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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 619 KB, 850x1200, Falconer titty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7041234 No.7041234 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved? are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them? maybe a redline or a technique, be specific

Previous thread: >>7038587

>> No.7041240
File: 2.46 MB, 2732x2048, 010224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's study.

>> No.7041241
File: 866 KB, 1800x1013, taco01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7041249
File: 16 KB, 303x122, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before criticising any of my work I post, I will require this information about you
1. your full name - name and surname
2. the address of your current residence
3. the address of your workplace
4. your marital status and the name of your spouse, if any
5. your annual wage, before and after tax
6. your license plate
7. your place of birth
8. the names of your parents
9. your credit card number and the expiration date
and finally you MUST post your work.
If but one of these points is not met, or, if I am unable to find a Wikipedia page about you, that matches the information you have given, that lists you as a prominent artist in any artistic field, all your critique directed towards me or my work is invalid and actually the opposite of what you say is true and my work is perfect and devoid of any mistakes.
Also, when you do criticise my work, you can not use any word included in the following list because your post will automatically get filtered by my automatic filtering system. You must treat me like a toddler when you criticise my work or I will cry.

Let's keep it nice and civil in here, folks.

>> No.7041252

Is this what is happening on thedit nowadays? Sheesh no skin fr fr on god no kappy

>> No.7041258
File: 1.76 MB, 3508x2480, Untitled-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another arm and my first hand, honestly I just watched a proko vid, probably have too look into it more.

>> No.7041260
File: 803 KB, 1271x2000, Yuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kon Kon

>> No.7041267
File: 826 KB, 1454x967, IMG_1341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Room anon here, practicing my accuracy

>> No.7041279
File: 56 KB, 695x952, rkgk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing perspective, i used that technique where you draw a box in the perspective you want the character to be and then draw the character inside the box but i think i absolutely beefed it. anyway 10 dollars to anyone who recognizes this character

>> No.7041282

connections are tricky, I'd recommend drawing the arm joined to the shoulder/torso
you could also try drawing cross contour lines to show you understand the 3d forms and overlaps

>> No.7041285

you missed the gesture of the wrist and fingers. i always imagine myself doing the same pose. imagine your fingers going up a little bit compared to the rest of your arm and hand, if you know what i mean.

>> No.7041296

I hate stiff pose hands hiding scratchy lineart anime porn made by coomers who can't even draw the most basic animals so fucking much. Yes I'm pissed because a normal person saw this before I could hide this awful cringe like I normally do. Bye.

>> No.7041301

if you didnt post a ref pic I would have said that arm bump looks like a tumor growing but the ref looks just the same. The dude has tumor arms looks werid.

>> No.7041322

What's that saying? Sometimes reality seems unreal?

>> No.7041338

that roids are ugly

>> No.7041356

ha,other anon made me laugh.

but yea i believe your thinking of
"sometimes reality is stranger then fiction"

>> No.7041360

Why are you so angry, anon? People in here are /beg/ and /int/ for a reason.

>> No.7041362

onions boi

>> No.7041366

muscles are gross

>> No.7041382
File: 37 KB, 465x347, 28d08cc8922c384aa9d9b0623c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artists say "just draw"
>/ic/ says "Just copy"
>Do that
>/ic/ says "No, do construction first"
>Do that
>/ic/: "No, do perspective first."
>Do that
>"No, do observational drawing first"
>"No, do anatomy first"
I'm starting to feel like I'm getting the runaround from this place.

>> No.7041384

pay for a tutor if you need hand holding and can't decide what path is best for you

>> No.7041385

>"Hey, these books are important. You need to learn from them, what you think you're better?"
>"Why are you following those books for? Those books are written by idiots who couldn't hack it in the industry."

>> No.7041387

hey you collected all the tips! now put it all together

>> No.7041393

No, you're just another retard perma who can't think for himself.

>> No.7041395

Welcome to self learning bozo

>> No.7041398

i understand now... just droooow is the way...

>> No.7041399

Be glad youre even getting any advice. I tried to learn music composition from /prod/ and all my questions were ignored

>> No.7041415
File: 1.34 MB, 2466x3723, YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) = Picrel

>> No.7041417

>Do that.
But you didn't do any of that anon, you didn't even draw.

>> No.7041431
File: 168 KB, 1700x800, poses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i can finally draw a mannikin from imagination in different poses. Can I move on from chapter 1 in loomis' figure drawing now?

>> No.7041446

What I gather from that is you don't know which one to start with? Just pick one, fuck I'll pick one for you. Start with anatomy. Get that Morpho simplified anatomy pdf and start from there.

>> No.7041447
File: 12 KB, 320x480, what-pokemon-makes-you-go-wait-it-can-learn-that-move-v0-p9on3xxvdvec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect "just draw" means "draw what you enjoy drawing so you can figure out what you need to work on and improve. Also draw something, even just a doodle, every day to keep your brain making those connections."
Those various directions may all lead to the same place, you're really just deciding which path to take. Some may be easier than others depending on your natural inclinations but they're all valid starting points.

>> No.7041457

Damn! That's impressive Anon, good work. My goal is to catch up to that level before Summer

>> No.7041464
File: 2.05 MB, 3542x4871, Andrew Loomis - Figure Drawing for all it's Worth (2010, Titan Publishing Group)_0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all placed at roughly eye level and alone

>> No.7041470

coomer here what's a site with poses/models that aren't ugly?
is there a good onlyfans lady I can look at in coomer party?

>> No.7041493
File: 58 KB, 259x205, yesloomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7041495

is there a figure drawing book that can stay consistent? i feel like i'm turning schizophrenic with hampton cause he'll show and describe a feature, then on the same page he draws it completely fucking different and doesn't explain at all

>> No.7041501

I'm trying to get myself into the habit of drawing but I don't have a lot of free time. I'm only drawing for 15 minutes a day and to no one's surprise, I'm not improving. Is it ok to just take very slow baby steps? how can I optimize my time so I can make every time I draw more impactful?

