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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.18 MB, 2720x3398, 88E42117-D1EB-4095-99B7-A21B103D4B80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084108 No.7084108 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the status on /trad/ on this board?

What’s /ic/ been up to for the last year? Any tradfags or oldfags still here?

Post your trad shit idk.

Question: if you print out a half-finished digital painting and finish it on canvas does that count as trad?

>> No.7084113

omg memepainter rat in his derelict apartment with the rancid toilet and his felt hair and mangy beard is still alive.

glad to see that you made some progress. the shading on this one is interesting and i like the short tiny brushstrokes. the directions of the individual strokes helps define the shape of the face and neck, which is far better than years ago. you are still using too much white in my opinion, but unlike Brian, you have actually made visible progress. good for you!

>> No.7084116

did you finally move on from the missinterpreted wabisabi bs you spammed in every post?

>> No.7084121

i like this guy because he makes the chuds angry

but i cant waste time anymore so i hide any distracting threads now...welcome back

>> No.7084155

cumfarti mogs u btw

>> No.7084204
File: 109 KB, 646x1000, BriannaCumfartos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084238
File: 2.61 MB, 5350x3129, 32D5151D-A848-4335-8CB1-AA390DD55D6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean technically that’s from like 2019. But it is one of the last ones I worked on before moving. Then I spent like 2020 and made maybe 20 paintings and 2021 spent a bunch of time learning procreate by painting actress tiddy scenes in movies.

>> No.7084246
File: 3.38 MB, 3239x3622, 9CCF2F80-832E-498D-B854-0E30C220F05C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then in 2022 getting real into translucent layering and entropic image stacking while microdosing lsd

The future of memetic imagery is translucent stacking that conveys complex thoughts using memetic imagery and order of operations.

>> No.7084250

tracing. it shows

is this more recent? >>7084080
if so, then i have to reel back with the praise. the white gaps are awful and you still don't underpaint, even though you use acrylic, which dries in like an hour, there's no excuse. big brush, underpaint hair-part in sienna or whatever, it's that simple.

your backgrounds are still dead monochromatic flats. still more reason for optimism compared to braino cumfartoni, who still draws his elephant foot limbed tiddy gf that apparently was too stupid to take the pill.

still doing drugs or meds? how' your body hygiene?

>> No.7084254

>while microdosing lsd

>The future of memetic imagery is translucent stacking that conveys complex thoughts using memetic imagery and order of operations.
big words for a weak concept. i don't see the merrit, it's not that good really. don't use drugs while you paint. the process might be fun, but the results just suck. only stoners will go "love it, man! sick shit! let's get another hit"

also, the grid is printing through, which is /beg/
skill issue

>> No.7084262

>MICROdosing lsd
QTE: Hammer X Repeatedly To Doubt
Every time you've come here for the last few years you've had a mental breakdown live on /ic/ spamming the board while raving like an absolute lunatic and the last I heard of you you had gotten stabbed or shot or something. I think you need to stay away from psychoactive substances, my man.

>> No.7084268
File: 1.71 MB, 7009x2870, 7C6420DA-B554-4EBC-98CA-3778C2E629D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tracing. it shows
Funny you’d mention that. Was a whole thing when I was doing those. Like 1/3 were full blown tracings and some were free hand drawn and some were made with various methods like the 7 head standard or whatever. Like pic related is 3 tracings.

Also I don’t really give a whip about tracing or grid transfers all that much. Depends on what your goal is really. If you’re trying to jerk off about your drawing abilities it’s obviously lame to do, but if you’re going for just getting to the painting and want to trace out the general shapes, or if you are going for a printed/traced aesthetic I ain’t got no issue with it. I’ve made hundreds of paintings that were graphite transfers, hundreds that were grids, and hundreds that were hand drawn. I spent like my entire childhood going to magnet schools for art learning how to draw. And the secret when you get to undergrad and masters level art production is that everyone cheats on transfers and it doesn’t matter. Particularly not for practice paintings that are dedicated to learning color mixing and translucent layering.

>> No.7084270

Also this whole spiel of "layering memetic imagery booba diddly" is pseud nonsense. You paint epic reddit maymays and celebrities and think that makes you 2deep4u and the hottest shot of the century, just like every other person who shoddily paints celebrity photographs. We had some black faggot here before, can't remember his name, who did that too and he was every bit as insufferable about it.

>> No.7084272

>Every time you've come here for the last few years
>spamming the board while raving like an absolute lunatic
>you had gotten stabbed or shot or something
>stay away from psychoactive substances, my man
sounds like you're mixing me up with at least three different anons
1) last time i was posting here was in '18 2) yeah I love shitposting, can't deny that 3) stabbed or shot? hell no 4) I don't do drug (unlike you?), Zappa is t. GOAT

>> No.7084278

>black faggot here
:D that was this 777 guy, right? haha. blast from the past

>whole paragraph justifying tracing
yeah well your mind goes on autopilot while tracing. i can totally understand why you love grids and tracing. you always get a somewhat representable result with 0 effort. only downside is, you learn close to nothing, esp if you take drugs and shut down your LTM. you did improve, but I just don't understand what you get out of tracing. I'd feel cheated, by myself, if I did that. I already feel shitty most of the time as it is, I wouldn't need that lol

where do you store all those paintings?
do you sell your stuff successfully?
you didn't say how your body hygiene is holding up. makes me assume you smell like a dead racoon in a trashbag ... ?

>> No.7084284
File: 3.04 MB, 2681x3777, 86AAA2FB-5AD6-42B4-AFA6-8D68FE4F5A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> is this more recent? >>7084080
Yeah that’s from late 2019 probably. Pic related was worked on simultaneously.
> if so, then i have to reel back with the praise. the white gaps are awful and you still don't underpaint,
Don’t tell nobody but I’m pretty sure the underpainting for that one is jizz and rum. Started that one on the same day that I got blacked out and played Russian roulette with my finger a bunch of times and then went to rehab for a week.

Plus I like have never finished a painting as a compulsive meme rule thing but I dig what you’re saying. I use the procrastination and avoidance about finishing any of the other 400 paintings as motivation to start even more paintings. I like looking at their problems and imagining stuff I could do next time I work on them and then just never working on them angain and occasionally shooting bbs at them or throwing knives at them or whatever. Idk i enjoy it

>> No.7084287

>I work on them and then just never working on them angain
it's acrylic so you can continue painting another layer literally anytime you want. you just need to "lose respect" of pics you haven't touched in so long, but since you throw knives at them, i guess that's already the case.

>> No.7084290
File: 340 KB, 846x1146, 20240301_221153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting is hard man. I wish that I'd picked a 3/4 view instead of straight on so that it wouldn't be such a struggle to keep everything symmetrical. The eyes are a particular struggle point because they aren't symmetrical in the ref and the right eye is half-covered by hair. I guess that I should ignore the ref and make them both the same.

>> No.7084292
File: 2.21 MB, 3478x5309, AAE9F516-1ED1-45FE-B150-842EFF8AA925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I do sometimes work on them years later. This one looked all retarded for like 2 years then I did the whole impressionism staccato strokes thing

>> No.7084297
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 40A61893-A591-47E5-8996-7E358D9234AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is one that has looked good like 3 different times before I ruined it with bullshit and had to fix it again (or got frustrated and just leaned into fucking with it like what happened last time I worked on it)

>> No.7084310

oil on wood, nice. is that sap green in the background? good job on the eyes so far, but i would have added them at the very end to be honest.
>... ignore ref and make them both the same.
nah i wouldn't do that. work on all the other parts, dress, arms don't worry about the eyes for now. keep it up!

>> No.7084313

well, it's different.
the cold grey on the top in the background doesn't work so well.

i think the lack of transition from skin tone to shadow doesn't work. looks a bit like a paper mask. maybe check the reference again

it's getting late, i still need to shill AI in the other threads. tell 777 i said hello

>> No.7084314

Yes, it's a tiny bit of sap green mixed with a lot of burnt umber. I'm not sure what to do with the background yet but didn't want to leave it white. Why would you wait until the end for the eyes?

>> No.7084317

sap green always produces these nice deep textures.
the eyes last, well, thats just my preference. i would generally outline everything first, put some washes with turps where the general shapes are (arms, cloths, head) and slowly work myself up to the details. I feel like finishing the eyes too early is like eating the center of the pizza and then you're left with the crust.

>> No.7084379
File: 1.71 MB, 2915x2227, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a little oil sketch, trying to play with perspective to force myself to rely more on imagination and less focused on painting what I see. I've been painting from life a lot but sometimes I find it impossible to 'ignore' reality to benefit my painting, so that's something I'm working on. This little study already gave me ideas for some bigger paintings.

>> No.7085262


nah, you were microdosing here like about a year ago or two, not six (nta)

>> No.7085376
File: 975 KB, 1290x1680, 5BC3D2B8-CF4C-4724-B222-3E7B8DE5AE24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not me. I posted a lot in like 2017-2020 and have come back randomly since.
That’s responding to me
> QTE: Hammer X Repeatedly To Doubt
Por qua? I’ve done 2 lsd microdosing periods. Like summer of 2018 and like a month in 2021 or whenever. The 2018 was much better what bc I got it from dark web the more recent was lamer cuz it was tabs dissolved in water or whatever.
> I think you need to stay away from psychoactive substances, my man.
Yeah didn’t drank for most of 2023. Was breddy boring desu. Spent like may 23 in rehab and did some painting and drawing and stuff then but got bored with all the fentanyl ladies asking me to make paintings of their toddlers and stuff. Pro tip: bring some canvas panels to give out to rehab so all the 20-something junky chicks loiter around you. Guess pic related is technically my most recent painting

>> No.7085955

>whole paragraph justifying tracing
Notice how the people that always screech about tracing are the ones that never post work

>> No.7086147
File: 94 KB, 1287x729, ic-exercise_edit_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice how the people that always screech about tracing are the ones that never post work
oh really? >>7082052
the rest is already archived, not gonna dig it up.

>> No.7086154

subtlety is not your thing really, aye? Frontal portraits are a difficult subject. on the one hand, an easy subject to draw attention. we all are interested in reading faces. but you keep selecting these crass, distorted, cartoonish face expressions. it reminds me a lot of advertisements and youtube thumbnails. you just want to look away. i'm revolted and can't really understand why anyone would paint them. and then you care so little about details, tracing them on autopilot.

it's just my opinion in a million, so no worries. i just find this topic you keep up with the meme portraits grueling and obscene. maybe more obscene than this shota and extreme anime shit on here.

>> No.7086225

He's been told about. so. much. already. He doesn't care.

