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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.53 MB, 2130x3000, 80_im_done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7146185 No.7146185 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>7139876

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/

>> No.7146196

Is that obama?

>> No.7146201

if Obama's the first black president, then yeah

>> No.7146202


no it’s michael jackson

>> No.7146214

I abstained from posting all of last thread. In review, we got lowercasers posting walls of drivel, the usual coomcommenters, and even a cameo by Tranny Chungus.

We need to Build Back Better.

>> No.7146219

not possible, /dad/ is built on the pillars of discrimination

>> No.7146225

is lowercase a bad thing?

>> No.7146231

you need to Stop Being A Pussy

>> No.7146234

It's not the lowercase in itself, it's the kind of opinions and sentiments that tend to come from lowercasers; the physiognomy of the lowercase poster.

>> No.7146247

>uppercasers again have only adhoms

>> No.7146248

that doesn't make sense

>> No.7146252

i wouldn't be too proud of posting to 4chan like you're writing an essay for 8th grade english class. i used to type like that when i was that age to appear older

>> No.7146254

if you care about case usage:

>> No.7146261

The 'ad hominems' you refer to are valid criticisms of the behavior of these individuals. The 'walls of drivel' amount to 'take a break', 'take a break', 'okay, maybe I should take a break'.

I don't care about case usage; I'm pointing at the typical output of such users. I'm not disappointed, it's expected of you to focus on the words and not read deeper.

>> No.7146267

People should post more unsolicited critiques of DADs in the thread. That user you like who always makes the same mistakes? Call them out on it, NOW!

>> No.7146269

i find it pretty helpful. the one time it happened to me their advice worked prety well and wasn't something i had thought of before

>> No.7146271

I agree, I'll start doing that from now on. I remember the King guy doing the rotating cube sheet (Krenz?) without using the circles. Understand the exercise instead of stumbling through it.

>> No.7146273

>"you write drivel" = "take a break"

>> No.7146274

What would you draw to make your DAD crush happy anons?

>> No.7146275

That's clearly not what I said. I hope that's not your attempt at a bait.

>> No.7146298

I am simply better than all of you uneducated, unscholarly plebians. *sips decaf starbucks coffee, adjusts infinity scarf* You simply don't understand, because you are (It is you are, not you're.) not as sophisticated as I am.

>> No.7146305

this but unironically

>> No.7146312
File: 3.50 MB, 4000x3000, 20240424_202716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this plein air painting

>> No.7146323

I really like it.

>> No.7146324


>> No.7146326

dad attractiveness tier list

>> No.7146328

ANY tier list.

>> No.7146334
File: 337 KB, 850x1235, IMG_6427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling cute. Might post my art.

>> No.7146367

>the nazi guy is back

>> No.7146388
File: 609 KB, 1328x933, tear list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for you my friend

>> No.7146394

I've gone up in the tier list since last time. I've regained faith in my art.

>> No.7146398

This is a work of art.

>> No.7146407


>> No.7146410

i am in green and blue

>> No.7146432

Can we not put them in the same sentence. One fights for a noble cause, the other deserves to be gassed.

>> No.7146438

both completly normal human behavor

>> No.7146440


>> No.7146441

Instantly reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez8m4PXksQs&t=180s

>> No.7146445

Has /dad/ ever been great? When will /dad/ ever experience such greatness, will there be such a day? When was the last time you sat down, pop a fresh champagne and say to yourself, well, today was less fake and gay than yesterday.

>> No.7146449

Did pewdiepie make another drawing video or something? What's going on right now??

>> No.7146451

he played with toys.

>> No.7146452

chill the fuck out niggaaaaa

>> No.7146456

>Has /dad/ ever been great?
Yes, and you missed it

>> No.7146460
File: 20 KB, 500x401, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of the few who champion for drawing everyday, 15 years ago. I haven't miss a beat.

>> No.7146470


>> No.7146480

guys, i'm wackin it AND drawing rn

>> No.7146485

Not to mention, the coomcommenters and lowercasers have a large overlap.

>> No.7146491

I like not spending time on Art. It gives me an excuse. Imagine if I spent all day working on something and It's still shit. How will I cope then?

>> No.7146495

i do NOT coompost

>> No.7146499

when you aren't insecure about your shortcomings and enjoy the process of getting better, there's no need to cope

>> No.7146504
File: 401 KB, 619x662, alligatinmator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate it.
Idk what you're asking
/dad/ can be great if everyone actually fucking makes art... and posts their art. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you guys? 49 replies and I'm the only one who posted mine. This is why most of you are NGMI

>> No.7146507

If you want art -go to the site. This is an unnecessary thread dedicated to scizoposting

>> No.7146532

a lot of dads are stuck in early 2010's concept art cringe shit

also got shit shape language

>> No.7146535

Show me your notshit shape language

>> No.7146539

>a lot of dads are stuck in early 2010's concept art
god,i wish

>> No.7146543

someone is mad
lack of shape language does that, it makes you dumber and more emotional

>> No.7146548


thoughts on sinus shape language?
hes a dirty democrat voter but he is kinda decent half of the time

>> No.7146556

Lowercaser thinks shape language is shape design. Many such cases.

