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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 62 KB, 593x760, likes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7087458 No.7087458 [Reply] [Original]

twitter still GOAT?

>> No.7087465

That seems like a bad idea, but idk if its enough to kill off twt since its still easy to get traction on the site.
Might try misskey or pixiv

>> No.7087471

I really hope we will get to the point of death of social medias and will return back to creating own websites(blogs)

>> No.7087473

Depends on your skill level
If you're beg just don't go unless you have sizable following and know some mutuals

>> No.7087475

“Free speech” platform btw

>> No.7087500

Sounds like an attempt to deal witht he spam created by blue checkmarks, how about FUCK YOU FLEECING SCAMMING SPAMMING USELESS NIGGERS TURNING THE INTERNET INTO A RATRACE TO THE BOTTOM

>> No.7087501

Isn't it beneficial for small accounts? People tend to be attracted more to what is already popular and avoid unpopular options.

>> No.7087504

This is a cope.
You just need to know how to market your art

>> No.7087507

Insane. Is he that upset over getting ratioed a few times?

>> No.7087508

This, only shitters coping because they can’t any likes want this, i have a feeling those blue checks fucks got tired of getting no likes or “raito’d” by everyone and musk want them to be happy. Same with youtube when corpos got tired of massive amount of dislikes being shown for their horseshit product.
It’s not, it will even be worse, he’s still keeping the views

>> No.7087512

I'll just be where the artists I like post
I get the obsession with numbers, but they become kind of meaningless when you realize a bunch of them are bots

>> No.7087523

This is a cope.

Likes are actual metrics of the quality of a post, a view doesn't means anything.

A bot farm can easily amplify views, muddling the quality metrics of the posts that get priorized by the algorithm.

A my pussy in bio post by a bot below a popular post, will get thousands of views, will get as much priority as a good post with thousands of likes.

>> No.7087530
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube's been trying to recommend this video to me for months on end, I still haven't seen it, even blocked it but it still shows up. That should tell you everything to know about these platforms.

>> No.7087535

Hi Elon!

>> No.7087536

I think that as long as we (the artists) can see the numbers, it should be fine

I don't get why you would hide those stats from the person who made the post though

you need some way to visualize the quality of a post so that you can make better posts

>> No.7087538

if 400K people saw my post, does that mean anything if they didn't click on it? ignoring bots, a like at least means the person who saw it liked something enough to spend time and energy tapping that button

>> No.7087542

yeah, they can be useful as some kind of A/B testing for appeal
and by removing the display people will be less inclined to interact with anything, as visual feedback is important for users

>> No.7087558

yep, that's the biggest issue. views on social media like twitter, istagram, and so on are fucking useless unless it's youtube or maybe tiktok.

>> No.7087570

Views on a video means people are engaging with the content, that's how video sites rate content.

Views on a image or text doesn't necessarily means engagement with content, that's not how social media rates content quality.

Elon is a retard techbro that talks shit about things broadly outside his domain area or knowledge, what else is new.

>> No.7087590

You will be able to see the likes of your own post but not the likes of posts that are not yours.
Its essentially the same way tumblr used to work.
Your last comment is why this is a good idea because people are self censoring for the sake of likes rather than posting stuff they want to post.

>> No.7087608

Based on my own usage, I support this.
I only look at who's retweeting/liking my posts from my timeline. I tune out their retweets, I can go to their account if I feel like checking that out.
This change will actually encourage people to actively retweet more. This rewards retweeting, not being retweeted.

>> No.7087804
File: 43 KB, 600x587, 1708879234623570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No place is ever goat anymore om Internet 3.0, the sooner you realize 90% of twatter engagement is just bots, bots and bots, you realize that its all worthless.

>> No.7087808
File: 77 KB, 460x415, muskrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bot activity got even worse when muskrat took over.

>> No.7087820

This, Elon musk is just a rat, all the stupid ass blue checkmark does is allows you to make longer tweets and edit them within 30 minutes, thats it, it does NOT, I REPEAT, it does NOT un-shadowban you, it does NOT search un-ban you, it does NOT removes astroturfing, it does NOT remove harmful bot scams, it does NOT put you in front page priority, it does NOT create more engagement, it does NOT allows you more visibility, it does NOT gatekeep the prog junkirs, and it does NOT protect you from furry faggots false flaggin you.