*Any* atelier/fine-art student, alumni, teacher would agree. OTOH, it's rare than we see someone advocating tracing who can post a decent, untraced piece.

>> No.7086474

aaandd ofc no more responses as usual
tracers be tracing

>> No.7086737

>Once again not posting their work
Tide goes in tide goes out.

>> No.7086744
File: 3.25 MB, 2321x2616, 0C6EF2F6-9286-43B2-9A76-8FDB248A2A54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone trace a figure drawing?

Do you not how get /beg/ you sound right meow?

Post a painting or literally anything that requires actual production and order of operation. Like wtf make hundreds of paintings where every time you paint over the entire under drawing regardless. Make paintings with a time crunch where nobody gives a shit if you can hand draw the underdrawing.

>> No.7086778
File: 525 KB, 1440x1083, 501BB7DC-E0F9-4FC2-AE5B-CF5F7141E9D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> subtlety is not your thing really, aye?
Idk tbphwyf
>Frontal portraits are a difficult subject.
Particularly when the reference was printed on computer paper and drawn and painted from 1-4am in rehab.
> on the one hand, an easy subject to draw attention. we all are interested in reading faces. but you keep selecting these crass, distorted, cartoonish face expressions.
>it reminds me a lot of advertisements and youtube thumbnails. you just want to look away.
> i'm revolted and can't really understand why anyone would paint them.
I spent a lot of time in a daycare place for autistic kids bc my mom was a principle for an autistic school and I thought it was funny how they used to have books with pictures of people making faces with different expressions and the words to describe them. Think that had to do it with it idk
>and then you care so little about details, tracing them on autopilot
Well pretty sure I haven’t done any graphite transfers on canvas since 2018. A lot of them take way more work and time getting the underdrawing on canvas than if I just loomised a circle and dialed it in with paint.
Was a whole thing where the first 100 were traces then I went to gridding and free hand then all then all over the place. Then with the digital paintings I traced like 1/3 of the breb paintings. But really with digital there’s barely any reason to bother. Lines don’t mean anything. Just undo and bing bang bong.

>> No.7086781

> I'm fucking right you're fucking wrong, I win
Gosh that's sad. No attempt to engage in good faith, no attempt to discuss calmly and rationally. If you were 10 and hungry or tired, that'd be excusable, but come on. How stubborn can you be.

Enjoy yourself.

>> No.7086796
File: 2.98 MB, 2703x3425, 7D60D5FE-C3F7-4A4F-A467-D0AD416C03B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s one of the 2 paintings I made about transitioning from graphite transfer to free hand in 2018.

>> No.7086799
File: 1.49 MB, 3484x3761, 1CD90859-8C1D-4199-AEB9-5E4BB2ADB2A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you upsetti spaghetti guy?
> I'm fucking right you're fucking wrong, I win
You’re projecting a LOT about yourself right meow. Therapy is good and helpful.

Like none of this is a competition and there’s definitely no winners here lol. You engaged with me about shit I’ve been working on for almost a decade and I responded. What would you even be “wrong” about? What would I even win?

>> No.7086802

That was 6 fking years ago we don’t care. Are you fking retarded. Way to waste the fking trad thread fuckface

>> No.7086803


>> No.7086809

You’re lucky we don’t sic the lead paint schizos on you you fking loser. They have nothing to lose, their brains are mush

>> No.7086822
File: 450 KB, 1459x1723, F2F35216-4256-4495-9213-23F147CCF667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re choosing to engage newfag. You can prove you don’t care by not doing that.

>> No.7086859
File: 3.21 MB, 2866x3662, 8DB0492D-6C69-4278-B8B7-00B0CD24CF82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re sitting alone staring at a black mirror tho aye

>> No.7086867
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>> No.7086916
File: 71 KB, 380x792, quo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to paint with oil based paints today, i didn't liked it. Long body paint is so much better. It's like a completely different type of paint, compered to normal oil.
It WAS all about secret master oil medium all along.
Well, speaking of that. I want to try to mix the mayonnaise medium, looks very promising to me. Most recipes include bodied linseed oil, i don't have any. I found a Japanese Rembrandboo on youtube (Osamu Obi) he was mixing two emulsion, one with stand oil the other with bodied oil. What will the difference be anon?
Can i use my kitchen whisk to mix egg with stand oil? Is stand oil toxic? Should be fine, if i just wash it afterwords, right?

>> No.7086925
File: 665 KB, 1024x1280, F8FF2534-CFFB-4664-AA00-636A218027B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil mimics substances with texture if that’s interesting to you don’t use them. Simple as. It’s a sculptural paint medium, you can make the blood in your painting have the textural appearance of blood, or gold or whatever. That’s why it’s considered the most complex medium, even though you’ll likely only use it for very specific things once you find what you like to do with it. Some people are strictly interested in picture making, and complexity of drawn detail, and so acrylics are better suited.

>> No.7086932

>Oil mimics substances with texture
You get short body "room temperature butter" texture by using paint straight from the tube, but the texture is to sharp for my liking. If you put more oil in it, it melts but is still to opaque. I painted for years with it, switched to chalk and stand oil 2 weeks ago and it felt more intuitive to me from the first session.
Saw this demo of mayonnaise the other day, looks very promising. I hope it works whit stand oil?

>> No.7086953

Your drawings are vomit inducing.

>> No.7086991

Struggling, as always. Built a standing desk and am working with oil pastel on paper. I am still learning to fulfill self-made artwork plans - and I've been learning that for 12 years now. Plan to succeed, as they say. My phone battery is empty so I can't make a picture now but I am currently working on a sketchbook where I make geometrical forms and a background in two colours, with on each opposing side an inversion in which field is coloured with which colour.

Answer to OP question: I'd reckon that's mixed media, with the canvas and paint being one medium and the digital aspect being another medium. It depends on the method:
>Paint over the papaer glued to canvas: collage, trad
>Copy the painting with paint unto canvas: trad
>Print on canvas and finish it with paint: mixed medium, doesn't count as trad

>> No.7087059
File: 299 KB, 1000x1000, 2021.10.16 Crosses and a Cat small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug, I'm inspired to get back to painting again. I'm going to do it tomorrow (because I haven't slept much and my 12 hour shift is nearly over). Wish me luck, frens. I will try to combine cattos with Beksinski-ish landscapes. It will probably be terrible since I haven't painted in over a year but I am really inspired.

>> No.7087130

how expensive is water color?
is there a way to try it out cheaply? never painted

>> No.7087157

It's disgustingly cheap.

>> No.7087167

in what sense?
some cursory research seemed to give the advice that you should buy the best quality available, and to be prepared to shell out not just on good paint but paper as well

>> No.7087171

Buy cheap stuff first (only costs a few bucks), get comfortable with the medium, then upgrade to more expensive stuff / try out other brands and find the one you like the most.

>> No.7087287
File: 622 KB, 1287x2382, salty_trace_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would anyone trace a figure drawing?
can't handle the fact that it's not traced? can't get your head around the idea that people can draw without resorting to cheating, tracing, grids?
not gonna post my paintings and dox myself in this shithole ;)

>when the reference was printed on computer paper and drawn and painted from 1-4am in rehab.
>give me extra credit because I have so many issues
not how it works. if you have no skills without resorting to grid, trace, transfer ... welp, sucks to be you. and you still defend all the cheating.
like other anon said, literally no artist out there will encourage tracing, unless you are a hyperrealist.

but i do enjoy you getting so upset, bc i showed you that people (me included) can actually get skilled without tracing and never have to resort to these baby wheels bike ever again. stay mad, mangy memepainter

>> No.7087288

>grid printig through, as always
>face accidentally looks like she has cancer bumps under her skin bc tracy fag without actual understanding
> "tracing is goood"

you know, i really wouldn't care if you traced, if you weren't such an arrogant little bitch and defended this absolute /beg/ bullshit you do for ages now.

>> No.7087642

Does anyone know of some good quality oil pastels that use non-toxic pigments? I want to try getting into them, but I only have space to use them in my room where I also sleep. I've found some stuff on Amazon like Pentel that say they're non-toxic, but I have no idea of their actual quality.

>> No.7087658

Sennelier oil pastels are excellent to handle and work with and most of them, with very few exceptions, are harmless. the oil sticks don't even necessarily need a fixative finish.


>> No.7087669

Thank you! These seem pretty interesting. Looking up the prices, holy crap they are not cheap.

>> No.7087676

nah, check out the bigger art shops in your area. they often have sets of 10 or 20 of these for cheap (relatively). i wouldn't cut corners here, they'll last you a while and the quality is amazing.
if it's your first time working with pastells, buy some cheap ones first though, because it's not easy to handle them in the beginning, they are extremely rich and vibrant in color and you also need to protect your floor, either with some old carpet or a few layers of paper, bc this shit is getting everywhere.

>> No.7087687

Yeah, I will definitely have to work my way towards those. I'm used to having an extremely fine point with all of my work. It seems like I'll have to work larger due to the nature of these not being able to be sharpened as fine. So I would like to start with something I can use a broader range of colors to experiment with. What about Arrtx? They seem to be non-toxic and look like a decent starting point for a more reasonable price?

>> No.7087697

oil pastels kinda force you to draw in thick lines, unless you constantly grind a sharp edge on the tip on sandpaper or a flat area in the picture. also there is pastell paper specifically made for them.
since you want to work detailed, i suggest you get colors pencils. Faber Castell have a great range and starter sets with different selections (earth-toned colors, black and white + rudd, basic colors etc) they don't need fixative, but drawing big flat areas is an autistic task with those and requires some technique (small, soft circular motion etc)

>> No.7087712

I think you might be right with the pencil crayon direction. I was thinking of trying more impressionistic works as I would like to convey the idea of something rather than strongly define it, but I feel like the need to be detailed is hardwired into me haha. I do a lot of figurative work, so I would probably have to work pretty large if I want to accomplish complicated compositions, I guess.

Are Faber Castell's the go-to for pencil crayons? The only trad stuff I've worked with is pencil/ink/acrylics/oils and have pretty well only ever used windsor & newton stuff. So Trad dry media is completely out of my ball game.

>> No.7087725
File: 128 KB, 764x574, gapingpenisholeofpopefrancis3rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't use color pencils myself really, I don't work tha small. best is really to go into art shops and try some on those little testing papers. i find that i like specific colors, but not necessarily the whole range.

you can layer pencils and achieve quite cool effects. this pic isn't that great, but you can do a lot with pencils alone. no fixative and no problem stacking those in drawers is a big plus.

>> No.7087812

Damn that's real nice. Yeah, I think pencil's may be the way to go that I am looking for. I like the creaminess that pastels can achieve, but don't think my work is as well suited for that as I had initially thought.