>> No.7146561

dad goldenage was when we had the blessing of both shrineydog and shrineycat. actually felt proud for getting the OP pic once lol

>> No.7146580

when mp4 support gets added
that'll be the next golden age

>> No.7146590

Don't add MP4 support. Add WebM support.

>> No.7146598

Don't add WebM support. Remove gif support. Fuck the animation fags

>> No.7146599

He should add mp3 support. I want submit my tunes

>> No.7146603

I looked up some of the shriney threads from 2020, the culture is exactly the same as now but with more soul. The OPs involved more effort and even the tier lists were hand crafted.

>> No.7146604

i love young boys

>> No.7146606

>a bunch of no-draw with single digit "streak" yapping
>shape language
>golden age
>newsite features
You still have no work to post to day.

>> No.7146613

shape design is pure cope
you can't "design" shape
it is a language

>> No.7146652

>pumped to start drawing some cute girls
>open my drawing app
>start yawning endlessly

>> No.7146660

>pumped to start drawing
>open drawing app
>doodle some bussin af shape language
God is providing, fr fr

>> No.7146664

It never looks as good as what's in my head.

>> No.7146672

Cute mito! Love the wiggly smug smile.

>> No.7146673

am I the only one who thinks there are a lot of int tier dads that are talented but will never go anywhere because they married themselves to trash artstyles?

>> No.7146678

you best shut your mouth about my style before I shut it for you

>> No.7146681

Anime pedo hands typed this post.

>> No.7146714

*nazi anime pedo

>> No.7146718

by 2024 standards
if you breath youre a nazi

>> No.7146725

>weekly user getting uppity like his opinion matters

>> No.7146726
File: 96 KB, 675x960, 1621547023086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking about me aren't you! This artstyle is in development! I will reach the heavens with this artstyle! Mark my word!

>> No.7146731

I keep putting my fetish into my drawings but none of the other DADs ever commented on it, i wonder if im too subtle with it...

>> No.7146747

... Are we supposed to say "nice fetish"

>> No.7146752

How you you draw a fetish in a subtle way.

>> No.7146759

why not? we could bond over it...
that's for me to know and for you to subliminally get brainwashed into liking it

>> No.7146765

can't fucking believe that cranihum subliminally brainwashed me into being a pervert about shortstacks and goblins

>> No.7146771

question; do midgets qualify as short stacks? I feel shortstacks refer to normal people who are short rather than midgets

>> No.7146776

also I dreamt that me and my dad crush were play wrestling and it started to escalate with it ending with both of us performing 69 what does this mean

>> No.7146780

shoot your shot anon, who was it btw

>> No.7146782

Not enough data to draw conclusions. Did he have thick cum?

>> No.7146786

It's either lazypotato or parak33t. They both lost their streaks the same day he complained his crush lost one. He used the word "rival" that time

>> No.7146806

Blahh blahh blahh

>> No.7146814

I made it all up

>> No.7146819

No you didn't. Who is it? Potato or parakeet? It's your best chance to confess now that I have you cornered.

>> No.7146834

I would never besmirch my EX rival's name with lewd dreams or bother them with me deepest feelings. However, you did manage to narrow down the list but you've accused the wrong guy.

>> No.7146835

more dads should do studies like this. but they won't.

>> No.7146843


>> No.7146848

I didn't JUST narrow down the list, I narrowed it to just 2 people. Lazypotato and Parak33t. They both now know there's 50% chance they have a DAD who theats them as a mortal enemy. You really should have been more careful. It's just a matter of time now before it all comes to light

>> No.7146850

based map

>> No.7146860

here, I have an exercise that's perfect for you too

>> No.7146868

>software engineer
>draws better than 99.98% of dads

>> No.7146874

I cannot learn anything. I am the unlearned.

>> No.7146947

Interesting video, thank you for this. I've been struggling with trying to draw faces for quite a while.

>> No.7146957

>you should have fun with your art, to enjoy it
>you should take art seriously
>your shape design is bad
>your concept is outdated
>your style is bad
>not discussing anyone's art in particular
there's no point to these threads. why even come here if i'm just getting discouraged with constant whining by some no-draw with exceptionally high standards and dunning-kruger. goodbye and good riddance

>> No.7146959

idk, i'm having fun here

>> No.7146960

the irony

>> No.7147064

>dad i looked up to is regressing
dont blame them for becoming busy with irl
but its sad they stopped making rendered pieces
and the sketches they do post have an unpleasant style they never improved upon for years

>> No.7147070

Got me worried there for a second, thought it was me but i haven't posted for years.

>> No.7147085
File: 261 KB, 1248x1604, random589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study of a study

>> No.7147087

I have no fucking timeeeee to draaawwwwwwww and I don't think my sketches are that unpleasant personally despite never improving upon them for years

>> No.7147089

Is there a name for the phenomenon that when you look at a painted piece from a distance is looks more detailed than it actually is?