Elon just came up with this scheme to make back the money he lost on purchasing the website because he couldnt walk it off and realized he fucked up, plus the DDoS attacks he let happened which is why he bottlenecked non verified accounts for a few weeks, oh and did you know that he made it so that on Mobile you can get doxxed easily when someome calls you or contacts you and your IP is displayed!?

Fuck Elon Musk, he is a RAT!

>> No.7087822

I want the internet to die and we go back to showing each other our sketchbooks at cafes, walking around the city, visiting museums, and drawing in large groups

>> No.7087824

>Youtube Astroturfing


>> No.7087825


it’s never going to happen

>> No.7087831

what's stopping you?

>> No.7087835

> Twitter
Wanna see my pussy? Link in bio

>> No.7087856

it's not happening and it's only going to get worse
by 2030 the internet will be too much for zoomers

>> No.7087867
File: 201 KB, 577x512, paintslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting that one and pic related

>> No.7087887
File: 423 KB, 1079x1657, Screenshot_20240307_132839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Elon musk? Seriously. What the hell is Elon Musk!?

>> No.7087889

This is the same thing ad youtube removing dislikes, and only makes people more frustrated and lash out even more.

If you think some shit sucks, and you can click a single button that says "this shit sucks" AND very importantly, you can SEE the result in a number going up, you will be much less inclined to argue and be toxic. But when you have no other way to express that you dislike something, you have to flame people in the replies, because there is no other way to say you don't like it. If there's no feedback, it's like talking to a wall. It's frustrating, and then eventually boring and you quit.

>> No.7087947
File: 130 KB, 304x307, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is... he's a Muskrat?

>> No.7087959

no power is greater than X
he is the next great philosopher king

>> No.7087966

uhh, how do 99% of people use it? because from what I see it's the same thing as described, but extended to an hour

>> No.7088106

if you don't draw anime, don't use pixiv. Japanese and Koreans don't really like soulless dnd type work. It's better to try Newgrounds or a short memory platform like TikTok.

>> No.7088277

how good at drawing do I have to be before I can make a social media account?
I've been on 4chan for so long that I've never had real social media

>> No.7088286

why haven't they banned NSFW yet?

>> No.7088299

is patreon cooked for nsfw, it seems like they ban a lot of shit these days but enforce it arbitrarily. dom/sub shit regularly gets pulled for violating community guidelines

>> No.7088551

>The more likes the better the post quality is

What level of brain damage does one need to believe this?

>> No.7088564

I started posting on the internet when I was like 12 and my art looked like absolute shit

>> No.7088567

the algorithm knows you better than you'd like to admit

>> No.7088995

Twitter is 99% funded by porn bots

>> No.7089020

People are forgetting that the point of social media is supposed to be to exchange ideas, not to consume content.

You give someone a megaphone to say they want to force everyone to be raped by a group of wild bonobos, you need at least a way for people to tell the person that his idea is retarded.

Likes are more or less a voting system, if your post has the reach of millions but only three or so likes, it's people using the mechanism they have to disagree with you.

It's also the sign of endorsement of a content, something my pussy in bio bots can't get organically.

I dislike social media for several reasons but being forced to deal with it, it's a system that left alone, more or less works when is not being outright games by algorithms and paid astroturfing, (it always is tho)

>> No.7089024

here's the thing. engaging with content will just bump the op and they will make money off of it. commenting on post will boost you up in the algorithm by a fuck load, which leads to people like him getting paid. "Voting system" you mentioned is needed, because any retard can say some dumb ass shit and actually benefit from it. This system in place would make it where you don't get rewarded for your opinions.

>> No.7089034

Doesn't takes a genius to see that 99% of people won't click a post to interact with it, if they have no indication of the quality or relevance of the content.

The site will give the impression of a ghost city.

>> No.7089036

this will kill engagement. people engage because they see others engaging. people won't engage more thoughtfully without the numbers telling them what to think. they just won't engage.

>> No.7089038

oh they will, it's human nature to react to post like that regardless of quality, but likes/dislikes make it easier for them not to interact.

>> No.7089139

>2-4 minute bursts of doom scrolling eventually culminating in a single word reply
How else do you use twitter?

>> No.7089183

Exact, you are creating friction on engagement on an app that people experience by scrolling down mindlessly like zombies.

