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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.24 MB, 2362x2936, female artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140978 No.7140978 [Reply] [Original]

>just draw
>be consistent
>the algorithm doesn't favor X over Y
>that's it really!

>> No.7140979

Pay some chick on fiver to pretend she's you etc. Work smarter not harder

>> No.7140983


>> No.7140984

besides the point

>> No.7140986

>muh numbers!

>> No.7140989

kys psychopath

>> No.7140991
File: 346 KB, 540x1172, 4D32BD5D-0765-4BCA-A611-18EE492F5C5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would unironically work. But when the truth comes out, the people who jacked off to your flirty tweets will fly into a rage and you'll be called mean names and blacklisted.

>> No.7140993

You would rather eternally seethe at the primordial laws of biology instead of manning the fuck up and getting out of your mom's basement, wouldn't you?

>> No.7140994

why? what's wrong anon? you they/them?

>> No.7140996

>e-whores getting clout, jobs and money due to coomers
>primordial laws of biology
what a stupid retarded simp. These vile people have always existed. difference is they were kept in their place instead of being rewarded.

>> No.7141001

Men, throughout history, have always been the expendable gender like it or not.
You sound like a resentful tranny calling anyone who doesn't go a long with your delusion a simp.

>> No.7141014

>your delusion
which is?

>> No.7141027

Just look at people work and not their shitty bios or text posts/selfies.
I'm sure I follow plenty of women like this, but I just roll on to the next post in my timeline.

>> No.7141032

The delusion that you're a special snowflake somehow deserving of equality in a world where no such thing exists.

>> No.7141040
File: 66 KB, 900x876, 1709967408847473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all but one artist draws better than 99% of current /ic/
Damn anon you sure showed us the light. So what does you art look like again? You should really post it.

>> No.7141045
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I'll just have to be even better to stand out.

>> No.7141046

did people forget how. easy it is fora woman to be attractive? literally just don't be fat

>> No.7141055

Alisa Chung is a tranny btw

>> No.7141066

did people forget how. easy it is fora man to be attractive? literally just don't be fat

>> No.7141077
File: 354 KB, 1152x1008, wojak-ooohhh-peabrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women using their body as a way to get people to look at their artwork
>call this out for what it is, whore behavior.
>b-but they draw better than OP haha gotcha
I never said their artwork was bad.
you are delusional if you think any male artist at their level would get the same exposure. There's literally thousands of male artists that don't get the same exposure as e-thots simply beacause they don't have tits to post on their art profiles.

>you're a special snowflake somehow deserving of equality
lmao nigga the reach. If anything, Those women would be the ones saying "I'm equal to men".

post yourself and see if you get near the same amount of clicks these thots do.

based. but it does feel like we're swimming upstream.

>> No.7141081

>no work
Didn't read faggot.

>> No.7141091

Fuck it gonna make a new account and take pic of gf pretending it's me

>> No.7141113
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 17BDF359-A423-4E15-BC55-D855A3BCE17F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck it gonna make a new account and take pic of gf pretending it's me
At the end of that pipe, you come out a girl.

>> No.7141125

>being envious of foids having numbers on social media

Foid mentality. Keep seething, it's the proof that you're definitely going to make it.

>> No.7141139

>Life isn't fair and attractiveness and charisma are benefits in any endeavor.

Wow... holy shit... no way...

>> No.7141143

Then quit.
Sage and hide.

>> No.7141149

>posing next to your painting
>online prostitute

>> No.7141184
File: 112 KB, 723x580, would follow with one hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people follow them for their art
>implying people don't give them chances and opportunities for free because they want to fuck them
you pavlov them, they whore themselves out
simple math
webms relevant



>> No.7141189
File: 19 KB, 360x360, gotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TB Choi <3.
Pyw Ɛ>.

>> No.7142606

I need the names of the asian girl in orange pants and the DSLs asian on the top right in pink

>> No.7142611

The point is that you should stop masquerading your whining about simps giving women attention online as some critique of social media.

>> No.7142614

So just use an anime girl profile picture?

>> No.7142647
File: 6 KB, 275x183, dude tunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

social media is a very female form of communication. if you buy into it for validation you're basically buying into a feminine frame. Let the ladies have their fun and find your mission.
I wonder how many of you guys actually worked in a job with females. Most of them hate each other, and are in an endless spiral of drama, petty competition and nervous breakdown (there are exceptions of course). At that moment in your chill you realize that being a dude truly rocks.

