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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7067994 No.7067994 [Reply] [Original]

I know people are sick to death of this topic, but the AI sora thing has sent me into a spiral. I was hoping to move to 3D to avoid AI for at least a while but now that's gone too.

All I've ever wanted was to work creatively. And now it seems that my dreams are dead. All the work I put into school and my sleepless nights drawing or learning blender seem wasted. I don't know what to do now. My creative ambitions are crushed. I know I sound like a whiny faggot but I genuinely just can't cope. There's nowhere in the creative space that's going to be left.

How are all of you trucking along? I feel like giving up...

>> No.7067996

Report bait threads.
Hide bait threads.

>> No.7067997

I'm not baiting. I actually want someone to give me some fucking hope or something because all I see are tech bros giddy to destroy art.

>> No.7068001

Look through the archive's dozens of threads with the exact same retarded question?

>> No.7068042

learn to integrate AI if you want to make art professionally.
the artist space are eating themselves alive at this point. unless you just want to make a hobby out of art, i suggest you leave this board ASAP.
we are at the point where intelligent people and professionals are using it in secret because of the stigma associated with it.
all because artists are too dumb and misinformed to understand what is going on.

>> No.7068048

What's the point of integrating ai into my art if it can already do the entire process for me?

I don't understand what the "use it as a tool argument" means. It can do the whole thing. Stopping at using it as a reference or base seems silly when I don't need to render or do anything myself.

>> No.7068051


>> No.7068073

why do you think it can do the entire process for you? do you actually know how true that is?

sure, AI can work at a very high level in many aspects, but it can't do everything.
you say you want to work creatively, but do you have any creative vision at all?
only you have your vision.

unless you're telling me that you can have an artistic vision and the AI can fullfill that vision perfectly.

>> No.7068083
File: 304 KB, 811x613, 1695862566604305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the path to work at big company is truly dead, but there's still opportunities to find a job. It is a lot harder, but there won't be a point where there's literally 0 jobs for artists in existence. If you actually care then maybe you should start doing activism, because this is the only way to fight for your rights. I think what all artists should do is to unite and fight it together. I think it is possible, I think artists right now are just too comfortable to start doing anything but with more people losing jobs and with AI taking more and more fields other than drawing it should spark more and more outrage. The first thing you can do is to stop responding to this schizo >>7068048 he is a literal schizophrenic with hyperfixation on shilling AI.
The AI is not the only problem. The world in general in a very bad place right now and to be honest, AI is not even the worst one. It's just bad times before the good times. You just need to survive this and fight for the future. It's all gonna be good again one day. Don't lose hope and don't give up. It's not gonna be easy, but it's the only way.

>> No.7068131

The thing that really bothers me about AI, isn't so much that it paints better than I do, it's that it's taking over search engines, so I can't even find real references. All half or more of search results are already AI. It spread that fast. Say you want to search for a scene like a lamp lit library. Most of the images will be AI generated libraries.

I don't get why everyone keeps telling artists use "integrate" AI, or "use AI as a tool". It sounds so soulless to me. The whole reason I started drawing, was to see what I could create on my own. Seeing my own work manifest on the page. It wasn't to just output a product like I'm working at a factory.

>> No.7068133

quoted the wrong post you retard.

>Well the path to work at big company is truly dead
it's not, if you just use AI. because that is going to be the way forward.
>inb4 muh pajeets and techbros
if they can make better art than you more consistently then you are just obsolete, what is a FACT.
right now you have companies hiring shit tier AI tards because they too live under the delusion that AI is a magical tool that will replace artists for cheap. and you've seen the result of that. it hasn't been great.
the very obvious solution is to be better than them, and none of you will ever get there by being anti-AI. you're eating just your own faces.

eventually the people that get jobs will be the ones that understand BOTH AI and art.
the reason that jobs will be lost in the long terms is because THOSE people will be able to do the work of a team on their own, or at least with far fewer people.

> because this is the only way to fight for your rights.
your rights to what? a job? to the AI learning off of you?
or are you still living in the delusional world where the AI is stealing works?

you're just living in an utterly delusional, completely made up world.

>> No.7068135

I believe most people enjoy art/commision others because of their own unique style of drawing.
Everyone has their own unique artstyle that people can only get from them.
Unless someone actually rips all of your art, puts it into an ai model and stable diffusion gets advanced enough to completly replicate your art style, i think most artists will be fine. Even then, the person that rips your art lacks the creativity to actually make the ideas themselves, so you will always be ahead of them.
Also your art/ideas just have to be unique enough to make you stand out among the rest.

>> No.7068140

It's a local schizo but in this case it's a literal medically examined schizophrenic with prescribed drugs. This guy sits here 24/7 because he doesn't work and lives off of welfare paychecks. He just sits on /ic/ whole day every day and shills AI because he has a hyperfixation on it. Just don't interact with him

>> No.7068145

Dude, you're fucking dumb as hell.

There is use for AI for an artist, because it replaces the act of drawing. You're sitting there going "how can it do the entire process hur, what about your artistic vision!?" which is dumb. The only part of the process I'm involved in is prompting. That's it. Even new tools will allow cleanup. I don't have to draw anything. There's no point in being an artist because the actual art process is automated.

Go on and tell me how an artist can "integrate AI into their workflow" when there isn't a single part of their workflow that AI can't do. You're shilling this as a tool for artists but it isn't, it IS replacement. You're idea of being an artist is just being a "prompt engineer" or something like that.

You're a delusional tech bro who is happy to destroy art and creativity. There is no room for artists anymore and OP is entirely justified in being worried.

Why don't YOU tell ME what I can do that the AI can't?

>> No.7068150

The process of the art is apart of it. AI removes the process. All you have to do it prompt and get the end result. What exactly is my role again? Be an idea guy?

>> No.7068152

That may be the case for this particular thread(I dunno), but I've many other people say the same things. You go to twitter, and it's "AI is a tool! AI is a tool!" You go to youtube, and it's "AI is a tool! AI is a tool!" You go to tiktok, "AI is a tool! AI is a tool!"
It's a very prevalent opinion that I find baffling. I came to /ic/ just to vent about it, and came across this thread.

>> No.7068154

ok just don't respond to his posts or he's gonna have an episode again and make like 5 threads about AI

>> No.7068157

You're talking to a permanent NGMI that gave up on art for fancy new tech instead

I really can't see why anyone would want to do art like this

Clearly they just want to push it as a tool to gaslight artists into accepting it so flat out AI images well be received better

>> No.7068160 [DELETED] 


>> No.7068162
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1419, 1708148964975776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post image

>> No.7068165

Goddamn that process sucks ass. This is what how "AI is a tool" fags want us to us it?

>> No.7068166

>There's nowhere in the creative space that's going to be left.
You mean there's nowhere in any space that's going to be left, not just creative fields.
>tech bros giddy to destroy art
They will lose their jobs before artists do and it's their own fault.

>> No.7068167

Based take, if you trully love art and drawing, you won't ever stop. If you feel unmotivated to do art because of AI its all on you

>> No.7068171

It's funny because most the time it would've just been better off being left as the genned image, He could've used a better model that was much closer to the style he was going for and leave it at that
A lot of people just want to copy or trace images 1:1, AI now lets those kinds of people do that now too, without getting caught for plagiarizing.

It's a retarded take he's just doomposting against artists unless they adopt AI which is what he's been doing here for the past year.

>> No.7068176

The AI is a tool argument is just dumb. They are trying to conflate it with photoshop or the camera in a way to justify it and cast off anyone with reservations as luddites.

The problem is AI isn't a tool. There's no way to use it as one as it makes any action you take towards the final product redundant with its existence. What input does the artist have?

It's impossible to make a living off of it now and it's a very time consuming skill that takes years to master. It's not a based take he's delusional.

>> No.7068182
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i haven't posted in two weeks
but keep making random shit up because that's the only way you know how to deal with me.
and i can still draw better than you :^)

look at pic related. it's by an actual mangaka. who has been doing this since last year.
if AI can create imagery, you can use that imagery for anything.
and you will eventually have AI tools that can ink your drawing automatically. paint automatically, set a building you've drawn on fire automatically, grow plants over it, make it pink, whatever the fuck you want it to do.
prompting is pretty useful but you can do much more with AI.

>> No.7068186

>look at pic related. it's by an actual mangaka. who has been doing this since last year.
if AI can create imagery, you can use that imagery for anything.
and you will eventually have AI tools that can ink your drawing automatically. paint automatically, set a building you've drawn on fire automatically, grow plants over it, make it pink, whatever the fuck you want it to do.
prompting is pretty useful but you can do much more with AI.

That's the fucking point you brain-dead retard. It can do everything. It set's the building on fire, does the inking, whatever else. It does the entire process you dipshit, to the point where there isn't a need for the fucking artist.

All that's left is prompting. That's it. That's why it's a replacement retard, because it does the entire job itself. So how do I integrate it into my workflow? That's right, i don't, because it IS the workflow. Get that through your thick skull.

>> No.7068187

If you really want to make art you have to like the actual process of doing it, you're never gonna be at a point where you think you reached your peak.
I wanted to go to an art academy, but decided to go for IT while doing art in the background as a hustle, and if it ever gets profitable enough i will switch.

>> No.7068188

Do you know how much of a fucking shill you're sounding like? lmao. Yeah as the tool improves and proves you'll have even less input as an artist. Not really great for people here that love to draw and paint, and pretty useless for people that do things traditionally. That mangaka creates pure slop anyway even the anime is terrible to look at lol

>> No.7068189

But the point of drawing, is that *I'm* the one making the inks look good. *I'm* the one making the paints look good. *I'm* the one making the fires look good. AI is robbing me of my involvement in my own work.

