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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 185 KB, 879x1024, 1708936377193516m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7138020 No.7138020 [Reply] [Original]

Post your work and I a /beg/ will give you as much constructive criticism as I can

>> No.7138036
File: 82 KB, 600x621, 1677492677561905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz send help

>> No.7138039

Not op but relax on the shadows

>> No.7138049

You put a good amount of hours into this, reminds me of these 90 era prerendered videogame cutscenes
The hand is a bit weird looking like the skin melts from the palm into the arm
I think you use too much light or shadows and it really contrasts on this guy's skin and his eyes are really glowing
Unfortunately I have not much to add beyond that since I'm still in my sketching phase
But it's good that you try and push your skill as a painter

>> No.7138061


>> No.7138063
File: 213 KB, 187x256, 85910817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7138073

Thanks for this. I try to push as much as I can with each piece. I see now I've overcooked the shadows and highlights. I'm going to do some master studies before my next pic I go all out on.

>> No.7138081

honestly, this is fresh. love him

>> No.7138101
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x491, Screenshot 2024-02-25 123501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering if this is good in any way or whether I should be embarrassed of it and not promote it (for example, saw people on Twatter saying "repost your lions!" and I wondered if I should repost one of the figures from here or no).

>> No.7138349

Neat little animation. I only find the shape of the ears a bit weird

Very interesting. Good job on these and also nice job on the colors as well

>> No.7138350

i think those are eyelashes, not ears

>> No.7138351
File: 658 KB, 2833x4581, image_123655411(17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a work in progress

>> No.7138357

But they don't connect to the eyes at all

You have some very good painting skills. Looks already pretty creepy

>> No.7140708
File: 638 KB, 1542x2209, 20240421_131543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai Aight

>> No.7140717

Not OP but is she supposed to be amputated?

I also dislike show the feet don't change at all. The weight should shift from the balls the the heels of the feet.

>> No.7141237
File: 3.57 MB, 1920x1080, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on construction and maintaining proportions.

>> No.7142114

I think the swords looks a bit flat and the road in the background seems to be a biz big given that it's all elevated
The guy on left looks decently cool and the woman shows your understanding of anatomy really well. But I think the pose can still need more work

Good that you reconstruct the guy but I think you should put more work into it to see all the steps to completion

>> No.7142498

Yea. Pose was a rush job.
It was a venting piece. After failing at an extreme pose. I can do 2/3 of it but never 100% be it head to butt.
Or butt to shoulders but i can never incorporate everything. Too much complexity.

>> No.7142505


Too much complexity for me

>> No.7142568

It's fine. As long as you keep returning and failing until you succeed you are bound to get better at it.
Let your mind rest at it draw something else and than try again.
I also have poses I struggle with (so so many of them) but I'm always trying again. So don't lose hope

>> No.7142597
File: 1023 KB, 840x1121, Untitled91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest piece i finished
Any feedback?
Just to see my main flaw in my drawings to note

>> No.7142602

This is so disturbing yet soo cool

>> No.7142695
File: 551 KB, 4756x3363, zigzagoon from sam fansisco_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the coloring, mostly just focus on construction and shape of it

>> No.7142884

You don't have particular strong linework, it's basically a sketch that you painted under. Also you aren't really careful with the boarders you can see random paint smears all over the edges
But I give you props with you trying to understand shading and anatomy though both have lots left to desire
For example the green guys left hand is really l
Wonky and doesn't look thought out and the loofy looking guy has a very wonky right leg

I'm not entirely sure about the construction since zigzagoons fur naturally obscured his body but the head and paws need some work, their shape is not as much defined
Also you could go over the edges and color all the white spots accordingly it only takes an extra minute

>> No.7143464

>Sketch painted under
Yes that's basically it
I was gonna do final lineart but i fucked it up so bad i called it quits and gave up and threw shit together just for sake of finishing
I have problem of starting x thing then taking days to do it only to get bored and rush it
Didn't even realize the right leg was fucked i was staring so many times in the arms checking if they are the issue or not. Hand was like that because i couldn't honestly decide what the fuck was it supposted to look like but still i ain't realized issue with leg so thanks
Not an like excuse just elaboratin

>> No.7145119

That's quite the bad habit. I think you should not rush it when you realize it's bad but either start over or see it through since finishing a piece is also a skill. Kinda like in chess where you can fuck up even if you are winning
Its also important that you take a moment every once in a while to examine the drawing.
Your welcome btw

>> No.7145512

this is sick, reminds me a lot of interplay's fallout games

>> No.7145546

It's perfect.

>> No.7145563

denton is that you

>> No.7145640

I enjoy this Rumia, she looks like she bites for fun.

>> No.7145664

early 2000s kino

>> No.7145694

Joe Rogan feelings

>> No.7145698

Listen, stop please, just learn about shapes. The positive and negative space.

>> No.7145845

Let me know your thoughts

>> No.7145848
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1528, ArtTradeGirlwithlanturncatsnowforestandglowingeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146077

When you work on a piece there is always a sort of rule that should stick at the back of our minds. What do we highlight and what do we not?
The setting of your painting, a cold winter night is a perfect setting to work that out
You highlighted everything within the reach of the of lantern such as snow, the girls eyes and her breath as well as the surrounding forest
This gives the piece a cold vibe, really lovely work you have done.
Rightfully the objects that should not be our interest are just vague shapes like the backpack or the girls hands that have totally fingers haha
I really like this piece. Also she has a very bright earring
Though there is one thing that confuses me.
If you inspect her hair you see something like a strand going down next to her ear and it perfectly aligns with the rim of her coat almost as of the hair was part of the coat or maybe you were thinking about drawing a hood and just forgot?

>> No.7146382
File: 524 KB, 2736x2844, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7146384

4/10 shape language
10/10 background, social media top tier bg

>> No.7146387


>> No.7146406

I wonder how many anons are playing along compared ones who just don't know.

