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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 477 KB, 828x1172, IMG_3507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7151211 No.7151211 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe large artist are selfish after all.

>> No.7151220

get gud

>> No.7151222

how many times are you going to make this thread?

>> No.7151223

Yeah, only those with big numbers are selfish, as if there arent any selfish small artists out there.

These kinds of threads popping up so often make me wonder: Is /ic/ a communist board?

>> No.7151225

Give socials ill retweet

>> No.7151228

Art board, so it's ridden with women and left leaning fags

>> No.7151231

probably because it keeps getting derailed by faggot big artist shills

>> No.7151267

nobody owes you anything

>> No.7151377

Thanks to the way Shitter works you can see other's likes on your own feed.

>> No.7151384
File: 154 KB, 412x412, OMG SUCH AN INSPIRATIONS PLS NOTICE MEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also the same big artist when a bigger artist randomly likes one of their pictures during their usual daily algorithm gaming

>> No.7151386

from now on I am just going to call this chaser thread. we have howie thread, cris thread, and what else? other type of nickname for cloutchaser threads?

>> No.7151388

You're not entitled to other people's audience you selfish leech.

>> No.7151434
File: 271 KB, 431x477, taks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What always gets me is that this comic predates all of Musk's bullshit, so even that like meant some of the guy's audience saw the original picture in their feed.
Back in the day I'd get likes from bigger accounts on occasion and it got me about a third of what their retweets did, this ungrateful faggot isn't even asking for free shit, he already got it and is asking for MORE free shit.

>> No.7151438

Attention whores. Simple as, anon-san

>> No.7151468

once you become large I bet you’ll become selfish as well

>> No.7151518
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 165465656454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once i get large, i will retweet everyone
Like as if there is any point in gatekeeping retweets
>has no downsides
>but also has no actual self-gain
by retweeting someone else as a big account, you only benefit someone else: the person being retweeted and your followers getting more content

By being unreasonably stingy or saying that one must "deserve" to be retweeted, you only show that you only care about your own gain and use your imaginary numbers as a substitute for ego and self-worth.
Even more so if you only retweet your own friends to stay in their good graces.

>> No.7151523

>>7151518 this. all men are brothers, artists need not be petty assholes.

it's also kinda funny that they try to form a cabal when their income streams get threatened by AI - but are some of the stingiest fuckers when it comes to mentorship (ive begged bigger accounts to sit down with me for thirty minutes paid no less) or helping other artists get an audience.

>> No.7151524

Everyone is selfish. You're being selfish by only valuing their support if it comes in the form of sharing their resources instead of being grateful just for them liking your art.

>> No.7151525

The moment they start begging for anything they lose all respect.
"Hell no" isn't enough. Unfollowing is the correct course of action.
Entitled cunts.

>> No.7151526

Every other field is happy to give knowledge and support for free. It's quite common in tech actually, many of my coworkers have mentored students for months to nail interviews.

But artists act like internet followers is a finite resource. You people are assholes.

>> No.7151532

Yeah, bro, because if they help someone else, that's cringe and then they gonna take yer job because art is competition and whatnot.

Those are unironically people who should not be around other people and cannot genuinely function in a society, because all they do is take for themselves, for themselves and only for themselves, but also demand handouts and try to justify begging when THEY need it.
And the next day they'll say how much hard work they did that they got handouts.

I mean, these are children, which explains why the art and their cabals are always full of drama and that they're constantly on edge and watching over their shoulders, as if anyone will be driving a knife in their backs.

Jeez man.

>> No.7151536

>By being unreasonably stingy or saying that one must "deserve" to be retweeted, you only show that you only care about your own gain and use your imaginary numbers as a substitute for ego and self-worth.

Leftoid mentality and projection.

I don't retweet or support lesser artists because they're lesser, and they need to learn to stand on their own without my validation. Nobody helped me out when I was beneath them, and that taught me many valuable lessons, chief among them DON'T SEEK OUT OTHERS FOR A SENSE OF VALIDATION.

Teachers, mentors etc are responsible for uplifting each generation of begs, but no established artist should be expected to retweet or support their languishing peers. If they like the art genuinely, then yeah sure, they might as well express it. If they don't (trust me, they don't,) then fuck it. Why should they pretend to care more than they do, just to help (you) out? Should they undermine their own values so you can feel special? What does it fucking matter what ANY other artist thinks or feels about your shit? Are you that enslaved to the feelings of others?