That mangaka doesn't take pride in his own work. He's only thinking about maximizing his output.

>> No.7068190

>AI art is a replacement for artists
>Nuh uh, just look how it does anything!

You're proving our point. Saying it does everything means that there is no fucking place for the artist to use it. It's not a tool, it takes care of the entire process. You're saying it's going to do more and more and more.

Answer the question, where do I, the artist, come in beyond making a prompt.

>> No.7068192

So you proved what everyone is saying and it removes the artist from the process?

It's a replacement, not a tool.

>> No.7068196

i showed you a literal example of someone only using it for backgrounds or references and you still repeat the same shit.

do you have no brain? do you just repeat the same dumb shit you learned from the other misinformed idiots over and over and over again?

i'm genuinely starting to think that the reason you people act like this is because you have no skill and you can bring nothing to the table when using AI.
you cannot fathom any other outcome other than using the AI for everything, because you have nothing.

>> No.7068200

No, you're a fucking moron who seems incapable of understanding what people are saying.

Where am I, the artist, needed in the process. You're saying it will do the inking, add fire, ect, then what is an actual artist needed for? We're not saying it's not good at what it does, what we're saying is that it removes us from the process. All you need to do is prompt, maybe understand a little bit of photoshop to do this. There doesn't need to be any drawing involved in this, because you've already admitted it will be able to ink everything. I'm sure it'll be able to trace shit too. There are lasso tools that will let you target and cleanup images. But you're so fucking dense you don't understand that the actual artistic process is gone because it DOES EVEYTHING! THAT'S WHY IT'S NOT A TOOL BECUASE IT DOES THE WHOLE FUCKING THING!

>> No.7068206

anon... what the fuck do you think it will inking?

i honestly find it incredible how you people can say such idiotic things while calling me a retard.
this should tell you just how much of a bubble you've been living in, just how deeply set your beliefs were.

>> No.7068209

Inking? it's not traditional, just slap a fucking filter on it and call it a day like with that background. As AI gets better so will it at genning straight up manga panels too

>> No.7068213

If it can generate the entire character, and background, then change the whole thing to an inked manga style, then what am I here for? It does characters, backgrounds, and inking. I'm sure it can do sketch traces too. You're making the case that it can do everything but that's the problem.

What the fuck do YOU think it's going to be inking? My drawing? Why would I make a drawing when the AI can do it? The steps you've presented in that image are just redundant.

>> No.7068226

digital inking is inking too.

>just slap a fucking filter on it
putting a filter on a sketch will not be creating lineart unless the sketch was clean in the first place.

>As AI gets better so will it at genning straight up manga panels too
yes it will. and if it can make exactly what you want to have, then that's good. but what if it makes something that is more generic than you'd like? then you have to

the point is, you can use your own drawings and paintings as a base.
you can also keep working on it after the AI has transformed it.
there is no limit to what you can do.

>The steps you've presented in that image are just redundant.
and yet he does it. it's a published manga. why?
because he wants to
>draw his characters.
>make his manga.
and he doesn't want to
>draw a burning building
>draw a people/crowd shot for random small panel
>draw a cute girl in a uniform when he is not very good at doing that

so he did what he wanted to do and let the AI do the annoying stuff.

in a world without AI, you know what he would have to do in these cases? he would have to look up reference. either that or opt for something simpler.
and now you can do much more.

for reference, i don't think his art or these results are particularly great. but it shows you the method.

>> No.7068229

>then you have to
*then you have to intervene manually, with drawing.

>> No.7068234
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Just think of AI as the artistic equivalent of fast food or those nasty recipes from the 50's.

>> No.7068235

I don't know why you're talking about sketches when the image you posted has an AI genned bg and a filter slapped on it. If I recall you did something similar too. Even if you had a sketch you could just get AI to generate the lineart and if you say it's not good enough to do that now now, what about the future? You're really just proving others here right in that it works as a replacement. Pretty great if you don't enjoy drawing though!

>> No.7068261

it is good enough to do that now, but it would be extremely fussy to do so with consistency across a project.
yes, it will get better, but people will still want to use their drawings because that will lend consistency and their own style to things.

you can do it with pure prompting as well. i think they will just be two different paths. and somone who is able to do that is skilled too, just in a different way.

let me ask you this, what do you think is easier:
>sketching a character in a specific angle
>describing that character in that same angle so the ai gives you the exact angle you want
prompting isn't that simple. for hobby shit, sure, but for professional use, where you want specific things? not really.

>> No.7068263

>the point is, you can use your own drawings and paintings as a base.
>you can also keep working on it after the AI has transformed it.
>there is no limit to what you can do.

>and yet he does it. it's a published manga. why?
>because he wants to

This is why you are a retard. None of the input he gave into the art is needed. That's why it's redundant. He doesn't need to do anything.

You're saying he still wants to do these parts, but that's not going to fly with this technology because all of that slows down the process. The actual artist isn't needed.

The AI doesn't just do the annoying stuff, it does EVERYTHIGN! That's the fucking problem you refuse to look at. It does EVERYTHING!

>> No.7068277

>sketching a character in a specific angle
why even sketch and not just img2img something else lol. hell just use a 3d model, don't you say all the time that there's much more to AI than just prompting? why aren't you remembering that yourself

>> No.7068296

you know. you're getting close to one of my earliest revelations about AI.

well, think this through then anon. what do you do then?
just stop creating art? is that your logical conclusion?
if not, what else?

you think that mangaka will just stop drawing his characters because the AI can paint and draw better and in better styles?
why should he care that better styles exist? they existed before AI too.

don't get me wrong, some people, especially the people starting drawing now, might end up using and relying on AI more.
..and maybe that is the angle from which you are looking at things, because the AI can do everything better than YOU.
but for that mangaka, the AI would not be able to draw his manga in his style, even if his style is "worse".

but that's the thing about art. it is not objective.
this is why AI actually affects artists differently than burger flippers.
it can perfectly replace an accountant. but it cannot perfectly replace an artist. because art is not objective, good and bad is relative (to an extent).

that would require reference. if if you have the refs, then sure. but the ref would also need the right type of propotion for the character, clothes, props, hairstyles....
why not just use a sketch in cnet instead? that is in fact easier.... if you can draw.

as you can see. being able to draw, having art skills does make things easier and grants you a different level with which you can interact with AI.

>> No.7068303

>Why would the mangaka stop drawing his characters if because the Ai cna paint and draw better and in better styles

because if the AI can do that then he is not needed, the people who hire him no longer need that skill from him therefor it's useless and he's been replaced. He can do it because he wants to, but it's no longer a skillset that is lucrative. If the AI does everything, then the artist is useless. Even if they can choose to do certain aspects themselves, no one will hire them to do these things.

It has replaced the artist.

>> No.7068308

to be fair, you'd probably have to work a second job anyways, so instead just make your second job your primary job, and do art on the side.

also many people really don't like ai, and prefer artists. If you draw niche porn, ai is a death sentence because it can make endless content for it. But if you do something mainstream like drawing cute girls, people I think are always going to prefer the artist to the ai. i've honestly been feeling like there isn't enough art being made these days, i'd have to imagine a lot were discouraged because of ai.

>> No.7068316

>he isn't needed
he is in charge. it's only his work that matters. as long as he has an audience.

again, i grant you, there will be comics and manga made purely from AI, maybe with only a writer at the helm.
and there will also be artists who use AI to write their stories.

but AI won't ever do any of these on its own. because it's a tool.

even if we get to the point where AI will make media entirely on its own. even then, that is merely something you COMPETE with. it's not an entitiy that replaces you.

>> No.7068329

>there will be comics and manga made purely from AI, maybe with only a writer at the helm.
so you admit to what everyone has been saying with how it replaces the artist
>COMPETE with. it's not an entitiy that replaces you.
if you have to compete with something that means it can replace you

>> No.7068365

>if you have to compete with something that means it can replace you
yes but like i said: this is uniquely different for the arts.
competition in art, at least on the market, is not like competition for a job like an accountant or even a programmer.

like look at the example i provided. i don't think the guy is a particularly skilled artist compared to the very best out there. yet he still has a successful series and an audience.
that's because art is subjective. craft and technique might be less so, but art in itself is.

>so you admit to what everyone has been saying with how it replaces the artist
no? and i'm getting tired having to explain the simplest things to you retards.

because i also said that there will be artists that use AI instead of learning writing or partnering with a writer.
so are both artists and writers replaced now?
no, because in my example, both artists and writers are still creating.
i know you try to not see prompters or AIbros or pajeets or whatever the fuck you call them as humans, but there is a human behind every AI.

do you think the AI will ever fully make kengan omega? no, because the artist doesn't want that, and the artist is in charge. it's really that simple.

do you want to make something or do you want to compete for a job position at disney?

and even for disney, in the long term, who do you think is more valuable, a person who uses AI to make a mishmash of images or someone who has a vision and an idea of what they want to create?

>> No.7068412

This guy is 100% right

If you want to make it as a professional you will have to include the use of AI tools, thinking the contrary is being completely nuts at this point.

If you want normal hobby art then no one forces you. Mangakas sure appreciate it though they might actually get to live a normal life from now on lol.

