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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7158296 No.7158296 [Reply] [Original]

What are some things/aspects of art that no one (including this board) is really honest about?

>> No.7158300

If you post art online, you're looking for validation.
Also, while art itself isn't a competition, social media very much is. You ARE competing against thousands of other artists for the audience's finite attention.
Most successful artists know this but can't admit it either

>> No.7158307

also checked

>> No.7158311


>> No.7158312
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1664178960354162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pertaining to this board:
>don't actually draw
>haven't drawn in months
>have never drawn consistently more than a few weeks before stopping
>browse /ic/ daily despite all this
>give advice on things I have no knowledge of
>make comments on things I have zero experience with
>project my own shit onto other people out of anger/spite/insecurity
>samefag my own shitty posts with shit like "truth" or "fpbp" to give the illusion of support
>too stupid to realize nobody buys this
classic example of all this, the two posts above me

>> No.7158313


>> No.7158315


>> No.7158316

how long a rkgk took

>> No.7158318
File: 209 KB, 814x990, the copes and seethes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we just have fun and share a few laughs?
Always with these bait and insults... it's just tiring

>> No.7158320

your image lacks
etc etc

>> No.7158321

that comic is cope

>> No.7158323

I feel you. It's the price we pay for the freedom to say whatever we want I suppose

>> No.7158325

Truth and fourth post best post

>> No.7158327

>don't draw
>give advice
99% of /ic/

>> No.7158329

Drawing is a miserable, pointless activity and many, especially here, don't actually enjoy doing it.
Even the good, pro artists are fucking emotional wrecks

>> No.7158332 [DELETED] 

AI can not be stopped and took many here are still burying their head in the sand about it

>> No.7158334
File: 1.34 MB, 498x328, eb8ce06ffa903362ed94c723f9a36915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can not be stopped and too many here are still burying their head in the sand about it

>> No.7158337


>> No.7158346
File: 86 KB, 1589x423, Uglybros are NGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some things/aspects of art that no one (including this board) is really honest about?
That most popular artists are hot, even if they're not women.

>> No.7158354

>Best Post

>> No.7158364

The fastest way to get "organically" popular is to pay big artists to promote you, or if you're friends with them: suck their cock.

>> No.7158381

>suck their cock

Has it been confirmed anyone actually has done this?

>> No.7158387

I should pose with my paintings of goblins and witches? I used to model.

>> No.7158394
File: 163 KB, 683x1024, 1711874405236315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you post art online, you're looking for validation.
oh no we can't simply let others enjoy the stuff we make, lets make it about our ego instead. fuck off nigger.

>> No.7158404
File: 240 KB, 1284x1195, Next Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organic engagement is dead, Social media is a business, it always been, just look at Xitter, so either start paying for ads or focus on making art that you enjoy and fuck the algorithm.

>> No.7158406

If you are an industry whore you will be replaced
If you have some kind of vision for what you want to do with your art AI is borderline unusable as it's straight up random, and the amount of time spent editing shit out/looking for Loras/finding the correct prompt could be spent better by just honing your skills so you won't have to do this boring shit

>> No.7158409

>Has it been confirmed anyone actually has done this?
Plenty of famous artists did this when starting out and I don't mean just painters, just look at actresses and pop singers like Madonna.

>> No.7158411
File: 91 KB, 848x496, 600 likes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7158416

I'm an indie animator, I never worked in the industry nor do I want to, I don't like wageslavery. I messed with AI art recently and it's useless garbage, so I'm back to drawing.

>> No.7158479

who is this semen demon? she's cute

>> No.7158495

>If you post art online, you're looking for validation.
What if I enjoy certain subjects and want to talk about them with other people? Like if you wanted to talk about books or music, that's not you looking for validation is it? Artists just communicate visually.

>> No.7158520

If you communicate with another human, you are just an attention seeker!

>> No.7158528

Post modern garbage like the banana wall are retarded strawmen used by midwits to pretend they know what they're talking about.

>> No.7158559

Critique, people will either sugar coat it or be a total crabbing cunt with you without giving any real advice.

>> No.7158560

this is true
>Most successful artists know this but can't admit it either
this is also true and its why so many of them get butt hurt when people point out how easy it is to engagement with nsfw and suggestive stuff and why its most of what they do. Thats not to say they cant or dont enjoy doing that but its obvious that plays a part when an artist that used to do a variety of things eventually just settles into one

>> No.7158567

most of the pro artists courses are cash grabbers, especially the anime/fundies ones

>> No.7158588

A career in the arts is as dependent on your social skills as it is your drawing skills, but too many who are interested in such a career are reclusive introverted goblins, thus why they have such a hard time.

