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File: 158 KB, 1280x932, IMG-20240318-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7102100 No.7102100 [Reply] [Original]

2D charcaters need to consent? What the fuck is wrong with America? It’s fucking drawings.

>> No.7102111
File: 119 KB, 714x570, Consent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102119

it's weird because they give imaginary people more rights than real ones

>> No.7102120

Tumblr retards truly has taken over America. And it's infuriating that most of World economy is still tethered to the US Dollar.

>> No.7102129

I don't even like non-con, but this makes no fucking sense. Using this as a basis for your argument means fictional characters cannot possibly consent, as it's all within the creators power to make or not make them consent. If fictional characters can't ever consent that makes all depictions of them abuse. You should therefore not be allowed to draw them in the first place, as there mere existence is one sided and determined by the author's whims and therefore in itself non-consentual. Applying human rights to non-existent beings is insane.

>> No.7102147
File: 6 KB, 221x237, 1672381854836022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Applying human rights to non-existent beings is insane.
Not if robowaifus are coming down the pike, it makes sense that we're seeing a big push for rights to non-existent fictional things. You can bet that we'll see consent laws passed where you sign a legal document between you and a corporation because a corporation is seen as a person under the law. You will live to see the day where you will witness a divorce between some poor lonely schmuck that didn't pay for a platinum subscription but wanted a handy anyway and gets fucked by the legal system.

>> No.7102151

Once you understand that the debate around what images you are allowed to craft is a form of theology, even in the absence of any mention of god or belief, things begin to fall into place. If imaginary characters can't give consent, not even to one another, there shouldn't even be a debate around imaginary depictions of non-consensual behavior. The debate is entirely downstream of what values are already held, and every and any argument and rhetorical flourish will be drafted to fight no matter how ridiculous or incredible it sounds, because the value is what is important and not how many signs are supposed to appear with the apparition of a particular saint or archangel. The actual video pornography industry is under threat here and is attacking artists as a proxy for preventing an AI porn business from undercutting it. And they've essentially hired "priests" to do this for them. So on the surface, erotic artists vs payment processors, but one level deeper it is the porn industry vs big tech. The moralizers are hired wailing women. And of course, it's your funeral.

>> No.7102178

These people bend over backwards for criminal scumbags, just to turn around and pull shit like this. Who consented to any of these changes, other than payment processors? Doesn't it violate people's boundaries to hold their income hostage like this? Rhetorical questions by the way.

It's amazing.

While I understand what you're saying, and that these people have no integrity whatsoever, I want to add that this kind of lobbying, influence, is common for most industries. Corporations know they can afford to deal with any regulation thrown their way, small businesses can't. However, I think big tech is more likely to win this battle simply because they have hands in just about every pocket. Tech is obviously more useful than porn, and it's becoming more and more accessible.

AI has already undercut several industries- porn is no different. As for artists, we just have to see what happens. It's easy for them to walk out on these wannabe priests on paper. But they don't have, say, invisible hands behind them the way big tech or even the porn industry does.

>> No.7102189

>Tech is obviously more useful than porn, and it's becoming more and more accessible.
There will be a compromise and it will be to hamstring all corporate, AI which is already being done, to prevent it from being used to generate an endless supply of erotic content by end users, OR the AI will be licensed to the porn companies as enterprise users, (who will hamstring it in their own way) and only then will you be allowed to rent it from them by viewing ads or paying to not view ads. What neither will really profit from are random people running their own AI setups and selling the images and eventually videos it outputs to other random people, they don't want uber or instacart for porn. Erotic artists will be a necessary casuality either way

>> No.7102207

You can literally already generate an endless supply of erotic content with open source models you run locally

>> No.7102220

Doesn't this destroy the loli debate? The artist could say the loli is capable of giving consent.
seriously, what do you redditors have to say about this? I know you're browsing this board.

>> No.7102233

yes but there's no framework for you to sell these images and if there were one for the non-ai erotic images the ai ones would be next and it would be the sorceror's apprentice with cum buckets instead of water buckets, and these companies know that

>> No.7102257
File: 1.56 MB, 498x373, you-got-bamboozle-bamboozled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOHOO niggers stop drawing little kids

>> No.7102266

why would anyone pay for ai art? The point is that it's free.

>> No.7102288

I wouldn't but it's already happening

>> No.7102302

>this fictional character did not give you consent to draw them
Absolutely fucking clown ass shit

>> No.7102313

is murder okay as long as you are not making them having sex?

>> No.7102315

man, this is why most profitable artist on there only draws big titties woman standing around doing nothing.

>> No.7102335
File: 25 KB, 334x351, 1439959856566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>don't give a shit what retarded amerilards and trannies say
>do what the fuck i want
wow i did not think it was this simple but it do be like that

>> No.7102361

>What the fuck is wrong with America?
We don't consider californians to be apart of america

>> No.7102406
File: 76 KB, 800x450, url(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 times out of 10 it's the fault of the EU, South Korea, or any large market they want to get into or keep operating in. They might be retarded but nobody is retarded enough to drop half their userbase without expecting to get more profit from somewhere else.

