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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 32 KB, 720x267, dr-badadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7048554 No.7048554 [Reply] [Original]

What is some really bad learning advice that's commonly spread amongst /begs/?

>> No.7048566

"Just draw."

Because getting good at anything requires directed practice, not practice per se.

>> No.7048569

>t. /beg/

>> No.7048570

I want to see your work.

>> No.7048572

Anything that has come out of the mouth of peter han.

>> No.7048586
File: 49 KB, 602x735, god's bravest chicken 1705441065879949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>directed practice
if you dont default to that on your own by day 3 of "just draw" then you are simply displaying your own lack of drive
thos that wanna learn wiill intuitively know when and how to direct themselves

but i sure a see a lotta armchair artiss who dnt actually draw and spend their time shit-posting on art forums while lying to themselves that they'll for sure become artists as soon as they get the free time for sure this time (they never fuckin do tho)
its like watching a penguin criticize advice given by hawks on how to fly

"muh just draw oesnt werk hah take that liberal" is the go to mid wit take from pre-beg arm chair artists
kill yourself if you think you're being clever by stating the obvious

>> No.7048590

Holy shit, 911? I want to report a murder...
First post absolutely destroyed.

>> No.7048600 [DELETED] 

grind. it helps, but most will start hating drawing

>> No.7048609

>thos that wanna learn wiill intuitively know when and how to direct themselves
NTA, but when it comes to studying other topics, students have to learn the best methods of studying for themselves. There are so many topics involved in the basics that, if they decide to study for them, many will need at least some level of structured direction. Something that is intuitive to you is not necessarily intuitive to everyone else.

>> No.7048620

>If you don't magically get the information on exactly how to improve after 3 days of drawing trash beamed into your head then... ur bad!
This is why this advice is so shit. "Just draw" means literally nothing. Any fucktard knows they have to draw to get good at drawing. Most even know they have to practice correctly to get good at drawing. People who say "just draw" will then claim it actually means this or that or whatever the fuck instead of just giving that advice in the fucking first place. Why be vague?
>how do i get good at farming?
>just plant the seeds bozo LMAO
>how do i get good at math?
>just solve the equations retard
>how do i get good at carpentry?
>just cut the wood...?

What are you supposed to actually learn from this statement

>> No.7048622

we all know you’re a permabeg, what is the point of this?

>> No.7048623


>> No.7048632
File: 242 KB, 1574x1562, honk proliferation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not necessarily intuitive to everyone else
yes hence why i say its obvious to anyone who *is* an artist
no non-artist will come over to an art critic forum and bitch about how much of an artist he isn't
the only people who i know irl to bitch and moan about "muh just draw" are miserable fags who don't even draw daily

im sure they have thier own circumstances for being unable to draw daily but they dont have any right to mock "just draw" as it is by far the best advice a beginner can follow
yknow its like if a doesn't even bother to jog daily but keeps bitching at a coach who recommends daily excercise to actual athletes and athlete aspirants

the one who keep mogging "just draw" are almost universally jaded wannabe has-beens who once had dreams of being artists but either out of laziness or other responsibilities never got to actualize thier dreams soo spend their off time railing against ideas/doctrine that they hink let them down
usually becoause the human psyche tries to deflect blame and absolve the ego of any actual responsibility in case of such failure

i have never met an actual good artist didn't start off doing the "just daw daily" doctrine before their branched off into whatever specialized practice made them what ever they are right now

"but just draw is bad advice" is for a lock of a better term a "cope" argument that has-beens and lazy newfags use to avoid being confronted with the fact they can't/couldn't follow through with even that
cause if they can label the doctrine as ineffective then they won't have to feel guilty for choosing/being unable to follow through on it

people do be like that some times but that doesn't mean its a good argument or anything besides a mid-wit take parroted by npcs who'll never achieve anything in their lives

"Don't waste time debating what makes a good artist, Become one"
-Donald Trump probably

>> No.7048639

Telling people they have to draw a billion cubes or academic studies of old men with their dicks out before they have permission to draw what they like.

