggest you disregard the majority of what's posted here. It's not unique to /ic/. /int/ is a soul sucking community for learning languages. There's always a very deluded doomer agenda being pushed on every board.

>> No.7179122

That is the stupidest and most inefficient use of time. Draw things that you dont care about and hoping you could probably improve to then draw what you want. Stupid shit. Just go watch Saito Naoki's / BoroCG when he used to do more 2D stuff's correction videos, find artwork that's close to your level, and then start applying his advices, see how it turns out, then go find a different one to see what else new stuff you could learn.

>> No.7179154

the burden of proof is on you now, pants on fire

>> No.7179163

the result of grinding 10,000 boxes

>> No.7179165

Consequences of being born a street shitter - He's gone through one million boxes in one thousand cycles of Samsara just to achieve this level of 3/10 art

>> No.7179175

You don't want to then don't believe me, I don't care enough to go through his videos and archives to check if he said that or not 6 years ago when I did it and you're retarded if you're expecting me to do that.

>> No.7179188

>believes and bases argument on a memory from 6 years ago

>> No.7179199

How old are you? 6 years isn't a long time and not everyone has an awful memory.

>> No.7179202

I don't think anything in that shitty drawing is even remotely related to what the point of the course is. I know the author isn't even primarily into drawing and is also doing 3D modeling and programming.

>> No.7179242

Because you failed the style over substance golden rule again.

When I look at artist's stuff who go to artschool they always have the same mindset like here. Do this, and don't question anything, just do it, to get your pass and your diploma.
Its similar how kids look up to teachers and their parents, and adults too. They believe that they are right, because they know better, and they are bigger.
Now if you are not an underage faggot using 4chan, possibly in your 30's or close to it, you realize that the person is teaching you the same exact bullshit the state mandates, which doesn't prepare you for life at all. Teachers are humans too, they make mistakes too, and experience doesn't equal knowledge all the time.

I tell this because whole drawabox reminds me of that strict teacher who has a lot of good stuff to share, but he has absolutely no clue how to teach kids and make it enjoyable.

>> No.7179298

it's free
it's not there to be entertaining

>> No.7179321

Why’re you mad? What’s your point so what if he changed his mind? He’s very open about how he adjusts DAB depending on feedback.
Shouldn’t you he happy that he dropped the whole “it will teach you how to draw ANYTHING”

>> No.7179432

>which doesn't prepare you for life at all
You're only an adult when you realize that both schools and college are a waste of time and money.
I don't mean this like a teenager would say it based on their instinct I mean this like an adult would say it based on their life experiences and other people's life.
I know so many school dropouts a lot richer than people with degrees simply because they're good dealing with other people and they know the right people.
Shit is depressing but it's truly who you know and not what you know.

>> No.7179451

But? Isn't drawabox meant to be done with fineliners? And last I checked you had to subscribe to the patreon for official critique, but the community has a tit-for-tat system where of you give critiques people are more likely to give you one when you need it.

>> No.7179559

So just do peter han instead?
Do i have to pay for a course or something?

>> No.7179664

The truth is that for your first 1-2 years basically the only thing that matters is observational accuracy. If you cannot copy a sample drawing more or less on autopilot you are not going to be able to see or understand what a course is trying to teach you. Its like trying to learn from a book without knowing how to read.

Draw a box is awful because it ignores observational drawing then asks you to draw 250 boxes without any broader context. The hard part about drawing a box is fitting it into a larger scene while controlling its size/position/orientation. Beginners who do the 250 box challenge come out of it knowing how to symbol draw a set of converging lines but have no ability to draw a box into a real scene.

It also hyper-focuses on one-shotting everything with pen which is fine as an aspirational ideal but a beginner artist also needs to know how to start with light marks and refine into an accurate drawing, which is a far more useful process in every medium except ink.

Of course every critisism of DaB can be countered by saying "fifty percent rule, you are supposed to use other resources" but DaB is sold to absolute beginners. Half of the DaB cult will even tell you not to use a second course beause you will burn out, instead the 50% is supposed to be only "fun" drawing, which means nothing to a beginner.

>> No.7179666

I got fairly far into DaB but dabbled in other courses which made it obvious how shit DaB was in comparison. At around ~l5 I realized that almost everything I was learning and enjoying had come from sources other than DaB so I stopped.

The creator of DaB also draws like an ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD who can't even freehand natural looking perspective. He also DELETED HIS FIGURE DRAWING COURSE BEAUSE IT WAS SO HILARIOUSLY AWFUL which should immediately warn you away from anything he teaches. Teachers don't need to be god-tier artists but they should at least be aspirational and have a style you respect.

Someone else please copy paste this into every DaB thread going forward because I have already wasted too much of my life on that garbage and don't want to think about it anymore.

>> No.7179808

People just recommend the first 2 lessons for beginners and nothing else.

>> No.7179891

I am a beg-beg and I am doing lessons 0-2 and then stopping. I've finished 0,1 and am moving to 2 soon. I do not plan to do any of the big grinds. (Unless in the future it seems like I need to come back and drill, then maybe.)
Given what I saw in lesson 1, I can't imagine being a competent artist and not knowing this and learning it in some similar fashion. It seems so fundamental and it's presented in an idiot-proof way. It doesn't take very long and it's reasonably fun so I feel I might as well get it here and move on. I don't regret it at all. I've learned too much in too short of a time for there to be a substantially better way of doing these basics.
The creator's art sucks: true but irrelevant. As long as he is repeating what he learned from Han correctly that's good enough. It's like math, he just has to hand it off.
After this or concurrently with this I'll do figure drawing

>> No.7179913

Then they shouldn't be treated as gospels. Fucking fineliner crap. Honestly their 'students' are the most redditor kind of people you can find.

