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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 226 KB, 1010x1270, 20240507_162634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7159120 No.7159120 [Reply] [Original]

Would you honestly consider pre-2005 anime art better than what we have now?

>> No.7159125

Yes, Scifi is better than Moe.

>> No.7159126


>> No.7159137
File: 1.16 MB, 1511x1080, lain glow closeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very obviously yes

recommend me anime if you know that Lain and Madoka are my two favourites (though Lain still is a level higher than Madoka).
>inb4 evangelion

>> No.7159139


>> No.7159140

2000 - 2005
>porn game adaptions in a testing ground era for digital transition
>and then you have your toonami slop (your pic related)
>less than 20 new shows per quarter with like 1 or 2 ova and a pokeman movie
>recurring is mostly children’s anime
>80 new shows per quarter not including ova and movie

you have more to pick from now…of course, you don’t know that. You don’t even watch anime.

>> No.7159149

>Current thing... Le good.

>> No.7159151


You don’t know because you dont watch anime.

>> No.7159152

>op asks about art
>hurr durr there's more now
are you retarded?

>> No.7159154

There is more……..shows that have a variety of….artstyles. Are you slow?

>> No.7159155

>deviant art > renaissance because there's more pictures

>> No.7159156

that doesn't answer the question of how that variety of styles compares to previous styles, you 80iq nigger
learn english

>> No.7159158


There is no winning with you fucking /co/ toonami slop debaters. You like your Shamploo Shampoo and Monster while ignoring all the anime between the early 2000s that was abundant and defined the era outside of your critic acclaimed shows.

>> No.7159162

>retard now making up strawmen
>bawww I want to win a discussion

>> No.7159163
File: 17 KB, 358x318, 68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f426a4b5445386d2e6a706567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gurren lagann is considered old
>Parasyte is considered old
>Madoka is considered old

>> No.7159164

oh my god Lain, oh my god Evangelion…I’ll slip madoka in there so i’m not a contrarian to moe. Oh my God, Vinland Saga is probably the recent show in memory that can be added to my 90s classic drawer if I feel like keeping up with “the zooomzooms”. Oh my God I love Bakemonogatari even though I don’t understand what’s going on….and now that I checked all the boxes, Akira is the only movie you should watch. Can we talk about Cowboy Beiber for the 500th time as if it wasn’t rerunned to hell and back 9000 times on TV?

I absolutely hate anything modern btw, if you couldn’t tell.

>> No.7159165

Holy seething zoomer lmao

>> No.7159166

How am I a zoomer if I clearly said Shitboy BeepBoop was on the air 9000 times? A zoomer won’t even remember that.

>> No.7159167

zoomzoom harder lol

>> No.7159168

okay old man

>> No.7159169
File: 150 KB, 1240x1754, tumblr_ocuinscTBX1sqqtwzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, especially since moe seems to be the style that every anime artist defaults to. I'm turning this thread into an anti-moe thread.

>> No.7159170

>i-i'll use le tiktok meme, that'll show him

>> No.7159171
File: 333 KB, 1280x1949, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159172

You seem to know about tiktok more than me since I don’t use it.

>> No.7159175
File: 210 KB, 736x735, 760ff49edbfc386ed70290da0da3deb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159176

Oh right, I forgot tiktok is old and busted for you zoomies, you're all about pedoverse and telegram now

>> No.7159178
File: 276 KB, 1071x1500, 1709869703222076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159179

there are lots of shows but most of them look exactly the same and are pretty bland and ugly looking, especially the backgrounds

>> No.7159180
File: 347 KB, 1205x1920, fc4eef9abe0e94560040f79c53671fea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159182
File: 306 KB, 828x1200, EkbUe70WkAA2ia0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159187
File: 213 KB, 550x826, __original_drawn_by_krenz__738cef6f4c291559b0f6cc0a556672d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159188
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>> No.7159191
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>> No.7159193
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>> No.7159196
File: 180 KB, 500x748, tumblr_mqmtptD1CN1s2vexjo1_500.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159197

creator of space patrol luluco

creator of dr slump

>> No.7159210

>it's the /a/utist screeching whenever someone prefers old anime again

>> No.7159218



>> No.7159237

I like when characters have noses

>> No.7159378

>SAO is from 2012 (new anime)
>Parasyte is from 2015 (old anime)
Ay lmao.

>> No.7159426

The toonier trigger style is great new anime art.
Gainax and Shirow styles were great 90's anime art.
In both cases they were shat on when new then broadly cherished. Because people are mongrels.

