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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 197 KB, 1279x723, pdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7072632 No.7072632 [Reply] [Original]

>it took pewdiepie 40 days to reach this level from absolute beginner
Is he full of shit or mogging the fuck out of /ic/?

>> No.7072633

>anime head in a void
I sleep

>> No.7072636


>> No.7072639

you didn't reach that level by copying 3/4 view anime heads for 40 days? what did you achieve instead?

>> No.7072640

>yes, I will critique your work. no, I will not post mine
Hope your life turns around at some point! Have a nice evening!

>> No.7072643

40 days of drawing the same thing? doesn't seem all that impressive. Where's the other days drawings?

>> No.7072646

critique? I just asked you to tell me what you achieved. I guess you are very sensitive...

>> No.7072661

very impressed by the guy who is blatantly referencing AI art yeah he's a prodigy

>> No.7072669

/ic/ barely draws
of course he'd mog

>> No.7072671

if he did figure drawing in perspective, I might take a look, otherwise just another clickbait content for clout maintenance and youtube revenues

>> No.7072696
File: 2.57 MB, 4067x5000, 28 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he full of shit
looks achievable for 40 days of grinding anime girl head.
other anons were grinding (assume the anon who drew ofc) le fundie, Loomis, and realistic head so it's hard to compare their progress with his progress. But yeah constantly grinding one specific subject is one good way to learn art.
Haven't watched his video yet but I hope all the praises won't pressure him too much to keep up with the expectations everyone is giving him right now.
oh here is my 1 year old work since people over here obsessing about dunking on each other. so go ahead

>> No.7072802

> practicing thing makes you better at thing
Who fucking knew?

>> No.7072825

I don't believe this

>> No.7072832

Pretty sure he worked in graphic design way back when. Anyways, the amount of energy you guys devote to this topic is sad

>> No.7072838

>those shaky lines
>that horrendous line weight
>that mouth
>that eye
>that cheek
this is with a ref and a sketch under the ink, now if you saw someone like kjg draw this freehand with no reference you wouldn't even look at it twice. i think you guys are setting the bar awfully low.

>> No.7072851

It's because people here think you have to grind line exercises, boxes, follow a course for a year before they can even attempt to draw the cute anime girl they want to draw so they don't even realise what is possible at a /beg/ level.

>> No.7072867

pewdiepie drew in the past and literally did commissions, he's a faggot and a liar like every content creator

>> No.7072898

Holy fuck the cope in here is insane

>> No.7072922

>literally did commissions,
Really? I want to believe you, but until you show receipts, you are a faggot and a liar like every bait creator

>> No.7072932

its a copy

>> No.7072967

he's mogging /ic/ because he actually drew for that long and focused on the subject he wanted to do. Most people on this board get obsessed with finding "The Perfect Method/Tutorial/Video!", and either they end up grinding exercises forever, or they try the tutorial and quit because it didn't make them super good in 3 days

>> No.7072970

Not sure if this was mentioned here before but wasn't his main thing before youtube being a digital artist? He even has a deviantart account with some of his stuff, although it's more graphic design he had to have had at least SOME training in drawing. Graphic design students at my college have to take figure drawing, so at the very least he knew forms and perspective

This swede is sketchy...

>> No.7072971

it has been mentioned several times but with no proof. now it has been mentioned again, with no proof. great job faggot.

>> No.7072972

Also looking back on some of his deviantart work I feel.... deeply disturbed. I don't even want to save this


>> No.7072974

I just posted a link like a second after you replied

>> No.7072983

did he construct that head or did he copy it?

