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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7053747 No.7053747 [Reply] [Original]

I've come to realize that youtube bros and twitter artists were wrong when they said 'anyone can draw.' Because clearly I can't. I'm going to turn to AI for coomslop, at least I get SOMETHING there.

I admit defeat, even Chris-Chan has beaten me.

>> No.7053766
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can bet you anything that you never even tried and you will not do any of what you said.

Im behinning to think this trash of a board is as it is because of the nowdraws and only the nodraws.

>> No.7053774

You were never going to make it in the first place.

>> No.7053776

>I can bet you anything that you never even tried
I did my absolute best. This includes attempting to comprehend all the books you people shill, looking at the old and new stickys, exercise after exercise, hell even drawabox, even youtube tutorials, even twitter tutorials, I CAN'T EVEN TRACE CORRECTLY. That's my best Anon, whether you consider that 'trying' or not, well that's up to you.
>you will not do any of what you said.
I can't say for certain i won't get a burst of "hey i'm bored, lets do this thing again." So maybe I can't say i'm totally giving up, but I am currently running PonyDiffusionv6XL so fuck you, there's one thing at least.

>> No.7053779

i don't want to 'make it', anon. I never wanted to be a big shot, i wanted to draw my waifus

>> No.7053781

>Im behinning to think this trash of a board is as it is because of the nowdraws and only the nodraws.
It is.
/i/ is a much better board because people actually draw there.

>> No.7053786

>I'm going to turn to AI for coomslop
You wanted to learn to draw for coomslop?

>> No.7053802

AI is coomslop, drawing is just regular coom. And yes, that was PART of the reason I wanted to draw.

>> No.7053811

based and truthpilled

>> No.7053815

Sooner or later /ic/ will be full of AIniggers like yourself. Honestly why would the next generation bother to learn to draw at all? They'll be wondering why the fuck aren't they just using AI instead whenever they get even the slightest frustrated at art

>> No.7053820
File: 37 KB, 600x600, eddf27189bc31a50eb0ab5590d1a44d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone can become a great artist. But a great artist can come from anywhere.

>> No.7053822
File: 2.93 MB, 4096x2224, IMG_20240102_072734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Cris

>> No.7053828

I don't see the problem with that honestly. You don't have to pay someone if you can just draw it yourself. Coincidentally, you don't have to pay someone either if you can just gen it as well.
YouTubers and xitterfags milking the engagements but people will more than likely gravitate toward the easier option. Try telling someone to do the PewDiePie and seeing them be demoralized because they didn't grasp just how much support and resources he had for this.

>> No.7053830

Preach brother

>> No.7053850

Theres is nothing wrong with having your own personal reason for wanting to learn to draw but if you >only< want to draw because you are horny then of course you arent going to have that much motivation for it

>> No.7054038

>I admit defeat, even Chris-Chan has beaten me.
If you can say that with your chest, knowing full well who Chris-Chan is, I think it's in your best interest to kill yourself.

>> No.7054280

you might have adhd, autism and depression.
you just admitted that chris chan is better than you

>> No.7054285

There's your problem

>> No.7054287

Fuck off Cris

>> No.7054291

Yeah those ipad kids have the lowest attention spans and threshold for frustration. It's only getting worse. Even tik tok videos will be too long to hold their attention.

>> No.7054562

ponydiffusion is a million times more than just ponies, that's just a name.

>> No.7054569


>> No.7054571

When you people give up can you just GO AWAY? Seriously I really don't care that you gave up. Just leave and stop shitting up the board

>> No.7054738

Never give up

>> No.7054770
File: 67 KB, 736x698, 1707161947637779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another whining thread
Why are these threads even allowed. Wait, let me check the rules, THEY AREN'T. You can just report faggots like this instead of replying and bumping these abysmal threads.

>> No.7057383

>adhd, autism
diagnosed already, treatment didnt work, other treatments arent sold here.
Possibly? Idk what thats like exactly though.

>> No.7057398

Makes me wonder if the shitters here trash on /i/ because they actually enjoy drawing unlike them

>> No.7057401

Ponies are actually pretty easy to draw

>> No.7057421
File: 114 KB, 1280x901, THE_ART_OF_Lost_Ruins_page_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfectly okay to acknowledge that drawing may be challenging for some people, and embracing the power of AI can indeed be a great way to explore the art of creation without feeling defeated. AI art generation has come a long way and can produce stunning results, as evidenced by its applications in various fields such as illustration, character and concept design, and more.