>> No.7147097


>> No.7147099

I thought the cat had a poncho at a glance. You should give it a poncho

>> No.7147113

I've heard landscape painters call it the illusion of detail

>> No.7147114

lol do the explicit and questionable tags even matter? don't seem like they are that enforced

>> No.7147135

Yes, but only when it's Tableguy

>> No.7147136

sounds like me. someday i'll go out of this art style but i like my fucked up uncanny anime faces on normal looking bodies and clothes for now. just trying to figure out how to make it look better

>> No.7147139

I shall consider your proposal

>> No.7147141

Fuck I really have to be spending at least all day drawing to catch up to everyone else huh.

>> No.7147187

if you are the actual person i was talking about then my bad, i should have made my post more vague
its normal for progress to stall when youre busy, and if quick fun stuff for yourself is all you can do, then go for it!
what really sucks is knowing things will get worse
more obligations continually mounting as you get older, leaving you even less time than now

>> No.7147204

Putting a topic off for later is fine, just be careful that you don't develop super strong habits and muscle memory that'll become a nightmare to replace if you ever decide to move on.

>> No.7147215

yeah it's a bit annoying to change style all of a sudden but i've done it about a dozen times in my life so i might have an easier start. eventually i want to have something closer to reality than what i have right now. just need to look at more human faces. might be sooner than i made it sound in the original post

>> No.7147270

Bet he will start drawing bara in a few weeks

>> No.7147276


>> No.7147280

me :)

>> No.7147332

If you were talking about me, watch this space, I'm coming back with a vengeance
Thankyou for noticing, I'm painfully aware of my regression. If you weren't talking about me, still thankyou for looking out for other DAD's. We should all aspire to improve.

>> No.7147362

i strive to be in a tier list one day even if i'm at the bottom, becuase at least that means i'm getting noticed and it'll fuel my ego a little bit

>> No.7147374

I look forward to ur every sub and I'm happy to see the progress you're making.

>> No.7147376


>> No.7147381

make shape language

>> No.7147398

>Shape language
You can't define it
You don't know how to grind it
You don't have it
You simply don't draw

>> No.7147448


>> No.7147463


>> No.7147472

prove it

>> No.7147600 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1146x968, maxres_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This applies to me too, I feel like almost any vague general critique that you see in this thread can be said about anyone. Yeah man, we're all too busy to draw. Yeah, we should make more finished pieces. True, we should experiment more. Maybe we are regressing a bit. And yeah, our sketches look kind of ugly. Not even people on DAD, I'm sure if you asked any studying artist about their work they'd say the same thing.
>its normal for progress to stall when youre busy
>what really sucks is knowing things will get worse
I don't care about that. I just want to draw.

>> No.7147605

never gonna happen

>> No.7147608

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm coming back.

>> No.7147861

I wanna vague post

>> No.7147940

I find it very challenges changing my behaviour from playing video games to spending my time drawing.

>> No.7147954

Uninstall all games and form the habit of drawing. It doesn't take long. You get used to the lack of instant gratification.
I confess it worked easily for me because my enjoyment from videogames decreased quite a bit. Only tekken appeals to me now but I don't feel the NEED to play like I did a few months ago.

>> No.7148069

nta but i've drawing daily for couple of years and i still have to push my self to start drawing
i mean i like it but it's probably due to fact that i'm also a wagie and have other things to do daily too like learning another language and study some other things

>> No.7148071

>i've been
quick fix

>> No.7148187

I've posted a sub that was below my skill level today and it's been eating at me...

>> No.7148198

you've brought dishonor upon your ancestors. commit ritual suicide

>> No.7148206

Hahahah I'm the worst poster on the sight ahahahahha. Why am I even keeping this streak alive ahahahha.

>> No.7148217

I see you

>> No.7148222

nta but hot

>> No.7148249

>I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

>> No.7148277
File: 15 KB, 438x145, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7148397
File: 26 KB, 114x336, unts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There they are.

>> No.7148614

>tfw dad is technically very skilled yet his drawings are still unappealing
shape language for this feel?

>> No.7148616


>> No.7148618
File: 1 KB, 150x97, TheBell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this fucking thing so hard to get rid of??? I already clicked on it, and it still shows this obnoxious blue "1"

>> No.7148631

I easily get infatuated please don't give me a nice comment

>> No.7148635

When will we see a new feature or qol?

>> No.7148636

He doesn't even accept pull requests.

>> No.7148647

Heh. Clearly not me. I'd rather my art be "bad" than ugly and boring.
Shape appeel for this feal?

>> No.7148672

Actually, I was literally referring to you specifically in particular lol.

>> No.7148679

this pr will be 2 years old soon

>> No.7148681

old submission deletion would be nice

>> No.7148698

>6 years of daily drawing
tell me about Whizzard, how does he do it?