>> No.7142651

start taking HRT or kill yourself. just get over it

>> No.7142656
File: 49 KB, 575x380, 1639987986465265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media is videogames but for girls
Jesus Christ, this Anon hit the nail of its fucking head

Everything makes sense now as to why everything on the internet is just fucking retarded, charged with immense faggotry and drama non-stop.

Thank god i wasn't born a girl.
Holy canoli pasta fagioli

>> No.7142668

all men are brothers pilled

>> No.7142676

all men should kill themselves

they complain about people whoring themselves out on the internet, not wanting to see that this is the result of capitalism and patriarchy

>> No.7142714

>t. rannie begging for (you)s
man, this is just so damn tiring always having some delusional faggot thinking he's going to bait people into arguments or somehow get people mad

you read one post, you read them all

>> No.7142718

>half of these now look like ai slop
it really is over isn't it

>> No.7142721

ITT Men seething that other men value tits more than their ugly drawings

>> No.7142732

>ugly dude
>can get the same amount of whore bucks by drawing porn but none of the stigma.

>> No.7142738

>he doesn't know what the ugly dude has to do in the discords to be even allowed to sell porn

>> No.7142743

this guy gets it

>> No.7142748
File: 31 KB, 596x448, 1682284117172282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gender double standard will always exists and, no matter what you do, you will always be in the wrong side of the conflict. You will always be treated harshly while women are given the world and a bit more. You will always be disposable, while women are given inherent value. You will always have to prove your worth to be given the bare minimum, while women only have to prove themselves if they feel like it.

So what are you going to do, anon? I see a lot of men on this board choosing to live miserable lives and complain about the double standard as if that's going to change anything. Some "men" even believe the delusional idea that changing their sexes will give them the privileges of women, when in truth all it does is revoke the very little bones we are thrown as men.

I've chosen to fight, divert my anger into living a life where the good things soften the inherent misery of my gender, to the point I can only see the good things of the value I have gained on my own and I can live without needing to think about the misery. Women will forever have it better, but so do other men, and other women have it worse too, so what's the point of bitching?

If you are a sorry excuse of a "man", you will continue bitching and whining at things you will never be able to control in your life. But if you are a real man, you will stop bitching, you will man the fuck up and rise your head in triumph, for your will achieve a happiness while controling the course of your life, where no double standard will wear you down.

>> No.7142756
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 16962214865646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, it always kind of rubs me the wrong way when every time there are people calling out how women live on easy mode, it's defined as """bitching"""
Comes off as dishonest and kind of smells of estrogen.

I can just beat the shit out of a woman and fix any problem she might cause, that doesn't mean i shouldn't just say how it is or i'm "bitching".

it's always when anyone dares criticize women that people are told to just shut up and suck it up.
>what will you do?
Call women cunts and draw porn.
I don't care what a bunch of cunts think about me.

>> No.7142772

Nah, I'll call women out and say they live on easy mode every chance, but I'll say it when I don't want to hear them talk or when THEY complain. I'm not going to hear them.

Whenever they complain, ignore them and leave them to their simps. Thats all who they're calling when they cry.

What we should do as men, is help each other men out. What happened to our brother hood? Seriously, wheres our "No girls allowed" clubs?

>> No.7142780
File: 135 KB, 1063x521, 1607387677132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what happened to brotherhood?
effeminated males ruined it for everyone since they're exactly drama driven cunts like women are and can't stand other people not being as miserable as them

Why can't we push each other to greater heights? Why can't we critique and help each other or say the truth? Because there will always be some trannyfaggot or some cunt poisoning the well and screeching and not letting it go until they ruined it for everyone.
High estrogen always equals to more emotionally driven behavior, so as long as women and trannies are around, you can't do shit.

>> No.7142790

Its up to us to rekindle friendships and weed out the problems, and be an active participant with clear boundaries.

>> No.7142832

Its almost as if hot people get attention easier in life.
I, for one, am incredibly appalled. I could never have foreseen this.

