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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 204 KB, 1920x997, 5-13-24-ftrop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7166082 No.7166082 [Reply] [Original]

Last Super Sonic Adventure >>7157214

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/)) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

>> No.7166102

I appreciate the custom op images

>> No.7166107

Update your galleries, you lazy baka.

>> No.7166181

thanks for taking the time to reply, especially since my response is going to be a bit rude... i would follow you in a heartbeat if you were on mastodon but twitter is beyond cancer

still i like your art very much. i hope to make my characters as soulful as yours one day

>> No.7166220
File: 26 KB, 604x361, laura________.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My style isn't exactly anime, but I think my girls can still be considered lolis.

>> No.7166315

a mix of ppg style basically

>> No.7166324


>> No.7166327

>Save a reference on Instragram
>Plan to download it later since it might get suspiciously banished later after using certain app.
>Wake up later and it's not longer there.
A-am I being watched bros?

>> No.7166329

yes (by me)

>> No.7166331
File: 3.91 MB, 640x570, fubuki-confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you deleted that post, it's been there since 2023!

>> No.7166355

For now I only publish my silly drawings on 4chan x_x But thanks for showing interest : )

>> No.7166573
File: 645 KB, 1665x1636, IMG_0599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7166600
File: 754 KB, 2400x3000, Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my submission
Also ty to whoever made that edit of my saya drawing

Very cute anon

>> No.7166603

c u t e

>> No.7166617

Which Saya drawing?

>> No.7166655
File: 8 KB, 249x249, IMG_4743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got a screenshot b4 lsg was down again

>> No.7166937
File: 277 KB, 1380x1244, bruhs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah man I feel like a creep
this is a guy btw
I haven't drawn in years

>> No.7166966

k-keep at it bro

>> No.7167119

anon please learn drawing already this shit is subpar

>> No.7167151

wholesome and funpilled

>> No.7167224

Yea it looks pretty ass, honestly don’t know what I did with the head desu.

>> No.7167279

soul desu

>> No.7167390

I rarely post on here but I just wanna say I love lsg, this the only thread that keeps me going.


>> No.7167403

woah blog?

>> No.7167417

nice, glad to hear that :)

>> No.7167437

Sorry I don't have one

>> No.7167440

sigh. it's okay if you don't want to give it, lying is just kinda regarded tb-desunya

>> No.7167448

N-no really I just show most of my stuff to people I personally know or on random discords T-T

>> No.7167450


>> No.7167455

Looking great

>> No.7167485

so so so so nice and gently drawn, good shit

>> No.7167569
File: 859 KB, 1123x894, 1715236751342762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest in pepperoni you wont be missed bozo

>> No.7167571

lolicon is so repressed and dangerous to your reputation and mental health, that artists are afraid to share their works or have blogs, lmao...

>> No.7167592

Beautiful work

>> No.7167597

>The subtle soft lines
>The beautiful attention to detail on their ass lines and lower back
>The foreshortening on the goblinesque feet
>The cutesy and innocent face
>The soft long hair
Impressive work. Love it.

>> No.7167764

i dont know how i made it to int without remembering basic perspective

>> No.7167768

pyw, I bet you are still a /beg/let

>> No.7167775
File: 496 KB, 945x1460, elin glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now help me draw stairs

>> No.7167778

to heaven?

>> No.7167779

no, an elementary school

>> No.7167782

damn i wish i was born with the ability to draw. oh well

>> No.7167784

just practice...
5 years with talent
90 years if no talent

>> No.7167794

too fat, or was that a midget?

>> No.7167812

Give me tips on how to exaggerate proportions. Every time I draw figures I stick too close to the ref.

>> No.7168041

I don't normally draw loli but it was fun

>> No.7168165

Question: are 2d girls fanarts plus massive tits minus nudity allowed??

>> No.7168169

I mean things like this

>> No.7168192

another one

>> No.7168199

Welcome. There are a lot of mistakes but keep the passion.
I don't see an issue with shortstacks. Try /alt/ if they don't run you out, though.

>> No.7168205

Sir newfag, that's an Elin

>> No.7168248

>Welcome. There are a lot of mistakes but keep the passion.
Can you explain my mistakes? also take a look at >>7168192 too to see if there are any mistakes.

>> No.7168252

>Try /alt/ if they don't run you out, though.
is that thread also full of mentally ill troons? why is this board like this? I can't conceptualize someone drawing something, like a shoe for example, without first doing hundreds of studies of the subject matter. This place has completely broken me and killed my artistic drive, and looking at our resident namefags like miku, comforti, or even tablefag, it looks like I'm not the only one

>> No.7168355
File: 2.23 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240515_224705~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's college doodles.

Am I on the good path?

>> No.7168369

Luv u. Also, post more finished stuff.

>> No.7168402

Ok, here goes nothing.

>> No.7168415

Wait, I had a better idea

>> No.7168661

Yes you are. Keep up the good work.

>> No.7168965

newfag comment but the mega in your gdocs is down

>> No.7168972

also in the meanwhile if anyone has a list of the resources that were in said shota mega I'd greatly appreciate it

>> No.7168978

that link is a honeypot, congratulations your IP has now been added to the list

>> No.7168982

I think the only link that is down is the one for shota. I'd have to look for that.

>> No.7169367

the 'raag is down... again...