>> No.7072984

Also I know I'm probably going to get blasted for posting a quora link but
>In an interview with Pewdiepie, back when he was still unknown to most, he said he earned a bit on selling photoshop artwork online, how did he do it?
There's literally an interview of him floating around where he admits he got commissions

This swede is a fucking SHAM

>> No.7072985

stop making this fucking thread, no one cares about some e-celeb doodling chinese cp shit

>> No.7072990

respect. Being a blame fan probably gave him a multiplier for gaining art skill.
I actually did some research too and found he made enough to buy a computer.(from that video mentioned https://web.archive.org/web/20170202123132/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTCPwe_eaco )
he didn't do any drawing, just photomanip. how much that helped... idk.

>> No.7073672
File: 2.34 MB, 3120x4160, 20210225_225411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every YouTube video for any subject that says "30 days" or "100 days" is fake. The worst ones are with programming, but art is pretty bad too. It was obvious from the first page of his first sketchbook that this wasn't actually his first time drawing seriously. He drew dozens of correct eyes and the next day drew several correct bodies. Also, this broad's (cat) ears don't line up with her face. Also
>4 ears
Don't forget he's not just claiming 40 days, he's claiming that he was only drawing for 10 minutes a day. That's physically impossible, most of his pages were completely full. 40x10/60 is 6.7 hours. 6.7 hours. Come on. Also also also his style suddenly and unexplainedly changed to this pouty-face omake shit in its entirety on one random day. I don't buy it at all, especially since he's been selling multiple scams via sponsorships for a decade. This is what my art looked like after about 5 hours, all in one day so more than 6.7 spread across 100 days. Even if I'm on the lower end of the bell curve (I'm sure I am) he's lying.

>> No.7073675

Pewd may be full of shit but you also shouldn't underestimate the role sleep plays in learning. 6 10 minute sessions with sleep in between are more learning than one 60 minute session.

>> No.7073710

>he's claiming that he was only drawing for 10 minutes a day
At the start he was, then he said he drew longer later because he enjoyed it so much

>> No.7073712

>because he enjoyed it so much
That's cheating!

>> No.7073729

it looks decent proportionally speaking from afar so it is a good start. It is also interesting that the perspective is slightly from below and I like the hair color. The expectation is for a beginner so ofc it is low.
my main gripe is that the other eye bulging out and cat ears are out of perspective badly. Clearly his fundies are not there yet but it is a good start. Other youtuber treat him like Jesus coming back is concerning

>> No.7074034

60 minutes isn't that much though, unless he has severe attention deficits he should be able to handle 1 hour of concentrated work which would produce much greater results. By the end of week 1 he would have 7 hours which is more. Aside the fact that I don't really buy his story either

>> No.7074044

>Every YouTube video for any subject that says "30 days" or "100 days" is fake
100% true. Like the first drawing I ever made as an adult basically took me 3 hours and it still sucked.
It's interesting that pewdiepie still feels like he has to lie about these things despite the fact he's rich and famous.

>> No.7074180

youtube art community won't stfu about him. Them sucking him off is setting unrealistic standards. We're talking about a grown ass man with no responsibilities aside taking care of his crotch spawn. He's got all the free time in the world unlike other adults who are also getting started. most of us adults only have intermittent progress cuz of job/responsibilities.

>> No.7074181

You're not forced to work you know. What responsibilities do you have? Your only responsibility should be drawing.

>> No.7074194

lets see how good his art becomes when he is forced to watch his entire family executed

>> No.7074260

>Them sucking him off is setting unrealistic standards.

There's nothing unrealistic about drawing for ten minutes a day an incerasing it over time. You probably spend more time on /ic/ than that.

>We're talking about a grown ass man with no responsibilities aside taking care of his crotch spawn. He's got all the free time in the world unlike other adults who are also getting started. most of us adults only have intermittent progress cuz of job/responsibilities.

There are plenty of artists that practiced and improved with less free time than Pewdiepie. They might have not have progressed as fast, but they kept at it and it stacked up. They did that because they really wanted to get better at art and even the smallest sign of progress showed that it was working.

The excuses people have made on this site regarding the Pewdiepie stuff and even before this just shows why so many anons are the way they are on /ic/. Nothing but resource hoarding and excuses while drawing for ten minutes a month.

