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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 150 KB, 511x291, Youtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7096855 No.7096855 [Reply] [Original]

Why are art youtubers awful? Going through the art pipeline on youtube inevitably resulted in shit like this showing up in my feed over and over. It's always some cringe vtuber puppet with a cocaine fueled 30 year old woman's voice in an over edited video revolving around some non-issue, niche drama or conceit.
Who the fuck is this for?

Alternatively, it's some cringe pretentious cultist like Steven Zapata or Adam Duff, whose comment sections consist of nothing but troons kissing ass and licking balls.

"And you are our hero too, Adam. Your voice has guided me in the darkness many times. You are a true hero. You are a beautiful person. Thank you for being there when no one, even our families, won't take us seriously and only look at us as failures!"

"I've been watching your videos for a while now, but I wanted to let you know that even though I am not perusing any careers (I am disabled & I create art for myself) the advice you give can often help me regardless. I wish there was a way to motivate myself without deadlines, but either way, the advice has stuck with me, even if I don't often get to use it."

"This is what winning sounds like"

"Ok raise your hand if you cried a little when Art Daddy Duff cried...
raise hand"

"Your videos are therapy for me, no matter the subject; glad I could hear a different topic and I love you even more now!"

"I speak for myself and surely many others on your channel that it's been such a joy to be part of your channel.This was really my remedy when I was feeling burned out and losing my passion for art, now I'm back on track on my art journey again and it's really from all the videos you post.You're really a godsend sir!"

Actual comments btw.

Whether they're good artists or not is irrelevant, they are terrible entertainers and even worse teachers and their audiences are swine.

Are there any that just draw and talk about drawing, or are they all emotional cult leaders and drama faggots?

>> No.7096862

It's nonsense for the /nodraw/s.

>> No.7096863

Have you tried not being autistic, anon?

>> No.7096865

>Steven Zapata
he is cool tho It's a very chill draw along stream with occasional jokes and art tips

>> No.7096876

I like putting them as background noise when I draw
it's somehow less engaging/distracting than music

>> No.7096879

they are playing the internet content game so they have to dumb themselves down. they either do this on purpose because they know how the average person really is or they do it subconsciously since they see that's what gets the most engagement. I'd fuck that specific content creator in your OP she seems like she gets it

>> No.7096880

>I am not perusing any careers (I am disabled & I create art for myself)
>I wish there was a way to motivate myself without deadlines
Classic nodraw, jaded about life yet cannot create anything of worth.

>> No.7096885

Even Dave Rapoza is useless. His streams are just him reminiscing and being a nostalgiatard.

His streams would be better if he'd stop interrupting them with course advertisements and attempts to be funny, or just sitting in silence for extended periods of time. The useful information is buried beneath stereotypical "youtuber entertainer clown" jesterism.

The problem is that at a certain point, the only way to solve problems in art is to get immersed in watching other people draw and ask them questions. There aren't many (if any) straight to the point youtube artists that do this. Imagine a stream where a pro does nothing but draw and talk about the process of drawing moment to moment, explaining their thought process, why they've made certain aesthetic or technical choices, answering questions related only to art (rather than themselves and their precious egos) and actually teaching by example.

>> No.7096886

>I am disabled & create art for myself
He's making being disabled sound like something unusual as if most of the artists aren't some form of autists or ahdtroons

>> No.7096891

Also what's with twittards and other artfags drawing gatcha shit
What's the appeal in those games?
To me those genshin designs are like anime equivalent of hazbin minus the edge

>> No.7096896

think about how many retards there are on the internet. Then double it. Then add an exponent 10 to it.
There are SO many nodraw ESL teenagers on the internet that its financially feasable to market to them.

>> No.7096900
File: 49 KB, 704x441, auto-rene-descartes-quote-303304-2205182099 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describes all of youtube and the internet at large. We can thank 'content creators' and their obsession with engagement rather than utility for this.

