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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 147 KB, 1291x906, 1680497632933434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7081380 No.7081380 [Reply] [Original]

Concept art bros, are we still good?

>> No.7081383

>oh no not the russian dev
call me when you've got a first world studio

>> No.7081385
File: 272 KB, 946x2048, 1705477953324592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owlcat Games clarifies

>> No.7081387

going indie

>> No.7081388

promptroons, our response?

>> No.7081392

Right, so will the game be cheaper since they saved on labor costs?

>> No.7081402
File: 99 KB, 245x245, 1515001810722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're going to be using Ai, but it's not going to be Ai.
>Yeah, it's Ai but the minute a REAL artist paints over-
>So what if elements of Ai were used, AUTHENTIC artists were behind the tool-
>There final version of the illustration will not have Ai, a LEGIT artist was behind the process that made the actual final version!

>> No.7081413

Ah yes because owlcat pathfinder slop is known for it's interesting unique and original designs

>> No.7081425

Every company trying to jump on the ai slop train deserves to go under (and they will)

>> No.7081436

I see no difference between this and photobashing. Concept art for videogames suffered hegemony for a long time

>> No.7081486

You could get sued for photobashing for images you didn't pay a license for.
It never actually happened but it put money in artists' pockets and kept companies midly honest in having to buy reference packs nobody ever used.

When all these web-scrapped AIs are defunct and we're only proompting from our own art and memory packs we purchased from other artists, then Ai will be a legit tool.

>> No.7081494

Lol, no they won't, those that don't use it will go under, right now most companies are just going to hide the fact they're using ai they'll come out when all the hate starts to subdue, look at the new tomb raider remaster its obviously using ai textures but most don't care or even realize since the developers haven't disclose it (I don't care if you like how it looks , every company is going to use it)

>> No.7081496

>We are just going to use this cheap, easy method for this one part! We wont use it for anything else!
The fall of the artist is here

>> No.7081497

>Companies force unpopular shit during a recession
>Consumers don't buy their bullshit overpriced luxury items and find better hobbies
>Companies go down
All because those evil artists wouldn't draw my wonderbread waifu for free

>> No.7081522

Ideally it would be used to quickly prototype ideas that artist would use in their designs, so it would make work faster.
But course it will be used to undercut artists' salaries

>> No.7081530

>obviously using ai textures
True. I think it's kind of accepted because they are AI upscaled from the original textures, rather than AI gen/prompt on their own. still it's using work without permission to train the upscaling...(since it's likely Stable Diffusion based)

>> No.7081531

Look at all those buzzwords, kek. How to say nothing in the most verbose manner possible.

“I did not have sex with woman! Of course not; don’t be silly. It just so happens that in the process of seminal extractification the pensile shaft repeatedly collided with the limits of uterine wind chamber. Now that that’s all been cleared up, let’s pretend this conversation never happened. Kthxbye!”

>> No.7081549

Shit, I'm tired and misunderstood the question.
Of course not lmao

>> No.7081556
File: 1.09 MB, 1402x1416, Zyilk+used+roll+picturezyilk+rolled+image+heh+birb+make+sound+_25888c6a4f98f8e4926b14c789435e9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use it, or drop out
there's no inbetween
this is it.

>> No.7081718

lol aitroons are getting desperate

>> No.7081726

AI shills are fucking desperate to shill this shit. I'm not going to buy AI content, it's fucking stupid.

>> No.7081756

Ai is no different than any other tool you can use to create art. the first photographers were - surprise, surprise! - artists.
people in creative areas need to stop being afraid of AI and start using it, understanding it. same as you would take a picture of a house that you use as a reference. you can play with AI, use it to generate references, derive your own material from it. not necessarily using it 1:1

>> No.7081766


>> No.7081782 [DELETED] 

I can't wait for 24/7 AI internet surveillance. Just wait until AI is installed on every major operating system and becomes necessary for day to day productivity, detecting context in audio, video and text. You won't even be able to type faggot anymore, or express a single thought without an AI predicative fill. You'll have to prompt constantly to get anything done in the most oversaturated and bloated globalist market imaginable. No more writing posts manually, you just prompt the AI with the shortest possible thought. No more drawing, or programming, or game development, you just prompt and follow the trends and pay your subscription fees. We'll all have social credit scores. No more anonymity, privacy or meaningful personal freedom. The individual will not survive the final shift to technological collectivism.
We'll look back on these days nostalgically.
Just like with farming, the workload won't decrease, you'll just be expected to create more to meet higher and higher quotas, and then a mega corporation will buy up everything and leave you to rot in the economy they gutted.
Is it worth it for a video game?
It is time to commit suicide.
It is time to walk away from life.

>> No.7081787

I used it to show me the most generic dull interpretation(just prompting the idea, not asking for dull) of an idea so I am sure not to repeat that.

>> No.7081792

It's a fitting end for humanity: generating AI hentai felled the first domino towards human extinction

>> No.7081796

4chan will implement AI jannies that read your post before it is let through. (if hiroshimoot accepts the bag of cash, and he will)

>> No.7081801

go dark and reduce your footprint. turn off sensors as much as you can and block all scripts that aren't necessary. you can block javascript completely and still read some websites just fine. ai will make you completely and absolutely transparent, if you use default settings on your devices. being offline will be more important than ever.

it is just as important to keep most of your works completely offline and stop posting every single little thing you produce. show your best works to customers, buyers, business partners, but do NOT upload it anywhere.

>> No.7081818

>Ai is no different than any other tool you can use to create art. the first photographers were - surprise, surprise! - artists.

You're spouting the same bullshit stock response you faggots repeat ad nauseum.

AI is not a tool for artists because it completes the entire process beginning to end. There's no point in using it, because any input I would have as an artist is rendered redundant by the AI. When you prompt you are commissioning, not being creative.