>> No.7090393

That would be nice, but average schmuck has been brainwashed into believing that phones aren't general computing devices. The idea of citizen agency in the field of IT is sadly lost.

>> No.7090522

fucker the internet is already dead, there are only bots, mentally unstable manginas and females, might as well be nothing

>> No.7090575

how do I even grow on twitter?

>> No.7090730
File: 98 KB, 1200x1200, Fediverse_logo_proposal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on the fediverse


>> No.7090743

>That seems like a bad idea
No, it's a good idea: it'll contribute to improve the content's quality, and make the likes more meaningful.

It'll work not just for small accounts, think about it.

If I had a social platform, I'll remove all videos with women flirting for clicks (men too, but I rarely see men doing it), and block the accounts for weeks.

>Elon is a retard techbro that talks shit about things broadly outside his domain area or knowledge, what else is new.
For sure, knowing what Elon's domain area or knowledge are is definitely in *your* domain area or knowledge, and you're not talking shit about something broadly outside the your domain area or knowledge.

Man, why hateful niggers are always projecting so hard?

The guy in the screen doesn't understand why it's being done.

>> No.7090760

that sounds like a terrible idea which is great. fuck shitter.

>> No.7090814

Patreon probably has the best reach in terms of how many people will subscribe to you, but it's fairly easy to get kicked off the platform due to how asinine their trust and safety team is. It's worth it if you're posting things that abide by their draconian rules... otherwise, don't bother.

>> No.7091475

There is no such a thing as quality content on Twitter under Elon, most of the bots flooding the site pay for a subscription.

Having visible likes and comments is the only good quality indicator of organic interaction between human users and not robots.

>> No.7091680

HELL for introverts like me

>> No.7091681

>oekaki sky
is this a riff on b.sky? looks neat

>> No.7091682

my bad, im retarded please understand

>> No.7091891

My wisdom is to just shotgun your art across as many platforms as possible using PostyBirb, period.

You will definitely have to keep in mind all the different posting standards of every site, but shoehorning yourself to just one site is fucking stupid and has been a repeatedly stupid idea.

I would argue you should also keep your own personal site as a proper gallery for your work that doesn't have to contest with some sites re-compressing your work, among other problems.

>> No.7091908

The one good that will come out of AI is that it will assrape every single social media platform, no vaseline. It has already begun Inshallah.

>> No.7092804

Hmpf, in my experience, plenty of likes and messages are automated (nft seekers, presence increase bots)

Quality content should speak for itself, no need for visible likes & cie.

Not commenting on the actual quality, I think it's really user specific. But if the quality was high, there'd be no need to make move at improving it

>> No.7092835

Can you speak japanese?

>> No.7092848
File: 915 KB, 953x621, 1709039375941766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tap and hold to open a menu or something
I know jack shit about UX design but I feel the core feature of your app/website shouldn't require two clicks.

Unless it's
>Open a wheel with 3 sections (like, RT, both)
>Swipe in desired section
>Some animation plays so you get dopamine

but that'd still be cringe and take thrice as long for no reason

>> No.7092888

is this fake or just him testing the waters?
I remember seeing tons of posts saying he would remove quote retweeting but function is still there, also he would limit the amount of tweets you could see to a few hundred but I guess that got fixed?

>> No.7092916

you VILL socialize and you VILL like it

>> No.7092985

I mean, we're talking about a major business here, if they make that kind of choice, it's not the random caprice of a fancy dude.

Augmenting the number of steps is commonly used as a "dark" UI pattern to discourage people from using customer services and the like.

Based on that alone, can you figure out why it'd actually be a good idea for X to do so?

>> No.7093158

Pixiv never show the amount of bookmarks or likes a post have until you click on the post in the first place. Are zoomies that addicted over internet clout?

>> No.7093757


>> No.7093759
File: 109 KB, 1699x1858, GIbV0cDWMAA2mQx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Twitter

>> No.7093783

>there are only bots, mentally unstable manginas and females
Which one are you?

>> No.7093816

So they are actively pushing ragebait and hugely unpopular corporateslop?

>> No.7093822

yep, despite all of this, a lot of major ad companies left twitter because of him. the ads I see now a days are some ai slop generator ads , mobile games ones, or get more fake bot follower as well.

>> No.7094304

Same the ads I see on Twitter nowadays

> Mobile games
> NFT or crypto scams
> AI generators

I wonder what the hell happened.