>> No.7146671

Very nice. You have studied poses and it pays off evident by this piece. Also you are not afraid of drawing hands and they look very decent
A small issue I have though is with her right breast, the line is very thick on that and it makes it appear a little flatter than it actually is
Also underneath that on the hip is a line outlining the bone also very thick. I disagree with that line and would say the piece would look better if it was not so prominent
Good job anon

>> No.7146866
File: 319 KB, 784x1319, wip 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look good

>> No.7146876
File: 332 KB, 1575x1000, taubabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delivery for /tg/

>> No.7146888

Decent work so far. You should clean up the linework around the jaw line and the neck. Also make sure that the clothing around that part sits on the body
Shoes have not much detail but I hope you change that since it's still a wip and you should definitely check out how to draw folds on clothing

Good delivery. Though her right breast is bigger than her left. It's a bit obscured so you probably didnt notice
Also I think the right elbow (her right) should be set a little lower since the way it's positioned would move the arm as well further upwards.
And I think the earpiece could use a different position, it's a little too inwards I would say
But all in all pretty good

>> No.7146901
File: 410 KB, 849x499, NewCanvas3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, this is true I should have added a bit of lighting to the hair to make it more clear/readable. Tried to add that in quickly

>> No.7146931

Perfect, good that I catched that haha. Now on second viewing the outline of the hair at the back of hair head is still visible making her hair look a little larger than it is

>> No.7147823
File: 3.68 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20240427_095854_283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've drawn this in under a minute during a boring computer science lesson
Also here's my silent one-shot comic

>> No.7147891
File: 84 KB, 500x338, rthdfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /beg/fren. help me decide which direction i should take my art. out of those two which would you say is more appealing?

>> No.7148531

thank you! That was actually very useful, I just learned about the importance of line weight and I never know where the lines should be thin or fat

>> No.7148798
File: 517 KB, 1334x1944, BOdxntFs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7150027

Left has a better head while rights head makes her body in general look very thin since the neck is already long and slender
Also the eyelashes on right server the design better since they don't lap over with her hair too much
But I have to say right has a cuter vibe with the bow and the more relaxed clothing

I like your spirit but you have to work out where in 3 dimensional space is who and how do the different body parts change according to it.
I know there is a name for what I try to describe but not only am I /beg/ but also low iq
Anyway, this makes your piece very confusing because im not sure if the guy is either sitting or walking or of lum is flying or not. The background doesn't hell much clearing that up
Then there is also your work with the light. Let's take the guys jeans for example. They are light in front and go dark towards the back but his shirt is dark in front and light in the back. So that begs thr question where the light is coming from
But all in all decent work

>> No.7150028

Sorry I get to later once I have some more time to read your full oneshot

>> No.7150029


>> No.7150079
File: 106 KB, 1200x640, MiiverseDoodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, give it your best shot.

>> No.7152194


>> No.7152262

Don't know what?

>> No.7152813

Sorry for taking so long to get too you
I will be gathering my thoughts giving critic to your comic so I excuse the multiple posts already
It's a cute story.
But your flow needs work. At times I'm not sure what's going from panel to panel. For example you have the protagonist walking through the city and then a 3rd person shot of birds flying and then cutting to the character watching them
I think you should have made an extra panel viewing the birds first from the point of view that your character watches them for easier readability.
Remember you work with on a comic so making it easy to read anf follow for the reader is key. It is easy to forget that since your so set in your idea that you easily forget what the reading experience is like for someone who doesn't know what will happen on any given page

>> No.7152829

Some gripes I have about your first two pages
The first page is very important in any comic. It's the introduction and needs meaning and clear readability
Your introduction has all the meaning (post apocalypse)
But the readability is bad desu
You have three panels showing the character but in a (I feel) disjointed order
Yours goes: character, character observer's surroundings, character proper, character behind.
But I think the panel where hr views the surroundings should go second to last and maybe even a extra panel thrown in somewhere with the last two panels
My reasoning is that you miss use the big portrait that every mangaka does with a character introduction. I think you showed too much face within two panels before giving us this big panel which takes away from it
Also the second panel (looking at buildings) is an action he, they(?) perform , something I feel like should be either at the end of the page when the rough setting/surroundings are established or at page two

>> No.7152843

On page two the readability is also suffering. You have the character holding his shovel than picking up a grenade in the next panel
The problem is that you hint at the action of digging without showing it and then there is a panel showing that he is in a concrete building? You dont dig concrete if it is in massive chunks, you use your hands to get the rubble out of the way.
Furthermore you have panel showing your character putting the Grenade in his backpack. But unless you view the page closely the backpack looks like a random box. You need to draw this more clearly that this is the backpack on the floor that he put in his loot.
Than you have panel of your character seemingly standing there and finding a can in the next panel. I fell that you should either put the panel of him finding the can next to the panel of him bagging the grenade or the panel of him scavenging for stuff needs too look more exaggerated, more lively. Not just him standing there but a little hunched more looking amd stuff. Remember this is a comic and you need to convey information more clearly to the viewer, especially if you don't use text

>> No.7152858

Page 4 panel 4. The characters feet are in a unnatural position.
His feet point out that he came from the perimeter stones but you drew the stairs in a different angle. You need to draw the feet coming from the stairs more naturally because the way you drew it in that panel gives the impression he didn't walk on the road to begin with
My other gripes with page 4 are that in the panel where the stairs are visible first they are gigantic next to the characters head
Don't be afraid to draw them smaller and in more numbers.
The vulture's in the panel after fell disjointed. They are nowhere to be seen in the rest of your comic. I think you should be drawing them on the building or trees so that it feels more coherent

>> No.7152869

Page 5 he window need more rimming.
It looks unnatural being so fused to the wall
Next page the guy has PTSD episode but I'm not sure why I suppose because he doesn't know her, but that might be a weakness of not using text so this is less of a critic

>> No.7152878

The garden scene has all kinds of wacky stuff going on
First of all you depict the main character on the first page stretching as if tired, than 3 pages later he is done with his work. I fell like that panel belongs at the end of his gardening work to really hit home that this was a ton of work.
Than we get the second PTSD scene.
I'm not a fan of having tow scene's like this in succession and I'm much less of a fan of not having consequences of ptsd two times in a row thus quickly.
But that's is personal taste
My real gripe with the second ptsd scene is the woodpecker hammering at a helmet? Why is there a helmet at the first place? Woodpeckers already sound like machine guns picking at wood. The helmet is unleaded
My third gripe is with the woman (?) Not leaving the house over the course of a month

>> No.7152881

Page 9 and 10 don't fell like page 9 and 10
It's like an entire page is missing. The character just gets over his ptsd and works. It makes the woodpecker scene feel cheap an meaningless therefore.
If you write war or post war you need to write people being hurt and in need of healing and really hit it home to viewers. We can't look into your head, you have to bring your thoughts to paper for us

>> No.7152892

Now the final pages.
First I fell that you need a address page. The woman is in a wheelchair and your protagonist should push her out to show her the garden before putting the flowers on her head
She has more of a reaction to the main character as to the garden though the garden is the most important part of the story.
This moment alone needs one or two more pages I fell for being a emotional component of the story.

