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7102811 No.7102811 [Reply] [Original]

>time to draw!
>wait, I need to vacuum the carpet/wash the dishes/do my laundry
>phew, I need to eat lunch, can't draw on an empty stomach
>I need to watch something while I eat, I can't just sit in silence
>two hours later
>I'm not done my lunch, I can't just leave food half eaten
>brain knows if I finish eating then I have no more excuses
>end up snacking all day saying I'll draw layer
>Its too late to draw, I'll start again tomorrow
this is worse than being a howie. How do you cure this?

>> No.7102817

just draw, it's not hard

>> No.7102818


>> No.7102821

literally just draw

force yourself to sit down and doodle for 5 minutes

just 5 minutes

all of a sudden you'll see that you're drawing just fine

>> No.7102822

You're not an artist floating like ghost. You are an artist in a human body that has basic needs for food, hygiene etc. The fuck are you complaining about, do you need another Paid video tutorial on how to manage your time to have optimal amount of time to draw in a day?!?!

>> No.7102876

Kill yourself skank.
The plants will thank you

>> No.7102881
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Same but I draw to avoid my responsibilities, not the other way around.

>> No.7102991

Why are you forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do?

>> No.7103861

Fellow permabeg, art is obviously a chore to you.
I’d recommend letting off steam by squatting on your favorite east asian Twitter artist’s username and argue with liberals to throw dirt on your idols.

Trust me, it’s cathartic

>> No.7103870

just be more efficient with your chores and set times for meals/cleaning/hygene whatever or just draw i guess

>> No.7104598
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We just gotta keep drawing

>> No.7104732

Draw something you enjoy.
If you're treating a hobby like a chore, you'll avoid it. Spend some time away from fundies for a bit and focus on drawing something that makes you happy. It will build confidence and compel you to continue by simply liking what you made. Fundies help build further confidence, but don't forget to draw for fun.

>> No.7104734

first you need to break your wi-fi router, then you need to excessively masturbate for a week. then you will be cured.

>> No.7104752
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>time to draw!
>wait i need to do all my chores first
>dont do them, dont draw, just daydream, zone out, and wish i was sleeping all day
it didnt used to be like this bros. its so fucking over for me.

>> No.7104781

Real ADHD hours.
I'll take that over bipolar depressive episodes any day, though.

>> No.7104811

>muh mental illness
unironically get a fucking job already.
you just cognitively feel SCARED of failure, so you postpone it. it's not hard to procrastinate, normies do it all the time too. STOP SEEKING EXCUSES TO JUSTIFY YOUR FUCKING LAZINESS

>> No.7104814

ADHD often comes alongside depression and bpd

>> No.7104829

Not only do I have a job, I actually put effort into combating these issues.
ADHD and BPD aren't mental illnesses, they're *physical* disorders affecting the brain itself, and they have to be treated as such. Beating myself up for being lazy and useless never helped, I did that for over a decade and I never got anywhere. Taking steps to correct the chemical imbalances in my brain, however, did.
These problems are not my fault, but I am not and never have been a victim, and I can and do help myself.
So, if you would be so kind, take your ignorant and pigheaded armchair psychology and tuck it very nicely and neatly up into the far reaches of your colon where it belongs, and leave it there.

>> No.7104832

A lot of artists have this aversion. Including myself.
I can cure about %50 of you.
Did you first start drawing because you were bored in school, or maybe you were stuck at your grandma's with nothing better to do?
Because if this is the case, did you ever really spend any of your own "free time" drawing, or was it just a cope for being uninterested/bored?
If this is the case, put all your distracting technology in the closet or some shit, keep like 1 phone or computer going.
Put on a youtube lecture on Math, Geology, etc. Shit that "bores" you. And then draw. I do this shit all the time, it helps a lot.

>> No.7104959

ok druggie, enjoy being a demented zombie by 40.

>> No.7104965
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it turns out armchair science is more real than jewish science

>> No.7104970

he's right though, it's not a disease. it's a fundamentally different way the brain operates, but you don't cure adhd or autism, you just learn how to properly fall in line with the rest of the neurotypical diaspora. the quote itself is from a machine-translated german article that fails to carry the nuances of the original wording, and i'm sorry to inform you you've fallen victim to medical misinformation.

>> No.7104972

if you spent even 1% of the energy and fervor by which you perpetuate your ignorance on mental health issues on drawing, you'd be an excellent artist
instead you're just a dipshit. shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7104973
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lol no. there was no machine translators when that quote was published. like all "mental disorders" they commonly referred to as a disease by every medical institution. try again you stinking jew

>> No.7105159

is what anon said worth being this angry over?

>> No.7105412

i struggle with similar problems everyday and i manage, i find it frustrating when other people, instead of dealing with their problems and using basic problem solving skills go and self-diagnose and "wow i really don't need to fix my shit it's because my brains broken, guess i can't do anything about it"
Nobody asked him about whatever shit he self-diagnosed himself with.

>> No.7105578

Nope. The strongest and most addictive drug I have ever taken is caffeine. I don't even drink or smoke tobacco. So, not a ZOG golem hooked on pharmaceuticals. Sorry to disappoint you.