>> No.7068413
File: 2.98 MB, 1600x1594, Theodor_Pistek_Ecce_Homo_1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those nasty recipes from the 50's

>> No.7068415

>retarded samefagging

>> No.7068417

I think maybe the artists will now be more involved in the composition and sort of the "concept" and have more tools for the execution

Like an editor/AI supervisor or something

I mean, you guys know that a lot of these anime posters with stuff use 3D tools as well right. I guess it's kinda the same

>> No.7068419
File: 61 KB, 650x728, IMG_6978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, no matter how good AI gets, its impact on general entertainment and job opportunities will be a moot point at best and minimal at worst. Because as it stands now: nothing it generates can be copywritten, the best use it has is for stock art and even then it isn’t as appealing as some illustrated stock arts, and ironically the “better” it gets the closer it gets to legal scrutiny and regulation/restriction (on top of the ones that most AI companies are dealing with atm.) and if none of that soothes your worry, fear not. All it takes for me to be relived is one simple mantra: “Art is a Universal Expression of Humanity, without Humanity, it expresses to nothing but imitation.” Don’t let the AI-pajeets get the better of you, it’s what they want more than anything

>> No.7068436


>> No.7068445

You're dumb. You're repeating the statement that the artist still creates art because he wants to and has an audience, and can choose not to use AI, which contradicts your previous statement that you have to use AI.

You're ignoring the fact that AI can do the entire process and all the "artist" has to do is prompt. Even if an artist wants to just draw they will always be inferior to AI images promptng. You're just not getting it, the entire process is invalidated. You don't have to do any of it. And someone hiring does not need someone who can draw.

You keep saying it's a tool, but it isn't.

>do you think the AI will ever fully make kengan omega? no, because the artist doesn't want that, and the artist is in charge. it's really that simple.

That's fucking retarded. It doesn't matter what he wants. AI renders drawing useless. It won't be long before drawing is a thing of the past. You say there is a human behind every AI, but that doesn't make it art. Drawing as a skill is not needed anymore.

>> No.7068454

AI easily replaced illustrators but not artists.

In a commercial sense, there will be a shift towards greater appreciation of the tactile and zero demand for digital art. It's already happening in fiber arts. Crochet is extremely popular right now because it can't be replicated by machine.

>> No.7068465

So I should make a living by making traditional paintings and ink drawings of anime waifus?

>> No.7068473

if you need a robot to draw for you, you are quite literally cucking out your would-be skills to it. get better

>> No.7068474

How I see it is that machines will conquer the digital space completely, digital art will die. But the physical world and physical art will survive for a bit longer.

>> No.7068475
File: 618 KB, 1172x1352, milk_checking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post war prosperity and new technology like microwaves and refrigerators meant people went hog wild on them and create absolute gross slop.


>> No.7068481

people do that on pixiv booth, I don't know how profitable it is and of course shipping is annoying

>> No.7068485

If you don't have anything to tell, just move on and spare yourself the trouble. Why do you even want to be a creative in first place?

>> No.7068489

Because I want to make the stories and characters in my head a reality. I want to create. And I'm tired of my body hurting working manual labor jobs. I just want to be a successful creative.

>> No.7068491

Then I have good news for you anon, AI is utter shit at sequential storytelling and will be for a long time until it literally gains sentience. Now go draw and stop whining

>> No.7068497

Yeah, it needs a bit of an artist's touch to make it work now but eventually it won't. It's getting better very quickly. Wait until next year.

But I think this might be the start of an indie revolution. If the big companies use AI, there will still be passionate artists who have their own vision and projects. There will still be artists who have cult followings and patreon subscribers because they have a unique message.

>> No.7068523

>people do that on pixiv booth
any examples I can check out for fun?

>> No.7068544

>It wasn't to just output a product like I'm working at a factory.
What do you think working as a professional for a big company is like?

>> No.7068577

Well first of all, not all artists are aiming to work under a professional company.
Secondly, humans were already capable of meeting the demands of big companies. Even if their output demands were high, your work was still your work. What you put into the imagery, is what made the product great.(or terrible, if you sucked)

>> No.7068578

>and can choose not to use AI, which contradicts your previous statement that you have to use AI.
lol. lmao.....
this makes sense to you because you have a black and white view on AI. because you've been brainwashed and misinformed to hell.

shouldn't it be obvious what i'm saying? i'm saying that you can use AI and that it won't replace you.
exactly like the case is with that mangaka.
what has he gained from it? just easier direct refs and some elaborate backgrounds (which aren't even that good, since he's an early adopter)

it's like i'm speaking to complete idiots every time. i'm just repeating myself and it's still short circuiting your brain because in your view,
AI = bad,
AI = death of art.

>> No.7068594

>death of art

>> No.7068605
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>> No.7068635

Wholesome post

Retard post. Stop removing your trip and replying to yourself lmao

>> No.7068658

>use your art and ai together
>Show client
>"Looks good, ship it"

>Use prompting alone I
>Show client
>"Holy shit this is even better and you delivered it quicker! Fantastic, ship it!

AI is not a tool.

>> No.7068696

Turn lemons into lemonade. Perhaps there won't be art jobs available (if we're being very pessimistic), but you'll have access to these AIs as well anon. If you ever thought highly of your artistic abilities, then you should be able to do something with the AIs too, and make some great indie creative stuff.

Those blender abilities haven't gone to waste, they'll still be needed in game development, 3D printing, so on and so forth.
Try to see the opportunities created in the turbulent situation.

All this said, I personally don't think AI is going to be the big industry ending thing people say it's going to be, I just think it'll be a tool. It'll definitely rock the boat, but it won't flip it over, though I may be the overly optimistic type.

>> No.7068700

Just think about when digital art was still new. traditional artists thought we the digital artist was the end of the world. They found ways to deal with us. Now with this AI stuff, we have to learn to deal with AI not going away anytime soon, and finding ways to save our digital art is one step forward. There is nightshade and things like using Manga screentons can mess with AI. Like making a screentone of a jar of pickles the AI will just see the Jar of pickles as the overall image.

>> No.7068702

Just wait 'til real artists figure this stuff out. Look out.

>> No.7068705

The stigma is good because this tech was built off of artists' work without their consent, any artist that can use it without feeling like a crawling parasite can go fuck right off. It's theft and it's taking away jobs already, it's making people want to quit art of all things, and life as well for some. Our way to adapt will be to call it out until it gets regulated into oblivion.

>> No.7068709

>Like making a screentone of a jar of pickles the AI will just see the Jar of pickles as the overall image.
really? I need to see some receipts and I will start doing this.

>> No.7068711

>regulated into oblivion.
The lawyers and politicians will save us !

>> No.7068720

More like we'll chop their heads right off if they don't do something about this, France showed us how it's done.

>> No.7068727

What are they going to do? Take control of the internet like in China and Russia?

>> No.7068731

EU is adopting the AI Act officially this April.

>> No.7068732

The Socialist Caliphate of Europe ??? Silicon Valley Capital will bribe them into submission.

>> No.7068738

No, this shit is getting regulated. Stable diffusion absolutely abused fair use and all of this AI content is going to be forced to disclose itself as AI.

>> No.7068740

All hail the AI police and the woke Gestapo.

>> No.7068745

Careful, your tears might end up in your curry.

>> No.7068748

I have paroka today not curry you bloody idiot

>> No.7068758
File: 172 KB, 1344x768, junk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knock Knock. Who's there? AI police, open up.

>> No.7068759

>You can use AI but it won't replace you

You're such a fucking retard, you ignore 90% of what everyone is saying because you can't argue it, so you sidestep it over and over again.

AI can do every step of the process, therefore the artist isn't needed. You only need someone to make prompts but you don't need someone to draw. You've already admitted it'll be able to do the entire thing, and that there will be entirely AI generated manga and comics. Therefore itself replacement. It does the entire workflow, therefore I can't integrate it into my workflow. A mangaka choosing not to use it for every step is irrelevant, because eventually he isn't going to be able to compete with people who use AI to skip those steps. Like this guy said >>7068658

You're dumb, you refuse to understand the fact if it can do it all, the the artist isn't needed and neither is the skill to draw but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall that doesn't want to accept that AI is not a tool.

>> No.7068773

AI will also manage the businesses that manage the subsidiaries that manage the self prompting AIs mass manufacturing every conceivable form of entertainment for every conceivable person on the planet. Remember AI supporters are all religious zealots, they believe sincerely in the singularity and desire a life of passive surrender to the eternal feed.

>> No.7068786

Market over saturation. You'll have to crunch and prompt 11 hours a day without end for sub minimum wage to compete in an indie market oversaturated with low quality AI gen, and that's not including the stuff the big companies are going to put out endlessly as they absorb small indie teams or push them out of the space.

You'll still have to work constantly to stay afloat in the long term. What it boils down to is, do you enjoy drawing or prompting? If you want to prompt as work, go ahead. If you want to draw as work, oh shit that's right, you can't, because the corpos destroyed the industries you loved and they're not even the same jobs anymore, bummer.

Do what the trads did: become as Gods, corner the market on your hand made stuff, selling even your laziest sketches for hundreds a pop. If you're going to stay digital, document your process and find ways to verify your authenticity, then sell to the market that desires it. Manual art will (like trad) become a rarified space in which only the most hardcore deep sea angler fish can survive.

>> No.7068803

Wait, is gonna replace marketing managers and sales executives? Then what job is even left for us humans? Even the manual labor jobs will be outsourced to drones...

>> No.7068809

>Then what job is even left for us humans?
Human lab rats

>> No.7068817

Become a stoic and live as a free man.