>> No.7102407

We (Americans) are stupid (I'm sorry).

>> No.7102421

Learn from Asanagi. All women consented in his works

>> No.7102429

>All women consented

>> No.7102474

2D drawings deserve more respect than "people" these days, and by that I mean that I hope you get raped to death by a gang of rabid niggers you fucking porn addicted faggot piece of shit

>> No.7102475

one of the complaint i got recently about gen-z and gen-alpha from boomers was that they treats real people like fictional characters, and fictional characters like real people, and the root causes of it was that people like you are terminally online and lost touch with the feeling of real people and is completely lacking in empathy, in other words, we have raised a generation of psychopaths on the internet.

>> No.7102479

>people like you are terminally online
lmao unlike the people bitching about muh precious porn right? I just want this shit to be gone from the internet and porn addicted niggers in a mass grave

>> No.7102480


>> No.7102486

do you ever step back and reflect on the things you write? it sounds like you're incapable of properly expressing your thoughts and feelings, you should work on that.

>> No.7102489

>do you ever step back and reflect on the things you write?
Do you? It's pretty simple: I hate cumbrains and the whores they simp for and I want them destroyed.

>> No.7102506

nobody will ever care about your /beg/ still lives
that is, if you even draw at all

>> No.7102509

the age of consent here is 18, not 13. Maybe if you took a bath in a while you’d realize how disgusting you are, fucking eurotrash mouthbreather i’m suprised you can read.

>> No.7102511

Porn hookers draw like shit tho

>> No.7102514

>Their elites are a bunch of certified pedophiles that had a literal pedo island for billionaires
>Hurr durr let's police the drawings, cartoon porn is degenerate, those nerds are getting too cocky
>I am doing my part

What the fuck is wrong with am*rican muttoids?

>> No.7102515

Dumb nigger KYS

>> No.7102518

>ban cartoon drawings of kids
>close part of pedophile pipeline down
>actually making difference
you mad, nigga?

>> No.7102519

Policing the drawings makes no sense when you had actual pedos in a pedo island and no one did anything. Oops. The main witness and perpetrator that was willing to talk killed himself. What a shame. At least they weren't making porn without the explicit consent of the characters being depicted. Now THAT would be a henious crime

>> No.7102521

>more whataboutism
Dumb nigger KYS

>> No.7102522

God damn it you bootlickers are so stupid
Loli/shota has been long banned by these platforms. These new terms are meant for normal "adult" characters

>> No.7102525

>if you don't validate my brain-fried whataboutism you're a bootlicker!!!
Dumb nigger KYS

>> No.7102527

They are just here to farm (You)'s. They have no interest in discussing anything. Notice how they instantly call anyone who disagrees a pedo despite lolishit having nothing to do with this matter at all. Either that, or they are severly retarded teenagers

>> No.7102529

Uhh I don't care about lolishit specifically, I want all porn peddling niggers dead regardless of subject

>> No.7102533

Well you were born a few decades too late for that. Or you could move to Afghanistan or something. They would truly appreciate that mentality

>> No.7102537

>low energy sarcasm response
get off of 4chan

>> No.7102549

>y-you're a BIGOT like a MUSLIM!!!
Maybe I just have taste and I hate parasites who smear other people's work like little cowardly shits? Does it ever occur to you niggers that porn is repulsive to someone who's not a braindead animalistic mongrel? Gassing all you whores and the people who pay you would fix a whole lot of what's wrong in our society, but I really just want to see you niggers gone. You can't imagine how happy I was when people here were mourning that their favorite hooker got sent to die on the front when the Russian war started.

>> No.7102556

and how are you planning to earn money that way?

>> No.7102561

I draw the most boring vanilla happy-sex shit and I KNOW I could get banned from patreon because there's no way I can properly prove that my fictional characters give consent following these guidelines, which are purposefully vague so they can ban anyone they don't like

>> No.7102565

It probably is a Muslim. Tradcons are full of mentally ill shitskins trying to use the movement to push Islam

>> No.7102571

I don't like lolishit either but you're a dumbass

>> No.7102572

welp, I have gotten paid via cashier's check before. I knew one day it'll come to this.

>> No.7102574

It doesn't matter, the entire ruling is fucking insane.