>> No.7169407

Did you quit twitter because of AI? I know you quit pixiv. Is there any special brushes or tools that you uw80se for coloring?

>> No.7169532

mostly yes to the first, mostly no the second

>> No.7169598

any good sketching brushes? tips? i'm not doing so well.

>> No.7169605 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 696x675, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to do with this. Seems boring. Also, don't laugh. The gold bikini trend is useful for understanding gold materials.

>> No.7169609

Why laugh? Its good. If anything I would complain that you are A PILLOW SHADING NIGGER and the golden bikini shading doesnt show any form.
Other than that I like it. The cartoony background really fits but I feel like you could make it a bit better making the sand close to the water a bit darker.

>> No.7169614

Plan is to completely redo the gold shading. I literally splatted down the colors in a second and left it for later. I think the colors are right, but as you said, it could show the form better.

About the pillow shading, this is almost completely cell shaded. The only pillowiness you might be seeing is the blush that I used to try to give her skin a bit of sun. Clearly that failed.

>> No.7169680

I guess swim suits aren't allowed. If I had posted it in another thread, I bet it would have been totally acceptable.

>> No.7169732

Yeah, I've had my art deleted too, swimsuits and barbie style anatomy where only the form is drawn but no details.

>> No.7169741

>art deleted
>swim suits aren't allowed
this is humiliating
lolicon has no future

>> No.7169752

Anyone got a pdf version of the blue archive official works

>> No.7169763


>> No.7169766

my tips to not care about brushes and use what youre comfortable with. i can sketch with a hard round if i feel like it but i usually just use the same brush for everything out of laziness and habit.

im going to copy paste this from a discord im in though that footnoted a video for the group on "learning more efficiently" that i noticed i did some of at one point naturally:

-be in a likeminded communtiy with goals like yours
-get good sleep, dream about the stuff you're studying. If you don't sleep then it is tough to study and remember stuff.
-tackle the hard problem and if you can't solve it, move to an easier one you can solve.
-do stuff like the pomodoro technique to remain fully focused
-apply the material that you've learned from memory. if you can't review it
-don't just watch stuff, do it as well
-don't stick with learning the same basic level of information that you've mastered, try to challenge yourself with new ones
-procrastination is inevitable and triggered by negative thoughts. To counter this, try to think about the process instead of the product. Don't think about a polished product, try to devote yourself to doing X minutes of developing that product
-give yourself a reward for completing tasks
-believe that you can complete the task
-write your quitting time
-write task/todo list before sleeping
-write visuals or mnemonics to remember stuff
-write about what works doesn't work
-use flash cards like anki to study
-do physical exercise
-teach ideas you've learned to others

>> No.7169784

Lines are a bit scratchy. the trapezius/scalene areas are lower than the shoulders. You'll get there anon.

>> No.7169793

I could trade artbooks or brushes or like free drawings for it (high beg unfortunately)

>> No.7169808

Shit gets deleted when it's reported, it's no coincidence that your posts were immediately followed by the samefagging dramatroon who's been trying to kill the thread.

>> No.7169823

>the samefagging dramatroon
he's moderating this thread by the way

>when it's reported
true, some of my followers reported my drawings and one of them was begging me to quit lolicon.

>> No.7169825

i'll give him something real average sized to moderate

>> No.7169829
File: 12 KB, 194x259, 4352745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G'mornin guys. Have a good day.

>> No.7169843

hello. what's a cute outfit?

>> No.7169854

denim jumper skirts are cute

>> No.7170102

thanks for the tips

>> No.7170125

Just fucking draw, retard. It's not rocket science. Jesus christs these permabegs trying to find shortcuts and magic tricks instead of drawing.

>> No.7170128

stew in your own negativity more crab lmao. or are you venting your frustrations after not being able to draw a cube?

>> No.7170131


At least he's drawing. What have you drawn lately?

>> No.7170271

Just draw is the least crabby advice and it's genuinelly amazing how upset people get about it.

Don't draw at all. Just collect useless trivia and die without ever creating anything.

>> No.7170300
File: 787 KB, 1300x1793, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just doodling before sleep...

>> No.7170407

in the sun

>> No.7170419

>actually drawing

>> No.7170428


>> No.7170472


>> No.7170474

Woa super cute. Nice work anon

>> No.7170477

when did orenji get his account back?

>> No.7170484

I know a guy who knows a guy that got his account back.

>> No.7170586

made me happy, thanks

>> No.7170611

Based revival

>> No.7170618


Really!? I should check twitter. That accident made me stop posting.


Thank you. Actually, I've been trying to get out of my comfort loli-zone. I think I'll get more likes and followers drawing adult characters.

>> No.7170692

You will.
Whenever i post a loli i find it hard to crack 1k.
Draw hebe or milfs if you want more interactions. Really pretty work either way

>> No.7170754

show me the work of your ego

>> No.7170756
File: 18 KB, 213x178, Screenshot_1258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was supposed to draw today but i played games instead... i'm mad

i'm posting whatever i got before i sleep

>> No.7170828
File: 195 KB, 827x962, Gaul-Iberian style loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170840


>> No.7170843


>> No.7170846


>> No.7170936

Wow, Orenji got his x back

You got like 18k subs from that post didn't you?

>> No.7171630
File: 332 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171634

Next page is probably them bending in an impossible way and getting penetrated with objects x2-3 size bigger, right?