If you don't deserve to be retweeted, you don't deserve it. There's a reason the concept of "deserving and undeserving" exist in the first place, and it's to keep entitled cunts from breeding out of control. These participation trophy babies will otherwise turn the entire culture into a hysterical numbers chasing game filled with men who act like women. Shit's bad enough as it is.

Nobody owes you a damn thing. Build your own damn boat like everybody else, or go cry to a teacher.

Yeah, because there isn't a huge dedicated teaching and mentorship community for art on youtube, right? Everything a person could ever need to learn about art is there, free, easily accessed.

Handout culture is a disease of the soul.

>> No.7151538

tech people are sick in the head
t. I work "in tech" also, like most others on 4chan

I'd also note that tech people rarely truly help. Reminds me more of that post in the crab thread last week, about how he purposefully gives young artists bad resources

>> No.7151540

>purposefully gives young artists bad resources

One of many God ordained natural filters that the student must learn to overcome on their own.

>> No.7151543
File: 35 KB, 300x137, 0541654165416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suffered therefore everyone must too or else all my suffering will be for nothing!
>n-n-n-no i did it all by myself!! NO ONE OPENED THE DOOR FOR ME!
>you're lesser, so i'm better
You "made it" and your only self perceived value is that you can """gatekeep""" your lesser from achieving your imaginary numbers which you assign and attach your ego to

JEJ even

Holy ubercrabtastic insecure underage low IQ misery

>> No.7151546

You people deserve the most drug induced ai visions to become reality and take away your income desu. I've seen more comraderie among competing small businesses.

>> No.7151550

Probably a webdev or something for monkeys. Certainly no kernel engineer.

>> No.7151556

The people who opened the door were teachers. I said that.

The issue is expecting established artists to go out of their way to elevate weaklings.

Work on your reading comprehension. You're the last person that should be talking about IQ.

The words of a commie and a female.

>> No.7151562

Anon said that he offered to pay and they still wouldn't elevate him.
You didn't work hard for your success, no matter how many mental gymnastics you do, you were "allowed" to succeed and making a retweet something that must be deserved
ESPECIALLY when big artist follow, like and retweet the most atrocious shit and people ever, only shows your own value, not the ones you're calling judgement upon.

I.E. you didn't build your own boat, you sucked the captain's dick

>> No.7151563

>you only show that you only care about your own gain and use your imaginary numbers as a substitute for ego and self-worth.
And you're dependent on these assholes for your own self worth?
Wow. Must suck to be so dependent on others for every little thing.

>> No.7151564

>because the voices and insecurity inside my head said so!
This is 18+ site, kiddo.

>> No.7151566

>Anon said that he offered to pay and they still wouldn't elevate him.
Unimaginably bad art. Anon's art is probably pure liquid shit and the very sight of it repulses those with working eyes. There's no other explanation. Skill issue, or whatever other zoomer catchphrase you zoomers like.

>> No.7151568

>Anon said that he offered to pay and they still wouldn't elevate him.
lol encouraging artists to pay for clout will surely help them in the long run!

>> No.7151569
File: 120 KB, 431x415, 1697726535588956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard
Holy fuck how genuinely mad are you?

No one ever said anything about feeling heckin valid.
And the instant inane insults only actually shows that you really need to feel superior to someone else.

Damn, all those imaginary numbers but not even 0.1% of that in IQ points

>> No.7151572

Everyone here should post your work or jump off a bridge.

>> No.7151573

You can't platform everyone who deserves it, that devalues having a big following for everyone. If everyone has 200k+ followers than 200k is essentially 0

>> No.7151575

I am superior to others, though.

>> No.7151578

>retweets are meaningless
>followers even more so
>especially now that twitter is 80% bots
>cloutfags try to meme imaginary numbers as something that must be earned even though it has no real value
>but they'll only circlejerk and retweet their discord friends or people they want to groom
>and anyone that dares point something out, must probably be jealous of their bot army
>and if you're not getting numbers lol guess u suck haha gottem lmao
Kids really shouldn't be allowed on the internet

>> No.7151581

Social media is the problem.
Always was.
Always will be.
Turn your back on it and walk away.