>> No.7102580

Yes anon you got me I am a russian tradcath muslim radfem tranny leftist nofap trump voter TERF pedo from /pol/ and my pronouns are hit/ler

>> No.7102581

>What the fuck is wrong with America
scared of sex, please understand

>> No.7102583

I am also about 3.5% Ashkenazi Jew

>> No.7102603

it's not even about rape or anything, they literally get triggered by a fictional magic power making you want to fuck someone, it's patently insane
like, think about it, an alien/fantasy race going into heat is technically against these terms

>> No.7102620

All these pointless discussions would be over if only all pornfags were culled together in a great oven regardless of nuance. All the people arguing on twitter are addicts or peddlers and because they are addicts or peddlers they are incapable of logical thinking and arguing in good faith, so they say the problem is YOUR porn not MY porn even though it's clear that the problem is just porn. Gassing everyone involved on either side would get rid of all this tiring bullshit, it would heal the West from trannies, porn-induced cognitive dissonance about sex and other plagues. Eventually all the shit men would kill themselves or learn to keep their sexual fantasies into their fucking heads instead of going to furcons or crossdressing or whatever retarded shit cumbrains do

>> No.7102631

I feel like this is this guy's weird fetish.

>> No.7102633

I don't like porn and this sounds silly.

>> No.7102636

Seriously man you would be happier moving to the most backwards shit ass country in the middle east. I can't imagine holding such deep hatred for everything sexual while living in a sex positive western society. It's like a prison you can't escape from. I bet you think Kelloggs was in the right to promote penis mutilation in the US to make masturbation less pleasurable

>> No.7102639

>porn is "everything sexual"
you're not even human anymore. put yourself out of your misery

>> No.7102640

didn't read, never reply to me again

>> No.7102648

>cartoon drawings of kids
>part of pedophile pipeline


>> No.7102656


Choose your country

>> No.7102659

>The 2 countries that deliver the death penalty for porn like this retard wants are Iran and Afghanistan

>> No.7102661

A broken clock is right twice a day!

>> No.7102736

This implies pedophilia is something that can be taught to some degree.
Which I honestly agree with, but good luck convincing people here of it.

>> No.7102749

You jerk off to this fantasy world of yours, don't you?

>> No.7102762

No it's just good old fashioned hatred

>> No.7102780

The only *consent* you need is if the creator's consent on using their characters, and that's only if you plan on showing your drawing to the original creator.

All of this consent bullshit is what happens when teenagers grew up during the Trump era with all the political bullshit dialed up to 11 + covid and turned up into bunch of fucking morons.

>> No.7102790

>you disagree with me? Then I want you to die
>my opinion is worth consideration

>> No.7102806

You're just going to have to find another way to monetize your sicko rape fantasies.

>> No.7102819
File: 683 KB, 720x697, 1709733426762651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we live in a world were drawings now have feelings
What the fuck

>> No.7102824

They have more rights than the average male, let that sink in

>> No.7102826
File: 466 KB, 924x684, 1688160786132656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imprison loli hentai pedo artists
imprison furry faggots

>> No.7102840

He's in the Gumroad thread too. Guess it's easier to scream into the void than draw.

>> No.7103346

We warned you about the leftists

>> No.7103571

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.7103601
File: 64 KB, 700x393, 15686656431564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the people arguing on twitter are addicts or peddlers and because they are addicts or peddlers they are incapable of logical thinking and arguing in good faith
>so they say the problem is YOUR porn not MY porn even though it's clear that the problem is just porn
Based and Reasonpilled
Never let the trannies convince you otherwise.

I would rather beging approaching it differently and start agreeing with their mental illness because
>you disagree with them
you're the bad guy
>you give a reality check
you're the bad guy
>you try to argue in any way
you're the bad guy

The leave you no choice so you either
>agree with them
So, what you really want to do now is accelerate and push them to speak out and be loud so that they crash and burn

They will never win this. It's not in the companies interests to pander to them and they don't have to oblige.
Whoever isn't affected by this, will not side with them and stop making money and if they do, they're just as retarded as porntards and deserve what's coming to them.

Look at them and how much they seethe when ANY RANDOM GUY dares criticize porn.
It's fucking over and i foretold this.
But this is simply amazing: i warned them, i told them, i foretold even... but what did i get? Nothing but insults.
But time, stood by me yet again.

I seriously cannot be wrong and it feels so fucking good to be right.

Cope, seethe, cry, summon all the strawmen, conjure any boogeymen: IT IS FUCKING OVER and you can only blame yourselves for it.

>> No.7103604

>none can be sold hardcore porn under 18
>none can be sold smut under16

>> No.7103616

You mean how you are supposed to earn money that way now
Not my problem, monkey

>> No.7103621

Of course it can, all the pedos who were diddled themselves as kids surely weren't all born like that. Psychological =/= Neurological

>> No.7103628
File: 1.74 MB, 1124x1200, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fiction treated as real life" is what most people from Fandom do regardless of country.
The left is full of fags, troons, POC, landwhales and feminists that think that a fictional character should be treated like a real person.

>> No.7103634
File: 30 KB, 220x262, 1682728005039423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weebs wanted anime girls to be real
>now they are
>"n-n-n-no they were supposed to be real so i could rape them without consequences"
Shoulda been careful with that paw, Anon

>> No.7103688

It wasn't supposed to be like this....
Not like this....