My final big gripe is. The characters suffer from horrible main face syndrome. You need to draw more different heads and hair cuts.
I couldn't tell the woman apart from the protagonist and the Theo children and the woman on the Polaroid
You need need need to differentiate your characters more.

Outside from the comic you should practice more proportions, environmental art, and buildings. Also I recommend you to read more manga and comic.
Your story nice and even if my critic feels callous I still liked it. The message of people in pain needing healing is very nice.
And again im sorry for giving you critic so late

>> No.7152897

Very nice art. I have zero gripes at it honestly. It's just good
But don't let it go to your head
You might be good at profils like this but your weakness might lie elsewhere
You draw your characters very round and many people might dislike it especially if you attempt a bigger piece separate form a existing IP
What I want to tell you is. You have appeal but only likely through existing stuff
Improvement comes through many ways and black and white cartoons don't make it apparent
Keep working and keep delivering results

>> No.7153005

Foreshortening is the word you're looking for I think

>> No.7153734

Thx anon for the great criticism you provided
I screenshoted them all

>> No.7153772
File: 158 KB, 700x900, beh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never posted on this board before because I've always been at an autistic middle ground where I hold enough ego to refuse to learn any fundamentals at all and maximize the "uniqueness" (cope) of my drawings; yet am also quite self concious about showing them off to people, especially more legit artists.

This is really well done and I'm gonna save it to my reference folder.

>> No.7153784

Virgin Merc WIP vs. The Gigachad 90's sci-fi book cover science warrior

Honestly tho, if you wanted to integrate this piece's "flaws" into a refined stylistic choice, it'd be pretty dang fresh.

>> No.7154066

Big thing I think is that you have a plan but you need to draw more consistent and you might want to upgrade to a better art program
But in general I think you should not draw rocks plants people all villy nilly but instead swipe likes with a decent amount of space to each other from one side to another
Also give the girl some proper eyes

>> No.7154076

She wears iron shoes, like those from the water temple in Ocarina of Time...

Thanks for pointing out those 'weird' things, now I'll emphasize them more >:)

>> No.7154197

to be honest this looks really good but it also painfully radiates your deep ignorance of certain fundamentals. you could go a lot further if you actually tried

>> No.7154604
File: 140 KB, 1000x800, literally the ending of igla but with sumireko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kinda worried I'd end up just ignoring all advice, which seems to be the case since my initial instinct is just to handwave everything away qwq

>might want to upgrade to a better art program
I actually started on FireAlpaca before I downgraded to PaintNet, I feel like I can hide flaws behind a lack of detail, completely stopped using layers pretty recently too
>swipe likes with a decent amount of space to each other from one side to another
What do you mean by this? The background is also /vaguely/ copied from a photograph, so not that much compositional thought going on there (if you mean that).
>give the girl some proper eyes
I'm actually quite proud of these quick line eyes (although they end up looking quite bad if I make them too dense), before i generally just made a semicircle connecting to the eyebrow, which was far harder to get right or improve after drawing.

>deep ignorance of certain fundamentals
Primarily color theory, right? I have quite a feeling that my colors suck. I use some NES color pallete I downloaded for a project years ago, with occasionally shifting something around when I need something more specific.

>you could go a lot further if you actually tried
This has been a constant statement in my entire life, kind of insane to hear someone say it over my hobbies too

I've generally sacrificed a lot of detail to make myself have more fun while drawing. Pic related is one from a month or so ago, back when I used to fully color stuff in and just generally draw more properly. Drawing the lazy way is totally addicting; I made like, 7 portraits in one day once. (I usually make 1 drawing every couple days (a laziness issue) ) I'm not sure if that's a good thing but damn is it fun.

>> No.7154696

>He doesn't know

>> No.7154834

are you 8 years old?

>> No.7154838


I don't even fucking understand the threads on this board anymore

>> No.7154878

Because everyone can be a critic. My art my not be best and honestly most anons posting in my threads utterly mog me but, I can still provide advice since you don't need to be an artist to know if something looks good or bad
Kinda like in the "coaches don't play" principal

>> No.7155465
File: 42 KB, 638x391, 6p915t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me

>> No.7155502

I'll give you a hint, It's by one of the big three.

>> No.7155733
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any crit, cruel or not. i want to improve.

>> No.7155791

Very nice /v/-tan. You show knowledge of muscles clothing and shading but there are a few things that I disagree with
For a guy a muscular I think his shoulder could be rounded out more, the way the clothing folds there makes it looks more inward than outward making the shoulder a bit small
Instead of separating the biceps and triceps more clearly you gave them both some very ood folds and shading making it look like his arm is made of several more muscles than there could be
The hand looks very awkward, there is not really much of a wrist and it makes the entire arm smaller.
A few shades on the back of his head fell a little random trying to give much detail on a part I think looks fine without
Not sure if I can criticize this part now since I don't know the entire context to the pic but the likes around and on the arm form the action he performs make his arm look sort of wet

All in all very good, definitely logging me but thats hardly a challange

>> No.7156619
File: 114 KB, 1350x768, fumo_fumo_fuck_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7156713

Try harder

>> No.7156726
File: 50 KB, 271x700, slyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of the CGI character portraits from the original fallout games you got an awesome niche anon.

>> No.7156743

I don't wanna

>> No.7156908
File: 3.84 MB, 1920x1080, 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I was focusing on with this piece.

>> No.7157287

Can you post a higher rez version please?

>> No.7157358
File: 374 KB, 700x1808, hr version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you post a higher rez version please?

>> No.7157419

Not exactly what I had in mind since I still see all the pixels but ohh well
Not much i can say about it since it's still early in development. Decent construction and stuff.
It's funny how you weren't happy with the hair, erased it and drew some new hair giving the pic a weird cut
I think though your feet have room for improvement
Finish that piece

>> No.7157430

>two right feet

>> No.7157436

>It's funny how you weren't happy with the hair, erased it and drew some new hair giving the pic a weird cut
this piece was in my "oubliette forget" folder and i only recently picked it up since i had no inspiration that's why the hair looks cut in half i forgot the original brush i used kek.
>I think though your feet have room for improvement
they need to be longer right? it's a consistent problem it seems.
well thanks for the crit.

