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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7166620 No.7166620 [Reply] [Original]

Part of the appeal of older shounen manga and now dead genres like mecha or maho shoujo was the variety of characters you could get even through a single series.
Not to mention all those 90s/early 2000s manga with complex designs like D. Grayman, Hoshin Engi, Bastard!!, Eyeshield 21, and such.

Nowadays everything seems either bland copypaste (isekaishit) or just too "simplified", derivative and most of the time forgettable (JJK, Kagurabachi, even CSM to some degrees for most human characters, etc.).
Not to mention many authors seems to abuse the "muh modern society setting" and the organization/high school excuses to just slap a boring uniform on majority of the cast. Now don't get me wrong, uniforms can work wonderfully and give hints to characterization alongside providing variety by simple choices, like different color palette depending on class/school/whatever (almost all sports manga) or the character (Sailor Moon, Precure, Doremi, magical girl series basically), silhouette rule, etc., but JJK does it in the most uninspiring and boring way possible I wonder how blans zoomers praise the character designs so much.

You don't even have to necessarily make complicated characters that are hard to draw on a deadline, look at Toriyama and Togashi works to see how to have lots of justified variety within simple and memorable designs. I feel like the last mainstream series that truly had strong and memorable character design was My Hero Academia.

>> No.7166623

the colouring on this is delicious, thankyou

>> No.7166654
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1920, Unique Anime Designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nowadays everything seems either bland copypaste (isekaishit) or just too "simplified"
What on earth do you mean? Are you saying my male protags are boring and cliche?
Anyway, I generally agree with you. I think Anime and (to some extent manga) manga have had their styles homogenized even further - Japan has had a unique art style distinctive to their country for some time, but it varied from author to author, but it feels like it's coalesced into moe blob shit in more recent years (of course there are exceptions).
I think part of the problem is the overt focus on the designs of the female characters, it feels like it's to the point that the male characters are after thoughts.

>> No.7166656

i want to live in a world where SAO flopped

>> No.7166695

I read through this whole post and wish I hadn't. Go read some fucking manga, Gabe. Or better yet, actually make something instead of wasting your one chance at life making worthless bait threads over and over.

>> No.7166701

you don’t read manga
you don’t watch anime

>> No.7166705

I don't know, some of the modern titles do have good character designs from time to time. CSM (as much as I hate to admit it) has Denji himself, Makima and Gun devil, Frieren is simple but instantly recognizable, even though I haven't watched a single episode, Dungeon Meshi is great overall, but yeah I great what you're saying.
Also JJK fucking sucks Sukuna deez nuts.

>> No.7166707

Kill yourself tourist

>> No.7166781

lol yet another toonami-retard-tier "WHY ARENT ANIMES AS EPIC AS THE OLD DAYS ITS ALL MOESHIT NOW" shitpost
Kill yourself

>> No.7166790

The bottom left character is intentionally a parody character of Kirito. So when dumbfucks like you (who don't watch anime) share this around it just makes you look stupid and an outsider.

>> No.7166792

Also, no shit they have all black hair. They're supposed to be Asian and fit a self-insert market. All fields, sorry.

>> No.7166811

>who don't watch anime
You're right, I'm more of a comic reader than an animation watcher... oh sorry, that probably upset you!
I'm more of a manga reader, rather than an anime watcher... is that better you dumb retarded faggot?
You think pointing out that one is a parody of another, or that they're all Asian diminishes my point in the slightest dipshit? The fact that's your only means of defending these characters for being so-fucking-obviously-same-samey speaks volumes.
You could have switched anyone of those characters in and out of each other's shows and they would have fit in perfectly - it's stylistic homogenization.
The character designs are shit, and your brains are shit for thinking you made even half a decent point.

Are you going to try and 'ummm ackshully' me again over some over contrived point that no one cares about and misses the broad strokes of the discussion?

>> No.7166814
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>You think pointing out that one is a parody of another, or that they're all Asian diminishes my point in the slightest dipshit?

Your cluelessness shows. Copy/Paste kun didn't evolve from isekai slop. It's intended purpose is for self insertion. Even visual novels as far as back in the 90s had faceless male protags. Do they need to be designed to look like some iconic character to stand the test of time? No. The >girls< are the most important thing. You know, the character where you're supposed to jack off to. For isekai, it's the girl you're trying to protec with your all knowing, all seeing, all otherworldly stats. (YOU) as an otherworlder aren't important.

You're just not the market for the genre you're complaining about. Stick to your hand-selected shows from your adolescence brought to the states you so rave in your adult years but always know that anime, at its core, wasn't meant for you.

>> No.7166835


All the examples you listed are boys manga targeted at 7 - 13, to teens up to 16. If you look back, the spikey haired Eyeshield boy looks the same as any other spikey haired boy in the 2000s. Toei's cashcows for girls need to be designed well because they have toys to sell to Adult children.

That leaves the rest of anime which an explanation to you was already provided ITT, but in short, sex sells.

And then you have the outliers like Studio Trigger with a large Western fanbase. I dunno why I'm responding to you, but I thought I'd might as well say this so you can stop making these stupid fucking threads.

>> No.7166994

>Stick to your hand-selected shows from your adolescence brought to the states you so rave in your adult years but always know that anime, at its core, wasn't meant for you.
>I'm more of a manga reader, rather than an anime watcher... is that better you dumb retarded faggot?
I was right, you are a dumb retarded faggot, do you not read?
And yes, while many of these characters (and perhaps all the characters in the example image, I've hardly watched half that slop) are wish fulfillment/self inset characters, the image was just meant to help illustrate my point about the coalescing of the art styles, the image wasn't the actual point that you were supposed to be so autistically focused on. Anybody who wasn't dropped on their head, and the repeatedly stomped in the head, as a soft skulled baby would get this.
Again, as you failed to read:

>You could have switched any one of those characters in and out of each other's shows and they would have fit in perfectly - it's STYLISTIC HOMOGENIZATION.
But on the image, while I think you're argument that their design is bland to be self-inserts has some merit, it doesn't mean it's above criticism. Should I just accept the sea of cliche bland-kuns because he's a tried and true self insert character design? They couldn't give him a buzz-cut? They couldn't give him more interesting eyes? Head shape? ANYTHING?
>"No no! You must take and enjoy the slop, and be content, or you can't be a real fan!"
This crosses the line of being a fan, into being a shill.
Regardless, the copy/paste bland-kun is only a symptom of how visually same-samey the industry is getting.
But I suppose you like slop, so I guess this shit is catering perfectly to your tastes, and why you're so defensive of it - it's made for you, congrats.

>> No.7167008
File: 91 KB, 894x548, IMG_4050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Big budget to the character designs in anime is never coming back. Example (pic related) while I understand the LN’s are phone books in size so more seasons wont come out, there clearly was a lot of money thrown into the production for this. Every little detail was put on the characters clothing down to the thin gold wire. And yet my guess is it flopped.

It’s just too risky nowadays.

>> No.7167013

Never coming back* unless it’s a proven IP like Fate shit.