Everyone wants to be funny, but few are original enough to come up with some rehashed quips they've seen elsewhere.

>> No.7158618

That the only reason AI is an issue is because of digital format and digital media.
Trad physical shit looks better IRL than anything on your phone. You just need the phone and internet because it's too hard to show ppl your shit IRL (unless you're digital only, in which case you're fucked anyway.)

>> No.7158630

Drawing for improvement as an adult will only make you demoralized.
I can not in good conscience recommend late starters to get into art, at least not seriously

>> No.7158637

No, that anon was right
Embrace the ego, anon.
I enjoy the positive feeling posting online gives me to the point where I need it.
I constantly hate my own work, likes and comments are the only way I can at least try to avoid this.

>> No.7158654

Most people are not qualified to give advice.
> food analogies
You don't need to be a chef to know something tastes bad but if I'm going to take advice on how to fix it, I'll listen to a cook with experience rather than some dipshit who only heard about stuff on tiktok.

>> No.7158662

Social media is not a meritocracy
But some still pretend it is

>> No.7158664

It's not sustainable, I'm sorry to report.
The only people who make it in art are those that love to draw. I don't mean "love to improve," or "love to get good," or shit like that, I mean Bob Ross style "drawing feels like a drawn out orgasm." If it's not a compulsive urge that you are constantly thinking about and trying to satisfy, you are not going to make it.

There are different copes for this that misguided permabegs use. They lie to themselves in various ways and their subconscious eventually torments them in a variety of ways. You can't lie to yourself forever. Drawing for any reason other than pure orgiastic pleasure in the process is guaranteed to fail, and the longer you create false incentives like clout, "gains," or some pseudo-spiritualistic nonsense, the worse your mental health will get. This is a known phenomena, and it's chiefly why good teachers mentors and succcessful artists all repeat the same question to struggling students: "but do you love to draw?" Usually followed by some sort of near hyperbolic description of what they experience when they draw. "At one with the universe. Complete. Fulfilled. Bliss. Absolute engagement. Timeless. Cessation of thought and ego. Purest pleasure."

Nobody else stands a chance. So many bad incentives, when the only true wisdom is and will always be "you must love the process."

/ic/ is a hobbyist board. Hobbyists are the artists most likely to become mental ill pursuing art because their motives are all wrong to begin with. They will all crash and burn or use AI to bring their generic ideas to life.

Any motive beyond "the love of drawing" is itself just another filter. Some filters take longer to kick in than others. The clout chaser or narcissist can keep at it for decades before the filter finally removes them, but remove them it always does, and always will.

>> No.7158788

Artists are massive liars in general Tbh

>> No.7158816

Water is wet, the post.
>Most successful artists know this but can't admit it either
BS. Any serious commercial artist will admit this without a problem. It's only the begs that make excuses in order to cope with their insecurities and failures. Who cares about them.

>> No.7158827

You learn by looking to solutions to problems. The brain wants to find its own answers, and you retain knowledge better when you've tried to think of the answer FIRST.

We waste faaaaaaaaaaaar too much time watching tutorials and begging for help. You've got to learn to help yourself first.

>> No.7158833
File: 103 KB, 736x1225, batman toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some things/aspects of art that no one (including this board) is really honest about?
that /ic/ on 4chin is the toilet of online art

>> No.7159269

Half true, because ten years ago wasn't the case. On the more recent years, yes.

>> No.7159317

/ic/ would rather random bait tweets that piss them then actually practice

>> No.7159767

Anon, that's just 4chan in general. /v/ would rather bitch about trannies acting retarded on twitter than play video games, ect.

>> No.7159875

Every succesful artist steals ideas.

>> No.7159998

How late is too late? Define "seriously".
Idgaf about being a "pro" in the sense of earning an income, that shit was already near impossible like 5 years ago and is only going to get worse as tech advances. I just want my shit to look good for myself, is it too late for even that?

>> No.7160003

All human interaction is seeking validation

>> No.7160009

It's the other way around. 10 years ago we had CA, deviantart wasn't useless, artstation was packed with collaborations and there were online magazines that promoted new talents.

Now all that's left to openly discuss art without polític pundits or hellofresh sponsors dictating what you can say, is this shithole.

>> No.7160037

You have to figure out yourself how to make things enjoyable otherwise this stuff will wear you down and make you miserable long term, even if you achieve the goals you set yourself

>> No.7160039

you're trans if you're drawing the opposite sex on daily basis given that there's no balance in your training

>> No.7160040

you could use all that yourself

>> No.7160058

No, you're just a porn addict.

Then again..