>> No.7087840
File: 431 KB, 1280x958, 93C1B78C-5CEC-45B5-AB4A-13B78665D12E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tired of seeing your gay ass painting as the op but whatever. “Look at me I’m retarded” okay we’re looking congrats. Biggest faggot on this board

>> No.7089035
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to make an emulsion with stand oil and egg yolk today. Had trouble to make it really stiff. Not sure why. Tried different recipes, with more and less oil.
In the end it was quiet good but had some issues. The mixture with a lot of egg yolk got a crust while sitting on the palette for 10 minutes. The one with a lot of stand oil worked better.
Should i buy thickened oil, would it work better than stand oil?
What about the fat over lean rule? Should i use it with turpentine in the first layers to make it leaner?

>> No.7089270
File: 1.97 MB, 4446x2886, 20240307_211717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the stuff I painted with the knife around the horizon looks good, and the foreground is what it is

>> No.7089302
File: 809 KB, 2048x1536, Dragon Redo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a work-in-progress I'm doing. It's a rework of one of the first pieces I did when I came back to drawing in 2020. I'm using it to work on perspective, creature design, anatomy and thumbnailing.

>> No.7089442

Another option if you want to start out with higher quality stuff would be to limit your materials at first and expand as you learn. For example, you could start with monochrome paintings to get used to the medium and you should be able to get by with a nice LARGE brush, a nice smaller brush, a tube of a dark color (could be black, could be a prussian blue or a burnt sienna, etc.) and a pad of good paper. Once you get a feel for the paint and how it behaves in different consistencies, you can start to expand your palette and your brushes.
>The reason for a large brush is it tends to work better if you can paint with the largest brush possible. It holds the most water and paint and if you get a large round it can do finer details as you build dexterity.

>> No.7089456

I hope that faggot redditor who posted those shit paintings on this board actually fucking died

>> No.7089647
File: 3.22 MB, 3956x2931, IMG_4857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is solid advice. Been painting watercolors for about 2 years now, and paper is the major cost and still not bad at about 1 dollar per sheet of quality cotton paper. Mixed media paper pretty much sucks and I’d rather not paint than use the stuff. You can mix on a white plate and get by with just one of each primary color. Monochrome is a nice place to start but I only did one before I got bored of it. There’s a great deal of nuances to watercolor, especially getting familiar with the effects of varying the wetness on the paper. Eventually happy accidents will be conscious choices. The greatest challenge for me is trying to leave good highlights behind since there’s only going darker with transparent paint. White paint and opaque paint in watercolor looks like shit to me and is a huge turn off. Here’s the last one I painted from about a week ago, it got posted as last thread archived.

>> No.7090475

Don't bother. Keep the technique as simple as possible until you can repeatedly make decent pieces, then develop the technical aspects.

I'd recommend starting with monochromes on white surface, no white, out of the tube-paint (no medium, no solvent). Progressively build from here.

t. been there, done that. It's a loss of time.

Student grade gouache (primary set) is a decent starting option. But it's not easy to handle; watercolor isn't either; acrylic dries too fast for a beginner; oil is the easiest, but it's more "bulky" overall. Primary set of gouache is comparatively good.

No need to worry here. Some pigments are toxic when you eat them, or in powder form, in some quantity/repeated exposure for years. Well-known toxic pigments (cobalt, cadmiums) are expensive, and likely not used in cheaper sets.

>> No.7090518

"Mayonnaise" is just an emulsion. The egg yolk acts as an emulsifier because of its chemical composition. It doesn't matter which oil you use for this purpose.
As an aside, oils generally have a higher pigment load. You can use glazing with any medium, including regular linseed oil, but it requires extra care because of oil layering issues.

>> No.7090606
File: 606 KB, 1012x1280, C9B1D2A4-76BC-4DB5-95F7-09DED992654F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just infinitely versatile. You can’t do it w anything but oil, over 1000 years and nothing better has been invented, in fact we’ve improved it

>> No.7090766

why do you paint so thick? it looks muddy and pasty

>> No.7090795

Cause I like to

>> No.7090800

yeah i understand no ones forcing you, but why? If youve thought about it

>> No.7090817
File: 3.04 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like BVC's style. He's clearly in tune with the dynamics of paint, you can tell he paints in the moment. In this way it's 'honest' painting.

I think he uses a sarcastic, humorous tone to avoid confronting complications. He would probably benefit from painting from life more (instead of from photos/imagination) but I kind of doubt that's in line with his goals.

>> No.7090830

A model would be nice I just can’t do it sincerely right now. I struggle building a process with a model that’s conducive to art. You’re involving another person and now there’s expectations and history and you always have half the input in the work, and the model has the other half. It leads to better, more collaborative work, it’s just not something I throw myself into as readily anymore.

Even paintings plein air are collaborative with nature. If it’s windy or rainy or shitty or way too hot that’s just what nature was that day, so you deal with it.

>> No.7090845
File: 278 KB, 1024x900, 1024px-Giovanni_Bellini_St_Francis_in_Ecstasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i paint like this?

>> No.7090861

>He's clearly in tune with the dynamics of paint
god knows what this means

>> No.7090872

Die a virgin in a monastery and never eat anything but bread, slop, pasta and water in 16th century Italy

>> No.7090874

Tight drawing, monochromatic underpainting (grisaille and variants), glazes. Tedious.

>> No.7090883

i also dont know what you mean by this, because i can see no trace of it. It looks rushed, like there is no thought or patience. the painting style is too much, it distrats from the actual motif. the colors blend in weird and unpleasing ways. There doesnt seem to be any layering or planning/sketching.

if i throw lots of random ingridients on a plate between two pieces of bread you could probably call it "honest" cooking but i no way have i demonstrated skill or a delicious meal.

>> No.7091244

It's not so bad or tedious. You're aiming for an end result that's neat and tight, you work in stages from drawing > underpainting > grisaille > colour glazing
The clearly separated stages make this approach really relaxing in a way, mistakes are easily seen and easily corrected before you move on, there's a lot of room to fix, correct and adjust. It's a safe and predictable approach.
I find alla prima painting a lot more tedious, the thick wet paint everywhere behaving unpredictably. But at the same time it's a lot more fun.

Usually I started with a monochrome underpainting in raw umber to get a feeling for where things are going and then go on top of that working somewhat in an alla prima fashion. I've done a couple of paintings with the other method, waiting for layers to dry definitely was my biggest issue with it but the doing the painting itself I found it to be quite relaxing.

I still do grisaille studies though, because focusing on values and not dealing with colour makes everything a lot easier.

>> No.7091288
File: 697 KB, 1271x706, 1707170725341295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this is the result of bad academics and extremely liberal teachings today. feedback given by artists and professors to students is often toned down, pointing out only whatever positive thing you could address. weaknesses, defective mannerisms, lack of consistency and unappealing themes are not addressed, because this might get "too personal" and have backlashes.
i know firsthand that this is happening. academies often let hopelessly unskilled students pass with one grade above the lowest possible to get rid of them and at the same time not have it backfire on the statistics of the alumni successrate. inversely, lgbtq students that are unskilled and only proficient in making art that laments on their biographical and personal issues are often accepted, despite lacking absolutely any skill whatsoever, because there have been cases of mental illness and even suicides or suicide attempts related to rejection.

not only is teaching and learning "classic techniques" frowned upon in progressive art universities and academies, there is often no chance other than doing so in self-study and from books in the libraries, youtube and so on, if you want to do that. the most basic rules are tought - fat on lean, maybe perspective drawing, portrait classes - but the effectiveness of applying these skills is not discussed.

while i've gone through this course myself, i believe that this ultra-liberal stance - everything is legit, no rules in contemporary art production - is harmful to artists as it brings along a huge burdon of confusion.

whether you've gone to an academy or are an amateur, other artists can clearly tell you what is wrong with your art, but people like Brian and mangy memepainter are children of this day and age - they don't care and ignore it entirely.

>> No.7091304

Does anyone know a good resource for sketching with grayscale markers? I found a book at the store, "Mehcanika" by Doug Chiang. He highly recommends just using gray tones and has a lot of work in the book demonstrating that which is awesome, searching youtube doesn't bring back a lot of relevant art though.

>> No.7091910
File: 3.63 MB, 5202x3523, Leiman .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was his process?

>> No.7091912
File: 259 KB, 767x792, D563DF9E-9EC8-4AC2-8708-623CD4F6F65A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the dag don order of operations here

>> No.7091946
File: 511 KB, 1280x1032, 55B1D495-EEA8-4271-AC63-590D7FA6AECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. If I could change what I like to paint into something that sells better and is more popular I just would

>> No.7092073

Do you exclusively listen to Bach and Beethoven? For me at least there's newer, less technical music that's more enjoyable, even though I love some Beethoven now and then. Sometimes It's not just about the clearest rendition in painting, it's about Poetry. If you think BVC sucks that's fine feedback for him. I think a lot of his paintings look low effort and ugly but at least his work has personality

I like this comment because it shows what I mean by "honesty" in alla prima painting. To me the ideal of painting isn't a time consuming process that produces a guaranteed result, regardless of who made it. If you prefer that, more power to you.

>> No.7092088
File: 419 KB, 1014x1280, 8920589C-7D51-46D7-BA7C-86C37AC155D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it like this. Not everything is made to last. When I was a kid I listened to plenty of music that didn’t sound good even a year after it was made, but that year? It was great. And being alive that year where it was great felt good. You can’t explain to anyone why *NSYNC was fun because it sounds so dumb now, but who cares? The world needs some of that. Is Saw 18 gonna hold up? No. It’s not meant to.

>> No.7092182
File: 3.27 MB, 3881x2793, IMG_4887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the foreground just needs some degree of shadow to get it to sit properly in the snow. The lighting is a bit ambiguous to me but I love the mood of this. Reminds me of wet soft snow in the spring. Here’s another watercolor I painted, trying to get layers of highlights to work with masking before and after washes.

>> No.7092452
File: 174 KB, 1024x905, Philippe de Champaigne - The Dream of Elijah 1650-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prepare a wood surface (masonite board or wooden panels) with gesso or oil painting medium and sand it till its smooth.

Transfer your drawing to the surface using your favorite method. Early Rennaissance masters used to poke tiny holes in the lines of their final draft drawings and then lightly dust the surface of the paper with charcoal. The little holes would make exact replicas of the drawing on the other side.
But you don't need to do all this.

You can seal your drawing with India ink and a brush if you want to be able to see it as you paint.

Next. Tone the surface with "verdaccio" green ( a mix of black, white and yellow orchre) or Red Iron Oxide acrylic paint diluted with a little water.
(Green for Italian masters or Red for Dutch masters. Choose one or the other, but not both.)

