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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 908 KB, 498x2046, 1711668186461388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7118628 No.7118628 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7110025

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is One Punch Man.

>> No.7118629

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/))
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration

>> No.7118631

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.7118633

Current Contests:

Zenon Magazine:

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:


/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.7118653
File: 364 KB, 723x1080, PR13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did my first upload to pixiv, I'm editing the lewd out of the first couple pages so I can post to webtoons/tapas.

Here's the last 6 pages of my prologue,
Any input is welcome, this is my first manga.

>> No.7118655
File: 358 KB, 723x1080, PR14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7118656
File: 406 KB, 723x1080, PR15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7118658
File: 473 KB, 723x1080, PR16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7118659
File: 403 KB, 723x1080, PR17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7118660 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 723x1080, PR18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a young woman who moves from a close-knit (albeit strange) town, to the harsh big city where crime and corruption are rampant.

>> No.7118663
File: 451 KB, 723x1080, PR18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its about a young woman who leaves her close-knit (albeit strange) town, for the big city where crime and corruption are rampant.
It's midnight now so I'll try and fix my upload tomorrow

>> No.7118665

Really enjoyed your first chapter. Your art is clean and you got good paneling flow. Introduction straight to the point. And oh yeah I can see the development here keke

>> No.7118695
File: 506 KB, 535x585, 20230814_115653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shounen manga that zoomers must read in order to have taste
>Ashita No Joe
>Fist Of The North Star
>Death Note
>Fullmetal Alchemist
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
>Ranma 1/2
>Urusei Yatsura
>Dr. Slump & Arale
>Dragon Ball
>Slam Dunk
>Kakugo No Susume
>Trigun Maximum
>Yu Yu Hakusho
>Rurouni Kenshin
>Shaman King
>Eyeshield 21
>Groove Adventure Rave

>> No.7118716

"Having taste" has next to nothing to do with simply reading the must popular series up to some arbitrary cut-off date, anon. It means figuring out what YOU like, regardless of how "good" something is in the public mind. What you like isn't always going to align with what's in vogue, and it isn't always going to have no overlap with what's in vogue. Basically, it means being a grown up who just likes what they like.

>> No.7118748

Cute first chapter anon. I liked it.

>> No.7118756
File: 741 KB, 779x1440, 43w5thy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now all I have to do is draw the entire thing

>> No.7118781
File: 332 KB, 877x1240, Hiking Page_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys, longtime lurker, first time poster.
I just uploaded my new oneshot and would really appreciate some feedback! I'm quite happy with the art but story (dialogue especially) has always been difficult for me. I'm interested in how you guys tackle the writing side of things. Knowing the characters inside out certainly helps but that's a bit harder for a oneshot (weak excuse I know). Right now I'm just analyzing some screenplays.

>> No.7118793

>Now I can do anything I want. Ultimate freedom at last

This easily could have been a single panel money shot instead. Missed opportunity. Also a few pages where panels could have been more varied in size, like the one were alessio is being chased and is shitting bricks. Storytelling is solid and the characters have charm. In terms of artwork you probably already know what you need to work on and I'm not the best person to comment on that in the first place
Interesting chapter 1, bookmarked it to read more later.

>> No.7118798

I loved this! Your art is very solid and I loved the way you stylize things, particularly the monster designs. I'm not much of a writer either myself, but the premise was well set up and got me interested. I loved the little bits of world-building you had here and there to clue the viewer in on what this place was really about without explicitly telling them. The plot was well paced and left potential for a follow-up. My only issue with the writing was that it felt more like a first-chapter with more story coming down the line than a self-contained story at times. The little monster on his shoulder is an example, as it's just sort of accepted that he is friendly to the point he would risk his life for the protagonist, but we don't get to know their past or how they met. But again, I don't think this was too big of a problem, and he was implemented well enough for the story that we do see.

Overall, I would say this is a very successful one-shot! And of course: attack the eye for massive damage!

>> No.7118809

These two pages have an awful lot of empty space for no real reason. The transition from the page here >>7118656 to here >>7118658 doesn't really flow or make much sense to me either.

>> No.7118822

great advice, will be incorporating more varied panels in the future.
thank you! I agree that it feels more like a first chapter than a oneshot, I have a habit of doing that... I wish I could have expanded certain parts but alas, I forced myself to stick to 45 pages.

>> No.7118824

hey man that was a pretty solid read, most northern italy thing i've ever seen, if you're from the area and interested in talking drop me your discord or something else, i'll give you a couple pointers on how to make your backgrounds better

>> No.7118836

>hit the eye for massive damage
Made me snort. Good job anon, nice first chapter.

>> No.7118838

Based World end enjoyer. I really liked your work and hope to see you again posting here

>> No.7118883
File: 1.22 MB, 389x389, mern.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storywise I think you missed a large opportunity near the end of the comic to develop Alessio more as a character. Specifically in how you handled the conflict between Alessio and the monster.
In the beginning of the story you stated that some monsters have disinterest in being bloodthirsty killing machines, implying hidden depth. Later, when the clothed, human haired monster states that it had prior history with the farmer with a few examples as well, instead of expanding on this you immediately escalate the conflict between it and Alessio.
And this is where I believe the “large opportunity” I mentioned earlier was missed. In my opinion, the reader of the story is more likely to be invested in a character when they are forced to make decisions.
The hinting of a morally gray conflict between the monster and farmer had the potential to force the protagonist into a dilemma where he must make a choice between two irreconcilable things. The monster or farmer? Well, the specific choice he does make ultimately doesnt matter. The fact that he would have to make an even somewhat morally gray decision would imo make him stronger as a character.
But instead of leaning more into this, the monster goes “rrrrarh and now you must die!!” almost immediately after hinting at its conflict between it and the farmer. Instead of positioning Alessio into a dilemma similar to prior described, instead he is thrust into one of life or death. Should he be mauled to death by a ferocious monster or… should he not?? This, imo, is not a dilemma at all! The fact that Alessio laments at the end of the comic that the monster could have had something more to it and the farmer might have been withholding facts from Alessio almost seems to serve as some sort of meta commentary on how the story could have potentially played out.
Unrelated but I liked that one boichi knife panel you snuck in.

>> No.7118933

+ Setting aside my artistic preferences, it was a solid read. A lot of people fumble panel flow, but I consider this to be your strong point!

- I feel the inexperience of your artistic skills peek through at points, such as the battle with the monster. Take care not to neglect them.

△ Approaching it from the perspective of a one shot, it did not fit as a 'self contained story', as others have pointed out. This doesn't detract from the experience, but I think it bears knowing that if you want to pursue proper one shots in the future, that those stories shouldn't leave readers with too many questions by the end of it.

>> No.7118950
File: 742 KB, 1229x918, antsrunningfromacharredcatfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think I need to redo it again.
It looks like that because I had to take 2 pages that were way too busy and confined and spread it out.
I was hoping I could just move them and not re-panel them, but I don't think that's going to be the case.
Thank you

>> No.7119020

I really really dig the art style and I am jelly. Haha good work!

>> No.7119021

Nta but good point, I have way more questions about the dairy farmer and his issues with the elk monster than I should.

>> No.7119027

thanks for the nice comments!

Alessio IS italian but I'm not. In alps though.

you raise a good point. Story by Robert McKee also talks about true dilemma, turning points and such (big recommend btw) but I only read that recently. I think including a stronger act structure with inciting incident, progressions and climax and what not will be my main priority going forward. Also that it's actually a complete story with less open questions...
>Unrelated but I liked that one boichi knife panel you snuck in.
funny someone noticed that

>> No.7119034

>now all I have to do is draw the entire thing
wydm? It's drawn my nigga, just add the text and boom.

>> No.7119046

Appreciate the kind words anon

>> No.7119062
File: 790 KB, 2247x3129, OtOchp13__0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally finished the next chapter (not released yet). It's all setup for the arc. This time I've decided to plan things to be 3 chapter arcs instead of how earlier it was more loose and free form. The current arc is the gang trying to get rich quick from TCG.

>> No.7119075

Love the fingers
I'm not fully caught up on yours, I think I only read the first chapter, what was it called again?

