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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, 1716218858849665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173114 No.7173114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7173119

Paint brushes

>> No.7173124
File: 19 KB, 661x640, 1715095619201674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for the link to a particular brush pack.

>> No.7173128

Just a gut feeling, but this might be AI-generated.

>> No.7173133


>> No.7173134

You’re either too retarded to even realise this is obvious AI or trying to bait.

>> No.7173136

Interesting. How do you know that this artwork is AI-generated? Are there specific details in the hands, eyes, hair, or collar that lead you to believe it was created by AI

>> No.7173142


>> No.7173148

What I don't get is why they don't have AI filters in Corel Painter and other programs to better mimic watercolor, oils and other mediums.
You would paint a background with the round brush and the AI would remake it using a medium you picked from the filter list.

>> No.7173149

Retarted “le artistique” brushstrokes are an obvious give away. No one paints like this, especially for a subject as boring as a standing, blank-faced anime girl on a beach. She absolutely does not belong on that composition, plus, that expression is stupid and wouldn’t have been drawn by an actual human who understands emotions or the concept of being on a beach. Her eyes are fucked too, but that’s a given with AI. Some edges (her shoulder and chest are the most blatant ones) don’t make sense, values are way too dark, lighting is extremely inconsistent, and why is her hair flying in opposite directions? Let’s not even talk about the obvious artefacting and low image quality or the aspect ratio.

And again, I’ve seen that exact same face, expression and pose in thousands of AI slop before. You don’t even need more than a cursory glance to see it’s AI. I highly doubt you actually draw.

>> No.7173150

Yup. Could tell from the thumbnail. Ai color and composition.

>> No.7173153

? there's literally a million shitmixes around nowadays, how tf could anyone guess the specific model you mule

>> No.7173157

Why is there no option to report AI generated images on /ic/?

>> No.7173161

The big tell with "painterly" AI art is that it always looks like a filter was flatly applied to a different, non-painterly image. I don't know how to explain it other than that. It's almost like rotoscoping, you can just immediately tell a "filter" was applied to a base reference in both cases.

>> No.7173169

unfortunately being a worthless shitskin techbro indian you lack the basic human qualities necessary to tell apart human artwork from randomly generated slop, the other anon explained it well but that's besides the point, you are a subhuman faggot and your epic gotcha thread failed.
>waah im just an innocent artist you guys are snobs!!
you generated this picture specifically for this thread while larping as an artist kek, this doesn't exist anywhere online except in this thread.

>> No.7173171

you cant be serious

>> No.7173177

he isnt, he made this image for this thread.

>> No.7173192

i like it. please tell me you have a gallery where i can find more art from you!

>> No.7173197

you dont need AI for this, and youd still be a nigger for betraying the expectation you have a respectable technique to your strokes

>> No.7173204

all AI art looks the same bro

>> No.7173205

you could achieve these strokes with a paint brush textured brush that responds to tilt.

>> No.7173232

Her face looks exactly like that badass smoking caterpillar

>> No.7173233

AI is better than overlaying a lame texture and calling it a day.

>> No.7173252

may as well skip the whole process while youre at it since you hate art so much

>> No.7173261


>> No.7173263

You got gaydar or sumpin?

>> No.7173283
File: 36 KB, 680x595, 332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ta = ta

>> No.7173291

>Interesting. How do you know that this artwork is AI-generated?
Because only a bot could be so stupid as to try an pass off a realistic style with anime.

>> No.7173349

Holy shit guys, there is no need to be so mean, I am an absolute beg. I just starting to draw, and I wanted to know your opinions. Some people who are not into art are absolutely clueless that this is AI

>> No.7173366


>> No.7173465

>Retarted “le artistique” brushstrokes are an obvious give away. No one paints like this
I do because I have a BFA in painting. And I was kinda digging the brushwork in OP despite it being AI.

>> No.7173469

They are interesting,

>> No.7173470

OP's image is obviously not realistic. It's more like an impressionistic painterly image with abstract qualities and thick visible brushwork.

>> No.7173471

lol sure you AI falseflagging faggot. Delete your thread now

>> No.7173478

There is no brushwork in that image.

>> No.7173479

Is there a way to delete one's own thread or post?

>> No.7173528


>> No.7173533

You know, there's a saying "You can take an Indian out of India, but you can't take India out of Indian".

Same shit with AI. The generic color choice (seriously, I've seen tgat same color tone with that orange termination in AI so, many many times now) and composition (1girl, standing) is a dead giveaway

>> No.7173541

>But people who arent into art are clueless this is AI!
And? They're not the same audience that has invested more of their time and attention to these kinds of art. They're not the people who has 'their favorite artists'.
Honestly, why is mikufag like this?

>> No.7173545

You can take the poo out of an indian, or he can take it himself on the sidewalk

>> No.7173555

>The generic color choice (seriously, I've seen tgat same color tone with that orange termination in AI so, many many times now) and composition (1girl, standing) is a dead giveaway
And where do you think it gets this bullshit from? Inept human artists with no originality. It always feels like cope when artists reach so hard to exaggerate the differences between AI and kitschy human art, like they're categorically in different leagues. The only thing that gives it away is the obviously fake brushstrokes, otherwise it's generic 1girl twitter shit for the shit pile.