There are no teachers or mentors online. Only entertainers. Only businessmen. They use snippets of practical art knowledge as the bait, and it's marginal by design. Once they hook you, their goal is to milk you and waste as much of your time as possible so their ads can run or they can deepen your "relationship" to them and keep you coming back for scraps.

>> No.7096902

>Are there any that just draw and talk about drawing, or are they all emotional cult leaders and drama faggots?
there are but you need to learn Japanese or Korean

>> No.7096905

That just makes it easier for you to stand out. I’m not kidding how fucking dry art youtube is. Its basically up for grabs yet nobody is doing it.

>> No.7096909
File: 31 KB, 640x640, senor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the time it took you to type this, you could've drawn a full page of warmups. You did a great wasting time!

>> No.7096917
File: 64 KB, 800x500, 1532034209502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compelled you to bring this faggotry here? Why couldn't you hide, ignore, and move on? You just had to bring the dogshit you found on the side of the road and smear it on the walls so everyone else can see, didn't you?

>> No.7096918

It's for a noble cause.

>> No.7096923


>> No.7096991

>The problem is that at a certain point, the only way to solve problems in art is to get immersed in watching other people draw and ask them questions.
Wtf I never did this. Is this some YouTube generation mentality?

>> No.7097000

Show us your superior wisdom, teacher. Show us how you patched all of your knowledge gaps without interacting with or watching someone superior.

There's endless amounts of "little details" to extract from watching better people work.

>> No.7097012

Yeah I never ask artists questions on stream, it's definitely a zoomer thing. I just watch in silence as people draw in Discord servers or Picarto. Focusing on how they do [xyz] on things I'm struggling at to see how I can improve in those stages.

>> No.7097114

You can discern their process from their sketches, you don't need them spoon fed verbally by the artist.

At least not if you're at a human IQ.

>> No.7097123

>asking questions is bad
welcome to /ic/, everybody

>> No.7097130

I like Rodgon the artist his sketching methods are fun

>> No.7097134

Steve Huston and James Gurney are fantastic no-bullshit knowledge fonts.

>> No.7097140
File: 45 KB, 1063x302, kekwtppo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least pikat draws and has some salt to their worth. Then you have garbage like tppo who gets views but is barely better than your average /asg/

>> No.7097163

But, but, but what if they don't answer my question? I'll feel rejected and ignored... on the internet!

>> No.7097188

>Who the fuck is this for?
You watch them and fantasize about fucking the slightly used pussy behind the anime avatar. 30 is in demand these days. Duh?

>> No.7097194


>> No.7097200

I dunno about the other people you mentioned, but art youtubers like pikat just follow trends because that's simply what gets you views and engagement. Just look at how hard they milked pewdiepie's challenge.

>> No.7097204

Watercolor by Shibasaki subs all his vids accurately.

>> No.7097215


Blame the algorithm and California

>> No.7097216

I love watching his videos, they're incredibly comfy. He's like the Japanese equivalent of Mister Rogers.

>> No.7097218

My knowledge gaps were filled from reading and doing master studies. I was fortunate that I was a beg when conceptart.org was still around.

>> No.7097230

I almost regret experiencing conceptart.org back then because literally every option now is below rock bottom in comparison. What most zoomers and half-zoomers think of as "the good old days" is a massive step down from what CA was. I just want to browse sketchbooks again, bros.

>> No.7097258
File: 189 B, 16x16, anj_happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I almost regret experiencing conceptart.org back then because literally every option now is below rock bottom in comparison.
I know man...
>I just want to browse sketchbooks again, bros.
Nothing replicates this experience these days. no likes, no algorithms.
regular competitions like CHOW, COW and the Thunderdomes, beat anything we have today too.

>> No.7097339

Steven Zapata is actually a pretty cool dude. I'm not sure why you would blame him or anyone really for the rest of humanity having herd/follower mentality, that's just a little retarded my man.