>> No.7041503

is there a good guide for copying hairs and faces?
like getting the key features I guess and replicating it

>> No.7041511

Are you in a rush to get good? No? Then chill and enjoy the process

>> No.7041515

Just want to pile on that you're retarded

>> No.7041522

With what little time you have, optimize on SOVL, not skill. Draw whatever you find fun. Look forward to those 15 minutes, don't stress about min maxing such a small amount of time. When you find more time then do all the boring grindy stuff.

>> No.7041530
File: 118 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20240201_190804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy and self-indulgent memory drawing

>> No.7041534

The only thing you are in competition with is yourself yesterday. Stop trying to min-max things and just focus on whether you improved at all. I understand the desire to compare but if you keep doing that seriously you're going to become a perpetually depressed person. Just keep steadily going.

>> No.7041542

your only competition should be your future self, don't mediocre.

>> No.7041692
File: 1.48 MB, 284x214, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7041704

I know the advice wasn't to draw the whole torso, but I wanted to anyways.

>> No.7041708
File: 1.96 MB, 3508x2480, Untitled-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image

>> No.7041709
File: 1.46 MB, 958x1208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7041714

I like women with large feet but I won't excuse short legs.

>> No.7041733
File: 1.17 MB, 2560x1440, 511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup beg, bend your knees!

15 minutes is too little. you need at least 2 hours sessions
try out stuff like Bridgman, Hikaru Hayashi, Morpho or Tom Fox
based, i kneel
pro beg tip: you are allowed to use photos as reference too. So you can draw stuff not found in your room :-)
thumbs up fellow beg grinders
>not accurately analyzing what you're looking at
at times i get overwhelmed and fuck up. i am not ashamed to admit it. however i believe at this point trying to level up observation won't achieve anything. i want to breach into INT with figure drawing without reference. i simply have to endure and "just draw". remember all green stuff is drawn from memory/imagination/construction. and until then i will be easy prey for all crabs pointing out how my sketches are unappealing.

>> No.7041740
File: 1.51 MB, 1271x2000, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna steal your idea and drawing, thx

>> No.7041753

>ctrl+c ctrl+v hands

>> No.7041754

in a simple drawing like this it works tho xD
work smarter not harder

>> No.7041758

>work smarter not harder
The mantra of a loser

>> No.7041763

Its the mantra of people who get stuff done instead of nodraw faggots like you who cope and seethe

>> No.7041764


>> No.7041771

he won't

>> No.7041778

To prove that "work smarter not harder" is a cop-out used by lazy wasteoids? What does that have to do with anything

>> No.7041783

I accept your concession, nodraw

>> No.7041786

to prove that you are worth listening to in any capacity.

>> No.7041787

As long as it makes you feel better

>> No.7041801

draw a better redraw that follows what anon had then, im pretty sure you're a westoid too lmao

>> No.7041813

I'll work that smart mouth of yours as hard as you want.

>> No.7041822

Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that?

>> No.7041839
File: 600 KB, 2185x1995, IMG_0289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, been a while. Here’s anon’s OC I accidentally drew lewdly. Haven’t had as much drawing time. My heads are a weakness, but the foot came out surprisingly okay
It’s adorable, I love it. Rendering is about depicting form with value. No matter how you learn the principles, it’ll carry over. Most atelier bros start using charcoal or pencils. The finer points of refinement in a specific medium are gonna be different, like blending charcoal vs what’s a good paper for gauche vs what’s a good digital brush, but learning to render is learning to render. That understanding transfers between mediums.
Yeah I’ve been too busy with work to draw as much as usual, too
Not bad! Keep getting mileage
Looks cool, big improvement on your edges
Heads filter everybody
Good. Work on gesture a little
Great work!
Wrists and hands need attention
Based study
You’re beginning to feel it!
Just study volume. Then wrap the clothes on top
Great job, stick to mostly posting stuff like this and newly finished work and your redemption arc will be amazing >>7041020
Do Dynamic Sketching/Peter Han/DAB circles and ellipses
>first hand
>that good
dam son, keep it up
Not bad!
Good drawing, nearly /pro/
Looks good
>memory drawing
Oh you’re leveling up, man. Good job!
Great anatomy! Great form! You show a little too much of the far side of the torso
Yeah, proportions need attention and you tend to draw feet slightly large. Looks a bit hobbit-y. I’d focus study time on drawing mileage before studying rendering or color
First learn to see, then learn to construct what you see, then learn whatever you want. That said, I’d just do a good beg course like that fundamentals course on YouTube from that university, or do proko’s beg course, or Brent Eviston.

>> No.7041898
File: 1.24 MB, 2191x2836, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up the nose, lips, hands, eyes, reverse image is shit etc but whatever. Values also suck.

>> No.7041909

peanut brittle

>> No.7041937

But I'm allergic

>> No.7041948
File: 1.15 MB, 2742x1800, vderdtgtdesrdtfyguhi with less long neck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7041950
File: 734 KB, 2093x2895, Smaller hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I fixed and made hand smaller.

>> No.7041985

Stop posting your shitty art.
Im not giving you a (you), You know who you are.
fuck off. you are not trying to improve, you are just attention whoring.

>> No.7041992

yeah fuck off you attention whore whoever you are

>> No.7042003

wait are u the attention whore?

>> No.7042008

the renegade who had it made
Retrieved for a bounty

>> No.7042010

Anon was too busy being a schizo to specify, but I think you are correct. The person you quoted MUST be the attention whore he meant.

>> No.7042031

>Great job, stick to mostly posting stuff like this and newly finished work
well now im stuck

>> No.7042050

is that why we ain't got no bitches?

>> No.7042065

make sure to draw good or else you won't get the paper, won't get the bitches ya feel me?

>> No.7042088
File: 966 KB, 2280x1456, IMG_1131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to stop for tonight, getting late, and had a bit of a cruddy day mental health wise. If I feel okay tomorrow I'll finish her.

The character is Pasadena O Possum from Crash Bandicoot. In 2021 I drew her, and as you can see it looks pretty awful and flat like...I didn't understand how form worked back then.

I decided to redraw her to see how much I have developed after 4 months of drawing. While it's unfinished you can clearly see it looks far more accurate and 3dimensional compared to the original. I'll hopefully nail the rest of her tomorrow.