I take OTC supplements for dopamine and choline, all chemicals that the body already produces. I can consistently lever myself out of depressive episodes with a stiff dose of L-Tyrosine, and since a large part of the issue with ADHD brain has to do with dopamine (not producing enough, reuptake is too fast), the same stuff that works to keep me out of depressive episodes also makes it way easier to focus and be productive. The worst I have to deal with now is, like OP, being a little scatterbrained, jumping around from task to task and having difficulty with time management. I also still have to deal with post-hypomanic-episode crashes, but unlike before where those would put me down for days at a time, they now resolve themselves after getting some sleep and I'm good to go again.

>> No.7105602

>instead of dealing with their problems and using basic problem solving skills go and self-diagnose and "wow i really don't need to fix my shit it's because my brains broken, guess i can't do anything about it"
Which as you can see isn't the case, because I did apply myself to solving my problems and it is working.
The ADHD was actually diagnosed when I was a kid. The BPD is admittedly a self-diagnosis, but considering that the way you get diagnosed with BPD is to go to a doctor, have the doctor observe you, and then he'll go "yep, that's BPD alright, you betcher. That'll be $500 plus tax, thank you, come again," I hardly think that's an indiscretion.

I mean, it doesn't take a (insert smart-sounding scientific field)icist to figure out really. Sometimes I'm super depressed for days and then I'll be super energetic and alive for a few days and then back to being depressed again, gee, hmmmmm I WONDER what THAT could be???
I know of plenty of people, my own sister included, who see their mental/neurological disorders, real or imagined, as excuses for their bad behavior rather than a problem to be solved, but that's not me.
I know for a fact that when I'm in a good state of mind that I am organized, efficient, willing to work, and I will naturally draw a lot. It's simply a matter of getting myself into that state and maintaining it as much as possible.

>> No.7105701
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so how does "being aware of your enviornment" factor into the equasion? putting shit into your body. not going outside. the choices you make? it just seems a little suspicious that these terminal psych problems all surged with the advent of modern society (aka the advent of the mental illness circle jerk)

>> No.7105796
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Wait. You're telling me that you deal with these problems- and from experience, I KNOW that these problems persist no matter what the external factors are, regardless of diet or habit or current events- and you're going to sit there and tell me that it's not real, it's all in our heads, and if you ignore it hard enough it'll go away?
Well then, you go right ahead and keep on rolling that stone, grinning and bearing it all the while. We must imagine you happy.

>> No.7105992

Just saying >>7105701 wasn't me. Just wanted to mention for clarity. Don't feel like contributing to the conversation any further because i have better things to do.

>> No.7106142

i dont have those problems. i had them as a teen, because teens are know-nothing pants shitters whose brains arent developed yet
Im not a grinning idiot, im just not afraid of everything, and i dont accept that its socially acceptable to be afraid of everything (what zoomers call "anxiety")

>> No.7106613

people get irrationally angry when they are faced with someone going through mental issues. It must be an evolutionary thing, just look at how people respond when you even hint that ADHD might be a thing. Its like they don't WANT it to be real. In the old days I'm sure being lazy or unfocused got you in immediately physical danger.

>> No.7106647

The average person has very poor theory of mind. If they haven’t experienced it themselves, it might as well not be a thing.

>> No.7106649

here OP, watch this video, preferably while drawing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75d_29QWELk

>> No.7106656

>time to play my favorite video game!
>just gotta do all my chores first!
Sounds like you just don't like drawing anon

>> No.7106815
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thats the problem. you cant tell if you "have" mental disorders, you have to be told you have it. symptoms behind these "disorders" are easily and historically attributable to other normal things. institutions have only recently been diagnosing children with "mental problems" despite knowing for decades the brain goes through long period of rapid development at those ages. those same institutions have a financial interest in convincing young people that their medication is what makes them "normal" despite those multibillion dollar corporations having long track records of drug suits and punitive injury ever since they existed

>> No.7106830

Just get good. Like I did. :)
Have some self-restraint, put your computer away, uninstall useless applications, unsubscribe from all the youtube channels you waste your time on, or delete the game you've been playing too much. FORCE yourself to do it. It'll be painful, it'll feel uncomfortable, but you'll thank me later.
Also evopsych is pseudoscience.

>> No.7106839

If you read information online on any mental disorder, you will think you have it. It's very easy to overestimate random minor things and focus on them and think that it explains why you're struggling with something. Without a proper diagnosis all you can do is have a guess or a hunch, I was autistic all my life, i didn't find that out because i googled what autism is, I had a medical professional diagnose me with it, if i had not been diagnosed i doubt i would've ever even thought i had autism (even though i showed a lot of fairly obvious signs of it as a kid, but kids are weird, and your personal experience feels "normal" to you, even when it isn't).
If you think you have ADHD, that is fine, go and get it diagnosed, see if your hunch has anything to it, but do not self-medicate for it, taking amphetamines has the same effect on anyone, whether ADHD or not, it'll make you feel more focused and things will feel easier to do, but it'll rot your brain and make you addicted to it if you do not actually have ADHD.
I think self-diagnosed ADHD is dangerous because people who decide to self-med for it, seriously, unless a doctor confirms it for you, don't fucking do it because you'll just ruin your life.