>> No.7103694
File: 902 KB, 300x300, 1698431811466071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm as real as this brick phaggot,

>> No.7103722
File: 749 KB, 785x518, 1654656546546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look on yt about this shit
>one of the vids is literally some tranny with an avatar complaining that he can't monetize his porn project and le fucking puritan bigots
Also tik tok is banned now

I cannot stop winning today holy shit

>> No.7103769

Weird strictly anti porn users come to a porn board on a anime phonography website to seethe about porn ngl

>> No.7103777
File: 15 KB, 327x324, 1647402643774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7103866

Honestly anon, if I were given the choice, why would I choose to see a beloved character get raped by niggers over you getting raped by niggers IRL? If you don't want people to care more about fictional characters than real people maybe you should stop being such disgusting loathsome niggers?

>> No.7103914

It's not weird, if you say anything against porn anywere else it's almost as bad as openly declaring you're a Nazi

>> No.7103993 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1274x1554, 1679859317846633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonnies, when you reach 40s, your dick will start losing its function. You will realize how meaninglesd, poisonous porns are.
It was true that in my younger days, cp and zoophilia were legal. However all the generation that come after us are stupid as hell. Graduately limited porn and eventually ban all porn is necessary to keep your dignity as a human.
If you have time to watch porn, learn a trade and get a real job. Working for a better society. AI are replacing your art jon anyway.

>> No.7104000

Just a misttake. I'm not a newfag, I have been here since 2016

>> No.7104006

That post really reads like underhanded adverising or actual demotivational post.
>Oh Midjourney v5 is so much more FASTER and BETTER and CONVENIENT it can do in SECONDS what took me WEEKS, oh no I am so dismayed that my job has changed so substantially! I am getting paid the same (no mention) and I am not getting fired but my company has decided to have me photoshop the prompts from AI instead of hiring some Indonesian nigger to do it for 1/10th of the pay

>> No.7104012

>impotent faggot malding about guys enjoying working dicks
can't make this up

>> No.7104021

I've been here since 2006. I works in what's consider technical adjacent but mostly intellectual labor wagie jobs, it doesn't pay as much as real coders but its comfortable living. Although our company are actively working to replace us, as our work products are retained and being fed to algorithm produce proximate result that can one day use reproduce actual human works, and beyond I also see physical automation on the horizon, nothing safe. There is only certain amount of service based demand being filled when you can increase the productivity of only select individuals, and actual production might also move to full automation if that were the case. What you are speaking of is a cattle's future, its not more dignify than what you are against.

>> No.7104054

>when you reach 40s, your dick will start losing its function
Holy shit stop drinking lead and taking clot shots

>> No.7104076

Ngl I can see this going both ways with laws making it possible to lock payment processor accounts
Or worse sue the shit out of people for shit like conspiracy harassment or cooyright
>underaged characters cannot consent
>creators who do not consent to their characters drawn a certain way
This shit opens the doors to a lot of fuckery

>> No.7104088

It really is amazing to witness seeing all this shit come together, and it'll be a spectacle to see just how much worse it's going to get for NSFW communities.

>> No.7104095

Shut up Frieza, you're the bad guy.

>> No.7104140

>at work they still ask for me to do everything by hand
you fags promised me a life of prompting

>> No.7104146

consent to what? it doesn't specify

>> No.7104155

>make characters legal age
>lots of fan porn made of them
>retcon characters to now be underage

Tick tock, retroactive-pedos

>> No.7104167

I agree with your take. If you take their argument to its logical conclusion, it's literally impossible to put any character (man, woman, kid, robot, beastman, etc.) in any kind of plot at all. Plot requires that there be an obstacle to overcome, which means that the character has to now put in some effort to get past said obstacle, and who's to say that your fictional character fictionally gave their fictional consent to fictionally beating the fictional challenge?

It's all so stupid. They need to grow up and just say they want to police clothing and behavior they deem sexual, since that's what they really care about. They should in theory be complaining that depicting Supergirl beating up generic thug #48572 to be just as bad, since who's to say that Supegirl consented to doing that, and yet they conveniently don't. Because it was never about that to begin with. Fucking snakes.

>> No.7104169

Sex. Any kind of sexual activity. What part of this shit wasn't clear? It's that broad.

>> No.7104170

i think that people are really retarded specially in western countries, but yeah the shit just said that they will not allow anymore rape related content and his related... branches, derivations, that's all.

For drawfag that only affect that portion of the spectrum of commissioners that like fetish hardcore things related to domination, thats why they write clearly the alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, blackmail thing. Is just those topics.

So yeah if you draw the tipical domination shit like the OC of some autistic commissioner fucking whatever girl tied cryin, yeah, violation content, not allowed. Alcohol and drugs are more rare in works, drugs in general are directly related to violation, hypnosis and blackmail in the other hand are more common in comics/manga.
For all the other shit that you are ok with putting in your descroption some shit like "all the characters are +18 and scenes are consent, no one get hurts blabla ", and that covers the vast part of drawfags. And of course that's just for Patreon so no one gives a shit if you just upload those kind of drawing in your discord, twitter, pixiv, newgrounds, hentaifoundry account or in facebook, deviantart, instagram, tiktok, youtube, just censored.