>> No.7068834

Ironically, this will still be the only kind of "art" people will pay to see when AI takes over.

>> No.7068843

Cream usually rises to the top, just look at the indie game scene, it's over saturated but still chugging along well because it seems that people really are able to sniff out the quality (which gives people confidence that they can be one of those success stories).

That said, you can make a career completely void of AI use, I'm just saying that there are likely some exciting uses for it that we could take advantage of with some smart thinking. I'd love to be able to make a feature length animated film, and it seems far more possible through the use of AI.

At the end of the day, simply feeling bleak and depressed over the turn of the events will do nothing for the OP, which is the main takeaway I'm trying to give.

>> No.7068862

>the very obvious solution is to be better than them, and none of you will ever get there by being anti-AI
I WILL BE BETTER THAN AI without using it or integrating it to my workflow. I was born and raised in poverty so I don't give a shit about jobs going away, I'll survive, and I will be better than AI. Mark my words.

>> No.7068945

Get a day job and work on your passion project, be poor.
Go indie, try and meet other people doing the same thing as you and maybe just maybe we might undergo some sort of art renaissance like what happened in the 2010s with indie games right when everyone was tired with all the triple A slop which is the type of thing that will rule the AI movement.

Imo If you quit just because you can't make money off art you never really wanted it in the first place, go learn a trade and be happy.

All the great artists that everyone always remembers and talks about, the ones who really define a turning point, worked in warehouses, post offices, retail. You never here about the graphic designers, why the fuck would what you can and cannot make anyway?

I know this is real life, and money is important, blah blah. But just think about it, did you really dream of working for fucking ubisoft as a 10 year old? Probably not.

>> No.7068996
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>> No.7069000
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>tfw my real art gets labeled as AI

>> No.7069004
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AI shills aren't human.

>> No.7069007
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>> No.7069028

you're utterly ignorant to what it is actually like to work with AI.
even when i say "a writer using AI to make artwork for his manga/comic" i don't mean that he will be able to make it instantly or that it will be easy. he'll have to jump through hoops just to keep things consistent and he wont have as much control (or understanding) over the output as an artist might have.

it is a tool. but you think it's all going be fucking magic.
prompting isn't magic. prompting has limited control and will likely always have limited control.

that mangaka, even if it got to the point where he trained a lora on his characters and makes a new lora for every new character he designs, would still always have to touch up things and redraw things manually because prompting is just that limited.

take an expression, you can describe it as finely as you want, but the AI will still have an infinite way to generate that description of yours. and STILL none of them might fit what you actually want.
"a picture can be described by a thousand words." and who has time for a "thousand" words? that's why sometimes it's easier to just draw. that's why drawing will always be useful, even with AI.

>> No.7069029

NTA but tripfag your biggest retarded monkey I've seen, just looking at some lengths your posts get to at times for each person that (YOU)'d ya this thread.
I really wonder if your shill word count is approaching the LOTR lvls of time to it takes to read.

>> No.7069033

>illiterate retard complains about having to read and is shocked and befuddled by posts with a 2k character limit

>> No.7069035

Barely looking at this bait thread and WTF is with all the near paragraph responses
>then again the tripnigga is here

>> No.7069042

mental illness

>> No.7069053
File: 4 KB, 277x182, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks having around 2k word responses is normal
>isn't telling a story or telling about something they're working
>writes many dissertations worth of stuff just (YOU) back randoms and shill online
>"you must read my paragraphs worth of shilling"
>and will continue to (YOU) randoms all thread if anything negative is said
>...YOU need to go back
>It's been 21 dog years
>my late ancestors spoke rumors of such niggas
>they haven't even gone past a 5% of writings yet

>> No.7069063
File: 231 KB, 598x378, 616516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is a tool. but you think it's all going be fucking magic.
prompting isn't magic. prompting has limited control and will likely always have limited control.
With the new techniques coming, like labeling portions, and natural language used to request edits, it's akin to hiring an artist to make your comic and asking for revisions. technically there is a limit yes, but good enough is good enough. Even when drawing, you go through numerous versions to find what you want, and even then you have things you'd do differently, things you are not happy with, but time is a factor.

pic rel, I've also seen one of these that had arrows drawn on the image to request motion from the AI

>> No.7069065

*trip formatting trips up a greentext again. gotta watch for that.

>> No.7069100

why do you remove your trip even though anyone's that visits here can pretty much already tell it's you

>> No.7069103

Those examples look retarded and it only seems you want shill what it "can" do but don't really pay attention to how it actually looks.
I'm pretty sure you just posted basic filter stuff and color adjustments

>> No.7069117

my first post itt was >>7068658

I was offering a counterpoint to trip but the greentext broke, I disagree with the later part of, and didn't say this:
>prompting isn't magic. prompting has limited control and will likely always have limited control.

>Those examples look retarded and it only seems you want shill what it "can" do but don't really pay attention to how it actually looks.
I'm pretty sure you just posted basic filter stuff and color adjustments
not trip and am not shilling AI. Just talking about the possibilities. yeah they look stupid here, but will they always? https://mllm-ie.github.io/

>> No.7069134

>and he doesn't want to
Based on the beg crap (the actual hand drawn characters) you've shown it's more like he can't kek.
AI is just cope for bad artists.

>> No.7069233

Do art for art's sake. For your enjoyment of art. Nothing and noone can take this from you.
If you were doing all of this not for art's sake but +only+ for a career - my condolences, but nothing of value was lost, please use this as an opportunity to look into your true desires. AI might have freed you from a life of doing what you would otherwise resent and grow to hate.

>> No.7069239

AI is transformative. The foundation is being built.

>> No.7069249
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>AI is just cope for bad artists.

Are there any high-profile industry pros who are adamantly against AI? The way I see it, it's mostly the beg-ints who mindlessly hate it.

>> No.7069255
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, Prokudin-Gorskii 1910s romantic painting of fit woman Pelagia of Antioch chilling and relaxing eyes closed on an oak branch, décolleté, wearing light grey capri pants and ranger … View from above, looking down towards her. 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy art
>by making art
lmao oops guys I destroyed art by making the computer create pictures I like, my bad. RIP to taped bananas on the wall. Artcels are basically like "nooo this picture shouldn't be allowed to exist it's not right!!"

>> No.7069259

meant for >>7067997 oops

>> No.7069260

Put my imagination on paper with a pencil. Put my imagination on a computer screen using AI. Same problem.

>> No.7069261

>taped bananas on the wall
that's the only "art" you will see in the future

>> No.7069263

celibate from... art? AIfags are the artcels... they don't do the real thing, they just masterbate while imagining they are doing it

>> No.7069267

>they don't do the real thing, they just masterbate while imagining they are doing it
A problem not limited to AI.

>> No.7069268


You're seeing it wrong then. Steven Zapata, Karla Ortiz, Dave Rapoza all detest AI crap, to name a few.

>> No.7069274


I stand corrected then.

>> No.7069277

if someone would just tell me how, maybe I would!

>> No.7069283

You forgot renowned artist Sarah Andersen

>> No.7069284

It’s the opposite you retarded tourist. Dave rapoza, rj palmer, y_frt just to name a few. Both pros and ints a like hate that shit. Ai slop is liked by retarded non-artist and perma/beg/s like you

>> No.7069289

Tech bros are human. Just kill them.

>> No.7069295

>Steven Zapata
His "art" looks like bad gens, I can see why he would hate competition. They have a good reason to hate it, it raises the bar, if their "art" looks like an unremarkable AI image then it puts their "art" on the same level as what any pajeet can produce in 5 minutes. Dave Rapoza in particular is remarkable, his entire portfolio looks like DallE3 before it was even around. Someone like him is in the business of making whatever patrons ask for, and what he does is good, it's better than AI stuff, but it's largely the same thing, he's competing with AI for the same patrons. Remember, AIfags are the patrons, artistfags want others to enjoy their work, AIfags want to enjoy their own gens, commissionfags are like prostitutes complaining about new generation sex dolls.

>> No.7069321

By your definition, would you say only the multi character works Rapoza makes that take him weeks are remarkable? just trying to work out what is remarkable, if I was going to compete with AI...

>> No.7069323

dont be gay.
Also daily reminder to hide this threads

>> No.7069326

Go to the gym every day and get ready for when we uninvent AI
Also become familiar with anti-drone systems like net launchers and jammers, since they'll certainly try to use AI kill drones to avoid justice

>> No.7069327

>AIfags are the patrons
They’re not, retard. Ai shitters don’t pay for art in the first place, the amount of those shitters that would say they rather use ai when told or shown the prices of commissions is too high. Now fuck off you retarded tourist.

>> No.7069339

>the prices of commissions is too high
The absolute NERVE of artists, thinking they're allowed to afford rent and food
Don't they know they're supposed to be a group of untouchables who are only allowed to leave their squalid dwellings when a superior techbro needs something digitally painted??

>> No.7069351

I guess you can say that photography pushed artists away from photorealism, so they started doing weird shit that you couldn't do with a camera, so now you could expect AI to push artists into a "but can AI do this???" corner. But photographers never cared what painters could do.

But just so we're clear about what I said, I didn't call any "real art" unremarkable, just that a lot of it looks just like unremarkable AI art. That means that some real art, if it was generated by AI, wouldn't be noticed by whoever prompted it as anything other than mid and not worth saving. That's the cruel thing about AI art, if someone created with AI the same picture that might be the proud and joy of your portfolio they might think "meh" and not even save it. The midness of so many artworks is now better understood. You still can say "but I drew it myself!", but on its own aesthetic merits, regardless of how it was produced, the picture itself doesn't impress anymore, because we now mass produce equivalent pictures.