>> No.7160099

If you think about it the fast ticket to get a shit ton of followers on IG is literally just copy thots. Make some sexy and appealing characters, take e-thots pics as reference and then profit. I've observed various artists that get a noticable dip in engagement when they post something that isn't a half-naked chick. This works best if you got an appealing style but almost anyone can get some followers w this method.

>> No.7160100

That is such an odd way of looking at the world. If you said 'Happy Birthday!' to a friend is that you looking for validation? What about when you see something on the news and discuss it with somebody else? What about something like a crossword or a sudoku puzzle? Someone had to make those, are they just trying to make themselves look smart or did they have an interesting idea that they wanted to share with other people?

>> No.7160108

I’m validating you by responding. You’re validating me by reading. We’re validating each other, anon, and I just can’t get enough!

>> No.7160211

>most of the pro artists courses are cash grabbers
This isn't exclusive to art either, the vast majority of programming video courses are useless garbage made to get money from naive people that think code = rich.
Learning to program take months, years not a few hours like most video courses.

>> No.7160214

>A career in the arts is as dependent on your social skills as it is your drawing skills, but too many who are interested in such a career are reclusive introverted goblins
I get where you're coming from but this isn't entirely true, a few famous comic artists were terrible with social skills.
Steve Ditko (the guy that created Spider-Man with Stan Lee) was a famous recluse.

>> No.7160215

>late starters
Define this, a late starter in Japan is someone in their early 20s while in the west is someone in their late 30s.
The thing is you can find people that started really late and still became pros in both sides of the world.

>> No.7160218

>you're trans if you're drawing the opposite sex on daily basis
This makes no sense, specially if you're a hentai artist.

>> No.7160221

You shouldn't just copy e-thots you have to surpass them, do something that isn't possible in real life without VFX.

>> No.7160315

A lot of truth and wisdom here. Natural artists draw out of compulsion. Outsiders will say they're gonna get serious about drawing, but don't. Artists will say they're gonna quit, but then end up coming back promptly

>> No.7160347
File: 24 KB, 569x428, b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to draw the right line or put down the right color or have all the rendering physically accurate. Being confidently wrong is as good as being painstakingly correct

>> No.7160604
File: 648 KB, 800x450, jimmies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Fuck you. I've been lying on my bed procrastinating all day, but I'm gonna practice my drawing now just to spite you. I'll create beautiful things, learn how to have a great time doing it, and prove your elitist arse wrong. Go play in traffic.

>> No.7160613

Lol how is that elitist? It's literally the opposite of artistic elitism. Did they say "you must be x-level at y-skill before you make it. You must grind 10k hours in volumetric shading and 100k hours in perspective before you can like your drawings. Etc. Etc." ?

>> No.7160619

nta but
You can do both, you can enjoy the process and also draw to spite/1 up people and compete

>> No.7160965

>I get where you're coming from but this isn't entirely true, a few famous comic artists were terrible with social skills.
True, but there's always exceptions
>Steve Ditko (the guy that created Spider-Man with Stan Lee) was a famous recluse
Actually, Steve was a social guy, and made plenty of Zines and indie comics talking about his point of view on things. He just hated the media and interviews before it became cool. Steve would collaborate with others, and ink their comics and so on (including adult comics apparently) - so I don't think he was as reclusive as his reputation makes him out to be.
Let's not forget that Ditko worked in office environment for the major part of his career, and was social with his co-workers.

>> No.7161007

making art is really damn hard

>> No.7161138

>drawing feels like a drawn out orgasm
To me the process of putting pen on paper is more like when you hold an orgasm by clenching your kegels before the actual orgasm (finishing a piece). Am I GMI?

>> No.7161147

>(including this board)
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

>> No.7161166

maybe Umi Shinonome?
idk. A great way to start drawing is to study a figure you like, in any case.

>> No.7161167
File: 65 KB, 298x471, 40142928603_e97d70a823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna break this one to you gently anon.
"the love of drawing" is another filter for "love" which i hope you still have memories of before drawing provided a mere means of expression.

yeah fuck that guy

>> No.7161168

it became "elitist" when anon couldn't keep that word "only" out of his naughty whore mouth.

>> No.7161293
File: 870 KB, 500x230, 1630658234716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck you for telling me to find intrinsic value in the process of creation
Now I'm gong to spite you by finding intrinsic value in the process of creation.

What did the schizo mean by this?