>> No.7074268

You spend more time seething and shitposting, instead of drawing. Plenty of People produced pro and int level of artwork with jobs taking most of their time. They just know how to time manage, unlike shitters like you.

>> No.7074274

>most of us adults only have intermittent progress cuz of job/responsibilities.
Yet you all have time to shitpost on this dogshit cesspool. You're just a weak loser.

>> No.7074342
File: 451 KB, 565x321, nowdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7074556

based, blog?

>> No.7076762

It's not that good. He is still jogging the shit out of /ic/ though.

>> No.7076899
File: 3.47 MB, 3024x3674, 20220123_145640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was 2021 and i started when government banned me from society in 2020 lockdown and lost my job and couldnt redo any certs for work or travel out on plane or enter any schools so learned to draw.

>> No.7076901

Its not drawing until he draws his own ideas with no reference instead of copying something

>> No.7076910

Holy fucking cope

>> No.7076914

anyone here can trace that green hair anime girl in about 5 minutes and do a decent job. But can be construct a head from scratch?

>> No.7076916
File: 468 KB, 1000x1000, 70 days of portraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started drawing portraits every day (this is around my 4th year drawing). I don't think I made gigantic progress but I think I was definitely surprised how much I made for the short time. If I made a drawing I was very proud of, it would only take a week or 2 of progress to see what was wrong with it. I think it was a reasonable amount of progress but of course, using references so skews the perception of progress.

>> No.7076956
File: 67 KB, 714x714, 1683149054754887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about his level, but now I'm struggling with drawing below the shoulders and things like perspective. Used to be when I got a half decent anime head in 3/4 view drawn I'd get excited, but now I need more. Help

>> No.7076958

>I'm struggling with drawing below the shoulders and things like perspective.
That's what happens when you do nothing but draw floating anime heads. Stop being a pussy and start drawing full figures
Just draw.

>> No.7076993

>Just draw.
You're right. Though should I just eye whether it looks right or not?

>> No.7077000

>dat mouth
holy shit you're right, it's the 'dat ass' mouth

>> No.7077008

>it just works
i kneel

>> No.7077030

who do all of his pictures look like copies of ai? None of the details or design choices make any sense. The hair melts together with random chunks everywhere. He couldn't even get the irises to look the same, which is something most begs obsess over

>> No.7077036

Because they probably are? He said he copied ref, and most sites are flooded with ai slop. He might not have even realized.

>> No.7077041

>setting unrealistic standards
Good. The more zoomers give up because they don't have le youtube man talent, the better it is for me.

>> No.7077045

>The hair melts together
that is very common for everyone
flowing anime hair is some of the toughest shit to design lets alone draw
you can see him wiggle in some lines and then paint over them very roughly because he treats is as an afterthought compare to the face

>> No.7077069

>flowing anime hair is some of the toughest shit to design lets alone draw
It really isn't. Stylizing simple shapes like hair is nothing compared to anatomy, clothing folds, etc

>> No.7077083

anon, most of new highly skilled/ pro level artist in this gen are zoomers now a days. You mostly see this doomerism from 30-40+ year old fucks

>> No.7077091

>most of the new artists in this generation are young people
that's some high iq observation right there

>> No.7077096

i know right? so many of the 14-16 year olds are already producing pro level art.

>> No.7077127

>is nothing compared to anatomy, clothing folds
fine but it is still pretty rough for a beginner
I see so many beg just paint the hair as a blob and tentacle-like more often than not

>> No.7077145

yeah but to do that you first need to learn some basic form, air is just ribbons hanging from a sphere, pewds only really did observation and memory drawing

>> No.7077152

copying a drawing isn't observation drawing

>> No.7077157

>copying a drawing isn't observation drawing
yes it is wtf?

>> No.7077158

Ok I watched 2 videos and 3 fucking sponsor ad
and I must say OP is lying
this painting >>7072632 is on like day 85 or some shit which is entirely possible for an average person to learn.