>> No.7159433
File: 317 KB, 675x474, Screenshot 2024-05-07 142859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue and say that MyHeroAcedemia is the only thing worth watching, i can't speak fully about the anime but manga is just "fun" with a fun style. the artist made some older stuff that was extremely kino, but i love my older anime most of all.

>> No.7159438

all anime manga is trash. go back to your fucking containment board. its not art. its traced garbage. fuck off.

>> No.7159439 [DELETED] 


>> No.7159468
File: 3.88 MB, 440x313, lain baka sub 4mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159476

Yes, but not for the reasons the retards in this thread are giving.

Pre-2005 anime had about the same number of styles, including the dull ass noseless monstrosities that would later evolve into the moe blob. The diversity of styles hasn't decreased, but two things happened that changed both the perception and the landscape.

1. The internet, which by design amplifies the lowest common denominator's voice above all else. The moe fag and the easy generic anime girl face are everywhere because they appeal to this type of shitless loser. Before the internet, people like this were laughed out of anime clubs and peer groups because their taste was filth. This created the perception that nobody liked this bottom of the barrel style, but when the internet became more interconnected, the sheer volume of these retards slinging their moe shit around drowned out those with actual taste. This is how the internet (and in many ways culture as a whole) functions due to lack of gatekeeping. Those with taste COULD and SHOULD gatekeep, but they don't, because they've been socialized into believing the Great Lie: that everyone is equal, and everyone's shitty tastes and hobbies are of equal value, and that nothing should be gatekept beCAusE It'S MeAN.

2. The diversity of the medium itself has shrunk. The digital medium has resulted in homogenization, shrinking budgets and insane workloads which have stifled artists and forced them to cut more and more corners. This is especially true of background art. In effect, even if the underlining style is good or unique, the techniques employed in animation no longer are. Coloring no longer has the same warmth, backgrounds are largely half baked 3d renders or blurry photos. They use cheap filters and post processing to hide digital flaws, everything looks washed out, etc.

>> No.7159483

>ergo proxy
>paranoia agent
Holy midwit.

>> No.7159557

leave lain out of this. I agree on the other two though.

>> No.7159560

And yet you dont to seem to understand...

>> No.7159621
File: 318 KB, 844x1247, 1713860785559351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159623

leave paranoia agent out of this. I agree on the other two though.

>> No.7159727


>> No.7159740

i hate trigger. FLCL has more substance and style than anything they have made

>> No.7159749
File: 128 KB, 563x770, yugioh is awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are older anime art styles better than new anime art styles?
generally, yes. But with generalities , there's always exceptions that go the other way.

>> No.7159826

Trigger made FLCL

>> No.7160010

If we're just talking about the style of the art, sure, generally. There are plenty of notable exceptions though.
Quantity=/=quality. The majority of anime coming out these days is trash not even worth a glance, and maybe 1-2 of those 80 shows are worth watching. And since we're talking about the art style, I don't really care for the predominantly noseless soft faces that's popular.
Are you? At any given time there are trends that a lot of stuff falls into, even if they aren't that samey. Looking through this season's chart more things look the same than don't, and counting long running series like Case Closed in the "not same" feels like cheating.
Underrated post.
BnHA fell off hard after a while. Most battle shounen don't hold up well over the entire run though.

>> No.7160023

>le beard chad

>> No.7160198

>looking at a chart and not at least watching the trailers for each to see the art in movement

Just say you don’t watch anime and leave it at that. There are lots of shows airing right now with unique styles.

>> No.7160207

do you realize that some of the anime on the right was "hyped up shonen" before?

>> No.7160208
File: 760 KB, 2323x1638, 1635613120512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bikini one is better

>> No.7160263

So true sis, lain is peak transcore.

>> No.7160268
File: 3.16 MB, 250x178, lain handen haar sub 4mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why the trannies appropriated lain.

>> No.7160270
File: 1.63 MB, 1610x1070, lain pistol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait I remembered it's because of this

>> No.7160361

>Just say you don’t watch anime
If being selective in what I watch instead of CONSOOMing every piece of slop that comes down the pipeline is "not watching anime" fucking sign me up.

>> No.7160797


>drive by restaurant you’ve never eaten at
>i don’t like that restaurant because the drive through menu pictures weren’t good

Same as

>glance at a chart of shows with promotional art selected by he website admins
>I don’t like that anime because…I just don’t like it, okay?

You need to put in more effort than that or just don’t bother. stick to your lain and /co/ approved shows.

>> No.7160799

>Ranma 1/2
>Yuyu hakuso
>Code Geass
>Gurren lagann
You do know that these are just your typical shonen slop right? There isn't anything remarkable about them. On par with MHA and Naruto.