>> No.7161388

I delete my entire account lmao

>> No.7161404

The biggest truth about "getting good" is that you must have already predisposition or you're never going to improve. Training simply makes your skill come out, if you fucking suck like the majority of people here you're never fucking gonna learn. And this said, even if you're above average most people also limits to their skills, so being somewhat good at drawing doesn't mean you're going to ever reach professional level.
And to close, even reaching professional level doesn't mean you're going to be a professional, because ironically enough being an exceptional artist is not always required to make this your job, and like every fluff-based industry the only things that really count are knowing the right people, being able to read trends and some luck
Nobody will ever accept this, and it's fine

>> No.7161412

Absolutely agree, recently I recognized how my art got worse and I started to find excuses to avoid drawing since I started to bash my head on trying to make it a job

>> No.7161518

>Artists will say they're gonna quit, but then end up coming back promptly
I quit drawing multiple times but I always come back. By your logic I'm a real artist that can't give up drawing but in reality I'm broke and I can't afford artists.
Basically art is a means to an end.

>> No.7161528
File: 99 KB, 520x458, Screenshot_20240509-133514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's not forget that Ditko worked in office environment for the major part of his career, and was social with his co-workers.
That's not true at all.
>Picrel is relevant
Basically bullpen is a myth created by Stan Lee and Marvel artists worked from home.

>> No.7161534

Back then Marvel had artists living in Canada and Philippines, but even the American ones sent their art via mail.
I heard a similar story in a Tezuka documentary so it's probably the same in Japan.

>> No.7161543

Nowadays it's mostly E-mail but in big manga magazines like Shonen Jump, the editor meets the manga artist for manuscript review purposes.

>> No.7161553

>like every fluff-based industry the only things that really count are knowing the right people, being able to read trends and some luck
Animation is basically this, so many mediocre artists are pro storyboarders.
>Nobody will ever accept this, and it's fine
I accept this.

>> No.7161568
File: 79 KB, 750x750, FNWO1O-XoAE7zPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I accept this.

>> No.7161775

Literal honest-to-God cope. Brilliant.

>> No.7161874 [DELETED] 

The final pill to end all pills is that you will only get good at drawing if you were meant to from birth.
People who still draw shitty toddler doodles after their pubes have grown are just not meant to make it.

>> No.7161886 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 2048x1149, hayao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Only people who aren't serious about the process love it. People who aren't serious about their art feel happy with their mediocrity and suck all the way to the grave.
People who were born to make art are always unhappy about their work, they always pushing themselves to the limit and hating themselves for being unable to break it.
Drawing has to be compulsory, but the orgasm is always denied at the end. All you can do is try again and harder than before.
Drawing sucks, but it's inevitable for me, it's a physical necessity.

>> No.7161889
File: 99 KB, 828x916, hayao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Only people who aren't serious about the process love it. People who aren't serious about their art feel happy with their mediocrity and suck all the way to the grave.
People who were born to make art are always unhappy about their work, they always pushing themselves to the extreme and hating themselves for being unable to surpass it.
Drawing has to be compulsory, but the orgasm is always denied at the end. All you can do is try again and harder than before.
Drawing sucks, but it's inevitable for me, it's a physical necessity.

>> No.7162007

>Basically bullpen is a myth created by Stan Lee and Marvel artists worked from home.
Huh, is that so? I've heard stories of Ditko in the office and how he was stand off-ish and how he didn't get along with Stan Lee and such.
But Ditko worked a good while before he went to marvel (at EC I believe, where ever he created 'The Question'), though maybe they also had a work from home policy?

Anyway, my point is that he made connections and interacted with people. He had the social skills despite being reclusive and believing his work should speak for itself.
The issue is so many trying to get into the arts are trying to run away from the social aspects of work, despite it being as important in art jobs, or perhaps even more so.
If you mumble and have a hard time communicating, or pushing back against people, you're going to have a hard time working with your clients.

>> No.7162011

>at EC I believe
I'm an idiot, I could have just quickly looked it up; it's was Charlton comics.

>> No.7162184

Post your work. Lets see what le tortured genius has to share with the world.
(He doesnt because he's a fucking no-draw fagot)

>> No.7162188

if you have no talent, art is just brute forcing until you draw something nice. I never draw anything nice on the first line, I have to explore every permutation of every line one by one until I get something good. So it takes me hours to draw something that would take another person ten minutes.

>> No.7162209

>That is such an odd way of looking at the world. If you said 'Happy Birthday!' to a friend is that you looking for validation?
yes you fucking mook. how are you on 4chan and you're this unaware?

>> No.7162215

>so many trying to get into the arts are trying to run away from the social aspects of work, despite it being as important in art jobs, or perhaps even more so.
I agree with you OP but there's a lot of artists nowadays that do the bare minimum of socialization, specially if they're their own boss like the guys on Patreon.
I know a feel that make thousands on Patreon and all their interaction with their fans amount to "what should I draw next? Vote on the poll"
You're probably talking about the industry, I don't remember anymore, sorry anon, but there's workarounds nowadays for the asocial artists.
I do agree that you're generally better off learning to do networking, but the internet is here to save the socially inept guys.
Plenty of Asian artists have negative social skills and they're still pro artists.