>> No.7151585
File: 1.54 MB, 1513x1075, fg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like tanned short hair tomboys with big tits

>> No.7151603

no no no the correct course of action is to actively sabotage the smaller artist.
You don't understand the power that comes from having clout online. YOu can do literally anything you want.

>Some small artist begs for retweets.
>Retweet them to your audience but do it to create drama. Accuse them of being a pedo like "I just found out this guy is a huge pedophile who fucked underage kids, shame too because their art isn't bad."
>Post fake screenshots of DMs with them where they confess.
>Have your tranny discord cabal help you out and verify your story.
>Ideally you have one of your friends make an account with the small artist's name and have it join your discord and start shit. Then you ban them so you have the 'proof' and the receipts.
>Spam the little artist's page with the accusations and screencaps.
>Your followers bear down on the little artist until they can't take it anymore. Nothing they say can turn the tables, the size of the mob is just too big for them to deal with.
>Drive them out of the game, making sure their art is forever associated with the shameful personality you forced onto them through smart social media manipulation.
>Go out for dinner and celebrate the successful hunting of an entitled competitor.

>> No.7151608

Addendum: it's best if you sprinkle in a little bit of truth, a little bit of lies. Befriend the smaller artist first so you have examples of positive communication (public.) Then you can claim that you got to know them personally off platform through discord or something and that's how you found out they were a horrible pedo. It helps to muddy the waters, if you are genuinely pretending to be friends with the little artist it's easier to destroy them later because the public can't be bothered to sort the facts from the falsehoods.

>> No.7151609

realizing how many faggots chase numbers and dont care about the art they consume made me only bother to share the work of my immediate friend group. dont be mad that we just know what you are

>> No.7151614

This is how it used to be before social media anyway. You'd meet a few people through humble little webcircles and send each other silly emails with badly scanned drawings of their ocs attached. Felt intimate. Felt real. I miss those days.

>> No.7151680
File: 74 KB, 680x680, Fi0u5tpWAAERYss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you only benefit someone else

Actually you can also benefit from it. Twitter is built in such a way that there's way less overlap between followers than you'd think. If you draw, say, anime chicks in rhodesian uniforms and have 100k, and the other guy draws anime chicks in rhodesian uniforms with 5k, you'd naturally think all of those guys already follow you since you run this shit but sometimes it's just a few hundred of them. I regularly have to explain who the guy I stole pretty much everything from is to people who somehow showed up in a certain fandom, have been there for months, and still don't know who the biggest drawfags in the scene are but know the 63rd and think he's the biggest.

So if you RT or, heaven forbid, follow that dude and he comments on it with one of those "wow no way, @Anon retweeted me" posts, or retweets some of your shit back (which he was probably already doing but he'll now do it harder), all of his followers who didn't know you existed but would have followed in a second had they been told most likely will. And if you do this enough people will start drawing you fanart and stuff hoping for those juicy RTs, every time making others check you out. Some people are notorious for this, Murgoten has 250k and he generally draw like this but he'll gladly retweet every attempt you make at drawing his seventy OCs even if it's /beg/ as hell, and usually get more of your followers than you his in the process.

I think it's cringe as fuck but cyber-feudalism just works.

>> No.7151682

I'm not an asshole, so no.

>> No.7151693

But that would require me to pretend like I like their garbage art.
I would never lower myself to that level. Never. Not even for followers. There is nothing more morally disagreeable than pretending to like art you hate.
I refuse. I flat out refuse. I will never retweet. If it hinders my growth and die of poverty, so fucking be it.

>> No.7151696
File: 243 KB, 635x458, 165232416541654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, honestly, that's just plain disgusting bugman behavior but no wonder arttards constantly look over their shoulders to see if someone is trying to fuck them over, because that's exactly what they would do if they could.

It almost sounds like straight up grooming.

>> No.7151720

My friends are so poisoned by social media and "the grind set" they can't accept gift art without freaking out. They think they owe me something and get all apologetic and self destructive when I draw one of their OCs for free and without any strings attached.

It's kind of sad honestly. As soon as artists get into the internet pipeline they forget entirely about the idea of just having fun.

>> No.7151725

Small artists are the worst thing that happened to the art community, fucking entitled leaches

>> No.7151732
File: 180 KB, 686x960, 1581293788070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like the people most greedy for followers don't draw well enough to justify having them.