>> No.7119078

Does anyone remember the sound effect for something electrical shutting down? I don't think I'm making that up. I don't think it necessarily has to be electrical, but just something slowly powering down.

>> No.7119101

Oswald the Overman, not anon btw.

>> No.7119117


>> No.7119124

You can do a "whirrrrrrrrrr....." or a "hummmmmmmm" ending with a "bzzt" or a "ka-chunk" maybe? To emphasize that it's powering down you could make each subsequent letter smaller and smaller to denote that the sound is getting quieter. Sorry if this doesn't help, english SFX words always sound so stupid to me - it's why I'm loathe to use them in my own manga.

>> No.7119133

Hum is probably the closest, but I was thinking something with either v or z (but not bzzt, though that's good for other things). Kinda like 'vmmm', but I don't think that's it. Thanks for the ideas.

>> No.7119141

Anyone here is a part of mangaplus creators?

>> No.7119143


Thanks! I'm never sure how a gag will land. It's Oswald The Overman. It's very rough and ugly at the beginning. Also I meant 4 chapter arcs. Not 3. What's fun is that a fan asked me months ago if they could use Oswald for their comic on April Fools, and it came out today! I ended up drawing the last page of it for them.

>> No.7119172

I was but the day my art went up it was immediately taken down for being too violent LOL

>> No.7119199

Now I'm curious, would you mind sharing the part of it that was considered too violent for mangaplus?

>> No.7119206

No kidding? I've yet to upload to these places, but I heard they were more understanding than webtoons/tapas

>> No.7119224
File: 222 KB, 1008x822, amyturnaround-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a fan comic for practice and this is my first time trying a turnaround, can anyone see any glaring issues I should fix or anything I should add before using it as a reference?
Also, I've seen some turnarounds go further with eight poses, but four should be okay for a short comic, right? It'll only around 20 pages or so but it's an action comic so I don't know if this is a the more the merrier situation.

>> No.7119234

Well, aside from missing her arm, nothing much
Her knees do change height though

>> No.7119246

Link it

>> No.7119255

Honestly pretty good read, i can follow the panel seamlessly and understand the locations/whats going on. is the little imp thing on the guy Shoulder a Toggeli?

>> No.7119261

That's surprising, as I draw violent scenes myself and they only ever had an issue with nudity. Echoing >>7119199 if you wouldn't kind sharing the alleged "problematic" panel(s).

>> No.7119298
File: 12 KB, 141x451, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between

>> No.7119303

My understanding is a dash denotes a sudden cut off whereas an ellipse denotes a voice trailing off.

>> No.7119305

Correction, should say a more abrupt cut off instead, I think that fits better.

>> No.7119307
File: 247 KB, 850x1190, 060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember all that was said to me, but I think it was the cover that probably set them off and maybe this? I had no idea they were that sensitive about it so I was caught off guard but I didn't really bother trying again after that.

>> No.7119308

The ... is like silence or hesitation, or transition to the next thing. The other is more of extending the last vowel. Which in that context with the exclamation mark they're shouting shitaneeeeee!

>> No.7119312


>> No.7119313 [DELETED] 

>that panel
>almost no real violence or gore as far as comics are generally concerned
>still banned
Are you kidding me? MPC is so wildly inconsistent. I straight up drew a dude getting his head straight up squished into pulp and limbs chopped off and they didn't bat an eye.

I'm sorry this happened to you anon. You were done dirty for no reason.

>> No.7119315

>>7119303 here, learn something new everyday, whoops.

>> No.7119318

That's ridiculous, there's hardly any violence to complain about. I drew a dude with his head getting squished into pulp and blood flying everywhere and MPC didn't bat an eyelid. I'm sorry they did you dirty like that. How wildly inconsistent.

>> No.7119322
File: 3.92 MB, 4624x3468, page15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 15
time to start getting to the climax

>> No.7119327
File: 3.30 MB, 1200x1706, vertigo_ textless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I'd attempted to upload it there long before and I just backed out because it didn't really feel ready for that yet. Nothing happened then, which is why it pissed me off.

Maybe sometime later i'll try to upload something different but the same thing could happen twice. I am prone to assuming my luck is just terrible, hueh

Cover in question

>> No.7119331

They drew your character much better than they drew their own. Nice

>> No.7119335

I mean, that's fairly violent. Neck torn out, blood leaking out his nose and mouth. It's nothing out of the ordinary in terms of violence for shonen though

>> No.7119336

Well I might be wrong. I just know that the dash is extending vowels in katakana words. My Japanese isn't great, but I think that sentence is saying "you've grown into a ____ woman huhhhh!" I'm pretty sure the word with a な after it is some sort of adjective.

>> No.7119338

They disallow gory violence? Even though they had chainsawman?

>> No.7119341

Note that I drew the final page. But their work is fun! I like some of the little things they did like drawing the logo instead of just using the same font.

>> No.7119367
File: 749 KB, 1236x918, redo1516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to fill in the blank space

>> No.7119380

I don't think you need to draw arms on a sideview, do you? I've seen a few turnarounds with the arms omitted but yeah for consistency I can try adding it. Also no idea how I missed the knees, it's a small detail but I'll keep that in mind too, thanks.

>> No.7119391

I was joking about the arms

>> No.7119403
File: 180 KB, 1060x1060, Please_Be_Patient_I_Have_Autism_530x@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7119417 [DELETED] 

I keep starting new scripts even though I can't draw one series consistently, and I'm already working on two

>> No.7119418

I keep starting new scripts even though I can't draw one series consistently, and I'm already working on two

>> No.7119431

The world is full of people doing the same. Be the change

>> No.7119460 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 536x220, drinkingage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm looking to upload to MPC, but going checking the rules here...

My question is: What country does this apply to? Japan? USA? Let's same my manga takes place in Burkina Faso where the drinking age is 13...would that fly?

>> No.7119478

I've found this comic on Tapas by chance(Actually on Deviantart), and I think it has potential, so I'm going to promote it here. We have to give light to small anons in the sea of webtoons... And holy shit he is a huebro like me


>> No.7119481

Very clean art, but you say he's an anon?

>> No.7119498

anon in the broad sense of the word I mean

>> No.7119504

Does he post on 4chan or not? This is manga making general, not manga promoting general. I admit I like his art, but come on now.

>> No.7119505

>Does he post on 4chan

>> No.7119509

anyway you're right, I wont do that again

>> No.7119520
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x2967, page17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 17
an odd move coming up

>> No.7119539

I just sat in front of this page for 2 hours and there are no new pencil marks

>> No.7119557

I wanna see some cool moves that have nicknames
>Oh no Testsuo! You're going to try the Reverse Shinobu Maneuver?!!? That's suicide!

>> No.7119558

fuck I shoulda thought of that.
I'll keep it on the back burner for the sci-fi racing story

>> No.7119580

words are cheap, anon.
We need action!

>> No.7119585

I did it
most of half of a sketch of a page in 4 hours of work
it continuations

>> No.7119595

>that those stories shouldn't leave readers with too many questions by the end of it.
Then what about those one shots that aim to get serialized?
Isn't that the main purpose: to make the readers craving more?

>> No.7119598

true, same as a pilot episode would. but for them there is an actual possibility of there being more while most amateur oneshots stay as such (which you know before making it). Still, I like when they leave you wanting more aswell.

>> No.7119612

hell yeah
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.7119613

are there any japanese people in this thread or is it just westerners larping

>> No.7119656

The shogun was here a couple threads ago and made us all honorary samurai.

>> No.7119691

If you're creating a one-shot, it has to be self-contained, even if you're looking for serialization with it (since if you get serialization, it doesn't have to be about the same characters that appeared in the one-shot for example look at death note oneshoot).

The narrative arc you set up in the one-shot has to conclude within the same chapter. Taking the example of the anon about the mountain monster, it doesn't have to give you answers about why there are monsters in the world even he doesnt have to give you answers about why the heroe has a little monster with him because the chapter its not about that, but it does have to completely close the arc that introduced us to the grandfather and the monster, explaining the history between these two so that the hero, after dealing with the monster, goes to confront the grandfather demanding answers, which will then be provided as the climax of the story (just an example), thus closing the arc that was introduced to us.