>> No.7162221
File: 229 KB, 520x843, Screenshot_20240510-014740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh, is that so? I've heard stories of Ditko in the office and how he was stand off-ish and how he didn't get along with Stan Lee and such.
Like I said, it's a myth:

>> No.7162316

I try quitting art every time
But i can only hold it for day or two
When i "quit" my body keeps urging me to pick up pencil and draw
When i don't care about improvement or likes my brain keeps forcing me to draw
I cannot resist not drawing despite my skills
I cannot stare at the object and not try to make up an oc out of it
I draw because it became an necessity for me to function

>> No.7162323

tbf storyboarding is probably the only part of the process aside from writing that doesn't require you to be a good artist

>> No.7162326

Never implied I'm a genius. My work will always be subpar in my eyes no matter how much I improve, that's the point of my post.
Some of my drawings here >>>/i/780972

>> No.7164265
File: 248 KB, 970x601, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first draft always sucks
second draft always sucks
third draft always sucks
all the way down, till it's published.

then, when you finally finish your work, publish it, frame it and display it for the world to see, you will look on it and see a small mistake and realize.
it still sucks.

but its finished.
it's over.
you can't unfinish a finished work.
this is the ultimate "no refunds"
once it's publicly displayed, thats it.
and you will never be content, every time you will see another imperfection, and another.
this is the ultimate aegis against the artist.


>> No.7164268


>> No.7164288
File: 308 KB, 1284x1942, F0wZx0PaQAAqj4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social media and online services in general are on the decline and if you're only relying on it to make a living then you're making a huge mistake.
Find ways to make money completely detached from it. It's annoying to talk to publishers, employers etc but in a few years the current day social shithole that we know will be gone and everything else will be swarmed by bots and grifters to the point of unusability, driving users away.
The Internet is entering a dark age and you shouldn't rely on it. If you do not notice the downward trend that everything on the Internet is taking then you're clueless. Get off this rotting ship early.

>> No.7164770

He called (You) out and you're mad about it.

I think you might want to talk to somebody about this. Don't kill yourself.

>> No.7164918

>If you post art online, you're looking for validation.
what about fetish artists who draw for the coom?

>> No.7164932

they're the ones especially looking for validation the hardest because the ultimate fate of the fetishist is trying to infect and expose others to their own fetishes so they can feel heckin valid about themselves
Best example; trannies.

>> No.7164967

i wish for the same

>> No.7164973
File: 386 KB, 697x633, 1646856464565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too real

>> No.7166360

As a coom artist I can confirm that this is exactly why I post porn. I love the idea of some young person finding my shit and getting infected by it and needing it and craving it and wasting their life for it just like how I did.
Abuse is a cycle, you must pass it on to achieve internal equilibrium.

>> No.7166414

>looking for validation
True, but not if you're old. Once in a while you need a second pair of eyes to see your stuff.

>> No.7166444

Beginners shouldn't post on social media and artists who say you "shouldn't wait until you're good enough" and should "post stuff now" are making a massive mistake and are misguiding people.
All you'll be doing as a beg posting on Twitter is embarrassing yourself with objectively shit art. Artistic equality is a myth and some art really is better. You'll get demoralized instantly. It's best to stay offline until your work is actually good.
The "two cakes" meme has done so much damage. We really need to stop lying to these people just starting out

>> No.7166579

If you didn't start drawing a lot as a kid, you should honestly pick a different hobby/path. Most late starters will never get good (with some exceptions) because they will get demoralized far easier. Kids won't care that their work sucks, at least not too much. Adults are far more critical.
People hate hearing this because it's bleak but it's also true. There is absolutely a point where it's too late. At least, too late to become great and forget about becoming a fucking pro.

>> No.7168121

this pic always hit me hard
This one and the penguin walking towards the mountains

>> No.7168145

Your art will never be enough for you no matter how great you become, but it will be for someone else, so post it anyway.

>> No.7169556

just lol if you arent having sex and doing drugs right now

>> No.7169898

>The fastest way to get "organically" popular is to pay big artists to promote you
Paying for promo might get your name out there fast, but it isn't organic, it's like buying followers with a bot.
Put in the work, grind out quality content, flood the feed with quality works, network with others in your niche on platforms like hydro, its a great way to expand your reach and get paid
It may be a slow burn, but way more sustainable. Don't fall for thepaidhype.