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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.88 MB, 3508x2480, 1710034223864252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7102566 No.7102566 [Reply] [Original]

Why do /begs/ love to call professionals problematic?

>> No.7102570

The have to find some way that they're better than their peers.

>> No.7102575

They cannot create anything and are deeply envious of those who can

>> No.7102576

The only thing they're focussing on is the message they dislike in the design, that is: "Sex woman with big sex fat flesh she has a sword too". They're trying to "fix" a design by undercutting the core message, thus you end up with the example on the pick, which is "plush size sword person".

That said, I wouldn't give the person in OP flack specifically, it's just a general thing. I'm not big on the softcore porn design myself so I'd just leave it alone instead of forcing my ideals on it.

>> No.7102600
File: 94 KB, 1170x646, GFldwrbXwAAGBQW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mendrawingwomen and menwritingwomen subreddit are basically just "we don't want men creating certain things". That is really all there is to it.
Years ago I saw a post there with a real life photo of some huge titted slampig, and the title was something "describe this woman without mentioning <obvious facts that she has gigantic tits, ass, lips and hourglass figure>" with a big circlejerk about how this "challenge" should be a requirement for any male author to be allowed to write and how it should never be acceptable to mention these characteristics.
That example basically sums up the state of mind these people are in. It's just virtue signal circlejerk mixed with seethe about men just enjoying things for themselves.

It becomes even more ridiculous once you read books written by women which are mainly read by women because they often feature:
1) Same body descriptions for women as found in lewd literature/moments written by men
2) Every man in a sex scene has a penis the size of a treelog

It's all becoming really tiresome.

>> No.7102627

It's funny how this example is essentially showing that Men and Women like each other, but can't be honest about it so they erect a bunch of barriers between each other while still having that same desire for the opposite sex.
We have made a populations of Tsunderes...

>> No.7102785

Cattleya is probably the character I busted more nuts to in my entire life.
It's been almost 20 years of sperm sacrifice. I just can't resist, just looking at op pic i start feeling warm in the groin

>> No.7102792
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call them neopuritans, but I know lefties also use that term to mean something else.

Regardless, it’s what they are. Sex negative prudes who force their will on everyone else.

>> No.7102796

All of those look like shit

>> No.7102802

Problematic is a mean nothing word, it usually translates to "I'm offended" or "it makes me feel insecure", when someone says that word and does not elaborate you can just dismiss everything they have to say, and even if they do elaborate it will likely be something about being offended and insecure and can be dismissed too.

>> No.7102870


>> No.7102880

"problematic" is a way to dismiss you without further discussion.

>> No.7103097

Reddit has so many mentally ill who are terminally online trying to make their bullshit everybodys problem.
The point where it gets dangerous is when these people team up with the virtue signallers constantly looking for something to get offended over (often on behalf of others even).

I recently encountered some sperg there having a meltdown over the word "futa" being used, claiming it was a slur.

>> No.7103105

>Reddit has so many mentally ill who are terminally online

Literally, 4Chan in a nutshell.

>> No.7103109

The issue was mainly the design so even if it's not draw as well as the other person's, the design, overall, could be better. Design and drawing aren't the same.

Especially, because I think that the 'pro' one is a very ugly design. It's not even the character's body so much as the actual outfit has the most hideous color scheme imaginable.

I don't mind the artist using their imagination to redesign something. That stuff is how people get hired by companies than the people complaining about how people can't leave shit alone.

>> No.7103120

The answer is that they're essentially Parliamentarians; high-arousal Political Priests instead of Nobles... They would rather gossip about things that have gone wrong rather than focus on making something right. They're "idea guys". It may sound hifalutin or whatever but the Artist personality is probably much closer to that of the 'noble', and the distinction is absolute.

>> No.7103135

because it makes them feel better than them

>> No.7103144 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 850x400, nobility and priesthood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should make it clear the distinction mentioned in the second sentence is between Priest and Noble, as defined by someone like Spengler. The urge of the Noble is toward fecundity and this leads to a destiny that is separate from the causal laboratory logic of the redditor.

>> No.7103149

>It is an idea that lies at the base of these two prime Estates, and only these. [...] Every nobility is a living symbol of Time, every priesthood of Space. Destiny and sacred Causality, History and Nature, the When and the Where, race and language, sex-life and feeling-life all these attain in them to the highest possible expression. The noble lives in a world of facts, the priest in one of truths; the one has shrewdness, the other knowledge; the one is a doer, the other a thinker. Aristocratic world-feeling is essentially pulse-sense; priestly world-feeling proceeds entirely by tensions.