In summary, when you make a one-shot, the "adventure" you're writing has to have its conclusion at the end of that oneshoot.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself well. haha

>> No.7119820
File: 306 KB, 652x912, d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this page look too busy?
I'd like to show as much information about the characters' background while keeping the drawings and infodumps to bare minimum.

>> No.7119824

Page/panel progression is clear, but that middle "pillar" speech bubble does kind of make things look a tad bit crowded, yes. Since I cannot read moonrunes, I don't know if that speech bubble is critical information that must be conveyed - only you can judge that. But it does seem ever slightly cramped.

>> No.7119832

i disagree, i think the middle panel is good since it makes the flow of text from bubble to bubble very smooth throughout the page. good amount of text per chunk too. feels very professional

>> No.7119833

is this for web view only or do you intend to print. alot of the text escapes the live drawing area.

>> No.7119861

I don't think it looks great either...I don't think you really want to be dividing the page in half with a bunch of text.

This. >>7119820 You're at risk of losing a lot of text, though I think you can pretty easily adjust things.

>> No.7119904

It's also south east Asians and Filipinos larping

>> No.7119922

professional? I don't know how to read the right panel, read the 2 first bubbles and then the left panel and go back to read again the last right panel bubbles? or just read all the bubbles and then go to the right panel after...
dont know... not a good page flow in my opinion.

>> No.7119939

My read was "right to left to right" on all the speech bubbles in the right vertical panel, then jump to the top left-most panel and then read that column downwards.

>> No.7119976

How do you guys do lettering?

>> No.7120051

>checking out the views on tapas/webtoons
>action doesn't get nearly the same views as other genres
Should I change my genre to slice of life? It technically isn't lying, action is secondary.

>> No.7120159

Are you making mangas because its a story you want to tell or are you making mangas to pander to the specific demographic of a particular website in order to get a higher chance of views?

>> No.7120161

The latter

>> No.7120166

>I'm quite happy with the art
I too, I'm quite happy with the photos you pick to add a black and white filter! They are really, really cool background photos
I don't know about the art tho, I was too distracted looking the awesome backgrounds
The photographer is really good

>> No.7120172

Like that anon said, you jumped too fast into conflict.
Why the fuck was the monster killing the man's cow? He clearly seems able to reason and understanding, if he
1- Didn't killed the farmer once
2- Seems to be killing the cows to "send a message"
Looks like there was a side of the monster we'll now never now

>> No.7120173

less passive-agressive anon

>> No.7120180

I get what you're trying to sarcastically say, but you can't exactly fault that anon when there are so many professional mangas set in modern day Japan simply because the mangaka's assistants can easily go out, snap some shots, then quickly convert into monochrome via CSP. If they can do it, why not that anon?

>> No.7120183
File: 672 KB, 901x1200, vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do this illustration in a manga style

>> No.7120192

>so many professional mangas
Ok, so is he pumping out 30+ pages a week? If so, yeah who cares if you dont draw you just do photos for backgrounds, you have a lot more on your plate.

>> No.7120205

I fault him just like I fault them. They are hacks and frauds.

>> No.7120210

>no work posted

>> No.7120213

Pretty good. Her right arm feels like the weakest area.

>> No.7120218

Nodraws love to complain about things they will never draw.

>> No.7120220
File: 68 KB, 720x500, everytiem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this dollar bill is fraudulent.
>Oh YEAH, well let's see YOUR dollar bills

What does my art have to do with the status of his?

>> No.7120224
File: 3.59 MB, 2133x1530, 14668984_2133_1530_944206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get the hate on using photoes as bgs, it looks swag as hell

>> No.7120231

because what you said could very easily be answered by fucking trying it yourself.
if you're complaining that someone isn't producing art of a certain quality in a medium that requires consistency above all else, then the only proper response is "try it yourself to see why so many don't", in the same way the reason most people's art isn't miura or inoue-level is because it's not feasible for most people and you would know this if you picked up a pencil and tried it yourself.
a proper comparison wouldn't be a fraudulent dollar bill, because the backgrounds aren't fraudulent. they're real and they're serving their purpose. i don't even know why you thought that would make any sense.

so again, post your one shot and how long it took you to make it.

>> No.7120232
File: 327 KB, 732x958, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put into words what I was struggling to put my finger on lol. That's why this one-shot felt more like a first-chapter then a self-contained story to me, and why even as a first-chapter, it isn't "concluded". Luckily this is a simple fix, as all you would have to do is add more pages to provide closure.

On a somewhat related note, there is a detail that I loved that I missed on my first read-through: Even though you don't get to know the little monster on the protagonist's shoulder's connection to him, in picrel, there is already a subtle clue that he is friendly to humans. The black-and-white panels imply opposites, while the species you chose to associate with "not monsters" happens to be the same species as the little guy on his shoulder. Very nice.

>> No.7120237

They are fraudulent because they are not your creation. You did not draw them. 99.9/100 chance you didn't even take the photograph. In fact, you had to bend your own addition to it to fit the vision of the guy who took the photo to try and match the perspective because you were unable to make it yourself.

I don't care if it's common practice among hacks. Photobashing is hack work and will never not be, and settling for it is only stunting yourself.

>> No.7120251

Felt all day feeling really depressed about Piskor's suicide. a bit surprised there's not a single mention of him on /ic/, or even itt. I liked his interviews with comics

>> No.7120252

i liked his interviews with comic artists*

oh well. zannen da

>> No.7120256
File: 1.61 MB, 1116x1750, neverland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I think hand drawn non-photobashed backgrounds are way more kino, and you can do so much more with them

>> No.7120258

I cant say I know any of his stuff, but I did hear he had some allegations against him right before hand

>> No.7120312

>still no work posted
opinion discarded

>> No.7120328

yeah i prefer prefer hand-drawn backgrounds too. i'd also prefer manga chapters to be longer on average and have more work put into finer details like character designs and backgrounds and for their art to only ever get better, but those aren't things i care enough to mention as actual criticisms because ultimately they aren't feasible for people who have a job with such a tight schedule as comic artists.
and again, it's just not fair to compare industry pros to hobbyists asking for help on 4chan of all places.

>> No.7120335
File: 742 KB, 2263x1600, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7120339
File: 307 KB, 828x622, autism manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bust my ass and only get a few pages done last month
how do mangaka do it?

>> No.7120347

Don't act like you would take a spicy opinion any more graciously if 12/10 artwork accompanied it.

>> No.7120351

>it's just not fair to compare industry pros to hobbyists asking for help on 4chan of all places.
And yet these same hobbyists use the same shortcuts and cop-outs with the excuse that industry pros do it. You can't have it both ways. Either you get compared to the pros, or you don't get to co-opt their limitations.

>> No.7120362
File: 3.42 MB, 1920x3055, page20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 20
corral the Palisade

>> No.7120371

I was going to make this same point. Picking and choosing when comparing yourself to pro's isn't a one way street.

>> No.7120377

>it's a timesaving technique used by some (many) pros
>hobbyists don't have as much time to work on their comics as pros
>therefore hobbyists use the timesaving technique more frequently
there is no hypocrisy, and there has been no evidence of anyone complaining producing their own one shot proving their opinion is of any worth. sad!

>> No.7120382

>video game textures are fraudulent

>> No.7120383

Got me there, I'm not doing a one shot.
I'm just saying, as a hobbyist, we can take as much time as we want, we don't have deadlines, we can really take the time and effort the pros aren't afforded to get things just how we like them

>> No.7120388

Honestly, I'd be an elitist fag too if it weren't for Fukumoto. I've never been invested in a manga like I am with his new golf series. Beautiful hand drawn backgrounds aren't going to save your series if the story is boring and uncreative. Just worry about your own drawings, anon.

>> No.7120393

i mean it's not like i'm saying it as a gotcha. i'm just saying when you actually try it you see how many things really go into it and it's not as simple as just drawing the backgrounds.
even as a hobbyist, lots of people here do actually want to go pro and would rather work under the conditions more similar to what they'd actually be working under professionally. employers are far more interested in the guy that can draw one chapter per week that compromises with 3d or photo backgrounds vs the guy who got burned out because he tried to draw everything fully traditionally with ink he wrestled a squid for and brush bristles he picked himself.