>> No.7173577

> needing AI when filters existed for decades
AI fags are hopelessly retarded aren't they?

>> No.7173597

Add a "in a painterly style" prompt.

>> No.7173598

AI mimics oil better than any brush in Photoshop, is it necessary to explain everything.

>> No.7173701

See what I mean? An absolute retard, it's a miracle he can breathe.

>> No.7173715
File: 638 KB, 1500x1071, greg-rutkowski-castle-demo-1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice argument there, it doesn't matter what your faggot ass thinks, this doesn't look like oils, it looks like digital brushes with textures.

>> No.7173723

The guy just asked for brushes…

Any generic digital oil brush

>> No.7173728

1024x1024 dalle pajeet slop

>> No.7173735

you just know

>> No.7173753

A lot of mind-buck broken schyzos in this thread.

>> No.7173762

Is it really AI? I can't tell.

>> No.7173763
File: 1.13 MB, 899x1023, lets draw instead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7173767

Dumbfuck crossboarding tourists

>> No.7173781


>> No.7173797

If you can't tell AI is AI you won't survive in 2026+

>> No.7173805

it's always the lighting for me. Gives me a gut feeling and I can almost always tell.

>> No.7173828

AI art is already better than what 99% of artists can create. I think it's just over for us.

>> No.7173837

your skin is brown

>> No.7173838

>Makes AI bait posts in a drawing board
>Gets caught
>Starts posting de motivational shit immediately afterwards
I do wonder what kind of pathetic subhuman is behind threads like these. Is it a failed artist with a vendetta, or just a third worlder from /g/ looking for a quick laugh?

>> No.7173888
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x952, 1764575777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI bait post
>Gets caught
How do you reconcile these two statements?

>> No.7173894

prompt? it almost look like it was made by areal human bean

>> No.7173897
File: 1.44 MB, 4082x2721, GNZGsxFWsAASMV5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing board
ze name of zis board is /ic/ - Artwork/Critique
>b-but you just can't criticize ai made artwork

>> No.7173910

>b-b-b-but we want to crit ai slop dis /ic/!!
>no one ever does that
>the go to response to any criticism would be the usual shitposting like
>pyw ur just jealous lol lmao
>n--n-n-no this isn't the #16541655154 ai bait troll vendetta drama thread
fuck off mikufag

>> No.7173919

if you have to ask if it's AI, it probably is

>> No.7173922

Look pal. These Skynet people at least try to create something. Where is your work man? Post your work and then crytitize the work of others. Man, these sissies bein real pathetic fr.

>> No.7173923
File: 48 KB, 298x363, 4361287413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at the thumbnail, if you still have trouble seeing it then look from further away
its all lit in the same sterile way no matter how warm the colors are
there is literally nothing to critique lol what is there to say
>oh this hand is a little jumbled here wow the anatomy makes no sense
everybody knows already and none cares
its all completely irrelevant to anyone because its digital waste of no value
there's nothing to be gained by looking at AI vomit for more than 1 second (the time it should take you to identify that it is AI) or engaging in discourse around this grift

now leave this thread and go draw, retards

>> No.7173925

use the digital brushes thread retard

>> No.7173932

You sound like ChatGPT.

>> No.7173936

Head too small, eyes too big.

>> No.7173951

perfect ai plant
He is too good

>> No.7173956

>needing AI for textures
you...you know there are texture that you can...you know...nah whatever you won't even practice it

>> No.7173959
File: 120 KB, 431x415, 1697726535588956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is nothing to be gained
I just find it funny what the epic trolls will try to come up with because of course anything they claim is a blatant lie and just an excuse to argue semantics.
They really genuinely believe they are outwitting and making everyone mad with their unlimited IQ and discord social memengeneering

If imma waste time at least at their expenses
btw it seems that the biggest porn producers on the planet REALLY like AI and Crypto.
Mindgeek shills might unironically be behind the spam.
just throwing it out there

>> No.7174043

This Anon is onto something. We need to spam Janies with new suggestions for this board. Like, Drawing & Seething. And such. Just my 2 cents

>> No.7174045

I kek'd. Go a bit easier on him or he'll start spamming more AI thread like he always do.

>> No.7174243

You guys love it.

>> No.7174255
File: 1.58 MB, 1661x1310, 1684279281051152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Higher planes of astral autism
>People are arguing about things that I don't care about and now my day is ruined. How could this happen to me?!

>> No.7174264

/ic/ is just too privy to AI falseflag thread attempts at this point

>> No.7174265

I'm 100% sure it's either a janny or a mod because these posts never get deleted

>> No.7174298
File: 52 KB, 1080x606, 440149855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it actually made me smile, magic

>> No.7174314

I love watamelon

>> No.7174322

Fauxtraversy sells. Brings the whine up from the cellar.

>> No.7175193


>> No.7175248

I mean the plot themselves are as generic as it could be
> Creates thread, post AI pic
>"It's oveeer" or "How do I ____"
>Gets called out
>"N-no guys I really!"
>Gets called a pajeet
>"H-hmph! Y-you guys are actually into it!"
>Posts more AI pics
>“I-it's better than any of you could do! Hmmph! "
>Goes on and create 5 new AI threads.