>> No.7171646

Just regular sex

>> No.7171648


>> No.7171882

closer to 22k I think

>> No.7171884 [DELETED] 

I'd love to bash your head into a counter until the gurgling stops :)

>> No.7171896

You don't have to resort to violence just because someone draws better than you, anon.

>> No.7171925

not a fan of that age either but that's too much

>> No.7171929

no, actually. Most people will agree that it's not too much. Go outside.

You live in your safe little computer fantasy world and forget that there are consequences

>> No.7171934

most people are retarded

>> No.7171936

>dude everyone says DONT EAT SHIT but I LOVE TO EAT SHIT because MOST PEOPLE ARE RETARDED, I'm very smart!!!!!

>> No.7171940

k u win

>> No.7171963
File: 480 KB, 2800x3200, tomboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post the finished version

>> No.7171986

I luv u Orenji.
Great skill. Outright horrible taste.

>> No.7172039

your mom has horrible taste

>> No.7172044

post it pls

>> No.7172112

>drawing adult characters.
You're pathetic, the only reason anybody even likes your garbage lazy style is because you draw lolis.

>> No.7172154


who kicked your sandcastle down this time?

>> No.7172159

^why even give it a (you)

>> No.7172200


I like talking to people and making sure they're okay. I'm sure anon is just a grumpy pants for one reason or another.

>> No.7172205

my point is it's shit-tier bait and you're stupid

>> No.7172209

I wouldn't callously dismiss their response as bait; each person is different and deserves to be heard just once. But you're right, it could be bait.

>> No.7172211

how did you draw with opacity? any tips?

>> No.7172302

I dislike how loli artists stop being loli artists to appeal to twitter moralfags.

>> No.7172327


Maybe people just want to draw a variety of things, you know? Nothing wrong with drawing a big titty oneesan every now and then. Why sharpen your skills only to use it in 1 narrow area?

>> No.7172336
File: 303 KB, 1245x1950, 88w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his taste is unpopular, bad/good are subjective words

that's why adult female characters with big boobs get more likes than lolis
congrats on your unban

>> No.7172341

Norasuko. He was my favorite. Inspired my art, even. Now I can't be bothered and I think the child faces he puts on big titty hags are stupid and unappealing.

>> No.7172347

Why are you here again?

>> No.7172357

Gonna need a blog, boss.

>> No.7172358

Kill yourself westoid. Get culturally enriched

>> No.7172362

He goes under ultratesla

>> No.7172363


>> No.7172370


>> No.7172412
File: 285 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172417

This would be great if she was 4 years older.

>> No.7172432

try 8

>> No.7172480

I want to be as badass as that guy

>> No.7172543


>> No.7172548

Should I take requests from /b/?

>> No.7172567


>> No.7172612

you really need to zoom out while you draw man

>> No.7172630

you sick fuck...
what next, handholding?

>> No.7172667
File: 198 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's way too much
let's try kissing first

>> No.7172701

Plz tell how to get as good as you.

>> No.7172735
File: 380 KB, 829x1353, 86888888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172753

erotic legs!

>> No.7172757

I imagine she's already sitting on his "stick"

>> No.7172762

I love blue eyes with blond hair

>> No.7172763


>> No.7172770

oh she has been sitting and sucking on the stick long before she had memory about it

>> No.7172785
File: 2.04 MB, 2309x1732, 4chan friendly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172796

that feel when you have to censor breasts instead of genitals

>> No.7172797

i dont know what youre talking about those are natural

>> No.7172826

that's just how breasts look

>> No.7172885

Jesus. What causes this?

>> No.7172892

toddlercon is not loli, might as well just post diaper porn

>> No.7172898

>toddlercon is not loli,

>> No.7172899

it has its own descriptor

>> No.7172901

not sufficient evidence, will continue supporting toddlercon anons

>> No.7172938

diaper lolicon

>> No.7172944

why, itsu? :-/

>> No.7172990

whats up babe

>> No.7173063

I wish to draw more, where can I find people making nsfw loli requests?

>> No.7173064

What kinda of requests?

>> No.7173068

Not too complicated and no backgrounds. Preferably no guro or scat.

>> No.7173074

How do you feel about them taking a big dildo up their ass, large enough to bulge their stomach some?

>> No.7173077

I don't mind, but I've never drawn a dildo or anal

>> No.7173081

Always a good time to learn how to draw anal, and dicks I guess, although you can always just draw a simple tube with a round top

>> No.7173082

This man is on the Nanjou Asuka/Nishi Iori path

>> No.7173086

No requests?

>> No.7173105

/b/'s drawthread, obviously

>> No.7173127

I am worried about posting at /b/ because it's /b/. Can anyone vouch for it's safety?

>> No.7173130

you will be arrestinged

>> No.7173162

You will be shot in the head by the cia if you post in b

>> No.7173164

>Asking pedophiles to vouch for the safety of a forum

Your parents failed you and I'm not joking at all.

>> No.7173170


>> No.7173254

Hold my hand, I can walk you there. No, not there, the white van next to the B-building.

>> No.7173257

It seems like Nips are perfectly okay with foreigners talking in English nowadays because translation is so good now. I don't have to pretend to be Japanese anymore.

>> No.7173321

Kore'wa Nani dasaiko. Ichimasu. UwU.^
>You will never jlbw japanese like me.