Using AI drawing tools can be beneficial for both beginners and those looking to enhance their skills. They can simplify the drawing process, provide guidance on technique, and even add a creative touch to your work. However, remember that while AI can assist and inspire, it's essential to continue practicing and honing traditional drawing skills to truly grow as an artist.

Feel free to experiment with different AI drawing tools and use them as a part of your creative journey. Just keep in mind that these tools are meant to augment, not replace, your artistic endeavors. Keep exploring, learning, and enjoying the process of creating art, whether traditionally or with the help of AI.

>> No.7057541

Maybe you just don't like drawing anon

>> No.7057776

it's easy to enjoy drawing if you're actually good at it, if you put in the effort to do something and the results are shit that's not very enjoyable in my book

>> No.7057794

Fuck off Cris

>> No.7057921

Fuck off Cris

>> No.7057951

I'm 100% like that and i don't know what to do. I'm a total and utter dopamine junkie and i can't do stuff unless an instant gratification is involved.
I think about drawing daily but i never do it. I sometime post about it on the board despite the fact that i haven't drawn in four months and will likely not do it for at least another four.
Even when i was "active" i've done less than a 100 hours of work total.
What would you recommend i do aside from just giving up for good?

>> No.7058948

i really should've elaborated in that post, that model is not just ponies, in fact its mostly used for anything but. It's just a really good model.
Even so, they still wouldn't be easy to draw for me (can't say i've tried, however.)
>Keep exploring
I've explored every possible nook and cranny.
Nothing seems to work. I am not learning.
>enjoying the process of creating art
As >>7057776 says, i'll only enjoy it if i'm already good.
I don't like drawing garbage ye

>> No.7059064

who's going to tell him?

>> No.7059065


>> No.7059099

Why is it always the animal fuckers the ones above the curve?
This pretty much sums up a lot of people's frustrations

>> No.7059102

It's like the math brain, or emotional intelligence, some people definitely have an affinity, and while it is not impossible to progress, it's definitely harder for those without it.

>> No.7059215
File: 81 KB, 547x531, 1565838248963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch arttuber vid
>he explains how to get numbers on sns
>claims that he never did the fotm fanart to get big
>check out profile
>he does fotm fanart
chotto matte a minute...

>> No.7059283

I have meth brain

>> No.7059316

Anyone can draw. Not everyone draws. A T is two intersecting straight lines. An O is a circle. You spend entire year learning to print and then cursive. You filled books and pages of lines repeatedly printing them out with grids to draw (writing is drawing at its core) the letters and graded on them. You havent put half that effort into basic drawings and learning perspective and practicing ellipses, etc.

>> No.7059911
File: 485 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration7 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing Anon, this analogy of writing = drawing wont work on me. In school my handwriting was so abhorrent, and hurt my hand so bad, the school was forced to give me a laptop, so I could hit buttons and the computer could do the typing for me.
I hit buttons. And the computer did the work for me. Because I couldn't do it myself.
Sound familiar?
>You havent put half that effort into basic drawings and learning perspective and practicing ellipses, etc.
You do not know me. I've tried my absolute hardest, i've racked my brain to the point of exhaustion. I've tried. And everything you describe is covered in drawabox, the thing that did actually help me the most, the thing that I had the most progress in, yet still can't do lesson 2.

>> No.7059912

Of course not everyone can draw. When people say stuff like that they're naturally excluding drooling retards and people with severe neurological disorders.

>> No.7059916

many of the street fighter 2 sprites were drawn with the arrow keys on a keyboard.

>> No.7059917

>In school my handwriting was so abhorrent, and hurt my hand so bad,
I can draw and type for hours. My hand starts cramping up after writing one paragraph for some reason
However part of the reason my writing was so awful in school was because I was making it illegible on purpose to make it as difficult as possible for teachers etc to bother me. They knew they would have to ask me what every second word meant, so most of the time they would give up and not bother with trying to figure out what my answers were and make me change them to the "right" ones.
It was a good system, and it worked. The angrier they got, the shittier my handwriting became. "I don't understand why you can't read that"

>> No.7059932

I have literally no clue how i'd even start about doing that. Impressive. I don't want to draw sprites.
>I can draw and type for hours. My hand starts cramping up after writing one paragraph for some reason
How is that? My hand would always cramp to shit just like writing when I first started trying to draw. I learned to conciously loosen my grip so it lasted longer, but still.