>> No.7148700

>how does he do it?
by cheating

>> No.7148746

I have 30 days worth of backup drawings. I will never leave pg1 unless you kill me

>> No.7148813
File: 3.30 MB, 1550x1550, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, what did he mean by this?

>> No.7148828

he is never accepting critiques, you can't critique him

>> No.7148837

I love my drawings and I can't wait to show DADs my drawings

>> No.7148839

I read that some people want to critique other people but reluctant to do it because they don't know if the poster want to get critiqued.

So, I make it so clear to you niggas. If you find something you want to critique about my drawing/painting, don't hold yourself, type away. I'm here to improve you know :)

>> No.7148840

>view all notification
then it will disappear

>> No.7148861


>> No.7148889


>> No.7149025

Does banana know how often I refresh your page to see if you posted yet today

>> No.7149050
File: 39 KB, 905x279, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and they send me notifications when you do this

>> No.7149054

I'm deleting my account

>> No.7149057

Please don't, it's a joke

>> No.7149061

Funny if it's true
don't worry, I'm harmless

>> No.7149064
File: 29 KB, 882x309, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7149129

As punishment I'm going to suck the juices out of you

>> No.7149188

But I'm not following my cum thickening routine

>> No.7149220
File: 90 KB, 1765x1825, IMG_2168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not add a feature to the site where you can label submissions as open to critique or not?

>> No.7149223
File: 1.56 MB, 2333x2950, IMG_2138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont
i love you

>> No.7149228

The site is lowkey abandon

>> No.7149255

can someone explain this image in retard terms

>> No.7149300

It's just an overconfident int's schizo gibberish. don't bother.

>> No.7149302

Has banana ever run into storage issues? All the art on the site has to be stored somewhere. Maybe that's why video support is not happening.

>> No.7149310

How does banana even get the money to host the website? I bet he's selling our personal information somehow...

>> No.7149321

Just the typical gay furry programmer with a lot of expendable cash

>> No.7149415

u need to draw a lot for ur brain to remember good

>> No.7149440

at least we know he's not selling our art

>> No.7149446
File: 402 KB, 1253x1600, random590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should give it a poncho
Poncho given

>> No.7149450

Can anyone post those 3 Pepe images?

There's something to her voice that I can't stand, I suspect she's using some sort of voice or AI filter. It sounds weird to me.

>> No.7149605

lmao, i love it

>> No.7149957

someone's gonna lose their streak tonight

>> No.7149959

it better be someone with a higher streak than me, which has been happening less and less as the days have gone by. woe, the plight of being a dedicated artist.

>> No.7149968

I checked and your place will stay the same. Sorry but you will stay in page 2 hell for quite some time.

>> No.7149978

>Sorry but you will stay in page 2 hell for quite some time.
I suspect you may be right, which ultimately I will accept. it will make my inevitable ascent to page 1 all the more satisfying.

>> No.7150042

tell me a secret, DADs...

>> No.7150049

I ship some DADs together

>> No.7150051

I love you all.

Yes, (you) too

>> No.7150052

w-will you go geocaching with me?

>> No.7150061

I hate leaving my house but I'll make an exception for you

>> No.7150065

I unfollow and blacklist anyone that doesn't impress me with a sub at least once a week

>> No.7150071

Please come back. I miss you

>> No.7150090

I wish I could get a hater. Everyone knows having haters is a sign you're making it

>> No.7150091
File: 30 KB, 611x645, canary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to DAD as I teach myself how to art but sometimes sleep is better

>> No.7150093

when do you guys think the tier tourney will be?

>> No.7150117

Hopefully, never.

>> No.7150124

I want more casual anonymous tier lists. I don't care if I get d tier, the shit it stirs up is just too funny.

>> No.7150129

I need a fetish tier list daddy based on skill, fetish relatability and the amount of that fetish posted on DAD.

>> No.7150140

I've been noticing that as soon as a specific someone sends their submission there's an uptick in shitposting in this thread.I crossed referenced their style of writing here with their style of writing on DAD and it's surprisingly similar. I'm onto this mf.

>> No.7150207

I'm hetero

>> No.7150214


>> No.7150248

prove it

>> No.7150284

if people are talking trash here I just assume they are one of the 'no-draws'

>> No.7150290

Today I think I will not post art today.

>> No.7150351
File: 350 KB, 1354x725, when you disable the lineart layer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you disable the lineart layer

>> No.7150385

my virginity streak is the only streak that matters

>> No.7150406

dad since march 2021
doc told me today to give my hand few weeks of rest, shit tendinitis

i'm left handed now, my first drawing sucks
dad will continue

>> No.7150411

Give "Understanding and Painting the Head" by Marco Bucci a try, I think It's on CGPeers or some other website. You're not using enough hard edges and shapes, and you didn't shift the hue enough towards the purple on your shadow layer.
There's also "The art of color and light" by Marco Bucci which is pretty good for understanding how color works. A quick summary from one of the lessons is that if the light is warm then the shadows need to shift towards the cooler colors and vice versa. Skin tones tend to have a bunch of color variations thrown in which makes it hard to paint. I'm probably overwhelming you with information so I just suggest giving "Understanding and Painting the Head" a try as a start.

