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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 829 KB, 1298x724, PeanutJig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7087262 No.7087262 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>7073526

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/

>> No.7087285

I'm the first poster, again.

>> No.7087308

I always wonder about the DADs who post for a couple weeks, disappear without engaging with the community even a single time, and then start posting again after an absence of two years or something. Like was DAD just chilling in the back of your mind all that time? You really came back to try again?

>> No.7087404

so I just joined the site a bit confused tho. Do we just submit random drawings every day?

>> No.7087408

Draw for at least 30 minutes, submit the result.

>> No.7087421


>> No.7087423

current project is fucking me very hard. i am being faced with how incompetent i am at poses and anatomy and keeping things proportionate and on model on a larger scale than usual. hopefully after this i will have an easier time doing it again and the process will be less retarded. i have to do several more of the same thing

>> No.7087470

This thread is basically an advertisement so if you browse /ic/ even a little bit you're bound to get reminded of DAD especially if you view the catalog. I always find the OP images well made and eye catching so you could say DAD does live rent free after all

>> No.7087534
File: 59 KB, 1048x161, uiytrgfghgdcdsff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should beginners learn to paint/render?

>> No.7087630

damn, this is so poorly written

>> No.7087653


>> No.7087677

It's actually an impressive amount of punctuation and grammar packed into a single paragraph; shows how much we simplify our written speech for the sake of being understood by the largest audience now.

>> No.7087682

>for the sake of being understood by the largest audience now
Having a simple style is just more effective. It's the reason why Hemingway is the greatest writer of all time

>> No.7087721
File: 81 KB, 946x720, 5906559548547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087723

its not hes style just being simple
he wrote in a simple style but managed to still convey complex concepts and scenes

its like how some aniamtion seems simple but the animator has alot of knowledge and skill behind the simple drawing to make everything work

>> No.7088042

Such regressive house names once again
maybe next month

>> No.7088046

>regressive house names
how? minorities love fentanyl, meth, and crack. we could hardly be more inclusive.

>> No.7088051

no wonder the threads dead

>> No.7088063

I'm sure these threads would be booming if we constantly shoehorned progressivism into them

>> No.7088066

Joined DAD to get better at drawing and make friends. I have accomplished neither of these. What do?

>> No.7088068

how long has it been since you've joined, what has your streak frequency been, what sort of drawing/practice(s) do you do, and what things, if any, have you done to try to make friends?

>> No.7088073

Pick one thing you want to get better at, subdivide that into even smaller sections, and grind one at a time in the simplest way. Give yourself time to really learn rather than rapidly hopping between a dozen different subskills.
As for making friends, go to the gym. Discord friendships are flimsy.

>> No.7088075

>being positive and wanting others to grow is bad

>> No.7088077

>only progressives are positive and want others to grow

>> No.7088105

>1 year
>studies and challenges
>wait for other people to engage with me because I don't know how to make friends irl either.
I've been doing this already. Perhaps my issue is that I don't branch out enough?
>go gym to make friends
I already go gym, but I can only go during 5:00 in the morning, and it's not a tight-knit small gym, it's one of those big impersonal ones. Like my art, nothing about my lifts are particularly noteworthy either, so I can't imagine people would want to talk to me there either.

>> No.7088115

such as? how many hours a day, on average, have you drawn in the past year? do you post in the thread or ask on the site for criticism? how critical (not in a sense of degrading) of your own work are you? what resources have you used? and how long have you been drawing in general (i.e. including your time outside of /dad/)?
>wait for other people to engage with me because I don't know how to make friends irl either
well, and I don't mean to be rude, perhaps make an effort and be active in the process and I imagine you would have more success than you have currently had. comment on people's posts, join the discord (I'm not on it, maybe it's shit idk), engage with people here and make yourself known (without being an annoying namefag). there are plenty of resources online you can watch and read on how to socialize and find friends. and if people don't come to you, the only other option is for you to go to them.

>> No.7088135

Discord is comfy. I think there's a decent balance between shitposting, friendly water-cooler talk, and actual art discussion... At least I think so.

Speaking of criticisms Do people actually use the Crit dashboard? I'm considering starting to put "critme" in the description of some of my figures, but I'm not sure how willing people are to give advice

>> No.7088136
File: 32 KB, 800x437, meeting-quiet-woman-talkative-woman-vector-illustration-isolated-white-background-227543785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get better at art
I join DAD for the peer pressure, and insight to people's learning methods. Learn from your fellow DADs and draw/study more.
There are a lot of talkative DAD users. You are just too shy. If you are afraid of getting ignored, just take note of the DADs who rarely reply (most /int/ with high streak, and painters DADs)

>> No.7088140

>wait for other people to engage with me
no ones going to put in any effort to do things for you, you have to make the first moves
join a discord or comment on peoples shit

>> No.7088152

Anatomy drawings mostly. I usually only spend 30-45 minutes on DAD-specific work, but I also do personal work for a couple hours afterwards. I don't ask for critique because again, I don't like bothering people, but I am extremely critical of my work. I've been drawing seriously for over 9 years.
>make an effort to talk to people
I'm sure you're right about this, but I still don't want to bother anybody with my presence. If any of my stuff was compelling, surely someone would've commented by now, right?

>> No.7088159

So, I just pester everybody on the website until somebody replies and then we become best friends forever? Has anybody else had to strategize making friends on DAD?

>> No.7088166

good lord just ask to be friends. it's not that hard noobs

>> No.7088172

How to make friends on DAD
1. be good at art
2. be friendly
3. be interesting
4. make artworks that appeal to specific DAD users factions(furries, coomers, painters, etc.)
Ex: Draw furry and furries will comment on your works. Draw coom and coomers will do the same. etc.

>> No.7088180

Anatomy drawings mostly. I usually only spend 30-45 minutes on DAD-specific work, but I also do personal work for a couple hours afterwards... but I am extremely critical of my work
could you post examples of something representative of your skills before joining /dad/ and your (lack of) progress after being on it for a year? if you don't wanna give away who you are, which I can understand, you can post something else you haven't posted on /dad/ that fits the criteria laid out. I ask because I find it hard to believe that you have been drawing multiple hours a day for the past year, are very critical of your work, have been drawing for 9 years, and have not made any progress. though I have heard of artists getting into ruts. I only have a few years of drawing under my belt so I wouldn't be the one to talk to about this point specifically, but perhaps if you truly have made no real progress then there's obviously something you need to switch up. perhaps finding other resources, seeking out a professional artist, studying another subject besides mainly anatomy - something.
>I don't ask for critique because again, I don't like bothering people
I mean if you're commenting on other people's submissions or something and asking for critiques that would be bothering them, but if you're just asking on your own submission or on here I don't see how that's bothering people, as they have no obligation to spend any time on your works. also, this thread and the site are in part *for* critiques (to the extent that two people want them or are willing to give them). if you wanted to be particularly clear, you could preface your submission or post here by saying "you do not have to give a critique, but..." or something. no one is going to be upset with you for using these platforms for their designed purpose.
>I'm sure you're right about this, but I still don't want to bother anybody with my presence
again I do not mean to be rude, so I hope I don't come off that way ...