(and yes some of the errors you see will be addressed too, I even had to redo her hat and goggles because it looked slightly off earlier today).

>> No.7042120

why are you trying to put so much effort into drawing this ugly furry character, she's not even hot/cute

>> No.7042134
File: 224 KB, 1241x717, PC Computer - Strife - Crusader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then imma try to draw more mecha

>> No.7042168
File: 2.96 MB, 4025x2800, FirstPortrait_0-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time painting digitally, pls give feedback

>> No.7042171
File: 32 KB, 604x585, vuyhyctfykgyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042172

try grayscale first

>> No.7042175

To get the tones right?

>> No.7042186
File: 49 KB, 604x585, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you heard about our lord and saviour LOOMIS????

>> No.7042192
File: 59 KB, 604x585, vuyhyctfykgyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042195
File: 67 KB, 795x586, cyvughivygh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042200

stop replying to that retard.
his shitty doodles are just meant for attention whoring. he has no intention on improving or giving any valuable advice.

>> No.7042203

To make it easier so you have less things to worry about all at once. You value range doesn't go as dark as it is, you're missing quite a few bone structure like his cheek bones on our right turning and catching a lot of light in that turning, you're missing the forms on the eyes and the nose. Expect to spend multiple days on your first portrait, there is a lot to learn, draw while reading a book or watching good videos on how to simplify a portrait

>> No.7042210

Ok thanks it definitely was a lot of fun to do, I see what you mean but I also quite appreciate the piece. I'll try some gray-scale portraits like you say. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.7042212

even >>7039071 is crap which is why it didnt' get no (you)s no, paper or no bitches

>> No.7042215

but yeah we're gonna uh draw more uh senran kagura

>> No.7042230
File: 586 KB, 850x1200, darkelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some changes and painted over the layer

>> No.7042234

Wht did you make her hips so small lol

>> No.7042243

This looks good anon, where'd you learn how to render/color by the way? What resources or guides do you recommend?

Rendering is the most confusing part for me when it comes to drawing.

>> No.7042277
File: 592 KB, 850x1200, darkelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enlarged the pelvis just for you

I'm definitely not happy with my rendering but a course that helped was Marco Bucci's, he also has a youtube channel
also tried to imitate the rendering style of artists I like like Trylsc and Gk Blue

>> No.7042285
File: 919 KB, 1276x712, 1112512841847192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted a truel. what do you guys think?

>> No.7042305

To see how much my skills have grown.

Blow it our your ass.

>> No.7042311
File: 320 KB, 2498x1515, buh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted the same subject twice, screenless tablet on the left and first time using a screen tablet on the right
pondering which style gives me more enjoyment, left is probably prettier but i like the grotesque honesty of seeing the brushstrokes on the right

>> No.7042327
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20240201_153543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to draw for my entire life and I was doing writing instead because I thought I'd never be good at drawing. Now I'm finally trying to draw and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. All I can do is bring myself to do is line exercises from my shoulder. I can't do geometric shapes or really anything else. I haven't done a single actual sketch yet. I can only get myself to draw in random sporadic bursts for less than 30 seconds at most.

>> No.7042329
File: 2.57 MB, 1560x1185, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.7042333

Have you tried ADHD medication?

>> No.7042338

Yes, I'm on ADHD meds. I'm on literally a 70mg extended release dosage of Vyvanse and I'm still staring at walls and lazily laying in my bed. But also they sometimes give me energy and make me feel creative but most of the time no.

Do I get off my medicine or do I not get off my medicine? Every fucking person tells me something different. Every psychiatrist has told me yes that they'll help, but some other anons here say no while others say yes.

>> No.7042343

is there a hack to draw a perfect cube from any angle?
sometimes I'm sleepy or my brain just forgets or maybe I'm trying a weird perspective and my cube looks too much like a rectangular cuboid

>> No.7042351
File: 818 KB, 850x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you need to rewatch more of Marco's videos then, your light source is unclear and inconsistent. Eagle is still super flat but since it seems like you werent intent on doing a good job on it anyways, just focus on getting Kluri right. Id still make sure her arm isnt collapsing inwards on the bottom

>> No.7042355

log into blender and move the default cube around or buy a rubiks cube or something

>> No.7042364

I have ADHD too and I would listen to my doctors more than random anons
Vyvanse might not be the right med for u, if u feel like it's not helping there's lots of different ones that might work better. Im on 30mg of Vyvanse and it helps me. some days are still hard for focusing n stuff but that'll never go away ig

>> No.7042375
File: 301 KB, 352x520, 1694060139291712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join my guild bro
no need to be shy, we can be friends

>> No.7042376

Close your eyes(visual stimuli is like the strongest distractor for us), take all the tension off your body and get off the bed without putting any tension into your muscles. Be calm, be collapsed, keep your brain at back.
Once you get at pc/drawing place it will be a TON harder to maintain it, because when you start thinking you start loosing yourself to your brain. Keep yourself at back, put your brain forward to execute.

I tried to relay some info but I think it's mostly useless unless you discover what that means yourself on your own experience. Same as when people suggest meditation but they nor the person they are suggesting it to know what it actually means. Brain stuff is not easily translatable to words, impossible even.

If it helps you, it won't be a magic trick but it will make you orders of magnitude better at execution.

>> No.7042378
File: 2.15 MB, 2435x3209, 20240201_150152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did another fast drawing at work in my journal. It's mostly crap and rushed, but I did something new that I learned from. Since the branch in the foreground is brown and brown is basically orange which is basically red and yellow, I used blue for the shadows to try to make a chromatic black. I like how that came out. If I had time I think I could've done much better on the rest of it, but I'm really happy with the gradation on that branch.
It was an over 12 hour day so that's about all I'm getting done. I really wish I had the energy to do another chapter in my anatomy book and get some cardio and weights in, but I'ma bout to pass out here. Got to do it all again in 8 hours. I needs my sleep.

>> No.7042381

Also, it does help to have a very detailed list of what you want to do. Just a little more detailed than you think you need it to be. Have like a 5-10 steps ahead done and point them off one by one as you're doing them.

