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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 312 KB, 445x675, Leo the Lion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7078211 No.7078211 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7068820

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Leo the Lion, Chapter 12.

>> No.7078213

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/))
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration

>> No.7078214

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.7078216

Current Contests:

Zenon Magazine:

Silent Manga Audition: https://www.manga-audition.com/sma20-memorable-smile/

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:


/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.7078237
File: 103 KB, 874x1280, 1696095563133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any anon that went from /beg/ level to skilled purely in terms of draftmanship and fundamentals by making comics in this thread?
I realize that If I want to start making manga regularly while also improving my core artwork skills, I would have to make colored pieces significantly less often alongside ignoring some subjects entirely like rendering or detailed background art if I want to get my character art to a relatively good level as quickly as I can during the making of my projects.
(By the way, are there any examples of manga with almost no backgrounds but high tier super detailed character art and other specific qualities? The best I can think of is probably Bleach)

>> No.7078258
File: 296 KB, 1847x943, manga studies 0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When working digitally, is it best to go for a super clean look? Since this is effectively what people are trying do but are limited by their tools.

The sloppiness of traditional art (including the sloppiness of its scanning and printing) has an appeal to it, should it be mimicked?

>> No.7078269

you can do it, but you need to be putting up references besides your desk as you work. I think it's literally not possible to improve unless you have some model you're aiming for.

Even then, you're better off at least putting 30 minutes aside for anatomy and figure drawing study, I think. You'll improve faster that way.

>> No.7078273

>The sloppiness of traditional art (including the sloppiness of its scanning and printing) has an appeal to it, should it be mimicked?
There are brushes that try to mimic ink on a newspaper or a drawing brush, and when you draw they will every so often make a very small random "error" to simulate it. For PS users, this is the Kyle's Manga set.

>> No.7078279

Yes but is it desirable?
If there was a physical brush and a physical paper that resulted in no bleed, no fade, no roughness, etc but was perfect in everyway, would manga artists not have used it?
Digital provides that perfection.

>> No.7078288

It can (not necessarily) come across as having a slightly weird or sterile uncanny valley "soullessness". Mileage will vary depending on each individual reader.

But does it SUPER matter? No.

>> No.7078297

It is a question of where to draw the mark.
Perhaps making the lines a bit scratchy to mimic real paper is good.
But deliberately compressing the quality of the image to mimic old printing scanners is surely not good.
What aspects of traditional art should be mimicked in digital and what should not?

>> No.7078311

Art comes with a lot of unintended genius, the things we think are imperfections today will be what we love the most looking back at it from tomorrow.

>> No.7078321

Gabe that's up for you to decide.

>> No.7078342
File: 1.17 MB, 1885x1000, Zag Prince of Pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Model sheet for the male lead of the sci fi rom com I'm working on. What do you think?

>> No.7078354

makes me wanna hurl

>> No.7078357

lol I'm glad it generated some kind of reaction in you at least.

>> No.7078367

The reaction is that I won't read anything with that kind of character
But I hope you find someone who will

>> No.7078369

Penny or cat design sheet(s) soon?

>> No.7078377
File: 1.28 MB, 1899x900, Penny Model sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The target demographic is teen girls and webtoon readers, so if you aren't either, this comic might not be for you, which is fine.
Here's what I got so far. I have to ink it and clean it up, redesign her convenience store uniform to something that isn't not-7-11, and design her PJs. Then I just have to design the tourist trap alien themed gas station she works at and her desert trailer homestead and I'll start the pages.

>> No.7078378

...did you think you were going to find teen girls here?

>> No.7078381

>cat design sheet(s) soon?
The cat Cleocatra is an Abyssinian. I was just selling my work at a cat show a few weeks ago and one of the Abyssinians escaped from it's cage. Everyone in the cat show started yelling "Cat's out" and people sprinted to close every exit to make sure the cat couldn't escape outside. Everyone spent about 20 minutes looking around for the cat, only for someone to discover that the Abyssinian was just chilling under the table below it's cage, it hadn't even gone anywhere. It was pretty funny. That cat is the inspiration for Cleo.

>> No.7078384
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1034, AYLMAO BRO a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.7078387

>I was just selling my work at a cat show
U wot m8? Do you just... go to random shows to sell Oi! or something?

>> No.7078390

what do you actually call this kind of lineart? With gaps and overlaps all over the place? Like it looks like a human drew it, if that makes sense. I enjoy drawing like this but I often worry that its not clean enough.

>> No.7078391

>Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.
Omeow's new alien thing isn't exactly the mind of thing I read, but this is /mmg/ so I will help, same as I do for anyone else that posts here.

>> No.7078396
File: 3.07 MB, 4000x2235, 20240228_155202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8 I was invited. I have a whole comedy comic series about three eyed cats, which is why I call my company Omeow Comics. This is my second time at the show and it was crazy busy. Apart from cat books and prints, I did about 30 watercolor painting commissions of people's cats. I only sold 4 copies of oi at this one but someone bought a volume 3 hardcover which was cool. The cat show was all about cats. Oddly enough, LA has a giant show called Cat Con but they reject me every time I've applied. If they ever let me in I'd make a killing in there, but whoever gives out the tables won't let it happen. C'est la vie.

>> No.7078454

I like them, not sure what's up >>7078354's ass. He's very goofy and cute and charismatic, and his hair reminds me of Erio's hair from Denpa Onna. Love the socks and sandals. I think the designs are honestly perfect for what you're going for, and they are dripping with a mid-2000s feel that makes me feel nostalgic. For what it's worth, my husband was checking out my screen over my shoulder and he said he'd read it.

>> No.7078472

I wonder if somebody in LA's host group has some kind of stupid thing about how drawings for cats isn't "becoming" or some stupid shit.

>> No.7078486
File: 3.26 MB, 5100x7014, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you mean by "skilled" but 10 years ago I was drawing like this (my first comic, at pretty much the start of my career of drawing period) and today I'm working with a japanese publisher on my next work after finishing my debut work as a pro author in a commercial magazine. All my improvement came from drawing comics, I didn't read books and I didn't do still life or dessin or anything of the sort, I just couldn't stomach any of that stuff. I only have an interest in drawing to draw comics, anything else and I nigh-instantly lose interest.
I'm certainly not a great artist yet and industry vets and plenty of other newcomer pros absolutely draw circles around me but I think I'm on a good track.
I wouldn't recommend it to others, but if you can do nothing else with your life then it can be done, and probably much quicker than me if you make sure to study and don't slack off like I did at points.

"Should" is an answer only you can answer for yourself. I say do whatever you think looks good, if you're just making stuff on your own.
IMO, there's nothing impressive about ultra-clean digital line work. It's pretty much the default. In trad it's impressive, but in digital it's not that hard to achieve and often looks kinda dull. That changes the dynamic, I think. It's harder to get lines that are the right level of roughness -- it's something that simply changing your brush can't fix.

My only "complaint" is that the art style doesn't feel like the kind of thing that would do well on webtoons. It has a very "boy's manga" feel to it. Doesn't necessarily mean it won't succeed, and I hope it does, but when you compare it to the popular works on the platform it's definitely a different feel. Maybe that'll help it stand out, or maybe that'll just cause it to flop. No way to know until you try I guess. I don't think it's something you can avoid anyway, if that's how you draw then that's how you draw.

>> No.7078500

>My only "complaint" is that the art style doesn't feel like the kind of thing that would do well on webtoons. It has a very "boy's manga" feel to it. Doesn't necessarily mean it won't succeed, and I hope it does, but when you compare it to the popular works on the platform it's definitely a different feel. Maybe that'll help it stand out, or maybe that'll just cause it to flop. No way to know until you try I guess. I don't think it's something you can avoid anyway, if that's how you draw then that's how you draw.
Already I have people reaching out to me in telling me they can't wait to read it, so I'm optimistic. In any case if it flops it flops. The project originated when a Chinese AI comic company reached out to me to make a new story for them, after finding me on Webtoon. They ghosted me 3/4 in to things after I sent them a sketchy storyboard and the editor decided I was not capable of lettering or storyboarding at the level they required, then they only paid me half of what they promised. I like the script and story and want to work on something non-Oi related for awhile so decided to draw it.

It could be foolish but my plan is to draw it as manga pages with 2/3 panels per page in a way that it can also easily be converted to a webtoon scroll format. I want to enter it in upcoming manga contests too. It's a simple idea but I think it has legs. I'll at the very least get the one shot first chapter done and it will be good experience and a chance to keep improving.
It could be anything, they could think my art is too druggy, they could think I'm too small time for Cat Con, who knows. I used to be very butthurt about it several years ago thb but now I'm over it.
Thanks. Even though I know the majority of readers will be female, I want to make the lead a cool guy and strong character who also appeals to male readers.

>> No.7078523
File: 1.29 MB, 844x1480, MV5BODE5ODRhZjAtZjE1Ni00ZjRlLWIzNGMtZmYwNWQzNDUzN2E0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzkzODQwMA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure what's up >>7078354's ass
He asked for opinions, he did not specify only positive ones. It's a design that looks revolting to me, at least the side two costumes. The colors and shapes of the left are uninspired and generic, the colors and shapes of the right are off-putting and garish. If he was going for 'walking pride parade butt monkey', he nailed it, but he won't get this audience with it:
>I want to make the lead a cool guy and strong character who also appeals to male readers

The character does not look cool, and not even a whisper of "strong". If you want character designs that are going to appeal to girls and boys, you should take a look at something like Ronin Warriors that has a much better balance of pretty and manly "cool" features, it captured a solid female audience but still was able to sell boys on the characters' toughness.

I wasn't going to give such an explanation because opinions aren't taken around here unless it's asspats, but still wanted to make it known that it wasn't universal approval.