>> No.7104172

also a good amount of people just upload the vanilla kind of content to patreon and leaves the hardcore shit to other places, like those discord groups that the accounts are linked to patreon. Some guys go even more far and free and just actually send via email the works for the patreons just like the olds days.

>> No.7104174

you have to draw your fictional characters signing a consent contract and showing their ID to the authorities before having sex, if they find out the IDs are forged you get banned from Patreon and arrested.

>> No.7104178


>> No.7104198

> "all the characters are +18 and scenes are consent, no one get hurts blabla "
Read the last sentence here. It's a violation of their guidelines.

>> No.7104240

It gets worse when you realize most of these sites are cracking down on offsite BS.

>> No.7104242

how would you even do that?

>> No.7104273

If someone has shit against you they can attach what dirt they found to reports. With how this rule change is worded this shit applies from everything non-con from Tumblrites mad their OCs got dicked to anything to rape fantasy shit involving consenting actors to shit that isn't totally 100% vanilla Overwatch porn ("Participants and characters"). Adding a disclaimer does nothing if someone does decide to report it for whatever reason. While I'm not sure if Gumroad has anything regarding offsite BS, I know Patreon most certainly does. Just don't do anything stupid and start some petty drama with a rando or anything.

>> No.7104284

their trust and safety team reviews your twitter/discord patreon is completely cooked

>> No.7104321

if it's true it makes all fanfics technically rape fantasies

>> No.7104469
File: 465 KB, 686x1029, 1692625534978679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elmer Fudd did not consent when Bugs Bunny gave him an exploding cigar.

Sherlock Holmes did not consent when Moriarty wrestled with him on the brink of the Reichenbach falls.

It's all Fiction. Made up. Stories.

Scary Woke Clownworld.

>> No.7104496

> t. Insecure low-t eunuch

>> No.7104651

the generative AI is already open source so there's no way that's happening

>> No.7104937

lmao said the porn addict with ED
porn lowers your test
being hooker on porn is pathetic, you're not a man, you're closer to a tranny

>> No.7104939
File: 327 KB, 440x446, 165646465466746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A blind man could see this coming but as that other anon said, they are incapable of reasoning or honesty and have become insufferable that not only does everyone have to praise them for what they jerk off to, they also feel entitled to everyone else going along with them or else they must be xyzphobic.
And if you don't care about them, block them or try to avoid them, you're also considered a hater or an anti-porn puritan and they play the victim card or try to argue in bad faith how if they restrict porn on adult pages only, it will destroy society because you aren't allowed to post porn everywhere for everyone to see and of course trying to outright mock and discredit any opposition, no matter how reasonable.
They have no respect for anyone else but they demand everyone to kneel to them.
And you will witness them pulling out any and all cards and mass seethings.
Hell, it would be really ironic if they take to the streets to protest and some actual, legit religious nutjob took out a gun and started shooting them since they always conjure this boogeyman.
It would also be really interesting to see the faces of these people and look up if they're on the sex offenders list.

Anyway, It was only a matter of time until those with more power than them tried to fuck em over and honestly, it is really, really, really difficult to take the nsfwtards side in good faith.

Maybe they'll finally be humbled by this, but i wouldn't bet a dollar on it.
You're goddamn right.

>> No.7104945

a lot of the porn artists usually depict girls just by themselves, though, will patreon force them to give consent to no one?

>> No.7104947

will patreon ban me if I just drew my rape fanart like I always have, but then I put everything into a thought bubble and have the girl itself just imagine the scenario in her head/her dreams while she's smiling?

>> No.7104948

to clarify, no sex is actually happening, I am merely depicting a girl envisioning an imaginary scenario in which she gets brutally raped and she is smiling (indicating that this is a pleasurable thought to her)

>> No.7104953

all nsfw artists had to do was NOT join twitter
and now you faggots can't get paid for nsfw art anymore

>> No.7104979

That kind of rule layering is probably not going to fly. It's written in a way that's subjective and "we'll know it when we see it".

>> No.7104980

what if I released two individual images in seperate posts that, when merged together, depicts a girl imagining herself getting raped (the two images individually do not depict non-consensual rape of any kind, and I do not tell my audience that these images are meant to be merged together, I merely post them as they are)

>> No.7105020

porniggers cannot possibly stay on porn sites becase they need to spread their tranny cancer upon the Earth like the drug cultists they are
I can't hope hard enough that I'll see them get gassed en mass

>> No.7105030

>broken clock
why do you hate Iran and Afghanistan?

>> No.7105040

Getting off to the thought of rape leads to actual rape cases.
Surprise, incelchan!