>> No.7150414


Get a wrist brace to sleep in, I recommend the Meuller. I get tendinitis too and just wear it whenever I feel it flare up.

>> No.7150416

Thanks for the recommendations. I actually want to watch more Marco Bucci videos, I just keep procrastinating and doing whatever.

>> No.7150480

yeah it was caused by a weird sleeping position and to much project zomboid
luckily i can draw fine tho ill just switch hands for now
ill check that Mueller, thanks
also trying to be leftanded sucks, most shit in my home is made for right hand.

>> No.7150525

I had the same problem two years ago. Thankfully, im healthy now. Here are some tips which helped me avoid more injuries

> use a wrist bracer while drawing and adjust your workspace to avoid weird postures.
> do wrist/arm stretches before drawing and after you finish. For each 25min of drawing, stop 5min.
> go to the gym and incorporate forearm/wrist flexions twice a week. (This helped A LOT)

Stay healthy, anon. And follow your doctor's advice.

>> No.7150541

art is a path of self destruction. slowing down that process is heresy

>> No.7150546

>art is a path of self destruction
gross narcissistic romanticism

>> No.7150580
File: 502 KB, 3090x2514, knight comparison persp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was drawing this guy and I realized I had the perspective all fucked up. It feels like the one on the right looks better, but I have no clue how to figure the perspective on a figure like this from the beginning? It seems like I just stumbled into it late into the sketch phase.

>> No.7150639

You don't allow anonymous comments so I'll leave it here.

I hate my face so fucking much I avoid looking in mirrors and smooth surfaces. Can't imagine to be so comfortable with it to be able to paint it

>> No.7150644

>Can't imagine to be so comfortable with it to be able to paint it

>> No.7150651

That's it. Is there anything else you want to know about me?

>> No.7150654

always forgetting to check that box but yeah I don't feel neither attractive or ugly so I don't really care that much

>> No.7150656

I wish I knew less, in fact

>> No.7150661

You know as little as you can right now. Be polite or I'll tell you more facts about me. I'm warning you.

>> No.7150873

the prettiest girl in the world is the dad milf reading this post

>> No.7150961

wait... me?

>> No.7150971

Oh, sorry. I meant the next girl

>> No.7151049


>> No.7151060

If you're secretly in love with me pls tell me in an anonymous comment. It will really help my fragile ego

>> No.7151061

sent, check your notifications :)

>> No.7151065

omg thank you :)
have a blessed day <3

>> No.7151087

wait I have to do a paintover of another person in the challenge? I wanted to do a paintover of a random dad who quit after a week

>> No.7151092


>> No.7151093

Do it, they can't tell.

>> No.7151096

I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.

But, alas, I can paint.

>> No.7151097


>> No.7151098

just paintover one of kachi's loli drawings and give them huge boobs and ass, saying you fixed it

>> No.7151100

Oh is it one of those threads where we shit on painter dads, nice, these cunts need a wake up call

>> No.7151104

I won't cease painting. Line is subordinate.

>> No.7151107

I can do both and usually I sketch, lineart AND paint from imagination for my finished pieces. >:3

>> No.7151113

Shouldn't be too hard. All my submissions can be improved upon hahaha

>> No.7151114


>> No.7151122

>I hate leaving my house
Sigh. I knew that if someone had feelings for me, then surely they were deranged.

>> No.7151135

Disgusting how Whizzard refuses doesn't give up his page 1 spot to the next generation of artists.
Even if a new DAD works 10x as hard its IMPOSSIBLE for him to be number one as long as this asshole refuses to move. This isn't even a fair playing field. It's clear that the previous generation of DADs had more opportunities to move up even though their genetics or work ethic is no better.

>> No.7151139

>my parents should kill themselves and give me all their money
What a fucking faggot you are hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahaahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahagagagagagagagagagagag

>> No.7151146

Another successful day of getting a drawing done. Man I love being on page 1

>> No.7151169

Whizzard's old enough to be my dad, so ye, he should and give me his number one spot.

I did two drawing today and I'm only on page 2. Thanks for making it clear to everyone how rigged this site is.

>> No.7151174

the meta is producing an heir with another dad to continue your lineage and having your offspring surpass the current page 1ers with their life advantage

>> No.7151179

I will produce multiple heirs and they will be posting on the same account, and after 30 years when the other DADs died of old age my heirs will fight and scheme against each other so they can have full control of the DAD account.
It will be...A Game of DADs.

>> No.7151180
File: 304 KB, 509x651, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that's why it's called DAD....

>> No.7151194

Right now, this moment, I've decided to adopt Whizzard. He's my son now so his achievements are my achievements.

I am the number one DAD.

>> No.7151198

Heh, all this time and they don't know about page 0.

>> No.7151203

Lmao getting to page 1 is easy, just keep posting, but what about page 135? Banana is sitting there like a king...uncontested....