>> No.7078529

>The character does not look cool, and not even a whisper of "strong". If you want character designs that are going to appeal to girls and boys, you should take a look at something like Ronin Warriors that has a much better balance of pretty and manly "cool" features, it captured a solid female audience but still was able to sell boys on the characters' toughness.
Thanks for the tips, I'll work on it. It seems like Gojo is the current gold standard of cool guy character who appeals to both girls and guys imo.
>I wasn't going to give such an explanation because opinions aren't taken around here unless it's asspats, but still wanted to make it known that it wasn't universal approval.
Don't worry about dishing harsh critiques on me anon, your opinions are valued!

>> No.7078551
File: 117 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like Gojo is the current gold standard of cool guy character who appeals to both girls and guys imo
I don't read that manga, but I can see that being the case just from googling the character. Pay attention to the body language and muted color scheme.

Flamboyant clothing and twink body can be found on Giorno from JJBA, but take a look at his face and you can see sharp masculine features that balance it out, as well as his serious expression giving a cool vibe.

Goku has worn some wacky colorful clothing, but he's got a strong masculine build to balance it out visually.

This Gojo guy doesn't look jacked or anything, but he's got dark clothing and a restrained expression.

Your guy's got flamboyant garish clothing, twink body, goofy basedjack face, and giant bauble earrings. What is supposed to be cool or strong about him? My wife thought he was a girl. If you're just going for the yaoi audience, you might be good though, I don't know their preferences.

>> No.7078567

>Your guy's got flamboyant garish clothing, twink body, goofy basedjack face, and giant bauble earrings. What is supposed to be cool or strong about him? My wife thought he was a girl. If you're just going for the yaoi audience, you might be good though, I don't know their preferences.
He's a bishi pretty boy dude designed to appeal to teen girls who read webtoon and like k-pop idols and read shojo manga.
>What is supposed to be cool or strong about him?
His personality and character and actions, ie he looks like a pretty boy wimp but is not.
>and giant bauble earrings
Just like the ultimate chad Chrollo Lucilfer
>If you're just going for the yaoi audience, you might be good though
I think that describes the majority of webtoon readers, so it is what I'm going for. His clothes are inspired by Korean street fashion and the kind of thing K-pop idols wear. It's not the kind of clothing I'd wear or personally think is cool, but I'm not the target demographic of this comic. That's my idea behind the design. atleast. Whether or not it works, I guess I'll find out when it's done.

>> No.7078571
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't read that manga, but I can see that being the case just from googling the character. Pay attention to the body language and muted color scheme.
Also anon, this may upset you, but this is the kind of thing the kids are in to these days. O brave new world, that has such people in it.

>> No.7078576

Well whatever, guess I'm just a relic of the past. I'd rather fossilize than become this... fiasco

>> No.7078601

JJK seems to be aimed more at Fujos anyway.

>> No.7078623

I'm right there with you on that one. Even though I don't necessarily dislike his design, I don't think I'll ever understand modern fashion. It's one reason why it's hard for me to come up with character outfits that don't look tacky a few years down the line. I think that may be part of the reason why his design looks so alien (pun intended) to you.

>> No.7078626

Whether or not the artist intended it, the series seems to have an even split in men and women fans. At least going by that one chart that got made recently.

Going back, I know Gojo is popular with a lot of men as well not so much for his design alone, but more for his attitude and powers. He hates the authority of his setting, casually talks down on his opponents, and talks with confidence. All while acting funny when he can get away with it. This is all backed up by being very strong power-wise and having cool powers.

From what I've seen, you can get women with a design and attitude but can get men with attitude and the character being able to kick the shit out of bad guys with cool powers. I feel like this appeal split works even with traditionally masculine looking characters and powers like Jotaro. I've seen women love his muscles and want him to shit talk them. While I've seen men love how he beats the shit out of bad guys and then shit talks them. Maybe for less masculine looking characters the creator will need to compensate with the cool powers and ass kicking ability.

Of course things are more fluid than this but its just the broad strokes I've seen once a viewer seems to click for a character early on. Or maybe I'm full of shit who fucking cares.

>> No.7078627

I agree anons, I don't "get" fashion either, but as an artist I try to reflect what I see. Zag's fashion is inspired by rich flashy zoomer kids he saw on tik tok. He's also an alien so even though he loves earth culture he sometimes dresses too flashy or offputting for the setting. The townsfolk in the story aren't all in to it either and some see him as an annoying Coachella/ burning man tourist weirdo, or pride parade reject as the anon said. Thanks again for the feedback and opinions.

>> No.7078638
File: 311 KB, 996x1062, Main Character Template - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I'm a 30 year old boomer no good with fashion either. I just looked at what my female friends wore and used that. I spent about 20 minutes max, and I think it shows. Simple af clothes

>> No.7078643
File: 163 KB, 690x1030, PR4- No Screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also while I'm posting, I just finished inking another page.

>> No.7078682

>mentions of spouses, being in the 30s, etc.
I'll admit I am a bit surprised. Does /mmg/ skew older? Given how so many other boards have so many hovering around 18-23 (assuming anons weren't actually lying or trolling in various polls), it's refreshing to get something different.

>> No.7078689

What is the fucking appeal of long complex power systems. It always feels like the author is just slinging bullshit to see what sticks rather than taking the time to come up with ideas that actually enhance the story or the worldbuilding. Reading the Gojo wiki page is nuts, there's so much random filler just to say "He can heal."

>> No.7078695

I can only speak for myself...but I've been on 4chan since 2007-08. I've only been on and off /ic/ for 2 years though. mmg might skew older because it takes a little more effort and dedication to do. Drawing floating anime heads isn't something I'd say most 30 something (besides pewdiepie) would do

>> No.7078696
File: 39 KB, 383x587, g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF I find myself needing to make contemporary designs, I also just copy what my female friends / coworkers are wearing. I avoid contemporary settings if at all possible though, which takes care of that problem.

>> No.7078703
File: 280 KB, 553x680, honored one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading the Gojo wiki page is nuts, there's so much random filler just to say "He can heal."
The meme is that not even Gege understands how Gojo's powerset works because of how complicated he made it. I did not watch or read JJK for a long time simply because I did not like the designs. Pink hair Yuji looks lame. Megumi looked like a shit sasuke and has a girls name. Nobara looked like a boring team girl Sakura. Gojo looked like a lame Kakashi knockoff. When I actually watched it, I enjoyed it. Megumi is still a shit Sasuke, but my feelings have since changed for all the other characters. Gojo is a badass even though he's gay and in love with Geto. JJK designs had zero appeal to me at all but I still enjoy it and like the characters.
>Going back, I know Gojo is popular with a lot of men as well not so much for his design alone, but more for his attitude and powers. He hates the authority of his setting, casually talks down on his opponents, and talks with confidence. All while acting funny when he can get away with it. This is all backed up by being very strong power-wise and having cool powers.
I think this is it. Male viewers don't care if he's a pretty boy because he's a badass who delivers in fights and tells funny jokes. Girls like him because of his design and then like him more because of his cocky confident attitude.

>> No.7078709

>I avoid contemporary settings if at all possible though, which takes care of that problem.
Smart. Unfortunately I'm not creative enough to write about in any other settings. Which is funny to me since sci-fi is my favorite all around genre.

>> No.7078711

>sort, I just couldn't stomach any of that stuff. I only have an interest in drawing to draw comics,
This is me. Even my motivation to start drawing years ago was because I wanted the skill necessary to make a comic. And because my 14 years old ego got so hurt over an acquaintance of the same group of friends saying the art of my first comic was the most trash disgusting and ugly thing he ever saw to the point he didnt want to be involved with it.

Looking back he was totally right kek although my friends got mad at him for going to far on me. But I thank him a lot for it. It's been 11 years now, I wonder if I still have the pages saved somewhere.

>> No.7078763

When I was a kid I would just rip fights and techniques straight out of One piece and Naruto and insert them into my own comics with my own shit characters like 'Ninja Stickman' and 'Crazy Chef'.

>> No.7078802
File: 483 KB, 1067x1600, 0129-018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All young zoomer wannabe mangakas should be forced to read the og Yu-Gi-Oh! manga start to finish before they attempt their Jujutsu Kaisen/Demon Slayer rip-offs. It has a lot of SOVL and interesting ideas.

>> No.7078835

Well SMA results are out and I didnt pass even the first selection as always.
Here is my entry


any feedback is welcome anons

>> No.7078878

im gonna be honest bro, the art is not bad but the story is just so cliche that im not sure what you were expecting, though the grand prix winner is cliche as fuck as well, the runner up was funny , dont give up tho, refine your style a bit more(the characters feel a bit stiff)and write a stronger story and youll def atleast get an honorable mention

>> No.7078883

Just work further on your art and cleaning up your lines and I think you'll be fine. Story was cute.

>> No.7078889

>the story is just so cliche that im not sure what you were expecting

yeah the story is quite cliché, but considering that the winners from other years had pretty cliché stories too, I didn't think I would be penalized so much (lol). I thought that if I tried to go for something more complicated, it might end up not being understood later on.

But yeah, for the next one (if I enter, I'll see what I do), I'll try to do something more original. Thank you very much for the feedback, bro.

>> No.7078893

no you have a good point with a lot of the other entries being cliche i think the reason they won was that they hevily relied on their art to carry them but i for the life of me dont understand how that one faggot won with the cat entry for"overflowing tears" since the story and the art were both shit

>> No.7078921

Made me chuckle. I wouldn't really worry about art style too much, because I always see a variety of stuff and styles getting awarded, but you never know with the judges.