>> No.7105044

Stop drawing and watching porn, moron

Nothing "sex positive" about it. Not really. If we had positive sex in society, we wouldn't have so many children born out of wedlock, we wouldn't be having less sex than ever, and you wouldn't be on a Taiwanese chip manufacturing forum to watch and make hardcore porn to cope with the fact that you can't touch a woman

Getting rid of porn is the right direction. You're too addicted to see it

>> No.7105075

>it would heal the West
to be fair, it is the West's fault porn is as accessable as it is, most of the heavy porn bans come from non western societies.

>> No.7105265

> positive sex is only within the confines of a hetero marriage
yea ok

>> No.7105287

I'm having more sex than ever

>> No.7106143

>first they came for the lolicons
>i did not speak out, for i was not a lolicon

>> No.7106178

But then how would you portray rape in your softcore porn art house film?

>> No.7106326

the consent form was signed but not notarized

>> No.7106337

Why would I speak out when everyone I hate including lolisho niggers are destroying themselves?

>> No.7106342

don't date robots.

>> No.7106343

>then they came for my kind
>i warned them countless times but they didn't want to listen
>then i took precaution for myself and will not be affected by this
Sucks to be retarded desu fampai

>> No.7106371

coomers should kill themselves they have my consent for that

>> No.7107376

The final straw for me was the Twitch debacle. That site advertised itself as 13 and up for years and the moment they withdrew from Korea, the floodgates of degenerate were ripped wide open until mass outcry finally close it shut.

>> No.7107523

Simple, they’re banning wrongthink, because we wouldn’t want to normalize or cultivate the kind of behavior featured in immoral content online. It’s “violence in video games” tier but taken more seriously as sexual drive is a much stronger motivator to take to the next level.

>> No.7107591

i'm assuming this has to do with how europe doesn't censor tits
generally, non-penetrative sexual content without visible genitals
i wouldn't know exactly though, a baugette could probably give more context
>t. burger

>> No.7107833


Just claim its a refugee doing it

>> No.7107835

yea ok
no ur not

>> No.7110276
File: 314 KB, 896x1157, 1705017065658066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her body.
My choice :^)

>> No.7110604

but rape is hot tho

>> No.7110620

>whining about porn
>posts screencap from a pornographic cartoon
What did you mean by this?

>> No.7110670

Why would i want to touch a woman?

>> No.7112157

>the left
wrong, you're thinking of liberals

>> No.7112164

*about the liberals

>> No.7112246
File: 50 KB, 720x468, routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're so anti-porn that you'd think just one of these various payment plans would want to do business with them since they uphold the same beliefs.

>> No.7112292

Is there a Chinese platform to publish and collect money (Paypal) for NSFW?

>> No.7112497

If you use a chinese platform you use their chinese payment method AKA WeChat/Weixin Pay. But idk what you're trying to do since China can just as easily have strict laws depicting porn like this too.

>> No.7112505

anon, NSFW is illegal in china
china is commie, but its the classic commie not the blue hair first world starbucks drinking commie

>> No.7112518

>they say the problem is YOUR porn not MY porn
that's not what's being said at all. you're overthoa flawed premise. that's pure autism.

>> No.7112519


>> No.7112527

just because you're a low self-control alcoholic doesn't mean we should enforce prohibition. It's like you people don't know what moderation and controlled release of tension is. instead you project your shortcomings unto others and cry for an abstract parent to save you while cloaking yourself in virtue.

>> No.7112539

So, if I make a character give consent before getting fucked in my drawing, isn't that somehow worse because I'm the one forcing them to give consent? They have no free will, whatever you do to them, it's you forcing them to do it.
Americans are fucking retarded.

>> No.7112546

>> positive sex is only within the confines of a hetero marriage

>> No.7112547

Good, let's go back to personal sites and a few unmonetized hubs. Social media and adjacent sites, like patreon, based on monetising parasocial relationships are a fucking cancer.

>> No.7112551

i didnt consent for your disgusting indecent exposure
i will report you to the FBI

>> No.7112564
File: 303 KB, 1500x1000, A4AFD863-9213-4D2B-A67C-F49D202CAE84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those pixels better not be doing the raping.

>> No.7112568

That's from Patreon, right? Did you guys know that Patreon also bans depictions of incest?

I think it's kind of stupid. But I also understand. Because nobody sane wants to host rape material on their servers. I'm sure there are things that you guys would ban if you were owners of an image hosting site. A lot of you would ban NTR and BLACKED material if you had the reigns. Don't pretend like you haven't at least considered it.

If you want to monetize rapey material, I hear subsscribestar is more open to that kind of stuff. But you'd have to check to make sure. Don't take my word for it.

>> No.7112609

>I'm sure there are things that you guys would ban if you were owners of an image hosting site.
Woejacks and Pepes because they've stagnated human creativity.

>> No.7112639

You're the reason why 4chan needs feds in the moderation team

>> No.7112646

Where did this ban apparently take place? All of the USA? Some websites?