>> No.7157782

Yeah I would say so also this>>7157430
Thank that anon for finding this because somehow I completely overlooked the position of the toes

>> No.7158473

Step right up step right up

>> No.7158612
File: 1.50 MB, 3292x3962, 20240405_090348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been busy. This is the last major drawing I did, from reference. Was going to go over it in colored ballpoint, didn't have the time or energy. Bonus points if anyone recognizes him.

>> No.7159017

Sorry I don't recognize him. But I recognize these motorcycles, they always look like spiders to. Give me the heebie-jeebies
Your limes are very squiggly. I think you should some exercises all some dedicated paper for drawing wouldn't hurt
The guy is sitting on a bike but isn't holding the handlebar at all
Head and clothing looks fine but the hands props could be better but I don't blame you. Machinery and hands are two very difficult things to draw because they both require utter perfection in order to look good
Keep working anon

>> No.7159043

So you're a bored retard that can't draw but thinks that you have better eyes and taste than people who can got it. Art doesn't have coaches for a reason and everyone knows that critics are worthless art history majors who love Pollockslop

>> No.7159069
File: 245 KB, 640x686, 1695054452360311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, nobody cares.
OP is offering critiques to the best of his abilities, whether those critiques are something we could use or not is up to us. In a board where retarded insults and disingenuous arguments are the norm, someone offering genuine insight is perfectly acceptable. Also he is not implying he is better than anyone, idk where you're getting that from.

I dont understand why are you taking this so seriously. I just grab what I can take from OP's input and Im pretty sure everyone else is doing the same.

>> No.7159089
File: 446 KB, 2500x1254, 1713560472998265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're a bored retard that can't draw but thinks that you have better eyes and taste than people who can got it. Art doesn't have coaches for a reason and everyone knows that critics are worthless art history majors who love Polloc

It's fine, you dont need to jump to my defence. On some level he is right, I am in fact bored and slightly retarded

>> No.7159136
File: 2.31 MB, 3024x4032, 17150929688687729536459224586041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predator helmet

>> No.7159189

Decently nice
Im not sure how you should handle metallic surfaces aside from maybe adding more detail to it with the reflection and such
And in general making it bigger and trying to add more can be a good exercise for you

>> No.7159279

Should i consider tracing from time to time? Just to get familiar with the object

>> No.7159381

I did not tried that myself but I heard it's a very good way familiarizing yourself
Id so go for it

>> No.7159521
File: 14 KB, 250x238, 5bfd7a4482533.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow Exhonoration enjoyer.

>> No.7159561
File: 500 KB, 600x538, 44728464_552960075128200_5758309473185693696_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hands were tough. I tried to do it accurate to the photo and pose. I felt nearly religious pressure to get the grip on the pistol correctly. Thank you for the response.

>> No.7159566

Meant to respond to you.

>> No.7159574

Wait, what is he doing with his hand if he isn't grabbing the handle? I don't get it
But anyway, looking at this now and your tendency to stay as accurate as possible. I advice you to buy a big and nice paperblog
Plenty of space and they only cost 4 bucks for 50 pages

>> No.7159587

He is demonstrating how somebody can conceal carry a weapon (for self defense purposes) and pull it out if in danger while waiting at a stoplight.

His left hand opens his jacket so his right can access the pistol in his shoulderholster under his left armpit. The bike has to be in neutral, or the right foot on the brake so the bike just stalls when you let go of the controlls
A SOLO driveby shooting from a bike manouver

To do that you need to be an EXPERIENCED RIDER WITH MANY HOURS OF VERY GOOD QUALITY AND DIFFICULT TRAINING WITH BOTH PISTOLS AND A MOTORCYCLES. Some police motorcycle cops do that although they shoot in front of them not to the side

Generally speaking, when under extreme stress and/or while distracted / and or inexperienced in riding
your body naturally manipulates the controls so the bike goes in the direction you are looking at. Its called target fixation

I practiced riding so that does not happen BUT even then I have to actively think about it and doubt i have the cognitive room for aiming while also full of adrenaline.
In the case of LIFE IN DANGER because somebody us shooting at me while im riding (and moving)
You are on a bike, even small bikes can dissapear fairly quickly.

>> No.7159591
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s bikes had a specific style, i personally cant wait untill the curent retrostyling (currently copying 70s bikes) finally reaches the 90s. Although i will still likely be on a cruiser rather then a crotch rocket unless the rocket looks like
>pic related

>> No.7159622

I hear you no need to yell at it me
But thank you for your explanation

>> No.7159631
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x2048, kisumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my newest piece!!

>> No.7159644

We got now The thing and the Predator, we're just missing the Alien

>> No.7159702

Nice but a bit too loli for my taste
Her right hand is bigger than her left which should be impossible at that angle
You also drew a foot very pointy and the other very round, you need to get that sorted out and make them st leat look similar
The bridge on the glasses is also very asymmetrical
Also I don't think you should portray light by just making a layer drawing white on thr parts and lowering visibility. Instead the bright parts should have a brighter base color
For example you did that with the eyes but complete neglected that on the hair. Also drawing white over the eyes on a different layer makes them look like they are encased in glass
You also need to work on the tail more. Pronounce the flesh and it's shape more, the way it currently is it looks very flat especially at the base

I went into this thinking i only write a sentence or two bjt I ended up finding more than I thought
Anyway keep up the work

>> No.7160250
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but I got more paper than time. I bought a bunch of shit during my early "compensating for lack of skill with retail therapy"phase.
>Blog post incoming
Right now I'm trying to juggle fitness, cooking, learning Japanese, a full time job, a marriage, and upkeep on a house I own. For a while I was juggling these things fairly well, but then we got some puppies (longer story, nevermind) and my whole life got upturned. I'm trying to get back to doing a little of all of these most days. Maybe I should shut up and draw something.
I miss him so much bro. It's unreal. I don't know if he's even gone yet, I'm afraid to look.

>> No.7160312

Last interview he didnt look so good.
Probably rip by this point.
He lived a fuller life then most.
Didnt undergo chemo i think. (Pancreatic cancer has something like 99% mortality, chemo just prolongs the suffering.
And his brother is doing a decent job with his chanell

>> No.7160321
File: 248 KB, 1181x1181, dh8vi2a-e3b28ab5-e9ca-4953-8745-6fb60044f63f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man
kinda just looks like an xman drawing to me.
Have fun with your knowing and whatnot.

>big three
Ah yes, I remember counting to 3 for the first time. Such a challenge enunciating those first three big numbers of the alphanumeric characters. I always remembered the "3" for its big triple prongs. It reminds me of Darksydephil and Poseidon.

Ahh, I get it. the painting is a timewarped collage from the three big geniuses of the renAIssance. I can see it, the raphaelian expression, the michelangelo sculpture. Clearly the detaileds are the work of Leonardo di Caprio.

Yesyes, teenage mutant ninja turtles really was a gift from dave rapoza. thank yuo for the hint I've figured it all out. now I know too.

>> No.7160323

no that's a left foot in the foreground
you gotta work on that anon.

>> No.7160335

anon why are you such a bored retard that thinks you have better eyes and taste than the people who actually know what a bored retard looks like.

I am so curious how you have arrived at such an innocuous and foolish conclusion.

It's interesting. Art has coaches and the worth of art critics has been made very clear by the market. You're so stupendously incorrect on everything you've just said.

"Everyone knows."
I bet you're very handsome in real life anon.

>> No.7160338

I'm pretty good looking and I do have better taste than almost everyone on this board who's knowledge of art ends when there stops being anime titties and the same 5 classical paintings that every beginning art history major knows, yeah.Im not wrong, sorry that it makes you pissy. Pyw let's see what...oh wait you're getting advice from a /beg/ lmao.

>> No.7160362

>enter thread
>be mad
Youre worse than a /beg/

>> No.7160366

Post-penitentiary lolicon butthole

>> No.7161165
File: 13 KB, 386x320, bearparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm not wrong"
It does make me pissy, anon. It's painful how powerless I am in helping you understand the numerous uncountable ways in which you are wrong.
Here's a picture of a bear i drew to cheer both of us up.

>> No.7161249

That's a cute picture
Decent simplistic artstyle that you could push further. There are tons of artists specializing in this sort of drawings
In general you could round out shapes more like with the teddies legs
Also the only truly weak part is the cattle, I feel you could have done that better
I know you don't intend that for me to reviewed but I just saw it and am to lazy to get out of bed

>> No.7161490
File: 485 KB, 1580x2179, Anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure why not

>> No.7161544
File: 1.13 MB, 1063x2265, 2024-05-03_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me raw how much I suck.

>> No.7161567

that top face is fucked

>> No.7161606

You guys are some early beginners. Even way worse than me because you both lack the understanding of fundamentals
There are only two differences between you as artist. One is that one of you draw on paper while the draws digitally and the other is that the later can utilize reference more

It is hard to give much advice for someone like you because I run risk throwing you to the wolves and that could burn you out
But non the less Id advise you to use heavy heavy reference. Use screenshots of the show and try to replicate them as good as you can or even trace over it.
This will give you a better understanding of why stuff looks the way it looks and how to more easly draw it
Because your mistakes are very obvious
Horns are different size, bangs are weird, her hair in general is on one side bigger for no reason, the hands in general and everything feels flat. And I could go on
Take some time and try at least copy what you see to a good extent than try to understand it

Your work, though a little bit better also suffers from it being flat. For example take thr big files head, though drawn from an angle it dose not feel that way.
That is because the hair for one is still in frame even at parts where it should be obscured by the head. The buttons on top of her head, one is highlighted the right way but the other is also not obscured or at least a little bit smaller
You understand what I'm getting at? There are many small things that determine if the human eye sees it as flat or not
Furthermore her arm is all out of whack. It get suddenly short when you approach thr hand
Her braid is not in a good position. It looks kinda stiff and should be more behind the character
The small one is largely fine but the big one is so gigantic in scale that she feels tiny
It feels like it's 1,2 meters vs 2,0 meters

>> No.7161793

fallout 1 kino

>> No.7161943
File: 128 KB, 500x500, 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futa warning, Im just curious of what others think I need to work on

>> No.7162028

I kinda like it. It has that art videogames used to have back in the late 90's

>> No.7162061


>> No.7162122

>But non the less Id advise you to use heavy heavy reference.
I was actually.
Anyway thanks for the actual critique, when I posted on the beg thread all I got was "dude ktd lmao".
On that subject, anything you would recommend to improve my faults?

>> No.7162154
File: 848 KB, 4000x4000, phos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this today. This is my first time using a few foreshortening techniques.

>> No.7162160

thanks for reviewing it anon.
It sounds like I could do more than shitpost with that kind of drawing if I sort of rounded things out more and did more for the weak parts in an image.
I was a little interested in asking you to edit the cattle but
I'm only writing really to say "thanks for reviewing" and express how pleasantly surprising a review like that is.
Feedback is important to me so maybe this will come across as "overly appreciative."
I liked your review!
The best way I can put it is that you sound "even-keeled" and you're deliberate about using words to describe explicitly what can be changed.
I appreciate that you spoke plainly, too.

I am guessing that "cattle" refers to what I intended to be a more realistic bear with some flying fish in the background. xd
That is absolutely a weakness.

>> No.7162167
File: 341 KB, 1200x1490, sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssJUSTUFCKMYSHITUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7162220

>He thinks dave rapoza is one of the big three
Draw for 5 more years and maybe you'll find out who the big three are :^)

>> No.7162224
File: 559 KB, 1500x1973, 19151249518_21525 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be as rude as possible

>> No.7162559

The hand on her right definitely needs the more work, not sure if the general constitution is wrong or if you need to add more detail through painting
While I'm at it you should I'm general try going the extramile and painting more.
Especially balls cock and hands would benefit from it
Decent work

It's almost all furry porn so no

Studying the reference you use should be a good exercise. Like turning pictures onto mannequins and studying how shadows apply by trying to determine a light source

A fellowe /dig/ger. Surprised to see someone in my thread whom I observe half the creative process of
This is especially challenging for me to tell you what's wrong since I am too just starting learning foreshortening haha
The womens arm on the left I fell is in a right position but the hand itself pointing at the viewer looks flat taking depth away
Her eyes arent looking at the pov, you need to adjust one of the irises to look more to the side to make appear that she looks at me. Her right leg looks kinda awkward but I'm not sure what for advice to give you
Mandala guy in the middle looked like a fox in the thumbnail to me haha
Girl on the right has issues with her larger leg, you can barely make out the joint and her arm, the lack of detail together with the shadow makes it look like it twists in a weird way
Good job anon, this shit is hard and i like your spirit.

>> No.7162562

I meant the teapot with cattle sorry

I don't like being rude but okay

You fucking ass, what do you think coming here with a almost perfect drawing? Are you trying to get your ego stroked so you can forget your insecurities?
Listen up asshole, even a guy with your skill makes mistakes or gets so up his own ass with details that he fails to see if stuff makes sense or looks good.
For one I think the cigarette smoke shouldn't have yellow in it for no reason, you probably will say "much light reflection" you ever someone smoke a fag before? Smoke is not dense enough for reflections like that

Yeah okay this was all I had
Pic is really good anon any more negative critic would be disingenuous to your work
Though I don't know what he is holding in his other hand. Is this a shield?
Also going with a overall green tone makes gives the price alot of character kinda like the matrix movie
But you messed up the linework under his elbow at the hip. This sticks out
Not everyday I get a comic artist in here

>> No.7162626

Thank you, hands in general I need to work on and especially showing the weight of them actually interacting with other things. Taking a more painting-like approach is something I've wanted to do but I've been unsure how to go about it but hearing it makes me more confident thats what I should be trying to move towards

>> No.7162632

Dont be afraid to always look at artists you like for inspiration. They may not share their technics with you but sometimes you can find the raws of their images on sites that leak their paid content
But you could also look up guids by other artists at that point

>> No.7162647

That's kind of what I struggle with, I try looking if any artists I like have timelapse process videos, but often there's nothing as structured as a guide. and there's really only so many different ways you can phrase some concepts, but I'm bad at applying knowledge to other areas ex: a portrait painting series to me painting a full body. so then I get overwhelmed and go back to brute forcing whatever my methods are

>> No.7162673

>Like turning pictures onto mannequins and studying how shadows apply by trying to determine a light source
I don't quite follow what you're saying, or at least the first part.

>> No.7162675

There is also nothing wrong with that. Messing around and seeing what sticks has a helped countless artists. I hope you will get eventually to the point where you want during your artists journey

>> No.7162678

I like take a picture of a mannequin
They are only shapes: head, joints legs arms. All very organized and easy to read
Apply this to drawings you see to study them. Turn everything into shapes to better understand them

>> No.7162680

Hideous typos. Im sorry

>> No.7162690

Ah, got it

>> No.7162699
File: 572 KB, 1536x1014, 1700647856206324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please critique my figures /beg/ sama

>> No.7162719

Better than mome for the most part.
Overall construction is good and nothing seems to be wrong with it
Your not afraid to draw hands and feet, that's a good thing
Although your hands and feet need a lot of work
For example top left fingers are a quite a mess. In that position the thumbs don't bend downwards like that, you drew the thumb more like a index than a thumb. It's more rotated to the side
Also the index and middle finger are way bigger than the other two but that is wrong even if they are closer towards the viewer. There is not enough distance between fingers that the size difference would be that large
Figure number three im not entirely sure about the hands but I think you should rid the construction lines so that it's visible if in the final product something is wrong
Figure five is missing the actual thumb part on her right hand
Figure seven has very tiny thumbs
And with the feet I believe you need to establish better where the toes and heel start also most of your figures have only 4 toes
But otherwise very good and clean art

>> No.7162722

Thanks! I should've pushed the shading more. Other than the eye, that would've helped clarify the bodies, especially the legs. While I'm more used to figure drawing than anime, I wanted the body to be as simple as possible, which didn't help the depth in this case.
I'll see you around /dig/. Thanks again for taking the time to review my work!

>> No.7162791
File: 1.48 MB, 979x1245, Du Bois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent portrait I did

>> No.7162837

I've seen that before. Don't know where though
There is this spot below his check that's just a circle in red, sticks kinda out
Not much to say, it's really competent
You could clean up more around the guy to frame him better
Now thinking about itnl, I believe a issue you have is cleaning it up properly. On a surface lebel the entire thing is clean but you can actually find unintentional smudges of colors even if clear boundaries are set
Also you gave the head way more love and attention then his clothing. This makes it look kinda unfinished
But it's very good. Good job

>> No.7162841

Thank you for the crit, I tend to honestly get lazy for finishing up a piece and miss those small details you mentioned. Mostly my ”finished” stuff is just projects I’ve No intention to keep going with.

>> No.7162856

Ohh i see. I don't mind that really but I can't help but feel that finishing something once in a while can also help to develop an eye for these good touches some artists have on their art
But you do you haha

>> No.7162929

thanks for the input anon :] i guess it is obvious i'm not a smoker from how i rendered the blunt kek. i thought the light at the end of it glows a little when people inhale so that's why i chose to make it yellow-ish, that's at least what i've seen from movies and tv shows when characters smoke.
>Is this a shield?
yup, i'm glad you were at least able to guess what it was, i just plopped that in there last second to hide the other hand
>overall green tone makes gives the price alot of character kinda like the matrix movie
dk if you meant this in a bad or good way but i'm taking it as a good thing since that was sort of what i was going for, is it too overbearing you think?

>> No.7162948

I've been thinking of studying hands, guess it's time.

>> No.7162992

You are overall right with the cigarette that the tip starts glowing when inhaling through it, since oxygen plus fire make big fire
But what I meant is that your wrong about having the smoke glow especially when it's already a few inches from the cigarette. It's just cold smoke and a little ember dosent shine as bright
>dk if you meant this in a bad or good way
I meant it in a good way

>> No.7163243

Bodys are generally workable but you tend to screw the face up on occasion (psycho expression bottom mudle)

Also rember. The head connects to the neck with the back of the head. Not the middle.
(top row right to left, first 3 have that problem )

Reason for it is the foramen magnus (opening in the skull for the spinal cord to exit and enter the spine) is not in the middle but a bit to back the back.

>Unrelated tip (1st neck vertebrae and the skull joint his highly mobile, the rest of the cervical spine (7 vertebrae) are mobile but not to the skull +1st vertebrae joint)
What adds to the back of the head connection look is the face hanging off the front of the cranium and the neckmuscless adding thickness to the back of the neck.

Also the guns are wacky. Could be stylistic choice to make them Hugh Mungus
Pistols (short of a 50 caliber magnum like the sw 500, deagle , the hk mk23. or a freedom arms revolver) are not that bulky)
The guns are reminiscent in shape of a high point 9mm /45 acp pistols.

The red grills right hand is not holding onto the gun the last thumb phalanhe is gripping the back of the pistol, it should be the meat of the thumb gripping the back

You might gmi though

>> No.7163265

This is so fucking raw. You need to make more

>> No.7163600
File: 42 KB, 277x481, 1715108213625809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question from me to you guys.
Do you think what im doing with threads like these is ok?
My intent is to improve my own eye at discovering mistakes or stuff that could be improved on my own art by going through mountains of art you people provide
But I also believe that anyone can be critic and show artists that something is good or could be made different through a third person perspective
These threads are fun, but is it useful what I'm doing?

>> No.7163764

I found your input helpful, many threads even if you post your work people might not actually offer much criticism, they might just compliment it. I can't speak for everyone but if I'm posting my work usually I want another opinion on what I need to improve. I think this is one of the best threads on the board right now

>> No.7163789

I agree with >>7163764. Good critique is hard to come by.

>> No.7163800
File: 110 KB, 1150x647, dororo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7163807

/v/ gacha meme
The gif serves it well. Lemon has good detail for a shitpost so does the hand, riding the line of not enough and way too much detail
It's good for what it's trying to do though the only part I don't like about the hand is the part between index and thumb
It just gets way too thin for no reason. There are still tendons and skin filling the space to at least double the size
Good meme

>> No.7164685

Step right up

>> No.7164701
File: 1.15 MB, 4000x2878, Illustration11-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random OC i did. a tad simplistic i find

>> No.7164705
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1350, yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7164867

There is nothing wrong with simplicity. Simplicity let's easier exaggerated the drawing giving in it's own way some complexity
First thing I notice though is the arm holding the bat. You tried accounting for the position it's in but you ended up making his arm way smaller than the left
Not is it way shorter than it should. E but also thinner than the left arm. His hand as well looks tiny in comparison
Also you could have finished coloring the tips of the head band
The skull on his belt doesn't give the impression that it was drawn with much care. You could make it look cleaner like the smiley on his shirt
All in all though I loke your style, would watch a show where this guy is a character

Very interesting how this looks
On one hand you need to learn a little more figure drawing and on the other hand your rendering is really good
Pose wise she looks flat. The most dynamic thing about her is her head for being a little tilted but her body and arms have not much "flow" to it, for lack of a better term
You need also to practice her hands, she has big palms but in comparison tiny fingers. The hand holding onto her hip dont wrap around her body but instead look like she is holding something
But it's a good piece since you showed skill in rendering and placing of light

>> No.7165715

Don't be shy

>> No.7165717
File: 1.34 MB, 2484x1040, TEST1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


roast me politely.

>> No.7165721

10/10 scale. I miss painting dark art like this.

>> No.7165723

nice but it already looks so refined at certain places and completely unfinished everywhere else

my guess is that you started with a brush of too small size and/or decreased the brushsize too soon.

I'm not a pro but from what I've seen from speedpaintings and tutorials is that you should generally finish a layer of details before you work in the next layer of smaller details

hope this makes sense

>> No.7165731

I really like it. It's very good
You went very heavy on light and shadows and it doesn't look bad at all. It's like a very bright day in summer when you just walked out of a dark building
The environment looks also good, symmetrical and the cars gave slight curves light it should be
My only issue is with the guys shoulder
The distance from head to shoulder is massive, but correct me if I'm wrong on this
The head on thr right though, the bright lines are not so good being visible Id say

>> No.7165758
File: 503 KB, 2484x1040, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lol it was trump, then i changed it to some cringe agent.

tried going for a Robert Valley style

>> No.7165788

Ahh I see

>> No.7165827
File: 319 KB, 1024x1024, Mystery gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what´s in the box?

>> No.7165856

You can always clean up the boarders on the characters so there won't ne any white or you could maken an extra white boarder so that the characters stand more out
The music notes being white on the inside is also bothersome. They are on a different layer than the background so you could turn the inside invisible
Pic is very small but the kids hands are inconsistent. You have on one of the girls a big hand and than a small
The other girl has very thin fingers
So the guys left thumb is thinn
It's a weird pic aside from the pedophilic undertones since the guy looks very different drawn than the girls

>> No.7166097
File: 22 KB, 604x361, laura_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my last drawing. My objective is to create a 'macrostyle' parallel to 'tezukism'..

>> No.7166227

You really couldn't post a smaller image?
Your choice of file size aside there isn't much to be said
It's a super simplistic artstyle and leaves not any room for something like mistakes or actual critique aside from personal taste
Though I find the detailed collarbone and neck a bit excessive
It's good for what it is

>> No.7166263

I'm experimenting. Small images allow these tests to be performed quickly. For me these drawings are trivial and are not an end in themselves but rather a path to reach a goal. So you can 'destroy' these drawings with criticism, since 'success' and 'error' are equally productive.

>It's a super simplistic artstyle
My idea is to develop a technique that could be called 'dynamic level of detail' where, as the name says, the realism -or detail- of the character varies according to its distance from the camera. This in theory will allow you to mix cartoon styles with realism in interesting ways.

>> No.7166294
File: 1.73 MB, 480x268, 7fb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand for what I said earlier in the thread. You can say as you might, but it's ultimately us who decide whether or not your critiques are useful based on our own judgement as artists; and since you are making your critiques sincerely and based on some artistic insight to the best of your abilities while the norm of this entire board is the exact opposite, I'd say what you do is acceptable at worst.

If by "anyone can be a critic" you mean that anyone can have an opinion that turns out to be helpful to at least some extent, then I agree. You're doing good anon, so keep having your fun. I do appreciate your input despite you pretty much spared me on the last one lmao.

>> No.7166389
File: 2.04 MB, 2000x1900, 1706303304549043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to find my style.

>is it useful what I'm doing?
Critique from a /beg/ is very useful in its own way. Getting advice from good artists can be super detailed to the point that its hard to understand what you were doing wrong in the first place. Having someone with little art experience just point and say 'this doesn't look good, don't know why, just doesn't' or 'I like how you do this, do that more' can be great in helping you see the big picture for what you need to work on.

>> No.7166440
File: 47 KB, 700x700, viv_and_jul_by_toiyon07_dh5sv4f-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew this awhile ago and to me somethings kinda off when i look back at it

>> No.7166841

Nice work. But you should finish up the hands. The color choice on the fingers is a bit weird I think
Nice attempt at a background I hope you will finish that up
Also you can tell that you draw the girl first with no planes for a background at first since she isn't really framed in with the surroundings but rather stands in front of a painted wall
Good job anon

Decent but I think the way you drew the hug is weird
The horned girl stands a little far from the other but her arm still does a full on wrap around
Good work anon

>> No.7167739

Let's try to reach at least 200 posts guys.
Step right up step right up

>> No.7168487
File: 193 KB, 1408x1999, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my character btw

>> No.7168669

Your style is discount kajinman

>> No.7168729

Very nice
It's so dark almost like you try to hide something haha
The eye that is open looks less like an eye but more like a screen. Its a very simplistic way of drawing eyes for such detailed piece
Also, I don't know what it is with the boys but something strikes me as off. I hope someone else can describe it better
Clothing general seems to be very tight looking especially around the arms
The chocker has no volume of its own , it just ends and starts where the throat does, its actually even smaller
But all in all good job

>> No.7169946
File: 2.47 MB, 1400x2100, Eris_legs_apart_resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170464
File: 2.46 MB, 2000x1410, 123456675312345yhgfcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170758

Nice anatomy study but I think you went a little too hard, making the muscles visible which gives the entire thing some unnatural colouring
The shadows in general look too dark
The crotch area also looks a bit funky desu I struggle with that myself still so I rather not go into greater detail
All in all good direction but you should study how other artists would draw this

Left has some nice colouring but the way you drew the pattern on her clothing makes it feel a little flat, it should bend a little I think
Right has a good attempt at a slightly more complicated angle, the arm suffers from it a little though
Also the knife has no volume of its own though
Pretty good

>> No.7170804

I hope this retard schizo dies soon

>> No.7172006
File: 558 KB, 2048x2048, Untitled_Artworkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got into drawing recently, and so far this is the highest effort thing I got to draw. I can see that skin shading is off (or nearly inexistent, kek), i can see that clothes are not really textured/shaded like clothes should be, same with hair, but all of that feels like kind of long-term effort, stuff that won't come to me in one good session of trying hard to figure it out. Looking at it, what feels like the worst offender to you, what should I focus on first?

>> No.7172171

I word say the one of the worst offenders is the shadow at the pants. Its a bit too much I think, makes it look wet.
I would say you went with too much shadow, its a very sunny day and the sun is at angle where she would be more illuminated. You kinda shaded like the sun was behind her
Bright days like this and a sun shining down on you, there is not much room for shadow really
The head plus the shadow on her shirt makes it kinda look like her body just snaps making it look like her tits and face are facing the viewer head on. Kinda if you broke a stick to from a L shape
But I give you props for the effort you went through
Angles like this are difficult when you are not experience and the clouds and sun actually look decent
Good job

>> No.7172204

Thanks, just reducing this shadow has already made it a bit less offensive. I completely failed to notice L-shaped position, but now that you've mentioned it, it's pretty obvious, great to know.

>> No.7172224

this is why you don't ask a /beg/ for advice man. You are not properly diagnosing the issues. I won't help because this is a dogshit thread but ffs you have to be a real retard to be asking for advice here

>> No.7172262

Hey man I never claimed to know anything about drawing. I just offer a service and if is anon is willing to use it than I'm happy to deliver regardless of the results
Its free anyway and anyone can take it as they see fit

>> No.7172506


>> No.7174040

I have a few more in me

>> No.7174085
File: 1.33 MB, 804x1030, busstopgleS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7174109

Very cute, not have looked at cartoon characters in a real environment often
Are American pedestrian ways really that weird looking?
They both look pretty good. You know how to make clothing look good, the one with the bag has a decent hand with not too much detail since too much would betray the artstyle
The only thing I can really think of you improving though is the angle that you drawn them in
There nothing wrong with how you did it but I feel they need to be tilted (?) A little more
But that is hard to pull off I feel
Its very good anon

>> No.7175261

I copied this shot in about 20min, am I good enough to start Bridgman?

>> No.7175264
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3016, IMG_20240518_211908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb

>> No.7175275

based dog nigga enjoyer

>> No.7175495

>am I good enough to start Bridgman?
Not sure, never tried bridgman myself.
That's very good for 20 minutes, I always take forever to draw anything
Good job.
Btw you should rotate the photo and then cut the edges to stop it from being displayed like that

>> No.7175567
File: 1.61 MB, 2963x2028, Illustration11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls tell me I'm gonna make it

>> No.7175571

youre gona

>> No.7175613
File: 144 KB, 650x1000, F7F43BC2-B88B-4B66-BA96-D78B1CFC5A0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175618
File: 1.38 MB, 3300x2550, D08352DD-7D74-4C18-8E8C-69B2DE6DF6F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175619
File: 2.62 MB, 3300x2550, EA0DA8BF-C4CD-4B18-9713-3DCB89922866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175867

Thank you for the detailed response Anon!

> Are American pedestrian ways really that weird looking?
I'm American myself so I guess it's normal for me. Though there are a number of places that don't even have sidewalks next to bus stops.

>> No.7178552

I comeback to this in s later day

>> No.7178554

I comeback to this on w later later day

>> No.7178584
File: 843 KB, 863x1139, Untitled 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t speak Spanish or Portuguese

>> No.7178587

Tú eres feo y viejo

>> No.7178639

english or espranto

>> No.7178642


>> No.7178652

Huh I see, thanks

>> No.7178809

Okey dokey. have all of it

>> No.7178859
File: 837 KB, 913x937, Screenshot 2024-05-19 115213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest piece. Had to screencap it because of the shit file size limit on this site.

>> No.7178875
File: 3.31 MB, 4000x3000, 20240215_113254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7178924

well? we're waiting

>> No.7178926
File: 2.10 MB, 1290x1584, IMG_9371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7178976

What am i supposed to do?

>> No.7179348

dox me