>> No.7151736
File: 30 KB, 700x582, 1712783233352786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have artist who likes your stuff enough to follow you
>they're also good enough to get big
>and they liked your work
>complain about not getting a retweet instead of taking the chance to get to know them better
soul of a NGMI

>> No.7151741

Entitlement and not knowing how to interact.

>> No.7151758

>And you call yourself an autist?
Why yes, I do

>> No.7151898

or you could just press the retweet button, faggot
why are you so scared of a retweet?

>> No.7151901

twitter sucks the soul out of your body

>> No.7151904

Retweets are for hylics.

>> No.7151915
File: 1.37 MB, 2048x2048, 1683256326362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all their followers and engagement is botted
>meanwhile 100k followers porn art accounts cry about the bigger accounts

>> No.7151917

Nobody deserves a platform. People either like you and want to support you, or they don't.
This commie shit needs to stop. Life is not fair and never will be.

>> No.7151920

But a big following already has no meaning since it's all bots

>> No.7151932

You don't know that. You don't know that we can't make it fair if we all just work together. Have you ever tried? Don't be so cynical.

If we just believe hard enough all of our dreams will come true, we just have to be good to each other and work for the common good of the art community.

c'mon comrades let's give this thing a shot, a real shot, a real good-lined-up-against-a-concrete-wall-in-a-gulag shot.

>> No.7151934
File: 451 KB, 769x788, soru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharing a retweet is literally communism
jesus christ man

>> No.7151935

I had several big artists retweet my stuff without leeching up to them. Have you considered that maybe your art just sucks lol

>> No.7151939


>> No.7151943

i bet one (you) it's going to be some coom

>> No.7151946

Working together is literally communism. You think that shit happened without people working together? Get real.
Never work together. Help no one.

>> No.7151952

>>has no downsides
Sometimes people would unfollow you if you retreet too much, especially if what you retweet isn't that good or different from what they followed you for.
I imagine this could be part of why big accounts are selective in their retweets.

>> No.7151955

>I imagine this could be part of why big accounts are selective in their retweets.
selective in the genre of porn the share

>> No.7151957

>making excuses

>> No.7151963

I'd say complaining about other accounts not retweeting you for your lack of success is making excuses.

>> No.7151964
File: 989 KB, 832x1216, f4faef520a290b868d7673a30fb7bdbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no point in being on social media unless
>you already have a network ready to boost you or you buy engagement/bots from pajeets or engagement accounts
>you're trying to sell something
>you're underage and don't know porn sites exist
There is no other reason to be on it and the majority is only there to sell you shit or trying to sell you shit while farming clout.
They don't care about anything else hence you have no obligation to care about them or their work either.
They would kill you in an instant if that gave them a handful of followers.
Repost their shit everywhere, trace it, talk shit about their work, train ai models on their work, make fun of everything they post, because that's exactly what they do when no one's looking.

They can only cope and seethe.

>> No.7152016

>someone cant just like your art work
>feels entitled to a retweet
small artists are the most selfish out of them all

>> No.7152023


>> No.7152043

I will literally NEVER post my art on twitter.

>> No.7152195

What a shitty person, holy shit.

>> No.7152200

>coom trash
>retarded opinion

>> No.7152245

Oh gee it's that time of the month again. What happened to that other faggot who posted something similar and gained like 2k followers over the weekend, and then his engagement dropped back to his usual levels and then made another complaint about the same shit.

>> No.7152254

Seethe /beg/let

>> No.7152255

>It's always talking about the money
When will people stop giving those pajeets projectors?

>> No.7152279

i instantly block anyone who draws big artist's OCs

i have literally never seen someone draw the OC of someone with a smaller following than themselves

>> No.7152283

We have tried and it always come down to competent people working thrice as hard for 1/3 the reward while retards mooch off them.
That is not fair or sustainable.

>> No.7152383

I'm only pointing out it's not a meritocracy and larger accounts are actively discouraged from spreading their followers too thin.

>> No.7152409

I do, and its a koikotsu OC too. Because I find the OC to be funny and deserves to be bullied.

>> No.7152424

While I make it a point to retweet sub 5k accounts, I didn't build a social media following to retweet mediocrity and it's not why anyone follows me.

>Once i get large, i will retweet everyone
If you do get big, you will quickly realize the reality of what you're talking about. There is an underclass of talentless artists trained to think of themselves as victims of circumstance and who have substituted social media bullshit for work ethic. They will smell your wholesome chungus persona, will see you pandering to their delusions, and they will fix to you like parasites. They're toxic as fuck and actively drive away real artists worth networking with. You can be part of their pity party or you can be a professional. I haven't seen many people able to do both.