>> No.7042383
File: 155 KB, 1052x491, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heads always end up looking flat

>> No.7042416

Thats appealing to authority. There are tons of people just like anon that have gotten on stimulants and now barely feel the motivation to get up out of bed. Doctors aren't perfect You aren't using correct logic.

>> No.7042421

I actually got switched to Vyvanse after long acting adderall didn't help. I've only been on it for two days. Do you think I should wait and see how it goes?

>> No.7042422
File: 1.50 MB, 3000x3000, promo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042423

>has ADHD
>got the attention to read, write on 4chan and do whatever else on a computer

>> No.7042473

what I was saying is that doctors generally are more informed than the average person

I noticed an improvement on the first day
I would give it a week or 2 just in case tho
Depression and other things can cause similar symptoms so if that's something yr dealing w it would help to work on that as well

ADHD makes it hard to regulate yr attention. it doesn't mean u don't have any attention span at all. I can focus on drawing for hours some days n others I can't do 30 mins

>> No.7042477

All I do is look at my phone. I can't stay drawing for more than 30 seconds at a time and I never have any ideas for what I want to draw.

>> No.7042478

>ADHD makes it hard to regulate yr attention. it doesn't mean u don't have any attention span at all. I can focus on drawing for hours some days n others I can't do 30 mins
Woah, just like every fucking person who walked the Earth

>> No.7042484

looks like a black haired dan stevens. try painting him instead.

>> No.7042488
File: 24 KB, 869x1125, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took some advice from last thread, thickened some lines here and there

I also tried shading

I'm wondering though, I like that smooth antialiased look as the final product, but I like the crispness of aliased lines when I'm working on the thing to let me easily edit and see where things are wonky. Is there any way to have the best of both worlds?

>> No.7042490

you zoom out

>> No.7042515
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20240129_113544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I actually stay focused on drawing and getting ideas for what to draw in the first place?

>> No.7042519

Get a muse.

I'm obsessed with a vtuber and I want to draw her.

>> No.7042542

What should i draw?

>> No.7042545

An angel

>> No.7042548

draw a rock, /beg/ loves rocks

>> No.7042550
File: 39 KB, 350x453, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still got some of that jaggedness

>> No.7042555

draw with antialised brush zoomed out

>> No.7042560

I will try that next time

I found that I need to zoom in for finer details however. Is that normal?

>> No.7042562

a female brown elf
with big tiddies

>> No.7042568


>> No.7042570
File: 641 KB, 1447x2047, koga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this pose going? Any critical mistake?

>> No.7042573

the centerline feels off after you got under the breasts

>> No.7042578

I'm feeling it.

>> No.7042579
File: 80 KB, 599x780, angryasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you even letting this place get to you lmao what a pussy bitch ass. Anyone genuinely interested will take a drawing foundation course at your local atelier or online.

>> No.7042601
File: 51 KB, 708x613, spine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the neck should connect to the torso at an angle
think how the spine bends

>> No.7042602
File: 112 KB, 1021x886, vuibnvuibhioj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042629

Hmmm I kinda see it on the part between ribcage and pelvis. Will give it a look


Hey thanks, that's what I get for starting with the head.

>> No.7042657

>Good drawing, nearly /pro/
because it was drawn by a /pro/ anon. It is from Katsuya Terada's 1000 doodles book.

>> No.7042661

You don't want to get better you're just here for attention. Go make friends.

>> No.7042664

hold on i gotta draw more murasaki

>> No.7042665
File: 94 KB, 806x737, ojiuhyguhjkmlmhyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait hold on i gotta draw more murasaki

>> No.7042682

Well, the first thing...

>> No.7042718

well then I've had my fun and now it's time
To serve your conscience overseas
Coming in fast, over me

>> No.7042743

God I want a Coloso course, but $200 is so much

>> No.7042746

every course is the same thing

>> No.7042748

which one?
most good ones are available on a telegram, you can find invites in the video course general but don't expect to be spoonfed more

>> No.7042752

Gatan’s 5 steps to master the core principals of lighting and coloring. I did run across the Telegram stuff, it’s a bit sketchy though.

>> No.7042758

What an ugly horse she is. Imagine liking this ugly artstyle in the first place. You don't have the eyes for beauty bro!

>> No.7042762
File: 780 KB, 1447x2047, 슬럿.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042764
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, 2024-02-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thursdays are for fun and backgrounds, found a great bot that collect nice backgrounds(QR)

the nose, your faces look like those women that don't know how to make up and their foundation make their noses disappear, its called nose contouring.

nice leaves, rest is way more important.

>> No.7042802
File: 689 KB, 2268x3073, 20240201_220413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup bros I decided to finally start drawing after watching pewdiepies video. I've finished 5 drawings so far and these all took me about two hours a piece. Please be gentle it's my first time doing this uwu

>> No.7042806
File: 983 KB, 2268x3841, 20240201_220327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This next one I'm not very happy with, I made it too small and I couldn't be accurate with the details on the face of my reference so she isn't really smiling like she should be. And I didn't commit to the shading so it ended up looking washed out.

>> No.7042809

What pewds video? Tldw?

>> No.7042811

He is ZHC 2.0

>> No.7042814
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x2268, 20240201_220308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time I started learning my lesson about shading. I hesitated to do any dark parts before because you can't erase them, but this time I forced myself to do the dark parts first.

>> No.7042816
File: 1.20 MB, 3738x2268, 20240201_220242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for this one something just clicked, it's my favorite drawing so far and I'm really proud of it.

>> No.7042817

Isn't that the ninja asian guy who does "CUSTOM AIRPODS" or some shit?

>> No.7042820
File: 2.07 MB, 2592x3643, 20240201_220629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to try doing a face based on a photo next. I'm not happy with the hair at all.

>> No.7042821

from my time he used to draw and he wasn't a ninja, still asian though

>> No.7042822

squint and try again

>> No.7042830
File: 229 KB, 1181x958, randomdrawing2randomharder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice! went and tried to go for feet though I don't think I fully got it yet. Advice and critique welcome and very much appreciated!

>> No.7042859
File: 1.18 MB, 2268x3268, 20240201_231353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the wisdom. It is starting to look better now now that I stopped looking at the hair as strands. Although, I'm not really sure how to fill spaces in very well. It seems like no matter what I do I can never get rid of the original impression of lines.

>> No.7042869
File: 186 KB, 1026x736, 1687860262487207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been studying seriously since janurary (after a lifetime of scribbling) and i'm a bit disheartened that this is still the best i can do...putting clothes on a figure eludes me

but i also understand that, when i started i didn't get the bean or the hip box + egg rib cage connection at all, and now i'd say i'm maybe halfway familiar with it + also starting to realize when i should draw an actual cube and not just a flat square. baby steps i suppose (could someone redline this for me)

>> No.7042885
File: 2.11 MB, 2692x2518, cyvuhg7f8gohuif78ui;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042898
File: 152 KB, 890x714, lkjuhygtffghjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042900

>since january
Motherfucker that was yesterday.

>> No.7042905

i meant the start of january

>> No.7042908

>Just study volume. Then wrap the clothes on top

>> No.7042928

>this is still the best i can do
Better than pawell. Keep going.

>> No.7042942

cool style

>> No.7042954

Do you do lighting before or after lineart?

>> No.7042975
File: 25 KB, 490x360, line weight 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lineart can take the lighting into account so it will depend on what style you are going for. Probably easiest to do them in the order that makes the most sense to you. You'd probably have to go back and forth to get everything right anyways.

>> No.7042981

In awe at your complete lack of self awareness

>> No.7042987

Eh I mostly copied the artstyle as a form of practice

After drawing it I found the proportions has too long of a face. I think I'll try to draw things closer to the Loomis proportions moving forward

>> No.7042990

>lack of self awareness

>> No.7042994

you got a problem with me nigga

>> No.7043005
File: 196 KB, 1857x1468, SOPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043010


>> No.7043013


>> No.7043015

this really fucking pisses me off

>> No.7043017
File: 62 KB, 608x775, leaning pisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Center that weight son.

>> No.7043022

He stagnated seven years ago. Just laugh at him being stuck here forever and just keep drawing.

>> No.7043024

anyway we're gonna have to draw dick

>> No.7043026

I like The Master

>> No.7043030


>> No.7043031
File: 1.14 MB, 2894x4093, 1-30-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently working on this

>> No.7043044

do you have a PROBLEM

>> No.7043048

Thank you. I got 7 hours of sleep but I'm still tired. I'm waking up tho.
I'm glad it worked. I was just trying to get it filled out before I had to get back to working so I tried a kind of pointalism thing.

>> No.7043056

eh you don't like the artstyle, that's cool

>> No.7043072
File: 1.88 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_0290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Makes sense
Yeah. You said you wanted to make clothing more volumetric, and to be able to show volumes with clothing. Well, to do that, you need a strong sense of 3d form. So you should study form and volume, drawing lots of boxes and tubes and ribbons and organic volumes until you get a feel for it. Then clothing is just something draped on top of the volumes of the body. Clothes have their own forms to them; wrinkles, folds, frills, ribbons, etc. Having a strong sense of form and a good ability to depict volume with wrapping cross-contour lines is a huge advantage (almost a prerequisite) for drawing lifelike drapery. Because seams and folds and stripes and wrinkles basically function as cross-contour lines that go over the surface of the form underneath, showing volume. The hem of a sleeve shows you the perspective of the arm it’s on, just like a cross-contour line on a cylinder.
NTA, but Hampton and Morpho simplified forms are great for studying feet
Her ear seems a little high. Maybe a little too far back, but not sure
Then do more studies
Good. I enjoy your art and I like to see you make studies and draw full bodies in an effort to grow. Please stop schizoposting though, you’ll ruin your redemption arc. It’s just not necessary, man
Her collar and thigh-highs actually show volume, here, good job. Keep it up, you’re making progress
I’d move on from this. In the beginning stage of learning, your main focus should be on drawing a lot, from reference, without worrying about color or rendering. Just get mileage.

If you haven’t already gone through something that teaches accurate observation drawing like Proko’s fundie course, Brent Eviston, Betty Edwards, keys to drawing, etc., pick one you like and do it.

If you already have observation training, then I recommend Vilppu’s drawing manual and/or his renaissance figure drawing course.

>> No.7043080
File: 89 KB, 1280x1807, yI_yW_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then do more studies
it doesn't matter because what he said is true >>7043022 hmmm, there must be a right way to go about it. i gotta figure out what the square inside the tube's crosshair means, i've seen it before

>> No.7043084

It's time to put Soda down

>> No.7043098

thanks anon ill try to implement your changes

>> No.7043104

I think some of your shading could be more accurate. Mostly talking about the chin and you can see it on the neck too. It's just a straight line when in the reference it clearly isn't, as a result it looks like he has a somewhat receding chin because you don't imply the chin shape well with your shading

>> No.7043107

based baller

>> No.7043111

Don't make digital art at a low res, go as high res as possible. Low res is simply unusable in many cases and you can't just go from low res to high res the way you can go from high res to low res.

>> No.7043116

What are you talking about? My reply was anything but an appeal to authority. I literally told this guy to try to deal with it himself and suggested what works for me.
Doctors are NEVER helpful. They will just tell you that you aren't trying hard enough and you're depressed or something.(well, yes, one of the effects of adhd can be depression, but THAT"S NOT WHAT I"M TRYING TO GET RID OF) Also other people seem to be getting meds so easily while the psychs I met were all like "I'll never prescribe a stimulant".
Well, turns out I didn't need one, but not for the reasons they thought of, they just wanted to give me depression meds, but now for like a year or so I have quite a good grasp of controlling my executive functionality, however it took a long time to discover what I have in my head to do that and even longer to train myself using it.(easily 2+ years at this point and I still think I could do much better and I'm still working on it)
What I suggested before was just a few points out of everything I discovered that I thought might have been something people did not think of and what might maybe help them if hopefully what I wrote about makes sense in text.