Wait for it to dry.

After that you want to paint in ONLY the light massed areas of your painting with white egg tempera, white gouache or white acrylic paint. ONLY the light. Not the shadow. Water based paint on the "Dead layer" won't interfere with the next oil layers on top and dries super fast.

Use a very fine brush when you paint the light in white paint. You want to SCULPT your forms on this layer.
Think of the planes of your forms and go over them with very fine lines with hatching and cross hatching lines, as if you were making a very detailed ballpoint ink sketch on paper. You want your forms to look 3D.
Take your time and use a very small brush.


>> No.7092467
File: 530 KB, 1024x1280, 1F3C8D19-9D48-4725-8382-656DF9A903B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stayed up painting this

>> No.7092471
File: 287 KB, 2048x1459, Roberto Ferri-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to describe to Dutch painting technique now, since its what I know.

Dutch masters would alternate between oil layers of Red/Yellow/Blue paint and white egg tempera paint.

Apply a glaze of Yellow Ochre paint to your dry white layer. You can dilute the yellow with a little medium or thinner to get the glaze very transparent and make it dry faster.

When the Yellow layer is dry, you can add an additional layer of white tempera to refine the forms again. Think "highlights" for this stage. Work small and fine.

When that has dried, you can start with your oil colors in earnest. Adding a layer of Cadmium Red, Permanent Rose or Burnt Sienna for your mid tones. You can also use Titanium White to lighten your values.

Remember to keep your paint on the thin side.
Dutch painting technique is indirect.

Concentrate your reds where the blood vessels tend to show through the skin (tips of the fingers, the cheeks, and so on.

Use Ultramarine blue and Burnt Umber for your shadows. You can deepen them with Ivory Black.
There are other modern substitutes for period appropriate colors, but I forgot some.
Many old masters used Lead, Tin and other poisonous paint that isn't produced anymore.

Keep alternating your layers until you get the depth of color you want.

You can download the book "Techniques in Painting, Learning from the Dutch Masters" by Brigid Marlin to learn more about this. But I basically wrote it here verbatim.

To my knowledge only enthusiasts and "visionary" painters still use these methods to achieve the luminous styles of the old masters.
I think Roberto Ferri might use some of these techniques, but I can only go by his gallery descriptions since I can't speak Italian.

>> No.7092476
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, Oleg-Korolev-TuttArt@-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah, I guess this is 2/2.
4channel wont let me post my high res Rubens, so I'll just add another visionary artist who uses this technique.

Thick. Solid. TIGHT!

>> No.7092519

Thanks for the feedback anon. The lighting that day was ambiguous irl too, but I agree it didnt translate well to the paper. I appreciate the pointer.

Nice work on the tree. Dry brushing, masking and ink are things I didnt try yet, I think it works together beautifully in your piece. Id add some saturation contrast as foreground, subject and background are all a bit washed out but thats a nitpick

>> No.7092676

your style and technique are great, but is that a real tree you painted there? I have trouble believing a tree would have that many branches all together like that. Doesn't seem realistic. Do you have a pic reference you can share?

>> No.7092703

>Dutch masters would alternate between oil layers of Red/Yellow/Blue paint and white egg tempera paint.
No, not really.

>> No.7092705
File: 137 KB, 800x533, c0026145-800px-wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be some kind of pine.

>> No.7092732
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one. Would like to see more of your landscapes too if you’re still doing ocean scenes etc. I also stayed up late painting and man I suck at ripples and reflections. I live in a desert and rarely paint or even see open water. I will keep trying and at least I learned a few things overworking this thing.

>> No.7092737

Yes it’s a pine, not sure of exact species. Similar to that photo, a fire came through, killed the forest and left many dead but standing. This one fell over and I thought the shadows were really pretty. I didn’t add or remove branches from the foreground but did fade out all the rest of the dead trees in the background.

>> No.7092781

I meant mainly that reaching that kind of detailling is tedious: it takes ages, but in this case does not improve the impact of the piece.

Ofc if that's the goal, nothing wrong with it. It's not details per say which are problematic, but spending a bit of that time on the "drama"/composition would have been a wise investment.

"Tedious" was indeed not great at communiting this idea.

>> No.7092802
File: 263 KB, 958x1280, CFC427E8-45FF-4013-9ADC-6E8A37148295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try to paint water anyway because when I paint Arizona landscapes they do really well I think it’s because I don’t know what I’m doing so I don’t have a perspective on it and people find that valuable and honestly most of the people that buy them are in deserts Arizona or California but I think they like seeing an outsider‘s perspective on what they see every day

>> No.7092976
File: 3.39 MB, 2590x3943, 20240311_162950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this one. Just an initial layer. Aside from the obvious anatomy issues, is the composition looking alright?

>> No.7092991
File: 693 KB, 1080x1280, 4A5371AD-1732-46F2-AFDB-1619A7A3A690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you do more to it why is this “unfinished” to you. I’m not saying that you’re wrong in feeling bad about it it’s your work I just think maybe do more pieces and then look at this one again and decide if you really think it’s not done. to me this looks aesthetically complete.

This is a painting I did from someone’s live stream. Had never tried that before.

>> No.7093102

What kind of livestream was this supposed to be?

>> No.7093117
File: 343 KB, 942x1280, B4A8C05A-E4EC-40A9-8328-BF196B593C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of it was this outfit for me to do this painting. Just some 19-year-old girl doing soft core whatever stuff.

>> No.7093124
File: 1.05 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20240309-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to my first life drawing class. I think i did alright but man did i pick an awkward place in the room to draw from. Leg is a bit messed up

>> No.7093127

Very unrealistic. Brittany Venti's tits sag way more than this.

>> No.7093232
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was James thinking?

>> No.7093563
File: 1.68 MB, 2948x3867, IMG_3320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi all, what do you think of my flowers

>> No.7093619
File: 3.06 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a live figure drawing

>> No.7093629
File: 454 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this works to rotate it

>> No.7093723

> let's frame that weed nicely so that the natural background isn't so distracting

Really it's not fantastic, but doing *good* quick figure sketches is much so harder than it looks. Look at Huston & Watts for references. Watts is insane speed-wise.

Samsies. Sorry.

Original. Pick up a composition book and try again

>> No.7093830
File: 1.57 MB, 3816x2385, mysticmandypt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressionistic paintings from memory/imagination.

>> No.7094033

wow i like these pictures very much. You are great at not over-blending you colours, something i really stuggle with.
the faces are really great.
I'm impressed that you did this without looking at anything.

Please post more of your work

>> No.7094119

This is the worst fucking thread on this board because I have to look at OP's revolting picture every time I browse it

>> No.7094137

is 8b lead for mechanical pencils a thing?

>> No.7094143

lmao agreed it's repulsing

>> No.7094277
File: 3.49 MB, 2590x4318, 20240312_194007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me out here? What's causing my paintings to turn into such a mess under flourishent light? Am I using too much oil in my paint?
I was trying to give my paintings a little bit more texture but I don't like that they turn into this under light.
I already use a lot of diluent...

>> No.7094281
File: 3.17 MB, 2604x3951, 20240312_194130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like this in normal light.
Is this fine or do I need to change my technique, like, instead of painting under natural light I paint it under a fluorescent one straight out of the bat so I can have better control over the end result?

I practically just destroyed a cool painting because of this dilema and it bummer me out a lot.

>> No.7094287

Also, I like left mode because I wanted more texture in my paintings. This is the level I want to be at. I just want to figure out if there's a way to make it look better under that intense light.

>> No.7094293

I can't even cope with the fact that I destroyed a painting I thought it was going well simply because it looked like that under fluorescent light. I want to kill myself.

>> No.7094313
File: 2.54 MB, 2371x2413, 20240312_142510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the a version of the painting I was working on today. But from 2 days ago. How do I prevent this from looking like >>7094277 under fluorescent light? :(

>> No.7094417

you don't know what "impressionistic" means do ya

>> No.7094421

get a daylight bulb :((

now imagine what this guy must be like just telling by the fact that he likes to paint youtube thumbnails

>> No.7094442
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trying the same thing today, portraits from memory also trying to push colours a bit more since my work usually ends up a little brown and dull because I work too methodical most of the time, these exercises helped me loosen up. I also tried to loosen up from realism a bit, which is easier when you are not with a model or reference.

>> No.7094554
File: 594 KB, 1024x1280, C70E6DFF-7E17-485F-B65B-511E24485B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to visualize what you’re painting better. that sounds like hippie bullshit but you should try to have as you’re painting the eye some kind of target or when you’re painting the nose some kind of vision of what it is. Hitting the target obviously difficult but you still need to know what it is in your mind. don’t reduce the painting down to routine if you have a style that people aren’t going to be able to teach you at some point you just have to make it up.

>> No.7094594

What's the best way to store my drawings

>> No.7094693

Thank you! I will another time. Fat over thin, and it's important to have a nice distribution of hard and soft edges.

Working from memory requires non stop judgement. I'm trying to develop a sensitivity to proportion. Like this >>7094554 anon said, you must have the image in your mind and as you begin making it, always ask "what is this calling for now?"

>> No.7094807

>get a daylight bulb :((
I need a better brain. I had reserved yesterday to work on this painting and did what I did probably because I'm tired and wasn't thinking straight.
I still have a few points of reference to get back on it next weekend. Now I need to study for an exam.

>> No.7094811
File: 3.56 MB, 2597x3885, 20240313_011807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I can certainly appreciate a loose and washy style, I wanted this one to be more of a tightly rendered illustration.
Picrel is my second layer, and I just need one more to add some washy, misty details to the background, then render the feather and wing textures better. But I appreciate your thoughts.

>> No.7094867

>yada yada off topic
tf are you on about? get a daylight bulb or daylight neon light. is this about fucking up colors or procrastination now?

>> No.7094871

kinda nice, but somethings off. maybe too centered. can you make better photos? i don't think you realize how much these picture loose quality with bad lighting, cropping and shitty camera. (most tradfags don't realize that, because they have the real thing in front of them so they don't care about the photo quality and how much is "lost in translation")

bit boring, also the composition. absolutely nothing on the right. all weight on the left side

this is an interesting motif, but i wish you hadn't made those black outlines, they ruin it.

shadows are too intensely blue and to sharply drawing edges. the sharpness falls off the further the shadow is away from the tree trunk especially in snow.

>> No.7094874
File: 295 KB, 958x1280, D45C6747-4996-4A9A-BEE9-451B7A596D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also completely changed the IPhone display (planned obsolescence, I had to “upgrade” at some point) so now every photo I take is complete nonsense once translated to a desktop display.