>> No.7112647

This is patreon

>> No.7112651

ntr is based because it makes virgins seethe a cartoon is fucked by a different cartoon

>> No.7112656

Payment processors and credit card companies. All companies that use those services are required to be affected unless they have special contracts, but some websites may very well be flying under the radar. It isn't a legal change in any capacity, but it is informed by critical law theory, so the long-term goal is to make society adopt these values so that the law will be forced to, too.
The reason why patreon came up with these specific terms is because they're interpreting 'consent' in a liberalist framework, and it is entirely true that fictional characters cannot consent. When liberty is presented as its own virtue, it becomes impossible to argue why something that people agree to would be bad and something that people don't agree to would be good, thus consent is the only variable that value judgments are possible to be based on. If you then sprinkle some leftist political totalitarianism on top, you'll have to make a socio-political value judgment on the contents of pornography, and you have to make it based on consent ethics, then by "lived experience" rhetoric you can't make a reality/fantasy distinction to formulate a basis for an exception in intersectional logic, so this is where you'll end up at.

>> No.7112672

substar only accept you if you already a decent artist who has decent followers

>> No.7112698

The resident genocidal schizo is, in fact, a porn addict and a porn peddler. All these posts about wanting all pornographers and coomers dead is him projecting his own self-hatred onto everyone else.

>> No.7112701

you're also projecting when you attempt to divine the intentions and motivations of internet strangers. Also, nta before you jump to that conclusion

>> No.7112757

Nah, I've seen retards with trash tier art and less than 500 followers get their substar

>> No.7113252

I don't think you understand the language being used here. The whole "fictional characters can't consent" line becomes moot at best, a red herring at worst. It all comes down to whether or not you have consent of the "creators" or "participants". If you don't have that, and you decide to be a dick, then prepare your anus for the coming expansion of US laws dealing with revenge porn for most people, especially across such a broad range. From cases like some Tumblerite getting their OC lewded to arrrsting some sick fuck psychologist making AI porn of their underaged patients. Anything involving copyright infringements is only going to add insult to injury.

>> No.7113297

Elon Twitter banned lolisho tags because criminals were using them to traffic actual CP, so you're not wrong.

>> No.7113377

Except twitter is barely regulated and has a barely functional tagging system

>> No.7113393

the funniest thing about these "arguments" is the simple fact that no one on earth, has ever brought it up when it comes to acts of violence. A nuke killing an entire planet? A woman being slowly tortured for days? A child dying? All cool.

Whoa, whoa, whoa buddy! Is that... Consensual rough sex??? I dunno man, looks kind of unwanted. That's... problematic.

>> No.7113501

there is still so much cp on twitter that they had to go to court for it

>> No.7113603

Proof ?

>> No.7113630

>That's from Patreon, right?
I'm pretty sure that particular image is from one of those "sexily dressed women is male gaze and not empowering" debates

>> No.7114811

90% of fetishes are about some kind of power play. This shit is gay as hell. Fuck twitter retards I really hope they kill themselves soon. Get your hands off my dick, I don't consent to you telling me what I can and can't draw/fap to.

>> No.7114927

not court
meant to say congress

>> No.7115719

Oh fug, I didn't notice I replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to OP.

>> No.7117561


to be fair a lot of (brute force related) reverse rape stuff could be reclassified as:
> Hunter and prey (primal fetish)
> Rough sex
> Monster girls (they are the usual suspects)
> Magical Suggestability/Magical Domination (if the monster girl has some sort of enthrall/DnD dominate person type thing)

Then retcon something in the lore to show that the submissive is actually into it and any mentions of not being into it are just "play fighting" , ideally at the start of the manga/game/whatever the fuck... also there is a safeword which he never uses (or uses exactly once just to show the audience that it works, and his only objection is one detail)

>> No.7117584

half of those are still explicitly against the terms, while the other half either means literally nothing or has nothing to do with the subject, so not sure what the fuck you thought you were saying

>> No.7117658

Hunter and prey is meant to explain why the victim is fighting back, Rough sex falls under primal stuff so it it's redudent.

Was hoping to rules laywer hypnosis as "Magical Suggestibility" albeit I doupt it would actually hold up now that I think about it , perhaps "Seduction" could be a better workaround , it's not "Magical enthallment" , she is just seducing him the regular way. (trust me).. and he has next to no self control.

Also misread the "Consentual Non Consent" part and assumed they where reffering to hentai depicting non-consent, rather than hentai depicting consentual non-consent , even if end of the day, it is a consentual thing (which is actually fucking stupid... not that this entire thing set the bar high to begin with).

Idk why the fuck I added monster girls, that is irrelevant to this convo.

>> No.7117685

> that not only does everyone have to praise them for what they jerk off to, they also feel entitled to everyone else going along with them or else they must be xyzphobic.
Who tf? I just want to watch my porn and draw my sexy girls and be left in peace.
I am not entitled to your approval for what I consume or for what I create.