>> No.7173328


Aha don't get me wrong, /DJT/ still needs me. Unless someone invents a way to translate all that lost media in a few hours with AI, I must learn Japanese.

>> No.7173339

any drawthread works. just catbox it or something

>> No.7173386
File: 2.79 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240520_180529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once just barged in the loud house thread in /trash/and asked for people to tell me characters so I could draw them sucking a dick full of smegma.

No catbox or anything. Stop overthinking

>> No.7173439
File: 808 KB, 1434x1800, 1697379913164394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at perspective so bad is unreal.
I feel like your lolis are too elongated. I would go for a shorter torso.
What do you mean? Personally I'd be more wary of a random discord or twitter link, since >>>/b/ is tiny by comparison, and mods are rather quick to remove illegal material, plus the place is full of bots, so the chances of a random schizo latching onto you are low if you have really bad opsec. On the other hand, if you are worried about your name ending up in some list, then that's not an issue. 4troons has been a fed honeypot for years now, your name is already in many lists just for browsing this thread https://archive<DOT>ph/m43ds

>> No.7173457

I'm drawing a variety of body types from small roris to Isekai meikyuu girls.

Tomorrow I'll draw smaller ones, rest assured

>> No.7173464

That image sounds like schizo ramblings. .

>> No.7173475

It is, but also "4chan is a fed honeypot" is such a basic thing nowadays I don't think anyone would argue against that

>> No.7173516

>fed honeypot

I'm tired of this shit.

mentally ill paranoid retards
getting banned over and over again
in 2024 it doesn't worth it at all.
not drawing lolis is the best solution

>> No.7173542
File: 522 KB, 1689x2480, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7173564

give blog

>> No.7173600

Good morning sirs how goes the demoralization campaign today sirs

>> No.7173603

Wow pretty good, post more often

>> No.7173605

>doesn't worth it at all
Shut the fuck up, Pedro

>> No.7173705

Is that the trash panda vtuber?

>> No.7173734

it goes perfectly fine, lolicon is doomed

>> No.7173755

Unbelievable sirs very Good job sirs

>> No.7173832

This thread is so slow and devoid of art. Maybe we really should just be absorbed by the other generals.

>> No.7173859

>when you just want to take a shower

>> No.7173946

wtf dad dicks are huge

>> No.7174020

True, this thread is actually pretty bad desu. Should just be gone imo.

>> No.7174023

This thread is actually pretty great desu. Should just stay imo.

>> No.7174049

Even if there was anything wrong with loli, which there isn't outside the addled minds of terminally online leftcucks, the thread is gonna be around forever out of basic contrarianism.

>> No.7174055

Is this it? This can't be it.

>> No.7174059

Sadly that's how it is. It seems like people in here are more interested in starting drama and talking about twitter troons than in actual drawing discussion. Eventually jannies won't have a choice but to ban these threads, since there's more lolicontent on the /asg/ threads anyway, so is not like anyone would be left orphaned.

>> No.7174076


I was mostly talking to myself in that post. Secondly, nothing is stopping (you) from starting an art discussion. Imagine (but not for too long) you have the whole floor and hot mic open for you and you waste it on doomtrolling.

>> No.7174077

Sadly, yes, unfortunately.

>> No.7174078

I can see vegana

>> No.7174095


1.draw lolicon
2.stay poor
3.stay miserable
4.chat with mentally ill paranoid anons

>> No.7174098

so starving artist?

>> No.7174111

Personally I don't post my work here because look at these threads. look at how uninviting they are, look at the posts, the schizos, the bad-faith arguments, the off-topic. How much genuinely constructive insight do you see here? It does happen, but rarely. Even when people do post their work, it's pretty much always unfinished sketches. That could be taken as a sign.
I'm itching for critical eyes on my work. I need to grow. But this just aint it. Most people wouldn't want the hot mic here. That's why you're always seeing low-effort posts.
Improve this place and it'll be booming by comparison. There's no way I'm alone in wanting crit. Let the bigger fish in the pond lead the way.

>> No.7174114


I'm sorry, I wish there was more I could do for you guys.

>> No.7174130

>Even when people do post their work, it's pretty much always unfinished sketches. That could be taken as a sign.

you won't be rewarded for a finished work
people will treat you as a sick pedophile if you're good at drawing lolis
the only thing you can get is being banned
the better you draw the more you suffer.
because it doesn't worth it to invest your time in this repressed niche with no benefits

>> No.7174139

>because it doesn't worth

You need to focus more on learning English.

>> No.7174161

imagine caring more about yourself than clout and drawing for fun

>> No.7174165

This is literally me

>> No.7174167

>yourself than clout and drawing for fun
you really need to learn english

>> No.7174175

>I'm itching for critical eyes on my work. I need to grow. But this just aint it.
This is how I feel, but I hate general social media so much that I keep coming back to the ephemeral style of this place. I don't know what I want. Maybe it's just to be acknowledged by the greats around me and to be told where I suck by them because I know they're better. Where the hell are the git gud or die trying lolicon discords, the holy land of pros and ints.

>> No.7174179


The baraag admin runs a discord, you can join that. And I’m sure once you join it you’ll still feel that empty feeling. As you said, you don’t know what tf you want.

>> No.7174201
File: 2.68 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240521_120836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermione, like the girl from fear and hunger, is peak cunny

>> No.7174217

Wish I had your energy to use up what little newsprint I have left.

This is what I meant by >>7174055 btw

>> No.7174232

I didn't know that. I can't see it anywhere, so I'm not sure how I was supposed to. Is it public, wouldn't take just get it taken down? If it's too large, they need to have some rules so you can't post lolis, which would make it pointless.

>> No.7174242
File: 862 KB, 2906x1737, IMG_20240521_124418~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College sketches. My output there is better than at home. I wonder why

>> No.7174247

Well not the head admin, the other appointed admin, Wyst.

>> No.7174248

Good job but don't forget to finish things! It's much more interesting to see what you're fully capable of

>> No.7174249



>> No.7174256

It seems to have been taken down (or at least the invite).
Still, I imagine you can message him and get invited to some server.

>> No.7174257
File: 99 KB, 244x286, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to make a Shota VN, where would I be able to sell it? Surely steam won't allow it.

>> No.7174269

Kaguya games since they allowed summer and winter memories

>> No.7174272


>> No.7174276

Is it art posting time?

>> No.7174293

discord is gay,
you won't improve
only you can improve yourself.

>> No.7174308

Come now. The grapes are in the tree, you just need to leap to get them. Then you won’t have to be in this place that you don’t like anymore. Be free and leap, young fox.

>> No.7174346

we don't do that here

>> No.7174348


>> No.7174355

drawing skills are more valuable

>> No.7174357


I'm not contesting what has more value, I'm telling you to learn English.

>> No.7174359

are you retarded?

>> No.7174362

dont reply to me again

>> No.7174363

ooga booga

>> No.7174375

waah you scared me

>> No.7174380
File: 507 KB, 220x150, african-dance-african-bushman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7174459

Thinking back to it, Silica was one of the first to make me start appreciating flatties, which led me down this unholy rabbithole. Thanks for taking me back to my roots anon, I'll draw some Silica now.

>> No.7174474
File: 668 KB, 1249x1607, gawrgooba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I've ever posted in this thread before

>> No.7174486
File: 43 KB, 252x204, 1711363355204732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my pleasure. Your style is well suited for this type of thing... We should have more choices than just white void or traditional BG.

>> No.7174489

Cute. Blog?

>> No.7174554

the perfect build

>> No.7174572
File: 36 KB, 339x293, 1707341138446873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did elon change the algorithm? two days ago my feed was full of mostly nip cnnuy artist, with the occasional western artist, but now it's full of vtumors and cringe meme accounts, plus for some reason there's this

>> No.7174578

Open on pc, go to settings, search "interests" and uncheck all that shit.
No, there's no way to stop it from getting filled with garbage.
Yes, it's been like that since before Elon.

>> No.7174590


You should follow the NSA. Keep you friends close and your frenimies closer and all that.

>> No.7174603
File: 56 KB, 591x918, 1709561952797091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like a sewer down there, this will take a while

>> No.7174606

chainlink loli

>> No.7174628

The problem is that the only people who get genuine, constructive criticism...are those who are good enough that won't need that much of it.

>> No.7174638

guys remember to use reference >>>/int/197572750

>> No.7174654

how do I draw a slightly puffy pussy from this angle?

>> No.7174664


>> No.7174674

you cannot
from a dead center angle to show volume you have to use shading

>> No.7174693

The best you could do is exaggerate. Clitoral hood pointing outwards to one side, lineweight tapering as it goes down and bends with one side fully delineated to suggest shape

>> No.7174699

Sure! The image provided depicts a two part joke about a a twitter user with the handle @HackermanTm, and the username "Legoshima is Yapping ". The part on the right is a post image of the popular videogame DOOM with the main character at the center fighting hordes of demons in hell. The image has the caption "feels when you agro loli fans", where "agro" probably refers to the verb to anger, and "loli fans" refers to people that demonstrate an attraction towards underage fictional characters. This implies that the user @HackermanTm often gets in online arguments with "loli fans" where they try to overwhelm him. The post on the right is an image of a police car with the caption "goodbye everyone it was nice while it lasted ill prove im innocent someday...". The image appears to have been taken at night from inside of someone's residence, implying that it was taken by the user @HackermanTm, which implies that the police car is monitoring his residence. Given the overall context of the image, we can guess that the police car is there to investigate the user for possession of illegal content similar to what he refers to in the previous image. The label on the police car is "POLICE", implying that it was taken in an English speaking country. It is important to note that possession of lolicon content is illegal in many English speaking countries, so putting it all together we can assume that this image is meant to depict a fall from grace type of joke. Let me know if you need help with anything else.

>> No.7174730

The US is the only country in the world whose police cars look like that and lolicon is not illegal here!
AI is retarded

>> No.7174807

Honestly the drawthreads there are overflowing with drama. Even if you start your own, retards from those generals leap over to solo ones. Try starting a drawing thread on /s4s/, it quietly allows loli (there is no option to report it).

>> No.7174817

Don't bother with /b/ its a hot bed for drama.
Try asking and starting a thread on /s4s/.
Depends what you like style wise: /v/, /co/, /a/, /vt/, /trash/, etc. Many loli requests lurk in the drawthreads on these boards. Or you can enter threads talking about a specific franchise or character. There are plenty of places to hunt for requests. If its mostly nsfw use Catbox or another site for image hosting.