>> No.7120460

Because pros have a team of people helping them

>> No.7120462 [DELETED] 

I can see that. If people wanna larp and play by the same rules as the pros for now, there isn't any harm in that, but I wonder if it will make them a better artist.
>Beautiful hand drawn backgrounds aren't going to save your series if the story is boring and uncreative.
Not really related to the conversation, but fair point.
>Just worry about your own drawings, anon.
Yeah, not sure why I'm here

>> No.7120464

I can see that. If people wanna larp and play by the same rules as the pros for now, there isn't any harm in that, but I wonder if it will make them a better artist.
>Beautiful hand drawn backgrounds aren't going to save your series if the story is boring and uncreative.
Not really related to the conversation, but fair point.
>Just worry about your own drawings, anon.
Yeah, not sure why I'm here

>> No.7120495

That's not it though. If he has months and barely gets anything done, having more people around him isn't going to magically make him so much more productive. You gotta be able to do it on your own to hope to do it with assistance.

>> No.7120503

You're don't have 12/10 art or spicy takes though, you are a faggot permabeg with zero comics made as you scoff impotently at common practices used by the comic and manga industry.

>> No.7120583

Hiking Anon here. I would just like to say that i actually did take all the background photos myself when I was actually there. In fact i took them before i even had the story set out and I ended up building it around the location more or less which is why the second half of the manga has some weirder angles. Because i had less pictures of the summit area than the building.
On another note, this was my first digital comic and i experimented a lot with the backgrounds and whatnot and the time you save by adding the same 3 filters to every background is (to me at least) definitely worth any downside since i was already drawing for around 10 hours everyday for over a month on it and i know firsthand how time-intensive doing all the backgrounds yourself by hand can be.

>> No.7120597

being paid to make comics helps. Its not fair to compare yourself to professionals working with a salary. You should compare yourself to manga artists trying to get started and make it into shonen jump or whatever. They're making comics with their own time for no pay so you can see their work ethic and quality in its truest form.
Like people will post manga made by 20 year old veterans that are already millionaires and say "how do I draw like this?" Its not the same. Anyone here can draw 4 pages a day if they were making serious cash out of it.

>> No.7120602

I agree, it's not fair to compare yourself to pros in volume. He wasn't. He was saying he barely got anything done all month, then expressing admiration for pros. You can get plenty done in a month while still not really matching up to pros in either speed or quality. So again, if you're struggling without assistants, that's not going to disappear when you have them. Never mind that you likely won't ever get the chance to work with assistants without being able to do it all on your own to start with.
Those prospective pros trying to get into shounen jump are the epitome of what I'm talking about. They don't have assistants, they're actively demonstrating that you need to be able to do it on your own first. Having assistants won't necessarily transform you into a productivity god, nor will it really make up for your lack of productivity. Seriously, take it from somebody who HAS had assistants. It's not a silver bullet.
>Anyone here can draw 4 pages a day if they were making serious cash out of it
No offense man but that's a pretty naive thing to say. It's really, really not that simple. There are too many factors at play for that.

I'm speaking as somebody who thought having assistants and pay enough to not have to worry about money would boost my productivity like crazy, but the opposite happened, I was robbed of my motivation to draw.

>> No.7120603

In this hypothetical scenario, the anon being paid to draw manga is still drawing his own manga that he wants to do. It'll obviously be different if you had to answer to some suits or reach deadlines.

>> No.7120604

motivation is a funny thing isn't it... even after so many years i can't figure out what circumstances decide if i can draw 3 pages a day or can't even get 1 done in a week. either way it's easier once you get the ball rolling.

>> No.7120610

You're right, it is definitely better when you're being paid to make your own thing. But I really want to stress that the pros you're looking at can and did do it all own their own before they were getting money for it or paying assistants to help.

Yeah momentum is pretty much the only consistent factor I've been able to see too. It's most noticeable when I lose it and have to get back on the horse after a break.

>> No.7120627
File: 88 KB, 1024x575, 1697778825183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I really like how they used real life locations in Your name as references/tracing help.

>> No.7120655
File: 2.72 MB, 6166x8633, Cómic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh I fucking hate screentones if I had assisstants it would be the first thing I would get rid of.

>> No.7120660

Unfortunately you still have to tell them what screentones to apply, you still have to do the annoying shit part of figuring out what you're actually going to do with them.

>> No.7120717

Sometimes I wonder if I shouldnt leave tones behind and just do conventional greyscale with my normal brushes.

>> No.7120718

Anon you absolutely could just do that. You know there's a button in CSP to just turn a layer into a screentone non-destructively, right? You can even do it do a whole layer. That's how I do tones, I just draw it in gray then convert the folder to screentone.

>> No.7120740

is that faster? I want to try it but don't want to lock myself in for the rest of the chapter or whatever.

>> No.7120744

I agree. In a vacuum, I would definitely prefer hand-drawn backgrounds over photo-bashed backgrounds. One question however: If you are going to hand-draw your backgrounds like this, would it be better to not use a ruler to retain some of the natural imperfections that make it clear that it was drawn by hand?
I know Yoshitoshi ABe is known for not using a ruler in his mangas, which helps give it that signature look.

>> No.7120746

You tell me.

>> No.7120768

It's really up to you. Do you like the look? Can you make it look good AND clear/readable? Do you like drawing that way?
These are creative choices, the answer will change from person to person, and even from work-to-work.

>> No.7120831
File: 615 KB, 738x693, banshe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you join the meal with this beautiful lady?

>> No.7120858

How tied to reality is the altarusia story going to be, in terms of how things are shown? Cos if you wanted to really ratchet up the horror, you could give the banshee an impossibly huge number of teeth (more than already, I mean) and/or make her eyes more crazy-like and whacked out. Up to you, of course. Regardless, good drawings.

>> No.7120908

she can go more grostesque. You will see

>> No.7120920 [DELETED] 


>> No.7121024
File: 80 KB, 1000x464, image - 2024-04-03T200150.942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, make the screen tone 45 degrees and not whatever you do. It looks really bad like that.

>> No.7121038

never in my life I thought about that...also my default degree is always 70º dont know why, fuck

>> No.7121100
File: 351 KB, 754x1000, Magical Mangaka Rinren Chan Ch 02 pg 05 1000 x 755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screentones is kind of an old school technique, used for traditional print mangas. I guess it's good if you like the effect, but it's not necessary.

Anyhow. I really need to work on my manga. My progress last month was really lousy .

>> No.7121172

I think black and white just looks better than color for the majority of comics/manga. Unless you're exceptional with color, things can get muddied fairly easily on busy panels

>> No.7121252

I'd give her a big kiss!

>> No.7121254
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1675884866063942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick, i'm sad, i'm mad and depressed, and my fucking hand has been failling again, so i just wanna post a batch of 7 pages more and then in a week post other 7 more so i can finish posting until i'm finally done, i hope that one anon that it's reading me keeps the continuity of what it's happening in mind

>> No.7121259
File: 1.19 MB, 1996x3056, lineart_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also forgot to ask that i wanna know if this level lineart is acceptable enough (i know i have asked before but the think is that my hand has been getting wonkier than before so sometimes i just wanna end fast because i do not have the energy, nor motivation to do some more detailed work) or not

>> No.7121262
File: 1.47 MB, 1996x3056, lineart_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121264
File: 2.13 MB, 1996x3056, lineart_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121267
File: 1.78 MB, 1996x3056, lineart_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121268
File: 1.85 MB, 1996x3056, lineart_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121270
File: 1.48 MB, 1996x3056, lineart_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121271
File: 494 KB, 1996x3056, lineart_029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121274

I know that this two pages may seem overwhelming, but i thought i i could fix it later with another fond and with the balance background drawings

>> No.7121324
File: 66 KB, 846x803, armclothfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a professional nor a very good inker, so don't take this as anything more than a different opinion, but I wanted to make a quick edit to show a problem I see in your inking.
It looks like the original drawing here is supposed to have the clothes wrapping around his deltoid, but the proper wrapping would be more cylindrical since he isn't overly muscular, and regardless the shirt has too many wrinkle lines which muddies up the overall drawing. I think this could also be a contributor to pain you might be feeling, because your brush strokes aren't as focused as they should be, don't you think?