>> No.7142903
File: 1.70 MB, 1229x1800, 1699144706285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT faggot crying because they neither want to work twice as hard nor look half as good so they scream from their loser dens

>> No.7142917

>be attractive female
>get attention from men, wanted or not
>like making art
>want to do something that doesn’t involve wage cucking for some PedCEO to get his 9th island home with property
>make art, use the fact that people are attracted to the point of losing values and common sense to my advantage

Is this the case of men being angry because they can't do the same things? Why aren't they upset with the rich CEOs or company head honchos that haul in more money than god? If a woman can escape wagecuckery by taking advantage of the fact that there are idiots that will bring attention to their business model because of being a slave to their libido, why wouldn't she? We don't live in a merit-based society, so why is anyone pretending they wouldn't do exactly the same?

>> No.7142922

>The gender double standard will always exists and, no matter what you do, you will always be in the wrong side of the conflict.
It hasn't always existed, there used to be rules that women couldn't do certain things

>> No.7142936

>Is this the case of men being angry because they can't do the same things?
No, it's the case of being annoyed that men are compared to women for not having success in the game, while women play a whole different game men cannot even compete in, while also fucking over the game men are trying to play, and then women playing the victims and calling men misogynistic incel&buzzwords if you tell them to fuck off and stay in their lane.
>If a woman can escape wagecuckery by taking advantage of the fact that there are idiots that will bring attention to their business model because of being a slave to their libido, why wouldn't she? We don't live in a merit-based society, so why is anyone pretending they wouldn't do exactly the same?
Now if a man were to turn your rhetorical questions into an observable and factual statement; he would be considered "bitching and angry+all the other buzzwords".

Just because there are thirsty idiots out there, doesn't make the woman who exploit that not morally correct and doesn't justify it in doing that because if that is the logic we're working on, then i guess beating the shit out of women is also justifiable.... buuuuut of course it isn't because logic and reason doesn't work in the childish and egomaniacal sociopathic mind of the female and anything not in favor of her own gain is misogynistic.

You have to always remember that a majority of men just need to agree to oppress women and that's where women's rights and freedom end.

>> No.7142939

This is not a male vs. female phenomenon, but rather an uggo vs. hot people "issue"

>> No.7142943

>you will always
determinist mindset
i WILL break this standard
i WILL demolish the psychic barrier that men shield women with
i WILL make them all realize the raw hand they’ve been dealt

>> No.7142958

The women making money because of simping aren't findomming them, they get something in return that they asked for. You don't beat the shit out of the assholes that inflate the cost of your protein powder, the ones raising the costs of housing, nor the ones devaluing job role wages. Most of those are statistically men, and those aren't really things that you can do anything about as an individual. What you can do as an individual is choose where you want to spend the extra money that you've made, and that includes supporting male artists that you like.
I'm not trying to force some kind of argument here. I personally just buy things that I like without considering the sex of who I've bought it from. People are generally shitty regardless of their reproductive organs, and are out for themselves and the people they care about. Do you think an attractive team of female plumbers is going to be as remotely successful as a group of fat old boomers?

>> No.7142962

Men seething over women is beyond pathetic. Kill yourselves.

>> No.7142970

But that's not stopping shit. You're just mentally buck broken because you need validation like a subhuman. Stop needing others to feel valid, like I do, then you would be this mentally fried and useless.

>> No.7142976

This 100%

>> No.7142982
File: 389 KB, 585x525, 1656545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, what the fuck are you even talking about?
>Do you think an attractive team of female plumbers is going to be as remotely successful as a group of fat old boomers?
Even if they won't do the job, they still will be getting more work than the old fat boomers.
Nah, don't do that. It's already a shitty comparison in the first place because no woman would go near any dirty work.

The more accurate scenario would be
>strippers who dress up as plumbers go flaunt their money at the fat boomers and mock them for not being good at plumbing and if the fat boomers call them strippers, they're misogynistic
The point is that people should stop comparing women to men in any field, since women will always have an unfair advantage no man can ever compete against.
That is simply mere facts and no amount of mental gymnastics can prove otherwise.
In conclusion:
Does the female artist who posts her own half naked selfies with her nsfw art, actually sell her art through her own skill, OR do customers buy her art to get to her? So, does her art really sell because of her art or primarily because she posts herself naked and shows that she might be availble?
Don't female streamers also mostly hide the fact that they have partners to keep simp money flowing? It's the same thing.
And in the end, what are the female streamers and artists doing? They're shitting in the plate others get to fight for to eat, while they go eat at a restaurant and then we get told it's our own fault for eating shit.

