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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 190 KB, 1280x720, RobLiefeld-header-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7043349 No.7043349 [Reply] [Original]

Is his art really that bad?

>> No.7043361

when it came out, it was very dynamic. probably how weebs can tolerate how shit the giants and boxcutter swords manga's shit art. i never particularly liked his work, but when everyone started copying image guys styles, his became very generic looking by comparison to actual artists using similar composition and stylistic choices that rob and others pushed in the 90s.

>> No.7043527
File: 292 KB, 896x1116, Hirohiko-Araki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically early Araki. Soul, and it definitely has appeal, but still kind of shit.

>> No.7043539

It's better than he gets credit for. if you "fix" his art it becomes less appealing. Some of his worst work is hilariously bad though, so it's fun to pretend all his work is like that I guess and have some feeling of superiority.

>> No.7043551

is he the guy that drew that picture of captain America

>> No.7043560
File: 277 KB, 2410x1203, shitup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043632

i can't remember precisely but wasn't his art journey entirely "elf taught" aka he would copy cool pictures from comics he liked and his entire process was a kind of photobashing of poses he liked? and it wasn't until he was ALREADY a comic drawing superstar when he was like "i really need perspective, proportion and anatomy classes?" holy fucking shit JUST COPY FROM YOUR FAVORITE MANGAS ALREADY.

>> No.7043642

>"elf taught"
this is such an unintentionally funny typo. young Liefeld is just crying into his pillow because his dad is sick and his mom is working and a shelf elf appears and hands him a really fucked up anatomy book or something.

>> No.7043698
File: 149 KB, 520x600, 2112_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very bad, the anatomy draw this guy is a shit

>> No.7043703

robby proved 35 years ago that learning from just copying without understanding (ie, what the AI does) will always be crap and always need someone to come in after and fix it. and yet, for a not insignificant amount of time, he dominated. wonder if history will rhyme in that regard.

>> No.7043704

I can't tell if this is a parody of his work, or if it's his actual work.

>> No.7043729
File: 71 KB, 400x621, 21664670d5c3a01bbbe6f830fa829f2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same shit, only with less haste, Liefeld draws hastily and poorly, he is even so irresponsible that he inked while driving

>> No.7043745
File: 1.12 MB, 1377x1865, rob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He constantly cuts off the bottom half of characters to avoid showing how he has problems with the anatomy of their feet. When he doesn't do this he usually chooses easier angles to draw like top to bottom with the character advancing to the foreground.

>> No.7043749

Crazy to think the drastic shift in comic style starting with Liefeld and McFarlane happened because a random Appleseed book made its way to America

>> No.7043756
File: 914 KB, 1153x2177, rob 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a mistake, the first one is cut at the bottom. But it doesn't change the fact that the feet have anatomical problems. Look at the other characters.

>> No.7043785

doesn't look that out of place with the rest of the body

>> No.7043913

theres some story to that image. they basically got him to sign the contract day before comicon announcement of heroes reborn and ink still wet told to have promotional pictures ready for them to show kinda nonsense. the image gets hate, but forget what reference was used for it and shit. maybe arnold conan barbarian standing sideprofile or some muscle guy. but its similar in perspective and look, but gets awkward after adding in the shield and shit. but he had no time for revisions or anything. just draw, get it inked and colored in less than a day type of deal.

>> No.7043945

i feel like an artist with a traditional background could surely shit something out with more appeal than that... perfect no, but it's one of many times Rob's refusal to learn and practice, and instead rely on copying, bit him in the ass. just fucking astonishing how bereft of artists the 80s and 90s were that he got as far as he did...

>> No.7043956

Overall? Nah, a lot of the hate is overblown by normies dogpiling some key points of critique when they'd not have noticed anything off on their own.
Not to say he didn't create some crap ass drawings though, it's just that for some reason people ignore all fine drawings in favor of complaining about the wonky ones. So pretty much this >>7043539.

Yeah, his artwork has some anatomical problems. Sometimes it's a serious detractor in the drawing, but most of the time it's just kinda charming. If anything I think he should lean into it more, it gives his work a unique look that you can't get anywhere else. There are many artists in his field who can draw perfect anatomy but for anybody but the most diehard fans are basically indistinguishable from one another stylistically, at least you can tell when Liefield drew something. I think that's more laudable than perfection.

>guy becomes famous comic book artist supposedly without ever "learning or studying"
>this is supposed to be a bad thing

>> No.7043958

>>guy becomes famous comic book artist supposedly without ever "learning or studying"
>>this is supposed to be a bad thing
i mean yes? the bar should never have been so low as to allow something like that to happen... but we're in the midst of the ai apocalypse so i guess it was always that low.