>> No.7043127

It seems rather like most people can quite easily decide to do something for an hour a day and just proceed to doing that one hour a day, or even once.
ADHD will be like nothing for weeks and then you suddenly draw 16h a day for 3 days and then nothing for unspecified time again, even though you actually want to draw at all times and even have ideas for doing so.
It's sort of like being in the side seat of your own body.
Your decision in adhd is not one with execution, it will never be.(at least not on it's own)
It's especially visible if you're a student, because you can see how other people just do whatever they are supposed to do and get it over with while you needed to use force.(shouldn't force yourself, keep tension off your muscles and mind while doing things) You can also see how quickly they do things that you need triple that time to get done.

ADHD might not be a psychiatric illness, but it's definitely real in a sense that some people need to do years of mental training to just be on par with everyone else around. Meds can skip that training for most, so if you want to use meds, you should be able to.
It's just how humans are. Mental training is neglected in 100% of schools always, but even if it wasn't, it would be used as outlet for some crazy idiots and religious maniacs to spread lies without having had trouble to do anything ever. It should not be in schools, but it should be made known about.

>> No.7043130

What canvas size should I use?

>> No.7043132

NTA but most artist I see use a 3000x5000 with 300 or 350 dpi

>> No.7043138
File: 189 KB, 1000x750, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I tried a rough line sketch of the following pic

I find I can draw smaller sections of things very smoothly. However, a big issue I had is with longer sections a part would end up off, so I'd undo and try again.

I thus resorted to doing smaller strokes, but I ran into another issue- when zoomed out, I had a very hard time connecting to the previous line, it was always a little bit off.

With antialiasing off, it was very easy to fix- I could just magic wand the new line and connect it to the old one with a little bit of drawing.

But with antialiasing on I found that didn't work quite as well, and I'd need to use the lasso tool (which I decided not for this rough sketch).

But with the large size of the canvas I wonder if it would make antialiasing even necessary

>> No.7043145

You are arguing with a schizo that has been doing this charade for more than a year. I repeat, more than a year.

His only objective is your attention and time. He doesn't really wants to draw, spends 16h a day shitposting, and will either ignore your advice, or samefag to make your advice look bad.

Please for the love of god just ignore. You never know who's behind the Anonymous name, and in this case is 100% someone that belongs in a mental asylum

>> No.7043165

BASED Pasadena bro. I love the CTR remake so fucking much

>> No.7043181

I’m still not drawing.

>> No.7043185
File: 44 KB, 300x300, pixilart-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043188
File: 2.50 MB, 4000x3000, 20231231_212705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copied form one of those little Catholic prayer cards. Lower half sucks, but I hit on something with upper half. Clothing advice would be appreciated.

>> No.7043192
File: 2.05 MB, 2000x2000, princess peach showtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a hot minute since I came here, and an even hotter minute since I drew. 3 months to be exact, I almost thought i'd have lost the progress I've made thus far. No much to say other than go preorder Princess Peach Showtime, bros.

>> No.7043193

Too hard
Don't like rocks

I'll draw something else and then come back to these two once i'm better

>> No.7043200

why? :/

>> No.7043230

Hopefully you'll see more drawings of her after this one.

Just had a bit of a cruddy last few days so progress on her was a little slow.

>> No.7043261

Damn nice corrections. Thanks! Will take most into account(except the cock)

>> No.7043267

I have idea how to draw this. I don't think I've ever drawn boobs, elves or black people and I don't really know how to, and I haven't even started practicing anatomy and figures and all that shit.

I'm gonna do it anyway for fun just to see how far I'll get and I'll instantly know what to practice.

>> No.7043273

its black history month

>> No.7043277
File: 2.75 MB, 1500x2000, zmei gorynich-sweetsummerboi-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique, please. How is eye-see doing today? Did you draw? Did you get sun? Did you touch grass? Did you clap flesh?

>> No.7043286

The face is kinda horsey

>> No.7043288
File: 1.67 MB, 1696x1192, asanagi study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...I tried.

Next time I'll draw on a bigger canvas.

>> No.7043289
File: 41 KB, 175x188, 16723738480930978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043298

That bad huh?

>> No.7043302

you blind nigga

>> No.7043305

My first time doing a study of any sort, so probably.

>> No.7043311

>It seems rather like most people can quite easily decide to do something for an hour a day and just proceed to doing that one hour a day, or even once.
>ADHD will be like nothing for weeks and then you suddenly draw 16h a day for 3 days and then nothing for unspecified time again, even though you actually want to draw at all times and even have ideas for doing so.
It's not easy for anyone to just practice something for an hour, it's not even easy for people to just lose weight and all they need to do is to close their fucking mouths.
And that's everyone, not just ADHD. If you don't want that to be a thing just apply to a mentorship/school in the FZD style where they give you a bunch of exercises, pay a fuck load of money for it, cut your internet off and suddenly you'll start drawing everyday to keep up with everyone who is working their asses off unless you want to waste your money or feel ashamed when people did their shit but you did fuck all

>> No.7043321

Brother not to discourage you but this is the time where you correct

Like, where did you fail, why does it look so different? Compare and try to make another version. This is how you truly learn and change your notions(which are wrong right now, but you slowly make them right)

>> No.7043325
File: 1.21 MB, 2048x2568, Corrections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it to go back and fix it or just move on rather than getting stuck?

>> No.7043328

you have no business redlining anyone with lines like that

>> No.7043329

I'm the guy who drew the original, I'm tracing over the original Asanagi and comparing.

>> No.7043330

my bad then keep on going

>> No.7043334

I'd do it once or twice. Like, compare and try to go over your mistakes making a new version

>> No.7043335

A totally new drawing or adjusting the original?

>> No.7043337

A new one

>> No.7043339

Okay. Thanks anon. I'll give it another crack when I get the chance to.

>> No.7043340
File: 122 KB, 507x530, 1541650553673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tracing over the original
>that lineart

this is the prime example on why /beg/'s shouldnt't copy or trace even if it looks simple, is way too much for them, they should draw boxes and your potato Lumemis til they can get used to the most basic bitch shapes and forms.

