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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.39 MB, 1763x1461, daydunno290cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7117688 No.7117688 [Reply] [Original]

Any perspectgods able to help a BEG out here?

Are the books and background here on two completely different perspectives planes? I've tried my best to analyze it but I cannot make anything reproducible by doing so.

The books looks like its placed on its own vertical plane, which I tried to recreate with the (left) set of books to confirm what I thought, but I have 0 idea how you would recreate this through construction on its own. I understand Frieren in this picture is not in perspective or she'd be bending too, but can any perspectgods please impart some knowledge.

Below I'll put my attempt at analyzing this (Which I cant comeup with a method to recreate this scene without just forex-ing it), and the original image. I've been through 4 books of perspective including perspective made easy so I'm aware this should be 5 point perspective but I just can't understand this one

>> No.7117689
File: 3.00 MB, 7000x4527, daydunno290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My try, is the book stack really on its own vertical plane? What the FUCK is going on with the wall. Its extremely easy to understand we're looking down at her and shes on a bench, but why is it impossible to analyze how to construct it

>> No.7117690
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, mpv_tkNYdiBpz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original without my garbage on top

>> No.7117692

>Your brain on /asg/
It's anime, stop copying from anime.

>> No.7117693

>i dont know how to answer the question
no worries anon

>> No.7117695
File: 51 KB, 479x640, 1685087719448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it REALLY, though?

>> No.7117698

The wall is physically curved.

>> No.7117701

Your answer is stop copying from anime because it's wrong, the perspective is stylized in a fashion where it looks good and passable while in motion and animating on the cheap. It's the same trick used where you can't see figures planted on a ground plane.
No, because the ground is also curving convex it's not curving in a cylindrical form she's not inside a cylinder.

>> No.7117702

>waaah dont try to learn exactly what you want to draw
are you going to answer the question of how to construct this scene? By all means post a real life example of something similar

>> No.7117703

At some point you'll realise this stuff doesn't matter
Don't @ me

>> No.7117704

I don't really mind if the answer is making something that is not realistically possible, but I want to know how to make it


>> No.7117705

Do you not realize that the scene and the figure were made by different teams? The group that drew the books and the figures were entirely independent from the team that paints backgrounds they had zero intention to keep the perspective inline with the books and instead stylize the perspective so that it can make the scene look more attractive to keep you watching your stupid anime it's the new lensflare of perspective to add a cheap fish eye effect.

>> No.7117706

>waaahhhh anime bad I need to tantrum more
You can just say you don't know how its constructed either instead of sperging out

>> No.7117710

stop replying to the mentally ill weeb

>> No.7117715

overthinking a scene that is shown for 3 seconds. the artists involved didn't put as much thought into this as you have.

>> No.7117720

thats just sad anon, you don't need to samefag just because you got btfo'd for sperging. Take your meds and calm down

You're right, but it was an interesting frame for me that instantly set something off for 5 point perspective

>> No.7117722


There's a lot of exaggerating and cheating with the perspective in animated shows and movies. Linear perspective, afterall, does not exist

>> No.7117723

They would have drawn the bricks and floor straight and then just warped the background in photoshop in one click

>> No.7117727

I could accept this, but what about the books? As they 'fit' into the scene and aren't on the same curvature, the thought process for the scenes is deliberate so it wouldnt be 'Ill warp a straight background in ps, and then add some books in a completely different perspective and hope it looks right'

Thanks anon something like this is exactly what I'm looking for

>> No.7117732

different person drew the books, and probably just winged it.

>> No.7117734
File: 73 KB, 836x595, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it.
Here you go, keep the groundplane straight and flat and show a curve on the wall while slightly foreshortening the vertical lines while following the curve horizontally. The key here is keeping the ground plane flat but you wouldn't realize that because muh anime. I told you there were different teams for the figure and the books.

>> No.7117735

Anon if you're answer is the entire thing is 3 different peoples imagination drawing why did you bother trying

>> No.7117740

you can't even see IPs

>> No.7117741

This is getting closer and thank you for putting a draw from it. But doesn't yours feel like a different perspective? Yours looks like we're perhaps crouched looking at a curved wall directly, whereas the original picture is clearly looking down because of the curvature of the bricks, not trying to nitpick but it looks too different and if you plopped a character on top you wouldn't be looking down at her anymore

>> No.7117743

bother trying what?