>Ai shitters don’t pay for art in the first place
Never said they did, reading comprehension issue, they are the literal patron, they verbally ask the AI to make a picture, just like any other patron would ask an artist, then when they receive the result they either enjoy it or don't. It's all the same, the AI replaces the artist, the patron is still the patron.

The techbro never cared about the artfag nor knew the artfag existed, now the artfag stomps their feet as if to say "nooo, you can't make a picture without me, you have to go through me and give me money, how will I make money now, it's literally stealing!".

>> No.7069354
File: 45 KB, 700x420, 1683841680264880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a plan B. Find something you enjoy or can at least tolerate outside of illustration.
And/Or get a do-nothing government job that gives you enough time to draw.

It's not over, but you will have to adjust your strategy.
Ex. I visited an art studio in a trendy town where artists were getting commissioned to do pedestrian stuff like landscapes of the local area or family portraits. People still do stuff IRL, but it requires a different approach than garnering twitter followers and patreon coombux.

If you don't see any opportunities, don't sweat it. You're not an "artist", you're a human being who makes art. Maybe see this as an opportunity to branch out.

If you're really desperate for reasons to live and are 5 minutes away from jumping off a building, visit a Catholic or Orthodox church and talk to the priest. Or just sit down for silence for 15 minutes. Take a week off (or at least off from chores) and read some of the classics. Something to detach yourself from the situation. It's not an immediate cure-all and it does come with side effects, but it beats roping yourself in a closet.

Failing that, make peace with the absurdity.
(It's pretty hard to give advice since I don't know you personally.)

>> No.7069355

>work as an illustrator for a guy who post por images, comics and short stories on Patreon
>he tells me that people haven't been buying as much as usual since AI became a thing
I won't lie, I'm worried. My family and especially my mother need the money.

>> No.7069359

separate work and hobby, truth is reality doesn't have to yield to your wishes and recognizing this allows you to embrace truth no matter if it's inconvenient or not

yes artistic professions are going to change form and largely disappear at least when it comes to how the industry works now

>> No.7069365

Don’t try to change the definition of patron you retarded fuck. Ai shitters are not patrons, they are beggars looking for hand outs.

>> No.7069366

who gives a shit, doesn't change anything

>> No.7069371

Anytime anything changes in the world, somebody goes out of business. Don't wait until you're on your last dime to adapt. All the tamper tantrums by all the artfags in the world can't reverse the tid, muh nightshade, muh regulations won't change anything, it's done, we're in a different age now, the age where it's hard to get paid for Lara Croft fanart or whatever.

Maybe artfags should do art for the love of art just like AIfags do AIfaggotry for the love of the results instead of crying about money and recognition. Or maybe they should go on a global strike so they can find out even quicker how the world can now carry on without their services.

They functionally are patrons to AIs rather than to artists, I don't know why this bothers you.

>> No.7069374

truth is artists are melting because they liked to be able to produce something that doesn't come from the factory line, now that they're no longer special it must feel crushing which is understandable but that's how it is

>> No.7069391

Lol wut? Their galleries are full of the same shit because they learned to draw one thing and then bang it out as fast as possible for commission/patreon bux. They're the very definition of factory art.

>> No.7069395

yeah but now there's a new factory in town

>> No.7069415

I'm almost done with a political science degree. I'm applying for some internships. I'm just going to get a boring ass cushy government job to coast on while I do art on the side. Something I can listen to podcasts to while I work and get a decent burger with steak fries for lunch.

When I get home I'll 3D animate and draw.

I'm going to just be le normal adult suite having guy on the outside while I do my Monty oum weebshit on the side.

>> No.7069418

You're so fucking stupid. Art is a skill that takes an incredible amount of time. Even doing it for free it's rendered pointless by AI, nothing anyone makes can compete. You're just demanding that people do it for free do they can keep training your shitty models.

>> No.7069429

I don’t have an issue with the algorithm (it’s linear regression all the way down, nothing like a human mind but it gets the job done) but what is objectively concerning is the data used as input. Every ethical study or data collection has to get consent from the people proving the data. There’s a reason why scientific studies involving people have to go through ethics boards, but random art amateurs don’t. Thus human learning is not merely data collection, it is qualitatively different. Calling the human mind a computer is not convincing from a conceptual standpoint, because you have the problem of qualia, intentionality, the binding problem, etc

>> No.7069432

providing* the data

>> No.7069448

Forgot to take off your trip when you'ing yourself

>> No.7069454
File: 86 KB, 400x280, 1677007845405142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished my sentence in that post.
i'm genuinely speechless at how consistently retarded you are.

>> No.7069462

I'm more surprised you continue to hover around this shit thread like it's your job

>> No.7069464

>also so your are just waiting to (YOU) randoms for anything

>> No.7069473

I’ve gone back to the crafts so to speak and have been enjoying cross stitch lately. It’s something that I don’t really fear AI dipping into atleast to a point that looks realistic.

>> No.7069497

I got friends who work in translation, and their livelihood is seriously on the line. Same for radio broadcasters who just read the news/weather, tons of office jobs, call center work...

but don't doubt that art is something real. it's more real than most of those other jobs. we're actually on the frontier out here, pushing the boundaries of visual expression, developing new ways of seeing the world.
not much comfort for people who are making their living through art jobs, but at this rate who knows how much of our economy we will have automated by the end of the decade. if you look at the bigger picture you will realize that we should probably be worrying about other things and keep drawing in the meanwhile if that gives us purpose.

>> No.7069501

He's charging his (you)zer! >Tripdawhooop!!!

>> No.7069502

Are there AI tools for artists that aren't just promt generated slops? like stuff that can give feedback on proportions, perspective or coloring

>> No.7069514

I wonder if the music industry is really safe from becoming automated too, even with copyright lawsuits, it's not like that has stopped anyone.

>> No.7069518

Nope. You can show bing copilot images and get some kind of image analysis but it's not useful as feedback since it will make up shit and just roleplay

>> No.7069523

Real writers aren't threatened by AI. It can't do a New Yorker feature. Hack writers are. AI can crank out finance and sports stories and TSP reports as well as they can. What kind of artist are you if you are threatened by AI?

>> No.7069526

>Hack writers are
Is George R. R. Martin a hack?

>> No.7069531

Anyone who doesn’t like ai is a hack to these no-draw or /g/ faggots

>> No.7069535

not the actually creative aspects of it, I would guess. once you're groomed to be a celebrity and your name is your brand you've made it, but the songwriters and composers are going to have a hell of a time competing against AI. A good chunk of soundtrack for TV series and games are going to be just generated in 5 years I would guess.

>> No.7069540
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you get good by doing the work. histories famous painters and composers made their living through grunt client work, same as the rest of us mortals. would those geniuses still have produced their great works if they had to support themselves through other means and could only pursue their craft as a hobby in their freetime?

>> No.7069590

>you get good by doing the work
Hard work is no guarantee of success.

>> No.7069597

Exactly, why bother doing anything at all?

>> No.7069800

All artists should kill themselves, AI artists included. Worst lot of short sighted narcissistic niggers on this planet. You were made for each other. No one wants either of you.

>> No.7069819
File: 4 KB, 199x253, 5F06F425-FDC5-4277-91F9-48B4AFD26568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if Aragorn had diaherria and fucked his sister?

>> No.7069885

>AI artists included
uhhhhhhh we AI """"artists"""" aren't real artists sweatyy sooooo....

>> No.7069891

I dunno, it's hard to find information on how it can be used to help already-capable artists. Everywhere you look it's either artfags losing their shit or techfags focused on making programs for non-artists to use.

>like stuff that can give feedback on proportions, perspective
I guess you could run your piece through one and then compare the result to see where its output differs from what you made. From what I've seen AI still fucks up stuff like anatomy in subtle ways so you'd still have to use your own judgement, but it would be similar to that trick of flipping your art horizontally to check for errors and get a fresh perspective.

>> No.7069921

When the music changes, the walls of the city shake.

>> No.7069978

Again, you're completely fucking delusional.

It doesn't matter how limited the control of promoting is. The AI's as they are now already produce results that are more than good enough.

And you honestly think even prompting is going to be necessary? You seem to forget that all of your prompts and chosen images are saved and used to train AI too. AI are more than capable of generating everything without any human input eventually at a rapid pace. The entire thing can and will be fine without human input.

Look at how this shit is advertised. They explicitly stated that their goal is to get completed pictures and videos WITHOUT having to do any pre or post processing. They don't want it to be touched up. And it WILL reach a point that touch up will not be required.

You claim to be some guy embracing technology, but you're ironically so short sighted. No, it basically will be fucking magic. There is no need for human involvement in this, that's what you don't understand. The goal is a complete product without having to draw. You can say it won't be up to the artists exact desires, but that doesn't matter, because the consumers will get content way closer to what they want than any artist can produce. What the artist wants doesn't matter. The consumer doesn't care about getting the exact vision like an artist does, they just want content. And they'll get it without input.

You are an idiot.

>> No.7070013

You don't.

Anyone who thinks AI isn't going to take over human creativity is an idiot. It's over.

>> No.7070021

Check out the market caps of nvidia, microsoft, google, apple, taiwan semi, asml. They already took it over.