No rhyme or reason, everything just always looks wrong. Colors, values, everything. The pixel density on these new iPhones, and what the display color is, is repulsively over saturated. Nevermind the fact that the camera gets worse every time because people demand it be better for their sum average shitty vacation photography and selfies (wtf even is “portrait mode”). Repulsive technology.

>> No.7094895

that's really nothing to be surprised about at all. phone cams have dozens of filters that are applied to each and every pic, depending on brightness, depth of field, white balance and so on. almost all of them apply HDR settings and patch together the resulting JPEG from actually around three different exposure settings.
i sometimes like the results, e.g. when an ink drawing looks crisp and high contrast, but phone pics are t. absolute worst photos for art period.

the white balance in your pic is totally fucked up. I wouldn't upload any unedited phone pic like that, it's completely messed up. And I don't understand why tradfags on /ic/ are phoneposting all the time and buy a fucking 20$ designer pencil without betting and eye, but they can't fucking afford a 5$ used scanner from goodwill or whatever?! i mean, get real, wtf is this?

at the very least, people should look up what you can do with your minimal set up. pic a cloudy day, go outside, set up a table at a 20-40 degree angle and take pictures of your best stuff one by one, it's really not that hard.

how are people supposed to assess and critique your stuff if the photos are absolutely ass?


>> No.7094900
File: 103 KB, 958x1280, whitebalance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both background and paper are thrown off the chart

>> No.7094901

You have this autistic sperg session about phone photos every thread and never offer any actual crit to anyone. you use it as a constant excuse for never giving crit, but taking every opportunity to bitch. You're still able to easily assess things like color, composition, values, anatomy, brush technique, etc without having scanner-quality reproductions. And you're the only one having this issue every single thread.

Maybe just fuck off at this point.
Better yet, PYW.

>> No.7094903

called ou out as a lazy bastard and now you're mad, got it.
what makes you think that meme-ass thicc tiddy bitch bullshit drawing is worth discussing? cut off the head because that would be too difficult to get right.

>> No.7094904

>never offer any actual crit to anyone
--> >>7094871
piss off

>> No.7094905

I'm not that anon, cunt. But I see your piss and moan responses every thread. Look if you want a place to vent your skill-let frustrations, go to a therapist.

>> No.7094909

so why even bother responding to my posts, if you have nothing to add? all you write is "you do this every time". are you mad, cause your shitty phone pics look like ass? do you make up the rules around here and decide what can be discussed and what not? fuck right off then

>> No.7094910


>> No.7094911

>don’t reduce the painting down to routine if you have a style that people aren’t going to be able to teach you
Forgive me but I have no clue what you mean by this.
Anyway I thought I hit it pretty well, I was aiming for a portrait of a person I know inspired by paintings from a 20th century artist. Though I did a drawing later, I might post it, I found that with drawing it's a lot easier to just sit there and draw, adjust, draw, erase, draw and keep the flow going. With paint, while it allows you to fix and recover quite easily in oil, it just tends to create a mess.
But thanks, I'll keep doing exercises like this, it does help to visualize before you even start, though I realise it's a skill I need to train because even though I think I see my goal clearly and detailed in my head, there's just a lot of information missing when I try to turn it into an image.

True, I need to step back a little more often, sometimes you just get into the painting zone and forget to check if everything ties up well in totality.

>> No.7094912
File: 101 KB, 720x540, 1708889483795762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7094910 (You)
get a scanner, poorfag

>> No.7094915

>need to step back a little more ofte
squint regularly. not even kidding

>> No.7094924

I know, I just don't do it often enough. I've done workshops at those academies that teach realism and the teachers really hammer on squinting all the time.

Anyway I got some points to focus on for the next one.

>> No.7094932
File: 7 KB, 236x236, squentnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how helpful squinting is to get a generalized idea of contrast, form etc, yet you don't do it. it costs like 0,001 calories and 0$.
can't help a fool that refuses to help himself.

>> No.7094941

I do it, just not enough.
It's not so much about the effort but more about knowing when to check and what to look for at the right time, all the time.
It's just not internalised yet.

Cut me some slack man, I am working on it, there's so many different facets to painting that I need to master and understand.

>> No.7094947

It's helpful when you are like one third or halfway into the painting / drawing and don't want to or can't stand up and get some distance from the material. also helps if you find yourself doing only timid, very controlled thin brushstrokes all the time and want to get a bit more bold, getting out of your comfort zone. different speeds and broadness in brushstrokes give it more dynamic. these two faces >>7094442 seem a bit forced in that respect.

now don't get too lazy or overly self-confident like Brian who believes his lavish, "expertly" placed fast brushstrokes are all spot on in his eyes (in fact they mostly miss rather than hit). it ends in Brezel-painting and muddy, brownish diarrhea mess >>7090606.

it all depends on what you want. do you want intricate, psychologically loaded pictures like Giorgio Morandi or do you want to paint landscapes and objects that are pretty? both legit, just know what you want to persue.

>> No.7095015
File: 3.07 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to keep it in mind.
In the meantime I'm working on another one of the same, a little bigger and taking a little more time with the underpainting.
I was contemplating whether or not to do the same thing again but I have some things I know to focus on, I want to see that I can do it better with the other studies guiding me.

>> No.7095031
File: 455 KB, 1000x1333, profiel-portret-klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed and resized the image a bit, excuse me.

>> No.7095041

i would recommend you make the outlines very thin and faint in color. the dark brown is hard to get away as you paint over, unless you want to paint completely opaque which eliminates the chance of working with depth in layers

painting takes a shitload of time to get anywhere. it's good that you work with structures and underpainting. also i recommend you draw a lot and ask yourself "how do i draw compared to the way i paint?" and see whether the two approaches are interchangable. say, "draw like you paint" and vice versa, if that makes sense. meaning, instand of doing tedious detailed drawing, draw as if you held a brush. if that makes sense. always important to challenge yoursef

>> No.7095138
File: 2.23 MB, 2506x4028, 20240313_140421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I was stressed because I did this to my painting due to how terrible it looked under that fluorescent bulb. Terrible decision that set me back days on this canvas.

I still feel that it has way too much oil for what I want to do.

>> No.7095145

>Terrible decision that set me back days on this canvas.
Days?! Anon, you could reach this stage in a half day from a clean canvas.

>> No.7095150

if you don't have a daylight bulb, work during the day (best is overcast / cloudy) and sit next to a window at an appropriate angle, like >45° or something. ideally so that your dominant hand also deosn't cast a shadow while painting. (dominant hand right, window to the left)

picture is a bit blurred. not sure why you god rid of the details in the face from last version, i think that worked out very well.
in my view, you've used a way to tiny brush for the background: the vertical, slightly bent lines create a motion that merely tells us "ok this was painted just so that it's not white". even for a background and a supposed "nothingness" as in Dutch portrait painting, there is still supposed to be an idea of space in that room and light bouncing off / scattering.

i recommend you use spirits next time. take an empty jar (plastic will often melt from spirits), put in like 1 or 2cl of white spirit or terp, put a dab of oil paint on a knife or brush and stirr it in. i tend to not use a brush with fine hair, because the unmixed paint will mostly collect in the base of the brush and then i can't use it to make an even background anymore. take a broader brush (pigs hair will do) and quickly apply the wash to the background. mind you, it doesn't have to be pitch black or van dyke brownish dark like in your pic right away. the terp / spirits dry quickly and you will be able to layer, increase darkness as you go.

>> No.7095152

don't bully this anon, everyone has their own tempo

>> No.7095158
File: 1.53 MB, 2438x4364, 20240313_143455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to buy one of those brushes, thanks for the tip. I just didn't yet because I've only just now started painting on big canvas.
Would you also recommend me using cobalt drier with white spirit or turpentine on that background layer on top of the messed up layer that I already have there? Or going just with turpentine alone is sufficient?
I only have this bottle with me, not sure if it's sufficient for such a large canvas.

>> No.7095164

there is already a thick layer of paint, so you '''could''' use pure turps or white spirit with a clean brush or rag to take off some of that thick paint or distribute it evenly so that the (rather ugly) brush strokes are not visible.
at the borders of the figure (hair, shoulder) use a piece of cloth dip it in a bit of turps and basically use your fingernail on your index finger underneath the cloth to have more control of how much paint you take off.

I don't know that brand you have there, but it sounds like it's a siccative and drying agent. that's not the right thing. you want turpentine or white spirit / mineral spirit / petroleum spirit. the siccative is good for washes, but i would rather mix a bit of that in with turpentine instead of using it pure.

make sure to open the window at all time when you work with paint thinner and best is to put the canvas somewhere outside to fully dry out. the fumes will irritate your lungs and give you a major headache, as well as skin rashes.

>> No.7095292

Is focusing on value studies and things in that vein the most accessible and I guess most valuable thing a beginner with painting could start with? I was wanting to retry trad painting again and go through all the mediums after having taking a quick fuck me break. Also how would you go about that? Just use a pencil trying to match values to begin with since itll be gray scale or do it with paints and try to match best u can???? THANKS!!!

>> No.7095293
File: 331 KB, 1347x1600, bcdc772a67d40961ce3eb09bb474e4b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you help me achieve this effect in my paintings?
I think I'm escaping too much to the spectrum of Impressionism, I want my colors to blend better like pic related.
Is this just achieved by applying more turpentine/white spirit and using a wide brush with natural hair?
I've seen a few Russian artists that don't even change their brushes as they paint. I rotate between at least 3 different ones.

>> No.7095297

>There's already a thick layer
It pains me to even read this. Definitely need to clean my brushes more often.

>> No.7095305

what effect do you mean exactly? the pic you posted is digital.
>escaping too much to the spectrum of Impressionism
since many on here seem to confuse terminology and actually don't know what "impressionistic" means, maybe show an example of yours and/or look up the wiki on the subject.
i really don't feel like going into the most basics of how you would approach such a portrait painting. i suggest you simply look up videos on those keywords: underpainting for portraiture, underpainting oils in general, sketching for oil painting, painting in layers.

has nothing to do with clean brushes. it's just a rookie mistake in this case to paint in thick, loaded and dark brushstrokes on the background at the very first stage. In the case of your portrait >>7095138 I would have first sketched out the very generalized shape of the dude/gal (?) (hard to tell) and applied thin, light washes with turps. either using payne grey (blueish) or van dyke (very dark brown) or umbra (warmer) to the background. you can always get darker at any stage, in fact the more layers you put on, the more vibrant and lively the outcome. just remember that with every layer of oil, the oil mix has to get a bit "oilier" (more fatty) in order for the oil to adhere to the lower layers. you can use linseed or cheaper oils to mix with your colors to achieve that.