The only reason you think they are amazing is because you are a Millennial. You would call them trash if you were a Zoomer, while thinking highly of MHA and Naruto.

>> No.7160802

No, except for Code Geass. That is not a typical shounen. How dare you even say that.

>> No.7160808

I can't masturbate to anime anymore. Is this normal? I used to love it in the 90s and early 2000s but I can't actually get turned on by any of the new fotm girls. I can still go back to the older stuff and enjoy it though.
Thought (you) should know.

>> No.7160812

your libido is failing you
that’s what happens when you become old and eat poorly

>> No.7160819

Pre 2000's average quality was higher

modern anime has a higher peak quality, JJK season 2, Demonslayer, anything from wit studio or trigger. but there's also way more nameless throwaway duds

One piece is a great way of seeing how things have changed over time in terms of production quality. Kinda represents the industry as a microcosm

>> No.7160830

But why can I still coom to the shit I grew up with? I'm fine with normal porn, too. It's just the newer post 2008ish anime that I have trouble with.

>> No.7160843


that is not normal although I do understand the need for retention for the 2000s characters

>> No.7161006

How can a korean even draw manga? This is shit.

>> No.7161068
File: 2.38 MB, 1440x1080, animu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your analogy doesn't work you fucking retard. It's more like seeing a new restaurant that isn't a type of food you like and doesn't look good, and no one you know has anything good to say about it. I do look at the premise and genre, and I can easily discount a bunch on how terribly generic they are even in the description. If you want to watch dime a dozen boy meets girl high school romcoms and/or "cheat' skill isekai pandering, by all means, but I like to watch stuff with a little more substance.
>You need to put in more effort than that or just don’t bother. stick to your lain and /co/ approved shows.
Name this anime without looking it up, faggot.

>> No.7161100

How do a romcom manga and two basic original mech shows even compare to your standard Shounen Jump battle manga btw? Would you consider Gundam and Yotsuba shounen slop as well going off your logic?
Gurren Lagann is also significantly better written than Naruto and MHA btw

>> No.7161107

do no-draws really

>> No.7161271

literally only 5k entries whereas the worst slop within 5 years has at least 200k member entries

I’m not sorry for watching your obscure shit before my time. If I were to show you my favorite obscure shit you wouldn’t be able to find it even without the power of google.

>> No.7161287

I'll agree with the latter 2, but the former, while technically are the slop of our era, still have qualities missing from current slop. Compare something like the dark tournament from yuyu hakusho to the equivalent in shit like hero academia and it's not even fucking close. Even the less mainstream stuff from back then like Utena, Fushigi Yuugi, or Sorcerous Stabber Orphen have a certain quality and uniqueness to them no modernslop can replicate.

>> No.7161326

why is boruto with the peak anime?
that's how i know this image is bait.
but to answer your question:

>> No.7161329

>ranma 1/2

Yea okay get fucked, nigger.

>> No.7161330

>anons bitting the obvious bait instead of drawing - Part 4782

>> No.7161360

what, I actually love ranma you fucking retard, stop living in a country where the education system fails to teach reading comprehension.

>> No.7161367

You literally said, “the former 2 are the slop of our era.” You listed 4 titles. The “former 2” would be the first two in that list.

>> No.7161372

Ok let me rephrase without buzzwords.
I think Code Geass and Gurren Lagann are actual trash devoid of artistic value just made to be successful and sell. Ranma and Yuyu Hakusho were also the big mainstream popular anime of our era, but the main difference is that they had actual value and weren't just popular fotm.

>> No.7161397

You’re just hating just to be a contrarian. Code Geass and Gurren Lagan are actually legitimately good shows.

I just loathe the idiots who keep raving on and on about the shows on the right in the OP picture.

>> No.7161398
File: 381 KB, 2560x1600, IMG_4038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And by “those shows” on the right in the OP pic I specifically mean pic related list

>> No.7161401

or just “toonami slop” for short put it that way. The type of people who like anime at this surface level annoy the fuck out of me.

>> No.7161457
File: 122 KB, 1327x914, Screenshot_20240509_124247_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijacking the thread, is this a good shounen manga tier list? (Munnezz means trash btw)

>> No.7161465

move HXH to S

>> No.7161472

And bring Jojo down a peg.

>> No.7161486

Captain Tsubasa ain't that good, but I guess S makes sense coming from a BR. Based Kochikame enjoyer though. HxH I find overrated, the early arcs are worth the hype, but the last arc of the anime everyone nuts about I found had awful pacing and weak payoff.