>> No.7070023

Don't worry, AI will pave the way to the great hive mind and we'll soon journey into the stars, psychospiritually yoked together. Since 99.9% of the population doesn't care about art, when you join with them, you won't either. You'll like what the hive likes, which is masturbating on the accretion disks of supermassive blackholes.

>> No.7070029

>masturbating on the accretion disks of supermassive blackholes.
Can I use that in a prompt?

>> No.7070032

chatgpt came up with it, so sure

>> No.7070033

Wow, I think I might unironically prefer living in 40k.

>> No.7070044

...I could really use a solar flair right about now.

>> No.7070046
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>> No.7070133

You're just going to have to do it for yourself rather than some big company that will inevitably eliminate most of those positions. You won't be as productive and them, but quality is still a quality and people will appreciate that regardless of whether it was algorithmically generated.

>> No.7070137

Hope is cope.
Genuine change can only come from the barrel of a gun.

>> No.7070140

I never could have imagined that a technology would be invented in my lifetime that would be this evil.
I miss when I was a kid and computers were cool and fun.

>> No.7070142

Thinking computers were fun and cool was what they were counting on. Same with all the idiots who loved android characters in fiction. It was all part of the plan to normalize it.

>> No.7070146

>anhero over AI
>be a real hero, a real human being, and a real hero
artists always pick option 1. it's the rules.

>> No.7070160

Read anti-tech revolution by Ted K

>> No.7070184

I feel you. Its the first time I was like "whoa, wait a minute" when some new advancement came out. I'm biased as an artist maybe but I think its a way broader issue than what its doing to art atm. People need to fight it or we're actually going to doom ourselves and future generations to an inhuman hell.

"Soul" is a thing and I'm tired of arguing with people who say otherwise. We're all lonely souls struggling and then this shit comes along...its disgusting and isolating and I'll keep fighting it until I'm gone.

>> No.7070215

The problem is there won't be any point in producing because even if I do things for fun it will be drowned out in a sea of auto generated slop.

Art is expression. If I make art just for myself to look at I'm essentially talking to myself like a crazy person.

>> No.7070222


>> No.7070228

Now you're catching on!

Go ahead and continue to fight us. Have your guts ripped out by robots. its what you deserve for taking life for granted.

>> No.7070247

I almost had a plan B. I got a CS degree even though I really didn't give a shit about anything but art. It's been almost 3 months since I graduated and I can't find a job for shit. Might as well just work at Mcdonalds at this point.

>> No.7070249


>> No.7070253
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>> No.7070256


>> No.7070259


>> No.7070260


>> No.7070263

I'm in the same boat, anon. I'm close to getting my degree as a computer engineer, but I really know nothing about the subject and I'm at a very low level compared to my classmates, who have been working in the area for years. I have dedicated the last few years to being an illustrator in order to help my family and I'm afraid that the day will come when I won't be able to help them anymore. To make matters worse, I'm over 30 years old, so I'm pretty old for an inexperienced junior programmer.
Anyway, I know all this is my fault. I didn't play my cards right.

>> No.7070278

I wish you could tell you some positive news but i would have to lie and since you asked then you have to face the reality.

AI is already replacing artists and even in company where i work they replaced people who did some simple jobs with AI they just trained it on their work and now it's spitting up images for free and very fast. If you are highly skilled artist you are not gonna be replaced until there will be some GPT 5 or something better that could create everything you truly write there so you don't have to spend time engineering prompt for half an hour and then edit it after in photoshop to finish it.

If you are pro you still have job but you get fucked later.
If you are mid to low level you are fucked start opening commisions for people who like your art and they will want you to draw /h/ stuff that's possibly the only way to survive.

>> No.7070322

What creative industry do you think is the safest?

I was thinking of pivoting to 3D animation but that seam's fucked too now with Sora. It just seems all creative content is going to be automated.

>> No.7070340

this never happened

>> No.7070360

If you liked doing art as a creative you are going to continue regardless how much slop the machine produces
If you are one of those retards that just wanted the twitter clout then yeah its over for you

>> No.7070364

I think at the core art is expression. Having people like your art is a form of self actualization. It's not about money, but I want people to consume my work. Not because I want fame, but because I want to create art for people and have them enjoy it. I think most artists want this. Even if I just did it as a hobby on the side, I want to make things for people.

If everything I make is lost in a sea of AI slop then I don't see the point. I love creating animations and telling stories. Who will there be to tell my story to? Making a full fight animation and just playing it over and over to myself on my computer just seems insane to me. Like a person talking to themself.

>> No.7070366

performance art

>> No.7070367
File: 448 KB, 1024x768, 1708581881258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you are not one of these people so let me tell you a secret.
No one actually gives a shit about AI art
Just think for yourself right now, what singular piece of AI art can you remember at the top of your head? What piece of AI art is iconic or interesting to you? Its literal slop, not even the people that generate those images remember about them 7 minutes after they are mad. No one actually wants to regularly consume this shit, most people just don't realize this yet.

My two cents on this situation is that this is all technically our fault for making art a easily disgestible "social media like farm" and not what it should actually be, if anything AI art may actually help re-mystify real art.

>> No.7070368

The thing is, most of those retarded ai shitters keep feeding other artist work through ai without their consent and out of spite too. Can’t ignore that, even if you’re drawing for fun. Those shitters even impersonate those same artists and tried to sell commissions.

>> No.7070371
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The TLDR to my point is that fast food did not kill restaurants, its silly to think people would rather consume McDonalds regularly rather than proper food if they had it premade for them.
Even the normiest of the norm can realize when they are being served slop.
Then we better hope that glaze and nightshade actually works.

>> No.7070379

Finishing my point, you should be actually more worried at the recent AI videos that will >totally< not be used to create cheese pizza and revenge porn.

>> No.7070417

Unironically give up, it's over.

>> No.7070418


>> No.7070422

I cope knowing that either my creative career will be fine, or otherwise literally everyone else in other industries are additionally screwed, so I won’t be alone.

>> No.7070431

Creation is one of the few things that brings me genuine joy in life. I don't do it for anyone else but myself. I don't care what AI can or can't do. I don't do it for the result, I do it because I genuinely enjoy the process, and find it fulfilling.

This is what AIbros don't understand about the magical picture gatcha machine. There's no process to it, it's not satisfying.

>> No.7070441
File: 47 KB, 832x1000, 16335688343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace traditional. Every mark you make was made by a real human (You). It has soul. Everything made by an AI always looks off if you look at it for more than 2 seconds.

Embrace fun. Who cares if pajeets and techbros generate 1 million pictures a day of every character and thing. You can still sketch in your sketchbook for fun. You don't even have to show anyone.

Even before AI there were already people that were 1000x better than you. Did you give up then? One day all human pursuits will be overtaken by AI, what will you do, kys or continue on anyway?

>> No.7070607

>AI art may actually help re-mystify real art
This guy gets it.

>> No.7070649


>> No.7070681
File: 2 KB, 454x22, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the power of ai, right?

>> No.7070838

>Who will there be to tell my story to? Making a full fight animation and just playing it over and over to myself on my computer just seems insane to me. Like a person talking to themself.

Buy a printer. Paste ur shit up in a public space. Someone's gonna walk by and look at it.
Bigger project or animated short? Take it to a film festival or see if you can find an IRL animation club. Paste a QR code on a public corkboard. Grab a mini projector and play it on a wall for 30 minutes.
Someone's gonna see it.

>> No.7070853

Tom Roosendaal, film producer, creator of Blender.

>> No.7070857

What the fuck, This is what tech hype does to a nigga.

>> No.7070860

Hahahahaha you thought this meant to kys? Are you a beta cuck?

>> No.7070869

I’m of two minds.
On the one hand AI art is plainly evil and unethical and shouldn’t exist. I hate the techbros, trust me. No arguments there.
But at the same time. I think if you really had something SPECIFIC that you wanted to make, deeply, then you’re still going to make it either way and everything will be fine for you. As fine as it can be, anyway. But you’re not going to let AI stop you. Its only the people whose only goal in life was to “be an artist” without anything more specific than that who are really going to be lost.

>> No.7070921

I don't disagree.
People have written great works of literature and philosophy during the world wars while civilization was disintegrating around them.
We've all grown up too used to the comforts of peace and relative stability, so we end up making excuses for why things are impossible when in reality we have a better shot at greatness than most people throughout history.

>> No.7070928

This is what people don't get. The AI spits out a 'pretty picture' that often ignores significant aspects then share it all over the place like it is some great achievement over artists.

>> No.7070933

Stuff like that really makes you think how many people legitimately think art is just "pretty picture"
And the prettier the picture the more art it is

>> No.7070936
File: 3.33 MB, 2658x2480, 1700083764715083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the tripfag?

>> No.7071023

>I got a CS degree even though I really didn't give a shit about anything but art.
Literally me except I didn't realize this until after graduation.
>almost 3 months since I graduated and I can't find a job for shit.
Also me. It took me a while to get my first bite and I took a low-paying job in the meantime.
It helps if you find a company or public agency that's not posting on indeed or other overcrowded sites. There's also other tricks like putting tiny white-font keywords in your resume and lying about your race/sex/pronouns for DEI points.

>> No.7071033

>We've all grown up too used to the comforts of peace and relative stability, so we end up making excuses for why things are impossible when in reality we have a better shot at greatness than most people throughout history.
This. It's still gonna be hard work with no guarantee of fame or fortune, but we have more advanced tools at our disposal than at any other point in history. An office or McJob isn't glamorous, but it beats a lifetime of peasant toil with literally zero hope of escape.