>> No.7174832

You can maybe imply some squish by softening the lines a bit in places, like this? Probably not exactly in the places I did, this was quick and dirty just to give an example, but something like that.

>> No.7174840

>>7172785 catbox the better version, also great poses
>>7173542 good pose
>>7173859 i like that this has a more western type face
>>7174474 really like the rendering on the jeans and the yellow lines for the sitiches

Blogs please from all those youd.

Post a drawing, what type of crit are you after?


>> No.7174843

good enough, thanks

>> No.7174861
File: 462 KB, 1070x675, beachgirlcensored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I have added the extra bit of interest interest that I wanted. Now I just gotta draw hands.

>> No.7174892

Who are these characters? vtubers? One in bottom corner a dog?


>> No.7174895

Yeah. kind of. Different accounts for slightly different content. https://x.com/NymphoDayDream

>> No.7174898

Heh, second time I clocked your style.
Wow that Pippa draw really took off.

>> No.7174899
File: 1000 KB, 3244x2532, wippu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7174922

Does anyone here do themes with guro, ryona, death with lolisho characters?

>> No.7174942

Yeah, I was lucky enough to get a retweet from her.

>> No.7174973

Thanks! https://x.com/Chives___


Thanks, at first I planned to just ink and do some screen tones, but on a whim I ended up coloring instead. Happy I did.

>> No.7174974

>Post a drawing, what type of crit are you after?
Thorough. A good artist telling me personally what to improve on to make my pictures appeal to others would be most constructive.
Would rather just encourage the other anons here than get trolled and flamed.

>> No.7174985

>A good artist
There is an oldfag loli artist by the name of Simon who would likely give you the crit you desire. His power level is insane.

>> No.7174996

VRChat avatars

>> No.7175056
File: 735 KB, 2400x3000, Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This still count as loli?
Trying to make my art more appealing.
Prob need to study composition.
Ty again. Ill try to expand from my comfort zone of blank void lol

>> No.7175073
File: 361 KB, 956x660, PippaNyana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick doodle before bed. I wasn't planning on finishing it but I think it turned out really good for what it is.

>> No.7175075

The face shape is unappealing. The way the head connects to the neck is also unappealing. makes it look like a potatoes on a stick. One of her arms is broken and strangely positioned.

Nice hair. Nice leg. Nice shoes.

>> No.7175093

Ah ty for feedback!
I should prob study more angles for faces.
Idc about anatomy being broken as long as it flows and looks good.
Any books youd recommend i study? Or would u mind redlining so i can further understnd yr feedback? Ty either way.

>> No.7175102

I like your picture, the style is really nice and appeals to me. I totally think you can keep the face shape but just move the head a bit.

>> No.7175321 [DELETED] 
File: 1.78 MB, 3400x3000, cutty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175323

You have the same style as that boykisser faggot that made changed I'm sorry

>> No.7175326

Based geopolitics autist

>> No.7175328
File: 1.77 MB, 3400x3000, cutty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7175365

I don't know that world, so its just someones OC basically? Can you post the avatars?

Something that I notice when alot of people draw side profiles, is that I feel the eye is set too far back. Like, if you took the drawing and rotated it to a full frontal shot, the eyes would be too far apart. Many times I feel the eyes should be moved closer to the edge of the face.

>> No.7175422
File: 37 KB, 750x739, 1695142077266965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175488


>> No.7175584
File: 53 KB, 926x637, 4353434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolicon is the number one problem in the world!

>> No.7175589

Has anyone figured out why they've been doing this whole intentional silent war on payment processors? I've heard from a little birdy part of it has to do with bending the knee for Apple and what they have planned but that can only be a small part of it.

>> No.7175599
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 2-06-16-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why they've been doing this

children... shhh

>> No.7175605

Advertisers and investors (Blackrock, Vanguard and Google amongst others) control the flow of money because they decide who keeps to get investment money and who gets to have juicy juicy ad money on their site.
Have you seen the draconian surveillance and shit going on Jewtube? They have gotten better at parsing audio and video automatically and now you get demonetized automatically if you mention shit like suicide or guns or pistols or drugs.
Such companies dont have direct ownership over the platforms but by limiting their investment ranking through ESG or their advertisement availability they control their behaviour indirectly

Remember what happened to Tumblr? Tons of minors uploading their shit had an ultimatum given to Tumblr "You start verifying your shit and moderating every single media uploaded or you get everything pulled out". They prohibited nsfw and killed the site.

Same happened to every porn site and now only verified users can upload porn.

Same shit happened to Pixiv and Patreon and Fanbox and now Fantia.

They tried the same shit with OnlyFans but because it is such a massive fucking racket earning billions of dollars for the Jew in charge who is a DNC top donor they stopped trying and it is allowed to keep running.

Now, why would they let 3dpd porn run rampant and keep flourishing with glorified pimping like Onlyfans at the top of it while fictional porn gets banned from the internet? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.7175620

>fictional porn gets banned
no, they ban only specific types of porn (problematic and explicit stuff)
japs didn't want to delete lolicon and problematic art

>> No.7175670

Internet gets worse and worse with each passing year.

>> No.7175680

I've already seen several content creators use bitcoin as a payment method.
Pretty sad that they have to do that.