>> No.7048640

thats nice frogposter but you don't draw and I'm not reading all that

>> No.7048645
File: 108 KB, 1200x675, ya winning son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon its like getting red in the face and vehemently debating a coach with factoids about muscle density and blood oxygen levels when he tells you that you have to excercise daily to become an athletes
are your factoids wrong? no
are you arguments in bad faith? absolutely not (i hope)
but that doesn't mean excercising daily won't be beneficial to you

if you have a healthy active body obviously you will have an easier time entering and learnig whatever specialized sports you aspire to be an athlete for
if you wanna be an athlete you will be practicing to be one
rather than spending all your time in the newbie cabins debating the beginner's coach over basics of the basic advice

i assure you everyone and i truly mean that everyone barring literal retards know full well that just lightly jogging everyday wont actually make someone an olympic swimmer but olympic swimmer aspirants when encountering "just jog daily" advice dont actually get offended at that cause they realize that in that context that is prolly advice being iven to beginners who might not even wanna be swimmer but perhaps weight lifters or track runners
yknow what they don do tho? get very pissy about the coaches not teaching beginners from day 1 on how to become literal olympic grade swimmers no only jaded wannabe has-beens do that as a coping mechanism to spread their misery
becoming an artist is similar its a learned skill noone is born as an artists simply with greater or lesser aptitude for it

so now you know
hopefully you will no longer waste time parroting this bad take and spend all that time u spnd arguing semantics drawing instead
maybe you'll even see some neat progress from all that newly freed time you'll be investing drawing instead

>> No.7048649

>"copy and don't think/draw as you see"

>> No.7048651

why make up advice nobody has ever given?

>> No.7048654

because blaming boogeymen is easier than having to draw

>> No.7048664
File: 2.98 MB, 1199x1600, 20240205_182626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a counterpoint or what?
Should've done this preemptively but whatever. I'd love to post things I'm more proud of but I'd rather not expose my blog.

You sound legitimately schizophrenic holy shit.

But "just draw" means NOTHING. Detailed advice doesn't mean I want you explaining advanced color theory to a beginner. A good coach doesn't just say "just jog". He also gives you advice on your form, on your breathing, on your diet... i.e. the fundamentals. Drawing is much more esoteric than exercising as well. Most people know you have to lift weights and do cardio. A beginner artist doesn't even know what a horizon line is. Watching a beginner artist "just draw" is like watching a guy who's "just exercising" by waving their arms around. "Just x" advice is advice for people who haven't even spent a minute with the skill. And it's not like "just draw" advice is thrown around just for beginners either.

>> No.7048669

That drawing boxes or doing Loomis will somehow help. They should be copying drawings they like and doing life drawing, not wasting time with abstractions at that stage. Why draw a box when your eye is so untrained that you can't see that the angles are all off?

Observation is the number one fundamental.

>> No.7048683

Because newfags and wannabes would blame everyone and everything but their own lazy fucking ass.

>> No.7048699
File: 81 KB, 588x332, whatever works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A good coach doesn't just say "just jog"
neither does a good student look for coaches on a mongolian goat herding forum anon
you make up imaginary scenarios to bitch about advice given by boogeymen that dont exist

all this due to the root cause being that you don't wanna admit that you can't even follow that simple advice
its fine people can be lazy you don't have to fell embarassed baout admitting it on an annymous forum
its a lie people tell themselves and internalize it to avoid having to admit that you're just lazy and would rather spend time debating semantics of doctrine rather than put it into practice

you are gay and possibly a woman since you can't comprehend generalised statements without going "huh!? buh im no like that" failing to see the point entirely
again you are dissolving yourself in semantics and diving deeper into waxing poetic about this and that metaphor that i used