>> No.7152436

I don't own you jack shit, you're lucky I even bother giving you a like.
Fucking garbage, know your place.

>> No.7152578

>If you do get big, you will quickly realize the reality of what you're talking about.
You also have to imagine that if you retweet too many people your followers will stop giving a fuck. If someone who's work you care about seldom recommends artists you're gong to pay attention when they do. I stopped giving a fuck about Stephen King's cover quotes because he tried to give them for everyone to use his popularity to help writers, but now I'll just ignore his reccs because I've been burned by praise he's had no real conviction in and his word has no weight.

>> No.7152579

>I do,
well then you're based and also a very rare exception

>> No.7152683

>20+ layers
What is this for? What else do you need than a lineart layer, a colour layer and a shading/highlight layer?

>> No.7152743

>noooo i can't retweet, beacuse of muh imaginary limit i have to follow

>> No.7152750
File: 348 KB, 2048x2048, 20240501_152159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7152751

I don't understand lower the IQ level

>> No.7152752

That's capitalism.

>> No.7152753

20+ layer faggots are control freaks. Deeply insecure and unable to let even the tiniest amount of chaos into a drawing.

>> No.7152761

No, capitalism is retards destroying their companies to pay back infinite dollars on dividends to a cunt who bought their stock for $1 a pop.

>> No.7152764

Even if someone is following, you are still at the mercy of the algorithm screwing you over.

>> No.7152838
File: 69 KB, 462x518, GMDUbIaWYAAP0Q_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see literal minimal effort beg anime screenshots of fotm redraws getting shared and liked and worshipped as the second cumming of Christ
>or take a meme image and redraw it but with an anime girl and it gets the same treatment
I am simply putting out the question as to why if you simply take the same thing and put a filter on top, it magically becomes worthy of numbers and praise
Aren't consumer fucking shit up for everyone else and artists enabling this shitty culture for clout and money?

>> No.7152839

Post your art.

>> No.7152844
File: 388 KB, 505x607, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post an example

>> No.7152847
File: 381 KB, 496x710, its unironical copies of the anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another one

>> No.7152849

Cool Big Artist is a stand user

>> No.7152852
File: 411 KB, 501x704, mogs 99% of ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.7152856
File: 454 KB, 483x650, insert -i lover her- here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nother one

>> No.7152864

Post (you)r art.

>> No.7152865
File: 215 KB, 488x789, clearly deserved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another one

>> No.7152867
File: 194 KB, 470x410, 165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit wrong image

>> No.7152871

sai daqui

>> No.7152874

clearly this drawing mogs 200% of ic because no one here gets those numbers for doing the bare minimum, and following the anon's logic, i guess that image is peak skill and appeal

>> No.7153167
File: 208 KB, 474x301, 156021032553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw big japanese fanartist I looked up to finally noticed my stuff
>tfw they liked, commented, RTd and followed back

>> No.7153178

Yeah, jap artists are usually pretty good about that sorta stuff.

>> No.7153186

I too wish people better than me would lower themselves to acknowledging me out of a misguided sense of duty to the larger community.
Steven Zapata, for example. I've sent him hundreds of dick pics, but he has yet to send me any of his own.
This selfish one sidedness of artists cannot continue.

>> No.7153192


>> No.7153406

this is way more accurate

>> No.7153444

>muh algorithm muh algorithm why am I getting screwed over by the algorithm waaaah waah waaahh
twitter doesn't tell you this but you can literally just trick it into boosting your account temporarily if you simply just stockpile enough drawings to post shit regularly every single day. All you need is the patience to not immediately post whatever you draw and just save up enough where you can post 1 drawing a day for like 2 weeks. All you babies are crying over the fact you cannot muster the willpower to just wait a bit.

>> No.7153685

Here's my 2 cents
For people complaining about views ask yourself
Like for example
If 1000 people could see your art, how many would like it, how many would follow you bcs of it?
Do you suck because you get little views or do you get little views because you suck?

>> No.7154447

People are just telling you how it is and you're throwing a fit.
What even would be on topic discussion? You losers jerking yourselves off about how much you hate your peers and that you're entitled to their platform? You should improve your art instead.