>> No.7151219

Imagine calling someone who loves you deranged just because they don't like leaving the house

>> No.7151230

>Now that I have you there's no need for me to leave my house ever again. If you try leaving, it'll be in a bodybag.

>> No.7151235

B-but I said I'll make an exception for them!

>> No.7151245

What the fuck how did you put a lightbulb inside this drawing?

>> No.7151260
File: 224 KB, 748x251, stonetoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, staying indoors all the time isn't healthy. "Touching grass" became a meme for good reason.

>> No.7151262

I fucking HATE house-leavers they're always so uppity no exceptions.

>> No.7151265
File: 486 KB, 1910x1299, 20240429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a dying star inside me burst back to life, but then I saw the profile name was different and I went back to darkness inside... but just... a little brighter than before.

This is going into my tonker folder. As long as Fanart exists, Tonkers won't die.

>> No.7151266

I'm gonna make a "go out and draw" challenge just to spite you

>> No.7151269

That's a laser. Light bulbs emit light in all directions.

>> No.7151272
File: 443 KB, 820x677, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that music video.

>> No.7151274
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1672485265520509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7151275

Why haven't you started on your visual novel? You can hand draw the characters and leave the tedious background work to AI.

>> No.7151276

because story

>> No.7151278

Found out the VN's require writing and you have to know how to stage and puppet a scene.

>> No.7151288

How do you draw for several hours a day? Drugs?

>> No.7151298

A good night's sleep and a healthy meal are usually enough for me.

>> No.7151301

Having enough free time + non-fucked up attention span/reward system. Build a habit.

>> No.7151306

Start naming and shaming niggers who scribbled for 10 seconds and posted it as their 30 minutes 'work'.

>> No.7151311

Your mom only lasted 10 seconds when i was doing 'work' on her.

>> No.7151315

how mad did you smell on a scale from 1 to 10 for her to faint that quickly?

>> No.7151328

I just whipped it out and when she realized it wasn't my leg she fainted.
She told me she's only ever passed out like that when she walks past your room and the stench is unbearable, even when the door is closed.

>> No.7151331

Gentlemen please

>> No.7151332

You start. I want to know if I'm included.

>> No.7151333

Your mom wanted it anything but gentle.

>> No.7151334


I gotta keep my door closed or she’ll smell the full extent of your bad jokes through my monitor. It smells so bad she thinks there is a dead body in the closet.

>> No.7151338

Anything that's filtering through your semen crusted screen ends up smelling bad, clean your room.

Also, I fucked your mom.

>> No.7151344 [DELETED] 


>> No.7151345


>> No.7151347


>> No.7151350

Jerry of Tom & Jerry or Ben & Jerry ?

>> No.7151351

or from Seinfeld?

>> No.7151352

You’re getting warmer ironically. Only high streakers would remember

>> No.7151355
File: 49 KB, 750x421, DUDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.7151356

>irl name drops only high streakers will remember

>> No.7151368

truly nu/dad/

>> No.7151371
File: 2.18 MB, 3000x4000, 20240430_123811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The work in progress...progresses.

>> No.7151408

how long have you been working on that? i feel like I've seen this in a thread months ago

>> No.7151487

Fuck, I miss Jerry :( I still regret bullying him and telling him to study more instead of trying to draw faces on his own. I think it was a good advice, but maybe I was too harsh while delivering it; I didn't want him to give up.

>> No.7151502

looks like shit

>> No.7151507

That’s odd, i don’t see a drawing of your mom that was posted.

>> No.7151520

Looks cleaner and more readable than some of your recent past work. Hopefully you preserve that negative space and don’t overcrowd and overrender it.

>> No.7151634

who is tonkers i'm a newfag

>> No.7151655
File: 386 KB, 1440x1007, random592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New art sketches for a old game idea

>> No.7151667

Haloa did the infinity gauntlet first.

>> No.7151718

If me and my DAD crush were in a vehicle and they ripped gas I would inhale/sniff/consume every molecule of air that it would become a vacuum of space for scientists to study

>> No.7151773

my dad crush doesn't even fucking post anymore
maybe i should just...

>> No.7151775

>imagine having a DAD crush
but also
>imagine never being someone's DAD crush

>> No.7151780

If Whizzard ripped gas in a vehicle I would inhale every molecule as a sign of respect for the number one DAD so he doesn't have to smell his own farts. But really I;m just hoping he'd leave me his account on his will.

>> No.7151814

whizzard's so smug just because he's nujmber 1. God I hate that guy.

>> No.7152048

there is not enough discussion of the nazis and pedos on DAD

>> No.7152092

people should be talking about me desu

>> No.7152105

when she comments on my sub that's when i've made it -.-

>> No.7152107

she comments on my sub till I streak

>> No.7152215

Alright, I'll start.
MAPs of dad are absolutely based and their art is full of soul
Nazis of dad often have very reasonable arguments for their believes and I respect that

>> No.7152304

No! They should be talking about me!

>> No.7152316

You're yesterday's news. I'm a rising star baby!