>> No.7103156
File: 34 KB, 256x256, redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of all this the priesthood (and philosophy so far as it is priesthood) is the direct negative. The Estate of pure waking-consciousness and eternal truths combats time and race and sex in every sense. Man as peasant or noble turns towards, man as priest turns away from, woman. Aristocracy runs the danger of dissipating and losing the broad being-stream of public life in the petty channels of its minor ancestors and relatives. The true priest, on the other hand, refuses in principle to recognize private life, sex, family, the "house."

>> No.7103159

I need to draw more cattleya

>> No.7103186
File: 70 KB, 613x680, 1702358151045449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its tsunderes because they cant be honest
>its neopuritans because they clearly hate sex
No, it's just confused people on fucking hyper survival mode because retarded, mentally ill and underage niggers are ready to just slap labels and demonize anyone who doesn't worship, think and do exactly the same retarded shit and dogma as them and of course they must be accused of
>being jealous of their betters
>insert ironic unironical sarcastic but ironically tho provocative zoomer buzzword unironically tho here
When in the end they're doing and behaving the exact same as the people they're trying to clown on
>inb4 hypocrite buzzzword inane accusations
Please learn nuance and stfu
get off the internet
check into an asylum
please for the love of whatever porn you jerk off to

This is just fucking tiring when everyone is just about ideological battles and baiting trolling trying to get people mad all the time
aaaaand everyone must be coping and seething or malding or something or believing in the wrong space aliens from hollow earth political agendas and porn universes
Everyone is everyone enemies
Us vs Them
They be wrong We wuz right

goddamn i hope internet IDs become a thing the next year
Everything and everyone is just fucking insufferable now
holy shit why haven't i killed myself yet?

>> No.7103195

Gen z and Alpha need to justify being assholes with the facade of politics/morality.
They are obsessed with in-group approval and have been trained that any negative behavior could make them a lolcow, so they use morality as a a built in defense with a group that will accept any of their behavior because they are on the same team

>> No.7103201

nice schizo rant. very nuanced lol

>> No.7103202

thank you, my 4th personality wrote that

>> No.7103208

Get laid Jewish incel

>> No.7103214

Its def partially the need to fit in, but there is a backlash to the hypersexual internet culture and the desire to protect themselves from mockery by picking a group thatll defend them.

>> No.7103229

Yes, you're correct but it's everyone now. No matter the tribe.
>protect themselves from mockery
And can you really blame them?
One single mistake, one wrong alliance or wrong think or word and you get piled on by retarded, mentally ill, ego craving fatherless whorespawns who will spam the same exact copypasted brain dead word sludge over and over and over and over like demented old people PURELY in an attempt to gain attention and the illusion of superiority over someone else.

But this constant tribalism, hypersexual internet culture and dick measuring fights is honestly what you get if you allow kids and the mentally ill to have unlimited access to the internet.

>> No.7103233

btw "wrong" is really relative here

>> No.7103234

I hate the culture war and outrage marketing too.

>> No.7103236

Less typing, more sex or the noose

>> No.7103310

>Reddit has so many mentally ill who are terminally online
Wrote anon on 4chan.

>> No.7103317

i wish i could be even an eighth as problematic and prolific as bucha-u/eroquis

>> No.7103335

nta but i've been on reddit and hated every single second of it
it's just worse 4chan+Twitter with the constant shitflinging and cope and seethe spam but with upvotes and more unhinged shills that will downvote and report you for not praising whatever scam they're trying to sell you

Giving the masses the ability to influence what can and can't be seen or posted, can only be exploited by bad actors and people with selfish intentions.
So what you'll find there are individuals with too much time on their hands who also desperately want to push their own agendas because votes and karma points translate to pseudo social power and credibility, much like twitter.

I would rather be called a faggot on here for saying something normal, than downvoted, stalked, reported and my account banned for pointing out that the scammer is trying to scam people.

And since there is nothing to be gained here, i can also speak my mind without bias or worrying about upddots or whatever the fuck.