>> No.7175682

It's not ESG or whatever they may say. It's actually a *conservative* sex negative organization (Exodus Cry) who's seizing the opportunity to attempt to ban porn from the internet, since many of their donors also have fingers in the credit card pie. It started with the "Girls do Porn" scandal that led to verification in uploads, and also they are in part responsible for several states requiring ID to browse sites like Pornhub.

>> No.7175691

>that disclaimer

>> No.7175725

>All of this because whites fell for the "my fellow whites" meme
Imagine giving power to women and sloped forehead and flat lipped "people".

>What having no pattern recognition and being raised in Jewish captivity does a people

>> No.7175730

Hey man, you reek of /pol/. Go wash yourself off before stepping in /lsg/.

>> No.7175732

conservacucks: from giving power to women to allowing gays, trannies and racemixing.

Conservatives literally don't exist only: Israel 1 and Israel 2, both cucked, circumcized and demoralized. It's literally evil to have attractive girls in media both fictional and real in westranny, this has been going on for a while, from the hideous and filthy cartoons to games, shows and now things outside their mixed shitholes.

>Everything will be ugly and you will like it

>> No.7175736

Why do you think I draw lolis?

>Ugliness is evil

you live in a mixed shithole, with no entertainment, no people, everything is ugly, your economy is worsening by the year and the things you like are being subjugated but you refuse to acknowledge who did it all.

Yeah, I'm sorry, guess you're right

>> No.7175738

No, you're good. Forget what I said since I'm the one who initiated the topic anyway.

>> No.7175800

dark web?

>conservacucks: from giving power to women to allowing gays, trannies and racemixing.

yes, they want to save children from sexualization, so they ban problematic art

>> No.7175831
File: 95 KB, 1600x1396, UOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very shitty sketch I had to destroy before finishing because reasons.

>> No.7175920
File: 624 KB, 867x660, Pippantyana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fine I finished it. I accept Dogecoin.

>> No.7175933

sent ;-)

>> No.7175936


Time theft is a serious crime, anon.

>> No.7175947
File: 1.40 MB, 1963x2308, iwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175973

>Now, why would they let 3dpd porn run rampant and keep flourishing with glorified pimping like Onlyfans at the top of it while fictional porn gets banned from the internet?
They don't let all 3DPD run rampant. Only that owned by the jew.
They completely devastated the indie porn scene. And it turns out we're the last leg of said indie porn scene still standing.
The goal isn't to remove porn from the internet. It's to remove goyim from the multi-billion dollar online porn industry. We cost the jew way too many sheckels in their outdated subscription based porn websites, so we have to die.

>> No.7175980

>drawing loli at work
Mr. Thundercock in here.

>> No.7175992

I was way too distracted with the stupid leftard "conservacucks want to ban all porn out of puritan christian reasons" that I hadnt contemplated that argument.
I wouldnt really call the indie porn scene "killed" since amateurs can still make big bucks through pornhub, onlyfans, justforfans, manyvids, etc. BUT is it actually indie if they need to basically pimp themselves out to Mindgeek megacorps to get some of that coom money that is heavily taxed, jewed up by fees and they still need to subject themselves to ToS (Onlyfans doesnt allow content that involves CnC, Blood, Scat or any kind of harm).
I now see that it is just a huge money grab.
Thanks for your input, anon.

>> No.7175995

I'm just trying to take a shower and some fucking loli bitch starts randomly playing with my PENIS? WHAT THE FUCK??!!? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??? I JUST WANT TO TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY COCK YOU BITCH
Holy fucking shit

>> No.7176009


getting back to drawing loli again

>> No.7176030

Yeah, you can only pretend to be indie now while working directly for Conglomo. And they're scrubbing the web from all traces of the old indie porn world.

>> No.7176040

Off model garbage.

>> No.7176049
File: 2.61 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240522_235220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effort cunny, will add clothes later.

Why there's so few drawings of Hermione even though she is peak cunny?

>> No.7176050

Because you could just draw Louise from ZnT instead. You can always just make an alt with different hair color I guess

>> No.7176062
File: 729 KB, 900x1154, IMG_20240523_044448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welly welly welly well.

>> No.7176065

You guys were right. I sincerely apologize. For this, and many other things as well.
This is the best I can do right now:

>> No.7176068

I would still be doing the rest of the list even if I were to omit 1.

>> No.7176080

That looks nice, I just wish they'd have bigger thighs but that's just personal preference

>> No.7176183
File: 410 KB, 2000x1010, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176222

Played by a real person so I don't think people want to get into that territory where you could be accused of drawing a real person and get into real possible legal problems.
One could claim to just be doing the character from the book but it's dangerous ground that most don't want to step on.

>> No.7176324

ignore this idiot >>7176040

>> No.7176348

now destroy their asses

>> No.7176371

Uhm sorry for asking for a redline, thats a lot to ask of a stranger.
I got some advice from here and discord and ill try harder. Ty for help
V cute. I like the hair render, since of the limb proportions are a bit off
Damn youre good
Very pretty. Really love the dress, pose is a bit stiff imo but mogs my skill either way.
V cute and funny
Erotic belly
Godlike. Would buy ur sketchbook if you sell it.
V appealing faces, nice

>> No.7176372

>it's dangerous ground that most don't want to step on.