>> No.7152328

Ex special forces operator that went by the callsign Tonk. He used to draw his OC but was later killed so he abruptly stopped posting.

>> No.7152339
File: 214 KB, 670x1000, 00-hunchback-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I should classify these things as Studies,or whatever. I will stuff the background with eyes,just to figure out how to do it. The influences on my wanting an elaborate space for the figures to occupy comes from the comic Cerebus the Aardvark, and the dedicated background artist Gerhard, who did this. If I were "serious",and not merely exploring a concept, I would draw each element separately and use Photoshop to create the final image. The eyes are their own challenge, and visualizing the contours of their flowing can only be accomplished by sculpting the cracks between characters into dripping valleys and sagging mountains. I also like to imply a story as one shots like this,their actions,so finding space for more characters is part of the fun. I think I will fit one more in,clinging for dear life to the thing on the stilts.

Time to draw.

>> No.7152414

no offense but theres something inherently funny to me in c tier artists getting this philosophical about doodling 3 goblins, their 80s fursonas and a bunch of eyeballs

>> No.7152439
File: 2.42 MB, 10000x3912, IMG_0243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filtered by hands, I ran out of time to draw them properly

>> No.7152606


>> No.7152703

You ever draw something and then a few days later you go back and look at it and it's better than you thought it was at first.

>> No.7152707

Berry nice girl.

>> No.7152747

yes, but I more often have the reverse experience. just yesterday morning I looked at a portait I had drawn the night before, which I then felt good about on the whole, only to later feel like it looked cartoonishly bad. I really don't know why that happens.

>> No.7152775

Show us, don't be shy

Yes, most of the time. It used to be the other way round and I'm wondering what's changed and whether it's good or bad

>> No.7152781

>3 somewhat decent artist in the paintover challenge and they are above my level
>rest are children level scribbles that basically don't deserve paintover
it's so over i'll probably skip this one

>> No.7152794

Fuck, it's started already. I'm already regretting not joining.

But I'd regret joining as well, I know that

>> No.7152808
File: 42 KB, 850x400, quote-do-it-or-don-t-do-it-you-will-regret-both-soren-kierkegaard-138-20-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7152816

Geniuses think alike

>> No.7152830

I'm having trouble finding something because there are so few finished drawings in there. I'm maybe going with Oliviet. Not sure yet if I'm gonna do a serious paintover or troll.

>> No.7152836

hey, you, yes, (You). I've been watching your subs and I'm jealous. I don't care how talented, nice, or helpful you are, you're my new goal and I WILL get on your level one day. You've been warned.

>> No.7152842

Ur rival? U said they were "EX" did you not?

Anyway, who is it, Parak33t or Lazypotato?

>> No.7152860

honestly, I'm a completely different anon and it's neither of those artists. I don't want to say names cuz I see the person from time to time, but I love their stuff. I'll stick with quietly watching from the shadows until I can strike.

>> No.7152866

Vague posters makes me so fucking mad hoyl fuck

>> No.7152868

just name them you weirdo. you'll probably make them happy

>> No.7152872

woah there, lower your standards! don't set your goals too high, champ.

>> No.7152876


Don't think you can fool me. You aren't the only one watching from the shadows you know

Just sayin'

>> No.7152890

>that's not me you guys i swear
Yeah okay

>> No.7152926

Names? Which posters exactly?

>> No.7152960
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x4032, 20220523_183503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subject matter is irrelevant.

To simplify, I am opting for a detailed background as a lesson in visualizing it. And it will be a challenge to get correct. Here is another attempt at this subject,because I had the idea of writing a short story involving characters from my main storyline, and wasn't ready for it. I gave up at the third try,one being ruined by poor choice of inking pen. I want to make a tshirt design, and it will be Something in the Dripping Eyes, black and white, on a good white shirt, and these last couple of works are the steps to that.

>> No.7152972

People who know, know. If you don't know you're not in the know. You know?

>> No.7152973
File: 122 KB, 1600x663, RuAGh59Dw2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished drawing for today
>existential dread and helplessness come back instantly

>> No.7152979

rumination, like your post, doesn't help

>> No.7153044

middle and bottom left both look like they come from a really cool Amiga game / demo

>> No.7153132

>even DeepDarkAbyss is a furry
just when you thought there were some decent ones. what's next for /dad/, pedos and Nazis?

>> No.7153140
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x1080, 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a break from drawing. Glad to know I'm getting better at drawing accurate proportions with each attempt. Magenta outline is the correct way to draw this pose.

I was listening to Green Day's "American Idiot" album while drawing this and got nostalgic for the 2000s. Anybody got any music recommendations for drawing?

>> No.7153145

>music recommendation

Billy Talent III ofc

>> No.7153197

Ti za ljubav nisi rodjena by Marinko Rokvić always gives me these 2000s rock vibes. dude even has rock in his name

>> No.7153218

>even DeepDarkAbyss is a furry
I can't interact with anyone for this reason.