>> No.7077160

no it isn't, begtard

>> No.7077163

ok dude, i don't care keep being shit at drawing

>> No.7077164
File: 329 KB, 1091x750, IMG_5783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Observational drawing is just classical academic drawing.
Retards do use it in the way you do, same as they think life drawing is drawing models, doesn't change the fact they're wrong.

>> No.7077165

lol /beg/ harder, retard

>> No.7077171 [DELETED] 

you waste time reading theory instead of drawing, that why you are coping at 4chan about a dude that improved more in 100 days than you in 10 years lmao

>> No.7077173

OP pic is /beg/, are you retarded?

>> No.7077177

>begtard dk says dumb shit
>gets corrected
>projects his lack of skill onto others out of butthurt
takle as old as time

>> No.7077184
File: 104 KB, 497x691, lezddw8uokgc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you waste your time reading theory instead of drawing, that's why you're copying on 4chan about a guy who improved more in 100 days than you did in 10 years lmao
if he is a beginner, what are you, who have nothing to show for it? in fact, I just read your posts and I dared to guess that you are one of those crabs who are seething for pewdiepie's improvement lmao, (they think i'm mad or something) oh nonononono lmaoo

>> No.7077186

pewd threads always cause such a mental meltdown, christmas is over but it keeps on giving

>> No.7077189

>mentally ill beggie having a meltdown

>> No.7077191

ok dude you win, i was wrong copying an image is not observational drawing because vilppu didn't fart on the left side of his bed this morning, congratulations. it's funny that you didn't even bother to contradict me with the fact that you don't have any work to show for it, never change /ic/ lmao

>> No.7077195

>newfag intensifies

>> No.7077203

I'll take it as a compliment, of course i don't want to be considered an oldfag like you and still have not even a single drawing to mog the ill beg that is having a meltdown kek

>> No.7077214


>> No.7077219

I am also a beginning shitter and was wondering if I should draw the same exact thing everyday until it gets better, or start with multiple different things.

>> No.7077233

if you draw then you will get used to drawing, if you draw to get better and pay attention to getting better then you'll get better
no need to complicate things, hitting a wall is when you refer to books or actually hunkering down and studying or drawing with more intent
it's simple

>> No.7077236


Just fucking draw nigger. Whatever you see and like. Mileage is more important than anything if you still suck.

>> No.7077239

He sounds like every wannabe artist everywhere anon. Rich kids who don't want to work but also don't want to look lazy or decadent.

>> No.7077339

do the early parts of drawabox. its basically what a lot of universities, scott robertson's book, and several others recommend, but free with some simple videos. i dont recommend entire drawabox program, but specifically the line exercises, ghosting lines, ellipses, etc are excellent ways to bootcamp basic technical skills and line control. dont get into the drawing million boxes, but look at the 1pt and 2 pt perspective and basic stuff like that. do all this in conjunction with drawing what you like.

so start the day ghosting lines, ellipses, some perspective exercises. like half hour of this. if it starts getting boring, look into zentangle patterns. these help you work on line control, build up texture and line library/muscle memory and are less tedious than basic exercises. after youve warmed up with this, you can try to reproduce anime or do some landscape or whatever you enjoy. but make sure you spend time working on your lines. professional inkers fill pages of hatchings and every time they dip their nibs, they are doing lines on paper to test ink flow. but youll find all these basic lines and exercises and they do it daily, while inking something, etc. think of it like learnign to print or cursive. you filled pages with grids drawing letters. yes, writing is drawing. you draw the letters. straight lines, intersections, S- and C- curves form all basic shpaes, including letters. and you practiced every day at school. work on your lines as warmups.