So, it's better to quit lolicon until it's too late and forget about it. Why do you need this mental gymnastics and stress? Isn't it pathetic to be afraid of ch***ren? Do you want to live in fear?

That's why payment processors punished Japanese sites. Western people treat lolicon as CP.

>> No.7176398
File: 704 KB, 1200x954, lsg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a lil collab for next thread but then noticed it's only page 5

Whoever bakes next, you can use it if u like it

>> No.7176506

so we agree that this is the last lsg thread ever, and we will all migrate to asg, right?

>> No.7176518

sorry too busy playing wuthering waves…

you can make the new thread, use >>7176398
and copy paste the op

>> No.7176563

But I don't draw anime

>> No.7176618

We actually draw what we wanted here, not copying blindly like atelierfaggots

>> No.7176827



>> No.7177130


>> No.7177464

we've been over bump limit for ages, where's all the blogposting and schizoposting ?

>> No.7177470

I’m too busy playing WuWa and shitposting on /vg/. Maaaaybe next thread?

>> No.7177515

And besides, what is there to schizophrenic post about? Enemies have been slain, the star of the show has been battered and washed up and no longer posts art, and the friends made along the way shook hands. It’s over in that regard.

>> No.7177577
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 1687779278323363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just between you and me, but I've finally realized that I came here to die. So that I could claw myself back up from hell. If I can't do that, then I never deserved to live anyway.

>> No.7177917
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, 1693217885704516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride. Resentiment. Need for attention. They're surprisingly hard to vanquish on your own. So I wanted to be punished. I wanted to be destroyed so that I could move on. Thank you.

>> No.7177926
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, 1711032841571177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if there's ever a next time, I'll definitely be even tougher.

>> No.7177934

Don’t be fooled, I’m merely faking my truce. So please keep training.

>> No.7177937

and by truce I mean I’m not ignoring your existence just because I’m leaving you alone

>> No.7177941

Uhm, that goes for 2 people. You know who you are.

>> No.7177945
File: 979 KB, 917x915, 1685682243853826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't the slightest clue of what you're talking about. I've tied up all the ends. No more friends, no more enemies, no more expectations, no more misplaced pride. I can finally return to nothing, where I operate best.

>> No.7177968

I see. I like your thinking.

In any case, I agree. It would be pointless to keep enemies if one is formless and unseen. A return to zero is bliss. But I’m no fool to forget an idea. That guy wanted 100k followers? I’ll get what he always wanted out of principle. Why? So I’m on the mountains where I can meet a different group of people, not looking up anymore and certainly not looking at eye level with other dreamers.

>> No.7177985
File: 611 KB, 2560x1440, 1697826474646998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had dreams. Only wonder, and then compulsion. Pure strength and ability that stood all on its own, self-evident before all forms of fluff and trickery. Why do I even want that? Either way, I'm afraid of my limits. I'm just fighting to survive.

>> No.7178001

Well, this is... probably... goodbye, but do you suppose we could be friends?

>> No.7178013

Friends? I'll never reach 100k followers befriending a lolicon, that much is evident. Your account would get shoad before it reaches 10k. While equally important, I need to expand beyond fridges and twigs. My newfound purpose is to achieve the unobtainable dream that you told me you wanted long ago and still don't have.

This is a war for the right reasons that I must walk in darkness through the light.

>> No.7178017
File: 215 KB, 658x659, 1695044834786585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have the wrong person, but that's fine. It's what I deserve anyway.

>> No.7178020
File: 55 KB, 715x630, wgw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just speaking my mind in case the other person reads it.

You did nothing wrong, so I suppose we can be mutually friendly. But the same applies--all lolicons will hold me back from my rise simply because a loli art account is bricked. Nothing against friendship.

>> No.7178024

ah, anyway, back to /vg/...bye for now

>> No.7178029

That's good to hear. Now I have no regrets.

>> No.7178213

I don’t know how you subscribe to “being in the darkness and having no regrets” >>7178017
>>7178029 when your prior counterparts don’t seem to take you seriously unless you rub it in their faces with concrete proof that you made it.

They don’t take you seriously. That should piss you off. Not be a little emo pussy and throw caution to the wind and be free. What has that gotten anyone? Nothing. “Oh boy I finally got rid of that schizo now im free to be mediocre.” The rest of the thread? They’re happy you’re a neutered dog. Not sorry, that’s not in my DNA.

>> No.7178238

hehe i luv child

>> No.7178246

keep quiet, men are talking

>> No.7178250

Not to be rude, but he was never my rival or enemy. I just regretted possibly hurting them... What they think of me now is no matter. Besides, I was never driven by spite or enmity, it was self-loathing all along. That's why I came here to die and be reborn. I subconsciously acted the way I did so that you could all hopefully kill me, since I can't do it myself.

>> No.7178253

Are you sns?

>> No.7178255

or pray or whatever your name is

>> No.7178256


>> No.7178258
File: 114 KB, 476x560, 1715528657675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7178259

That's odd then. I wonder who it is you're referring to.

>> No.7178383
File: 288 KB, 485x564, 1685120128050515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artistry is not war, but self-struggle. Only through social circumstance does it become a competition. Some will accuse me of cowering before the ambitions of others, and others yet may think me arrogant for being blind to them. But the truth is, I find both solace and meaning in self-flagellation. I believe real skill, real art to be borne of suffering.