>> No.7162035

Kenshin,Tsubasa and Greiss(?) belong in the mediocre tier. Kenshin OVAS are amazing, you should watch those instead of reading the manga.

>> No.7162230
File: 491 KB, 1115x1600, 20240126_212610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so unreal to me to think that the majority of modern anime watchers might not even know Ergo Proxy. Or TTGL. Probably not even Haruhi. Regardless of what I thought about them it was anime like these and even hyped shows like Elfen Lied or cult/well-known series like .hack that defined the anime fandom for me.
And now nobody has watched those series. Even worse. They are probably not even "secret tips" anymore, because none of the new fans would even watch old stuff like this. The "secret tips" are recent shows from the late 10s now, maybe even shit from the 20s. At best you might see one or two guys giving Kill La Kill a chance but that's it. Now "anime" are defined by SNK, CSM, Jujutsu Gaysen, Demon Slayer, whatever isekai I don't watch and maybe Nagatoro.
It's like being a Simpsons fan from the 90s that defines them by their original old season but then you realise that those old seasons have ended 20+ years ago and are but a tiny little part of the franchise now. To all newer generations "Simpsons" is equal to the Zombiesimpsons and if they would ever watch one of the old episodes they would call them weird. It's like a whole different type of media now, the pre-2014 anime and the current ones. And yes, even the comedies and the cute harem series were completely different IMO.

>> No.7162438

anyone who grew up in the 90s can tell you that there was a lot of trash and mediocre medium as well.
How many of you seriously think animes like Flame of Recca and Lost Universe will stand the test of time?
people view the 90s era with rose-tinted glasses, only a selected few like GTO, Slayers and Trigun still get praise decades later.
Does the average zoomer and gen alpha really think that the average anime from the 90s was on Trigun quality?

>> No.7162910

I don't like anime anymore it became too main stream, normies destroyed everything once again. I want to be called a freak and weird again because I watch anime. Now every nigger watches it, it's so over. I think the downfall happend somewhere around 2013/14

>> No.7162958

You still have visual novels. I don't think gal games will ever be mainstream. Hell, most people can't even read anymore.

>> No.7162963

I get it. I wonder if it was always like this for anime. It seems like each generation of anime fan occupies a narrower and narrower slice of time. I wouldn't be surprised if we get to a point in the discourse where someone gets called a boomer for preferring anime made between the months of January and early March as opposed to those made from late March to early May of that same year. Shit's accelerating way too fast and there's no sense of solidarity anymore, or any interest on the part of younger people to see what came before.

It's weird to me because although I discovered anime in the early 2000s, I went back and did everything I could to find out "where the fuck did this come from," you know what I mean? I explored all the way back to the beginning because I just had to know the genesis of these things. I did prefer the ones that were of my generation, but I admired the old works and loved seeing tropes evolve.

It could just be the nature of weebshit. This stuff is aimed at our formative years when time seemed eternal, the older you get the weirder it is to look in on the youth and see them so rigidly consuming only a narrow range of works.

Alternatively remember that the internet distorts. The lowest and most common voices are amplified the loudest, hardcore aficionados were probably always outliers and we're just feeling more buried than ever in the sea of normies.

>> No.7162972

only retards that dont watch anime, just enjoy the aesthetic, can say that
there is so much good stuff now, with amazing visuals, great music and great atmosphere overall
you just have to not be retarded and watch only seasonal cheap stuff, because "back in the day" that stuff was even worse than today

>> No.7162976

Jojo alone is better than everything on the right except for maybe Gurren Lagann.

>> No.7163000


Some truth to this. There was this 2000s show I wanted to watch but not even a streaming site had it up. It’s basically lost media at this point I had to go out of my way to buy a shitty dvd just to watch it. How is it that 90s shows were preserved to some degree but 2000 - 2010 it’s so damn difficult to find stuff at a good resolution?

>> No.7163181

imaishi my king i kneel

>> No.7163203

Congrats now you understand generational change.
Your world is gone and your world view is incompatible and irrelevent to the world now.
What the next generation feels and believes IS reality, whether you choose to accept it or not

>> No.7163207

naruto should be in must read.
don't care if it shits itself near the end.
it's consistently good until then minus some nitpicks.
i'd put yyh higher too.
and death note is a must read up to l's death. then it can be dropped

>> No.7163209

adding on one more thing >>7161457
kuroko's basket should be higher too. it's funny and i'm pretty sure it's a comedic commentary on japanese role language

>> No.7163211

yu gi oh should be in must watch. the anime specifically.

>> No.7163214

Don't worry kiddo. Everything you value will be destroyed too. And it will hurt, regardless of how desperate you are to accept 'harsh reality.'

I have to say though your generation is uniquely pathetic in ways I never could have imagined. But then, my parents said the same of mine. You've got trannies though, so...

>> No.7163217

The future sticks out its tongue in the eyes of the gentle past
It fears its own demise but knows it cannot last

This momentary throne precariously formed from its ashes
It takes the time we thought was ours below to be reborn

Throw us away like a stack of old paper
Learn not from our scrawls
Close your ears to our rantings and come against us
Flex your hooked claws and sniff
Like a dog at the stench of our decaying minds
Distrust the deceitful math of our perishing eyes
Steal away from the phthisicky past

"Il futurismo nasce!"

>> No.7163475

I dunno if the original YGO hits the same for the late zoomers. They'll never experience new episodes dropping every Saturday morning and playing the card game with friends before all the newer gay rules got introduced. It's a relic for millennials.

>> No.7163480


>> No.7164509
File: 253 KB, 2550x3407, 1625492218026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MoeBITCH hands created this image

>> No.7164640

kino no tabi and haibane renmei

>> No.7164698

>Jojo p3 was 10 years ago

>> No.7164704

>look up an anime you thought aired in 2018 at the very least
>it was 2014

time is moving fast

>> No.7164728

why do people who like classic anime always look for validation?

>> No.7164813

Holy zased, death to moeshitters.

>> No.7164861

There was an article a while back that explained this. I don't quite remember what it said exactly nor what the name of the site was so fuck it.

The gist of it was that traditional anime drawn on physical cels could always be upscaled from their original resolution by simply taking higher-res captures of every frame (essentially starting the process from start, minus the drawing) and, assuming every cel was still there, they could theoretically upscale the whole show. But there was that brief period of time in the 2000's where anime was just starting to shift to digital (before HD was a widespread thing), where, the only versions of those shows that existed at the time were standard resolutions (they may have even been MADE at those resolutions, I don't remember what was said) and since you can't upscale rasterized images without worsening the quality, that brief era of anime became the only one to not be at least capable of upscaling into high definition.

Obviously this is to say, unless someone were to uncover the original source files for these shows and find out they actually were made in HD all along and somehow managed to preserve them. In which case, good luck with that!

>> No.7164886
File: 17 KB, 320x276, 1713595366776375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier bait image, right only has yesterday's hyped up stuff.

Not that there's anything wrong with liking (most of) these shows, but if that's the extent of your library, it means you're still a plebeian with no internal monologue. You just followed a better cake recipe when watching stuff other people consider good.

>> No.7164891

The only good anime is Angel's Egg.

>> No.7164892



>> No.7166443

Yes. Because they were experimenting with technology with various styles.

>> No.7166491
File: 657 KB, 2048x1339, fe92cce9ac9c2ca6f7b08c30e18d674a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely style. I know he's a big Westaboo (big fan of Marvel and Star Wars particularly) I tend to like a lot the Asian artists that have a huge influence from Westerners, kind of like picrel. It's the designs from Hazbin but there's something to how they draw them that just looks really appealing.

>> No.7166508

One thing I really don't like about new manga and anime is how skinny and feminine everyone looks, especially male characters. It's like the artists think that a fighter with godlike strength should have the physique of a japanese office worker.

>> No.7166852
File: 332 KB, 650x4162, 1715489380982705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7166856

>le old? good.
>le new? bad.
Kill yourself please

>> No.7166862

>more shading equals more good
And then his art is complete garbage compared to the anime and disney shows he rags on. Zero understanding of appealing form, just autistically chasing after 5 tones.

>> No.7166867


Honestly I’m surprised anime has lasted this long and didn’t end up chinese tier in the sense that the techniques that make look authentic have been lost.

>> No.7166876

Neither really. Gooktoons were never really on par with western animation, the only things to come out of it were cheap imitations (some like akira came close admittedly, but it and the other vast majority only serve as a tribute to their better western inspirations).

>> No.7167772

The reason /pol/ takes over boards is because western media is fucking dead. Video games aren’t doing well, Hollywood isn’t doing well, cartoons/comics aren’t doing well. /a/ avoids this because of stricter moderation but moreso because anime/manga is still mostly doing okay and you can’t really blame politics if you think it isn’t. “Wokeness” only goes as far as localization issues. Same reason that /m/ and /vr/ have mostly avoided the issue. /vp/ sucks because Pokemon as a franchise has been sucking, but it can’t go too /pol/ because it’s Japanese, etc.

The quality of the board is pretty much tied to the health of the topic.