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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7065752 No.7065752 [Reply] [Original]

Not that i've actually tried but it just seems too hard.
10k hours of practice? Dozens of in-depth books? I couldn't even complete one.
Sorry but i may have to throw in the towel. I don't think i'll ever be able to learn any of this. It seems too overwhelming.
I haven't tried yet but i don't think its even a real possibility

>> No.7065761

Bye, no one cares and nobody will miss you. Hope you kill yourself too

>> No.7065762

Just use AI then bitch, fuck off

>> No.7065767

Too accurate
AI kinda blows and can't do anything of what i'd like it to well.
I also need a productive hobby i can sink my time into.
Drawing would do the trick if it wasn't so hard

>> No.7065770

>Not that i've actually tried but it just seems too hard

>> No.7065772

Bro just draw
I thought millenials were bad but every generation gets worse and millenials were dealt the worst hand in centuries

>> No.7065783

I didn't want to admit but i actually did try, quickly lost motivation and then just kept thinking about it daily without actually doing it and now it feels too silly to restart the cycle.
That was 3 years ago btw.>>7065772
>just draw
Hard to power through and do it since there's no joy to be had in the activity or the end result due to my lackluster skill.
Its a negative reinforcement where every go around makes you less likely to continue.

>> No.7065788

Drawing on the right side of the brain unblackpilled me, its not hard. The hard stuff is later. Your confidence will be built from this book.

Think about how you'll feel if you don't start and then have to look back at your life a year from now. You simply force yourself to do it, and it becomes easier and more enjoyable with time. But you have to do it everyday.

Good luck man.

>> No.7065794

>Drawing on the right side of the brain
Tried it and dropped halfway through because i wasn't having much success.
If i don't do it now i'm just going to have the same conversation again a year from now and i know that for a fact because it was the exact same way last year lol.
So you're right either i break the cycle now or just keep repeating it and feeling bad until i'm 102 years old

>> No.7065796
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>captcha GAY4YW

>> No.7065798

Its not baitnbut i do concur. The thread is not worth acknowledgment.
Successful people should justnmove on and take care of their business. I could get the best pep talk of my life and nothing would change so it doesn't even matter

>> No.7065824

Yeah why do I even ever try to white pill people on here. Get a job and make irl friends get /fit/ all the redpill shit just do that and come back in a year.

inb4 tried all that. lmao

>> No.7065856

Sounds like you're taking it too seriously by being too focused on results, and the expectations are putting a lot of pressure on you that is sucking all the enjoyment out of it.
If you plan on drawing for a living, that's not going to work, at least for now. Find another plan A, and pick up drawing as a fun activity that you don't expect to be good at. Just do it because it's fun to fuck around with a pencil or whatever.
Draw a lot of shitty drawings that are easy for your level and FUN (fun is the only requirement, and absolutely nothing else). Get used to drawing a lot, get comfortable, because it's fucking fun no matter what, like when you were a kid and would draw some horrendous garbage, but you enjoyed it so you could do it without motivation or discipline (the same way you don't need motivation to play a videogame or beat off to porn).
After a while, when you feel like it, add some learning resources. Maybe start with videos on the aspects of the drawings you've been doing that you want to improve on, then add some videos on fundies and whatnot, always applying that knowledge to the fun drawings you've been making.
Gradually and very slowly increase how challenging these drawings are (but don't go too hard for now, keep it fun).
You will start seeing them improve and get progressively less shitty. Keep going and as you get used to it, gradually increase the amount of study or practice, until you feel like you can start following a book, and by that point you'll have enough practice from your shitty drawings that following it won't be such a disaster, and even while doing that, don't expect to be good. It's ok if you're shit, because what matters is that you're gradually becoming less shit and maybe this process is going to take you a month or maybe years but you will overcome your hurdle, and will be set on the path to eventually being good.


>> No.7065857

Obviously the ideal would be to just grind books and achieve mastery in record time, but that's not going to work *for you*, so the above method is probably the most likely to work path in your situation.
Godspeed my friend.


>> No.7065864
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I'm starting to recognize your posting style, Howieschizo2.0. You've been shitting up the board for a while now. I recommend you cease this pardner, lest you want to meet out by the saloon at high noon.

>> No.7066082
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it's because you didn't make the pictures you wanted to make and instead put all that time into arbitrary practice
10k hours to be mediocre at art is pretty standard if you didn't have a goal
all good artists are specialists, if they grind fundies its to get better at the pictures they want to make.

the pictures should be the grind, if your goal is to paint big titty anime women from imagination then your daily grind should be painting big titty anime women from imagination, everything else would be a total waste of time unless it is directly applicable and you do in fact directly apply it post-study. your studies should be secondary, peripheral to doing that specific kind of art you want to make.

on the bright side, being a mediocre generalist will make it easier for you to actually start doing the art you want to do, at least in comparison to being a total beginner. a few years of actually making art you care about should fix it so get to it faggot.