>> No.7095334

Sorry Im at the gym, I'll sort my posts better once I get home.

>> No.7095353

Yep, totally agree with but I'm a retard who loves to rush his paintings then gets frustrating when they aren't going well. Right now I'm going to focus on cleaning that messed up background like you said. Will have to fork up the money for a wide brush too.
That's a dude. I'll work on those fixes next weekend and if you're here I'll appreciate some judgement.

>> No.7095358

>Can you help me achieve this effect in my paintings?
Neger, this is cg, are you stupid or trolling?

>> No.7095371
File: 949 KB, 1079x1359, Screenshot_20240313_161942_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking about the background there. A solid color like that is that too impossible to achieve? He (or you?) already gave me the answer I need anyway.
No need to be rude.

Here's an example of a Russian painting I made. And here's an example of what I call drifting my art to Impressionism>>7094281
I did an effort to do this change and now I don't seem to be able to return from it.

>> No.7095385

what exactly would that make it "impressionistic" in your book?
the faintest "impressionistic" element would be the dotty blue sky, but the portait with hardly any abstraction in it is in no way impressionistic, rather an attempt to make a verbatim translation from a photo.

generally not a good idea to be juggling with art terminology when you don't know the background

>> No.7095388

why is she hiding between the other paintings? uwu'
i think you made a better effort in this one. the skin tones merge well and the hat and background are fitting also.

>> No.7095397

I had much better planning on that one, but I thought my Sanna Marin portrait came out alright for what I was trying to do.
If the background is, how come the figure isn't? I painted it all the same way. I'm confused :(

>> No.7095406

I don't like impressionism anyway so fuck It. Glad that you're telling me that isn't an impressionist painting. Call it "an attempt was made" style.

>> No.7095453


>> No.7095730
File: 60 KB, 640x634, ism-prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the background is, how come the figure isn't? I painted it all the same way. I'm confused :(
did you even at least read the wiki on impressionism? or at least watch some "impressionism explained" video. dude, i'm not gonna explain it to you, sorry.

>Glad that you're telling me that isn't an impressionist painting. Call it "an attempt was made" style.
mislabeling your art is a no-go in any situation. you don't have to put your stuff in any "-ism" corner for now, just work and if someone asks, maybe say "I like impressionism", but pls dont say "I tried to go all impressionist on this one!".

>> No.7095805
File: 2.23 MB, 2604x3582, 20240313_231701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can rest easy because I never label my art under any type of "-isms" on social media unless they're direct copies. I know the implications.
But I can say that that's what I was aiming for and I was guiding myself by this book. It was my first attempt at it but it was what I was trying to do. :(
Here in this book the definition says "sketchy in appearance with often unmixed colors and rapid brushstrokes in flowing transactions"
I have another book I've been leaning hard to to make these textured paintings.

>> No.7095813
File: 2.09 MB, 2604x4063, 20240313_232909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cool book full of illustrations. Like pic related.
The second book I used is more technical and shows multiple methods to layering your paintings and whatnot.

>> No.7095830

"Impressionism" is much more of a mindset than this simplified, vague sentence you quoted there.
Seurat was said to have been inspired by the advances of particle physics and started pointilism as a reference to these concepts. the typical faint and "washed out" pastell colors found in works by Monet were a result of trying to translate the "impression" one has by looking for instance at a hazy sunset over the ocean. not the actual colors as you see them or could see them through optical instruments such as a camera lucida, photograph etc.

and in case you had any doubts, cubism is also not about "painting mostly cubes"

>> No.7095835
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1703615935119975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's inspired by, then why wouldn't you be allowed to say your art is that the of "-ism" inspired?
Bruh, you need to leave your house more.

>> No.7095836

>layering your paintings
so read into that, since you seem to be interested.
layering sounds so technical and posh at first, but it's really not that hard and it's super useful to give your works more depth.

>> No.7095838

>Bruh, you need to leave your house more.
ooh, right in the ballsack! my oh my, i'm so hurt by your edgy insult!

>If it's inspired by, then why wouldn't you be allowed to say your art is that the of "-ism" inspired?
because impressionism is one hundred years old and we have the year 2024. so if you go say "this is my impressionist painting" to anyone who remotely knows a thing or two about art history, you'll get a nice ass whooping.

>> No.7095855
File: 387 KB, 775x573, Screenshot_20240313_234753_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that I agree with.
All movements gave to do with the time period they're inserted into and mindsets.

I once attended a workshop about cubism. I couldn't paint crap and my teacher told me that because I put so much energy into my paintings that I need to go for larger canvas.
Crap, I took no pic of that one exercise where we copied artists from the stages of cubism, but here's a similar we did with whatever the fuck we had in our table. I sucked at it, I did better in the final exercise though, I wish I had taken a photo.

>> No.7095873
File: 390 KB, 1578x1051, Screenshot_20240313_235832_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one of the later exercises we did. In here he sat me down and explained me better the point of cubism. I kind of started grasping the point.

>> No.7095879

I feel like you have some huge misconceptions going on with what these movements were about. obviously, you are only starting out, so don't worry about that now, but considers reading up on these subjects again and again. you will have to do that anyway. with every year, you will understand a bit more about the connections. the influences of war, politics, other art forms all come together to form the substrate out of which the dominant painting styles emerged. we don't have so many artists groups anymore these days, because everything is "globalized" and there is just no need for a handful of artists forming a bubble of sorts and doing their own thing. in academic circles, art schools, courses, you can meet peers and discuss your works with them, which is 1000x better than /ic/ .

you're starting out. keep going and enjoy painting. you'll produce a lot of shit at first, but you'll learn fast.

>> No.7095884
File: 2.70 MB, 2604x4450, 20240313_234137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the frog to be zesty. I actually think you're right and understood what you're saying.
Btw here's the definition in this book in care you want to read it.
I try to buy a art books every month despite being poor as shit.

>> No.7095888

>which is 1000x better than /ic/
In here you have people tell you that you're shit no matter what you do.
Aka honest opinions.

>> No.7095899

i have artist friends who tell me when shit sucks and give ace feedback so, no thanks i don't need to pmw on /ic/

>> No.7096077

>so if you go say "this is my impressionist painting" to anyone who remotely knows a thing or two about art history, you'll get a nice ass whooping.

lel imagine getting jumped by some art fag for misclassifying your own paintings. I wish my art were taken that seriously.

>> No.7096110

Idk wtf this is but the thumbnails cool

>> No.7096121
File: 3.49 MB, 2459x3697, 20240314_002906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe too centered
No idea what you mean by this.
And my phone is all I have right now. I'm not seeing what is lost in translation here, since you have no idea what the unphotographed image looks like. Thanks anyway, I guess?

Anyway. Here's the finished piece! Do any anons see anything glaringly off, before I submit this to a local gallery show?

>> No.7096279

>what do you mean
I'm just personally not a fan of frontal, centered portraits or faces or whatever. always reminds me of mugshots or passport photos.

i think the trees in the back are a bit too Bob Ross-ian, but good luck with the submission to the gallery! go get em.
What's the occasion? Just a group show of randomm submission from local artists? remember not to sign anything without reading. galleries today sometimes go beyond the 50% share with unknown artists, risky to get ripped off.

>> No.7096330

introducing our tradchad

>> No.7096469
File: 466 KB, 1280x1015, 17FBB8F3-63EE-4A5B-9E91-80C97D495E33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent had a piece of art make me angry in years. Really good stuff.

>> No.7096470

Dont link to degenerate shit like this

>> No.7096926
File: 719 KB, 1292x1666, Skel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to painting, am I trad?
Skeletons feel like a good step up to painting portraits down the line

>> No.7096970
File: 76 KB, 1081x1280, we-aint-get-it-aint-real-cube-unisex-tshirtuvuk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks real nice, anon, now add a cig.

>> No.7096972

Glad I checked this thread because this is killer but HOLY SHIT fuck the OP image. I hate it so much and its burning into my mind every time I check ic.

>> No.7097039

it's usually better to s a g e trad threads that memepainter starts for this very reason
it's like a fucking Mr Beast thumbnail everytime

>> No.7097108
File: 2.80 MB, 2557x2557, 1000023862-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my latest drawings
Insta @bastfel_

>> No.7097399


This is my most recent one. I wanted to attach the image to this post but the file was too big and didn't want to be bothered to change anything (I actually don't know how)

I'm currently selling prints of my work in my local vintage market pop up. Its been doing fair as of late. I like it. Anyone have any booth ideas? I'm looking into banners for my own stand.

>> No.7097459
File: 718 KB, 2548x2472, Image (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An earlier painting

>> No.7097481

>What's causing my paintings to turn into such a mess under flourishent light?
This has nothing to do with fluorescent light, the light is just raking, which reveals the surface texture of the image.

>> No.7097537

I have a little silly question, first and foremost, I paint in oils.
For some reason I always forget to sign paintings. Often I realize this right when I'm done varnishing something. I have a bunch of paintings now, finished and varnished but not signed.

How important is a signature anyway? I personally don't care much but some friends asked me why I didn't sign some paintings I made and I just forgot. Usually I write a little personal not on the back anyway if the painting is for someone.
And is it wise to sign a painting on top of the varnishing layer later on?

>> No.7097543

is he eating turd?

>> No.7097607

oh fuck yeah this is great

>> No.7097816
File: 997 KB, 2500x1593, doig_Peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to LARP as a painter from 100 years ago, sign your paintings with a fancy symbol in the corner on the front. however, if you don't like to get laughed at, sign them on the back and put a date on it too (month+year or just year) like a normal human being living in the 21st century.

look up any artist that is not painting "old masters" style landscapes, fantasy art shit or tiddy pics and you will find no signature on the front.

>> No.7097824

Not him, but thanks. My wife kept asking me to sign my paintings and it never looked good to me.

>> No.7097861

>like a normal human being living in the 21st century.
More like
>like a normal human being

Leonardo, Raphael and so many others, never signed their work loudly, on the front at least. At best Raphael included a self-portrait.

>> No.7097975

>My wife kept asking me to sign my paintings
I typically get random normies who rarely look at art ask this question and i just smile and say "that's a matter of personal preference" while thinking to myself "you absolute dunce"

>> No.7097985

Ah ok, I will just stop doing it entirely then, I personally don't care for a "nametag" on my paintings anyway, and a person who cares can just look on the back.
I do always write month + year on the back, mostly for myself to keep track and organize things, even on painting studies from figure sessions for example.

>> No.7097994

i usually always sign and date on the back, maybe even location and time if it makes any sense to do so (urban sketching). i have some undated drawings from years ago and i hate that i can't even say when and where i made em.