>> No.7142990
File: 1.54 MB, 200x113, 1636580759440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, this is retarded simply because it's men going after women, so it's always the man's fault for enabling them. Maybe if men were based enough to lust over hot men, then there wouldn't be any "bias" that couldn't be achieved only by women, unless you're going to say all men are fat landwhales and cannot get fit and sexy like women can.

This just sounds like a (You) problem since it clearly isn't mine.

>> No.7142993
File: 53 KB, 248x253, 1689042364656415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't argue against anything
>unable to stay objective
>makes an absurdist statement and a strawman
>shoots the messenger
And there you go

>> No.7142999

>>can't argue against anything
Just like you're doing instead of drawing right now?
>>unable to stay objective
Because you're coming from a biased perspective, it's only fair I do the same.
>>makes an absurdist statement and a strawman
Look in a mirror.
>>shoots the messenger
Ironic, since that's exactly what you're doing blaming the women instead of the man that started it. So what, are we suppose to blame the fire the burning down the town instead of the asswipe that started the fire? Fire is fire just like hot people are hot people, if you let them burn it's just going to do what it does best, consume. Only the retard fueling the fire is to blame, but mainly the original person that lit the first match.

>> No.7143002

> Is this the case of men being angry because they can't do the same things?

Nah it's because you can't have communities or brotherhoods come together for common goals with getting flooded by ewhores and their simps.

>> No.7143003
File: 3.63 MB, 400x400, 1654556565646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if that is true how do you explain my feelings?
>no, you can't hold women accountable for their actions because.... you just can't ok, incel?
And there you go.

>> No.7143005

tits or gtfo

>> No.7143007
File: 36 KB, 640x452, 1586649629518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT anon predicts and stays objective, estrogenically charged retard proves anon correct
it's that easy

>> No.7143010

Faggot just get off your fat ass and hit the gym. Fucking Americans.

>> No.7143012

And who is the woman in the picture writing to? Oh right a man. That validates her.

>> No.7143015

Why? i can just win against anyone by sitting on them.

>> No.7143017
File: 660 KB, 1200x1259, 1709755729827401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread reminded me of this pathetic image

>> No.7143019

>Nah, don't do that. It's already a shitty comparison in the first place because no woman would go near any dirty work.
Yeah, that's why it's predominantly women wiping asses in healthcare and childcare facilities.
I meant to add more to my initial comment about the plumbers, but my husband derailed brain processes. Anyway, most people would probably think the female plumber group was some kind of joke grift. They might get hired a couple of times for memes or because female solidarity or some shit, but most people aren't going to take them seriously.
>Don't female streamers also mostly hide the fact that they have partners to keep simp money flowing?
I think in the case of vtubers or when there's an agent involved, they want you to not bring up having a partner. I might be wrong though. It all comes down to exploiting false hope and loneliness. It was companies that had the market on that before, but now there are some women that can do it on an individual basis. Do I think it's great? No, exploitation is pretty shitty no matter what. But not all female artists are showing their ass to sell their art. Start scolding and shaming the men that buy art from them, this is a problem that just turns into a self-feeding cycle outside of that. Once that well of simps starts to dry, those women will leave the market and go somewhere else.

>> No.7143029

You can, but you guys have some false sense of brotherhood and like to pretend like your fellow menfolk wouldn't jump at the opportunity to fuck your hot wife or screw you over to get something they want. That's not even a simp exclusive thing. Just make your specialty art group and use heavy discernment of the guys you want there, kick simps.

>> No.7143037
File: 76 KB, 1254x261, 1674241869645325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyway, most people would probably think the female plumber group was some kind of joke grift. They might get hired a couple of times for memes or because female solidarity or some shit, but most people aren't going to take them seriously.
Fair point, but there is still the men variable.
They're still going to get hired based on the fact that they're female, even for reasons that have nothing to do with plumbing.
>But not all female artists are showing their ass to sell their art
We ain't talking about them. We're talking about those who do.
>Once that well of simps starts to dry, those women will leave the market and go somewhere else.
And now try to tell effeminate, low IQ thirsty males who are either underage and/or addicted to porn that they should not simp or chase digital pussy; you'll get the same reactions you'll get from females when you try to hold them accountable for their actions.

As long as there are weak males, there will be shitty women, and as long as there are shitty women, there will be weak males.
The critical point is that without the female initiating anything, the male cannot chase anything.
If the woman ever decides to not attentionwhore, it will not attract thirsty retards into shitting up whatever place.
Men don't gather into places waiting for women to show up, they always go and gather where women are.