>> No.7103786

Was it supposed to be in the context of a romance novel? How the fuck is there supposed to be any build up without some kind of a description of what the characters look like? I'm sure that some accursed, retarded shit comes out of those subs, both from the accused and accusers of wrongcrafting. Funny to observe, much less so when everyone starts pretending the world is their subreddit.
I've probably argued with you on here over something retarded, but I appreciate your impassioned aggravation.

>> No.7103877

If anything anon on 4chan, while maybe not exactly a well adjusted individual himself, is able to identify it.
Of course there are many loonies here too, some boards more than others as you are all well aware.
But what you don't have here are people getting offended on others behalf and making it their online goal to change communities to please the 0,001% because they read some sob story that was probably just an exercise in creative writing. Or because they found a way to perform sanctioned bullying because they are assholes but at the same time want to be perceived as good people.
And the anonymity removes most attention whoring from the equation.

>> No.7103890

Reddit is a bunch of people pissing on each other, but 4chan is full of people who piss on each other ironically

>> No.7104351

Everyone needs to draw more Cattleya, it would make for a nicer world.

>> No.7104355

Is it me or do all these idiots that "fix" the "problematic" art draw worse than the og artist?

>> No.7104370

yeah those who complain are always the ones who are too busy being envious of others to be able to develop a skill

they don't care about the social justice bullshit they just want to destroy all things pretty and valuable so that the garbage that they are and produce can thrive

>> No.7104838

All i see is some sfw version of Cattleya.
People who draw and aren't fucked in the head, don't get filtered and triggered by a beg drawing and start sperging out about how the sjw jealous crab puritans want to pinch society in the dark ages by making beg sfw redraws of erotic focused art because they're jealous. That's just insane and typical of immature/underage people when that's the focus of the observations.
By your own logic, you're the one who is jealous of the begs. It's literally just some drawings calm down lmao

>> No.7104849

>implying that internet IDs wouldn't make things even worse
The ability to be anonymous is the last bastion of defense against people who want to silence and bend you to their will.

>> No.7104852

Unlike Reddit, however, you can call schizos and retards like them names and tell them to kill themselves. As it should be.

>> No.7104854
File: 198 KB, 1600x1200, cattleya 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this date, the original drawings of Cattleya have been the best. Her original artist is unmatched. He understood her form better than anyone else. He understand anatomy and perspective better than most anime artists, so he's capable of balancing between her muscular portions and fatty portions. He know what muscles to flex during certain poses, and which to relax during other poses. Look up the original Cattleya art books. I forget what they call it.

Actually, just go to the wiki, all the images are there in her gallery. https://queensblade.fandom.com/wiki/Cattleya/Gallery

Anyway, I believe he's skilled enough to actually study off of. Don't settle for the lesser depictions of Cattleya.

>> No.7104863

No improvement
No drawing
Constant seething and copium.
That's why.
Im not saying im better then average beginner because im not but holy shit being retard is a choice.

>> No.7104938
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, 1662532520445475m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me that Cattleya is peak character design

>> No.7104990

I am interested in see more examples.

>> No.7105012

who the artist by the way?.
does he have twitter/pixiv?

>> No.7105029


>> No.7105084
File: 140 KB, 549x838, 1680340404867460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7105093

I'm shitting right now and the turd looked similar

>> No.7105103

You know what? I actually envy this person(?) a little bit. I wish I had this much self-confidence, maybe not even just self-confidence but this absolute and unwavering belief that I am correct and I'm better than everyone around me. Must be nice to feel that way.

>> No.7105466

Because most /beg/ are Zoomers and most pros are Older millenials so you have a value clash.

>> No.7105605 [DELETED] 

I was just about to write a reply similar to this lol

>> No.7105607

I was just about to post a reply similar to this lol

>> No.7105633
File: 205 KB, 350x583, 1343266103966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have that artbook
I don't know why I bought it
I don't even know why I bought any of the artbooks I have in general

>> No.7106027

I suppose you naturally gravitated toward talent.

The artist for Cattleya is Kaneko Hiraku. The Queen's Blade project had a bunch of artists. It's easy to get the credits all jumbled up.

>> No.7106034

>Hiraku KANEKO is best known for being the animation director & key animator of Shakugan no Shana and Read Or Die TV. Also known for being the director & key animator & storyboard of The Qwaser Of Stigmata. Also known for being the key animator of Beelzebub and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society.

Oh shit, I just learned he was animation director for Read or Die TV. Now I know why I liked that show so much. The guy has talent.

>> No.7106042

Most delusional retards are dead-set on their delusions. This isn't something to be admired.