>> No.7043343

I don't fully understand your criticism. It was a very quick brush over the original to compare. Is it meant to be crisp and clean?

>> No.7043344

>begs shouldn't push outside the comfort zone of endless grind and practice until they are perfect

And this is how you get a pawell.

>> No.7043346

Ignore the pinoy, most important thing is having fun drawing what you like otherwise you will get burnout and eventually quit

>> No.7043347

that guy gets his kicks by being needlessly hostile and condescending online, just ignore him completely

>> No.7043348

Lol okay, cheers

>> No.7043350

>I don't fully understand your criticism
this so much this. The fact that you can't even tell why is it so bad validates so much this >>7043340
its not bc isbn't a 1:1 copy, you a e chicken scrathing on a fucking trace. if you can't tell that from a first glance or not know why is so atrocious you shoulnd't be doing these copies

>> No.7043357

The one on the right is much more appealing than the left one. Still not something that I'd like but I can see the obvious improvement.

>> No.7043358
File: 23 KB, 360x266, Fo1JDIwaQAA6pNH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shouldn't be doing studies if you can't copy perfectly
the absolute state of this general
of course none of these people will post their work or try to say anything more useful than sneering derision

>> No.7043366

crabbing 101, don't say why he is shit, just making him feel better with himself and led him further into the wrong path
always works >>7043348

Pawell is a fucking beg but he is just a few steps from INT his line condifence is better than 95% of /ic/, he needs to actually understand anatomy and lay down a bit his Brigman style

>> No.7043368

Looking at it now I see why it looked so weird before, the nose and eyes needed to be moved down a touch. Thanks, anon!

>> No.7043370

>his line condifence is better than 95% of /ic/

No shit. That's all he does. But line confidence does not an artist make.

>> No.7043373

>few steps from INT
>line condifence is better than 95% of /ic/
>Brigman style
No, No, No, LOL
I wish that I can capture Brigman aesthetic. He just chicken scratching..

You are a fucking RETARD bro!

>> No.7043376

nothing useful has been said to him, the "crit" he received just boils down to "oh sweetie I could tell you but your peanut brain just simply couldn't even comprehend"

>> No.7043378

you right , Pawell would be /adv/ compared to what /beg/ think /int/ is.

>> No.7043383


>> No.7043392

maybe a pasta would be more useful? how many times has been 'discused'' that looking at the ref you use to see your mistakes is easier than waiting for a reply.

>> No.7043415

I’ve never been clear on what /ic/ considers /int/. They pretty much classify every skill as a /beg/ requirement. You either have perfected everything or you’re a neophyte.

>> No.7043418

Is there a way to use math to calculate perspective so I don't need to eyeball rotating a cube?

>> No.7043419

yeah learn about the station point

>> No.7043431
File: 147 KB, 1046x536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, but how would I rotate it like in the pink drawing

>> No.7043432

Use perspective rulers in Clip Studio

>> No.7043434

I don't use Clip Studio

>> No.7043435

use Clip Studio

>> No.7043436

No, they got AI in their program

>> No.7043440

what does your retarded american affirmative action month have to do with anything

>> No.7043465

westoid =/= wasteoid

>> No.7043494

how come 50% of this general are such massive cunts over beginners not knowing what they're doing yet

>> No.7043499


>> No.7043502
File: 3.84 MB, 4032x3024, 20240202_102850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did more drawing with my wrist today, I've always had better luck drawing small than with something big.

>> No.7043506

>tracing is bad even tho your sketch has to be a trace in all but name to be good

>> No.7043509

Int is when it starts to look OK and adv is when it looks impressive

>> No.7043513


>> No.7043514

Didn't know /beg/ was one person with set opinions on everything.

>> No.7043515

because sticky exists

>> No.7043516

Its kind of awful until you realize its a good chance to practice your writing and performance skills by larping. This whole board is my art project.

>> No.7043517

/int/ is when you leave /ic/

>> No.7043520

14 pro.

>> No.7043522

The e-whore's name, smartass.

>> No.7043536

the one with a dead link that doesn't say anything about not being able to post in the thread specifically for beginners to try to improve?

>> No.7043538


>> No.7043540

just try not to crutch on drawing with your wrist. You can try the first set of exercises on drawabox to work on drawing with your whole arm if you aren't confident with it, they help a lot

>> No.7043552

Draw the ref first.

>> No.7043556

I'm at work

>> No.7043580

Is construction purely to assist with perspective because I keep trying to use it to establish forms by connecting the shapes but they always end up completely off the reference?

>> No.7043581

/int/ depends on who you ask. It ideally should be when you either display a decent enough grasp of most of the fundamentals, but there's enough crabs here that will call anything people draw /beg/. Don't take what /ic/ says too seriously.

>> No.7043592

you shoulnd't depend on construction to get shit right, imo it helps to visualize the final work more than anything

>> No.7043597

Form and perspective mainly, in that order.

>> No.7043599

Alright now I'm even more confused. Why am I using boxes for the chest and pelvis?

>> No.7043602

That anon is just full of shit.

>> No.7043606

Anyone got some good recommendations on how to apply perspective theory?
I've been doing tons of boxes in 2-pt and 1-pt perspective, and, while I understand the theory behind it, I am shit when it comes to application.

Should I try to draw rooms? Or what sort of environments would you recommend so I can learn to apply the theory?

Thanks anons.

>> No.7043609

Level 1: Draw a scene of many boxes tethered to one set of VPs

Level 2: Draw a scene of many boxes tethered to several sets of VPs (much harder to make them look like they all belong)

>> No.7043611

if is for studies is alright but using as a crutch it wont be close to the final work, you will have to do some tweaking, if you rely on construction to be able to draw complete pieces then you are more fucked than you know.

>> No.7043612
File: 2.27 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20240202_164530736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043613

>Telling begs not to rely on fundamentals

This is so /ic/

>> No.7043614

Guys I don't think I can into perspective

>> No.7043616

Ernest Norling - Perspective Made Easy
Book is almost fool-proof

>> No.7043619

le floating box is all you need amirite fuck anatomy fuck, fuck perspective, fuck values and fuck proko unironically.