>> No.7117745

To answer the question
>uhmm... its 3 different people's imagination drawing

>> No.7117750
File: 284 KB, 600x464, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the wall is supposed to be flat and this is supposed to be in 5point perspective then it's all fucked up. The horizontal lines are curving the wrong way since the horizon line is above the FOTM semendemon.

these anons are correct

>> No.7117752
File: 75 KB, 719x711, 332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some rando's example

>> No.7117753

be respectful to fern.

See I thought it was fucked as well because the middle should be the largest part of the fish, so why does this 'inverted' fish eye look correct then? Is there any name for this type of perspective representation, putting it down to style is too simple

>> No.7117772

That's the answer more or less. Why is anon struggling to make sense of the perspective? Because nobody involved in the picture draw perspective lines. Question answered.

>> No.7117773

Apart that all pieces of the image do reach proper perspective points, relax dunning kruger

>> No.7117775

Two converging lines will reach a point. Oh wow.

>> No.7117780

I don't watch anime, which episode is this? Is the wall behind her shown from any other angles?

>> No.7117781

>theres no perspective thinking in this picture
>actually there is but I'm now coping
move on retard crab

>> No.7117787
File: 579 KB, 2880x1620, curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wall is curved, OP is a fag
all is right in the world

>> No.7117788

Now with this, what perspective does it make OP?
Is it just a simple 3P scene?

>> No.7117796

I didn't say none. I said they winged it. You can draw a stack of books like that without thinking about where the vanishing point is, you just relate each line to each other.

>> No.7117797

>it was literally just a physically curved wall

>> No.7117800


>> No.7117802

Kneel? I thought it was a cuved wall. They still winged the books.

>> No.7117803

>I thought it was a curved wall
>I thought it had no perspective
>I missed the part where every part of this picture converges
whatever you're on must be pretty good

>> No.7117805

Why was the bench texture curving? Curved bench too?

>> No.7117806
File: 265 KB, 800x450, 1688557995184830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perspectivetards when there's a curved surface

>> No.7117810
File: 400 KB, 2880x1620, curve2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7117812

schizo I never said no perspective. Winging it is still using still perspective.

>> No.7117813

the floor plane is wrong now

>> No.7117815

anon if you're gonna try and change past words you can't be helped

what perspective is this translating to for OP?

>> No.7117818
File: 262 KB, 640x552, 1707105289953337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topkek I'm so pissed off at this thread I am actually redrawing OP's scene just to prove a point but I'm not about to reward him with his FOTM animay until he draws me a par of hands holding a book in perspective.

>> No.7117819

Oh shit. I thought I was looking down at a desk because of the stacked books oh well too late.

>> No.7117820

someone needs to screencap this threads autism

>> No.7117821

Quote me. You think they used perspective lines to make the curved wall?

>> No.7117823

Do you enjoy getting abused or are you just proud of having a hard time of actually comprehending what you're looking at?

if you're too blind to see it look at it already done >>7117689

>> No.7117824
File: 381 KB, 2000x1500, 20240331_123125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! This is why I asked the question.

Let's go through these:
>is the book stack really on its own vertical plane?
There are two answers to this. First, the style of the books and the style of the wall don't match, so they were most likely drawn by different teams. If she has to interact with those books in any way they'd have to animate them. In your perspective drawover (which is correct btw) you'll see the books would be tilted way more to the right, that would look awkward and probably be a little harder to animate, so they shifted the perspective. They kept the distortion on the wall to emphasize the downward angle and let up on the books so they look more consistent with the character. In animation they will use all kinds of tricks and cheats to make things look better, pic related is an industry example that was given to animators.

>I have 0 idea how you would recreate this through construction on its own
You would set up a fake vanishing point to construct the object how you want it. It's animation, you can do that.

>What the FUCK is going on with the wall.
We are looking down and seeing the tops of some of the bricks, so we know we're above them. The vertical lines are receding down (which is accurate) but the horizontal lines are curving to a horizon line that's underneath us. That makes no sense, that would mean there's a horizon line above and below us, and you know there can only be one. In order for this to work the "curve" of the bricks has to be on the surface, instead of this being perspective the bricks have to be physically moving closer to the viewer, which can only be possible if it's a curved surface.