>> No.7107179

Am I wrong though?

>> No.7107283
File: 612 KB, 1444x2000, cattleya&#039;s cattleyas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your cattleyas

>> No.7107548

saucee on the anime girl?

>> No.7107552

literally answered a few pixels away; ngmi

>> No.7107558

I was at the top of the thread anon-kun....

>> No.7108342
File: 326 KB, 1958x1050, cattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree there is a major issue with the design but I have addressed it.

>> No.7108706

you're gay

>> No.7109052

And? You've got an actual point to make? I would have preferred if you would criticize my artistic skill so I can at least use that feedback to improve.

>> No.7109057

You can't even draw you stupid nigger

>> No.7109063

You're on a artwork critique board, if you want to be a drama whore go back to social media. So give an actual argument or go be a woman somewhere else.

>> No.7109070

if you call people puritan or prude, you 100% have a disgusting internet fetish cartoon porn history.

>> No.7109114

if you whiteknight for imaginary people to not be sexualized you have an inflation fetish, Dobson's law

>> No.7109116

very good (not gay)

>> No.7109174
File: 2.75 MB, 426x240, queens blade 2024MAR24 Cattleya up armored design SD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of interested in how that discussion played out, but its kind of a chore to read this sub-reddit last time I come across it.

personally do not object since its the nature of the property. I wanted to try it myself as a sort of challenge, but I struggle to come up with plausible alternative designs. To be honest I thought Onion Knight might work but something like that takes away her appeal.

its too bad there isn't too many stuff from them that we can sex it up so to speak, because it sounds like an interesting exercise.

>> No.7109195

We need to kill the word problematic. It's starting to die already due to its association with trannies, it just needs a little more irony poisoning and we can move on to the next buzz word used to describe things that challenge our moral supremacy.

>> No.7109212

I piss unironically.
I am an agent of chaos.
I serve only Satan.
When I tell someone to kill themselves I mean it.
Kill yourself.

>> No.7109213

>then they'll just mass report you and cancel you on social media, worst case scenario they'll doxx you because you said once that you don't buy butter toast because it give you gas and that has become racist transphobic since 4 hours ago
The government, your internet service provider and google knows everything you do
The only anonymity you have, is towards other people because you can allow to use pseudonyms.

What has ""anonymity"" really brought us? Buncha shills, foreign bad actors, kids and the mentally ill invading and ruining everything they could either out of mental illness or because their parents can't be arsed to beat their kids

Those same people you imply that want to steal your freedom of speech, are exactly the ones who would get filtered out by web identification

>> No.7109256

Why would identification filter out moralizing busybodies and grievance hobbyists? Sure they wouldn't need to hunt you down anymore so in that sense you are free from having to experience them, but that's only because they would have "won" under this scenario; there is no further need for their ad hoc, informal behavior policing if their standards become institutional

>> No.7109359
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>they would win under this scenario
Nigga are you some criminal, severely mentally ill, a sex offender, a minor or a foreign government shill/spy?

Most of the problems of the current internet stem from exactly those people being allowed to be everywhere and a lot of them organizing to push their agendas and they do already push and control narratives.
Every single thing you do on your phone/browsers is logged by your ISP and can be easily accessed by intelligence agencies if they somehow want to run a background check on you.

The vaxx shit with people losing jobs and their medical licenses was exactly because too many bad actors are allowed to go unchecked.
The government will only see you as a threat if you divulge government secrets, not if you say that they have aliens building cum milking machine in the bunker network below the white house or if you say that you like windmill man and want to minecraft ugly people.

>> No.7109411

>The government will only see you as a threat if you divulge government secrets
lol, keep shilling for the end of free speech you are doing a great job ivan

>> No.7109516

I think that u/infinitysaga is a teenager and therefore, you should take all of what he says and thinks with a grain of salt.

What exactly did he change anyway really? He just downsized her breasts.
Whatever, it's a teenager I think, that is, u/infinitysaga.
This is how teenagers act for some reason.

>> No.7112020

You'd want something in the style of Lodoss armors. Not too complicated so that it doesn't clash with the overall anime look. The femininity could be preserved by a flaring metal "skirt" under breastplate. Obsidian has some nice talk about this shit in dev videos for Pillars of Eternity - artists talk about how they design female armors to look female without making boob plate. And they actually succeed. The thing is to preserve that hourglass shape.