>A beginner artist doesn't even know what a horizon line is
>Watching a beginner artist "just draw" is like watching a guy who's "just exercising" by waving their arms around
> people who haven't even spent a minute with the skill
while really well phrosed these situations dont happen to real people anon
these are scenarios you dreamed up in your head so that you can get angry at them
i'm addressing you the person making the silly argument not the imaginary people that you think are affected but said silly argument

a good artist doesn not neceessarily a good teacher make
and while i know you wanna show off your superior intellect to us peasants by "le epic debunking" an imaginery strawman let me assure you any person who actually draws and is any good at art sees this behaviour for what it truly is "performative posturing" or as the boys call it "virtue signalling" in this case for no audience but yourself to stave away those stabbing needles of self awareness that threaten to force you to confront yourself with responsibility for your own failure

>> No.7048700

>yes hence why i say its obvious to anyone who *is* an artist
Ohh, ok. Misunderstood and thought you were talking about omega/begs/ that were uncertain as to where to even begin learning.
Maybe it's some kind of mental buffering mode they get stuck in where they're insecure about their progress? We've got a gajillion threads up where they can post their shit to get feedback if they're stuck though, so who knows.

>> No.7048720

try typing less and drawing more

>> No.7048723
File: 26 KB, 275x274, hanma doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you summarized my argument very well anon
thank you : DDD

>> No.7048741
File: 320 KB, 512x510, AUHJIJjdijia828h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a confusing and insane rant that I just don't even know what to say. Does the first sentence mean you actually do think "just draw" is bad advice...? Do you think because I say "just draw" is bad advice that I don't draw everyday...? Do you think my metaphors are things I truly think about the world...? Do you even understand a lick of the point I was trying to make...? I just have no idea what you're even trying to say with any of the nonsense that you just typed out.

And if you do mean
>try typing less and drawing more
then you too, I guess?

>> No.7048750
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be autistic
>make meme
>just draw
>to remind myself of shu ha ri
>share it on mirc and 4chan
>people debating about what it is
>people debating about why just draw is bad
>people debating instead of drawing
I have created a meme with unintended consequences.

>> No.7048752

Goodness me, for someone "just draw"-ing you are mighty verbose.

>> No.7048761

It's fine, they were never going to draw in the first place.

>> No.7048765

I thought FZD started it... wait Feng? Here to learn weaving like your grandfather?

>> No.7048770

seems feng has time to shitpost ever since his school closed

>> No.7048772

yeh i like verbal swordfights but i'm not in denial about it

>> No.7048778


Not FZ. I shared the meme 18 years ago. Maybe great minds think alike. Who knows.

>> No.7048784

you didn’t invent shit, you fucking faggot, I made the meme on the /vg/ drawing discord in 2004

>> No.7048787

When did FZD close?

>> No.7048804
File: 63 KB, 548x548, 1661757719702226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who actually came on /ic/ and decided to read this entire thread is not gonna make it.

>> No.7048810

ik you're trolling but

>> No.7048816

oh i'll make it alright
just like how i made your mother swallow last night

>> No.7048822

>18 years ago
Feng said it on teamGT 22 years ago

>> No.7048826

march 2022

>> No.7048843

Didn't know that, I guess great minds think alike.

>> No.7048882


>> No.7049001

"Tracing and using ai is bad"

>> No.7049008

the redpill justdraw-refuters didn't want to hear. Anyone who wants to learn will learn eventually. You all know how to use a search engine. You all have a brain.

that those who want something will progressively seek out how to improve at said thing on their own

>> No.7049033

But... if they're asking for advice... then they're already seeking knowledge...? What you're saying is that you are advising those seeking knowledge to seek knowledge. Do you understand how retarded that sounds?

>> No.7049050
File: 316 KB, 1131x944, Alissa chung professional NEET artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just draw."
Just draw is the best art advice though. When learning to draw its the single piece of advice most people fail to realize.

>> No.7049057

A better comparison is asking how to be funny, retard, not how to learn an occupation.

>> No.7049069

/ic/ is for people who’re already at the top to flex on permabegs and bitch about AI

>> No.7049143

- Rinotuna is a good teacher.
- Kim Jung Gi is a good teacher.
- Spending more time to hoard books and references than actually making art.
- Thinking there is one magic recipe or shortcut to get good.
- Realism above everything.
- "Just draw" can also be a bad advice to some extent.

>> No.7049145

based and work ethic pilled