>> No.7098058

Fix your cube but the rest is great

>> No.7098126
File: 260 KB, 960x1280, DDB108E4-4447-4174-8C66-627C801D3C55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ship stuff people buy unsigned they ship it back. You don’t have to sign shit ur not selling but once u sell stuff it’s mandatory

>> No.7098133

Thanks a lot

>> No.7098414
File: 3.26 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_8164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7098549
File: 298 KB, 1200x1600, portrait done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.7098557

I really like the skin tone and the softness you achieved there. The eyes are a bit off. Her right eye works sort of, although I'm missing a slight shadow on the lower and upper eyelids. not meaning to sound racist, but she looks a bit asian, which was probably not the intention. her left eye is missplaced i believe and the shadows below the eyebrow are too flat. you will notice that between the nose and the eyeball, there is a crease, it's sort of missing here.

the subject isn't my cup of tea, but i encourage you to do more watercolor. maybe even just one page where you experiment, priming it with a brush of clear water and using a thin brush with lots of color to immediately set effects. use fine grained salt to make background effects. that sort of thing. watercolor is really cool, because there's always a loss of control and an element of surprise to the outcome. don't be afraid to "waste" paper for testing out effects.

>> No.7098558

>I listen to normies and the normies must be right
yeah well, you do you. i think signatures on the front are a) absolutely abysmal and destroy the painting b) the equivalent to a "iPhoto" watermark. if you are absolutely full of yourself and the kind to sport a mustache and tophat to show that you are truly an artist, please do, go ahead and sign in the front. pretty much every artist I know personally signs on the back. it is the standard practice.

>> No.7098559

Thanks, I agree with you on the eyes, they are misaligned (I'm copying a pic and it's actually the right eye that has to come down). I'll try to rework the eye shadows a bit as well.

>> No.7098592

Good rendering needs more fundies
Take a picture and flip you image when sketching it out.

>> No.7098610

have you heard of this crazy new technology called a "mirror"?

>> No.7098614

Can you specify what fundies you mean? Edge control? Values? Anatomy?

>> No.7098699

I sign everything, just discretely, to the front.
Why is everyone making a big fuss over this.
Concentrate on making your paintings better, and then no-one will care about a small sig.

>> No.7098779

any advice on getting a portable sketchbook?
will any cheap shit from Michael's do?

>> No.7098786

that really depends on your preferences. I suggest you buy a bunch of small ones with different papers.

here's what i do every year: it's now march, so some book stores are still selling pocket calenders, some of them -50% off. you know those Moleskin, Leuchtturm and cheaper brands. i really love them for quick ink sketches and taking them along with me. I bought like 3 big ones, each with around 200 - 300 pages for a few bucks. One reason why I like them so much is because I don't think about "wasting pages" at all, no chance. I just doodle whatever and that's where the best things happen. my tools are usually a few brushes, a small spray bottle with water and a flask of ink with a little water added to it.

i can't stress this enough: try out different paper types both in terms of the grain of the fibre, the thickness (90 - 300g) and the color (bleached, non-bleached, yellowish, recycled). because some paper just does not work with your tools at all. like flat, smooth copy paper tends to be the worst for brush pens, because the ink doesn't dry fast enough and behaves very differently than on grainy, more soaking paper.
i love small pocket calenders with like 400 odd pages for mined pencils for instance.

hope that helps. quite a sincere, honest piece of advice.

>> No.7098795

thanks anon. my local store actually is doing -50% off their Moleskins, but they're still ~$15. definitely want something cheap to never care about wasting pages. The newsprint pad I use is just way too big to carry around.

How do you use that spray bottle + brush + ink setup when you're out of the house? That sounds so cool, would love to see what kind of stuff it makes.

>> No.7098803

unfortunately, i can't show you these works. they just mean too much to post them here for crabs to see.
you can buy either a small vaporizer flask with this spraybutton on the top (I'm an ESL fag, so i don't know the name), or you just screw off the spray part from a cleaning spray bottle and screw it onto a plastic bottle. you can cut part of the hose to make it smaller, but it should reach all the way to the bottom of whatever container you use it on in any case.
the small flask i use is actually a 4cl bottle of cleaning alcohol for computer screens that i repurposed. so i would take on of my cheap calendars, take a double page and spray water on the paper and then quickly work on it with ink and different size brushes. i also take along an old tooth brush to spray dots on the soaked paper, it makes for these really nice effects, largely depending on the paper type. the paper will definitely get wrinkles, but i don't mind, i actually like that. back at home, i but it flat on the ground put one book of the same size on top and a weight (stone or ten other books, anything heavy) to flatten it out again over night. i do this everytime i work with water. one such book is almost finished now.

>> No.7098806

>Moleskins , but they're still ~$15
doesn't have to be Moleskin btw. there are lots of cheaper brands circulating now that one to jump in on the fancy calendar business. if i really like the paper type and sturdiness of the calendar, i will even buy it at 15$. in any case, you've saved 50% on the sale. they are perfect for storing and labeling later on.

>> No.7099375

I know I'm dumb but what is the style in >>7090845 called? Like, just "renaissance style"?

I'm just starting out and I eventually want to paint in this renaissance style, I have no idea the most direct way to get there though. I'm worried that most beginner books focus on cartoon and I'm wondering if there's a good "paint like a renaissance artist for absolute beginners" book

>> No.7099416

Do this but with more accurate underdrawing.

>> No.7099567

thanks for the advice dogg

>> No.7099574
File: 1.62 MB, 1070x1439, Fire Dance SML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this today. Mostly Ink.

>> No.7099602
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x2893, IMG_4913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very neat stuff! Great values.

I completed this one yesterday. I like how the birds turned out but wasn’t planning on them. I accidentally put my hand in paint and marked up the sky so went with it. I love how these weird cell phone towers look.

>> No.7099757


I love the vibes on this. Nice save on the birds.

>> No.7099759

ah what beautifull comentary anon, the great 5g cell tower proudly erect not unlike the great obelisks of old, the birds symbolizing the old practice of delivering messages by pigeon now liberated by the great 5g monument that allows instant transmission through great lenghts, it is as if they are there ona pilgramage to thank the tower for their liberty from us humans. great stuff anon

>> No.7099796

see guys, this is what curators and art critics do: None of this has to be the artists true intention, but they can mold it to whatever narrative they want to create.

This is how terms like "the male gaze" came into existence. Suddenly, Manet's Olympia is a deeply evil, male fantasy that reaffirms the patriarchy.

>> No.7099931
File: 392 KB, 1280x958, 0AEB52E9-85FC-4A7B-AADB-F3D4A5409A78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booooo! Boo this man! If you don’t understand the courage in painting what the outside world truly looks like then you’re just a naive idealist

>> No.7100056

>Brian, this time no tits, instead its a landscape.
>still wrong JPEG rotation as usual
>random, snobbish ranting along with the pic
well, it's something different at least

>> No.7100315

looks like the old man from Home Alone

>> No.7100474
File: 765 KB, 2975x1960, 20240220_212450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do most of my trad work in this one sketchbook

>> No.7100788
File: 3.23 MB, 1632x2755, IMG_20240317_015629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wip new painting (I need to fix the face) and bonus little freiren study.

>> No.7100795

don't light the painting from directly above it if it has texture or its going to cause shadows
did you really need to ask this?

>> No.7100797

why does no one in trad threads paint anything besides impressionistic nudes?

>> No.7100971

How about you actually go through the thread so you can see that statement of yours is false.

>> No.7101175

No idea what it's called, nor if it even has a name.

The trick is that, even if that's what you want to do at the end, you still need basic training: good drawing skills, still life, draperies, composition and so forth.

This alone takes many hundreds hours of work.

Your typical modern atelier training is alright as a starting point.

The specific paint technique is almost irrelevant; it's really secondary.

>> No.7101340

>(I need to fix the face)
I like the face, it's pouty

>> No.7101343
File: 449 KB, 964x1280, CFE6DC6B-4B24-483A-84D6-DB8D45161614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scrolled up too I was curious. We definitely have full on coom trad threads sometimes but this wasn’t one

>> No.7101353

>/trad/ is one person

Of all the threads to complain about an overabundance of nudes, you choose the one thread on the board where they are NOT spammed and touted as the be-all-end-all of art.

>> No.7101633

I guess trad means "any physical media" and not traditional art but still, come on, finger paint?

>> No.7101640

Get over this “paintings can never be messy” mentality. How are you ever going to learn something new if everything has to be meticulous and perfect all the time.

>> No.7101647

Who are you quoting? I love bold brush strokes but this aint that, this is muddy finger paint

>> No.7101754

At least 500 people have told Brian his paintings are a rushed muddy mess but he never listens, so don't bother. He's the gains goblin of /trad/

>> No.7101815

this. plus, it's not so much the rushed looks, it's the arrogance of that move. he thinks he's arrived at some genius picasso stage where he can doodle on a napkin and it turns out alright everytime. even the thumbnails look like vomit on the street

>> No.7101998

Where have I ever said that

>> No.7102373

where did i write that you "said that"? it's the ''''attitude'''' that comes across, is what i mean.

>> No.7102430

>be /trad/ gen
>visually displeasing OP, but the general soldiers on
>guy paints and posts his shit
>nitpicky nodraw nopaint nopyw faggot bitches about it
>guy mostly ignores him, continues to post work
>why aren't you painting the way I want you to paint tho
>faggotry continues to fog /trad/
It's not your art, it's his art. Why would he take suggestions in a general where he's not asking for advice? It's individual expression of art. It doesn't have to appeal to you or make you feel joy, you absolute homo(s).

>> No.7102434

>4chan meme words and disconnected permabeg ramblings constantly stream through my mind
>better try to put them into words and post it, this is of value to other anons. I can refer to myself in third person too, to seem less insane
Far out Brian

>> No.7102450

yeah but let me ask the question: wh ydo you decide what people can post on here? who are you?
I'll post whatever tf i want on here, like it or not. In real life, people will look at shit paintings and either smile, while hating it or even saying shit like "oh my god i l o v e it!". many trad artists settle with their mistakes, fall into a routine and stop developing. unless you get critique, nothing will change about that, stew in your own juices forever.

if you post your art here, especially when you spam it across multiple (also unrelated) threads like Brian, you obviously are obsessed with feedback.
now my dude, who are you to jump in an tell people what they are allowed to write on here? lmfao

>> No.7102492

>everyone that posts things I don't like is that one guy that paints
You must be on that quetiapine grindset. Good luck with that, I'll leave you to it.
Are they mistakes, or are they deliberate? If you're trying to pass the constant stream of shitty insults across as critique that's helpful, that's not the most autistic thing that I've seen here but still autistic. Maybe just arrogant.
I don't have the authority to tell you not to post either way, but if you're going to be a dickhead to him, you can at least show me something that you're making yourself. I don't even mean that in the >pyw, eheheh *gay smirk*" way. This is the only general really dedicated to trad work in a sea of digital, so it would be great if you would at least treat it like a battle sequence where you're posting something badass to look at while you shit on him.