>> No.7154453
File: 706 KB, 750x734, 1704140017678553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this entirely unironically:
Post your work.
Put your money where your mouth is and show us your skill that deserves to have 10k followers attached.

If you do not, you don't have a dog in this race of "deserving" and being "allowed" popularity.

>> No.7154489

As a "small artist" myself I would rather you retweet my art if you actually liked it and not just out of pity.

>> No.7154950

retweeting things as a huge account leads to people asking for retweets and judging you for the problematic art you retweet.

>> No.7154959

This is the biggest cope of all time. The idea that the algorithm is stopping someone from being seen and if they got retweeted by a big artist, then everyone would see their art and they'll become a big artist too.

Every time someone makes a thread complaining about the algorithm/tweet game, they draw on a /beg/ level. They never accept that they simply aren't good enough of an artist to grow in popularity. They aren't technically skilled or they aren't appealing, or both. Its the hardest pill to swallow so I don't blame them, but this is the truth they need to accept.

How do you think big artists got big? Because they draw well. Yes, there are big artists that draw dogshit, I concede that point. There are famous people worse than skilled nobodies. The system isn't perfect.

But do you want to be one of those shitty popular artists? If you're honest about it, I can respect that. But if you think your art is better than the numbers its currently getting, you need to stop coping and draw better.

That's all it is. You want more people liking your art? Draw better. There is nothing else.

>> No.7154970

Steven Zapata's work is less seen and valued than the work by an average anime coomer.
I don't think drawing better is the answer to social media numbers. If you want numbers, you have to sell out and make what is popular.
An artist with a truly independent spirit doesn't give a fuck either way, though. You can always sort out the artists who draw because they love to draw and the ones who draw in some misguided attempt to earn the approval of a society they don't even like by how much time they spend arguing for or against algorithm.

>> No.7155380

Big artists are niggers who constantly ask for free art and shit and give nothing in return

>> No.7155381

isn't that the point of twitter, to press the green arrow button. i like pressing the button.

>> No.7155394

Hit over 100k followers doing pin-up art for money, but there are accounts with about 15k followers raking in way more than I do. Followers are cool and all, but there's definitely more to success than just the numbers. Unless you're just chasing Twitter fame for some self-esteem boost or something, then I guess gaining followers are your main priority.

>> No.7155398


>> No.7155410
File: 412 KB, 900x726, mizo_ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, feels good.

>> No.7155416
File: 9 KB, 159x159, shifty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds fun but what does it demonstrate?

>> No.7155417

explain more to success and their methods please

>> No.7155452

Nah, I follow a ton of artists, but I probably don't see their work on the reg because my 'for you' shows me people I don't follow more often than not - I guess retweets really are that important. I could just see my 'follows' timeline, but that's only going to show to those who are active around that time, which for me is during the time when Japan collectively decides to food post.

>> No.7155484

nta but investing into a niche instead of what's currently popular. I know a few gun/scifi tech concept artists who have 3-4k followers on twitter, but never run out of good work and money because what they do is highly requested in videogames and such

>> No.7155500

Do you want followers for money or self-esteem boost?

>> No.7155510

You can turn off retweets from specific accounts,

>> No.7155543

>entitled cunts thread

>> No.7155585

idrc about ego boost, curious about the latter mostly
hmm makes sense anon

>> No.7155587

actually could you list a few ? I'm interested in seeing their work

>> No.7155611

If the 2k followers you have disable showing your retweets
A- that means the retweeted art gets 0 views
B- how are they going to see YOUR posts

>> No.7155612

They're just random dudes like you and me you retard
How many 10 follower Andys are you hyping up and retweeting on the dailiy?

>> No.7156465

Most twitter artists are social liberals with no sense of class consciousness, they have that cutthroat neoliberal "fuck you, got mine" mindset while preaching for lgbt rights and BLM. They'd never do anything for a guy struggling because they don't really care. It's that simple.

>> No.7156760

This happened today actually.. i liked someone's art. They were a small artist. didnt think bout retweeting it.. and then they followed me. Only then did i retweet the art because hey maybe it'd make them happy.
I didnt follow back though. I like to have the number of people i follow in 3 digits only...
Am i a crab or what.?

>> No.7157276

>Once i get large
I know you're that one schizopsycho and now I have confirmation that you're also shit at drawing lol