> Try to argue in bad faith how if they restrict porn on adult pages only.
Porn is behind an age gate. If you can lie to discord about being 18+ so you can see the NSFW channels in a NSFW server, You can lie to pornhub about the same thing just fine.

> And you will witness them pulling out any and all cards and mass seethings.
Obviously... that is like getting fired from their job for some. drawing porn is a main source of income for some.

Just live and let live, Unless you go to furcons or have a drag queen as a colleague I doupt this affects you personally.

That's a horror movie in a sentence.

>> No.7117742

>Deny people sexual release
>This will make them less horny somehow
I will never understand this reasoning. If you really think lolifags are pedophiles, what will happen when the only target they have left are real children?

>> No.7117746

>Rants like a retard lashing out at random
>Uses words like fag and troon
>Calls non-whites POC
Are you suffering from split personality disorder, or is this some weird woke false flag?

>> No.7117826

>weird woke false flag
So I'm not the only anon noticing this type of shit. Not just here, but in the other threads as well.

>> No.7117831

>Not just here, but in the other threads as well.
It's been all over 4chan for years.

>> No.7117895

I'm aware, anon. I was mostly referring to the recent crackdowns on NSFW and the reactions to how swiftly regulator pressure came down after years of "live and let live". It was a long time coming, though.

>> No.7117908

Oh, yes.

>> No.7117925

>This ad was brought to you by the right wing.

>> No.7118133

Nothing weird about it. The bigots on the right are always taking the left's slang, and using it against them. The term "social justice warrior", was used unironically by the left as a badge of honor. The right took the term and turned it against them. Now the left hates it. The term "woke" too. It was used unironically by the left, then the right took it and used it against them. Now the left roll their eyes when they hear the term.
It's inevitable that the right will do the same with PoC.

>> No.7118140

>The term "social justice warrior", was used unironically by the left as a badge of honor.

>The term "woke" too. It was used unironically by the left
It was used by blacks, not by the left as a whole.

Anyway, you are full of shit.

>> No.7118153

This is extremely stupid.

>> No.7118273

Absolutely true. The fact that you don't know that, means you only started paying attention in 2016.
Article from 2011: https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/memory-social-justice-warrior-lgbt-rights-champion-carolyn-wagner

Paper from 2010: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/62766355.pdf
Here she doesn't string together the three words "social justice warrior". But she does say that she envisions herself as a "warrior" in her social work. And the title of the paper is "Empowerment For Social Justice". So the association is clear.

2009 journal using the term "social action warrior" https://openjournals.bsu.edu/jsacp/article/view/223

2011 article using "social justice warrior" http://www.timeoutwithtitlenine.com/living-title-ix/the-doctor-is-in/

2011 cooking recipe, where the person refers to herself as a social justice warrior. https://themoderngelatina.com/tag/sparkling-wine/

I suppose 5 examples are good enough. I had to omit a few, because the date google showed looked right, but then I would click the link, and the website didn't have any dates, making the time frame too ambiguous. But yeah, people were absolutely referring to themselves as social justice warriors, before their detractors got a hold on the term and started using it mockingly.

>It was used by blacks, not by the left as a whole.
Both. The whole concept of those who are awake and those who are asleep in reference to social issues goes way back. What do you think the phrase "wake up sheeple!" is about? To be aware, is to be "woke". That term was used by all. Not only blacks.

...Not that it really matters. Even if you could argue that "woke" is a black exclusive term. It's still part of black activism, which is largely leftist anyway. You're just slicing the lefty pie smaller.

>> No.7118281

More evidence of self identifying "social justice warriors": Searching twitter from 2011 and back, you will find it's very prevalent. This link should do the trick. https://twitter.com/search?q=social%20justice%20warrior%20until%3A2012-01-01%20since%3A2006-01-01&src=typed_query

Check this out, I even found someon trying to uphold a standard for what a social justice warrior should be: https://twitter.com/amandarprescott/status/60545498527961088
But yeah, I'm not going to link a bunch of twitter examples, because the search makes it very clear at a glance that it was prevalent among the left to take on that title with pride.

>> No.7118512
File: 116 KB, 828x733, 1711031759619291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I... I... I... like good drink once in a while, and I'll jack off h... here and there...

Your addictions precede themselves, death to filthy, pleasure chasing coombrains.

>> No.7118597

SJW is a slur for rabid online slacktivists and a play on the WBC calling themselves "Jesus Warriors".
A decade later retards tried to "reclaim" the term but because their skin is so thin it's transparent, they failed.

>> No.7118600

>A decade later
But I pulled references from as far back as 2010, which you can see clearly on twitter. If that's the time they tried to reclaim the term, then 10 years before that would be 2000. Are you claiming that "SJW" was used mockingly back in 2000?

>> No.7118601

if you jerk it to images or videos you are ngmi as an artist
your imagination should be all that you need