>> No.7102501

you be the change you want to see
pyw faggot

>> No.7102557

>he thinks he's arrived at some genius picasso stage where he can doodle on a napkin and it turns out alright everytime
The thing is, he is indeed here. And he probably tries to mimic Picasso and others's attitude: be bold until people eventually buy it.

The problem with this approach, is that it relies HEAVILY on luck, and the luck factor however cannot be controlled that easily. A strong technical foundation is not as easy to get as boldness, but it's perfectly under control, in today's world, with Internet.

>> No.7102582
File: 1.31 MB, 2056x2554, 20240318_190117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, time to cook

>> No.7102667
File: 151 KB, 954x637, 1682362143745052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've only just started learning to paint on canvas and been having a tough time. i usually just make shitpost paintings for friends. pic related, what i'm working on atm

>> No.7102691

Why anime tho?

>> No.7102697

it's really just for shitpost purposes, i'm just trying to learn canvas texture and how paint flows/works. i've only ever dealt with miniature paint before

>> No.7102701

To each their own. I would try to copy those shadows to learn that.

>> No.7102703

that's the goal next time! i just figured a goofy stylized version to get my bearings was a good place to start. i got some cheap canvas at michaels and it has a pretty rough texture so i actually learned how to gesso/sand on this one. i've got some plans for the next one, but i gotta wrap this bad boy up first.

>> No.7102712

But like realism? Because your art is cute. I've actually pondered the idea of making anime portraits once, even had a a Naruto one but gave up on that giant task because I'm not cut for it. So I've been trying multiple realism styles instead.
I know the resident art Nazi will probably tell me to fuck off but if I'd have to call your style I would say it's Pop Art.

>> No.7102717
File: 2.44 MB, 1536x2048, IMG20240313220321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepping a new canvas for when I'm done with the Toki one. I'm pretty excited about this one cause I think it will be fun even though I have no idea where I'll put it once it's done.
Transitioning out of digital really gives me an appreciation for physically touching the canvas. Just grabbing this one and tossing it around, rubbing the base wash over it, having to crouch or sit down on the floor to get the lower parts, it's all just really satisfying and "hands on" I like it.

>> No.7102721
File: 487 KB, 1083x1414, 1692242766919471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw, thanks anon! i really appreciate it. i didn't think i had a style yet, i was mostly just making shitposts for friends bdays/gifts with some spare canvas i had from the same pack. i genuinely think you should give it a shot again because it was actually fun to recreate this dumbass iconic image in what i felt was a "90s anime" form. i appreciate it though, i will say the Golden so flat acrylics are fantastic for this and i'm about to go pick up more colors. pic related was a secret santa gift i made on some canvas board that came with my paints and it was too small for me to do much with. my secret santa only put "king of the hill and anime women" as their likes so...

this looks great so far, anon! i couldn't ever get into digital art for the same reason. something about touching the medium just gives so much satisfaction that digital cannot replicate (plus i'm too retarded to learn)

>> No.7102953
File: 2.12 MB, 3161x2497, 20240319_195745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New paint today, anyone familiar with this brand? Also rate my palette

>> No.7102963

I use St. Petersbourgh aquarell bars. sets of like 20. the tube version of watercolors seem sus to me.

>> No.7103020
File: 852 KB, 2046x1489, 1000023618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still learning how Oil paints behave.

>> No.7103030
File: 37 KB, 242x287, Austin-powers-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7103041

Very nice, solid choice in colours good form.
Only thing I would change here is the sharp edge in the shadow of the lemon and the cast shadow.
It's too sharp for something in darkness, it comes forward where it should actually recede a bit more.

Otherwise good job.

>> No.7103061
File: 42 KB, 680x340, i_like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very nice

>> No.7103104
File: 1.83 MB, 3849x2806, 20240319_214539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have both. I want to start painting larger and its a pain to get enough paint from the half pans with a small brush and transfer to a big brush, hence tubes. Otherwise its the exact same paint I reckon. Quick evening painting to try them out and Im not disappointed, they pretty much play on the same level as my w&n and schmincke

>> No.7103258

Are there any ballpoint pens that use archival/permanent ink? I love using bic ballpoints for their ability to be able to sketch lightly like a pencil and then go in darker. I want to be able to do ink washes or markers or even paint over the lines, but the ink smudges and isn't waterproof. What could I use as an alternative?

>> No.7103290
File: 387 KB, 1200x1600, vgfgvgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this new slab I've been making?

>> No.7103298
File: 929 KB, 3024x4032, 20240319_224534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I painted a cyborg with gouache, I'm pretty happy with it but I feel there's things that ccould be better, like the proportions. But was fun, and added Kamar Varnish on top which really brought out the blacks!

Also, do you guys use your real name on social media? I'm considering renaming myself on instagram to my real name, so that when I show it to people it looks a bit more professional. I've resigned myself to using it as a portfolio and not much else, I don't think I'll get a whole lot of reach though it. I'd like to have a little side-career with art, but it's just a hobby as of now.

Any thoughts on such things?

Thought that clay was your knee first

I think it looks great, nice creative monsters and demons, they've all got great character.

>> No.7103301

Why is everything trash?
Why can't you post good art to save it as a wallpaper or something?
Why, just why you suck so much????

>> No.7103322


>> No.7103406

IIRC ballpoint pen can't use archival ink because pigments aren't compatible with the ballpoint.

Diluted watercolor used with a thin brush might get you close, but definitely not the same. Colored pencils might too.

>> No.7103423

Ah nuts, I was afraid of that. Well, I guess I'll have to give that a go then and see what I can accomplish with it. Many thanks.

>> No.7103560



Can't post images isp banned.

>> No.7103608

Not sure if it'll be the same feel, but I've seen youtube videos of ballpoint pens that have fountain pen converters and the people used fountain pen ink. Can probably find by just looking up ballpoint fountain pens. Don't know if they had problems with clogging but they seemed cheap enough to try.

>> No.7104117
File: 868 KB, 1828x1570, IMG_1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did a quick colour study in oil. It's rather rough but it's a small panel so I really couldn't be distracted by details. I think it's no bigger than 15cm wide and tall.

>> No.7104131

Very nice. Very simplified, but easily reafable. Don't worry about the details in the construction process.

>> No.7104133


>> No.7104261

Well the thing with fountain pen ink and ballpoint pen ink is it seems ballpoint pens use a more viscous type of ink. Every other pen I've used is a constant stream of ink that lacks the unique property of ballpoints like the bic where you can work in layers like a pencil. So even if I were able to somehow inject fountain pen ink into a ballpoint pen, I feel like the results would not be the same.

>> No.7104482
File: 739 KB, 1512x295, muqdishu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me the mediums used in this illustration and who made it, thanks

>> No.7104494

Tried doing anime on trad again, disappointment....

I suckkkkkk!

>> No.7104514

Asian people haven’t even figured that out yet

>> No.7104518

Looks like a photo with a filter? Damn, you guys always manage to find the weirdest questions ever.

Not just that, but fountain pen's ink is generally not archival either, because pigments would dry and cloak the pen.

>> No.7104545

Is that actually a photo? I was guessing an etching with watercolor but haven't seen many done in that style

>> No.7104576

What do you mean?
The Japs still largely run on paper for TV anime, although in contemporary digital is ever-growing I think.

But no matter what I still feel like I will suck at this art thing and my parents want to hire me an tutor for animation.

I am one dense motherfucker.
I know there's books and courses about all of this crap, but I can't get myself to do any of that stuff.
I know I'm the issue.
I have the power you could say, but it's sort of like being imprisoned in your very own mental warden in your own mind.

Like, I have other issues with f.e. reliability. I'm top-class the most unreliable whiteskin bald ass loser twenty-something-year-old loser.
If people need to make do something for them before 'X' date, I don't know, usually in the end if I can't uphold the agr***eement, I don't reply anymore.
And, I don't feel comfortable about that at all. Because I don't know why I do it, I just get nervous and procraSTINAtive.

Alrighyt, so in essence I need to have read a whole storyboard and write an e-mail in 13 minutes. I think, I don't even know what exactly they want I'mma go do it now thouigh (I hope).


>> No.7104640

I dunno, it was just a guess, but maybe you're right, it could be an etching (the windows would be weird for a photos).

Can't you use different inks/slabs with an etching? Like they do for woodblock prints

>> No.7104942

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

>> No.7105095

really nice pic

>> No.7105185


Can't bake (image-ban)

>> No.7105208

how do I learn great drapery?
what fundamentals should my /beg/ ass have before even trying to learn drapery?

>> No.7105263

Set up a still life with any kind of cloth and a strong light.
Sketch it out precisely with pencil.
Do this a bunch of times and eventually do these exercises in paint (if you want to get into painting) do grayscale or monochrome paintings first and the more comfortable you get you could add colours along the way.

>> No.7105558

Yup, that's the way to go. After having done a few of those, you'll get better at designing them from imagination, but you can't escape the boring studies at first

>> No.7106370

Studies are not boring.

>> No.7106631

damn my /beg/ ass was expecting a book recommendation.
"get off your computer and go start drawing from life" has somehow never occurred to me
(although I question how much it can teach me about a subject I'm starting from zero on)

>> No.7107374

I'm sure you know darn well what I meant.

There's no good book about drapery. There are a few ways to identify a few typical folds that you can find in random places, but that's not enough to convincingly draw draperies.

>> No.7107563
File: 479 KB, 632x853, be13008371e059ed7b9b949a2636daf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no good books
that's kind of a relief
because I dug through a hundred archive posts of drapery book recs and the most recommended was Hogarth
but it's all done in a pencil crayon style that I absolutely hate looking at

>> No.7107841

Bridgman has a section on draperies too, but his drawings are confusing. Marco Bucci recently did a decent video on draperies.

Overall, all those resources are okay to suggest drapery (e.g. manga/comic stuff), or slightly adjust a reference, but good draperies are both organic, and strictly follow light.

If you only have the former (e.g. vegetation), then you can fake it via suggestion. If you only have the later, then decomposing in geometrical volumes work.

But if you have both, then it's harder. If you pay attention to a drapery, there are planes all over the place in every direction, some of them being covered by cast shadows:it's a mess. Hence the suggestions to make studies from life or from master works.