>> No.7066318

>If you plan on drawing for a living
I don't vecause that would be a crazy goal to have for someone who doesn't even draw.
Tye rest of your advice is very solid even though its essentially just a much more eloquent take on just draw.
You're correct. One of the reasons it,'d feel weird to actually start working is that i've spent 10x time on conplaining than i have actually drawing so i'm going to feel like a silly billy no matter what.
I promise to stop shitting up the board though. Howie-ing is pretty narcissistic and swlfish.

Easier said than done and also just wildly grinding the one and only thing will make you into a lolcow artist like CWC.
I do need to get off my ass tho.

>> No.7066442

>even though its essentially just a much more eloquent take on just draw.
Essentially yes, but "just draw" is very vague and can be interpreted in a number of different ways.
I'm giving you the exact game plan for your specific situation, with the gradual shift from more-fun/less-improvement (which gets you used to drawing), towards less-fun/more-improvement (the more "proper" way to learn, which you're currently failing at).

>> No.7066443

>Easier said than done and also just wildly grinding the one and only thing will make you into a lolcow artist like CWC.
your mind is twisted by retarded internet memes

>hey if you want to learn to make <picture> maybe you should practice making <picture>
>no that will literally make me <kiwifarms buzzword>

every good artist is good at making the art they make, you can't make scott robertson draw anime waifus, you can't make krenz draw perfectly rendered spaceships from imagination, all the good artists are specialists, not generalists.

but its fine, do whatever you want. keep doomgrinding random shit you don't care about after work, or don't draw ever again. let all your ideas rot and die and be forgotten because you think following your passion will turn you into some random tranny that lives in your head rent free.

i can just imagine your inner monologue whenever whatever is left of your passion for art rears its head, kek

>"oh maybe we should start working on the thing"
>"uhh, no , that'll make me the same as some random tranny, i need to consume media, jack off and cry on imageboards instead."

>> No.7066448
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>> No.7066490

The stuff i want to make is too high level for my current ability so its either symbol drawing cringe bullshit or the grind.

>> No.7066550

is that book actually worth reading? i find it kinda boring but I want to improve

>> No.7066559

Newsflash retardo: the stuff you want to make will always be too high level even if you're kim jung gi
Art/drawing is not something you "learn" over a 3 month course

>> No.7066565

you're just a lazy faggot neet without any actual goals

get off your ass and get therapy if you're that mentally unwell

>> No.7066603

True, but theres still a difference between someone skilled aspiring for ever greater heights and CWC tier autist who just keeps grinding away doing utter shit that'll just get ridicule
What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.7067143

The Art & Science of Drawing is a better place to start. It is super simple, one step at a time, starting with how to hold a pencil, then drawing geometric shapes on newsprint (super cheap).

Once you can draw a "ball" that looks more like an actual sphere than like a potato then follow videos such as this to draw a generic head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG6Xegz8rI4

>> No.7067173

Thanks. I'll give it a go tomorrow since its pretty late rn.

>> No.7067181

I know IC is pretty against it, but in general almost every korean course tells you that your hands, eyes and brain needs to correlate the ratios of the body together.
The easiest way to practice this and to see mistakes is by tracing
From a study perspective this is quite literally going to skyrocket your gains far past people that do not because you get to focus on "getting" the shape portion purely
A good example is first drawing from a reference, then tracing it and closely comparing the 2 and where you went wrong, then drawing it again. Don't worry about rendering but just getting the shapes and forms ratios and porportions right

For long term gains I would highly suggest already practicing hashing by picking up any urban sketching book. They usually have methods or examples of textures. It will be very handy later to depict texture and is often overlooked (especially with the digital medium where people either simply don't texture at all or use lasso memes to just slap random shapes ontop of eachother and call it a day).
It's something I wish I started applying sooner

>> No.7067184

man it seems like you just dont like drawing. this isn't something to get into because "you need a productive hobby" you should draw because you have a genuine passion for it. might i suggest you go use /lit/ or /fit/ or even /mu/

>> No.7067191

>This is why I stopped trying to make friends through discord

>> No.7067203

I'm already doing /fit/ stuff and read.
I mostly want to draw brcause i sometimes get cool ideas in my head.
Not really that passionate about it but i have enough of a drive where i'd still like to get back into practice even if i'll still br bad at it.
The main issue is that the act of drawing itself isn't dopamine-heaby enough to keep me invested.
I can exercise regularly because you get hit with waves of endorphins anytime you do do it.

>> No.7067223

>The main issue is that the act of drawing itself isn't dopamine-heaby enough to keep me invested.
>he needs to get drugged by his body in order to continue with a difficult task
Dude, just literally hunker down and force yourself to do it if you actually have a drive for art. Self discipline is more important than whatever innate talent anyone may have.

>> No.7067231
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>if you actually have a drive for art
I probably don't but yeah in any case the solution is to just bruteforce it.