Mostlikely that anon just watched some retard drawing a bunch of ovals and boxes, connected a few lines, add some details and there it is a big tiddy anime bitch, once he tried by himslef it looked like shit so therefore it cant be him must be the method.

>> No.7043635

simple. raise the right vp perpendicular to current horizon, create a new horizon between that new vp and the old left vp, drop the left vp perpendicular to the new horizon line, and then you've got your double rotated vps. your box's "verticals" can just be perpendicular to this new-new horizon if you want to keep things simple.

>> No.7043637
File: 33 KB, 1920x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.7043692

Not only perspective, but proper proportions as well. Don't listen to >>7043611 , it's MUCH easier to lay groundwork with simple construction/sketches than to start off with the final layer. The only thing it really affects is speed, which is not something you should be focusing on at all if you're a beginner.
>they always end up completely off the reference
Post an example? It'll be easier to critique that way.

>> No.7043702
File: 1.15 MB, 4000x1650, wtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I deal w/ being anxious from being bad?
like, when beginning practicing w/ circles, ellipses, etc, & I mess up it makes me anxious & makes it harder for me to push through. I know I have to if I want to get good. but still

unrelated, but tried watercoloring for 1st time free hand

>> No.7043705

Pretty good colors, did you use the lasso tool to get those sharp edges?
The hands are pretty small and you made her arms like half their width, making her very skinny.
You overplayed the saturation/redness of those 'highlights' over her navel and on the side of her ribcage, they are quite closer to her natural light skintone.
Overall, it's a solid stody, keep it up anon.

>> No.7043713

Where's a good place to find some nude models for gesture drawing practice?

>> No.7043716

start burning your drawings

>> No.7043718

pic of watercolors? they look kinda weird and pasty

>> No.7043721

strip clubs

>> No.7043722

interesting idea
yea, but also 1st time doing watercolor lol. so idk exactly what I'm doing wrong.
not wet enough maybe?
also I did let it dry & do multiple layers so idk

>> No.7043724
File: 270 KB, 1200x828, 240202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying Huston stuff. He suggests spending 10 minutes per pose, but I usually run out of things to do at 5-7 mark.

>> No.7043726

no i mean, literal pic of your watercolors lel
i suspect you're using those low quality chinese ones that function like acrylic
those valuses are prettygud though

>> No.7043732
File: 62 KB, 679x677, this_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its the Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor 12 pan set. its the dry ones

>> No.7043733

>run out of things to do
How about light?

>> No.7043738
File: 2.07 MB, 332x215, 70.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crap in the trash

>> No.7043742
File: 285 KB, 574x719, cade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, sorry then m8, these are fine, yes you weren't wet enough, just watch how pros watercolor and you'll learn
keep in mind that it's difficult to make impressive images on a 2x2 square, you're doing fine

>> No.7043744

>how do I deal w/ being anxious from being bad?
your focus shouldn't be on making something good in the moment but learning, it's perfectly fine to make garbage or something you feel dissatisfied with since as long as you reflect on it that turns into a learning experience for the next time. Focus on your trajectory rather than your output

>> No.7043799

Tracing tends to be soulless as fuck because a lot of people who use it tend to just mindlessly copy shit, and none of the lines have any kind of thought or artistry put into it even if the result is anatomically correct. It's why every wikihow pic looks like fucking SHIT.

>> No.7043811
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x3327, 20240202_154042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck if i finish this fucking book can i just build in this dumb shit to my brain and never have to meticulously think out this grid and these rules?? this is like 8% of a finished piece

>> No.7043812

also i just realized how stupid it is to have the STREETLIGHTS inward compared to the fucking walkway FUCK whatever

>> No.7043813 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 1535x991, IMG_6416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so atrocious at colorpicking and rendering… I hate it, I feel like everything goes to shit once I try color. I don’t know how to color in my linework

>> No.7043817


>> No.7043818

yes it's called intuitive perspective, the grid is only useful if you're an applelet and can't visualise whether you're looking at something from below, above, left or right without lines to guide you

>> No.7043820 [DELETED] 

Ps is there anything I can do better drawing wise not just rendering

>> No.7043823

Lower saturation and you'll be fine

>> No.7043825

im just gonna add...grass, idk, around my light things IT'S MY CITY I'M THE MAYOR
i get that, probably even seasoned artists have off-paper reference points to shoot at when they're drawing something totally in perspective though? like one or two characters in a small scene should be easy if you're really good but fuck me running i can't even imagine an entire 11x17 scene or whatever

>> No.7043845

You are right

>> No.7043859
File: 2.14 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will finish her tomorrow, just gotta do her hands and then clean her up a tad. I might do some shape perspective rotations with parts of her body tomorrow also as a bonus.

The legs and arms took me a while to do, mainly trying to keep them accurate...I think I did a good enough job but it was hard. I can't really construct limbs quickly yet unfortunately.

The hands I am looking forward to doing, lately my skills are fingers have been improving but I still need WAY more experience with them.

>> No.7043864

he need some milk

>> No.7043867

What's with the weird schizo responses lately?

Also, I was thinking about how parts of her clothes fold and such, but am still quite new to clothing like everything else.

>> No.7043869
File: 1.53 MB, 675x1631, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Youtuber essayist voice* How digital painting BROKE me

>> No.7043876

im just fucking with you

>> No.7043885


>> No.7043892


>> No.7043965
File: 152 KB, 730x940, 20240202_134329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blatantly copied someone else's portrait of Rogal Dorn. Don't care. I try not to copy other art but I didn't want to think too hard and just wanted it done quickly. I wanted to draw a picture of him in my journal to remind myself that even strong effective men can yell at women in frustration (and have the self control not to hit them even if they deserve it.) The eyes aren't right, I know. I got cardio and Japanese practice in today so at least I drew something. Maybe I'll do some push ups and draw something else.
(I didn't hit anyone.)

>> No.7044010

new bread


>> No.7044693

Room anon here, is it normal to struggle a lot more when drawing from photo reference? Something about having an object in front of me makes it a lot easier