>> No.7097343


>> No.7097347
File: 332 KB, 1070x263, 26235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just baffled, how is this guy getting so little views now? If he can't thrive in YT I don't know how should anyone else.

>> No.7097355

I'd just try his courses, some of which you can get for free, the one with less common drawing exercises is pretty solid and would recommend, he's a no nonsense kind of guy there and packs every second with information so it feels longer by default.
His YT stuff is hit and miss but the videos on how to get yourself into a drawing and creative state are pretty concise and worth listening to. I've seen some of his streams and his process is pretty organic, he can switch from goofy guy to giving precise and useful advice while sketching complex things on a whim, so it's not for everyone.

>> No.7097363

Would love Steven's streams if not for the goofy gibberish. For an artist that actually makes amazing work and has great knowledge to share, I can't help but see his silly side as some sort of inauthentic pandering. He's doing what so many art youtubers do now, insulating himself in in jokes.
Unfortunately that seems like his image now. I stopped watching a while back because I just couldn't stand his personality. Wish there was a stream compilation of his useful wisdom minus his dreadful "hurr, I am quirky and eccentric," stand up comedy routine. Comedy creep is a tumor.

>> No.7097426

I wasnt around for CA, why has no one attempted to create something like it?

>> No.7097461

>why has no one attempted to create something like it?
They have, CGhub wasn't bad. then that got shut down out of nowhere. by then the CA community was split up across insta, facebook, and twitter, and now discord. The big boys of CA(massive black inc) did attempt to make a new forum a few years back but it was a pile of crap UI wise, didn't get word out(keeping it on the down-low while they work out issues) then nobody showed up so they quietly shelved the idea. A couple of other forums run by CA rockstars popped up in the past, permabegs by algenpfledger(it's gone) and crimson daggers by Dave Rapoza(CD is still around but not very active). The split community are already settled in their social media pages so there's no chance for much sustained interest in these forums.

>> No.7097465

*To add, I think the reason CA took off was that it was the early days of online art sharing, it felt a bit like an exclusive art club where all the cool cats hung out, no normies/no draws, definitely no coomers(openly), just artists sharing tips, having fun, making tutorials/paintovers etc, nobody shilling courses(wasn't even a thing for most of CA's existence)
incredible moderation team made up of pro artists too. everyone liked to chip in to make CA the best place for artists on the net. volunteering time to make challenges every week, to judge competition work etc, It's just not replicable in this era. too many things had to go right.
the owners ego grew way too big and killed it though, that's the challenge of any forum/platform... they really need to have no owner or something.

>> No.7097467

are you seriously getting mad at proper internet comment etiquette? fix whatever's broken in your life, you can't go on like this.
i know 4channers are supposed to be bitter and miserable but this is too much

>> No.7097469

I don't see any hot chicks or screaming faces in those thumbnails. why would I click them?

>> No.7097500


Bro, it's okay. Just realize and admit the fact that you will never have an emotional impact on someone through your work...assuming that you made any. While you're out here typing all of this in front of countless crabs, the people you're bashing are actually drawing and doing something as an artist.

>> No.7097524

>animequeers have shit taste
more news at 11

>> No.7097527

>proper internet comment etiquette
>being a massive fag and forming some gay weird parasocial relationship with some youtuber who sounds like he's on the verge of tears every video is le cumment etikette
back to plebbit you fucking homo

>> No.7097529

It's like social media ... in video form. You know. Likes. Retweets. Fame. Subscribers. Positive reinforcement. etc

>> No.7097578

>Are there any that just draw and talk about drawing
I agree with the sentiment but there's only so much you can say about drawing.

>> No.7097583

you got to go back

>> No.7097590

go back where, this shithole is the same as others, retard.

>> No.7097662

>Are there any that just draw and talk about drawing, or are they all emotional cult leaders and drama faggots?
You mean like this? https://youtu.be/kHH-5CB2SN0?si=ST8eHW62fWa5LNlj

>> No.7097671

bugglefug... i remember

>> No.7097691

Youtube was a platform for hobbyists to exchange information.
Now it is a platform for making money based on how many mouthbreathing niggers you can get to watch your videos.

