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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7127361 No.7127361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Future of Art Edition
>What is /awt/?
/awt/ is a thread where former artists can discuss AI, prompts and the change of art's future due to ever-increasing technological advances.
>What is the purpose of /awt/?
To show other artists that there is a path without grinding and suffering. Give a /beg/ a pencil and he'll come ask for advice every single day. Give him a list of prompts and he'll go hungry no more.
>I am a traditional artist, can I post in /awt/?
As long as you are humble and respectful, of course you can! Just make sure to be open-minded when it comes to using AI, either for image generation or as fodder for the algorithm.

>> No.7127363

watch this instead and realize that Indians are the ones pushing this tech in an attempt to terraform the Art world into India

>> No.7127377

Dont blame your retardness to jeets and don't give these aishitposter your attention

>> No.7127381

baited nobody award

>> No.7127659

Good or bad, AI is the Divine's punishment for artists being annoying on Twitter.

>> No.7127671
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>> No.7127673

(This post was generated by AI).

>> No.7127720

Aren't Ai bros always so super secretive about their prompts?

>> No.7127747

Yeah. If they are open about the process, like showing the model/lora and settings and prompt, anyone can "become them", because there is no them, they are not artists and they know this.

>> No.7127753

>artists being annoying on Twitter.
the timing is closer to the NFT grifting. Ben Mauro, beeple, maciej kuciara and so on, mostly concept art bros, brought about the divine punishment.

>> No.7127759
File: 422 KB, 600x611, fallart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check amazon
>get the fallout series recommended
>hmmm what does it remind me of?
this shit is like fotm gacha anime girl floating in the void tier

Anyway what's with trolls and shitposters flooding the board recently?
Can we talk about the state of the board?

>> No.7127764
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I wanna make VN games now that making backgrounds with AI is this easy, I don't know how to code games though

>> No.7127765
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Artxisters... they don't care about us...

>> No.7127778

>cope seethe skill issue hehe hoho epic troll get fucked
jesus christ AI seriously is like giving a miserable underage brownskin a gun

On the other hand, arttards kind of deserve it for bowing down to consumers and enabling these trannies in the first place
>check out profile
Nevermind, he's a tranny and shills for the politics/palestinian jew war
fuck him

>> No.7127783

She*. It's some troon who cut her tits off and is probably going to get a neo-penis in the future.

>> No.7127791

>noooo you can't just use the LoRA I used that was trained directly on a specific artist's works, that's my thing!!

>> No.7127793

Why hasn't anyone just gone to a mod and asked to ban AI threads?

>> No.7127798

The funny thing is most of these people are themselves unemployed or minimally employed, were probably the actual people cheering when some blue-collar worker was put out of a job, and are probably concocting a scheme to profit from AI so mommy will stop yelling at them to get a job.

>> No.7127800
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because i honestly am starting to suspect that mods are few if not just a couple and jannies have been replaced by an algorithm
Or they're all just focused on the high traffic boards.

Although It's insane how bad the site as a whole has gotten over the last year
You go on any board and there is just AI spam over and over.
Shouldn't hiromoot have an interest in not having AI spam bring too much low quality traffic and flooding everything that it might as well drive anons away?
Same goes for every other site.
What is the point of allowing incessant streams of bot-like traffic if they don't even earn any money from it?

>> No.7127801

Because AI threads are not against the rules.

>> No.7127804

>were probably the actual people cheering when some blue-collar worker was put out of a job
show examples of this from visual artists

>> No.7127807

they should be, on /ic/ anyway

>> No.7127809

they have been good enough for 2 years now, you were never going to make a game.

>> No.7127811

>invented window shadows casting on chalkboard
>15 desks, not a single chair
>characteristic "low resolution wobble" on the far off buildings
hideous, but it will pass the masses' filter because they lack taste
also, after i started going to galleries again, i had the revelation that AI art is only affecting "pop illustration": people still love physical pieces and craftsmanship, and people still want a story behind the work
you are the bronies of the 2020's, and this is coming from someone that draws as a hobby and works in AI as a day job

>> No.7127814

but by the amount of it, it can be very well categorized as straight up spam to derail thread, slide threads, shitpost and troll

even then, on this board, where you should discuss the art, AI generations cannot be discussed because it would be the same as discussing gacha pulls from the chinese videogame
As if actually trying to discuss artwork on this board wasn't already hard enough

>> No.7127825

Guess I worded it poorly, but I'm saying that the people cheering about artists losing work were probably themselves the ones cheering about blue-collar workers losing their jobs or posting the usual "clean it up wagie" shit, not the artists they're accusing of this behavior.

>> No.7127830

As much as I hate niggers, jews and females, spics and indians I have to recognize that retards who think they are gmi by coping with artfaggot stuff that they will never improve should be sent to labor camps and be forced to produce one fucking useful thing in their pathetic lifetime.

>> No.7127832


What's the fucking point of making an AI thread in a board where people go to post their drawing made by themselves.

>> No.7127861

Back to r3ddit you shitskin faggot

>> No.7127866

Does this shithole of a board even have moderators?

>> No.7127868

I just wanna let everyone know that this giant AI shill is a Malaysian low /int/ monkey who loves to draw armored girls in the wonkiest way possible. This guy is so talentless he eventually resorted to AI, give him a round of applause!

>> No.7127878

Back to /b/ pajeet

>> No.7127925

his artwork looks pretty good though.

>> No.7127941

the ABSOLUTE STATE of /ic/

>permabegs making countless threads with questions that answer themselves
>begs talking about their adhd
>/co/ckroaches outside of their porn board
>literal AIjeet general

it's over.

>> No.7127952

Seethe, can't handle a SEA bro winning? He still paints and his works are cool. Git gud retard faggot. Also pyw.

>> No.7127955

>don't praise the pornfag/ecelebrity/big number account
>thread degenerates into name calling and insults
>everyone is in their little discords and comes here either to shill or troll or farm drama
>can't talk about anything without it also degenerating in low IQ monkeys having a meltdown for days on end
>generals are either hugboxes or just yet another thread to insult people
>every slight crit is met with unhinged hostility or trolling
>any conversation about art that isn't porn or some circlejerk about muh feefees is derailed and shitposted to death
>make it impossible for any anon on the board to pursue and engage in the topic of the board
>any post is either bait or is met with insults and mockery
>wonders why the plate full of shit attracted even more flies
Ai spam was the coup de grace