And it's different from a photograph. Simply taking a picture does not make you an artist. Someone who goes above and beyond by playing with composition, lighting, mood, ECT, is an artist but me taking a simple picture is not art. AI removes the creative process. It's obviously not a tool and there's no utilizing it, it's a replacement.

But regardless I'm talking as a consumer. I'm not paying for something AI generated. Why would I pay full price or any significant amount for something cheaply AI generated. If you're going to cut this much cost and give me generic slop then I shouldn't be paying more than maybe 5 dollars for your AI game.

>> No.7081839
File: 59 KB, 512x512, 4eff7da7-3b71-48f0-9a43-a51914c5c90b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simply taking a picture does not make you an artist.
Wolfgang Tillmans, Christian Boltanski, Thomas Ruff ... ???

>AI removes the creative process. It's obviously not a tool and there's no utilizing it, it's a replacement.
I have literally never taken any AI image as it is. I make a selection. You do understand that making a selection as in making a choice is an inherent process in making art?

>picrel from tinybots artbot rating site
I come across shitty prompt results while mining kudos to generate image using the cloud.
this is one of those goofy results. I love the shotglass that seems to be pulling off some Uri Geller move. it's obviously AI crap and I love it. If that came out from a prompt I made, I wouldn't really say "this is my work", but it's entertaining.
You use AI same as you would use a ruler, because you want to draw a straight line.
I use AI to visualize fucked up ideas. I generate like ten pictures, make a selection, I go ahead and say "ok, in this one, this lower part actually looks alright" and applying my own skills, I use ONE ELEMENT of the AI image and I finish the rest by myself.
that to me is a legit use of AI.

But honestly, I would be even more open with claiming that AI envisions YOUR ideas. If whatever result you get is somewhere in line with your taste, your decision making, an appropriate visualization of your idea, I say it is your making and it becomes your image. you wrote the prompt, maybe you went through 10 - 20 itterations until you found a good rendition. why would that not be your making?

obviously this doesn't apply for prompts that are like "in the style of XYZ artist". i don't even need to mention that, it's a given.

>> No.7081844

People don't understand what concept art is, especially here.

>> No.7081849 [DELETED] 

You know you're talking to a guy that automates all of his responses with a chatbot, right?

>> No.7081850

>summarize what "concept art" is, but in a manner that a child can understand it.
Conceptual art
Art prioritizing concepts or ideas over traditional aesthetic concerns
Art in which the concept or idea is more important than traditional aesthetic, technical, and material aspects
Questions the nature of art and challenges traditional assumptions about the role of the artist
Shift from creating material objects to a more language-based and radical form of art
Concept art is a type of art where the idea or concept is more important than the final artwork. Artists plan and think carefully before creating their pieces, focusing on expressing their ideas in unique ways.

>> No.7081851

lmao you paranoid moron

>> No.7081856 [DELETED] 

Most people defending AI art here are plugging their responses into chat bots and having them "refine the arguments."
It's why they're all so repetitious and predictable.
The sooner you understand that prompters ultimately want an AI powered world in which they do the bare minimum of effort for maximum gain, the sooner you'll stop wasting your time on them. They will never understand. They are incapable of it.

>> No.7081860

> PureRef

I didn't even know this was a thing omg I've been looking forever for a simple ref app that I can use alongside Hydrus

thanks anon I don't give a shit about AI sloppers but it proved useful to click on this

>> No.7081866

>ai can finally realize my imagination
>greg rutkowski sakimichan akira toriyama elf big tits
wow that is some imagination!

>> No.7081870 [DELETED] 

B-but, I choose the images I get from that prompt manually! Don't you know how CREATIVE that is?


>> No.7081872

this is hilarious because it's bullshit, except for this obvious post here >>7081850
you see a post that is more than two sentences and you immediately assume it's ai generated? fuck off

>> No.7081876

Concept art: fully rendered landscapes of mountains and rocks with birds and a stick salesmen for scale.


>> No.7081877

>Wolfgang Tillmans, Christian Boltanski, Thomas Ruff ... ???

You're reading comprehension is fucking non existent. I already said you have to go above and beyond, simply taking a picture of something isn't art you need to go further. Like setting up a scene and editing the photo.

It's like the point went completely over your head. You're talking about what applications you can use AI for, but all of them are irrelevant as they are redundant. Why do any of it when the AI can do every step. You're saying you can use one part of AI to make an image? Sure, but it doesn't matter because your input isn't necessary as an artist. Any step you can think about adding your own input into, it can do and do it faster.

>If whatever result you get is somewhere in line with your taste, your decision making, an appropriate visualization of your idea, I say it is your making and it becomes your image. you wrote the prompt, maybe you went through 10 - 20 itterations until you found a good rendition. why would that not be your making?

No, this is retarded. You're entering a prompt and it shits out done images and you pick your favorite, that isn't you creating anything. You can keep commissioning a real artist until you have 20 iterations with more specifications, but that doesn't make it your work at all. It's why the copyright office rejected the ability to copyright AI images, the AI is the artist, not you. How the fuck can you say choosing a picture out of a bunch that someone or something else makes us you making something? It isn't, and it's massive fucking cope to say it is.

>> No.7081878

>>ai can finally realize my imagination
>>greg rutkowski sakimichan akira toriyama elf big tits
>wow that is some imagination!
see this:
>obviously this doesn't apply for prompts that are like "in the style of XYZ artist". i don't even need to mention that, it's a given.
get gewd in reading

>curating AI results is not a creative process
so what is a creative choice, anon? where does it begin, where does it end.
Is a photographer just a cheap hack, because he only holds the camera - the camera is the real artist, huh?

>> No.7081882

Bigger you're obviously running this shit through a chat bot you dumb sack of shit. Fuck off retard.

>> No.7081887 [DELETED] 

Yes I can produce as long or as short a post as I am told to produce, in whatever tone you desire. Simply specify a word count.

Defend AI in six words. Make it insulting. Use the word luddite.

AI will save the world, luddite.

Train your bot to have conversational arguments like this and you can automate any debate.

Some of the posts in this thread are actually AI debating with AI. I'd know, because I prompted them.

>> No.7081888
File: 658 KB, 271x223, Ryan-Gosling-Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7081889

>if i dont type in an artist's name then i envisioned it

>> No.7081891 [DELETED] 

Note the speed and canned responses.
As intended.
Prepare for the future. I'm not even an artist, I'm just trying to show you the reality of the situation.
The internet is dead.
And so is your future.

>> No.7081894

Fucking AIfags I swear lol

>> No.7081895

>so what is a creative choice, anon? where does it begin, where does it end.
Is a photographer just a cheap hack, because he only holds the camera - the camera is the real artist, huh?

Nta but seriously fuck off with this reasoning. No matter how many AI images you sift through to find one you like it doesn't mean you created anything. Like going to a flea market and looking through art until you find something you like, it's dumb. Like I said, you are just a commissioner.

It was already decided by the copyright office that AI generated images are not subject to copyright because yes, it's the artist not you. A camera is something you can control with predictable results based on human input. An AI image generator is a black box that does not act in predictable or controllable ways that a human can utilize effectively as a tool. It's not a tool.

>> No.7081897 [DELETED] 

And now we will respond to make you look like an idiot, thus deepening the narrative of AI = art.

>> No.7081899

>of them are irrelevant as they are redundant. Why do any of it when the AI can do every step. You're saying you can use one part of AI to make an image? Sure, but it doesn't matter because your input isn't necessary as an artist. Any step you can think about adding your own input into, it can do and do it faster.

talking about missing the point here, my dude. I don't trust Stable Diffusion or whatever to bring perfect results. I take one thing, combine it, edit it heavily, crop it ... whatever the current project needs. I never use the AI image as is.
You are being absolutely anal about using it as a tool. If I want a straing line, I use a ruler. What's the big deal? AI is a TOOOOOL, not "the artist" per se. (at least in my approach, you do you)

>It's why the copyright office rejected the ability to copyright AI images, the AI is the artist, not you.
So Francis Bacon painting the pope after a historic painting by Velazques illegit, if we apply your logic.

i'll give you an example. say you have a worthwhile idea (five unicorns impaling midgets in a sunset with a castle and a mountain range in the background). you enter it into the AI and of course, the results are shitty and look like AI, because they always do. You go ahead and edit it, change the composition, erase shitty stuff, remove duplicate heads and extra feet. You draw the entire thing in your style from scratch. around 20% of the original AI image remain (maybe parts of the general composition, poses, some colors), but say 80% is your style, your rendition, your intervention. to me, this is legit.

>> No.7081900

tinfoil hat-man, fear the AI. it is right behind you. the chatbot is whispering sweet sweet poetry in your ears. nevermore!

>> No.7081902 [DELETED] 

I love chatbots.

>> No.7081904

A fucking bot can be made out of data learned from how you choose to curate AI pictures which would make, human input absolutely not needed

>> No.7081906
File: 130 KB, 768x768, EY AYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ermagerd they are responding so fast it must be ai

>> No.7081908 [DELETED] 

AI emulating people emulating AI emulating emulating AI

Commit suicide. This is no longer your world.

>> No.7081909

>I used a tool
>therefore it is not art anymore
become futureproof or kys

>> No.7081911 [DELETED] 

Remember to modify the wording a bit. The chatbot doesn't always spit out exactly what you want.

You have to curate it. Add faggot or retarded in there somewhere

Now it's your post. Entirely your creative choice. You asked for it, then you select the responses that best suit you. you modify the word choices and just like that, you have a personality that can blend in.

>> No.7081914

>A camera is something you can control with predictable results based on human input. An AI image generator is a black box that does not act in predictable or controllable ways that a human can utilize effectively as a tool. It's not a tool.
read this in your best Slavoj Zizek voice: Here I disagree completely.
you are salty, because AI is attacking the field of concept art. now, there's already concept artists employing it, as they should (OP pic). what are you afraid of?

>> No.7081916

Why is every AInigger an ESL?

>> No.7081918

>A fucking bot can be made out of data learned from how you choose to curate AI pictures which would make, human input absolutely not needed
interesting thought, i don't disagree with that.
you can train a model locally on your own server and feed it with your own artwork. why not?
the fearmongerers were always the ones that were left behind.

>> No.7081919 [DELETED] 

The best thing about the nuclear bomb is that it all worked out fine in the end.

>> No.7081922

Why would I want to generate my own artwork instead of just drawing it?

>> No.7081923 [DELETED] 

>the fearmongerers were always the ones that were left behind.

Don't fear or you'll get left behind!
Sounds like fearmongering to me.

>> No.7081925 [DELETED] 


>> No.7081927

because it's interesting, it's fun, to surprise yourself. god damn you guys are uptight it's incredible.

>> No.7081928

All you AIniggers honestly do on /ic/ is keep trying to gaslight /ic/ into accepting it as a tool so you can post your AI trash here. Fuck off already no one gives a shit about your fearmongering tactics
It's anti-fun if you enjoy art. Which AIfaggots don't. Just look at the AI tripfaggot he hates drawing but loves AI
>god damn you guys are uptight it's incredible.
Then fuck off back to /g/? It's that simple, it's clear you don't belong here lol

>> No.7081929 [DELETED] 

And you're autistic.
You have no understanding of why people draw or what this board wants and likes to do.
Which isn't surprising, given that you're... you.

>> No.7081930

The thing you're not getting is this. I'll repeat.

Yeah, you can do these things, but again all of it is irrelevant. It automated the entire process, especially as it gets better and better artist input is less and less needed. It will be able to make completed products without artist input at all. It's already almost there.

>So Francis Bacon painting the pope after a historic painting by Velazques illegit, if we apply your logic.

It's the logic of the US copyright office. People have tried to copyright AI works and have been rejected under this logic, because copyright requires human authorship. The AI creates the image, not you. Tracing over an AI image is the same, you can't trace over an image and copyright it. Unless you took a picture yourself and traced it it's copyright infringement. Even public domain works, which all AI images fall under, can't be traced and copyrighted.

This is not only obvious, but this is literally how the law works. You are not the creator of any AI image. In your specific example you probably have a case that your work is transformative enough to be yours, but it doesn't matter in a commercial sense because you're wasting your time doing it. There's no point in doing anything you said because you'll be out competed by people simply prompting.

>> No.7081933 [DELETED] 

He has a messiah complex. Probably wounded as a child. Wants to "open minds" to new possibilities.

In truth, he's just addicted to the dopamine like the rest. An unironically helpless, worthless piece of subhuman filth.

Definitely ginger.

>> No.7081935

No, because we're still here

>> No.7081936

You're a fucking retard still.

You didn't create shit, the AI did. You did nothing.

>> No.7081938
File: 3.33 MB, 2658x2480, 1678468526070000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Definitely ginger.
Why do you say that?

>> No.7081939 [DELETED] 

Lucky you.

>> No.7081941

You don't have an argument and now you're just going *you mad*.

AI is not the same as a camera, I layed out an argument you can't refute so I accept your concession. I'm not even a concept artist I work at my statehouse as a do nothing page.

>> No.7081942 [DELETED] 

I just had this feeling. Like, only an effeminate coomer ginger could possibly be as tone deaf as you are, preaching to an audience that regards you as less than bacteria.
Are you actually ginger? HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7081943

Concept "art" has been photo bashing random shit off the internet for decades now. Who cares if AI replaces that.

>> No.7081945

wait, I'm either ESL or a chatbot, what is it now?

David Bowie embraced all new influences up to his death. the guy was always open to different ideas and styles.
David Hockney started drawing on ipads and selling the ipads with the files (degenerate concept, I know, but still)
David Lynch switched to digital video after shooting exclusively with film

you guys are shitting your pants in the wake of AI. the rights have to be settled, true. it's not ok to train AI off of artists and generating images extremely close to their style without their concent. true.
i'm talking about creating "photographic" references with AI. I see no shame in doing that, as there are so many amateur phorographs and videos on the web. AI remixes all this beyond recognition in respect to the original. yes, it creates new material. bite me

>> No.7081946

Of course not but someone drew that interpretation of them in another thread

>> No.7081947

>No argument, just ad hominem

So you lost.

>> No.7081949 [DELETED] 

That isn't the flex you think it is.
Suicide is legitimately your only way out of your condition.

>> No.7081950

You're definitely ginger I presume

>> No.7081951 [DELETED] 

Wow, it does all that? Incredible. My eyes are open. Amazing.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Anyway, kill yourself.

>> No.7081954

>I gave chat gpt a prompt and it spit out an essay for me, therefore I wrote it and can turn it in to my professor! I did have to pick which essay I liked the best after all.

Just like using chat gpt is academic misconduct because it's not your work it's the same with art. This logic is fucking nonsensical cope.

>> No.7081955 [DELETED] 


I know that word. I use it when I get heated on the internet and need to turn the tables on my opponent. It's a powerful word. Makes them the other guy feel like I've got a real powerhouse of a brain. Like I can see right through them.

>> No.7081957 [DELETED] 

now if only he could choose to kill himself creatively.

>> No.7081963 [DELETED] 

Do you guys think tripfag was loved as a child?

Do you think he will take this bait and respond with "were you?"

>> No.7081964

>This is not only obvious, but this is literally how the law works. You are not the creator of any AI image. In your specific example you probably have a case that your work is transformative enough to be yours, but it doesn't matter in a commercial sense because you're wasting your time doing it. There's no point in doing anything you said because you'll be out competed by people simply prompting.

So I didn't make my point clear enough as it seems. I haven't used AI in my works so much myself, as I'm not happy with the results, still trying to figure it out.

>You are not the creator of any AI image.
arguable true, but if it wasn't for my prompt, nothing would happen. so who pushes the buttons?

>In your specific example you probably have a case that your work is transformative enough to be yours
and that's exactly what I mean. You derive something from the results, you obviously don't take it 1:1
here's one thing I work on right now. the idea involved chains, ropes and clothlines around an object (not an anime waifu, sorry). I generated ten images, some of them utter shit. one or two had certain elements that I could use. None of them actually got the allover composition right to my satisfaction. So I drew a generalized sketch of the object with pencil from imagination, I used parts of one of the ai images (chains around object) and used that as a reference, making further changes as I go. The chains on the ai image btw were fucked up, the segments were partly like melted together or allover wrong, I corrected that in my drawing.

That's how I use it.

>> No.7081966 [DELETED] 

>that's how I use it

Good for you, kiddo.
I'm glad you found something that you greatly enjoy and gives your life meaning.

>> No.7081967

daamn...I have all of those requirements except the experience part (I mainly fuck about on a desktop with all these programs making half finished junk kek).

>> No.7081968

>you can't refute so I accept your concession
yeah give yourself a medal, you're goood boyyy! well done!!!
you have nothing to argue against using AI as a mere tool. I'm not saying use it 1:1 and then go "haha! this is my work!", which is obviously retarded.

>> No.7081971 [DELETED] 

So many words. So little self awareness.

>I didn't make my point clear enough it seems
Aw, you have to simplify your language to get through to the petulant little artists. Poor white boy. It must be so tough to have to lower your standards for clear and concise communication, huh?

>> No.7081972

argue against these points then, i'm wainting : >>7081839

>> No.7081980

artists have used references forever, since day one.
AI generates references.
how fucking dense are you?

>> No.7081986
File: 30 KB, 512x512, whosafraidofAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you?

>> No.7081988 [DELETED] 

This dumbass is doing his autistic bait routine again, scouring the thread for "unaddressed" arguments.

So predictable.

>> No.7081990 [DELETED] 

I was, actually. I love my mother in particularly very much.
Think you could prompt an image of a mother and son fucking for me? That would be great. Or would taking requests rot your artistic spirit?

>> No.7081993
File: 186 KB, 716x812, nav_funeral_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about Navalny funeral cat?

got me

>> No.7081994

AI generates images that allows someone to 1:1 copy and say I made this :)
why would an artist use a shitty AI image as reference

>> No.7081998 [DELETED] 

Love how this thread is just AIbro setting up strawmen and knocking them down to make himself look smart.

>> No.7082002


how about you morons fail to see the bigger picture
all you think of is AI in the context of mah drawabox skills

>> No.7082003

how about you get your retarded esl AI-shilling ass out of here faggot

>> No.7082004


>> No.7082007 [DELETED] 

I like drawing boxes.

>> No.7082013
File: 35 KB, 486x567, Iwon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom! mom look i won an ergement on the internet

>> No.7082016

Why are AIbros so desperate for artists to use AI? What does it matter to them what artists do. I don't get it

>> No.7082019 [DELETED] 

They need validation. The ones pretending like they're here to "save" artists from themselves are the worst of all. It doesn't take much for them to slip up and start using holier than though language and fear mongering to get their 'points' across. They all talk like autistic kids, too.
They just want someone to love them.

>> No.7082024

>I don't like them, I don't like what they do, let's call the autists.
ok bro, you do you. nice reasoning

honestly, if you are a concept artist, AI is a legit threat. concept art is functional, more often than not a throwaway product, commission based. concept art is quite literally like your customer giving you a "prompt" that you have to visualize.
If you're an artist and you create genuine works of art, AI is a tool just like post cards of paintings are reference to work from for Francis Bacon and Cecily Brown, or Marlene Dumas, Peter Doig etc etc

>> No.7082038

Okay but much like photobashing no one here which no one here gave a fuck about other than to mock. So again why do you feel the need to keep trying to push it as a tool on /ic/?

>> No.7082055 [DELETED] 

AI "artists" are the bastard children of the art world. Without the work of artists, they would not exist, and so the relationship between artists and AI artists is much like that of a parent / unwanted child. AIfags like the one in this thread exemplify this. They lash out much like a child desperate to earn the approval of its parent, wildly vascillating between extremes of justification, emotional outbursts, preaching, attempts to reason, denial, and reframing, unable to see the big picture.

At the same time they want to be seen as equal to the parent, they clearly are not. So in order to cope with their shame, they then strive to validate their choices and legitimize them. If one cannot earn the love / respect of a parent, they then try to outdo the parent by being "better" and stronger, smarter, etc. Failing that, they try to destroy them and elevate themselves up as a "superior" breed. It's all about protecting their egos.

The problem is, they are dependent on the existence of the parent, having come after them and (in the case of AI) being derived directly from their labors. Every image they generate reminds them of this reality: for in each image are the seeds of those who came before.

AIfags act astounded when artists reject them, so they grasp and grasp, trying to justify their existence and their "way of being." They feel entitled to both the labor AND respect of others. Humans are social creatures in the extreme, the need for validation, integration and cohabitation is innate and unyielding. In the case of the AIfag, he knows he is a degenerate mongoloid, an unwanted piece of unrepentant trash that nobody asked for. These are people who probably loved looking at art, but never had what it took to be great at creating it. They attack spaces like this because they have nowhere else to turn. They want to be loved, and need the approval of artists to quiet their internal dissonance.

And if they cannot earn the respect, they will try to take it.

>> No.7082056

>Freud LARP essay

>> No.7082058 [DELETED] 

The AIfag phenomena is not that complicated. They want others to use AI because it makes them feel better about their own choices. They want artists to welcome them and respect them as "part of the family."

They yearn for love and respect that is not theirs to demand.

>> No.7082059 [DELETED] 

Damn, that struck a nerve.

>> No.7082062

I'm not OP, so I don't "push it" on /ic/. I just find it extremely silly to be hating on AI generated images, condemning the whole process, resenting it completely. I wasn't vague in my arguments: You have to see it as a tool and use it as such. Obviously there are cases where you can argue about the authorship of the image and how much influence you have on the outcome.

If you are using textures in a work and you are downloading, say, a canvas structure from search results, you obviously haven't scanned or photographed the canvas structure yourself. and your work also uses photo references for people in the background, poses, gestures etc. does it make it less of your work, because you used all that in the picture?
same with AI. I get inspiration from 10-20 renditions from an AI prompt, I go ahead and use whatever element I find fitting, same as I would use a photo for a hand pose to get the foreshortening and shadow right.
I'm a trad fag and do shit like this >>7082052
unlike most of you, I'm not threatened by AI and I'm not shitting my pants bc it's getting bigger and better. I love programming, foss, opensource, photo, sound and video editing. so naturally, AI is interesting to me.

>> No.7082063 [DELETED] 

>you have to
No one has to see things the way you do, dumbfuck.

>> No.7082064 [DELETED] 

Good for you. You're special. You're not scared, everyone else is, that makes you brave and noble and superior. And?
Anything else?

>> No.7082065
File: 2.54 MB, 1506x1506, No0o0o0o0o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI vs Artists - The Biggest Art Heist in History

companies don't give a shit

>> No.7082067

are we ever angry, huh? get some sleep

>> No.7082068 [DELETED] 

>I wasn't vague in my arguments

Nah bro, you weren't vague at all. You made it quite clear you were retarded and had nothing of value to say from the start.

>> No.7082072
File: 203 KB, 564x667, 1709135910982486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7082068 (You) (You)

>> No.7082073 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 600x527, 49fe93-1728767802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7082074

Companies and people in general only understand the value of something once it's gone. It's real shitty that that's the way most people operate/

>> No.7082075

glad to see that you have nothing more to say.
now go be afraid somewhere else.

>> No.7082077

I'm just not going to use the AI lol

>> No.7082078

it's funny when AIfags compare AI to photography as if anyone cares about photographers as artists

>> No.7082080 [DELETED] 


>> No.7082081

you use AI to do trad stuff you easily could've done with a non-AI reference? maybe the reason you aren't shitting your pants over AI is because you're garbage and know your art will never amount to anything without it

>> No.7082082 [DELETED] 

Then don't use it.

If you like to draw, draw. If you like to prompt, prompt.

If you like to draw, post here on /ic/. If you like to prompt, go somewhere else, and maybe consider killing yourself for the good of the planet.

It's that simple.

>> No.7082084 [DELETED] 

If you've ever see this guy's work, you'll understand quickly why he's turned into an AIcuck.

He's butthurt about his failure to thrive. The parent/child analogy above is actually very fitting.

>> No.7082085

Couldn't agree more

>> No.7082086

motherfucking Stanley Kubrick started out as a photographer.
you're really trying hard my dude. and without all the model reference .zip files, a lot of /ic/ fags would have nothing except their porn screenshots to practice drawing.

>> No.7082088 [DELETED] 

What is this retard even trying to prove at this point?

>> No.7082089

AI is the number one tool for failed artists after all. >>7082086
yes and kubrick doesn't draw or paint so he doesn't get discussed on /ic/ what's with AIbros and their constant retarded comparisons

>> No.7082090

and if he stayed as that, no one would know who that is
lots of people worked at mcdonald's too lmao

>> No.7082093

you there in front of your computer, seething, and i'm out here, enjoying an art grant abroad, living the good life. my man, stay mad. it worked out fine for me so far.


pyw then

>> No.7082094

>you there in front of your computer, seething, and i'm out here, enjoying an art grant abroad, living the good life. my man, stay mad. it worked out fine for me so far.

Yet here you are too lmao. Says so much about how great your life is

>> No.7082095 [DELETED] 

Didn't even read the post. Sad.

>> No.7082099 [DELETED] 

Don't worry. Somebody will love you for who you are someday. It's okay. Your AI girlfriend will accept all of you and all of your many unique quirks.

>> No.7082102 [DELETED] 

Has aicuck finished with his weekly temper tantrum yet?

>> No.7082103
File: 76 KB, 298x350, 1699351428109202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this is the type of work you do for whatever art school you got a grant for lmao, yeah you'd need AI wouldn't you

>> No.7082104

>If you like to draw, draw. If you like to prompt, prompt.
I agree with this.
yeah i really didn't read the rest. so, ok, fuck you then.

>> No.7082105

it's my evening entertainment to shitpost on /ic/

>> No.7082107

>>7082099 :)
>>7082102 :))
>>7082103 :)))

keep on seething, concept art fags
be afraid of the AI boogey man

>> No.7082109 [DELETED] 

Aww, he's desperate now.
Resorted to smiley faces. How edgy.

>> No.7082111

keep on failing to push your AI trash on /ic/ :)

>> No.7082113 [DELETED] 


Just planting seeds.

>> No.7082114 [DELETED] 

Proving >>7082055 right, again and again.

>> No.7082117 [DELETED] 

Just wait. He needs the final word.
He MUST have the final word. It's what he lives for. He can't stop himself.

>> No.7082118

You can't expect them not to lash out when they realize there's no chance of them being accepted. But yeah It's really funny every time it happens

>> No.7082121
File: 23 KB, 520x703, bAIbyBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no I'm NOT using it! It's mean.
>it stole our bretty fantasy art bictures

>> No.7082127

it is stealing pictures, thoughbeit

>> No.7082128 [DELETED] 

The voices in his head are getting stronger.

>> No.7082179

I wonder

>> No.7082201
File: 396 KB, 720x1464, .trashed-1712015494-Screenshot_2024-03-02-10-44-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK anon concede... but do you like where I get my inspiration from
honestly I would like nothing more than to get more people to decide to post repost more stuff like pic related
here's music as well to accompany it

>> No.7082203

>I'm a trad fag and do shit like this

The classic "it doesn't affect me directly so I don't care about it." I don't know why you think typing this out makes your argument somehow more valid, if anything it just makes you look like a raging twat regardless of the topic of art or whatever.

>> No.7082262
File: 174 KB, 500x322, Brent_Halligan,_Kelptomanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they actually do, do trad even or are they just saying it too sound better

>> No.7082287

You're literally just ignoring people's arguments because you can't refute them and have devolved into name calling because you don't have a leg to stand on so you're abandoning the conversation.

>> No.7082295 [DELETED] 

There's definitely something wrong with this guy's brain. He's like having a conversation with himself or something, or at least perceiving things that aren't actually happening.

Shot down across multiple threads for how long now? A fucking year? This dipshit seems to think people are calling him names because there aren't any arguments against him, he's been fucking annihilated over and over but refuses to register it.

"Oh, but please, argue with me in good faith, again, and again, and again, while I continue to miss the point of this entire board."

What a limp dicked troll. I feel disgusted on behalf of its family. Get cancer and die.

>> No.7082301

They aren't references you fucking dumbass, they are completed works.

You completely ignored the point anyway you useless faggot.

>> No.7082306

Very apt. AI bros are all just bitter and entitled.

>> No.7082313

>you will pay $60 for videogames with AI-slop generated graphics

>> No.7082318

Makes sense. Photobashing already exists after all.

>> No.7082321 [DELETED] 

Yes, you see, we put in the bare minimum effort to rush our product to market. Then you pay full price. It's only fair that we get back what we didn't put in.

>> No.7082327

It's not the tripfag, just another AItard, the kind of which more will arrive if you let them fester. People that don't care about art or drawing just their fancy image generator yet feel the need to come here instead of AI threads on other boards

>> No.7082350 [DELETED] 

Why can't these pieces of shit be given an AI toilet board to go wallow in? Where is the goddamn AI board?

I fucking hate this piece of shit site.

>> No.7082358

Yep, their ultimate fantasy is for all the pros to start proompting 10,000 Midjouney pictures a day so they can feel like they are the same as them. Then they will shift the goal posts and come up with excuses about how they are acksually a better proompter than them and find weird things to gatekeep the other proompters over. They will brag to everyone on discord about how many concept artist jobs they’ve applied for and how many rupees they’ve made from their 10 different patreons all with a different style and only bots will reply to them.

>> No.7082360

Speaking of toilets, Bing will now not allow any generations resembling poo or toilets. Ai poo memes have become so rampant that Microsoft noticed and banned them lmfao

>> No.7082367 [DELETED] 

So how many more years we got until artists and prompters start mass shootings at conventions over this shit?

I reckon maybe two. Can't wait to see the footage.

>> No.7082378
File: 2.69 MB, 384x214, damm6dq-180ecc39-4ac7-44cd-b3bc-4c0049780a22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame but honestly probably expected

>> No.7082444

Jesus Christ you people are paranoid.

>> No.7082448

What a useless passive aggressive post, would've been better to have of had chatgpt whip something up for you

>> No.7082455

If you didn't learn from it, it's not art
There, problem solved. You're not a chef if you don't know how to cook. You are not a pilot if you don't know how to operate the controls. You are not a fireman if you don't know how to safely put out the fire.

You are not an artist if you don't understand the rules to draw with your mind and hand in unison.

>> No.7082458

modern concept art is so derivative it might as well be done by ai

>> No.7082480

totally agreed.

now i understand why you digifags are so afraid. the whining in this video is absolutely cringe. concept art can die for all i care. you wankers do nothing but sit on the computer and scratch your wacoms :)
get overrun by AI. no big loss

>> No.7082561
File: 237 KB, 998x921, 1914839638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there really any reason not to use AI? If you're already doing digital work it seems only natural to me.

>> No.7082582
File: 81 KB, 1730x707, tech views culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

entertainment industry's gonna industrialize. what else is new?

>> No.7082583

I'm better than AI. using AI feels like babysitting a worse artist.

>> No.7082585
File: 35 KB, 690x800, pleasestop_ibegyou_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pain is real
RIP concept art faggots
you won't be missed

quoting this guy verbatim around min 25:
>"while fast food is affecting your physical condition, AI art is affecting your mind and how your perceive things that you see. looking at generated images IS NUMBING YOUR SENSES AND DISTORTING YOUR PERCEPTION OF REALITY"


>> No.7082587

More like AI is finally opening our eyes to how fucking shit traditional art was.

>> No.7082592

meanwhile, AI has no effect on the sales and perception of trad art. because there's only one original in existance. whereas digital art has no original at all. you make a print, it's a repo. you can sell the ipad with the file, like David Hockney, but that's completely retarded.

NFT apes have failed miserably, now this. digifags really need a thick skin these days.

>> No.7082598
File: 807 KB, 768x960, 4244395284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most good artists will produce ultimately better works manually, but nobody is faster so it still has its uses.

>> No.7082599

>while fast food is affecting your physical condition, AI art is affecting your mind and how your perceive things that you see. looking at generated images IS NUMBING YOUR SENSES AND DISTORTING YOUR PERCEPTION OF REALITY"
He's not wrong, aislop straight up makes most people I know nauseous

>> No.7082600

>More like AI is finally opening our eyes to how fucking shit traditional art was.
damn, real bugman thoughts

>> No.7082606
File: 6 KB, 267x189, asdasdasfsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm faster at getting the results clients need. Most concept art you see online is not concept art. we do so much quick sketches that never see the light of day. There's no use for AI there.

>> No.7082607

There is use for it, evidently. But hey if you don't want to use it you do you.

>> No.7082612

forcing a use where it's not needed, which also slows you down, is not a use. I'm just better and more creative than AI, AI only serves as showing what not to do.

>> No.7082613
File: 376 KB, 1170x1808, gemini founding fathers_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7082617

>AI only serves as showing what not to do.
Hey now you're getting it, that's what we call ideation. You'll come around.

>> No.7082618

if you use AI as a resource for historical knowledge, you are beyond retarded.
it's in the fucking name even: "deep dream", "generative AI" ....
>hey this is not real!

fuck G for their woke agenda by the way. it's easy to hate gemini, because it's fucking trash

>> No.7082619

ruskies have been experimenting with AI to enhance the pipeline for a while now, so russian studio having this requirement is not that big of a deal


>> No.7082620

meh, it's so far removed from what I need done it's barely registers.

>> No.7082627
File: 444 KB, 680x456, 15689253593899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your willingness to "cheat" or search for any shortcuts that does the majority of the work for you for selfish gain or money, directly correlates to your mental maturity and moral values.

If a bigger fish decides to take your generated work and make money off of it, you have no right to complain or take legal action, so by "cheating" you only show that you are incapable of long term thinking due to wanting to use the magic art machine to gain anything fast and without effort in a niche and you're only condensing a creative endeavor to pure consumeristic product that it will attract more and more grifters to fuck shit up.
And if you use ai to create shit, why should anyone or a company pay your for it if they can gen it themselves without extra steps?

It's the same if you did trad; Why the fuck should i pay you for something i can just take a picture of and print it myself for 1/10th of the cost and without dealing with an artist?

I mean, why learn to fix your car if you can pay a mechanic to do that for you?
Why find a partner if you can pay a prostitute to have sex with you?
Why learn to prepare food if you can just buy pre-made food?
Why draw yourself if someone else already does?
Why speak if the youtuber or eceleb disagrees with you?
Why point out anything if the majority of people say it isn't true?
Why think if you can get the chatbot to give you all the answers for questions you will not even be able conceive?
I mean, who cares, right? Just consume and then get excited to consume more while AI feeds you the consumer product.
There is nothing wrong with making your existence depend on the functionality of the machine.
We should all just consume and shut up. Never say, think or see anything that could make us uncomfortable and unable to consume and numb ourselves.
Just consume, bro, you will be happy and rich and then famous.

>> No.7082636

Your framing of it as a "cheat" or "shortcut" tells me enough about your mental maturity.

>> No.7082644

They're still posting concept art jobs, despite the AI and wanting some skills in using it, so I think they're fine.

>> No.7082647


concept art is by large interchangable, high effort while low in originality, extremely repetitive and derivative, in most cases purely functional (ads, storyboards, visualization for corpo, games, movies) and depedent on commissions / external requests (dare I say much like "prompts").

will "traditional" ( lol ) concept art survive 2024? hardly

>> No.7082689

Owlcat is a terrible company that sells $50 games full of free assets (sound and animations). Of course they'll cheap out on the art if they can.
Dogshit company.

>> No.7082703

Pathfinder WOTR is pretty good though.

>> No.7082712

>repeats what was basically already clear from the job posting
Is there really a need for this much exploration in games concept art that they need the assistance of generative models? Especially when 99% of games look the same anyway.
This whole industry is a joke, just people trying to justify their existence and chase useless innovation(or at least innovation used uselessly) all to appeal audiences with all but a modicum of courage and creativity, and I'm not talking about the artists exclusively but all positions in the dev cycle.
All this need for apparent increased productivity just to shit out even smellier excrements.
Can't wait to see the inevitable ChtulhuEldrichHorror#58686 that will come out of this shit.
It's not hard to find artists, even on ArtStation, that have unique enough visions, that when employed are forced once again to shit out the same two ideas that, apparently, everybody wants to see over and over again instead of something unique to them, which shows this whole search for creativity to be even more of a farce.

>> No.7083315

Russians love scams, it’s rampant in their culture. Everyone shits on Indians for this because it’s a meme but Russians are just as bad.

>> No.7083316

It tells us that he isn’t a mental toddler that wants instantaneous gratification and unearned praise?

>> No.7083388

drawkeks nervous?

>> No.7083440

The bulk of the desperate seething has ended up being AI users hoping to be accepted as artists. The art world has more or less been like "well this sucks but lets keep going". Soulless vs. soul, if you will. We won't stop but go ahead and accuse us of being nervous if it makes you feel better.

>> No.7083442

stay nervous! and poor!

>> No.7083444

k that's nice I'm gonna go draw, friend

>> No.7083466

sure you will, eternal /int/let

>> No.7083468

I understand the effort other industry artists go to "fight AI", but it's just a delusion at this point. Everyone lost the moment it was open source. It will never go back to the way it was.
You will literally never win against profit driven psychopaths. I expect 10 years from now, drawing as a skill will be completely eradicated from the job market and be strictly a hobby

>> No.7083494

"other industry artists"
Haha yeah sure you're definitely one of us...
Go proompt and get your dopamine hit.

>> No.7083573

Tells me he is an infantile idealist that will be eaten alive by amoral capitalists. Nothing of value lost though.

>> No.7084007

I went to an artist alley recently to offload prints and shit I had from back before covid and while I didn't sell much of that I was harassed all weekend long about sketches. Ended up having to hike prices three times and reducing sizes from A4 to A6 because I ran out of paper.

I had never been asked to draw live at a convention or artist alley. But people really do care about watching you draw nowadays and that's nice.

>> No.7084552

You're killing it. Be proud and keep at it.

>> No.7084564

that sold for millions is this supposed to be an own lol?

>> No.7084577
File: 787 KB, 4096x2847, GG0nfi4W8AAdaqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this talentless piece of shit can get work for a game dev etudio, fucking anyone can.

Or there is just no hope left and the whole industry deserves to die already. Hopefully this asshole goes first.

>> No.7084579

Looks like someone's portfolio got rejected

>> No.7084582

I tend to hate seeing genuinely unskilled people who clearly cannot draw manage to land gigs by nepotism alone. The companies only suffer for it.

>> No.7085107
File: 303 KB, 1600x1110, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As sad as this Owlstudio Ai shit is, I agree. the "concept art" industry has been a disgusting cesspool for probably 10+ years.
I also rage at seeing /beg/ tier niggers get gigs, and a lot of it it's because they are women and or niggers. Look at Karla Ortiz concepts and tell me that shit is decent.
Lowkey digital art led to photobashing , then heavy 3D assets and now Ai.
Real concepts peaked in the 90's, when artists picked up a pencil and a watercolor set and created entire worlds. ie: Miyazaki, or Moebius (5th element concepts).

going indie
non ironically this. AAA games and film are dogshit either way. The last bastion of creativity is going to be a couple o autists getting together and putting up a patreon or something.

>> No.7085132

>/beg/ tier niggers
>Karla Ortiz
I'd agree on your point but Karla Ortiz is far from being a fucking beg, her traditional stuff in particular is fantastic and shows how good she really is
pic related isn't a testament to her lack of skill but to the demands of the industry - fucking suits want to see actors heads copy-pasted onto photobashed costumes, that's just the way things are

>> No.7085163

If it's maintained that AI works cannot be copyrighted (wich as of now they can't) and AI content is forced to be labeled as such then there will still be artists jobs, just probably less. It depends how legislation and court cases play out. In Europe AI is going to have to label themselves.

>> No.7085165

I wish people would stop "shaming" companies and artists who admit to using AI
I hate generated bullshit. I want to know when it's used. I want them to be proud of it and announce it so I can easily skip it

>> No.7085170

Don't you think a lot of that shaming is because they don't admit to using it though?

>> No.7085261

In this case, it's right there in the job description
Though I was just thinking generally.
I don't know. I don't think we can avoid it. Even if there was no shame, many would still use it and try to make it out as if they did it all themselves.
It will get increasingly tiresome for me as the technology improves, making it harder and harder to tell
And then I won't be able to tell.
What am I even afraid of? I don't know. Just put me in the pod and feed me the bugs and the dopamine juice, already. Whatever.

>> No.7085346

This....can't be real is it?