Do you see the problem?

>> No.7097692

Yeah, you.

>> No.7097695

hampton's channel is great, even if it's just an ad for his course
his student critique videos are especially insightful

>> No.7097697


>> No.7097771

Since this is a YT recommendation thread in disguise, Swatches is another great channel

>> No.7097800

What's broken is the fact that people like you exist on this planet with me, polluting every corner of civilization, and since I can't run you over, put a bullet through your spine, cut your hands off, throw acid in your eyes, skin and hang your dog from a ceiling fan, rape your cat, stab your mother's womb with a broken plate or become the very cancer cells destined to metastasize in your liver, I have to settle for cope and seethe on 4chan.

Proper etiquette, my fucking word, what hugbox did you crawl out of? There is nothing 'proper' about digitally fondling the shaved balls of some self righteous greedy content creator who carefully edits sad piano music into his videos to "maximize" the impact of his "art advice," especially not one willing to lower himself to crying on camera to entertain lonely, autistic trannies nursing delusions of future success. "I love you." Bullshit. These are grown ass men acting like women. Take off your precious panties and find your dick. If you start today you might be able to pull it back out before it retreats from reality completely.

Great recs.

Also legit.

>> No.7097806

I actually like this youtuber. I find her tolerable. Despite the fact that she's obviously aiming for the audience of slave cattle that spends all their money rolling for gacha and vtubers with such a clickbait.

>> No.7097812

You can be mad because they're more successful than you are. Or you can do something about it. Complainers like you are just another form of cattle. You're not special in your views.

>> No.7097813

Hahaha holy fuck, your hate-filled tears are delicious. Your edgy, gratuitous descriptions make you sound like you're about to shit yourself from anger. Cry more, little school shooterling.

>> No.7097832

ur wrong anon, there is no way to explain how i as an artist know where something goes. It's like asking to explain how to do a backflip, as if anything they could say could make you able to do a backflip. I can show you the basic idea behind it, but when it comes to actually doing it, there's no play by play for it or thing I can explain, you just have to try to do it. You watch how I do it, and try do it yourself. At best I can give the occasional fundamental correction, if I find an opportunity, but for the most part, there is nothing I can explain.

>> No.7097843

What I'm hearing is that you draw with intuition. How can you possibly improve something you feel with your subconscious? Does logic and reasoning not come into play, which would be easy to explain? Are you a woman or a homozexual male?

>> No.7097871
File: 41 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reality is everyone draws with intuition anon, no one good draws things by robotic processes alone, that is a lie tutorials have misinformed you with. (to be precise, intuition is where the magic happens, it is the central thing, robotic stuff is for corrections on the side.) I used to be just like you making that same mistake the tutorials put in my head, but now I see things the opposite way around. I also grew up with absolute garbage youtube art tutorials 10 years ago.

i'm was a philosopher before I was an artist, so believe me, I am deeply rational and use a lot of reasoning, its why i'm so contrarian. But reason can only be used to find associations and stuff, to correct things or troubleshooting. The actual drawing process itself is guided entirely by feelings, and learned wisdom.

For example, i am extremely mindful of when I do something right, and when I do something wrong, so that I can consciously, mindfully go out of my way to avoid doing things that wrong way next time, and go out of my way to do things the way that tended to work. Thats my learned wisdom put into practice. But of course when it comes to actually drawing the thing, well that's just putting it where it feels right to go, no? I actually do this by the way, that is my method i use every day, its not some idealistic bs.

(I totally am inspired by women though because I think they draw the best. Charm and soul are the true fundamentals, you literally don't realistic or accurate for it to be good, that is another tutorial lie.) Pic related is a sketch i'm drawing rn

>> No.7097875

basically anon, you're going to get a lot more mileage just looking at some random person's draw stream and copying them, than any of the theories or words that could possibly come from their mouths. Most artists have dogshit philosophy.