>> No.7153239

Due to the ambiguity of the Mermay challenge's name and picture, along with the unclear description, I don't know if I'm supposed to just submit something every day in may or if every submission in may must be something related to aquatic themes.

>> No.7153257

>unclear description
>"May is the month delegated to mermaids. Also acceptable are aquatic/ marine half person hybrids."
>"The challenge wants you to make a submission (sketches or wips are acceptable) EVERY DAY for the month of May."
my nigger, what is unclear about that? submit one mermaid or aquatic/marine human hybrid for the month of May.

>> No.7153261

>submit one
per day* (as indicated by the description)

>> No.7153262

Based retard

>> No.7153273

The text tells me 2 things:
>May is the month delegated to mermaids and aquatic/marine half person hybrids
>The challenge wants me to make a submission every day for the month of May
Anyway. Thanks for the clarification, nigger saying anon.

>> No.7153305

you can spend the whole month doing one drawing, so long as you submit a wip every day?

>> No.7153308

I mean it says
>...wips are acceptable
so presumably yes. just go sekx on 'em

>> No.7153309
File: 831 KB, 2397x6499, tani sticker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortstacks are idealized midgets you rart

>> No.7153442

>Thansk for the clarification, nigger saying anon.
no problem anon. btw: niggers

>> No.7153530

My cat is black. He can also read English and was reading this thread.

Stop it guys.

>> No.7153535 [DELETED] 

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

>> No.7153540

Arab slave traders literally genocided all Africans in the middle east. Even if you don't like black humans surely you must be sad at the destruction these middle eastern savages did to their people of color slaves.

My cat (who is black) is crying, I couldn't stop him from looking. Have a heart at least for him.

>> No.7153542

please shut the fuck up

>> No.7153546


>> No.7153549

black cats don't have black skin. give him a kiss and tell him this isn't about him

>> No.7153556

He's on the bed. I told him and he said black cats have grey skin and white cats have pink skin, so this is about him. Now he won't come out of the bed sheet. He won't stop meow crying.

>> No.7153578


black /dad/s are the best artists on the site

>> No.7153581

No, that gay guy and ocos are the best artists.

>> No.7153590

Shortstacks are just children with big breasts

>> No.7153621
File: 1.07 MB, 3010x2903, IMG_0246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second day

>> No.7153645
File: 22 KB, 449x449, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat in question

>> No.7153647

counter-evidence #1: Ulala

>> No.7153648

I would have never cared to look into this meme if it wasn’t for my day job.

>> No.7153678

the fuck is that supposed to mean? are you a researcher at the ADL?

>> No.7153869

does this thread just exist to take posters off site? even worse, onto discord

>> No.7153880

Can't really post my work in here, my art has a containment thread for a reason.

>> No.7153914

Why are you assholes so good at drawing flowers?

>> No.7153953

you have to be good at drawing flowers to draw good assholes

>> No.7153962


>> No.7153979

I just hope I never draw something that offends one of these obsessive schizos

>> No.7153994

Yes, ironically. I had a job in the past that demanded me to cross reference antisemitism from the ADL database and the companies AI. It induced schizophrenia in me so much I quit. Never knew there were so many ways to be racist you never come across such stuff on 4chan which is saying something.

>> No.7153996

>I just hope I never draw
you got this part down already, good job anon

>> No.7154032

autism is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be antisemitic

>> No.7154041

if you draw, i love you

>> No.7154045

sneaky fags cropping and bluring their art

>> No.7154050
File: 161 KB, 1892x837, blurry armor designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

balls: grow them

>> No.7154185

sometimes my pp goes inside my fupa while peeing and it sprinkles everywhere like a fire sprinkler how can I use this experience for art

>> No.7154187

get on a treadmill, for god's sake

>> No.7154236

This means nothing in an anonymous board.

>> No.7154243

Finished my drawing really early today. I'm gonna hold on to it and post it later though. Feels good.

>> No.7154244

it's not anonymous if I have your dox
>t. banana

>> No.7154315

Same. Finished like two last week, but I'll post them maybe next weekend so I can go to a concert without having to worry about drawing or my streak for those days.

>> No.7154329

Oh, I mean I'm posting it later (today). I'm no cheater cheater pumpkin eater.
I also found a mistake and fixed it, so I'm glad I gave myself an hour to rest my eyes.

>> No.7154363

new thread

>> No.7154382

No thanks, I'd rather post in the Shadowthread.

>> No.7154390

Nobody thinks you're mysterious just because you have your secret "dark shadow masters" club. Yall are just weird and cringe. Everyone with a life is in the sunlight, but fine, stay in your mom's dark basement, the rest of use are better off without having to smell your sweaty fatfolds.

>> No.7154395

A normal reaction, the Shadowthread lives rent free in their heads.

>> No.7154406
File: 99 KB, 442x813, The shadow thread they tell you is so cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shadow thread

>> No.7154408

The real thread

your choice

>> No.7154423

Shadowthread Whizzard Money Gang.

>> No.7154441

Da fug? Yall get elite whizzard training and money? Link me!