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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 501 KB, 300x300, Three-body_Problem_Animation_with_COM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7126476 No.7126476 [Reply] [Original]

>Don't draw
>Extremely depressed because of the inertia
>Spend days daydreaming about drawing instead of actually doing it

>The output is pure unfiltered sewage water doo-doo garbage dogshit
>Be sad and give up because you're bad and will never be good at the one thing you really want to like

There is no winning.

>> No.7126478

you're entirely composed of bitch molecules. i'm sorry.

>> No.7126482

Don't force yourself to like it? Do something else.

>> No.7126496

I want to though. And the only things i have in mind are either extension or that or require it to do anything.

Besides the act itself is fun. It's just that i hate the output and i hate working and i don't do it often enough to get better.
The answer is to just bruteforce it until i'm good but my Will is not up to the task

>> No.7126501

I just want to put in the time and get better and then keep doing that until i'm no longer bad.
Why can't i just do that?

>> No.7126525

I love skiing and I’m decent at it, but I’m not talented. I’ve been skiing all my life and I’ll still see 12 year olds that blow me out of the water. I don’t care much though, because skiing is inherently fun. Even if you suck, you can just slide down some groomers and have a good time.

With drawing, it’s 100x worse. There is no easy mode bunny hill. The difficulty setting is your own standards for art, and if you want to be an artist, they’re high.
You draw a piece of shit and it’s plain to see how shit it really is. It’s infuriating and demotivating.
You could just push through, but that’s easier said than done and more often than not it leads to you hating art and quitting anyways.

What you have to understand is that humans function on a effort-reward basis. Nobody does anything for no reward. Yes, you can tell yourself that the reward will come if you keep grinding, but your ability to do that is limited. You need to find a way to reward yourself at each step.

In the case of art, the reward is the happy chemicals you feel when you draw something that looks nice. So stop drawing things that you hate. Draw things that you like.
If you’re an absolute beginner, pick your favorite artists and trace, copy, and draw their works from memory. If you’re more advanced, pick one SMALL topic to study, and do that one thing until you’re satisfied with the result. Emphasis on small. You need to train your brain so that it knows that yes, your efforts are rewarded. If you’re grinding the same thing for a week without ever producing anything you’re happy with, you’re going to want to quit.

>> No.7126528

this is why if you aren't asian you shouldn't draw.

>> No.7126546
File: 23 KB, 338x430, 1426042629312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me right now and I can't get past the mindset.
I've gotten to the point where I can force myself to draw for 30 minutes but the emotions start running and I give up, and I know I can't progress with such little time practiced.

People who do this as a profession are mentally built different, or maybe they started when they were kids and the emotion of failing doesn't really exist to such a degree at such a young age.

>> No.7126556

That image.
We’re all gonna make it brahs

>> No.7126597

Just quit.

It's okay. Don't waste any more time on this. It's not going to end well and this isn't reverse psychology. You're torturing yourself with this bullshit. You should not be forcing yourself to go to a lifedrawing class or practicing shit. It should not be a pain to paint for 30+ hours. If you were a pro, you wouldn't even be having these doubts in the first place. You're going to die soon. Don't waste your life on this pursuit trying to will yourself into being a successful creator. That's just misery.

I spent a good 10 years trying to pursue an art career seriously. And It didn't work out. It wasn't happening so I gave up. It wasn't cute anymore. All that time and energy spent. Could have gone into something wiser. Two years ago I professed that I wasn't gonna make it. And you know what? I didn't make it. And it's okay! I'm still alive. I can enjoy life. Someone like KJG can go without oxygen before going without drawing. To me, the pursuit of art is akin to a chainsaw amputation. No more love for it.

Like holy shit. Why was I torturing myself with this? Does it even matter if I'm good at art? NO. Fuck you. And this might be a meme but, if you're in that holding pattern like I was, trying to figure it out. Please invest your money in something so you don't die hungry trying to figure it out.

>> No.7127030

>Just quit
I don't want to. Also i've tried it and it doesn't work. It just makes me more depressed.
My aspiration isn't to go into it as a career because that would be extremely retarded.
Alll i want is to get to mid level aptitude so i can drawn all the funnbullshit that i want

>> No.7127229

But you don't like drawing. If you liked drawing, you'd draw. Why torture yourself?

>> No.7127264

I do. I'm just retarded so it's hard for me to do stuff that i like.

>> No.7127269
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no easy mode bunny hill

>> No.7127341

PYW faggot, you have no right to say your work is dogshit unless i mog you

>> No.7127390
File: 185 KB, 985x681, deodricus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half a year old because i don't do fucking anything ever but yea.

I've most recently drawn over a week ago

>> No.7127391

>"large" margin of error
like hell it is, it goes (right to left) "extremely tiny margin of error", "tiny margin of error" and "slightly less tiny margin but not really"

>> No.7127498

literally mogs me, kill yourself you disgusting ape
imagine refusing to draw when you literally have GMI genes

>> No.7127500

Okay i will draw now.
Hope you'll get better than me soon and then get even better

>> No.7129397

not everyone draws manga shit