>> No.7097881

Did not read.
They don't draw, they're just like you.

>> No.7097894

Of course a furry doesn't need to concern itself with subject matter (it's always an animal), an idea (it's always sex related), or being believable (low standards). Thanks for posting your work BTW.

>> No.7097943

Neither are you. You won't amount to anything either, so what's your point, you dull eyed cow?
Faggots like you betray your values when you point out the fame of a fucking youtuber as evidence of success. What's wrong? Did I speak ill of one of your modern heroes? Do you call Duff daddy, too?


Aww, you think I want my views to be 'special.' Maybe you desire to hold unique opinions, but spite has no need of originality, snowflake. It's just spite. Cry about it more.

Also, I am doing something about it right now. It's called treating you and the "e-celebs" I resent like the subhumans they are. With any luck someone will get genuinely hurt, and that's the point you fucking dumbass. Read the abuse, internalize the abuse. Carry it with you, pass it on. That's the point.
You're here for the same reason everyone else is: you have no potential and no spark. You have no worthy vision, nothing beautiful to offer the world. Above all, you have no impulse control and are just another social media whore choking down the feed like everyone else. You'll leave behind no legacy, be remembered by no one, and move no one. You're here to waste your time while waiting to die. You literally cannot stop yourself from coming back to piss away your life into this void in between compulsively scribbling out your vapid and childish imagination.
You're just like me. And you will never change. You wouldn't be (you) if you did.
Never learn from your mistakes.

>> No.7097947

I bet they draw a whole lot more than you do

>> No.7097951

Steven Zapata doesn't even have any passion for art. You've been fucking swindled by another narcissistic businessman showboating as an artist.

He himself said that he often wants to quit, and that art is painful and miserable. The only thing that keeps him going is (his words) the knowledge that every time he perseveres and doesn't give up, he enters into more "rarified company."

Let that sink in. In other words, he doesn't actually care about art at all. All that matters to him is being associated with and entering into the company of the "upper echelons" of people he respects. That's literally the only thing that matters to him. He's nothing but ego, art is just a tool to that end. It makes sense that he would exploit his students and work to build such a vapid hivemind around himself when his motivations for drawing are understood in those terms (again, his words.) It also explains why his art is nothing but stiff and graceless grotesqueness: it's all that lives inside of him.

The Buddhist shit is just part of the philosophical shell game he uses to ensnare the esoteric idiots. "Spiritual" people are notoriously easily to manipulate and milk. Why do you think he was so quick to jump on fund raising and the anti-AI battle? Out of genuine love for art? Bullshit. He's defending his ego's investment, and he's using you and other brainwashed cultists to do it.

All youtubers are the same. Stop pretending like these people are your friends, you are a statistic on an engagement graph, and nothing more.

>> No.7097962

>Chatgpt slop

>> No.7098014

Link to that video so that I can judge his words for myself.
You've got a serious problem with cynicism poisoning and jumping to conclusions way too fast, I've only ever watched some of his drawing meditation videos- which I thought were very helpful and insightful, and something that I don't see a whole lot of artists focus on- and his videos on AI art. You've seemingly watched a lot more of him than I have, so calm the fuck down with the "cultist" bullshit you cantankerous ass.

>> No.7098022

It's pretty obvious that these art youtube thots are selling themselves and not their art. The artist shit is just backdrop

>> No.7098025

>You've got a serious problem with cynicism poisoning and jumping to conclusions way too fast

You've got a serious problem with mental retardation. Have you considered killing yourself to purify the gene pool?
>inb4 no have you?
Yes, I've tried, and I intend to try again.

>> No.7098028

>write an argumentative reply to the following statement, which is made in a art related context about youtubers who showcase their art
>step 2. write an answer in the style of a zoomer redditor all in lowercase

hey there! totally get where you're coming from. art is super subjective, and everyone's got their own tastes and opinions, which is totally cool. it's awesome that you found value in those drawing meditation videos and AI art content from that youtuber. but hey, let's remember that not everyone's gonna vibe with the same stuff, and that's okay. it's all about respecting different perspectives and being open to diverse viewpoints. constructive criticism can actually be super helpful for artists to grow and evolve in their craft. instead of shutting down opposing views or resorting to name-calling, let's keep the conversation positive and engaging. embracing a variety of opinions can lead to some really interesting discussions and help us all appreciate art in new ways. let's keep it chill and keep the dialogue flowing!

>> No.7098048
File: 49 KB, 463x312, 1708476747191195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I believe in deterministic causality, that free will does not exist, that humankind is destined for destruction, and that the average person really is as un-self-aware and stupid as cattle and that I'm hardly any better, I have no friends or meaningful connection with any other human being and I have never had sex. Yet somehow I'm not even a tenth as viciously hateful, spiteful, jaded, and bitter as you are. I wonder why that is, because I very easily could be.

>> No.7098061
File: 763 KB, 2560x1440, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno man have you tried using drugs?

>write a text about sniffing wild flowers and include the word "yoink!" in every second sentence randomly. the text is written with a lisp and in the vocabulary of a 6 year old boy

Thish ish sho much fun! I wuv sniffing wild flowersh in the park, yoink! They shmell sho pwetty and make me feel sho happy, yoink! When I pick them, I go "yoink!" and take a big shniff, yoink! The colors are sho bwight and pwetty, yoink! I feel like a wittle explorer in a magic garden, yoink! Sometimesh I find a butterfly on the flowersh, yoink! It makes me giggle and go "yoink!" I wuv how the flowersh tickle my nose when I sniff them, yoink! It'sh like a tickle party in my nose, yoink! Sniffing wild flowersh ish the best thing ever, yoink! It makes me feel sho happy and sho alive, yoink! I can't wait to go sniff more flowersh tomorrow, yoink!

>> No.7098068

> I wonder why that is, because I very easily could be.

You wish.

>> No.7098070
File: 14 KB, 249x284, 1708599205847246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChatGPT, huh. Well, okay then.

>> No.7098077

oh boy, i would not love to be a schizo in this day and age. Jordan Peterson talking about total surveillance state in front of congress, china scolding their citizens to their grave for crossing a red light, chatbots answering us online on socmedia, support chats, health questions, yeah even 4chan .... i mean, the word "paranoid" is basically meaningless now.

ps.: i didn't even read the thread

>> No.7098081

I heard Sycra is a legit schizophrenic with multiple personalities he has to keep under control.
Maybe he started this thread.
Maybe he was Steven Zapata all along.
You get the course.

>> No.7098082

attention is how they make money on youtube. So of course they are going to over dramatize everything.
imagine if news outlet just delivered everything in a mundane way, not very exciting right?
They just want to catch the biggest number of watchers possible, nothing more.

>> No.7098087
File: 306 KB, 625x455, 1693485023354707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At most there's an intro filled with cringe to grab the normies attention. This has been a thing since Proko which is over a decade old, and if you haven't figured out how to fast forward the cringe to get to the good stuff then that's on you.
>unironically reading the youtube comment section
Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7098250

Is streaming worth it? I just get schizos and autists asking if i will draw their furry oc shitting

>> No.7098286

im trying to become a very convincing person, can you give me some feedback? are you just saying that? or did you actually just largely dismiss the advice i gave you because of stylistic differences. personally I think i spoke very rightly.

>> No.7098738

Nigga idk what you're high on, I'm not here for social media, I'm here to pirate art books and brushes. Crazy assumption. Anyways stop trying to bring people down to your level and go draw, you little psychopath.