It's definitely a good start, but I think it'd help to look into how clothes wrap around forms, different kinds of folds, and the role seams play on thinner clothes like shirts or jeans. There are only a few kinds of folds and when you memorize them you can just throw two or three on any form and it looks if not realistic then at least good enough.

I also think there should be more focus put onto the sizes of the line weights and line consistency in each of your drawings. Try drawing bolder lines for outlines or objects closer to the front and thinner lines on the inside of figures and shapes, and of objects further from the camera.
Again, just giving my opinion. It's really more important to just watch the videos than listen to me!

>> No.7121332
File: 75 KB, 904x792, handspeedlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, maybe try putting some speed lines on the hand in the third panel so it more clearly shows the pace of the movement. Not necessarily like this, but something akin to it.

>> No.7121338

You should've written a lightnovel if you were going to have this much text. tell the story through your art more. The diatribe isn't engaging.

>> No.7121366
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1471, pages2223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pages 22 and 23

>> No.7121381

>i hope that one anon that it's reading me keeps the continuity of what it's happening in mind
Yeah it's still fairly fresh in my head, I'm putting together the guy who wouldn't get out of his chair is the replacement she's talking about.
>I also forgot to ask that i wanna know if this level lineart is acceptable enough
It's fine, looks a little weaker at the last few pages, but anything with your MC looks the best. It's more than passable anon, and with screentones/backgrounds it will only make it look better.
This page needs some arrows so I know who's saying what in those big panels.
Also for a few pages your english is pretty spot on and I forget you're ESL. I know I keep harping on this, but that's because I'm a grammar nazi.

>> No.7121383

>I knew it! It was the kid with shifty eyes all along

>> No.7121387

just like Wheatus warned us
he's just a teenage dirtbag

>> No.7121415

Either color or black and white is fine, if it's done well. The Manga standard of Black and white is mainly for efficiency and cost.

>> No.7121455
File: 165 KB, 723x1080, PR1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posted my uncensored version on pixiv.
Got the cleaner version out of tapas/webtoons.
Feels good to finally have it posted, and not just going back over, and over, touching things up.

>> No.7121477
File: 252 KB, 720x217, Screenshot_20240404-004000~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pff hahahahaha Nice one anon

>> No.7121487

Thank you! I thought it was a fun scene, but obviously wouldn't work on 90% of publishers

>> No.7121523
File: 1012 KB, 1800x2380, IMG_20240404_014203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Sabbath and then this 15 year old girl appear in your house

>> No.7121571
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x2423, PBKcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover for a one shot I'll be working on along with Lights and Any More, Pure Boy Kill

>> No.7121574

Teen on loli violence

>> No.7121611
File: 1.58 MB, 1447x2046, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another page done!

>> No.7121612

the line art is the least of your worries here. you need to bubble and split up the dialogue into different panels. its hard to tell whos even speaking at times. I know splitting up the dialogue into separate panels would necessitate you drawing another image to accompany the panel but its either that or cutting down on the dialogue entirely.

>> No.7121636

Tool panel lucks much better after shading

>> No.7121663
File: 193 KB, 800x450, 1663978463206053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i think that the folds are more because of the type of clothes i have in mind than anything else, in another page i draw another a hoddie and made the folds more softer, besides from the page 37 until the last page, people will be under the rain so i draw the clothes like that for a few more pages

I was going to do it later

I'm sorry i came from a lineage lf heavy texted mangas, but i think i will try to trim it down later

After i'm doing posting lineart, i won't post until i fully finish the first page w/bc and all

>I know I keep harping on this, but that's because I'm a grammar nazi.
Don't worry, i truly appreciated, when i'm done and start with the typesetting i will put more effort onto it

The thing with the bubbles it was that i was going to make them, but they fill in with black, and when i fix it, i reallized that my stupid ass put all the text in white, so i got lazy and i will have to change it later

>> No.7121674
File: 2.63 MB, 2505x2854, Character design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something i realized while drawing this panel (the drawing at the bottom) it was that i haven't asked how are mmy character designs so far

Are they good or bad, i like to make them subtle but with personality

>> No.7121679

What you think of this

>> No.7121682

You got answers already.

>> No.7121694

How do you guys find reference? I am having trouble making it rotate and play around camera angles. Do you have a website or something to help me??

>> No.7121699

Take pics of yourself. Unless it's background then Idk how to help.

>> No.7121709
File: 928 KB, 938x1335, GAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first shitty page ever. Really did rush it, but it humbled me to realize how much I gotta improve and most importantly have patience if I want things to look right

Think the paneling is probably making it look ten times worse too lol

>> No.7121715
File: 124 KB, 1996x3056, myfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is how I'd fix it anon. I think your primary issue is making sentences that can be merged into one separate. I also went out of my way to rearrange some of the artwork to make a better composition.
I used Jack Armstrong BB for the main text and Ashcan BB for the minor text,

>> No.7121756
File: 417 KB, 938x1335, GAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it looks like 2 pages awkwardly merged into one. This is just my quick, poor fix.
Title - Slackey
Narrative/Minor - CCMarianChurchland
Main - A.C.M.E. Secret Agent.

>> No.7121774
File: 213 KB, 800x844, 1651553838063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate it anon, but the thing is that i was already thinking of rewriting that whole page, in a way that was more natural and enticing way to do the exposition

>> No.7121875

What's a commercial free font I can use?

>> No.7121896

If you don't plan on printing, don't even bother. But even then, companies like Blambot who make the fonts even companies like Viz and Dark Horse use, has lenient rule when it comes to using their fonts. As long as it's a small/independent print, they'll not charge you for the fonts and allow you to use them for free. It's only when you're publishing something mainstream (in the case of Blambot) do you have to pay for their fonts.
When selecting a font, you have to keep in mind things like line weight and mood of the artwork.

>> No.7121897

Go to blambot. There are literal shitloads of free fonts. Nearly all of them are free for personal use, for use if you're making a comic to post online, or if you're self-publishing independently, but if you're planning on printing with some sort of established comic publisher, you do have to pay a small licensing fee, I believe.

>> No.7121910
File: 122 KB, 1093x1431, 1693530266376902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but does that means i could use them to post in mpc?

>> No.7121925

There's a variety of options. Look up stuff on a search engine, get your own reference doll, use a free online 3d poser, take pics of yourself, etc.

MPC and Blambot are not the same company. Why would MPC care? Any issie would be between the manga creator and Blambot.

>> No.7121967
File: 312 KB, 850x850, 1611389747497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon, but i don't understand, fever makes me even more stupid than usual

>> No.7121974

Ok, I'll try to spell it out. MPC under normal circumstances is just a mere host of your work. They let you upload to their site pursuant to their rules but you and MPC are not in any way legally contracted together. You do not have them as your official publisher, they are just one more site you upload to. In such circumstances, Blambot would not care because you're a relative nobody and/or are just self-publishing.

However, if MPC or any other major site or publisher said "Holy shit your manga is really good, I gotta get me sum of dat good shit" and you and they signed a contract in which they would officially represent you as your publisher, then Blambot would at that time ask that you, the mangaka, pay whatever small licensing fee they have since you are now actually making genuine money off of your work which among other things includes a Blambot fontset. They are now in some part helping you make money, so now they will ask for a small fee.

>> No.7122009
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is somehow both hard and easy, fairly happy with this though

>> No.7122012
File: 1.63 MB, 2731x3763, IMG_1665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops forgot to rotate

>> No.7122016

This is so weird. I have no idea where he is sitting in this environment.

>> No.7122017
File: 223 KB, 915x761, Normand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like putting references from things my target audience should have no knowledge of

>> No.7122021

He’s in the window, I’m planning to use the next panel to better elucidate that, but yeah tough to work. That’s supposed to be the back of his head in the tower on the right, might read better when I color/texture it so the window has some light focus, or I’ll have to find out a better solution

>> No.7122032

Oh uh, also the in that last panel you can see a little bit of brick he’s leaning his head against that I might have to make clearer, and planks of wood beneath him to indicate a floor, but yeah I might need a better solution. I’ll accept any suggestions.