And also critical is that women know what the fuck they're doing when they show themselves as women in a mostly male populated space: pic related

if they weren't trying to gain the girl-advantage, they would just stfu and not try to out themselves as women the first chance they get

>> No.7143041
File: 32 KB, 630x722, 1692531383898198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>images you can hear

>> No.7143071
File: 56 KB, 720x624, 1600780050029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to add
The quality of womanhood, directly influences society.
So, if the women are low quality, men will not strive for more than that.

So, who is really at fault here? Women, simple as. It's always them.
Because, if men also don't comply and submit to low quality women behavior; they're incels and should be ostracized.

Now we have the majority of women who are simply trash and anyone who doesn't want to deal, excuse, support or justify their insanity is simply branded as a "defective male" and other women go along with it because they don't want to be socially excluded.

This is the exact same that happens in the art field:
You have a bunch of clout chasing clowns attentionwhoring or whoring themselves, destroying the ecosystem for their own gain which resulted in them inviting more grifters, cloutchasers and bots and onlyfans whores.
Why is the current payment processor thing going on? Because those same grifters that were invited by these cunts, fucked shit up for everyone else in pursuit of their own gain.

>> No.7143093

>They're still going to get hired based on the fact that they're female, even for reasons that have nothing to do with plumbing.
My man. Have you ever paid for plumbing services? They are excruciatingly expensive. Maybe the most down bad of simps would be repeat customers, but I don't think so. Not to mention that a bikini is not the garb you want to wear while plundering the excrement of literally anyone. My soul is withering at the mental imagery of some horrific vaginal helminth infection, just one massive tentacle-esque worm that uses the woman as a puppet to spread to unknowing men. Or adds it to the water supply.
>We ain't talking about them. We're talking about those who do.
Well, other women largely hate them. Even the loud leftist women that get involved in politics and activism, probably especially those. So it comes down to publicly beating simps for ruining it for everyone.
>The critical point is that without the female initiating anything, the male cannot chase anything.
As long as provocative imagery sells, women and attractive males are going to be exploited even outside of the sphere of artists because of the desire to see them naked. So we either enforce a system where self control is rewarded (or lack of punished), or just remove the option to see the actual artist in anything outside of dresscoded attire. Neither are probably going to happen though.

>> No.7143104

Instead of reading this retarded cringe clusterfuck of a no-draw ngmi thread filled with what are clearly the most verbally dexterous and psychological sound men of our species, I'm going to close /ic/, have a 10,000 miligram THC brownie, and draw tied up tortured anime women for seventeen straight hours until I coom and shit and fall asleep covered in the residues of a day well spent.
I suggest (you) do the same. (You) should definitely do the same.

>> No.7143108

>Now we have the majority of women who are simply trash and anyone who doesn't want to deal, excuse, support or justify their insanity is simply branded as a "defective male" and other women go along with it because they don't want to be socially excluded.
Lmao. That's just for the cattlefolk. Women that speak out against it are punished too, told they have internalized misogyny and/or are jealous. That's not just by other women, also by dumbass coomers that don't want access to it threatened. It just depends on which group is pissed about which thing on what day. Men that have actual power and money don't give a semblance of a fuck about women or what their complaints are. They've just convinced you that you're defective for going against the grain because you're easier to contol when you feel helpless. If you're sitting there too busy with your dick in your hands, you care much less about environmentally induced clinically low levels of testosterone.

>> No.7145527

The algorithm absolutely is real

>> No.7145529

>mom was mean to me and women won't fuck me therefore girl = bad

>> No.7145531

Imagine how productive you could instead of making collages like these and seething at women due to not getting any action in high school.
Unironically end thyself

>> No.7146096

...i lost

>> No.7146121

Yeah being a woman helps with the algorithm but it helps even more because you can get a boyfriend or husband and they support you while you get good for a few years.
I don't know a single female artist who didn't have a boyfriend or parents supporting them on the journey.

>> No.7148782

Op this is true in every other aspect of your life, why do you expect it to be different here?
Attractive women will always receive more attention than you do and have a far eaiser life. You cannot change this, you can only play with the cards that are delt to you.
An easy life dose'nt make for good art though, and only exceptinal artists are remembered. How many female artists from the past can you name? And how many male ones?
No one will remember her once her pussy ceases to exist. Hell once her youth begins to fade, she will experience the slow death of her own relevance in real time.