>> No.7098865

I think ethan becker was good
At least thats what i think, i haven't watched his videos in year
I only hate him for his retarded ass course he has for art students to learn
Specifically because he has class where you were taught about racism and other opression and shit and you pay for it 400 or so a month if i remember correctly

>> No.7098888

The problem is you. You're antisocial, misanthropic, and I guarantee you feel this way about normal well adjusted people in real life. You're not smart and refined. You're an outcast

>> No.7099374

You partially answered your own question there OP. The audience are swine, and they've been infected by social media brainrot. The drama and non-issues presented in the videos are their dosage of social media stimulus that they've grown accustomed to. Artists fall for it too, to the degree that some fear actual cut and dry pure art videos because they are too dry. The average IQ of the viewers are dropping so they need to feed them this dogshit.

>> No.7099411


>> No.7099486

Thanks for pointing to an example of a brainrotten nigger zoomzoom to illustrate anon's post.

Made my comprehension better!

>> No.7099527

just listen to music without vocals while drawing instead, less garbage

>> No.7099535
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20240217_17_49_13_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do you send your horse and rider to chase people to bring them into your cordial fantasy land down in the underworld fo r your kike religion.
In illustrations, Ara is usually depicted as compact classical altar with its smoke 'rising' southward.[5] However, depictions often vary. In the early days of printing, a 1482 woodcut of Gaius Julius Hyginus's classic Poeticon Astronomicon depicts the altar as surrounded by demons
I'll tear you fucking limb to limb if you send keep sending that love boat.

>> No.7101901

well? recommend me some good art tubers that i might not heard of

>> No.7101913

I dont know how you watch more than 5 seconds of art videos. If I don't see any drawing done my mind is already checked out. If they do show their art, then I watch to observe their process to see what they're doing, but whatever they're saying is irrelevant.

>> No.7101916

sometimes I'm fucking tired alright? I dont even have the energy to shitpost let alone fucking draw a page of warmups.

It costs stamina to draw and a minimum amount to begin, which I don't have today so I'm shitposting on /ic/. Unlike you I need to draw practical things so I can't just draw for ten minutes, it needs to be a full session with real results.

>> No.7101983

it's about farming prebegs with 10 minute videos. like every other hobby on y*utube. It's addictive and they bingewatch.

artists are so bad at explaining anyway. It is so much faster to learn from books.

>> No.7102043

God, his fucking military videos are so damn cool.
Makes me wish I could draw the same shit.

>> No.7102747

>Art tube
instagram artists who teach stuff while being /beg/tier are way worse

>> No.7102777

People who watch youtubers are mentally handicapped

>> No.7103576

>lets learn how to color
> doesn't realize her reference was ai

and into the trash pile you go

>> No.7104010
File: 91 KB, 352x429, IMG_8136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be that if you couldn’t make it as an artist you became a teacher
Now you become an art YouTuber
People like to watch videos all day and feel like they’re improving and becoming better artists

>> No.7107199

for real???

>> No.7107210

>drawing is like gacha
For as embarrassing as it is to phrase it like that, I think that's actually a good mindset. Too many people get caught up in a bad drawing, or worrying that their next drawing will be bad, that they just don't draw at all. Accepting that you will still push out some turds no matter your overall skill level is crucial, and that a few bad drawings aren't a sign you're degrading, they're just a bad pull, so to speak.

>> No.7107221

well, HYPERACTIVE!!! in my bones hyperactive in your in your phones
however, she BLINDED ME??? with GACHA!!!

>> No.7107244

I can't fucking stand how "Draw Like a sir" speaks and how each video is ridden with bad memes for attention deficient manchildren.

>> No.7107249

what's her problem

>> No.7107256

its not the on in the op. its this dude.

>> No.7107330

To be fair, he is german so it's probably just accent thing when it comes to voice.
But I do agree about memes part, totally unwatchable.

>> No.7107342

>cringy vtuber with cocaine fueled 30 year old woman gets hunderd thousand views for shitty videos

West has fallen

Millions must die

>> No.7107380

so, do you guys think drawingwiffwaffles is dead?