>> No.7117830
File: 62 KB, 589x800, 1587041822277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is a retard
this is a """reference""" thread now

>> No.7117833
File: 105 KB, 1082x1440, 1524249913975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7117834

This was very high quality thank you anon. I have so much to learn with perspective, simply observing things around me is not enough. I was completely unaware of 'false' VP's like what you've shown, would you have any recommendations for where I could read more into this? As I'm sure I'm going to come into this many times and there will be other perspective related tricks I still am in the dark on

>> No.7117836

Stop sperging. I wasn't wrong at any point in this conversation.

>> No.7117837

>gets btfo'd in every post
>I have nothing else to say but I was right (wrong)

>> No.7117846


>> No.7117848


>> No.7117850

actually to add one, would you have any other images of this 'False VP'? Would like to see it used once more in a different example if you have any others saved

>> No.7117851

Directly quote anything I said that was incorrect

>> No.7117854

hush retard I'm not into your masochism game

>> No.7117855

Is this from a book?

>> No.7117856

I accept your concession

>> No.7117857


>> No.7117861

Wow thank you anon, I've learned a lot from this thread with your posts along with that other anons article link on gibli

>> No.7117862

Biggest upset in 2024

>> No.7117898

>tranime "artists" can't draw
What else is new?

>> No.7117968

Yeah that's from the "Style" section of the DuckTales 2017 artbook

>> No.7117977

schizo retard

>> No.7117984

bottomkek pyw faggot
it's not like I need help or anything baka

>> No.7117988

Thanks for sharing!

>> No.7117991
File: 118 KB, 256x256, 1533931795001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not after you post me a pair of hands holding books. The drawings will be mutually beneficial for honing our skills but I get to mog you.

>> No.7118039
File: 19 KB, 583x432, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see what you're cookin

>> No.7118043

This is what you'll get for now.

>> No.7118047


>> No.7119426

its honestly not the best to analyze things made for productions with tight deadlines like anime and manga. lots of short cuts get made and accidents are inevitable

>> No.7119442
File: 162 KB, 2160x1206, ebf9798e-343e-4185-9aff-2aad76c57384_2160x1206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon has it right. That is not five point perspective. The way that the wall is curving makes zero sense, it should be turning AWAY from the viewer as it moves towards the edge of the picture plane, not curve TOWARD the viewer.
This is why that anons are saying not to try to learn perspective from anime, because you will end up with examples like this where whoever the retard is that drew it has no understanding of curvilinear perspective (or even linear perspective) whatsoever. Learn style by copying from anime, but please, for the love of God, if you want to learn perspective, then pick up a book on perspective. Same goes for other fundamentals. You'll save yourself a ton of guesswork by doing so.
I mean, even Japanese manga and anime have suffered a lot of degradation from incestuously copying each other for so long that they start losing touch with reality. Please touch some grass, learn some real things. I beg you. Miyazaki begs you. Please.

>> No.7119445

Okay, never mind. I spoke too soon. But besides that my point still stands.
OP, why didn't you know that the wall and bench were curved? You seriously weren't trying to copy stills from an anime scene that you didn't even watch, were you? Were you trolling?

>> No.7119453

>You seriously weren't trying to copy stills from an anime scene
Let me tell you about /asg/

>> No.7119466
File: 107 KB, 850x623, 1694943038821714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this one

>> No.7119524
File: 299 KB, 2153x2376, loombis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there you have it, it's as far as I'm taking it.

>> No.7120820

Nigga what is that thumb

>> No.7123038
File: 2.03 MB, 630x462, 1696677515165764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123049

Total soulless garbage with pasta cloth wrinkles and frog finger tips. All that revving up for this pointless crap

>> No.7123301

the background is digitally curved. she is on a different plane and unchanged with her own perspective because this is weeb trash that fools retards.

>> No.7123318
File: 1.07 MB, 2274x2067, seiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of seiko yoshioka's layout and concept work for the show, from

>> No.7125067