>> No.7122037

Oh maybe if I draw some sleeping ‘Z’s’ in the window near the little head silhouette, the reader will better be able to tell there’s a guard resting in there

>> No.7122046

2000's anime, kinda plain jane, but I'm sure with tone/color they will be more distinguishable.
It's fine, but the title being on the right gave me the impression I was supposed to read right to left.
nta, but I would have that "huh" speech bubble coming from the window in that turret, where I assume that's him we can kinda see.
Also you're that anon who did that wizard, right?

>> No.7122047

Oh, didn't see that, yes do that, perfect.

>> No.7122049
File: 2.23 MB, 2867x3766, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, thanks for remembering me. So I’m thinking either Z’s from the window with a sleep bubble pop in the last panel to show a guy is in there waking up, or yeah a full blown speech bubble in the establishing shot, thanks for the input

>> No.7122075
File: 453 KB, 1200x1800, intenseface3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to decide between doing 'intense' shading as a more sketchy type of thing, or more fully blacked out. I feel like I'm leaning more towards the former, but that the latter might be cooler if I could get it right. On the other hand, it might look off, especially since I haven't really done it before. For the latter type, pic related is sort of what I'm thinking, but maybe it won't be right if there's no strong light source like there is here.

>> No.7122095
File: 1.90 MB, 1424x1644, blackedout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, usually it's darkened like that because you want to emphasize something, be it light, or mood for a certain scene/panel. If you're going to do an entire project like that, it might look cool, or it might get old really quick.

>> No.7122100

I pretty much just wanted one page to be like that. After comparing though, I think a sketchier style would fit better, especially with the page after.

>> No.7122107
File: 13 KB, 167x171, 1712256713588358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this.
Your characters seem to have a lot of personality just based on little gags like this. It really adds to the feeling that everyone there is an oddball.

>> No.7122108

SIn city do that and is one of my favorites comics

>> No.7122153
File: 25 KB, 338x480, Paige Mina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storyboard panel of Paige/Mina. Almost done planning out Chapter 4.

>> No.7122193
File: 29 KB, 370x320, 1645789953226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your patience anon, now i get it

>> No.7122199

Nice environment.

>> No.7122218

I apologize if this has been asked already (and I'm sure it has), but is there a reason why you decide to storyboard at such a small resolution?

>> No.7122219

>feel like I got a good amount of work done
>one panel, not even complete
I'm dying

>> No.7122227
File: 129 KB, 489x424, 1645369989376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still farther from where you were before

>> No.7122248

People have joked around but you're actually the first person to specifically ask why I storyboard on a smaller resolution, lol. There's no super important reason, I just like being able to see and go over six pages at a time without having to do any real zooming in and out or moving of the digital canvas.

>> No.7122284

I watched a YT video of people doing a manga workshop with what they say are japanese pros, they claimed that a pro mangaka without assistants produces around 100 pages a year. Thats a page every three days plus some change. So yeh, busting your ass for a month and getting 8 pages worth sounds about right. Maybe lower your standards if time is a factor or incorporate some crutches to expedite the process

>> No.7122290

Not anon, but I personally draw very small thumbnail sketches since my goal is to figure out panel layout more than anything lol.

>> No.7122423

I just realized after awhile that the way I drew Mina's cheek-area hair curls makes her look like her eyes are buggin' out, lol. Whoops.

>> No.7122435
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1487, pages2627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pages 26 and 27

>> No.7122443
File: 259 KB, 855x1253, one-piece-chapter-1097-one-piece-manga-65442d7a5209a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna create my manga with only 1 panel, I will do this inspired by chapter cover of One Piece.

How I will do this to will be cool? Any sugesstions to do story with 1 panel?

>> No.7122446

I would say just look at every single One Piece cover page, all in a row, and you'll probably come out the other side with a good feel for how these pages are made and what's fun about them.

>> No.7122447

Haha I thought it was intentional, it's cute, you should use that expression elsewhere, for fun

>> No.7122449

Each chapter cover continues after another like Kobe's journey.

>> No.7122463

Quite a long drive

>> No.7122465

it's a 200 mile drive about
this is just about the halfway point

>> No.7122479

Oh I see, you want to do an entire story in just one panel. I say have a main character in focus, have him/her looking at a distant goal in frame, and fill the rest of the frame with little details hinting at victory.
I'm thinking of something like a really confident looking but disheveled character, looking up to the top of a skyscraper behind him in a serious storm. You want to include both the beginning and end in one panel, right, so it would be a character looking at his journey in a way that you would know as a viewer he would succeed. Ooooh what about like a company board room, or a king's court where the leader is obviously some type of asshole, with the main character looks confidently towards him as the rest of the characters in the shot all hold knives behind their back like they're about to spring on the baddie king and win the day with our main character.

>> No.7122485

I gave it a read.
+ Strong art style
+ Solid humor
+ Solid premise
- A lot of the page compositions/paneling choices are wonky, it's a bit too wacky overall. I think you should focus primarily on creating a smooth, easy reading experience. As it is it feels like a puzzle sometimes. Remember to try and lead the eye to crreate a natural feeling reading order. It sounds complicated, but really it just means establish a "flow" (eg a row of panels -> the next row of panels -> a big panel at the bottom) then try to avoid breaking that flow without explicitly intending to (eg if there was speech bubbles in the 2nd row that overlapped the 1st row, which pulls the eye down to that row instead of across the horizontal like you wanted).
- The timing of the jokes felt a bit... lacking. I could see the humor in them, but they didn't quite land IMO. I don't have specific feedback here because I'm not really experience in delivering jokes either, but try not to belabor them too much. I can see that being really tough though, it's hard to judge pacing when you're drawing it.
- Kinda pointless to say this cos you already know but the art could use work too. In particular I think the use of screentones is all over the place. Sometimes they're fine and sometimes you set the density distractingly low. I think overall the balance of values clashes with how it's read in a way that's hard to put a finger on. Something that practice might solve, I think.

Overall, a solid start. If you keep at it you'll make gains. Looking forward to the next one.

>> No.7122493

Or can be comic strip, but with one panel as well, being continuos story or not.

>> No.7122528

Just wanted to take a second to congratulate you guys on being a real comic-making thread, compared to /co/'s /hywg/, it's so fucking bad over there

>> No.7122536

....as opposed to the rest of /co/, which is normally....?

>> No.7122541

Appreciate it.
When it comes to screentones I have absolutely no idea, and I'm not going to pretend I do. I have no gauge for color or tones, and I guess it shows. I'll try and bite of some other people for this.
> I could see the humor in them, but they didn't quite land IMO.
This is my biggest concern. Timing in a drawing is pretty important, I'm not sure how I'm going to figure this out, but I'll def focus on it. Thanks again.
Never been to /co/ in all my years on this site, but I have heard it's one of the most autistic drama filled boards.

>> No.7122545

The western American /co/mics side fell, and the eastern /Ic/hinese side triumphed. Sublime.

>> No.7122565

I imagine that /co/ was mostly consumers trying to make comics vs /ic/ which is made up of people who actually enjoy drawing.

>> No.7122567

I know, its beautiful

>> No.7122573

Real answer is twofold
1. There's more emphasis on co-mingling between authors, which leads to drama when people fall out and/or climb over each other reaching for success, and
2. It's just been around for much, much longer.
These two factors compound into the cesspit it is today. There's a good chance it'll happen to /mmg/ too. All good things come to an end.

>> No.7122575

>All good things come to an end.
Aint that the truth. I came here from oc redraw.
I'd say our biggest saving grace is that we are a slow board, which has plenty of cons, but it's also much more obvious when people samefag dogpile

>> No.7122591
File: 834 KB, 1075x1518, MUGEN2405_478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The May issue of COMIC Mugen Tensei hit physical stores today, so I've officially made my debut as a pro mangaka. Dumping preview images.

>> No.7122592
File: 1.75 MB, 1075x1518, MUGEN2405_487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122593
File: 1.77 MB, 1075x1518, MUGEN2405_497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122594
File: 1.39 MB, 1075x1518, MUGEN2405_507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a preview on their website, here https://web.mujin-ti.net/magazines/56/325
The digital version comes out in a month, so to those anons saying they wanted to purchase a copy can feel free to wait until then unless you wanna deal with getting a copy of the magazine shipped over, lol.

Anyway now my shilling's done, back to working on the next one.

>> No.7122612

Wowser bowser, you really are talented

>> No.7122615

congratulations! You're the best!

>> No.7122630

Any complaints about naming this area ‘Svarthelm’?

>> No.7122648 [DELETED] 

Oh no...
I remember you were only getting like 50 bucks a page here, and sales was going to be the plum of your income for this, but I didn't know it was going to be /lsg/. I should have figured since its Japan, but damn.
Very happy for your success, and I know 1 sale to an anon who wants to support his peers doesn't matter, but I cant order loli stuff. I hope to buy an issues of the next thing you are working on, with the nerd and his video games.
Either way, very happy for you, can you link your cowboy comic again? I neglected to read chapter 2? Im buzzed and wanna read some cowboy stuff

>> No.7122651 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 392x463, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, screw it, I'll get the digital copy and not read it. You deserve it, despite your aversion to drawing. Wish you nothing but success

>> No.7122657

Good Lord I am way to drunk to respond to anything. Happy for all anons success

>> No.7122660

/hyw/ is the result of what happens when you don't gatekeep your art 4chan shitcord. You end up with a server and threads filled with unwarranted self-important, dog shit art everywhere, and some of the most unironically autistic groups of friendless incels and unhinged schizo you can find. the fact that /hyw/ has 3 comics series completed out of 105 in its decades-long history of being around is how you it's a community of failures.

>> No.7122679

>but I didn't know it was going to be /lsg/
Huh? It's not. There's a flat chick, that's it.
>Im buzzed and wanna read some cowboy stuff

>> No.7122680

I’m taking tomorrow (well, today by now) off, surely I’ll make a lot of progress and not waste the day off!

>> No.7122681

Darn, I didn't delete fast enough
>Huh? It's not. There's a flat chick, that's it.
Alright, I'm down with DFC, my last girlified was picked out for that (dont tell her), it's just that image I wasn't sure is all. I will 100% place an order when its available.
Thank you for the quickdraw link, I remembered the title but it wasn't in my history for some reason

>> No.7122688

Keep in mind that while my work isn't lolicon, the magazine itself does have loli, so definitely don't get the magazine if you're worried about that. The chapter will be sold separately in a month, so you can wait until then if you like.

>> No.7122699

>don't get the magazine if you're worried about that.
Nah, I'm a weird moralfag. I don't care if there is loli guro mixed in with the antichrist, as long as I know I'm supporting my niggas and they didn't do it, i'm all for their "honest" work. Cant control who you work with.. But thank you for the heads up. I also appreciate what I assume (might be) your crit on my comic, if that wasn't you disregard this, like I said I've been drinking.

>> No.7122705

This? >>7122485
That was me, yes.

>> No.7122763

Congrats dude.

>> No.7122974
File: 395 KB, 1708x1708, 1000009919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lights and Any More Chapter 2 is finished and up

>> No.7122987

Looks good dude, and extra points for having done it all trad (unless I'm mistaken?). Your character's got serious winning issues for sure, and I love it - so tired of people scared of giving their characters any kind of trait that might even remotely be considered "negative."

>> No.7122997
File: 79 KB, 557x821, Ashwinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123006
File: 1.35 MB, 738x1130, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost done

>> No.7123009

SMT vibe

>> No.7123125

Chapter 2? I didn't know you had chapter 1 up

>> No.7123143

I linked 1 in the last couple threads
I didn't do so this time cuz I was halfway done with 2
I think 1 has been up for 10 days(?)

>> No.7123342

>tu dump
she poop?

>> No.7123364

is the heartbeat

>> No.7123874
File: 14 KB, 166x166, 1608914877887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some anons claiming that mpc had a lot of bots
>meanwhile anons one shot is in 12k view and counting
Fuck doomfags there is hope that even if i post it will get like 3 digits view count

>> No.7123949

let's goooo! wagmi

>> No.7123961


>> No.7124005

Why do you care so much about fake numbers? Here I'll give you some: 34792

>> No.7124024

>draw multiple pages yesterday
>can't pick up the pencil today
I admire professionals that have the mental energy to go every day. That anon is right about it being harder on random days.

>> No.7124033

>the mental energy to go every day
There's the self-discipline part, and then there's also the part where it's their job and they are getting paid (however small a pittance) to do it. That latter part kind of helps, lol.

But take a mental break sometimes, man. If you're really not up for it one day, you're not up for it. Nobody is standing here on this Argentinian cattle ranching forum with a tally sheet or a stopwatch grading you.

>> No.7124075

lol such doomposting

>> No.7124377
File: 642 KB, 694x1100, 7-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of first chapters of manga from before, the beginning of Bleach has always stood out to me in grabbing the readers' attention by setting up a conflict of morals that invests the reader in either side.

>> No.7124489

yeah I guess I'll take a break. I just lie down and sleep/zone out until I feel like drawing again.

>> No.7124598

Be active my nigga, go for a walk, do some pushups etc

>> No.7124874
File: 144 KB, 1048x1752, 1697068350371344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what you mean

>> No.7124909
File: 429 KB, 1080x1620, 181327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I realized this didn't make much sense without that conversation's context. This was just something I was thinking about.
I meant that Bleach just has a really strong beginning imo. The main protagonist's obligation to sacrifice himself to save others from hollows when he was just the victim of one moments prior.

>> No.7125102

Bleach was at its best early on, when it was about ghosts and the paranormal and stuff, and helping spirits move on good or bad. Even the Soul Society stuff was pretty decent, but it ended up becoming a pretty typical Shounen after that. Wish they would have done more with the early bits. I really want to go back and give it a re-read though. I dropped it, but I'm not even sure how much was left after I did (started tuning out toward the end of the Fullbringer arc).

That said, I still liked it most out of the "Big 3" era.

I still

>> No.7125121
File: 87 KB, 609x863, CLIPStudioPaint_UwvVvLDZ1m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what i am doing

>> No.7125194

Looks like its coming along, though. No complaints here

>> No.7125196
File: 1.79 MB, 2925x4174, ZED'S ELEGY 0 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marginally more patient effort this time for this text run on a long oneshot passion project (that I've really yet to completely storyboard out) but a test of the story written...,shading is off too but i still gotta learn a lot.

>> No.7125214

>Panel 1: Man I wished somebody else would cook for me. This damn owl in the background ain't gonna do it.
>Panel 2: Is somebody else cooking?
>Panel 3: *depictions of somebody else getting fed without having to cook*
>Panel 4: Man wtf this is bullshit why can't somebody cook for and feed me?

>> No.7125216

you drew a right hand on that left arm

>> No.7125220
File: 1.50 MB, 6166x8633, Cómic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even so, I still have a lot of work to do.

>> No.7125233
File: 46 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I know you already inked that page but the shifter thing makes no sense. Anyone who knows how to drive stick will think you are retarded

>> No.7125240

yeah I only thought about it after I had inked the 2
"oh yeah these things go in a zig zag"
the worst part is I had literally just played the game myself too, I'm just dumb

>> No.7125247

>yeah I only thought about it after I had inked the 2
fuck I hate that feeling
it's an arcade cabinet so you could play it off as intentional, blame the devs
or pick up some white-out

>> No.7125253

look I fucked it up, it's just my stupidity
it's prolly my two weakest points in my manga art
It means I sketched it like that, realized the mistake then, and figured I'd just correct it when I inked, then forgot
then inked the mistake, realized it and then let it happen because I didn't wanna white out
in both cases cuz my impatience makes me not wanna stop laying down lines as I'm working
so I can stand to be called a retard should one please, and I would agree

>> No.7125262

>look I fucked it up, it's just my stupidity
Reasonable answer: Don't sweat it, shit happens man, and besides you're doing it all trad which obviously doesn't really let you go back and ctrl+z the thing. Everyone can tell what you're trying to communicate.

Unreasonable answer: The arcade cabinet was actually built wrong and the shifter was put in reverse, it's actually really deep lore and you just don't understand it yet, you have to read 582 more episodes before this is referenced in a callback :)))))))))

>> No.7125271

I do like to think about stuff I'd want if I made this a longer series
mr Palisade drives automatic, so it would be funny to think he wouldn't know how to drive a stick properly cuz of a faulty arcade machine
but the one issue would be I also would want a scene where he drives a stick to prove a point to some punks.

>> No.7125272

Is it worth putting a 'this reads right to left' indicator for something posted on MangaPlus? You'd think it would be obvious, but I've also seen some that were meant to be read left to right on there as well.

>> No.7125275

Something on the first page that's small couldn't hurt if you're dead set on doing it that way.

>> No.7125283
File: 26 KB, 730x413, Paige Surprised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7125427
File: 343 KB, 924x889, Screenshot 2024-04-07 170555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost done with this page where Lustless confronts a squid brain

>> No.7125437
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x2085, 1000009973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure a- the average me today...
page one of chapter 3, which I've opted to make the last chapter and just combine the pages of 3 and 4

>> No.7125460

I always thought kubo would be better suited for video games. He needs his own dragon quest. That way he can design as many cool jobbers as he wants.

>> No.7125480


Your success inspires me to work harder! :)

>> No.7125517

It's been a while since I've picked up Bleach and I pretty much stopped at that point where it started becoming typical shonen lol. And yeah, the main reason I even mentioned that was because I, too wish they would have done more with those early parts.

Y'know, I never considered the idea of Kubo working in video games, but now that you mention it, I would FUCKING LOVE a Tite Kubo character-designed JRPG. I'm imagining something like a mix between Tales of and Final Fantasy.

i LOVE this

>> No.7125526

any tips on programs to use for paneling? kinda too comfortable in the one i'm already using to swap.

>> No.7125533

You've piqued my interest - what do you mean by programs for paneling? Don't you just draw the box you want or need? If you're comfy doing what you're doing, why do you want to swap?

>> No.7125551

I don't do a lot of comics period since I find paneling difficult, I usually do illustrations I guess I see panels more as like a "border" in short I'm too incompetent/lazy to make good panels imo but I end up obsessing over them anyway

>> No.7125565
File: 445 KB, 750x654, sailor garfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you need a program for that? just draw them.

>> No.7125575

>I find paneling difficult
As in you don't know how big the next one should be or what shape it takes so the reader's eye follows, or.....? If it makes you feel any better, there are mangas out there where the paneling for the most part is just rectangle after rectangle after rectangle, and the only angles that change are just the drawings inside them. Paneling doesn't get much simpler than that.

>> No.7125618

Pornanon how many pages has your story that will be published in that Mugen magazine?

>> No.7125624

That one's 54 pages long.
The one I'm drawing right now will be 50 pages.

>> No.7125629


WOW Amazing! how much time did it take to draw those 50 pages?

I will buy the digital version once it comes out ;)

>> No.7125632
File: 365 KB, 140x160, 1490432652836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit over 600 hours, over the course of ~4 months (early november to early feb).
Thank you for your support!

>> No.7125688

lmaoooo I love this

>> No.7125710
File: 2.43 MB, 800x450, rococo 04_14 WIP 2024APR07.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats! is that going to be on one of the american platform like fakku?

>> No.7125720

Beats me, it's way too early to say.

>> No.7125786

>As in you don't know how big the next one should be or what shape it takes so the reader's eye follows, or.....?
Flow I guess, maybe I shouldn't be trying to do overly complex boxes, but I just have an issue deciding on a panel layout and it feels a bit daunting to me.
It partially might be related to why I'm so terrible at graphic design.

>> No.7125790
File: 2.63 MB, 800x450, 2024-04-08 00-07-15.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7125793

>bump limit reached
threads over. Sayonarara , bakas.

>> No.7125894

I don't think changing programs is going to help with that. Ya just gotta do it and do it and do it.

>> No.7126134

Dang, that's way easier. I know for a fact I'm doing it wrong, and after seeing this I'm too embarrassed to say what I do. I'm also on photoshop though, so I'll google to see if there is a better way

>> No.7126156

>I'm too embarrassed to say what I do
What on earth are you doing that could be that bad? I use Photoshop and I just draw my boxes using the shape/line tool.

>> No.7126198
File: 13 KB, 478x701, ScreenShotEmailFromCanada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I don't want to say, anon.

But I have this friend you see, he lives in Canada you wouldn't know him-
And he uses the box shape tool to make the various panels, then rasterize them all....then carefully and autistically zooms in, and deletes all the lines that overlap or dont fit, to make perfect lines. He says it's very painstakingly inefficient

>> No.7126212

Rasterizing and then erasing parts that don't fit isn't the worst or most unusual thing. For some reason the custom shape tool in Photoshop doesn't want to play nice with me, so if I'm doing any funky shapes that aren't rectangular/square in nature I draw a quick line and then erase the part that sticks out.

.... but what I don't get is why you're doing this for what appears to be nothing but boxes, or why the box borders appear like they have to be touching each other.

>> No.7126223

Well I just did this as an example just to show what I was erasing, not a great example.
>I draw a quick line and then erase the part that sticks out.
Yeah ok I do this as well, I just need a better way to make my panel borders the same size, and not just eyeball it

I mean, my friend does.

>> No.7126239

>my panel borders the same size
Are you on an older version of PS? Newer ones literally have little pink lines that show up automatically so you can instantly tell if things are aligned/the same size.

>> No.7126456
File: 3.09 MB, 401x498, 1660935850336774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how i draw way more faster and more relaxed and without putting so much tension and presure on my hand while on traditional

I really wonder what would be my power level if i could do the whole process in trad instead

>> No.7126544

If your hand is bothering you that much, get it looked at. If you try to draw through the pain you'll just do permanent damage and fuck up your whole career.

>> No.7126551
File: 264 KB, 728x1200, ravel and wind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character design practice for an important side character. She's fun as hell to draw, but she takes forever if I'm not careful.

>> No.7126583

that's unique and a great concept

>> No.7126602
File: 72 KB, 1080x969, 1660357450056706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually mean that my hand get less tired and tense after each drawing session on trad, while is all the other way with digital
It haven't hurt for a while now

>> No.7126637

Pornanon, how does the system work in this japanese companies: Do they pay you once you submit (send) your pages to them or they pay you once they publish your work on print?

Cant wait to see your next work

>> No.7126638

Thank you very much
It's a bitch to draw, but also lots of fun

>> No.7126639
File: 498 KB, 2236x1682, 20240408_185758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these designs look good?

>> No.7126642

The page rate is paid at the tail end of the month AFTER you deliver the final product. I delivered the final product in february, so the pay arrived late march. Or would have arrived, but they needed to set up something with their bank account to transfer funds overseas, so I'm still waiting.

>> No.7126659

I'll be honest, the wood general ain't doing it for me, boss. Iron general is bretty gud though.

>> No.7126660

Thanks for you honesty. Hope everything turns out just fine.

To your success!

>> No.7126677

that would make me hella nervous
belated congrats though, actually fucking published mangaka in a japanese magazine, how does it feel?

>> No.7126691

>how does it feel?
Now I gotta worry about whether or not my work sells though.

>> No.7126722
File: 104 KB, 833x701, 1712354522616856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread doko da?

>> No.7126725

You going to panic every time the thread hits page 8? Relax dude.

>> No.7126772

Really? I actually dislike the iron generals design and like the wood general.
Maybe it's because in my head the Iron general is cooler then how I drew him but that's the best design I can make for him.
The wood general is supposed to be sorta ugly and troll looking.

>> No.7126787

>realize entire chapter is the same joke 10 times
eh, fuck it

>> No.7126791

TV shows do it for years, why the heck not?

I'm sure some mangas do it

>> No.7126804
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make it worth too, if you do it with a great execution, you could make a long running gag to have a great fucking pay off, like the character on the image

>> No.7126820

I don't want to make tv slop, I want to make ART
if I was a clever writer and this was some kind of clever joke then maybe

>> No.7126826
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, japanese tv show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to make tv slop, I want to make ART
tv shows are technically art

>> No.7126847

New thread: >>7126841