>> No.7043963

You have a funny way of looking at things I guess. If somebody can reach a level where they're working for Marvel by just copying drawings (which is studying AND learning btw) then that's impressive. If somebody here did something similar they'd be celebrated, but I guess you'd probably still poopoo it because it doesn't fit your "the west has fallen"-esque narrative.

>> No.7043967

oh go be a fucking schizo somewhere else. is there a /pol/nigger in your bed at this very moment? Liefeld is an ok artist, NOW, because he spent years practicing. at the height of his career he frankly WASN'T, because all he did was copy mindlessly and pass it off while offloading work to peers. the point about not letting it get to that point is a point about having standards that would exclude someone without the requisite skills to draw fucking feet from becoming the preeminent comic artist of his time ffs.

>> No.7043970

Never ever listen to what a (non-anonymous) artist says about his "art journey". It's always pure horseshit.

>> No.7044041

> believes a creation belongs to the creator and not the corporation
He may be a cringe artist but he is absolutely based.

>> No.7044087

Nah not really but that Captain America drawing is just a piece of art fuckup legend
We all have some shit like that tucked away in our sketchbook, but he had the misfortune of his ending up as a comic book cover that he can't memory hole or toss in the bin

>> No.7046276

>but when everyone started copying image guys styles, his became very generic looking by comparison to actual artists
Ah, the pain of being a pioneer who starts the thing only to see others just surpass you and leave in dust

>> No.7047494

>the pain of being a pioneer who starts the thing only to see others just surpass you and leave in dust
This happens all the time,specially outside of art.

>> No.7047504
File: 320 KB, 640x552, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"elf taught"
Yeah he used to work as Santa Claus assistant.

>> No.7047507

>In the 1970s, baby boomers literally get a hob in Comics by just going into the publisher office.

Unironically over for /ic/

>> No.7047546


>> No.7047547

Still happens today, just not in america.

>> No.7047549


>> No.7047550

if anything that's definite proof he had some natural talent. he probably would have been even more successful if he'd gotten a formal art education.

>> No.7047551

/ic/ is a board of 4chan, a website founded by an American even though now owned by CIA and some Japanese figurehead.

Go announce that "Still happens today, just not in america." to your country's imageboard

>> No.7047555

You sound upset, little one.

>> No.7047557

Significantly more proof that Hiro is a figurehead for Good Smile Co.'s marketing department than for the fucking CIA. This website isn't that cool anymore.

>> No.7047566
File: 59 KB, 483x522, ribbons hmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenage girls on tiktok pretend to be blackpilled doomer "femcels". They literally made a fashion statement out of a life path that leads to suicide and deaths of despair (ye olde death by cirrhosis) in 90% of the young men on that board, most who were chosen by the incel life and not the other way around. 4chan is still part of the zeitgeist, but now the website no longer has the honor of being the ass end from which every other site slurps up fresh original content.

>> No.7047572
File: 95 KB, 978x1024, 1632263112814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how fast these biocunts pick up being dignified after /pol/ uses Ai to remove tattoos, nose piercings, and properly dressing your quintessential E-Whore into a more respectable member of society.

>> No.7047835

Only morons like Cartoonist Kayfag rate him.

>> No.7047866

Sorry too busy grinding boxes and drawingold men
Somehow this will help me draw anime bitches you‘ll see

>> No.7047920

And if I did, would it change the facts?
No, it doesn't work anymore -- in america. The world is not america, nor is anybody, not even americans, limited to working in america. In the 1970s people weren't walking into publishers in fucking jamaica or something and expecting to get a job drawing comics. As it has always been, you find success by following where the job market is.
There are places on this planet today where you can, and indeed are expected to, walk into the office and show them your work to get hired. But those places are not in america anymore.

>> No.7048013

people on 4chan whinging about being "respectable members of society" are so oblivious

>> No.7048125

Man I don't think that's even the case on fucking South Korean animation sweatshops, internet applications are super normal. I live in a 3rd world country and even for mom n' pop grocery stores you're expected to apply through whatsapp message at least. I don't doubt you have to do that in the couple regions where internet access isn't yet common but those are like war-torn theocracies in the middle east, caribbean island nations and the poorest parts of Africa

Internet applications, particularly when the work is at least partly WFH, allow for a wider net of competition so even if you're some turbo classical liberal that's just the free market at work

>> No.7048617

Internet applications are common, yes. Dunno why you think that contradicts my claim, both things can be true. I can think of at least a couple of manga publishers (why are you suddenly talking about animation when the topic was comics?) who appear to only accept in-person mochikomi. But that doesn't matter, because the fact is you can walk into most publishers in japan with work to show, meet with a publisher and if you show enough promise start working with them from that day on (which does NOT mean they'll just hand you a serialization gig on the spot)... though I'd imagine they'd prefer if you called first.

>> No.7048619

>meet with a publisher
Meet with an editor, I mean.