>> No.7088182

(contd) but you are faced with an ultimatum: either you seek out friends, making a concerted and lengthy effort (however long it takes) or you don't seek people out (because you do not want to bother them) and end up with no friends in all liklihood, as you have, by your own admission, obtained none thus far. you will probably have to experience some discomfort and step on a few toes in the process, that's just the situation you're in.
>If any of my stuff was compelling, surely someone would've commented by now, right?
probably, but one thing you have to consider is that the pool of /dad/s is very small and there are a few explanations that could exist besides your art isn't compelling for why no one has commented on your posts up until this point. also, even if your art isn't that compelling, that doesn't mean you can't find an art friend. if you talk to people and see what sort of things they are interested in, you can find common ground outside of them admiring your abilities.

>> No.7088184

what art do I draw to get a girlfriend

>> No.7088186

what kind of girlfriend are you looking for? a cutter? a trad EVROPA 1488 groyper? a biological woman?

>> No.7088192

It's so fucking over

>> No.7088200

Whatever is the weekly slop. So habbo hotel or whatever the fuck it's called

>> No.7088205

self portraits (just b handsome)

>> No.7088206

It's not hard to act friendly or to draw coomer bait flavor of the month animu girls.

>> No.7088210

tomboy art gf who will watch 2010's era youtube poops with me

>> No.7088212

Yeah but I don't want to ACT friendly or draw coom.

>> No.7088216

>tomboy art girl friend
It's over for you. Most females on dad are POC and left-leaning.

>> No.7088220

I've never met a tomboy that wasn't brown and used they/her pronouns. nice try bud

>> No.7088228

>I still don't want to bother anybody with my presence
you gotta get over that (and over yourself) immediately, no one gives a shit. you don't bother anyone by writing a little comment underneath a drawing you like.

>> No.7088229

I'll post works tomorrow, I didn't start drawing digitally until recently, and all my old pre-DAD stuff is with my parents. To be entirely transparent, I HAVE been drawing seriously for 9 years, but I hadn't been consistent with practice until 3 or 4 years ago. 9 years ago was when I first began making strides to learn more about drawing through watching tutorials, reading and doing exercises. Sorry for the confusion. (I'm going to bed now.)

>> No.7088235

I'm more worried about people giving a shit than not, if I'm being honest. There are a couple of DADs that would make me uncomfortable if they commented on my stuff. I don't want to create that feeling for other people. Regardless, message received.

>> No.7088243


>> No.7088249

whoever all of the furries are

>> No.7088253

>There are a couple of DADs that would make me uncomfortable
I fear one day getting a giant schizo wall about something stupid like AI. but that's about it

>> No.7088265

Just pyw here and none will comment on your Dad profiles. Most of the furries are pretty chill and decent at art. I say get off your high horse.

>> No.7088268

>I say get off your high horse
I say neigh (which probably turns the furries on). also I'm not the anon asking advice on finding friends.

>> No.7088282

>I'm not the anon asking advice on finding friends
>turn the furries on
I say pull that 8 ft catus out of your ass.

>> No.7088294

table hands made these posts

>> No.7088297

idk what that means

>> No.7088300

should I post art here?

>> No.7088304

the furries seem nice to me

>> No.7088305

depends on your intentions. I personally don't care if a /beg/ (like myself) posts art just to receive basic social interaction, but in terms of livening up the thread more, unless your (hypothetical) /beg/ work is self-admittedly fit to be ridiculed, the only real thing that is gonna do that is quality work. if you want critiques, by all means post your stuff. if people are generous, they will critique.

>> No.7088309

He thinks that you are the tableguy on DAD. That one guy who draws emaciated, gross bitches.

>> No.7088313
File: 253 KB, 634x357, goku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is everybody fucking dying? Death, you already took Kim Jung Gi and Miura

>> No.7088324

I'm not him and I'm not a fan. I actually think he is rather skilled and appreciate his figures (of what I've seen), but his normal subject matter is cringe. to qualify, I'm a /beg/ faggot who no one cares about anyways, so I'm not saying I'm better than table or the furries necessarily, I just don't like their stuff. though I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

>> No.7088333

Is /dad/ is a safe space? Are there mentally ill people in /dad/? /dad/ is an echo chamber? If you can define it in a sentence, what will it be? Mine is /dad/ is a /beg/ trap. I feel that people are hard stuck for 3 years doing things for streaks.

>> No.7088348

>seem nice
That's how they get you.
You can use DAD without streakmaxxing and interacting. DAD is what you make of it.

>> No.7088350

>Are there mentally ill people in /dad/?
i hope not
>That's how they get you.
maybe you're right

>> No.7088351

>/beg/ trap
>mentally ill
you're the mentally ill nigger who keeps shitting up these threads. if you think this is a /beg/ trap, then leave.

>> No.7088368
File: 40 KB, 600x605, 1704200739477761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some severely depressed dads. I've read some haunting shit just to see it get deleted 10 minutes later

>> No.7088372

People who use these buzz-words rarely draw. KYS

>> No.7088391

Rip. I turned gay reading Dragon Ball.

>> No.7088514

elaborate (with as little gayness as possible)

>> No.7088556

Manga is filled with hyper- masculine males with bulging muscles.

>> No.7088563

Imma do a tribute for today sub.

>> No.7088602

y-you don't mean a cum tribute, r-right anon? I mean, a cum tribute, that would surely be a weird thing, would it not? stroking your fat cock, going all the way up and down your shaft, only to reach a climax and have that sweet, sweet yellow-white nectar - truly a delicacy of the gods - shoot in partitions onto an image the object of which catalysed your person's arrival: surely we could all agree that that'd be weird.

>> No.7088689

Does fkeyanon post here?

>> No.7088804


>> No.7088839

i'll join you on that one. Legendary artist

>> No.7088847

Yeah everyone knows that the best way to improve at drawing and get out of /beg/ is to not draw

>> No.7088947
File: 104 KB, 1066x884, wires2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colour soon

>> No.7088983

>ywn stay in the dorms at DAD university
>ywn bump into another autist at 4am, realising you’re both drawing through the night
>ywn decide to hang out together and draw in quiet company
>ywn push yourself to go longer to try and impress them and end up getting too sleepy
>ywn fall asleep on their shoulder or lap
>ywn get a regular closer than friends art friend who you only grow closer to each night
>ywn get better at drawing hands because you cant stop thinking about when they stroke theirs through your hair
>ywn get better at drawing that smile that you just can’t get enough of
>ywn stop thinking entirely when they kiss you for the first time

>> No.7089172

I detect that some are mentally ill.

This is /ic/. Remember your place.

Do people interact there? What? I thought /dad/ hate critics?

It is getting that bad huh?

No! You must just draw.

>> No.7089175

of course this devolves into gay shit

>> No.7089235

There’s no he or hers mentioned in the whole thing, if you imagined gay stuff that’s all on you

>> No.7089261

more than half the shit on DAD is just straight up Homo
It's implied

>> No.7089316

>ywn have to pay for the DAD dorms because you live rent-free in this anons head already

>> No.7089546

reserve a spot for me at the social outcast questionably handicapped lunch table

>> No.7089552

no need to reserve, just sit down wherever. you're in the right place.

>> No.7089554

Stole my joke. Just like a social outcast

>> No.7089556

can my ESL friend sit here too

>> No.7089559

si se puede

>> No.7089562

My time at DADU will be the same as last time

>> No.7089564
File: 39 KB, 458x419, gay4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be the change you wanna see in this world, you dumb nigger

>> No.7089870

I wonder what percentage of new year's resolution/early-year optimist /dad/s end up quitting on average. I would assume most, but I'm too lazy to get the actual numbers.

>> No.7090046
File: 13 KB, 484x256, 1702835564958333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidently overslept 6 years and lost my streak, I'm sure the rest will wake up and get back on the grind soon too.

>> No.7090064

>has 5 posts total on account
jokes aside, do you regularly browse these threads or did you just so happen to get an interest in /dad/ again very recently? not judging, just curious.

>> No.7090076

Your autistic weirdos are the worst.
Be social. You know you want to. Stop being faggots that wont break the ice.
There are at least 10 of you I can think of where I would love to comment on your work, but I dont have the dedication to get my account to level 3.

>> No.7090079

When I lose interest in a hobby I retrace my steps to reevaluate what I want to spend that new free time on. I check on /dad/ maybe once a year though.

>> No.7090098

Don't you dare break my no-comments streak.

>> No.7090099

so do you draw anymore or is the interest still not there? not that you should, again, just curious considering that you still come to these threads, albeit extremely infrequently. it was years ago when I first wanted to get into art, but I was really bad and lazy and had other hobbies, so I quit relatively shortly after starting. I always had the thought in the back of my mind, though, and decided to get back into it a few years ago. I've been quite consistent since then and have further improved my consistency since (re)joining /dad/. I'm still shit, but getting better. not trying to reel you back in, but there is hope for you, anon, should you still wish to make art. that said, it's possible to get caught in the sunk-cost fallacy if your hearts not in it but you've put so much time into it that you rationalize keeping with it - I've had that experience with one or more hobbies.

>> No.7090121

I've drawn 100 hours or so in that timespan, mostly on spur of the moment projects for others instead of myself. I get inspired all the time, but I never act on it, crippling perfectionism wouldn't allow me to start drawing crap until I get my fundamentals at an okay level. I have hundreds of ideas of what to draw or using the medium in tandem for other projects. I know its dumb, I'm in love with the goalpost not the act of drawing itself. Fact of the matter is I haven't spent enough time drawing just for the sake of drawing to know if I enjoy it or not. I just need to accept failure (not that I'm complaining at my current results, I think for how little I draw I improve every time).

>> No.7090444

I won't give you my precious comment because you haven't earned it.

>> No.7090483

so many pedos on this site

>> No.7090521

this site is full of anime obsessed manchildren. Of course there's going to be a lot of pedophiles on your site

>> No.7090542

well, by the sounds of it you have a pretty solid understanding of your motivations and how to proceed with figuring out your relationship with art. all that's left is simply to do it. I myself suffered from perfectionism too and think that was a major contributor for me quitting for a few years when I first had aspirations to make art. I don't know what resources you have used or would consider using should you get back into art, but Keys to Drawing actually helped me a good deal with making things, working through the uncomfortability of being disappointed in my drawing at any given moment. also meditating on it and coming to the conclusion that perfectionsim was in a direct conflict with my ultimate goals, and considering the fact that I don't want to regret *not* having at least tried to get good at art, helped me push through my more immediate attempts to produce something agreeable. you can perhaps consider it like exposure therapy too: if you have a fear or uncomfortability with making non-perfect art, make do that 100, 200, 300, times and see if you still have as much difficulty getting yourself to your sketchbook. sure you still might not like what you draw, but you will, I would venture to say, realize that it's not the end of the world. those are my thoughts, at least.

>> No.7090573
File: 186 KB, 1093x1250, 1708445076219810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this site is full of anime obsessed manchildren.
you sound insufferable

>> No.7090668

furries in general or some specific furries?

>> No.7090679

en général. though, honestly, I'm being hyperbolic. I'm sure there are some furries out there who I would think are actually decent people and wouldn't mind hanging out with. like rook, for instance: I've seen a couple of his furry subs which are sexually suggestive, but not anything overtly coomerish. perhaps he's a cool bloke. unlike quad, for instance, who I would never want to interact with. though, again, I'm sure the feeling is mutual; not trying to start a rage war here just babbling.

>> No.7090782
File: 209 KB, 1590x2231, drawpile090324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing on magma with a friendo.

>> No.7090788


>> No.7090789

If it's not inside the earth, it's lava, not magma. Nice drawings, though!

>> No.7090853

>another day of no one ahead of me losing their streak

>> No.7090864

wow, you're right. I'm kinda shocked

>> No.7090865

I had a technical difficulty that I resolved just in time so my streak is safe. Page 1 btw

>> No.7090867

Are they actual pedos or do you just assume that because they draw in a cute style?

>> No.7090881

nta, but I think that he's mainly talking about Mr. Kachi.

>> No.7090886
File: 463 KB, 596x686, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's 42 in dog years

>> No.7090890
File: 593 KB, 1080x1440, 1682253804923479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last submission for yesterday
>cutoff loliporn

>> No.7090894
File: 329 KB, 1500x2723, Dog_Age_Chart_Proof_01Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sick fuck
I saw it. That DAD must be Muslim.
It's tagged amputee in rule34

>> No.7090895

I don't get it, it's just portraits?

>> No.7090904

He's been warned before actual explicit stuff

>> No.7090905

Why don't you comb through his stuff?

>> No.7090907

I wish I had this nigga's skills but not his lust for little children

>> No.7090908

the ripples of the lilramune saga can be felt even today

>> No.7090917
File: 69 KB, 976x698, 1637540455528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedo 1 posted cropped pedo porn
>Pedo 2 posted studies of actual underage girls to apply to his pedo porn
>Pedo 3 wrote a blog post about a pro pedo article

>> No.7090925

>Pedo 3 wrote a blog post about a pro pedo article
I don't understand the point they were trying to make.

>> No.7090928

Name and shame.

>> No.7090976

it's a dark age

>> No.7091046


>> No.7091065

>Pedo 3 wrote a blog post about a pro pedo article
didn't he directly counter the article in his comments? though I guess that would've been easy to miss given how long the blogpost was

>> No.7091072

I did read through all that wall of text and don't think he is a pedo.

>> No.7091160

No, he was praising what was said in the article. He didn't counter anything, he simply agreed then capped it off mentioning how much he loved the character featured in it.

>> No.7091178

>helped lead to a lot of good things like the loosening of gender roles, the anti-war movement, the gay rights movement, and changing attitudes towards sex
>good things
Says it all, really.

>> No.7091180

A lot of liberals, lgbt, leftists, women and POC on DAD. Very diverse!!!

>> No.7091194

is there a comprehensive list of all DAD pedos?

>> No.7091195
File: 62 KB, 531x800, a2c070b07b3a5b2d98f791bae8ea3953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sexual revolution--alongside all the other counter-culture movements happening simultaneously, encouraged people to become as open-minded as possible...
no it didn't? if being open-minded means being willing to change your ideas about something, that's not what the sexual revolution was about - not anymore than your average political movement. like various movements, left or right, the purpose is generally to get people to adopt your own beliefs. most leftists - and most people, as far as I can tell - more or less maintain their core political beliefs which they've had from a young age and don't have much care to put their ideas to the test and see where they're wrong: that's not being open-minded.
>>gender roles
leftists now are actually quite strict with gender roles. they say "yeah, let's allow for more genders. we're being inclusive!!" and fail to realize that that necessarily limits the gender binary and makes it much more strict what a woman and man can be. in my adolesence, most people seemed to be on board with the concept of tomboys, for instance. but now you have leftists who say "welp, you like cars and don't wear skirts, so you can't be a woman!" so the flip side of being "open-minded" and "inclusive" is necessarily restrictive. this is why you see the divide between terfs and 3rd wave feminists.

>> No.7091206

no one asked for this schizo post go to their comments with that shit

>> No.7091207
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 13b168596f402bcb36b526bd0bdc1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one asked for this schizo post
no one asked for your post either yet here we are. my post is directly related to other posts in the thread, which are ultimately in reference to a submission on the site. don't care to read it, hide the post.
that word really has lost its meaning in recent years

>> No.7091228

Only a schizo would post walls about gender roles and politics in thread about doing art daily. It hasn't lost its meaning

>> No.7091234

Animations are so fucking cool. Everytime I see one I want to make my own.

>> No.7091246
File: 84 KB, 650x720, 1468018696109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No YOU'RE so fucking cool. Everytime I see anon I want to make him my own <3

>> No.7091270

>but what’s especially interesting is what the author DOESN’T SAY. He talks a lot about why men like girls, but he never makes any mention about how young girls might not have the emotional intelligence or maturity to make sound decisions for themselves (i.e., consent). And he writes under the assumption that young women all just want to have sex and are eager to do it with older, more experienced men. Which I mean, yeah that’s true most teenage girls are eager to have sex, but that doesn’t mean they’re eager to have sex with just anyone! No mention either of the various power imbalances that could lead a young girl to feel forced or pressured to sleep with a much older man.
Sounds like criticism to me. Besides, the only other opinions in his blogpost are that the article is correct when talking about why old men want to have sex with young girls, and that he likes the character design. No praise to be found.

>> No.7091284

Its a bit late but
Happy womans day to all womans of /dad/!

>> No.7091295

Fucking disgusting
So this nigger getting banned or what?

>> No.7091468

Alright today's the day, how many people are going to get rekt by daylight savings?

>> No.7091539

It's an extra hour to do art daily.

>> No.7091546

I doubt they're getting banned. DAD is rife with pedophiles. If everybody with pedophilic works/comments on pedo works got banned, over a quarter of the site would be gone.

>> No.7091549

> only a quarter
that's a lot better than I thought

>> No.7091555

There's only about 173 active users right now. That would mean 43(.25) of them would be pedos.

>> No.7091570

I don't understand the concept of this "daylight saving" bullshit.

>> No.7091583

the sun rises / sets earlier or later depending on the time of the year

time is changed so that people make the most out of the sunlight & consume less electricity

>> No.7091620

>>changing attitudes towards sex
>>good thing
yeah, confusing kids about what a boy or girl is and promoting a social contagion which, taken to its ultimate conclusion, results in the mutilation and other permanent alterations to one's body is really good and compassionate. more experimentation on children, please.

>> No.7091622

Ah! Thanks for the tldr mate.

>> No.7091650

>now you have leftists who say "welp, you like cars and don't wear skirts, so you can't be a woman!" so the flip side of being "open-minded" and "inclusive" is necessarily restrictive..
I'm trans, and friends with many other leftists/trans people. Literally nobody says this.

>> No.7091652

No you aren't lol

>> No.7091653


>> No.7091661
File: 51 KB, 483x476, 1666648635588034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally nobody says this.
if someone who has a penis and balls and was raised as a boy, say, said that they were a woman on the grounds of being more like a stereotypical woman in terms of their interests, the things they want to wear, their general personality, would you say that they're wrong? because plenty of leftists and trans people would affirm this person's claim to womanhood. just as a simple example, there's recently been talks about Kurt Cobain being trans because he was seen wearing dresses at one time or another. I'm pretty sure I've seen multiple people say that he's trans, but the one person I can remember putting forth this idea is a trans person by the handle "lillytino_". they made a tiktok on it which might still be up (I don't have tiktok and saw the video elsewhere, maybe on /snow/, but I'm too lazy to look it up atm). I'm not saying you or your friends would say as much, but there are certainly trans people and "allies to the community" who would.

>> No.7091663
File: 803 KB, 739x554, Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 13-57-09 uqtc93opg5zb1.png (PNG Image 743 × 2605 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7091671

Before fighting the trans agenda have you gotten married and started a family? Or are you one of those guys who blame trannies existing for being unable to get a partner and have sex?

>> No.7091673
File: 1001 KB, 1731x1194, Altemps,_sleeping_Erinyes_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you gotten married and started a family?
I have not, but I'm not sure why that's relevant.
>are you one of those guys who blame trannies existing for being unable to get a partner and have sex?
I don't currently have a gf, but that's my fault. and for men generally who don't have gfs and are perhaps "incels" I don't think trans people are the problem.

>> No.7091679

I thought the average person's contention with trans people was the fact that it's a blatantly mentally ill ideology that is founded upon perversion and a lack of connection with reality. I have never heard incels complaining about trans people preventing them from getting laid lmao.

>> No.7091685

>bro I'd be getting so much pussy, BUT TRANNIES LAY SO MUCH PIPE that real girls don't want normal straight men anymore. It's just not fair.

>> No.7091694

>bro I'd be getting so much pussy, BUT TRANNIES ARE EVERYWHERE AND THEY'RE 100% INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM REAL WOMEN. I'm just so scared I'll miss one of the many obvious biological indicators that differentiate men from women, and end up falling in love with, fucking, and marrying a tranny. I can't risk it, so I'll have to swear off dating for the rest of my life, bros

>> No.7091701

Thoughts about trannies in any context pass my mind maybe once in 2 years but pearlclutching fuckers seem to have trannies loving in their heads 24/7

If theres so much of you who wanna get rid of the pedos from /dad/ lobby and ban the fuckers instead of debating endlessly about trannies and how le vestern society is falling
Western society fell like 2000 years ago

>> No.7091702
File: 157 KB, 498x364, 1710027593942354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this is what happens when you blogpost in your comments. I've been saying this for like 10 threads

>> No.7091717

>Or are you one of those guys who blame trannies existing for being unable to get a partner and have sex
I've never seen or heard of this. It sounds farfetched. Can you post some examples?

>> No.7091718

I was more saying that most trans people don't gatekeep "being trans" the way you implied here.
> you like cars and don't wear skirts, so you can't be a woman
There's a difference between telling someone "You aren't X" and taking them at their word when they say they identify with a particular label. In the example you provided, most people that I know would affirm the womanhood of the person described not because of their "stereotypical actions" but because they say they're a woman. How one acts has little bearing on the identity one feels comfortable with.
As for the tiktok video, I haven't seen it, but it's not a huge leap to imagine that a guy who doesn't mind wearing skirts would describe themselves as gender non-conforming. Personally, I'm uncomfortable speculating on someone's gender, so I'll still refer to Kurt as a guy until proven otherwise.
Wouldn't have posted my original comment had I known it would have derailed the thread. I learned my lesson. Sorry for the queer theory lesson. See ya in June or whatever.

>> No.7091735

Based thread derailment apologizer

>> No.7091740

will you be my dad gf?

>> No.7091757

i wish more people would post their contacts in the plug yourself thread

>> No.7091764
File: 170 KB, 1200x1680, Romm-Hellenistic-One-Percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was more saying that most trans people don't gatekeep "being trans" the way you implied here.
I could have been clearer in my example, but the point I was trying to make was not that of gatekeeping, but of assumptions based on stereotypes (like the discussion about Kurt Cobain). what I mean to say is not that most leftists/trans people would tell an xxer who is more masculine that they cannot identify as a woman, simply that more of them than the average person would be inclined to believe that this person is a man based on their own definitions of what it means to be a man and a woman; more "traditional" people would be "open-minded" and more inclined to say that this person can be (and simply is) a woman even though they don't fit into the mold of the prototypical/ideal woman. I think many leftists would say that they are valid in their identity if they say that they are a woman still, but the problem there then is that your worldview is incoherent: you cannot coherently say both that someone is valid in their identity as a "woman" because they associate themselves with feminine stereotypes, but also that someone is valid in their identity as a woman in spite of their association with masculine stereotypes.
>most people that I know would affirm the womanhood of the person described not because of their "stereotypical actions" but because they say they're a woman
but their idea of being a woman is associated with feminine stereotypes, so if they're claim of being a woman is valid, then they're necessarily affirming their understanding of being a woman.
>How one acts has little bearing on the identity one feels confortable with
you think in general the things people do *aren't* indicative of how they "identify"? sure we may suppress our "identity" at one time or another, but in general I think we act authentically.

>> No.7091765

>a trans person by the handle "lillytino_". they made a tiktok
your brain is so fucking cooked brother

>> No.7091769

how so?

>> No.7091780

You sound like that bnix retard. Bro, learn to write. It's a fucking slog to read your slop

>> No.7091783

>It's a fucking slog to read your slop
no one's forcing you to read it. if you go through the effort to read it and don't enjoy it, that's fine, but you could've just not read it in the first place.

>> No.7091798

Just improve your writing big dog

>> No.7091805

do you have any specific critiques, not just "it's slop"? I'm open to criticism.

>> No.7091810


>> No.7091837

>I could have been clearer
>the point I was trying to make
>I think
You shouldn't include things that are already implied. It's annoying and less concise.

>> No.7091844

This is all because for the third month in a row house names have been controlled by Satan.

>> No.7091849

>You shouldn't include things that are already implied
>>I could have been clearer
it's not necessarily implied that when there's a miscommunication that either party thinks they could've been clearer/did not give a proper representation of what they think. I said it to show the anon that I admit that there is a miscommunication and that it is my fault.
>>the point I was trying to make
that too makes explicit where I think the fault lies and is a natural way to transition to my clarification. if I want to clarify I have to signal it somehow.
>>I think
sure, when I make a statement it's implied that I think it, but saying "I think" is less assertive and is meant to show that I'm at least somewhat willing to admit that my thoughts about this might be wrong; it's not superfluous.

>> No.7091850

best of luck bnix. your art sucks

>> No.7091853

not him, but my art does suck

>> No.7091854

trannies literally have a
>i couldnt get a gf so i BECAME the gf!!!
meme, theyre the incels final form

>> No.7091857

Sigh. All I'm doing is existed as someone who hasn't had sex and everyone hates me and calls me evil because of it.

>> No.7091863

Don't give in, they want you complicit. They hate you, but (((they))) hated Jesus.

>> No.7091877

this but Muhammed

>> No.7091889

Gee I wonder why most people nuke their /dad/ accounts the moment they get a little popular.

>> No.7091894

Because having ties to 4chan is not good optics? What is the reason, you think?

>> No.7091895

>one of the pedos has gf (or bf) according to their submissions
>you will never have one

>> No.7091896

Do you think she does a high pitch voice?

>> No.7091899

at the very least I think "she" has a penis

>> No.7091907

wonder what happened to that guy

>> No.7091947

But he's also Russian. I'd rather be a kissless virgin forever than Russian

>> No.7091991
File: 62 KB, 828x1037, the world is full of cruel people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are so mean spirited! a little kindness goes a long way, you know?

>> No.7092015

god i wish the Tates were gay

>> No.7092018

>he doesn't know the Tates are gay

>> No.7092024
File: 384 KB, 636x629, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's liven this thread up a little bit!

>> No.7092063

they widened the face and especially the distance between the eyes
jaw should be narrower and smaller too I think

>> No.7092146

So is the 14 streak to filter out those who sit here and screech about pedophiles and trannies instead of drawing, or is it about the same?

>> No.7092152

I've been screeching and I'm on page 2

>> No.7092153

the user(s) triggered by lolishit are probably active with a higher streak. lolifags are constantly getting snitched on and it's a common topic in the thread

>> No.7092177

It's to filter lolishitters early on.

>> No.7092187

Same lol

>> No.7092190

i got absolutely destroyed by daylight savings back in november i am ready for it this time

>> No.7092194

wait yeah its adding an hour this time i forgot

>> No.7092208

How the fuck were people still posting at 23:59? Do they do it on purpose or are they just total airheads?

>> No.7092211

the deadline is right in the middle of my old drawing schedule so i had to rush to finish things before it a lot of times. i've fixed my drawing schedule since though and now i draw after submission deadline

>> No.7092214

Did you only get time to draw right at the deadline?

>> No.7092215

>Do they do it on purpose or are they just total airheads?
more likely to be deliberate, I would think. I've only been here a few months, but at least since I've been here (and probably longer) echo has been consistently uploading within the last five minutes of the deadline. I don't know if it's laziness, some sort of game, or a combo.

>> No.7092217

a few hours before usually. deadline is right at 6 pm in my timezone (5 after daylight savings ends) and i used to wake up pretty late and have to do stuff before drawing and i ended up only having about 2 hours to draw before deadline. would try to get as much work done as possible before submitting and end up posting five minutes until deadline

>> No.7092218

i submitted my first dad submission at a pretty unfortunate time so it ended up being like this for a while

>> No.7092223

Brutal. I always hate drawing closer to the deadline. It just messes with my skill expression. Glad you've found a way to work through it, though.

>> No.7092254

0-4 league and drop streak
5-9 do not

>> No.7092260


>> No.7092289
File: 4 KB, 600x450, 1706807975111259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah well, I don't care.

>> No.7092397

I'm not a furry and I DON'T hate furries. There I said it

>> No.7092411

You're a furry in denial. Sorry, that's just how it works.

>> No.7092420

You post on the same site as furries so you are a furry by association. I don't make the rules.

>> No.7092425

>trannies vs pedos vs furries
who wins?

>> No.7092428

those are all the same people

>> No.7092436

>who wins?
The secret 4th thing

>> No.7092446

None of those exist.

>> No.7092461

Show me those who unironically just grinds boxes and floating loomis heads.

>> No.7092463

The Chopper.

>> No.7092472

>Show me those who unironically just grinds boxes
It's me, hi.
I don't draw.

>> No.7092504

I show no signs of improvement. I just want to play video games and masturbate.

>> No.7092555

Why are you sneak-dissing me? byotch >:[

>> No.7092617

Damn why is my penis so huge, large and cool? Woe is me

>> No.7092648

I'm taking bets!

>> No.7092709

why can't any of you be normal and talk about art

>> No.7092711

Can anyone make challenges on DaD or is it only the moderators and ppl on discord?

>> No.7092718

Yeah so It's been two years and I'm still drawing stickmen. I think It's pretty obvious at this point that It's all about genetics.

>> No.7092789

>be normal
my fellow human of African descent, what website do you think you're on?
>I think It's pretty obvious at this point that It's all about genetics
>It's been two years
in the grand scheme of things that's minimal time
>still drawing stickmen
what all have you done to try to improve? what resource(s) specifically have you used? have you drawn every day for the past two years? how much time per day? I'm not someone who says "emotional intelligence is valid, too!" when talking about IQ or people's natural intelligence or talent more generally, and think that there are ways in which your IQ can limit you, but I'm pretty confident the people who say "it's over for me" in reference to their art prospects have simply not done it long enough and have not exhausted all their options to be able to rightly make that claim. maybe it's just ignorance, or maybe it's cope.

>> No.7092793

i sometimes wonder if i'm the only satanist on the site

>> No.7092796

whole squad full of satanists I'm a satanist too

>> No.7092803

If satanism is about drawing demons then I am the best satanist on that site.
>whole squad
>50% of subs are animu girls
Press X to doubt.

>> No.7092852

Anyone can make one. You have to reach a certain level to make a challenge, though

>> No.7092858

Thx for the quick answer Anon!

>> No.7092859

>site full of pedophiles, furries, trannies and faggots.
No, I don't think you're the only one.

>> No.7092869

Furries are usually atheists, and the rest are Christians

>> No.7092924

genesticks more like

>> No.7093047

it's over

>> No.7093051

>as if it ever started

>> No.7093053

/dad/ more like /DEAD/ amirite

>> No.7093065

Anybody else having difficulty submitting right now?

>> No.7093068

I'm not a bottom so I don't submit.

>> No.7093069
File: 31 KB, 522x531, 1704904650029854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>site is 404'ing
>bananana's on vacation
genuinely the end

>> No.7093070

dang its slow

>> No.7093071
File: 202 KB, 952x905, 1707782947213428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still drawing stickmen.
Become a stickman animator. Drawing one cool stickman mogs 99% of /dad/

>> No.7093073
File: 115 KB, 1000x720, smierc_foto_forum_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you already made your submission today

>> No.7093086
File: 462 KB, 1400x986, random579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mountain pic study with rebelle

>> No.7093087

You still have an hour, hoping it gets better for the sake of both of your streaks

>> No.7093099
File: 611 KB, 1400x986, 1710196982889667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what all you were trying to study and what you were less consciously concerned about, but for what it's worth there are some spots where there is a lack of care for capturing the three-dimentionality of certain parts of the mountain which (naturally) make it a little more flat. but on the whole I really like this; you've captured much of a likeness and the colors are very satisfying. better than anything I could do, to be sure.

>> No.7093104
File: 34 KB, 474x699, 18d90cda91c2417b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>site breaks while banana is outie

>> No.7093106
File: 28 KB, 562x545, 1710182376348680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7093108

they sound mentally ill ngl

>> No.7093109

make sure you check that your submission didn't actually go through even though it 404s or gives an error
turns out i uploaded twice because it gave me a generic error so i assumed it didn't go through. at least the delete button worked.

>> No.7093111

hi banana we know its you because that was your #1 favourite meme during two april fools ago

>> No.7093121

banana just dm'ed me
he's not forgiving dropped streaks this time

>> No.7093122

Banana just dm'ed me. He sent me dick pics. Kinda packing ngl. Weird head shape though.

>> No.7093125

banana just dm'd me. I'm gay, if that matters.

>> No.7093135

site's back up

>> No.7093137

How'd you swallow a camera anon?

>> No.7093142
File: 455 KB, 873x748, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hebephile lives matter

>> No.7093149

the bend is how he got his name after all

>> No.7093150

girl on the right mogs my drawing skills honestly

>> No.7093154

I mostly want an excuse to get more familiar with Rebelle, I'm trying out the brushes to find out which ones bring out good textures.

>> No.7093210

desu for me it feels like they puts more soul into their knight paintings rather than loli drawings which look bland and uninspired

>> No.7093228

It's obviously a he.

>> No.7093260

I will not use your pronouns cuck

>> No.7093270

>They puts
Don't you feel retarded? troon lover.

>> No.7093282

Such is expected when engaging with the ESL lowercasers.

>> No.7093291

such is expected when engaging with trooners, pedos, and furries

>> No.7093329
File: 273 KB, 1080x1097, 1691646896045945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically posting drawacocks in the OP

Please kill yourself OP for posting this /beg/trap

newbies, do not ever go on "drawabox" as the owner of that website cannot draw/render properly for shit and is not a "MASTER" artist. It's a beginner trap that'll waste hours of your time for zero gain, its rules on getting critique are also incredibly retarded.

>> No.7093339

Hear yourself. Heaven forbid people waste their time drawing.

>> No.7093347

i see your reading comprehension is poor
what part of "WASTE HOURS OF YOUR TIME FOR ZERO GAIN" do you not understand?

Time is a limited commodity, wasting time is something you can't get back.

>> No.7093351

It's actually an exercise from Peter Hans Dynamic Sketching. Grinding boxes is boring. He will stop doing in a week or so. You don't have to be so histerical :-) I did try it, and it bored me out of my mind.

>> No.7093354

I don't care about any of this. I just want to sniff (you)r art glove

>> No.7093430

is there quality control for submissions or no
can you start as a absolute /beg/ and not be denied entry when you reach your streak?

>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.

If I were to draw, lets say spoons for 30 minutes a day, reaching 16 days, would I be accepted?
What constitutes valid artwork for the DAD streak?

>> No.7093496

It's just draw at least 30 minutes daily. The 'art' is used as an umbrella term for creative crafts.

>> No.7093505

all skill levels are welcome, just need at least 30 minutes of drawing per submission. Think of this more as a tool to keep yourself committed to drawing every day (or whatever period works best for you), though you only get out of it what you put in. Draw spoons if that's really all you want to do with art. Once you get the streaks going, you'll be able to do more on the site and even get to know your fellow /dad/s a bit in discord. That or just lurk around and shitpost in this thread like most of us.

>> No.7093508

Please become the spoon guy

>> No.7093567

Can I spend 4 hours to decorate my Stardew Valley farm and upload it?

>> No.7093580

There's a guy that posted Valheim kino.

>> No.7093689
File: 246 KB, 1162x982, valheimdungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me.
I wish the game was more optimized, because once you hit the 10k instances fps take a nosedive, so there's a limit to size<-->detail.

I had to stop working on the medieval village due to fps dipping into the 20s, not entirely my fault as others made their builds nearby.
The dungeon prototype came up nice though, once I got more time I want to try a new village on uneven terrain.

Kinda reminds me of the olden days with Ultima Online. House building and decor was part fo the fun.

>> No.7094412

same anon here.
Don’t think I’ll bother.
Drawing spoons for 30 minutes straight is a insane level of autism, even if I got really good at drawing spoons and branched off in applying color theory, reflections, construction and shading to them it just feels like too much work.

I’m going to probably learn how to use my Yamaha PSS-170 before it rots away.
Any /mu/ fags know good sheet music to practice with? I know the scales for treble and bass by memory just need to actually apply timing and the ability to “speed read” through sheet music or whatever

>> No.7094427

>it just feels like too much work
If you don't enjoy the process you'll fail at music too

>> No.7094444

then what if I don’t enjoy much things.
what do I do.
It’s not like I’m composing or anything, just looking for sheet music to play that’s easy for beginners and hopefully isn’t shit like “twinkle twinkle little star”

>> No.7094451

Do the things that you do enjoy. This isn't exactly rocket surgery or anything, seems pretty straightforward to me.

>> No.7094458

You gotta find something you wanna do,
I'm beg af but drawing is the only thing I take seriously in this life
I don't want a partner, I don't want job success I just want to get good at drawing.
When you find something that posesses you in this way you will know it

>> No.7094467
File: 86 KB, 520x466, 1702784688652661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says every 18-20 yr old

>> No.7094483

then do nothing, you dont need to be a "creator" just be a "consumer", there is zero problem with that, just find a easy job or study hard and find a job with good paid, and enjoy consuming things, music, movies, videogames, sports, whatever.

>> No.7094544

Is it possible to submit gif animations to DAD?

>> No.7094547


>> No.7094555

That's an empty and rotten way to live though, everyone needs some form of artistic expression.

>> No.7094567

>everyone needs some form of artistic expression
no they don't; some people are unironic retards and have the most shallow cares. god bless 'em, but they certainly exist. I do not mean to be rude to you either, but I'm not certain you need artistic expression either. if you needed it so badly you would have already started and stuck with something. that doesn't mean your life can't be improved by it, but it's not obvious that you simply have a romantic idea about it, rather than having a more natural inclination towards it. either way, you have a dichotomy: suffer through making art "feeling like too much work" or don't make it at all.

>> No.7094569

>it's not obvious that you simply have
it's not obvious that you DON'T simply have***

>> No.7094644

I did that in my early 20s. It was great for a year, then I developed mental illnesses left and right until I started pursuing something again.
I don't think it's impossible that someone could live like that, but if you're on /ic/ at all, I doubt you have what it takes to be happy like that.

>> No.7094648

>I don't think it's impossible that someone could live like that
most people are just consumers
>if you're on /ic/ at all, I doubt you have what it takes to be happy like that
true. so then the conclusion would be for them to quit complaining, start making something, and stick with it.

>> No.7094669

Got to know a few dads and I just really don't like them. It would be too awkward to leave the discord now though

>> No.7094670

plap plap plap I don't care if you're male plap plap plap get pregnant plap plap plap

>> No.7094672

girl, spill the tea

>> No.7094724

>Ask Vastian for invite
How to find this vatian guy.
Captcha: GAYR

>> No.7094752

Go to Discord's "Add Friend", then search for the username "Vastian#0988". Once they add you as a friend it should be pretty straightforward to get a DADcord invite

>> No.7094761

I'm going to fuckin crush car week just so you know

>> No.7094765

thanks for the heads-up, I was getting worried there for a sec

>> No.7094808

>pera is back
oh boy here we go

>> No.7094812

who dat

>> No.7094818

>obsess with rando on internet

>> No.7094821

>assumes a 4chinner is above vanity

>> No.7094888

>tfw you realize no DAD users have successfully escaped the timeloop

>> No.7094894

H-how many loops has it been?

>> No.7094913

We have lived through this decade more than seventeen-thousand and twenty three times now.
There are murmurs that the only way to break it this loop to have a DAD thread that reaches the image limit with people's artwork.
I suppose some things were never meant to be.

>> No.7094918

>image limit with people's artwork.
we're doomed

>> No.7095023

You sure?

>> No.7095085

name some skilled dads to check out

>> No.7095166

I draw in the morning then i help artists who are actually making a living with their art 9 to 5. I can’t think of a more cuck job position.

>> No.7095225

What's ur job? Tehre are many ways to help someone

>> No.7095266


Just a ticket boy in summary. Like if an artist has issues with getting paid mostly, or something on their page is broken.

>> No.7095277

my right forearm and wrist is so fucked from drawing so much I can no longer use that hand to masturbate

>> No.7095580

It's a sign to stop whacking it, bro

>> No.7095584

retarded laptop turned off and started updating unprompted when i was trying to open dad and submit my work and it took me an hour to get it back on. before that i had to turn it off and back on about three times just to get it to display on the monitor (the original screen is dead)

>> No.7095592

the girl reading this

>> No.7095606

Wish I could just be good already so I can draw all the things I want and enjoy looking at them. At least with exercise I can watch the number go up.

>> No.7095617

the industrial revolution and its...uh...you know the thing

>> No.7095651

i have been trying to open the browser for an hour now

>> No.7095731

pedos must hang

>> No.7095832
File: 186 KB, 1059x972, 3.13.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to stop for a bit and actually missed drawing for this retarded thread

>> No.7095871

pedos must reign

>> No.7096042
File: 397 KB, 519x693, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the duality of MAPs

>> No.7096075

Pencil drawing aged 10 years. She's 22 now.

>> No.7096215

he has been administering /lsg/ for years

>> No.7096391

any tierlists made while I was gone?

>> No.7096392

You're already improving

>> No.7096506
File: 181 KB, 1162x829, 3.14.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Now if I can finally figure out fucking rendering I'll actually feel good about it.

>> No.7096513

i want to smell stinky dad armpit so bad bros

>> No.7096523

he’s still alive somewhere

>> No.7096534
File: 17 KB, 279x285, EVROPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7096541

god this website is getting faggier by the day

>> No.7096565

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, dipshit

>> No.7096626

>le edgy nazgul drawing
>cringe faggot got wrecked.
>le fag cry on 4chun
Just make a new account LOL! What a fag!!!

>> No.7096652

I think i saw the name but what did he draw?

>> No.7096669
File: 177 KB, 1212x726, image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7096670
File: 151 KB, 761x711, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das it, maine

>> No.7096674

It's okay to be a pedo drawing kids daily, but post memes and you're perma'd

>> No.7096729
File: 3 KB, 148x148, 1691041175183964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nazi propaganda?

>> No.7096763

the discord server is gone from my discord. is it down or did they throw me out?

>> No.7096771

As customary, we ran an inquisition event. Those who failed to comply were kicked. They can ask to join back in 10 days as long as they’re active on the site.
Did you not get a kick notification when you checked discord? I’m curious about that. I wrote one for everyone who was kicked, my apologies if it didn’t show up.

I demand to see his third hidden submission. Ban due to meme name is not cool.