Here were my submissions-

also didn't get through the first stage, but was more disappointed with the feedback, which was just to tell me to watch their YouTube playlist on kishotenketsu. I shouldn't have been expecting too much since these were the first time I completed a project, but that's how it is. Would also like feedback, but I have a feeling my flow feels off, like I'm jumping between contexts rapidly with no warnings or setup. Planning, and not rushing it in a week might help, idk.

Also thought runner up, the chess one, or the cat getting its balls sniped off should have won. It might be my lonely frozen heart, but I'm bored of stories where a downtrodden guy gets a new lease in his life thanks to a cute girl that pays him the least bit of attention and makes everything better. Need to re-watch eternal Sunshine again.

>> No.7078927

You need to separate the planes more by changing the thickness of the line, the line remains the same regardless of whether the objects is less or more closer to the viewer.
I find the girl's design a little flat, her face looks more like a sketch.
I really like the paneling anon, very interesting how you play with it specifically the part when she is entering the forest.

>> No.7078932

>Planning, and not rushing it in a week might help, idk.
ya fucking think?
bro the only one i actually understood what was goin on was the last link you posted it also felt like you put the most time into that one, also your art needs some work

>> No.7078947

The last one was cute, I liked it!
Definitely more of a children's story though

>> No.7078954

>the first one you linked
>entrance to the forest is literally a vaginal opening
Anon, be honest. That was hyper intentional, wasn't it, lmao. She goes in and comes out "birthed" a new person? Good job on the horror shading at parts.

>> No.7078996

I liked it I wish I had a dad like that

>> No.7079020

How do you end up working with a japanese publisher? Submitting stuff in contests? Also, any advice on learning jap?

>> No.7079052

thanks anon!

>> No.7079065
File: 620 KB, 738x1130, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7079076

Is this the end for our heroin? Stay tuned kids!

>> No.7079085


>> No.7079091

You had demons coming out of the soup, I thought you would do more with that. As other have mentioned the art is fine, but the story is cliche (as you know), so I thought you might do more with what you started. Like with Food Wars, they do all the metaphors with food, maybe you could have expanded on that, with more creepy (or lovely) things coming out of the food.

>> No.7079097
File: 126 KB, 227x342, 11245654675764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....I take my criticism back. I just read the top 5 on that list, and yours is better than 3 of them. The first place one was so bad too, they must have paid off a judge.

>> No.7079111

nta i think that they have a prefference for people who have a long history of consistently drawing on their social media, since if the people win awards they get the opportunity to join their masterclass and they probably dont want people who dont show an actual drive to learn and improve and to weed out people who just made a manga to only win some money
perhaps a schizo theory but i think it makes sense

>> No.7079117

Altarusia anon, it's "heroine" with an "e" at the end, not "heroin," unless you're saying that your comic is so addictive that having the girl die would be like losing your drug supply, lol.

Excited to see more.

>> No.7079132
File: 34 KB, 515x251, apapapa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Altarusia anon, it's "heroine" with an "e"
It wasn't written by me. In any case, it's just a little grammatical error.
>your comic is so addictive that having the girl die would be like losing your drug supply, lol.
>Excited to see more.
KEK, Thanks

>> No.7079139

I dont think so, also you dont have to put your socials when you upload your submission so they really dont know if you have any social.

>> No.7079148

i don't know how harshly the judges will grade manga based on it's art, but I think you should work on your drawing fundamentals anyways

>> No.7079161

>you should work on your drawing fundamentals
I always find this feedback quite vague, can you be more specific? What is the fundamental do you think I have to put more work in?
Thanks in advanced anon

>> No.7079202

Not him, but what I noticed is that your proportions can get pretty wonky, especially arms.

Also, how old is the girl supposed to be? She actually looks less like a child, and more just like a scaled down adult.

I mean, I mostly find your art to be pretty good, but I'm a bit puzzled as to how someone of your technical skill can get arms so wrong.

>> No.7079215
File: 126 KB, 4500x4500, sbst-dot-60-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to compress this halftone so that it becomes blurry enough to not appear distorted when viewed on a digital screen but I don't know how. All my attempts just make it look pixellated and still distorted

>> No.7079218

Something like this, where the halftone is compressed enough to not appear distorted on the screen, but still crisp enough to easily read as a halftone and not a flat digital grey nor a poorly compressed halftone

>> No.7079221
File: 530 KB, 728x1061, 4thy4j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

If I could find a suitable png of a well compressed halftone, I could just copy and paste it into all my drawings without having to ever resize it

>> No.7079224
File: 1.76 MB, 2382x2985, 1st.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut out a piece from this page and copy and pasted it together to make it larger. Does this look good to anyone?

>> No.7079226

No, you can see the seams. Isn't there free software now that can make it appear almost seamless? I'd recommend doing that so you still keep the grain of the real photo but remove the obvious repetition.

>> No.7079232

Do you guys have twitter?

>> No.7079238
File: 99 KB, 640x384, jax and ragatha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OK but could benefit from more edginess.

>> No.7079241

Is this the love interest?

>> No.7079248
File: 912 KB, 1006x1486, catballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something has to be up. In no way is this:
better than this:

>> No.7079256

Second one is better in terms of art skill, which makes me wonder if there's some hidden rule (less than X number of panels not focused on a human, etc.) that is clearly in the metrics but not publicly disclosed.

>> No.7079274

Skill and storytelling

>> No.7079279

second one is beter in terms of both yes still ranked lower

>> No.7079298
File: 1.75 MB, 1957x2875, manga study page 0229 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I had a second look at it and you're right. I'll have to redo these but blur the edges before copy and pasting it.
In the meantime I've made this as a study/experiment to see what they look like. And also just to practice using the brushes I've put together
The lines are traced

>> No.7079353

Lmao the one about the cat is the same artist who won the kyoto manga competition about drawing 2 pages from a storyboard
I envy that kind of people who can enter any competition they want and getting good results in every single one.
Holy shit thats true, in some panels the arms proportions are so wrong. Well I will do more anatomie studies thanks anon!

>> No.7079398

I just applied through their website.
I don't have advice on learning jp because I don't know jp.

>> No.7079435

Guys, this isn't an drawing competition, or a story competition. The winners aren't those who draw the best or write the best story. It's a competition that judges the storytelling ability. The results make sense to me, the #1 spot is told very well and captures a clear feeling. The #2 spot is very well told as well, and so on.
I think you anons have a long way to go in terms of storytelling. You need to think more about how the situation changes for your characters throughout their story, and how you can best show this visually. You also need to think about how the characters struggle through the story. In the winning entry, the artist found a way to visually represent the protagonist's heartbreak in a very clear way. The heroine's clumsiness causes her to almost fall into danger, and the protagonist can then act to save her. We have a situation change, in the heroine "healing" the protagonist's broken heart.
In the runner up, there's a situation (there's a monster in the class), development of the situation(the monster is trying to appear less scary), a twist in the situation (the monster is being bullied) and a change in the situation (the protagonist is now friends with the monster). Again, the heroine (the monster) is in danger and the protagonist saves it.
But this is not the only way to win. I remember a recent winner, "Bone" or something, was a very short, I think 4 page work. It had: build up showing a man preparing a bunch of chemicals and remains with an ominous feel -> he was just preserving the bones for a museum (or something like that). It worked because it made very clear, effective use of the medium to immediately communicate two different atmospheres to set up and pay off a clever defiance of expectations. It very efficiently and effectively presented one situation, and just as efficiently twisted the situation. It was a masterful stroke of storytelling. Not story and not artwork, but storytelling.

>> No.7079478

I've now read all of the 20 listed, and I still don't see how it took first place. I'll have some whiskey after work and see if that changes my perspective, maybe I'll get emotional. I read your analysis, maybe it is deeper than I gave it credit.

>> No.7079565
File: 215 KB, 1112x941, rococo 03 overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got admonished the other day for not focusing on updating my comic properly, so I started working on progressing my comic's chapter 4, and review what's being updated on Tapa, I surprised to find that the 3rd part of chapter 3 has not be uploaded, so I still have something to put up, until I realize I didn't finish the last page for it before starting on chapter 4. Although on the upside I have figure out how I am going to structure chapter 5 now.

I started upload chapter 3 in 15-20 pages chunks because it had become too long, but I wanted to keep certain parts of the narrative in groups before moving on to next part of the story elements.

>> No.7079646
File: 79 KB, 1000x784, 71MY+bm6FwL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact. Everyone's homework is reading picrel.

>> No.7079671

Link me, I've been trying to read everyone stuff

>> No.7079723


>> No.7079728
File: 285 KB, 848x1200, rococo 03_53 REV2024FEB29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


although page 03_33-54 consist of principal thesis of the comic at least for this arc, so I really need to prioritize it. I'll also reword some of these.


>> No.7079735

Oh now I see it. Yeah I was reading yours already but lost the link, I got to the first giant battle with all the girls.
You take time with your backgrounds, and they actually fit. Your art style is consistent as well. I'll remember to bookmark you this time, and subscribe when I make an account

>> No.7079868

I hope you've been enjoying everyone's work here so far.

>> No.7079995

Kishimoto's childhood

>> No.7079997
File: 107 KB, 604x988, shit stain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7080023
File: 129 KB, 800x1348, naruto_58_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7080028
File: 79 KB, 539x972, naruto_60_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7080035

I remember when naruto is was releasing onlin3 forums would call Kishi a hack but to me he is supremely based. I love Toriyama but to me Kishi is my Toriyama if that makes sense.

>> No.7080039
File: 115 KB, 800x1391, naruto_65_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, modern mangakas look up at the Naruto/Bleach/One Piece mangakas as their Toriyama.

>> No.7080110

What website?

>> No.7080190


>> No.7080195

I always hated Bleach and thought the story was dumb but Kubo has had a big influence on Fujimoto and Gege and a lot of other current Jump artists it seems.

>> No.7080208

I suspect this may be an autism thing, but I want to know if it's a common pet peeve or not. Does it bother anyone else when characters have speech bubbles and their mouths aren't open?

>> No.7080213
File: 314 KB, 525x625, notopen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this bother you?

>> No.7080222

Kind of, but not as much as a static headshot since there's something in her mouth. Another exception I can think of is when someone is clearly mumbling. But still bothers me for some reason.

>> No.7080247

I honestly thought Bleach was the best of the "big 3" at the time, but like Naruto and One Piece, it just ran too long to the point that it got super convoluted. It was at its best early on when it was about some high school punk who ended up accidentally getting the powers to fight Ghosts with a sword, and there might be some secret stuff going on in the background with his family, and hey guess what? It turns out the spirit world is governed by the Soul Society, and all that, that was kinda cool.

But after that it kind of just got too convoluted, especially once Ichigo was really a Shinigami all along, but he also secretly had Quincy powers, but he also secretly had Hollow powers, but he also secretly had....etc, etc.

I could just never get into Naruto or One Piece, as I found the whole ghost/monster facet of Bleach more interesting, and I liked Ichigo more than Naruto and Luffy. Plus, I just liked Kubo's art more.

Honestly, all three probably ran waaaaaaaaaay too long, though. Even though I actually liked Bleach, the last thing I distinctly remember was the Full Bringer arc, and I'm not even sure where that actually falls in the grand total of Bleach's length. I think Naruto and OP I read maybe 10 volumes each, and dropped them.

>> No.7080274

I like to hope that KnY set a new standard with jump where the series ended in a timely manner and editorial didn't force Gotuge to keep milking and extending it because it's a hit. The most refreshing part of demon slayer to me was how concise it was, and the lack of long boring training arcs.

>> No.7080286

No, since she could easily just be mumbling while brushing, and we happen to get a second in which her mouth is closed. Also, that background lol. What's going on with that toilet bowl?

>> No.7080294
File: 119 KB, 276x514, remote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's telekinetic, so think that mug is supposed to be being held be her. Here's another example of both those things from a few panels alter

>> No.7080310

I think the age of Shounen that just sort of indefinitely run forever are mostly over though. Most seem to have pretty satisfactory endings, and even the fairly popular series are only getting into the 20-ish volume range. KnY was what, like 23 volumes? Dr. Stone was 26? CSM Pt 1 was 11 (and probably should have ended there...haven't read any of Pt 2 yet, but I've heard it isn't great).

If anything KnY (from what I can remember....its been a little while since I've read it) there were parts where it sort of felt like a boss-rush, and could have afforded a bit more time to breathe (hah) but that's kind of why I'm not sure why so many people seem to not like it. It bucks the Shounen trend of long, needless training arcs, and the other usual bloat that Shounen can tend to have.

>> No.7080321

CSM pt 2 was interesting at first but needs to end ASAP to be put out of it's misery. 20-25 volumes should be as long as these series are allowed to go.

>> No.7080325

>I'm not sure why so many people seem to not like it.
Judging by sales, most normies do like it, it's mostly contrary answer on 4ch who don't. KnY like JJK is another series that heavily appeals to women.

>> No.7080365
File: 603 KB, 1280x1816, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if I should ask here but
I like street photography and there are tons of photos I want to use as backgrounds
what kind of effect or Photoshop filter or whatever do I have to use to get something remotely similar to picture-related?

>> No.7080391

A ton of mangakas use CSP because it went out of its way to be especially friendly for that sort of thing. That, and the built-in community for sharing templates and whatnot.

In CSP, there is a way to convert things from a photo to lineart with a click, and CSP itself teaches you how: https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/2763

>> No.7080398

wow thank you!

>> No.7080401

Glad to help. I'm on Photoshop and (as far as I am personally aware) the process is not as streamlined as CSP has made it. That, and I get a Bob Ross kind of happiness from drawing my own backgrounds even if it doesn't obviously match up to extracted lineart from a picture.

>> No.7080407

nta but I'm the same, I use PS and I enjoy drawing my backgrounds. Fits my style better (i think) since picture perfect bg's would be jarring

>> No.7080422

I don't begrudge professional mangaka that do it, I really am sympathetic to the insane work hours and crunch they are under essentially 24/7 365 days a year. That said, it just always makes me chuckle to myself whenever I see some ornate background whose lineart was clearly converted in CSP, and then you see the actual characters they placed on top and the characters look waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more simple than the background.

>> No.7080427

How much is CSP? Is it subscription only or are there ways to own it permanently and not have to pay an endless subscription?

>> No.7080431

>you see the actual characters they placed on top and the characters look waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more simple than the background.
That's the whole point, and why manga characters are so stylized in the first place. The more stylized and symbolic the characters are, the easier it is for the reader to self insert in to the characters. You should read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud to understand this better.

>> No.7080439

Unless they somehow change it, it's a one time purchase and you're done. There's more than one version. I believe the ultimate edition when it goes on sale (like twice a year, maybe three times a year), it drops to about $100. If you can scrounge that up, you're good for life after that.

I have read it, I actually own a physical copy. I absolutely understand why the choice is made, it just makes me chuckle nonetheless.

>> No.7080461

There is a limit bro, when you see professional backgrounds with prebeg characters, and and not semblance of perspective? It can be done if it's intentional, but if you browse through webtoons you can see it's just a crutch. I'll see if I can post it, but I remember reading one where it was nothing but text on amazing looking backgrounds for like 10-15 frames, then they finally showed something they drew, and I busted a gut.

>> No.7080494
File: 1.82 MB, 2113x2863, manga study 0301 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traced another Ranma page, this time trying to replicate the lines.
Not really sure if it's going to be possible to do good lines with my current tools. I can't put a ruler on my tablet and using the digital straight line tool looks very unnatural.
Even the slightest wonkiness in the lines makes them look amateurish

>> No.7080497

action lines I mean

>> No.7080541

>I can't put a ruler on my tablet
Why not? I do it all the time. Both screenless intuos pro & ipad pro.

>> No.7080542

How do you position the ruler in the right place?

>> No.7080554

Please find that, I would love a laugh.

What program are you using? If CSP, it comes with rulers and stabilizers. For anything else, I would recommend getting Lazy Nezumi Pro. A gazillion rulers and stabilizers and perspective tools. Since I draw all my backgrounds myself, having this has been a godsend. I would recommend this to anyone.

>> No.7080574

For intuos I don't position it flat on the surface I just guide it along my pen. Admittedly it is easier to use on ipad because I can lie it flat and leave it there.

>> No.7080589


Only when it's something that couldn't be vocalized with a closed mouth.
While we're at it, it's a pet peeve of mine when an author refuses to add tails to their speech bubbles, ever. I hate having to guess who's saying what half the time.

It's not a single effect or filter, even the CSP convert-to-lineart thing needs additional work on top to not look weird. You just gotta draw over the top, adding or removing details to make it read better. To see what I mean, all those characters were drawn in, yet they fit the scene and don't feel weird standing in a photo. Why is that? Because the author altered the photos by drawing over them, and knows what he's doing when it comes to drawing characters in environments.

>Unless they somehow change it, it's a one time purchase and you're done.
There is a subscription version that gets the newest updates as they come out that they try to push on you, but the permanent license option never went anywhere and gets the updates eventually too, even though IMO it's been feature complete for my purposes for over a decade.

When it's clearly done to achieve the effect it works. When it's done out of incompetence, without understanding why it's done, it won't. It's not a bad tool just cos some people use it wrong.

>> No.7080596

What a weird coincidence, I just watched this episode today.

>> No.7080612

Paint Tool Sai 1

>> No.7080632
File: 604 KB, 738x1130, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7080633

I thought she'd says lulz

>> No.7080637

>E faça-se a lulz

>> No.7080669

Then Lazy Nezumi should work with you, if its SAI. There are ways to manually hook it with the window/program you're using, if for some reason LN doesn't auto-recognize.

>> No.7080689

How do you guys rate yourselves in terms of skill?
I know some of you are getting paid, which technically makes you a pro, but how do you personally rate yourself?

>> No.7080701

I'd rate myself a 5.6/10. I think I'm a better storyteller and writer than I am an artist.

>> No.7080736

Speaking as one of those pros... I dunno how I'd rate myself. I don't have a bird's-eye view of the playing field. None of us do. I look at my work and compare it to others in the magazine and think "well I'm not the worst artist here".
My drawings and storytelling are more than just a utilitarian "good enough to get the idea across", they're starting to become actually pretty nice. But that's just what I think, maybe my eyes are clouded by bias. I definitely don't feel like I'm a great draftsman, and my work is full of flaws and there are plenty of pages that I want to do better. My stories are getting there but I struggle to find concise, clever implementations of the premise, and finding the best premises to start with. I feel like there's a tremendous gap in skill between where I'm at and the level of the best artists in the magazine. And then I think they must feel the same about the very best in the industry as a whole, and the difference between me and the very best starts to make me feel a bit dizzy.
So it's a bit hard to say how I'd "rate" myself. What's the scale? What's the ceiling of skill? Has anybody ever hit it?

>> No.7080744

I suppose I should should put it into at least 2 parts since this is mmg
1-10 for Story
1-10 for Art.
10 being the best thing you've ever seen/read
1 being the worst prebeg/fanfic you've ever seen.
Rate yourself in both categories

>> No.7080790

I'm not even sure how to rate my manga, because what I get from /ic/ (specifically outside of /mmg/) and what I get from actual in-person feedback by both weebs and normies differs by a few points.

/ic/: 3.0 for story, 3.0 for art, maybe barely a 4.0 if it's a good panel.
Actual physical people: 5.5-6.0 for story, 6.0 for art

>> No.7080837

Call me delusional, but I rate my art 5.6 and my story and writing at about a 7. I think my best attributes are character design and long form storytelling.

>> No.7080855

>writing at a 7
>out of 10, with 10 being the best thing you've ever read
You cocky son of a bitch, I love it. Tell your story, don't let others stop you from doing so.

>> No.7080868

Are you the porn anon? If you are then, I wish you the best of luck in your career :)

>> No.7080872
File: 71 KB, 590x731, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, thanks. You too.

>> No.7080886
File: 506 KB, 710x1030, Screenshot_20240302-020956~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any anon that went from /beg/ level to skilled purely in terms of draftmanship and fundamentals by making comics in this thread?
I'm not skilled but at least I have improved since my first comic(pic bellow) to my new one >>7079065

>> No.7080985

Does anyone have a method for coming up with onomatopoeia? I need something for a crocodile growling.

>> No.7081013
File: 2.21 MB, 1000x4234, 21846848765213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon posted this a while back

>> No.7081014

So funny I was just looking for this as well.

>> No.7081019

progressed on chapter 3_54. I use google street view to find a lot of reference, although mostly only taken elements and not completely the same.
Thanks, but that's not really the case after first chapter, which I consider to be mostly experimental. Starting with chapter 2 I am more consistent chronologically but quality varies.

make me the 3rd.

>> No.7081020
File: 474 KB, 1429x2928, rococo 03_54 REV2024MAR02 magical girl hideout reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach the page I was working on.

>> No.7081162

You could always just do a simple "grrrrrr".

>> No.7081168
File: 37 KB, 694x692, 391625589_122129548556027143_4923832217706289956_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suddenly seeing all these ads for stuff like procreate and clipstudio for addons such as brushes or other stuff to make manga drawing easier, how trustworthy are these ads? I feel like its probably another scam or something.

>> No.7081187

Crocs don't growl, they hiss.
And onomotopeia is mostly an art more than a science. It's a realm for creativity.

Beats me, the default tools work great with some tweaks to fit your needs.

>> No.7081195

I wouldn't say that they are necessarily scams, just likely not something you need. CSP alone has a million free brushes you can get from the community at large anyway.

I looked up some vids to hear the sound. It's kind of like a.... "grungagrungagrunga".

>> No.7081214

Manga plus creators has a lot of bots right? Sometimes I see wonderfull mangas with great art and just a few views and then manga with begginer art with thousands of views and likes lmao

>> No.7081217


What are you talking about, anon? This is clearly worth 1.3 million views. :))))))))))

>> No.7081262

Faggots must be botting. I have no idea how a comic drawn like this can get 10k+ views per chapter and all that interaction too.
The creator has no social media following too.

>> No.7081276

fking lol he probably also botted or bought his instagram account bro has 1k followers and 1-3 likes per post, good god this is funny

>> No.7081281

The bad, stilted English of the comments is almost identical to the bad English of the writing in the comic itself. Honestly looks like the creator himself wrote all the comments.

>> No.7081283
File: 324 KB, 1140x396, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparantly he got 2 k views in 3 days by having 17views on a post, kek

>> No.7081294

>the faces on the first page alone
Holy fucking shit, kek.

>> No.7081346
File: 161 KB, 1046x607, Screenshot_20240302_120103_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giga bed

>> No.7081349

It makes no sense unless it's all bots. Does this fag think he'll be able to trick jump editors to liking his shitty comic by purchasing fake views?

>> No.7081355

This one has to be some sort of shitpost. R..right?? It reads like a fever dream.

>> No.7081357

The guy apparently has 400k subs on youtube

>> No.7081362

Guarantee that's bullshit as well

>> No.7081395

That thing is like 2.5 Alaskan king sized beds put together.

>> No.7081501
File: 1.03 MB, 1368x996, Zufffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to disappoint.

>> No.7081509

ah yes typical weeb zoomer slop, people like this should be executed

>> No.7081534

What the fuck is this art? Why haven't any of his supposed fans told him how garbage this art is?

>> No.7081544

This is a really good idea. I like how in your pic you took liberties and didn't just trace over it or convert to line. It blends very nicely with your style and the characters feel like they're actually in the environment. One question: Why is she naked in that first panel?

>> No.7081560

Looks like half a millie content to me, dude's an entertainer first and foremost, there's no merit for artistic skill.

>> No.7081602

>Why is she naked in that first panel?
You have never read magi's comics I see.

>> No.7081874
File: 3.16 MB, 1984x3071, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're right. I should probably pay less attention to the actual text and work more on the presentation of the SFX to capture the vibe I want. Anyways bottom left is old mate making the noise.

>> No.7081898
File: 495 KB, 848x3600, rococo 03_03 progress demo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its construction , I haven't worked on chapter 3 for a while so I don't remember what she is wearing.

I enjoy drawing naked girls and the rough drafts are extra materials I can put on my patreon while the comic itself is for free.

I felt the tenor of that post has a flattering implications but I don't think anybody should be expected to be aware of what my comic was, and anybody that gets this impression probably have significant overlap with my acquaintance circles.

>> No.7081931

I just meant if you read a magi comic, expect gratuitous nudity, I didn't mean it as a negative.

>> No.7082020

>Its construction , I haven't worked on chapter 3 for a while so I don't remember what she is wearing.
That makes sense. I figured it was something along those lines, but I was just confused because it seemed like she went from naked to clothed in the last panel.

Anyways, your art and action sequences are really good! I think a bit of fan-service is inevitable in a manga with a female main cast, and it's done very tactfully in yours. It's nothing too overbearing, and it doesn't take away from the story. Well done!

>> No.7082071

The kerning really works well with this

>> No.7082160

most of those points come from the fact I have yet to scream at or murder a client.

>> No.7082192

How do you guys deal with censorship?
I'm doing edits of all my partial nudity and blood, and I'm going to upload a PG-13 version along side, see if the algo works around it

>> No.7082196

What size should I use if I intend to print my comic someday?
I see that the japanese standard is B4.

>> No.7082221

Any recs for the kind of pens mangaka use?
I do copies of manga chars all the time but only ever in pencil. I want to try with a pen.

>> No.7082294

Dip nibs from Nikko or Zebra.

>> No.7082333
File: 42 KB, 560x575, 9734289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah a dip pen seems like the way to go.
my local art shop doesn't stock those brands (unsurprisingly).
looks like Hunt and Speedball are the main ones they have.
anything I should look for in nibs for a /beg/ if I want to pick a few out individually instead of just getting this?

>> No.7082336

If we're strictly talking about uploading to a site, you need to know that Manga Plus Creators, Webtoons, and Tapas will require censorship, with Webtoons being the absolute strictest in that they demand the censorship look like something was placed there to hide the bad parts as opposed to a black censor bar. Tapas and MPC have been satisfied with black bars.

As for violence, none of them have as of yet censored me for that despite having blood sprays and the silhouette of inner guts being exposed. I can't prove it, but I think if you're labeled as an action manga or anything else in which violence is expected (i.e, horror) they are more permissive than if it were to appear in a regular BL/GL story.

Captcha: DG4Y

>> No.7082379
File: 89 KB, 456x604, Leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they demand the censorship look like something was placed there to hide the bad parts as opposed to a black censor bar.
Ah Ok. For example here, I'm covering this mans butt with a leaf. Would that work? Also I heard that webtoons doesn't like cleavage. I have bikinis in my prologue, would I need to censor those as well?

>> No.7082407

Can anyone post on MPC? It doesn't have to be made with medibang, right? I'm not trying to win any awards or whatever they're talking about, I just want to dump my comic in different places.

>> No.7082446

Anybody can post on it, yes.

>> No.7082450

thanks, I see now after reading some stuff on there. The engrish FAQ and talk about "submitting" things made it feel confusing.

>> No.7082714

Their propensity to give you a hard time has no real consistency I'm afraid. You can look up forums and see all these other artists rightfully complaining about how all these webtoon sites, but Webtoon itself especially, have blatant double standards that they decide to enforce on a whim or not. For the butt, if they complain just make the leaf bigger. As for bikinis, I frankly have not had them complain about that at all. I'm not saying it's a zero percent chance, just that they HAD to have noticed it in my own manga yet they didn't complain about it.

>> No.7082788

>I have bikinis in my prologue, would I need to censor those as well?
In my recent experience, webtoon and mangaplus both hate cleavage and bikinis. Webtoon shut down a recent chapter update until I removed all butt and cleavage shots (I covered them with word balloons and gave one of the characters a black tube top to hide all cleavage and they were OK with it. Mangaplus is way worse. I spent the past 2 weeks constantly censoring my latest update there more and more and they kept rejecting my changes, in the end I straightup removed 10 whole pages before they finally let the chapter back up. I wrote in the comments "look for the full version on other webcomic sites". I have never had violence or blood censored anywhere.

>> No.7082805

Oh wow, that sucks dude. I'm really sorry to hear they ran you through the ringer like that. I guess I just squeaked by then. Not gonna give them reason to re-analyze each panel like the comic gestapo they are.

>> No.7082826 [DELETED] 
File: 991 KB, 940x1516, 70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird because they don't have any consistency with it. Previous pages have had nudity and straight up implied sex scenes and they were cool with it. I dunno if trolls started reporting my stuff or the mods decided to shut it down on my own. It was frustrating on Mangaplus because my comic was in the top 20 fantasy genre and was finally starting to get traction and 1k views a day. When the chapters got suspended all views and momentum went away and my comic was removed from the front page of Fantasy. It happened 3 times so far. I don't think I drew anything that is more explicit than what is in actual shonen jump. But then again, it's there hosting platform, so if they want to enforce the rules inconsistently, they're allowed to.

>> No.7082828
File: 991 KB, 940x1516, 70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird because they don't have any consistency with it. Previous pages have had nudity and straight up implied sex scenes and they were cool with it. I dunno if trolls started reporting my stuff or the mods decided to shut it down on their own. It was frustrating on Mangaplus because my comic was in the top 20 fantasy genre and was finally starting to get traction and 1k views a day. When the chapters got suspended all views and momentum went away and my comic was removed from the front page of Fantasy. It happened 3 times so far. I don't think I drew anything that is more explicit than what is in actual shonen jump. But then again, it's there hosting platform, so if they want to enforce the rules inconsistently, they're allowed to.

>> No.7082848

>1k views a day
Is this just from one platform alone? Cos if so goddamn I'd love half those numbers lol. Good on you, my best is 12,000 views for my comic in total from GlobalComix. For some reason other hosting sites dont seem to care as much viewer-wise. I'm confused by the discrepancy.

>> No.7082853

Yeah it was getting that on Mangaplus whenever it hits the top 30 in the fantasy Genre, whether it is mostly bots or not who knows. But then when my chapter got suspended, it gets taken off the front page and views per day completely died.

Globalcomix is weird. I had chapter 1 promoted in their newsletter and I got thousands of views on it, then subsequent uploads would get 0 views. I don't think they have very many organic readers there. Other people like it and have success there, but I took my comics down because I didn't like when their discord mods and the two guys who own the website were rude about it and told me I had to spam reddit and direct all my followers to Globalcomix if I wanted to get any views on GC. If I'm providing my content on your site for free I don't feel like it's also my job to drag all my followers there for you too.

>> No.7082880

>their discord mods and the two guys who own the website were rude about it and told me I had to spam reddit and direct all my followers to Globalcomix if I wanted to get any views on GC
The fuck? That's some choosing beggars logic right there. As though there arent several other options for hosting, including your own website, available at any given moment's notice.

>> No.7082945

>"look for the full version on other webcomic sites
That's what I intend to do, I was just wondering what I should be prepared to cover.
Last question, what's are some places I shouldn't have to worry about much censorship at all? pixiv? Tapas I think has an "adult" section"?

>> No.7082950

Namicomi, Tapas, Globalcomix and pixiv don't censor. I don't think your comic shows up on the Tapas app if it's marked as mature though.

>> No.7082957


>> No.7082999

>Tapas doesn't censor
Yes and no. If you have something that has "problematic" nudity or "graphic violence" (whatever the hell that means, they never truly specify), they won't take it down, but you will not show up in their phone app's catalog/library of stuff to look up. Your comic will only exist on the internet version of Tapas. While that's not exactly a death sentence, the overwhelming majority of people who are reading webcomics are obviously on their phones while they sit on the shitter, so you're potentially missing out on readers if they have a problem with a page of yours and you don't want to fix it. If you do fix it, then it doesn't matter if it's rated mature or not, your comic will show up in the app's catalog. I can speak to this from personal experience since they didn't like my naked demon walking down a hall.

And yes, Namicomi, GlobalComix, and Pixiv are all free-for-alls. Post whatever.

>> No.7083012

>If you do fix it, then it doesn't matter if it's rated mature or not
Wait, you mean "dont"?

>> No.7083016

>have idea for story
>doodle protagonist once
>all i wanna do is draw the femme fatale repeatedly
I don't think this bodes well

>> No.7083026

What I was trying to say is that whether a work is marked as "Mature" doesn't seem to (in my personal experience) change whether or not your work will show up on the Tapas app's catalog. All that matters is that, regardless of how your work is classified, the editorial board doesn't 1) find issue with any of your pages or 2) if they do find an "issue", that you just censor it to their liking.

So in my case, my work is marked as mature, so there will be a quick warning splash screen if a reader clicks on my manga, but otherwise it's available for anyone to search and find on the Tapas app, like any regular G-rated work.

>> No.7083029

>design a shit ton of really cool characters, machines, fight scenes and locations
>can't think of a good story to put them to

>> No.7083106
File: 249 KB, 848x1200, rococo 03_049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rococo comic chapter 3 part 3 is up now.

reading back, some of the pages is just unfinished, although i finally got some of the important plot point and central thesis ( >>7079728 ) of the story articulated.

Maybe Rococo comic and Betaman comic is mixed up too much.

Thanks! Altough to be honest whether it is tasteful kind of depending on if i was horny at that moment when I was drawing it...

>> No.7083111

>Maybe Rococo comic and Betaman comic is mixed up too much.
I love your art anon, sorry if you took my comment as an insult or attack, I did not mean it like that at all.

>> No.7083117

I read it anon, great fight scene cinematography as always. But yeah, I would go back and just clean up the comic page by page, I think it'll look all the better for it. Congratulations regardless for getting another full chapter out though!

>> No.7083124
File: 218 KB, 947x1200, betaman 02_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, don't worry, I didn't think of it that way, I was just commenting on the differences between how I think about Rococo comic in my head compare to how others perceives it, and Betaman inherited majority of Rococo comic's character probably didn't help.

I always feel like making Betaman comic was destruction of all of my ambition that I had put in Rococo comic, but its too late to take it back now Betaman himself is a character in Rococo so I might make Rococo comic lewd too at some point.

Thanks! Although I need to properly prioritize progression of the story from now on. After reading "pre-publication" version of False Alchemist, I become convinced that it is more important for the reader to get a sense of story and character rather than polished pages. I fell into an endless loops of revisions from time to times because I was dissatisfied with the presentation.

>> No.7083126

Do you guys think we should just make our own publishing company? Like an American shonen jump?

Have a business model of having a monthly released magazine with comics printed on cheap black and white paper and try and get it into Walmarts and other general stores.

Or maybe it would be better to just release monthly chapter updates online and put the volumes of individual stories into Walmarts and book stores.

Fuck diamond and fuck comic book shops. Fuck the entire American comic book industry.

>> No.7083137

>Do you guys think we should just make our own publishing company? Like an American shonen jump?
This idea never works, especially if you're the guy who writes Apocalypse Knight and are trying to be in charge of the project.

>> No.7083139

You need a lot of startup money for such a thing. Even Jump themselves tried and failed to make that model work in the US, there's just not the culture of reading or magazine buying there used to be.

>> No.7083140

Some issues I worry about:

1) Print media is seriously on the serious decline across all industries in the Western world, and is straight up dead for Millenials and younger.

2) Getting venture capital is going to be hard now that all the "free money" has dried up. See all the recent firings in many industries, etc.

3) You're going to be drowned in people who draw very ugly comics with ugly stories and if you dont include them in the publication they're going to intentionally make up accusations.

>> No.7083141

Some anon kept talking about starting some site for western manga with no censorship. He's probably not doing it, but he had a realistic timeframe, he said it would be like 2 years. I think that was a year or so ago.

>> No.7083144

>and if you dont include them in the publication they're going to intentionally make up accusations.
To be fair, this happens with everyone already. Hell this very thread was talking about how there must be shading dealing going on behind the scenes. I don't think this point is that big of a deal. First 2 points are real factors though

>> No.7083153

When I see meritless garbage pushed on top of actual quality, I am going to suspect shenanigans

>> No.7083204

There has to be SOME better way to make Western made comics more profitable. Clearly people WANT comics because manga is popular. There has to be some kind of way to tap into this demand in the west.

>> No.7083218

start small. start as a highly curated web publication showing off the kind of OEL manga you think people might want to eventually buy in print. build an audience, establish a proof of concept. if it works, scale up, run a kickstarter.

do you get what i mean? this is a long project that is conditional on success at several stages in its development, it's not something you just startup from scratch.

>> No.7083228

See if they have a Hunt 102. Jetpens sell all type of nibs, japanese brands too. You can also try Aliexpress.

>> No.7083240

Those shenanigans don't always have anything to do with the administration of the website though. For example, people brought up too separate cases of a completely trash comic getting 1m+ views of mangaplus, and both times it turned out they had youtubes with hundreds of thousands of subs directing viewers to their comic. But, confused, people ITT assumed and subsequently accused the administration of foul play. You see? That's the kind of thing he's talking about. And it happens all the time no matter the platform or publisher. People WILL blame the publisher/publication for anything they think they can, and while that doesn't matter when you're big and public perception eclipses small online discussion, that might not be the case early on.

At the end of the day the way to make it happen is to find a way to separate the readers from their money without going broke first. If you can find that way, then you can build your business. So far there have been many attempts, but comic readers just don't bite.
Yes, I agree it's a contradiction. But consider this: Many people READ manga... how many people BUY manga? And what percentage of those buyers are outside of Asia? Compare print run sizes of localized manga vs the print run sizes in japan and you'll see that the market is disproportionately tipped toward japan's local market, not so much the international one.

>> No.7083275

Was gonna say, if I am remembering correctly don't people in both Korea and Japan still kind of value having physical objects for media as opposed to Westerners? They also have the benefit of having a comic scene that isnt primarily just a vehicle for superhero stories. For example, manhwas are by and large poorly produced but fuck me if it at least has something more original than Batman #3503837 of the XYZ universe storyline (not to be confused with #93937 of the ABC storyline).

>> No.7083300

The next Todd Mcfarlane could be in this very thread!

>> No.7083314
File: 71 KB, 382x644, LC - Neco Arc In trouble - Dad 01312024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does making comics/mangas makes you happy?.

i mean, I like it, it was my teenager dream to be a mangaka, but Its a VERY demanding job for very little reward and i having doubts about making it a hobby.

>> No.7083350

Does it make my happy, in a euphoric sense? No. But am I satisfied that I can point to my work and say "yeah, I actually took the time to make that?" Yes.

>> No.7083367

>3) You're going to be drowned in people who draw very ugly comics with ugly stories and if you dont include them in the publication they're going to intentionally make up accusations.
Also people who promise work then can't meet the deadline, and the whole thing is delayed because of them, then if you drop them they will start a vendetta against you and make you their public enemy #1 for life. I've been involved with so many comics anthologies over the years and it happens every time.

>> No.7083376

I like it better than just doing random art. I get to connect everything

>> No.7083384
File: 3.69 MB, 2643x4000, Leafy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes me deeply happy in a way little else does.

>> No.7083453

making: no
having made: yes

>> No.7083456

I guess a lot of people only pirate manga. I always kind of chalked it to a service issue where official localization was much slower than fan translations by a good amount.

A lot of people who buy manga in the west, like actual physical manga, do it for similar reasons they buy physical comics. It's a collectors item more than anything. It's very difficult because when it comes to exposure it's very difficult to get notices and any paywall will turn people off from your work. So coming up with a business model is hard. Having an individualized website is extra difficult to draw in traffic to because don't want to leave the 3-4 websites they use. There are so many subscription services and with a poor economy people are cutting down on luxury costs.

How to actually monetize a comic and pay people fairly for their work seems kind of daunting outside of selling books as collectors items and relying on big names like batman and massive marketing pushes. For a western audience it'd have to be a website and you'd have to advertise a shit ton on social media. You'd have to run adds, and provide a lot of free content and find some incentive to sub to some service. Like maybe (if it was a monthly release.) The first 2-3 chapters are free and the current chapter is free, but if you want to have access to the full catalogue you'd have to pay.

The thing is also I've come to realize that a lot of entertainment is dependent on merch sales. So there'd have to be at least some cynical editorial meddling telling creators "you gottah make this character move merch". Making money off of merch sales would be important. Volumes could also be sold, with added bonuses shit like author notes and even bonus art and fancy covers to play into the western desire to collect things. Even do what comic books do now and have fancy alternative covers for volume releases to play into fomo shit. Maybe throw in some sticks or a Funko pop I don't know.

>> No.7083461

I pirate it and then buy what I really like and try to collect the whole series if I really love it. I also collect weeb shirts and keychains.

>> No.7083471

>Volumes could also be sold, with added bonuses shit like author notes and even bonus art and fancy covers to play into the western desire to collect things. Even do what comic books do now and have fancy alternative covers for volume releases to play into fomo shit.
Wait, I'm not used to thinking about this kind of stuff so maybe I'm getting the terminology all mixed up in my head. I thought that your typical manga book you buy is called a "volume." Like volume 1 of a manga series will have inside the book chapters 1 through 5 or something. So then, based on my understanding, are you saying you might have a volume where its the "normal" shit, and then a separate volume thats the same but has added XYZ in it?

>> No.7083491

Not him but that's already how it works.
A standard tankoubon is sorta the paperback collection of the magazine chapters -- typically somewhere in the realm of 180-200 chapters. This is standard industry-wide. There might be a fore/afterwords from the author but that's it, it's a plain-jane archival version for those who just want to read it but cba to buy every magazine issue.
Certain series may have additional releases -- kanzenban, aizouban, shinsouban etc. These are the versions that aim to be the "collectors edition". They have stuff like new covers, the original color pages and any other additional illustration that was in the mags but not the tanks, and may be longer per-volume or be equivalent to multiple tankoubons in each book. This is stuff like Jojonium.

>> No.7083513

I'm not sure its shenanigans, I think its a combination of a few things.
After uploading my comic to MPC yesterday I noticed that it got dozens of views in minutes, nearly 50 views before I even finished cleaning up my profile and stuff. There must be some bots scraping the site constantly or something, or maybe they multiply the views by 10. Looking right now, the few chapters I posted have views totaling 850, obviously its inflated.

Second, I got a comment from a guy who actually made the comic posted here >>7081262 , so he's looking at new comics and reading them and building connections I guess. I think MPC must have a more active community than other sites, on webtoons people probably don't look at new stuff while on MPC people always want to read a new one-shot. That's just my guess.

>> No.7083515

lol I was talking about mpc while reading the reply chains and realized you were talking about printing, sorry if my post doesn't make any sense..

>> No.7083525

It's not multiplying views by some arbitrary number, it counts each page (of the comic) as a separate view. So somebody who's comic has 1000 readers who viewed all 50 pages will have more views than somebody who had 20000 people view the first page of their comic. If you wanna count this as viewbotting I wouldn't fault you, it definitely does create misleadingly high numbers, but it does in theory award those numbers to people whose comic is most compelling to readers, right?

>> No.7083527

I see, its less misleading to see it as "pages read" and in that case its a pretty good system.

>> No.7083602

This shit does not make sense anon
>Hand on the left grill on the right
>then the grill is to the left
>then the grill is on the left and the guy is on the right
Also the shape of the head makes it look like it says BAOM!
Or the shape of her hair makes it look like it says BAsM!
You had more skill here desu, you had ONE style before you lost your soul

>> No.7083605
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1920, 18 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second, I got a comment from a guy who actually made the comic posted here >>7081262 (You) # , so he's looking at new comics and reading them and building connections I guess. I think MPC must have a more active community than other sites, on webtoons people probably don't look at new stuff while on MPC people always want to read a new one-shot. That's just my guess.
He spammed me too. I think he does it for cross promotion knowing people who read your and my comic are then likely to click his link which helps inflate his views. He told me my art was "just ok but the story is nice" so fuck that guy. If he was doing it for networking he would not have so few followers on social media and wouldn't be spamming his link on so many comics.
Drawing comics and telling stories is my favorite thing to do.

>> No.7083607

>your and my comic
*and every other comic he link spams the comments with, which is probably all of them.

>> No.7083611

It gives me a reason to wake up and when I'm drawing I feel truly alive. I used to care about being popular on social media but not anymore, my comics are for the 60 year old me to find and enjoy for the first time.

>> No.7083627

Nice drawing!

>> No.7083628

Nah, the hand works. The thumb faces the neck always.
> the shape of her hair makes it look like it says BAsM
This is valid though, and I can't unsee it now.
I don't think he uploads page by page, so there might be time to fix that

>> No.7083850
File: 1.10 MB, 1112x1086, artstyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is this kind of style and are there any modern manga comparable in terms of technique and shape language?
I especially dig how triangular and edgy everything looks like alongside the stylish character designs and heavy black inks paired with roughly clean lineart and flat color/cel shading approach to screentones

>> No.7083852

It's just edgy. Not everything is some established school of style with a label and a methodology. See those shapes? See those lines? Just draw like that.

>> No.7083856

You've gotten a million answers to this same question. Stop.

>> No.7083859

Gabe for the love of god please go draw already. Not everything has a name. Sometimes spiky stuff is just spiky stuff.

>> No.7083861
File: 3.75 MB, 4960x5304, AlyssaandElijah2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please go draw already.
Already doing it king, expect my attempt at an one shot in the following weeks

>> No.7083872

Oh damn, that's further along than I thought. Ok will wait to see what you make.

>> No.7083883

Damn, you didn't even get a proper critique/praise? Just a video?

>> No.7083895

Wtf are you talking about

>> No.7083904

It's tiresome how regardless of where all these comic companies are situated, they act the same once they're entrenched. They know there's a lot of you and that you're applying to them, so why bother doing the effort? If for whatever reason they don't like your work, they just do the lowest effort possible and tell you to watch a video and move on with your work immediately forgotten already. Like jesus, these artists are grinding away to try to present you with FREE FUCKING WORK, like the least you could do is pretend you gave a tenth of an iota of a shit.

>> No.7083930

That's the business. Even seasoned vets in Japan get their shit tossed out on the first page by an editor. Those companies get thousands of submissions a week and have made the selection process as efficient as possible. The market is cut-throat and you have to grow a thick skin.

>> No.7083940

So they only make comments on entries that placed then? I guess that makes sense since there's a lot of submitted works.

>> No.7083945

How many people are allowed in the "honorable mention" category? Cos otherwise based on the page I'm looking at, there's only five winners.

>> No.7083992


Counted the entries they commented on/critiqued in the announcement page. It's 29 entries (?), out of all 700+ entries were submitted, only 29 entries (that were placed) were given attention to. I don't know if they gave critiques/compliments to non placers. I know that Brandon Chen was disqualified because he/his artist used photobashing so he didn't place/made it to the finals. He did win eventually after learning from his past entries so maybe you just need to learn what they're looking for first?

If you weren't given attention by the editorial department maybe look into what was missing in your entry?

>> No.7083999

It's not like bouncing around on a trampoline, but saying there's little reward in it isn't accurate. I enjoy going through the drawing process even when it's stressful. I don't know why I like it so much. There were points where I was really pushing that I didn't even feel like a person anymore, but somehow I still like doing it.

>> No.7084017

Oh, I'm not the anon that actually applied, sorry if I made you think that. I'm just ranting in to the void, please don't mind my ramblings.

>> No.7084200
File: 79 KB, 253x352, kaiji1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question. I'm confused as why people enter contests like SMA or the like and they draw actual stick figure level or take pictures of their drawings on lined paper in the dark. Do they realize they're not going to place? Like what's the psychology here?

>> No.7084205

Thoughts are likely one of the following, take your pick:

1) Just fucking around for fun, have never drawn before and will not after this. Just want to make a comic for the first time in their life as a quick throwaway activity and if they win cool - no different than if they were playing the lottery.

2) Unbelievable narcissism/Dunning-Kruger that they think they'd actually win.

3) As an intentional joke/troll entry, no different than some anons literally posting a pic of a pile of poo and then saying "Clean it up janny :))))))))))"

>> No.7084206

>It's just an honor to compete
I dunno, practice? Or just so they can say "i've competed in over 500 mangas contests, I know what I'm talking about"

Or occoms razor might say they are just some kid who doesn't know any better. Lined paper from a poorly lit phone camera tells alot.

Either way, makes my art look a helluvalot better

>> No.7084265

>1) Just fucking around for fun, have never drawn before and will not after this. Just want to make a comic for the first time in their life as a quick throwaway activity and if they win cool - no different than if they were playing the lottery.

I understand entering but honestly and giving it your all even if it wasn't a masterpiece, but personally speaking I wouldn't waste anyone's time if I knew I stood absolutely no chance. Sure arrogance is needed to be good at comics, but so is self awareness.

Cause man if you basically CAN'T draw... AT ALL... what business would a person like that even have bothering lol

>> No.7084280

Kids, dunning kruger, and people who just dont care. If the world was only so considerate, but it isn't. I'm sure there are even the people who think their bad art might be liked, ironically, like >>7081217
But like I said, for me it has the DUFF effect. It makes my mediocre art look much better by comparison

>> No.7084350
File: 3.76 MB, 3000x4000, medie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I'm trying to draw a comic and I need some people to give me feedback on the visual aspect of it. Do you think a whole comic in this style would have potential and are there any big negative aspects that immediately catch your eye that I should improve in the future? I'll post some pages.

>> No.7084353
File: 1.14 MB, 3000x4000, medie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using berserk manga pages as reference, if it isn't already obvious

>> No.7084355
File: 3.59 MB, 3000x4000, medie4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084357
File: 3.67 MB, 3000x4000, medie5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084361

Why did you make the dragon so sexy

>> No.7084375

He's not going to fuck her, if that's what you're thinking. I just like sexy dragons

>> No.7084385

Every attempt is going to be a crapshoot no matter what. Even professionally made mangakas make a few series that failed to really launch. That said, your comic looks fine as is if you can consistently draw at that level. Lord knows there's much worse out there that still make crazy views anyway.

>> No.7084436

I'm not expecting to get crazy views anyway. I'm just scared of being a dunning kruger like this anon >>7084280 said.
I dont want people to look at one of my pages and go "yikes" as their first reaction

>> No.7084448

The only thing that could use more work is background, but otherwise you're more than fine anon. Again don't sweat it - nice art is always good but story is more important.

>> No.7084461

>I'm just scared of being a dunning kruger like this anon >>7084280 said.
Are you entering contests with the intent to win?
If not, you're safe. There's nothing dunning-krueger about making a comic, crap or not, but expecting a crap comic to have a real shot in SMA or the like is.

>> No.7084468

I don't see any glaring issues. I also don't see any connection with Berserk in the style. You have an incredible amount of dead space in the dragon panels.

>> No.7084891

Good resource for character design, especially on how to stay consistent (design sheets for example)? I‘m leaning toward a manga style, if that helps.
Books, websites, images, everything is welcome, thanks!

>> No.7084918

What are you expecting here? You already know what a design sheet is, and you probably know what a turnaround is. The rest is practice. You're not gonna get any closer to drawing your designs consistently any other way. Well, short of making 3d models of the characters and tracing them.

>> No.7084940

I didn‘t express myself clearly, sorry. I have never made a comic, although I have been illustrating for quite a while. So I am aware of design sheets, but I have no clue about how to make one or use it or what to pay attention to—in short, I am looking for a guide about the technical nitty gritty. I could look at artbooks, but I couldn‘t decipher the way it is used in production. And googling only gets me these laughable „how to“ grifter books.

>> No.7084942

You tailor them to your needs. Make some comics and you'll soon find out exactly what you need them for.

>> No.7085344

I think they do more proper critique when the entry goes further into the reviews sesions. For example in my entry:
This for context --> https://medibang.com/mpc/episodes/132403010232239560015743980/

the critique they send me was this:

We noticed your Protagonist skills... We rooted for your protagonist, thanks to their easily understandable goal! Continue honing your skills and acquiring knowledge to craft a narrative that will accentuate your protagonist even more in your next SMA entry! Check out the secrets behind great protagonists by reading our editor and manga artist Q&A: https://www.manga-audition.com/qa-m/

sooo the critique is related to the one shoot but in a very vague way. I guess the entries who make it at least to the first review session will have a more proper critique.

>> No.7085357

My only concern about the critique they sent you is that their commentary is so vague that it could have technically applied to every single person that submitted a work (unless the work was so bad from the get-go that there wasn't even a plot). I get that it's not feasible to do something specific for god knows how many entries, but they kind of didn't really say anything at all here.

>> No.7085406 [DELETED] 

Man, not trying to be a dick but that Manga Creators Plus site seems like kind of a trash can. I read through / skimmed a couple things on the first page. I don't think I would I particularly care about any critique from there, vague as it is.

>>7085344 your stuff could use some work (figures/perspective/storytelling) but some of the stuff I read is down right incomprehensible as far as storytelling goes.

>> No.7085438
File: 432 KB, 1210x1000, New Pennies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard anon. Simply look at professional design sheets, easily searchable on google, and copy them.

>> No.7085446
File: 1.56 MB, 2668x1866, Itzel Outfit 1 - Mantle Cape with Modified Deel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design sheets aren't a hard science. What you want to include is up to whatever you need. It's common to do a front and back, and then a profile/side cutaway if you want.

>> No.7085491

Yeah... But as you said it's hard to make individuals comments about every single entry where there are almost 1000 lmao

>> No.7085500
File: 243 KB, 853x1170, itzelcharredrawsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085527

>double doubles
Very nice. And thanks for the draw anon, I love the way you do curves! Love Itzel's attitude.

>> No.7085631

will I get told to fuck off if I post furry/kemono

>> No.7085647

Depends on if its about just straight anthropomorphic animals, or straight up actual furry-tier "animals." Personally, as long as its the former and done in some sort of comic style I won't care and will help out if you need advice, feedback, etc. If its nothing but an amalgamation of a million gross ass fetishes, no.

>> No.7085694

Dont post furry please

>> No.7085702

you have your own space, degenerate.

>> No.7085725
File: 677 KB, 738x1130, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085796

Now THAT is a cool top action panel. Good job altarusia anon. I was not expecting to see that in your comic.

>> No.7085808

>I was not expecting to see that in your comic.
This chapter will flip the tone of the story, just wait and see

>> No.7085878

Yeah I agree, that's extremely vague. What kind of comment even is that? Skills? You were clearly going for a more emotional impact in your entry. That sounds so generic, like a spam mail almost.

I suppose entries that got further along got better critiques that are actually relevant to the entry.

>> No.7085942

Complimenting an aspect of a work and then sending advice on how to improve it rather than doing it for an area in which improvement is more needed is also a bizarre choice.

>> No.7085982

Is it? It can be assumed that the people who did not win the competition can stand to improve most if not all aspects of their work. Telling them to do that is pointless, they're going to do that anyway. Telling them what they might not know, like what the strongest aspect of their work was, is a lot more useful.
You can see what you're lacking on your own by looking at the winning entries and using your head, but you can't do the same to see what you did well.
I dunno about you guys but personally what I want out of editor feedback is help figuring out what to hone in on, not what I can improve. Of course everything can be improved, I know that already, what I can't tell on my own is what part actually worked.

>> No.7085983
File: 64 KB, 508x767, 1705295566782793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been slacking a lot lately due to depression, so i have been moving my deadline month by month...
But that isn't working right now, i wonder if the best date to post on mpc is the 2nd of every month or if i can wait so i have finish it before the 15 of april at most

>> No.7085993

A lot of people don’t know whats wrong with their work. Pointing out the worst offender of a work is the most helpful way of ensuring they correct it.
You want to hone in on what you can improve. The part that worked is the part they don’t shit on.

>> No.7086115

I think the issue with their feedback is that it doesn't even make sense. The main character doesn't have "skills". That wasn't the focal point of the story. It's obvious that that they just sent a generated reply. Barely any fucks were given.

I'm sure somebody else got a proper critique that shows they actually read their story but those must be pretty uncommon.

>> No.7086133

Yes, they could theoretically point out flaws too. But there are a lot of entrants and it's not like judging these works are any of these people's main jobs. So, I can only assume they figure that giving advice on what to focus on rather than what to improve on will be a more economical way to help the most entrants. Even if the entrants don't realize it. Again, you can figure out on your own what you're doing wrong -- but you need somebody else to tell you what you do right. To be honest, if you're not capable of recognizing the flaws in your work and improving on them yourself, then I have bad news for your manga career. An editor can't baby you from the beginning, you need to be able to improve to the point where it's worth it for an editor to spend their time on you. Harsh I know, but editors aren't teachers and they're not signing up to tutor anybody.

They noticed his "protagonist skills". Not his "protagonist's skills". They're saying the MC was a strong point with the work.
>It's obvious that that they just sent a generated reply.
I don't know if you realize this, but they're japanese. They don't speak english. You're reading a translation of their feedback, so it probably reads strangely. The feedback from my editor reads the same, because that's just how japanese editors structure their feedback.
I mean shit, they even told him exactly what to do for his next work: Continue honing your skills and acquiring knowledge to craft a narrative that will accentuate your protagonist even more. That's pretty clear advice. We like what you did there, do that more and better.

>> No.7086153

do you submit your work with English on the manga pages and they translate it or do they expect you to do that yourself

>> No.7086156

I submit my work in (not very good) japanese. They fix it up after, I just have to make sure it communicates what I'm going for.

>> No.7086281

New thread at:
