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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7145596 No.7145596 [Reply] [Original]

>Learn to draw good
Its one thing to get a technical ability, but how do you build a communication ability of an artist to provide a feeling?

>> No.7145606
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1715, 1707878247889830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have feelings. express them

>> No.7145607

Reconnect with your sovl, Picasso.

>> No.7145619
File: 125 KB, 764x712, isolatedstranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a whole lot at the moment.

>> No.7145620

i feel you

>> No.7146518

Find art that seems to effectively convey emotion to you and analyze what aspects of the artwork evoke this. Regardless of subject matter, take note of shape, line style, color, balance, use of space.

Honestly, some emotions are much easier to evoke through art. The more complex assortments of emotions that can’t be easily described are more interesting and challenging to try to capture in visual art.

>> No.7146531

shape language

>> No.7146663

This is my problem as an autist

>> No.7146674

Some say you have to be born with it but I call bull. Empathy, it's always been empathy. Empathy is a learned behavior. Connect with your humanity, and reflect on what you feel, and express it through drawing. That's the essence of soul within art.
That's why they say 'You have to live to create art'. Stories are all about the human condition. If you aren't in touch with your humanity (self-reflection) and other people's humanity (empathy), how can you expect to create art that elicits a strong emotion within others?

>> No.7146687

how do I grind feelings?

>> No.7146783

>how do you build a communication ability of an artist to provide a feeling?
Start with the story--what is going on in your image? There's a sci-fi chick and a robot and some fire, but why? What is going on? Is the chick the hero or the villain? What is her relation to the robot?
Then move to "why does the viewer care about the story"--if she's the hero, why is she fighting? What is she fighting? What happened to her? How are we supposed to feel about it? Excited? Sad? Angry?
Then you ask: Does the image convey this story and the related feelings? If not, why? This seems ambiguous in isolation, but if you've done the work above, it should help you find what works and doesn't

>> No.7146794

send your children to war.

>> No.7146795

I'll try an example:
>Story: Chick and her robot are fighting back against an alien invasion that destroyed her home and killed her family.
>How should the viewer feel: Chick has just won a significant battle against the aliens, but that doesn't bring her family back or her old way of life. Viewer should feel excited but also sad.
>What isn't working based on the story: Needs an alien corpse in the aftermath of the battle to help set the context. Alien could be quite large to establish the magnitude of the victory. Chick should stand in a pose that communicates strength and dominance, but her face is unable to mask the empty feeling of being thrown into this life
Now in theory you would know what you need to do, so it would just be execution (though you may want to tailor the story to play to your technical ability as needed)

>> No.7146803

What percentage of ideas are good artists following through on and drawing? 20%? 60%? Or is everythibg they draw automatically good?

>> No.7146991

I take it you're not familiar with Ghost in the Shell, but I got your point.

Motoko is a fully cyberized human. She lost her body when she was a kid, how is often changed, but her brain, soul or ghost, was put into a robotic body. Hence "Ghost in the Shell".

My approach to conveying feelings was the use of symbolism, but even that, i don't belive gives a vibe, because not everone will see the same visual connections. I suppose this is where you don't try to hammer in a point and let people interperet things, but I would like to not leave the feeling being conveyed left up completely to chance. I'd hate for a viewer to leave with nothing.

To work shop the idea of Motokos existential feeling and dissassociation, how would I convey this?
Sitting on the ground, looking at her leg that has been disconnected from her body with no sense of connection to it. A "ho hum" or bored expression to show detatchment?

There is symbolism going on there, but I don't know if anyone would catch the vibe or feeling.

>> No.7147007

Add a pottet plant next to her and paint it with a high specular shine to it to imply its plastic.

>> No.7147008

>I take it you're not familiar with Ghost in the Shell
It's been an embarrassingly long time (mid-to-late 90s)
>Sitting on the ground, looking at her leg that has been disconnected from her body with no sense of connection to it. A "ho hum" or bored expression to show detatchment?
The thing that always stood out from the anime was her eyes. There was an uncanny emptiness to them. But I think you are on the right track--show her emotional disconnection with a physical disconnection and the unusual reaction to it. Consider POV as well. If you put the viewer at ground level looking over the detached leg up at Makoto with her looking back with a completely blank expression, would that help convey the feeling you want? One watch-out: Symbolism can work, but don't go too esoteric or you will either lose people or come off as heavy-handed.

>> No.7147032
File: 45 KB, 921x862, sketchintheshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't want to get heavy handed with it.If not the use of symbolism, the use of color, lighting and brush strokes can help deliver a mood.
Well I'm sure I'm not going to get it right at the moment getting started, but I'll get better at it now that I'm on this road.

>> No.7147033

That is already working better.

>> No.7147035
File: 123 KB, 669x890, disconnect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, just saw the figure illustration general picture and thought it fit the vibe.
I'll have to edit it so I don't out right steal from the anon who painted it.