>> No.7096774

I dont get it

>> No.7096780

I didn't get a notification.

>> No.7096796

Yeah, sorry about that. I just checked with the help of others and what you’d imagine is discord’s prompt to explain the kick user why they were kicked, is just a note for server logs. Sigh.
You learn something new every day I guess.

Regardless, refer to my earlier post for what was in the message you should’ve gotten.
All those who failed to meet the event conditions are timed out for 10 days and can return after that if they’re active on the site.

>> No.7096881

Some of you are alright, don't come to dadcord in 10 days.

>> No.7096988

You're late anon. I already carried out the shooting. They wouldn't draw, so I drew a gun at them.
Right now I'm facing off against police in the DAD parking lot as I type this. Before they get me, I'm gonna take a look at my favorite post from 7b7a2f on furroafinity, so the police will know what inspired my extremist views.

>> No.7097057

you forgot to post your weekly pedo content

>> No.7097073

not making your name a nazi dogwhistle isn't a high bar is it

>> No.7097085

You're not a nazi, then

>> No.7097129

I got kicked with no warning before too
it hurt my feelings so Ive never come back

>> No.7097152

Ritstreler and Eder should fuck

>> No.7097169

No, but he could’ve been just asked to change it.
We allowed the sus-pedo guy to lollygag around and go like “oops, haha sorry just a bit autistic” when he made many raise an eyebrow, but the guy with the funny name gets outright banned immediately without warning?
Sad. Now we won’t get to see more of his work.

>> No.7097185

The line for what's acceptable on the site for one of those is a lot blurrier than than the other, in addition to it being plainly hateful towards groups that are part of DAD
I won't miss their art if it means sane people not leaving the site because of people like them

>> No.7097191

Classic Vastian whiteknighting for edgy retards.

>> No.7097207

>mods should pick and choose who to ban based on their tastes
Nah warnings first or clearer rules

>> No.7097239

they're dating

>> No.7097254

Guys i had it all wrong
nofap is bullshit i'm way more productive post nut

>> No.7097407
File: 118 KB, 1400x1213, drawpiling45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drama on /dad/! nice

>> No.7097409

idk, anon. I know what I want to draw only if I have a raging boner for it. Isn't that how everyone does it?

>> No.7097493

This, it's rather unfair to give some users warnings and not others. Unless the offense is that bad. Guess a haha funny name is a capital offense.

Why? If both are unsavory characters to have around, why is there a different standard?
>if it means sane people not leaving
If you're leaving just over a guy having 4 numbers on their username, I'm afraid you're not sane.

>> No.7097496

>why is there a different standard?
You're replying to this post like the first sentence didn't spell it out for you
Considering you think blatant nazi symbolism is something sane people find perfectly acceptable I think you might be too far gone to get it though

>> No.7097498

anons downplaying the dogwhistle as just a "funny name" makes me think people don't know what that word means

>> No.7097513

I had a dream that some of you guys were actual real friends and then I woke up and got sad

>> No.7097531

does the admin even draw or is this the only joy he gets nowadays

>> No.7097539

Are HUION screenless tablets any good?

>> No.7097587

The only people who ever respond to "nazi dogwhistles" are those who morally grandstand about calling it out.
If the purpose of something is what it does, then is 1488 a dogwhistle, or is it an invitation to social performance art?

>> No.7097698

Don't worry anon, I'll be your friend!

>> No.7097730

My last one lasted 3 years and I used it everyday. So they're okay. Probably good even since they're cheap

>> No.7097757

>those who morally grandstand
Not really. Too many shitheads and people will leave for sure. That is a legit concern

>> No.7097763

No, they’re garbage. Stick to wacom or ipads.

>> No.7097767

The only difference between wacom and huion is the price. Quality's the same

>> No.7097838

God. FUCK. Everyone is so much better than me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>> No.7097849
File: 235 KB, 640x639, 1705346127281950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use that as motivation

>> No.7097852

What was it?

>> No.7097860

their username is 14RaepOldMen88

>> No.7097905

yeah, exact same as a wacom in my experience but bigger and cheaper

>> No.7097930

i honestly forgot 1488 was related to nazis, at this point after it's been an internet meme for like two decades i just think of it as the usual meme. I wonder if there's some sort of agenda of people trying to properly revive it as a nazi symbol...

>> No.7098004

>Drug houses
>Moral grandstanding.
Kill yourself.

>> No.7098065



>> No.7098321

This is kinda gay, so guessing there’s probably a bunch of other stuff that will instant ban you with no warning

>> No.7098333

I don't think so. I've been around for almost two years and it's the first ban I've seen

>> No.7098340

It didn't. I asked specifically why is there a different standard. Why is the utmost minimal. potential, display of unsavory ideology more concerning than a deranged deviant who was given expressly 3 warnings after he broke site rules?

>blatant nazi symbolism
It's 4 meme numbers anon. There's many people who have included swasticas or slurs in their posts to be edgy. We're here to DRAW, not to be faggy about nothingburgers.

>> No.7098342

>It's only numbers, maaaan
Your backpedaling is as pathetic as your sense of humor

>> No.7098364
File: 97 KB, 1080x1176, 375631665_1946480035709183_8987956930154083706_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the nazi dogwhistle, I don't see it
t. actual white supremacist

>> No.7098368
File: 108 KB, 1140x432, definitive dad tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7098392

bottom right kinda cute

>> No.7098419

What an amazing thread!

>> No.7098470

>It's 4 meme numbers anon.
I think 14/88 is actually a known Nazi symbol. And at what point does it change from nazi symbolism to a "meme"? If my username was "gas6million", would a ban be more or less warranted? Do you think I could argue that my username being "kill_all_jews" (holy based) is just an internet meme?

>> No.7098474

today i'm drawing.... blurred material!

>> No.7098484
File: 69 KB, 437x277, 1709077789086078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is how a guy with that named got approved to begin with. Are mods this stupid?

>> No.7098485

Name changing? Y R U retarded?

>> No.7098489
File: 37 KB, 298x557, banana really doesn&#039;t like nah-zees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7098495

Since you guys are going full SJW. You ought to consider all the rape content too. It's only fair

>> No.7098496

honestly dont know why the1retard hasnt killed himself yet

>> No.7098507

It's not 2015 anymore. Imagine being an aging millennial and still doing that culture war shit lmao

>> No.7098511

nice gaslighting

>> No.7098513

Oh don't act like you actually care about the rape. You're only using that because you're mad that the le epic racism isn't accepted here.

>> No.7098521

>page 10
>no new thread
>bitches still bickering about irrelevant topics

>> No.7098535

I wonder who would be in favour of banning people from doing Art. What a strange stance to take.

>> No.7098543

It's very rare that I check out a dads twitter and I like them more. It breaks the spirit

>> No.7098547

You can still draw pedophilia without dad btw. Feel free. No one's getting banned from "doing art," they're getting banned from dad.gallery

>> No.7098550

Maybe I will.

>> No.7098574

What’s the nazi one, I wanna see what they consider suspect

>> No.7098652

are there any sites that arent like that? you can get banned for random shit and rules change when it suits the mods anywhere

>> No.7098673

Getting banned worked in my favor and was the best (and worst) decision ba*ana ever did.