>> No.7179917

most beginner courses ignore observational drawing for some reason. Like they already expect someone to know it

>> No.7179968

top-of-the-line fineliners are $2/count on amazon. why cry instead of buying a pack and forgetting the subject forever? if you're that poor go mow a lawn

>> No.7180309

The "difficulty" jump from lesson 1 to 2 is very steep. If it's too much, just do something else for now. All the things taught in lessons 0 and 1 are good practices.

>> No.7180319
File: 619 KB, 364x480, a blend of imagination and reference.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawabox is for people who can't "feel the flow" from watching a 1hr Glenn Vilppu video.

Drawabox is trying to teach you something but fails to do so because everybody knows repetition aint worth crap and youll get so bored youll just forget what you did.

you dont need to draw 10000 boxes. not 100, not even 5. just do a study and create the number of boxes YOU NEED. if its not perfect or even right looking WHO CARES youll improve in time, just not repetively drawing boxes with no goal.

thats the problem that made you/me a NEET to begin with. failure to plan is a plan to fail.

you need a focused goal. first find focus, then a small goal, and youll be shocked at how easy it all was all along

>> No.7180322
File: 1.04 MB, 314x210, mischeif makers proof of god.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't—but that doesn't mean the missile looks on itself in despair.

A missile must travel ludicrous distances to reach its target, the target often being miles away—a speck, a dream. Its chances of hitting its target is slim at most, especially if it's outdated, unprepared, and has rotted in storage for years, and the target is moving at such speeds it's unconceivable to the human mind. But despite all this, the missile doesn't tell itself it doesn't know where it is, it merely tells itself where it should go. The power in the missile lies within its ability to know where it is going to end up and with small incremental changes, every second, every day,
and every year. The missile takes its deepest and most mind-shattering course deviations and failures, and it does something...remarkable!

It turns its failures into lessons to guide it along the proper path. Its failures are not only inevitable but needed for the missile to find the proper path. The missile drifts when it needs to; it doesn't
burn all its fuel in a desperate state to reach enlightenment. The missile knows its destination, but aims to conserve fuel until the proper time comes, when it will strike and fulfill its purpose. The missile takes the path of confidence and steady elevation until its time comes, and when that day comes, it will experience a joy greater than anything it could have imagined. The missile will take joy that it roared against the dying of the light, and refused to go quietly into that good night.

>> No.7180324
File: 14 KB, 1366x768, GODDESS OF TIME PAPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it all began with the missile's first step—otherwise, it would still be in its containment unit, wondering what could have been. The missile knows its greatest lessons lays within its own fear, so it should embrace it and mold it until it has nothing to be afraid of, even welcoming the greatest of challenges, thirsty for experience. To the missile, its greatest fear will become not what will happen, but what will happen if it does not challenge its own fear. None of it would even be possible without a goal: a predetermined destination, a hard-wired, machine-coded instruction deep within the cold roots of the missile guidance system.

Without the goal, the missile would wander aimlessly until it hit an orphanage or some other catastrophic destination that was never intended! The missile doesn't seek to put blame on the wind or turbulence for its failures. To the missile, this is unnecessary and a waste of time. The missile doesn't seek to become the victim of circumstance; it aims to be in control and take responsibility, to be as secure and rigid as it says it is. It needs to be to guard against the forces it must encounter. You are what you say you are! Are you lost, or are you merely on the path to something greater?

You are the master of your destiny just, as the missile is!

>> No.7180326

It's funny how many beginners already have the expert blindspot on this site and give the most ludicrous "advice."

>> No.7180338

Basado. Shrieking about learning methods when you're too narrow-minded to understand how people differ is silly. I've seen this phenomenon on /fit/, where an anon insisted that someone who hasn't worked out before should immediately get into an intense 5-day split program. I've seen it on /int/ and /jp/, where they constantly demotivate one another as part of the culture and follow and promote ludicrous practices, such as cramming an online Japanese grammar course and then immediately jumping into immersion without a single word in their vocabulary. Most people fail when they jump into the deep end, and that failure makes them quit. If what you need to do to progress as a beginner is draw a thousand basic shapes, then do it and work towards the next level. It's that simple.

>> No.7180564

You may want to get Brent Eviston's "The Art and Science of Drawing" course from the /ic/ mega torrent instead of DAB. He covers the fundamentals way better and still preaches practice as warmups.

>> No.7180595

No nigga, when you already and used to using a tablet display why the fuck should you be bothered to go strict to the rule crap like these course? Ctrl+Paint is a better more all-round than this beg-trap alongside their cultist whiteknights.

>> No.7180855
File: 797 KB, 2016x1512, 20240527_135914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with drawing hundreds of boxes/spheres but you need to be basing them on actual objects.

You need to develop an intuition for what ratios of front to side plane look natural or your volumes will look janky even if they converge.

>> No.7180975

>thats the problem that made you/me a NEET to begin with. failure to plan is a plan to fail.
I used to be a NEET for years and I wasted all that time watching anime and jerking off.
I wish I learned in-demand skills and started an online business instead like I did years later.
My CV is full of large gaps but I don't need a boss to make money and honestly I'd rather never work for someone else again.

>> No.7181128

what is your business?

>> No.7181535

you don't "have to" pay for anything other than online video games on the computer nowadays

>> No.7181554

are you a paid shill? The anon just stated his experience

>> No.7183896


>> No.7184840

Some people aren't autistic enough to grind fundamentals and get mad when others do.