>> No.7077342

>it's free
so is scott robertson and dynamic drawing, both of which teach it far more competently

>> No.7077344

>spend 30 minutes ghosting lines and acting like a retard
or just draw and build coordination and line control like a normal human without turning yourself into a vegetable on purpose

>> No.7077502
File: 132 KB, 1188x662, 1744342523546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because he's redrawing, not doing loomis or other shit

>> No.7077916

that's AI you stupid fuck

>> No.7077920

Bulging left eye.

>> No.7077923

It's impressive, but hey, if I had unlimited money to buy the best equipment, materials and courses (and you know, not constantly live in a state of upending doom), ALONG unlimited time, I'd probably improve a lot faster too.

>> No.7078109

he means that he used AI for his reference you retarded nigger, now fuck off before i rape you.

>> No.7078118

you wouldn't because you're a retard that can only imagine being good

>> No.7078162

I could do that in 2 days

>> No.7078302

How would you even know you stupid ass nigga anyone can make a 3/4 red haired anime girl with AI you dumb nigger, it doesn't prove shit, i can take a david finch drawing use AI to generate something similar and call him a hack on SNS. Go pick up a pencil you stupid fuck

>> No.7078317

Probably because he's copying reference.
Which doesn't diminish his achievements at all, he actually is doing really well being able to copy like that in such a short amount of time, but it's not like the guy could like create a manga or illustrate at a professional/intermediate level because of it.
The hard filter is when you get to the point of learning construction/imagination drawing. I would really be interested in seeing how well he can do with learning perspective and construction, it's much harder but when you get to a point where the light comes on and you really *get* it, it's really rewarding and magical. Could you imagine the ripples of cause and effect that a prominent and popular figure like Pewds would have if he broke past that milestone? I really would love to see it.

>> No.7078469

It's decent progress for 40 days. Some very obvious mistakes but looks quite nice for a beginner.

>> No.7078570

Stop projecting, faggot. I need a new battery for my laptop so my pen display works again, it fucking sucks.

>> No.7078667
File: 275 KB, 1840x1394, pewd sketch copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can but you won't, so what does it matter?

>> No.7078688

Noice drawing anon

>> No.7078700

keep drawing or shut up...
you had to kill threat for this shit ? We seen it 100 times already.

>> No.7082341

When you set aside time and work consistently to improve and JUST DRAW, turns out you get better


>> No.7082369 [DELETED] 

Only if you have the right genes.

>> No.7082395

I'm still /beg/ after 2 years of drawing on and off.
sometimes I'm frustrated by it
but right now I'm feeling pretty content about moving at my own pace.
gonna turn it up a notch and instead of just copying I'm gonna learn Loomis heads and get my first real pen.
there's so much to explore.

>> No.7082417

I feel bad for people who want to start learning art and watch that misleading video
I once almost did the same but was lucky enough to have a friend who is really fucking good at art. He quickly sketched skulls under my first few copied anime faces, showed me the errors, and I never looked back.
Ignore the cheap path for validation. Keep your eyes on the prize, we'll make it

>> No.7082426

He watched the Korean artist chommang drawing who pushed Loomis's method of learning means. Like, I guess he is smart enough to learn basic construction for the head without taking a box pill. Yeah, he is a minority most people still suck and get to that level after 2 years. Art is really a critical thinking exercise desu.

>> No.7082522

Why not just use AI?
Why learning to draw now that it is too late?

>> No.7082532

so this is the power of reference... woah...

>> No.7082645

>Doing a certain thing makes you better at certain thing.
INCREDIBLE! OMG !!!!11111one

Do you guys even hear what you are saying, jfc?

>> No.7082808

he got better than me in 40 days than I did in a decade

he has the gift

>> No.7082824
File: 17 KB, 100x94, Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 09-11-34 💥🍿 Comfy Sopranos Sunday starts 1pm EST 🍿💥.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys he's not that good he just drew floating heads for 40 days
>no I couldn't replicate what he did but he's just not that good okay

>> No.7082894

Drawing two things between 40 days is a little different, anon.