>> No.7071138

>. unless you just want to make a hobby out of art, I suggest you leave this board ASAP.
Or, maybe, you profit jews can fuck off and stop making everything about money. /ic/ is not the finance board.

>> No.7071142

>why do you think it can do the entire process for you?
Because the end result slopped out is "good enough" for non artists aka consumers.

>> No.7071147

Instant AI art:

It's over.

>> No.7071175
File: 902 KB, 827x1243, this is not actually AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is the art world's industrial revolution. The average lay person does not care about the craft any more than its ability to produce pretty faces or coom, which AI could do to an adequate degree a year ago (and is even better at that now). You may be granted a brief respite from the inevitable AI onslaught due to Google and Microsoft injecting politics into their generators, making their productive output unusable. But as soon as other AI generators advance enough to match or exceed the quality of DALL-E without the imposed restrictions, this brief respite will evaporate.
If you're in this industry to make money, you have few options: Adapt, or Perish. Like every other industry upset by technological innovation. Or hope you can nurture an artisan community to support the demand of purists who refuse AI on the principle (these communities will be small but they will exist). If you're a hobbyist, this will not apply to you.

>> No.7071205

There's no way to adapt to AI art. AI can make prompts just as easily as a human can. All creativity will be automated.

>> No.7071222

AI still needs the feedback loop of human appreciation to refine itself. AI's basis for producing images is based on what humans value in the beauty of an image. If AI trains itself on AI, then the outputs would just get more and more garbled until it completely regresses and becomes useless as a tool to create images.

>> No.7071223

In Soviet America, AI train YOU !

>> No.7071225

What do you think it's doing when you're given multiple images and select them? It's being trained on human taste and cataloguing them.

>> No.7071232
File: 41 KB, 545x578, 76r7667rttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I cope and stay positive in the face of AI?
you dont. simple as.

>> No.7072457


>> No.7072482
File: 536 KB, 1080x951, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry the neural link brain chips are coming soon. We'll be able to become ai artists. If you can't beat them then join them

>> No.7072493


>> No.7072497

>(You) absolute monkey

>> No.7072502

>Half a million years of human evolution just to produce a hairless genetic dead end in ape

>> No.7072573

>CS degree

>> No.7072614

picrel is so fucking dumb, particularly the ones for the people. it would take less time for anyone who isn't imaginatively challenged to just sketch out vague construction blobs instead of shoehorning AI into the process

>> No.7072623

you can literally faceroll the keyboard, and it will generate a wiwee purtee pictwa

>> No.7072642


>> No.7072648

one could only assume for how much he wants shill it near any times he comes

>> No.7072654
File: 349 KB, 1200x675, coffin-of-andrew-and-leyley-andrew-being-weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI mangaka's
I'm surprised I've never heard them, but then again I was seeing stuff more like this recently trending

>> No.7074208

>No, it basically will be fucking magic.
lol. thanks for the concession

> There is no need for human involvement in this
wrong. even once it is perfect, (if that happens, let'S call this the endgame scenario), the end result is you'll be able to create anything from your imagination and tweak it however you want, completely disregarding any sort of manual skill.

now does that sound like "no human involvement"?
also does that sound like everyone will be able to make """""everything"""""? as in, everyone will have the exact same capabilities? do you really think that's what's going to happen?

you people are just completely wrong from the ground up by assuming that artists will stop making art and die on the anti AI hill like complete retards.

the idiotic assumption is
>because AI will be able to make better art, people will stop trying to make THEIR art, their stories, etc, etc
as if people will only consume now. but consumption has always made people want to create, and that's not going to change. and as long as we don't have perfect control over the AI, we will make up for that with manual skill.
and once the engame arrives, manual skill is just legitimately no longer needed.

>> No.7074212

i find it so funny how you pretend to be independent artists and yet it is you who keeps thinking from the viewpoint of consumers.

not from the viewpoint of someone who wants to create, but from the viewpoint of someone who wants to make money, who cares about what consumers eat up.

>> No.7074215

>I think what all artists should do is to unite and fight it together
this desu. sadly it's the only way. big companies will look for any way to cut jobs if left to their own devices, art is a product no different to car tires or cans of soup in their eyes.

>> No.7074494

AI is incredible but it suffers from two issues, no freedom, technical issues. If they're able to sort out the tech issues you still will never be able to generate whatever you want, Bing is so censored that it verges on the insane. They've invested millions on the tech, they won't give it to you for free.
I don't think AI will be a big deal because it's owned by corporations.

>> No.7074499

I want AI to take over as fast as possible so that I will never see good things again. Every time I see nice things they are immediately sullied by the abominable niggers on this Earth. I want nothing good to exist so it can be ruined by the mongrel faggots crawling all over this world, even if it will cost me the fact I won't see anything good again and make my own life excruciating. I legitimately want as much ugliness in this world as possible because it's objectively what humans deserve. If I think about creative, nice and soulful things and generic AI slop and then put it next to humanity as it is today, I can't help but think the better match is AI slop. Somehow I'm starting to side with the trannies ruining entire industries on this, simply because they want everything to be as shitty and unappealing as possible although the motive is only obliquely aligned with mine. That's the future people deserve. I cannot justify putting anything nice in this world when the first thing you fucking disgusting apes will do is rape and ruin it. Fuck yeah all hail AIslop, I want as much of it as possible. Do the fucking needful sirs, fucking accelerate

>> No.7074503

What I wished is that AI would help in getting natural medium on digital, Corel Painter doesn't remotely look similar to what its trying to emulate.

>> No.7074510

well well now that would be an actual interesting use of AI you fucking faggot, people don't deserve that shit. I am ecstatic when someone points out what a cancerous technology could have been instead of the relentless assfuck you fucking goyim deserve and can't seem to get enough of. I wish I could leave my body after I die and observe the next 100 years as humanity gets the faggot captive hell future it deserves
the only relief I have from seeing how fucking shit you people are is knowing that the future generations will have nothing at all, nothing, just raw chemicals pumped in their bloodstream until the sun burns out

>> No.7074549

>this is unironically what people want art to be and think was meant to be and what it will be/mean to be a professional artist
it's v*cking over

>> No.7074561

stop moving the goalpost and dodging like an evasion tank and false interpreting peoples words
people don't give a shit about the art it produces
it's that you didn't make it

operating a hotdog machine doesn't make you a chef

>> No.7074562 [DELETED] 

I am reading a book on AI. The USA invested 27 BILLION dollars on AI. China invested 25. Europe invested 8. BILLIONS. As a comparison, off the top of my head I remember the advertisement industry (literally fucking ads) clocking in at around 18 BILLION dollars, worldwide. Now that you know how much money is being funneled into AI development please tell me again how it is surprising that all talking heads are shilling that it's a good thing. You do understand that the talking heads on the internet like YTers etc. are all shills? Do you believe that influencers are popping up like mushrooms just like that, because it's cool? They are the "EVERYTHING IS FINE" speakers blaring all over your fucking face while things go to shit and you know what, I love it. People deserve to be punished for their indolence. It's about fucking time.

>> No.7074565

And all of these fucking countries are in debt doing nothing to actually making their nations fucking livable and habitable and happy to live in. Humanity deserves damnation thanks to these politics shitting up the world like this.

>> No.7074569

Why would you make any effort to please billions of niggers when you can milk them for money?
Have you thought about the question of whether are people worthy or not of having good things and a livable life?

>> No.7074577

Satanic people think this, I know, the truth is if there's no reason to do wrong, there be no reason to DO wrong. Litereal animals has shown us, they do NOT choose to attack us because le evil n shiet, they choose to attack us when WE attack them. Give them nothing to fear, and they literally do nothing. Even if we are literally potential food to them at the end of the day, give them a reason to not fear their own lives, and help them live a easier life, and they choose to be decent around you. Bears, gators, tigers, etc, I have more faith in them not ending my life than the politic that thinks I don't matter because I'm not Elon Musk.

>> No.7074977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7075006

tripfag your second biggest bitch I've ever seen close to Cris
>really need to be (YOU)ing half week old posts
I wonder if these threads were allowed to be up a month would you try to bump em with samefagging compliments or save rebuttals posts to use as emergency bumps

>> No.7075010

The solution is very simple.
You must end your life immediately.
It's the only way.

>> No.7075019
File: 10 KB, 219x230, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks viewpoint of consumers wrong
>who cares about what consumers eat up
>keep getting recommended shit products
>keep being told must accept your shit agenda
>"manual skill is just legitimately no longer needed"
How often do you see people like this tripfag or do you and your coworkers own several "please be patience" hats for daily meetings

>> No.7075030

you know tripfag generally most here who aren't crabs/crabing just want to draw but they have to see your shilling ass everyday.
>go back to /g/ if you want to only go "but AI" near every thread
>or Reddit for your egregious use of spacing
far I can tell you claim a lot of shit but go about everything like a retarded monkey not getting his banan til they shitpost/"debate" at least once a week
>basically gets to Cris levels at certain times

>> No.7075035

You don't understand he really really really needs to keep telling us about the wonders of AI. As if we give a fuck. He's just looking for acceptance otherwise he'd take his discussions to places more welcoming. Love how he always mentions how he's done with this place full of idiots yet continues to come back

>> No.7075036

>telling us about the wonders of AI
Play with this for 2 minutes : https://fastsdxl.ai/

>> No.7075502

what does not wanting to draw have to do with not wanting to discuss AI? nothing at all, unless you just want to keep living in your delusional world where you hope it will go away.
>see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing

but yes. i've been caring less and less correcting you retards. which is also why i've been posting less. and yet somehow this thread still survived. funny huh?

you're mentally ill anon. take your pills. this thread survived because of other anons. it was MADE by another anon.
almost as if this is a real topic that warrants discussion.
and you really need to stop obsessing over your boyfriend cris, whoever the fuck that is.