>> No.7094685

no and you don't need to
the ui is in english

>> No.7094689

Lmao no. Current meta is making AI generated pics of sand Jesus on Facebook with a caption going "no one likes my art, can I get an Amen please???".
Instant 200k likes and 5k comments.

>> No.7094721

Asking here:
When you look at art on any social media, do you like it/read what artists wrote about their art? Or do you like it more with no text at all (like hungry clicker) or just tags?

I've noticed that no text art gets more likes than long shit description

>> No.7094800

I read here a long time ago that longer text pushes you down in the algorithm so you should keep it minimal, just enough to convey the quick idea when people are scrolling. In general long text looks like you’re trying to make up for poor art quality by making excuses for yourself but I would read it if a good artist wrote a long description about their thought processes and that sort of thing.

>> No.7094926

why would you ever write anything about it? a picture should stand on its own, and if questions do come up, it's free engagement, so what exactly does writing preemptively accomplish?
if you do write anything, it should be engagement bait

>> No.7095218

>I wonder what the hell happened.
corporate patronage through advertising is how social policy get enforced. musk went off the script too much so his corporate welfare got taken away.

>> No.7096275

>Youtube's been trying to recommend this video to me for months on end, I still haven't seen it, even blocked it but it still shows up
it means he loves you Anon. give her a chance
Verification not required.

>> No.7096291

You can already do that? There’s nothing stopping you.
I have multiple individual websites that I visit outside of the big social media sites.

>> No.7096348

gullible christian boomers are basically facebook's main demographic

>> No.7096552

Seems like a good idea. All the other metrics correlate.
Enjoy no publicity, retard.

>> No.7096559

Yea. You will grow even with shit work. Someone will either pitty you are enjoy your autistic scribbles.

>> No.7096572

Misskey for anime art

>> No.7096644

Brainlet here, what's the goal of this change?

>> No.7096873

>Enjoy no publicity, retard.
NTA, but if enough people go back to personal websites, you'll have businesses proposing good organic search and discoverability as a result, because you'll have enough people ready to pay for it (directly or indirectly).

>> No.7097100

Probably this >>7087501

>> No.7097127

>can't access the internet without verifying your identity first
>not having a smartphone puts you on a terrorist watchlist

>> No.7097158

Uncle Ted was right all along.
When AI "assistants" get implemented onto every major operating system and phone and the entire modern world becomes dependent on them to get anything done, we won't even be able to research how to build the pipebombs needed to bring the government down. ChatGPT will stop you from criticizing the internet on the internet. Anonymity will be gone.
Enjoy 4chan while it lasts. Soon you won't be able to even type the word faggot, let alone navigate to a dangerous 'off platform' site that the AI has detected the word on.
Context determining AI that auto censors your drawings of anime titties in real time as you draw? Can't wait.

>> No.7097749

>Enjoy 4chan while it lasts.
This site only persists to be used as a honeypot. We're all already on a list.

>> No.7097752

that can never happen unless people are literally unable to use social media.
if people start leaving social media sites, the sites to sustain themselves will try to incentivize users to stay through shady methods (i.e. temporary algorithm boost, temporarily inflating their payment mechanisms etc) before they can enshittify again.
99% of people are self interested, so they stay on social media, even though it doesn't benefit them in any meaningful way except artificially.

>> No.7097778

Why not Deviantart?

>> No.7097868

I think technological illiteracy and the mediocrity of contemporary organic search, in part because of spammers and people playing the search algorithms, are more to blame.

Passionate people aren't self-interested about their passion, they just share their stuff, no strings attached. There are plenty of websites out there, they're just poorly accessible.

Like, https://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/ is a treasure trove, but it's inconvenient to use.

>> No.7097927

99% ai slop

>> No.7097931

Just like /ic/

>> No.7097932

No. Twitter is a bird

>> No.7097935

I mean I started out on DA in like 2012, maybe earlier. Back then there wasn't AI and it had so many good (and bad) artists. I wonder what happened to them. I stopped posting there because I got addicted to games. Ever since I felt like I don't belong there, but DA is as art community as it gets, yet I seldom hear it mentioned.

>> No.7098006

>Passionate people aren't self-interested about their passion
i don't know how you can say this on this bored when half the threads are about social media likes and/or making money
Where are those passionate people you speak of? Where are they hiding?