>> No.7075505

you dont want to draw? that's sad, why even come here

>> No.7077299

Instead of getting one "enlarge your penis" email now you can get a million on the same time frame.

Thanks God for spam filters, it seems all the best tech was already invented 20 years ago, we peaked in mid 2000s.

>> No.7077513

chop off proompters hands with machetes, clearly they arent interested in using them to create anything

>> No.7077528
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sheer amount of money invested in ai to make a app that can perform a task that barely makes any money
Imagine the amound of money they could make with an app that replaces bankers
I guess we will see that in the near future right?... right guys?...

>> No.7077532

Isn't the reason so much money is being invested precisely because there's so much money to be made?

>> No.7077535

Yeah they just wanted to get into the trillion dollar fanart commision market, very smart investment

>> No.7077540


>> No.7077542


>> No.7077546

cris is that you frogposting again

>> No.7077547

>nigga (YOU)

>> No.7077552

>you're gay
>and a bitch if you reply back

>> No.7077554

find it funny he came after anon had the above began mocking him

>> No.7077555

the amount of reddit spacing in this conversation is unreal

>> No.7077558


>> No.7077562


>> No.7077573

Well I assume the billionaires know how to make money, but maybe you're right.

>> No.7077574


>> No.7077616

Only grifters who do art for money are worried about AI.

>> No.7077623
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>> No.7077642

AI is data pollution, it's like saying sewer and water are the same thing because you can drink both.

Wthe more companies and individuals pollute the waters of the internet with trash and shit, the more people will crave the real thing.

>> No.7077649
File: 35 KB, 405x405, burger masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I cope and stay positive in the face of AI?
You need to embrace AI. This can be done by changing your drawing style to emulate AI. If your artwork has a more AI feel to it, then it can better compete with AI.

>> No.7077686

To be honest just build portfolio so you have something to show up and put your name out there and you get job.

>> No.7077722

Fpbp. I'm sad to say this is the 288th post on the Thread.

Why don't you ask to an A.I. if they're so good? "What can I do better than you?" Then come back and report.

>> No.7077752

Lmao there is no future for AI in art.

AI will be AI, art will be art, generated content is flooding all sites with trash, people will be desperate for a solution to the spam, in one year tops, social media will be forced to label AI images, you will flip a switch and all of that shit will disappear.

Imagine spending time and effort on a thing people will be desperate to get rid of.

>> No.7077771

That's not how that works though. Generative AI was Pandora's box. You can't close it again. At best all social media companies labeling AI content will do is encourage spambots to just lie about the origins of their content, and at that point there isn't any way to verify the origins of an image aside for hoping that AI doesn't get any better. In the worst case scenario you create an arms race situation where increasingly sophisticated generators on the spam side are pitted against increasingly sophisticated discriminators on the platform owner side, which basically creates a GAN that drives the quality of AI images up further and faster until they're truly indistinguishable from reality to the point where even fine tuned AI models can't reliably pick out a difference.

I agree that people will be desperate to get all the exabytes of AI dogshit off of their feeds and off the internet, but there is no way to do that. I foresee a future where social media sites restrict media uploads to paid users only in an attempt to combat the rising tide of spambots shoveling worthless, meaningless "content" onto their servers at a rate that would financially cripple even the largest platform owners if they attempted to store it all. The immediate future of the internet is a blasted wasteland chock full to bursting with low quality autonomously generated dreck, but the long term future is an internet devoid of almost all user-created media altogether. Any avenue for free uploads would immediately be exploited, overloaded, and brought down by autonomous bot accounts trying to drive traffic to who knows where for who knows what purpose.

>> No.7077791

Sounds to me like art will be purely reserved for paid platforms like patreon with careful moderation

>> No.7077822
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is so ridiculously censored plus it constantly ignores your prompt input and decides to overpower it with its own prompt. The engine is so afraid of the output that it generates the same things over and over and blocks anything interesting or creative.
Just get good, AI is owned by scummy corps who will gimp it over content policies concerns.

Things will get interesting when AI can 3D model, then you can worry.

>> No.7077847

It's actually a genius idea.

I would unironicaly pay money for some good AI-less internet.

>> No.7077902

You know what, I know that it's a crazy crazy fucking idea.

But nowadays the internet regulates our water supply, our energy, financial system and banks, education, communication, it became like a fucking new environment and we can't have the luxury of avoiding using it.

AI pollutes this environment the same way someone throwing sewer on a lake does, worthless trash, at an ridiculous rate, scams and impersonation of real content, it poisons the water for everyone.

We need some sort of "environmental protection" for the internet, laws or even advocacy for it, so that big companies don't throw shit on our metaphorical streets and poison our metaphorical water.

>> No.7077907

>AI is owned by scummy corps
wth are you talking about. stable diffusion isn't corpo

>> No.7077908

*All because the general population is too dumb and misinformed to understand what's going on.
I reckon a lot of artists (and I'm certainly one of them) recognised this kind of corporate scheme from the very start.
We're not a very established community. Our areas of interest and expertise differ a lot and so we're a scathered bunch. we were easy prey to corporate technerds for many reasons.
Another obvious reason is the entitled, greedy nerds that saw easy money by adopting these algorithms. Screaming all over the internet, mocking, arguing the same old talkingpoints, diluting the conversation and making it even harder to have an honest discussion regarding the ethics of this and how this all should be rolled out.
The convenient protectors of megacorporations. Playing a role assigned to them by the creators of a game many of them can't even comprehend.
One thing is for certain though; this should have never been decided for us. Let alone decided by these kind of people. In a sane world there would have been ongoing debates before they even started training of these models.
Debates regarding how to implement the tech, how to respect the work of artists going forward.
Proper management.
Laws have already been put in place to protect artists from this kind of usery.
But we all know by now they're corrupt and that they did this thinking they'd get away with it. Maybe they will.. Who the fuck knows.
A lot of artists are just waiting to see what will come of all these lawsuits.

Hoping for a glimmer of sanity from the same people we gave so much to.
Will we be thrown by the wayside or will we have rights to our own work yet again?
And will they be held responsible and liable for the damages they have caused?
Time will tell..

>> No.7077947

Of course it is and the next version is gonna be gimped too.

>> No.7077954

you can download the entire source code and run it on your machine.

>> No.7077956
File: 3.81 MB, 1280x720, 1706143152212606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things will get interesting when AI can 3D model, then you can worry.
Anon, I...

>> No.7077961
File: 3.38 MB, 1160x978, 1705976819438689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing holding back 3d AI is high polycount, but a lot of modern 3d software has re-topologiers

>> No.7077962
File: 255 KB, 720x898, AI-mons.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077963
File: 3.90 MB, 1000x562, deer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are from a /v/ thread around a month ago.

>> No.7077964
File: 3.82 MB, 786x830, goblina rogue.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077985

Human made art is dying, simple as.
The only thing that will give value to it is the parasocial aspect, the product itself will become completely irrelevant.
If you hate the current trends of e-begging, pandering to fanatics and victimism Olympics, get ready, it's going to get much, much worse.
This is obviously if you care about making money or having some sort of social attention for your work, if you don't care, just keep doing stuff for yourself and tune out the outside world.
There will still be underground groups of people who care, just like making comics outside of mangas and cape shit, it's a community that's almost completely self contained, where the only consumers are other artists.
It's fucking over.

>> No.7077991

bump for death

>> No.7077994

>If you are one of those retards that just wanted the twitter clout then yeah its over for you
It's actually the complete opposite, this will be the only avenue IF you care to make money or have desire for some sort of social recognition.
Look at social media right now, the content is always secondary to personality and fandom, and the whole world is social media at this point, there's no escaping this but being a true hermit.

>> No.7078310

I'm so depressed about this.. I literally don't know what to do with my life anymore, maybe I go trad or something or go into carpentry or idk. It's all over, the endtimes are here. All I ever wanted was to be creative and make money with beautiful things.

>> No.7078316

>All I ever wanted was to be creative and make money with beautiful things.
Write the great American novel.

>> No.7078498

It will be fine.

AI is the "my pussy in bio" of art, its visual spam at most.

>> No.7078789

>I'm not baiting. I actually want someone to give me some fucking hope or something because all I see are tech bros giddy to destroy art.
It's not just the techbros, anon. The whole world is sick. Everything and everyone has been reduced to a commodity. Nothing you can do or become will be valued by this diseased world beyond your utility to it's growth. I hope this helps!

>> No.7079011

>there's no escaping this but being a true hermit.
I disagree. You can find real niggas if you look in the right places. Takes a lot of time and discernment, though.

>> No.7079045

i mean even before ai (afaik anyway) to have even a livable career in art you had to be
>extremely, EXTREMELY skilled
>charismatic enough to sell yourself and your work (rise of abstract artists)
>lucky/mindlessly catering to the mindless sheeple online
for me as someone who’s played with ai for like a year+ to the point of creating my own model and loras — it reassured me that ai art was always going to be slop. it can never create what i want to see, so i need to learn how to draw

>> No.7080007
File: 55 KB, 1920x1080, cows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy
