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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7036192 No.7036192 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wanting to draw for my entire life and I was doing writing instead because I thought I'd never be good at drawing. Now I'm finally trying to draw and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. All I can do is bring myself to do is line exercises from my shoulder. I can't do geometric shapes or really anything else. I haven't done a single actual sketch yet. I can only get myself to draw in random sporadic bursts for less than 30 seconds at most.

>> No.7036194

very interesting. tell me more

>> No.7036195

What the hell do you want from us.

>> No.7036196

No you shouldn't. Go do something else. Drawing just isn't for you, and it's all your fault.

>> No.7036197


>> No.7036198

Advice about drawing because I'm on a board for drawing?

>> No.7036200

You were banned for a reason. Fuck off.

>> No.7036201

dont worry about the technicalities at first learn to enjoy drawing first just draw some random sketches or scribbles or try to draw characters or nature that you like copy or trace even to get the hang of it and when you finally feel more comfortable drawing you can start thinking of the technical aspects.

>> No.7036204

Post chode and we'll tell you everything

>> No.7036203

more of an artwork/critique board than and /adv/ice board

>> No.7036206

Just draw.

>> No.7036209

I don't know what to actually draw. Even when I'm on my medicine I can't do it.

>> No.7036210

notice how all of these anons instantly replied to a new post and are not drawing don't listen to them

>> No.7036212

Awww shieet here we go agin

>> No.7036214

I'll go draw right now then

>> No.7036216

Post what you are drawing right fucking now.

>> No.7036217

I can't focus on it even with medicine. I just sit in my bed and do nothing.

>> No.7036218

draw a picture of the person who prescribed you the medication.

>> No.7036220

is there anything you like or maybe theres an animal or object or place you could simply try drawing your favourite cup or something and just keep going even if you feel its ugly until you get more comfortable with drawing

>> No.7036221

This is not the board for medical advice. If you don't draw you don't belong on the board for drawing.

>> No.7036224

I have a bunch of characters from series I like. But I don't know how to actually draw them or get the energy to.

>> No.7036226

we cant help you that you have to brute force yourself into starting try clearing any distractions or something that part ultimately falls to you

>> No.7036227

Reminder that this guy will do literally anything but draw and then tell you you're the one responsible because you're not able to help him. He will also tell you three billion reasons why the advice you're giving him won't work and how he will not even try to do it.

>> No.7036228
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>> No.7036229

inject ______ directly into your ____ for energy

>> No.7036231

I'm showing a drawing I just did.

>> No.7036233

Why didn’t you hide it already? And how are the reports going?

>> No.7036235
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>> No.7036236

I have ADHD and problems with literally doing anything. It is not some giant conspiracy.

>> No.7036240

We can't help you with that and we are unable to tell you where to get help.

>> No.7036242

>It is not some giant conspiracy.
Are you sure?

>> No.7036245

>But I don't know how to actually draw them
you could screenshot or get an image of the character and just try to copy what you see i started out by pausing bleach and one piece episodes and copying them because i liked the scene that was on

>> No.7036250

Can we keep this thread on topic?
Every time I try, I either don't finish it because I literally can't get the energy to do it? Or it looks like shit every time.

>> No.7036258

>I either don't finish it because I literally can't get the energy to do it? Or it looks like shit every time.
dont worry about finishing it or it looking good its a process you just want to pass the first step of it feeling like a burden and get into the groove

>> No.7036259

Don't even try. You're not getting him to draw.

>> No.7036260

How do I keep myself from getting distracted every 10 seconds and pacing around my room or just looking at my phone again?

>> No.7036278

put your phone on silent and out of reach as for the pacing youll just have to live with that i have adhd and do it too just make sure to go back to drawing maybe try chewing gum or eating something while you draw that tends to work for me coffee and music also helps me focus sometimes
i refuse theres genuine interest in there i dont believe its pure shitposting if he does actually have adhd i know that starting and sitting through things can feel like an unbearable hassle sometimes

>> No.7036279

>i dont believe its pure shitposting
It isn't. He exists. But he will not draw whatever you tell him to do. He won't do it.

>> No.7036281
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 50E5F7AC-A6C0-4120-A918-DE52BC637DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is hopelessly corrupted by this retard, his enablers, and a host of other terminal cancers it's been tragically afflicted with. Only its complete and utter destruction could possibly redeem it at this point.

>> No.7036283

kinda hard to redeem something that doesn't exist, sweaty

>> No.7036289

It will exist in our memories of the board it was before it was turned into an actual fucking asylum

>> No.7036469

you need a sincere intervention in your life. unfortunately the degree of intervention would require a full-on parent-child style relationship where nearly all autonomy is taken from you and you are forced to grow for years at a time with proper guidance. there is no way you are going to undo what has been done to your psyche at this point. the best you can do is try to cope with it because you're never getting off that ADHD/phonebrain treadmill. i am sure that others have thrown their phones away in the past but the reality is for a great many people it simply isn't possible and for all intents and purposes they are physiologically linked to their screen time and infinity scrolls. i don't put it like this to kick you while you're down, but to try and help you see things for how they really are. and they are really bad.

>> No.7036588

And now you are trying to discourage me. Even though I did nothing but ask for help.

>> No.7036600


>> No.7036612

Put on some socks, chew some gum, draw a picture of the person who prescribed you meds

>> No.7036629

If you want to draw there must be art you like. Find a relatively simple artwork and copy it. That's it. Just copy it and make it match the art you like.
>inb4 he's not gonna take the advice why bother
I would like to see what excuse he gives for something this straightforward.

>> No.7036638

I'll try, but everything I want to trace is more complex.

>> No.7036641
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>> No.7036642

I need my phone for referencing and looking at the pic I want to draw.

>> No.7036645 [DELETED] 

>meta thread got deleted
>those ones still are up
And you idiots enables them to shit up the board.
I know you are reading this, jannies, so I'm going to be clear:
I hate every single one of you, faggots.

>> No.7036648

>another piece of genuine thoughtful advice casually disregarded

What a surprise. Leave this board, retard

Learn your lesson yet?

>> No.7036665

No I'm explaining why the advice doesn't work and it's not some giant conspiracy.

>> No.7036672

>meta thread got deleted
>those ones still are up
And you idiots enables them to shit up the board.
I know you are reading this, jannies, so I'm going to be clear:
I hate every single one of you, faggots.
Stop being spineless cowards.

>> No.7036675

Why should anyone here put a single second of effort into giving you advice if you are just gonna ignore it, not do anything, and keep crying? It's been a year of this charade. Get a hint, retard.

>> No.7036677

You could just explain how I can reference something without my phone.

>> No.7036678

It is never too late for your mom to abort you, OP.

>> No.7036709

Laptop or desktop
CLOSE web browser
Download pureref
Copy paste everything into pureref
Pureref is free and has the amazingly useful utility of not being able to access youtube videos or tiktok

>> No.7036711

you are such an asshole

>> No.7036714

I'm new here and have gathered that OP is sadly a bit of a defeatist basket case, but
If anyone is reading this, I also have high-functioning autism and weapons grade ADHD and yet I still manage to draw often and well (for me)
If you are constantly on stimulants (ritalin, adderall etc are powerful stimulants) or self-medicating with consumer-grade stimulants like caffeine (especially in energy drinks, which contain more caffeine than coffee) then you will become desensitized to stimulants and your focus will fuck up again
A method that I find great success with is to taper off and go cold turkey on stimulants for like a week
Then I bust open an energy drink and the coffee and my brain lights up like a super nova and I can fill pages and pages of my sketchbook and focus for hours on end
Part of this is because my resistance to stimulants has gone back down to normal levels so they have a much bigger effect on me and part of it is because removing all stimulants for a short period results in sleep being much better for that short period of time, which my body then uses to recharge its back-up reserves of energy, which creates a very optimal environment for massive output of energy and focus when I start using caffeine again
If you are an ADHD artist who can't understand why they are always tired and can't focus despite taking drugs to focus it's because whoever gave you those drugs didn't really care about your well-being at all and did not bother to explain that the body builds a stronger and stronger tolerance to any drug you use until eventually it just washes through you without have any effect
Stop taking your medication on a daily basis, stop drinking buckets of coffee or energy drinks on a daily basis, they're never going to provide a consistent effect forever and anyone who tells you they can do that is completely lying, you have to manage your sensitivity and deploy them strategically

>> No.7036726
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I'm starting to do line work a nervous habit. Am I making progress?

>> No.7036727

Butthurt at the truth? Good, you deserve it, faggot.

>> No.7036730
File: 10 KB, 275x183, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I try?
nah, just die I guess. It's not like you only get one life and all that you can and will do is something you have to choose to do.
Just go with the flow, just sleep until they lower you into your grave. Life is a lazy river, just melt in the abyss.
the rest of us are gonna try, but you just go ahead and perish, little buddy.
It's alright. Just make it through the decades, accomplishing nothing, never working at anything. Don't worry about it.
It's ok.
we won't miss you.

>> No.7036732
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>> No.7036758

>this is the best """""advice""""" /ic/ crabs can come up with

>> No.7036761

Buy a book or take a class anon.

>> No.7036775

oh if you want advice, my advice is draw.

>> No.7036781

Draw what?

>> No.7036786

your mom

>> No.7036787

Whatever you want you useless piece of shit

God to think even a kindergartener has more mental capacity than you and more willingness to learn. Truly mentally retarded.

>> No.7036791
File: 44 KB, 800x600, 682e0e6630251ae90cb1ed5d56ee30c7f8240d4152f1933de27334cc206bfd10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pregnant women. duh

>> No.7036813

I'm trying my best to listen to the advice given. Problem is that it's inconclusive at best and mean-spirited >>7036786 at worst.
How am I supposed to know what brings me joy to draw if I cannot hold down a pencil for more than fifteen minutes and the mere thought of failing is torture?
Where am I even supposed to start here? What is the general process for copying a picture like this?

>> No.7036817

OP, your ego has become a bigger obstacle than your ADHD. Why would you expect your work to not look like shit early on? What makes you so special? Drawing isn't something you wake up one day suddenly good at; you simply suck less over time. Accepting and embracing this is extremely important. Being creative is a skill. Knowing what to draw is a skill. If you're struggling with those you're assigning too much importance to the outcome. Not all drawings are meant to survive. Nothing you draw now will appeal to you a year from now. Drop the ego and stop setting unrealistic goals. Nobody has to see your art at this stage (or any stage). You're not performing.

>> No.7036829


>> No.7036833

I told you he will literally do anything but draw. Your advice amnd your good intentions do nothing.

>> No.7036841


>> No.7036844

>A method that I find great success with is to taper off and go cold turkey on stimulants for like a week
>Then I bust open an energy drink and the coffee and my brain lights up like a super nova and I can fill pages and pages of my sketchbook and focus for hours on end
>Part of this is because my resistance to stimulants has gone back down to normal levels so they have a much bigger effect on me and part of it is because removing all stimulants for a short period results in sleep being much better for that short period of time, which my body then uses to recharge its back-up reserves of energy, which creates a very optimal environment for massive output of energy and focus when I start using caffeine again
>you have to manage your sensitivity and deploy them strategically
Nice. True stuff. I recently took a week off of caffeine and supplements. Body and mind needed to recover. I got a lot of deep sleep. Dreams returned. Sensitivity to caffeine returned. Energy was renewed, and progress made.

>> No.7036845

>didn’t hide the thread

>> No.7036849

Just prompt

>> No.7036986

Prompt what?

>> No.7036994


>> No.7036996

Yes and create more stupid threads, let's accelerate. Do 10 threads a day

>> No.7037000

>Should I keep trying?
No, you shouldn't.

>> No.7037024

you haven't killed yourself yet?

>> No.7037057

Arent you the same retard who likes made in abyss? Have you tried drawing the characters?

>> No.7037067

No. I haven't. And I don't have the energy or motivation to.

>> No.7037071

you see anon the issue is that all of you retards have different emotional issues that require completely different treatments. I know because I used to be one of you. That's why there's 10 of these fucking threads up at any given time. Go to therapy and then draw your mom and fuck off

>> No.7037074

wrong bitch, i helped you. you are like a fish trying to fly. go swim.

>> No.7037075

Then why do you wanna draw nigga, are you retarded? Even chris chan draws charcater he likes, yu can even draw the chibis from made in abyss?

>> No.7037079

Because I want to do something other than laying in my room, jerking off and going to sleep. I've wanted to draw for a long time but could never get the motivation and before you tell me
>Find a new hobby
This is what it's like for everything I've ever tried doing. Every single hobby hobby like work rather than something fun.

>> No.7037080
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>> No.7037082

Did you think Riko would reach the bottom of the Abyss simply because she wanted to? Achieving things takes guts.

>> No.7037083

your karma is all fucked up. those are the only things life will ever provide you. stop wasting good people's time, go jerk off, and take a nap.

>> No.7037090

Literally open a page of made in abyss and draw Riko, she is literally just a tube and a sphere for the head, it doesnt matter if it is bad, just copy the fucking thing

>> No.7037100

Stop jerking off.

>> No.7037107

>Even Chris chan is less retarded than Howie

>> No.7037110


>> No.7037141

yet you're able to reply to every fucking comment. Shut the computer off retard

>> No.7037173

>shut the computer off retard
but how?

>> No.7037177

You don't get to draw the same way someone in a wheelchair doesn't get to run. That's just a fact of life. Instead of trying to draw it'd be more worthwhile learning to accept your limitations.

>> No.7037178

Plus Chris Chan managed to have sex. He's Chris Chad in comparison.

>> No.7037180

Why do you ask for this kind of this help on this board full of bitter retards who will do anything but help you?

no one here will try to help you, being on 4chan itself is failing at life. you're better off taking classes from a professional teacher and leaving this shithole

>> No.7037181

>no one here will try to help you
We tried. He didn't do anything. He is beyond help.

>> No.7037182

New here?

>> No.7037184

No, I used to be like OP, quit 4chan and felt better. I simply stopped visiting this shithole because you all told me to quit and kill myself.

I can at least draw now. OP needs to rethink his life and not draw

>> No.7037188

So you also made literally dozens of threads asking the exact same questions in the same format and rejecting any and all answers no matter how detailed and sincere? Yeah maybe you should have stayed fucked off then nigga

>> No.7037189

No I just asked for help once and you niggas told me I didn't have talent or something

i dont remember or care enough, OP needs to treat his depression before scribbling

>> No.7037190

Holy schizophrenia. What drives a man to do this?

>> No.7037192

eat shit nigger you deserve to swing from a fucking tree

>> No.7037195


Example of his past exchanges:
>Yes. Your drawings are careless and rushed.
>Google "How to Draw Freehand Straight Lines"
>I'm drawing with my shoulders and elbows. This is the best I can do.
>Then you're resistant to advice that already helped hundreds of thousands artists world wide aka retarded.
>What other "advice" is there? I Googled exactly what was asked and that's what came up.
>Sigh. No anon. You don't skip and jump from one technique to another until it works. You pick one and grind it until it clicks.
>What other techniques are there? You haven't told me a single one. The arm and elbow is literally what every fucking piece of advice tells me to do.

Every reply by this mental case is designed to foist the burden of improving onto the other person. Note how he always vacillates between begging for advice, then finding a way to disregard advice.
Whenever you give him advice, he will whine about how he can't do it.
If you follow up, explaining how to do it, or challenging him, he will whine about the explanation not working for him. He will make excuses and ask for explanations of more and more basic things beyond the point of absurdity.
He will insist he wants to do something, then turn around and claim he doesn't know what he wants to do.
He will never post examples of his attempts, or post scribbles done with minimum effort.
He will try to bait you into meta-discussions, about himself and why he sucks.
When you eventually give up, he will start whining again that there is no good advice.

STOP giving him attention. He is mentally ill and has remade this same thread over and over, because HE IS NOT LOOKING FOR ADVICE. HE WANTS YOU TO ENGAGE IN HIS PITY PARTY.

>> No.7037198

I was waiting for you to show up, thank you

>> No.7037201
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>> No.7037203

Have you tried posting your work?

>> No.7037210

>you're better off taking classes from a professional teacher and leaving this shithole
But how?

>> No.7037232

shut up crab

>> No.7037234

You gonna draw now or not?

>> No.7037280

I don't think he's beyond help but it's clear OP has some serious mental health problems
Learned helplessness definitely, total incapacity to focus, probably has horror movie grade brain fog, might have clinically relevant memory issues beyond just "bad memory" possibly has drug problems or other addictions he isn't telling us about that may be melting his brain in all sorts of cool and horrific ways
What he needs if he wants to get good at drawing is a psychiatrist who enjoys a challenge

>> No.7037281

Could be an elaborate trolling campaign
If so it's working
Alternate theory 2: maybe this is some youtuber who is running an experiment and we'll get a 90+ minute video essay about the results at some point in the future (unless it's some retard phd doing a dissertation on learned helplessness, crab mentality etc and these threads are data)

>> No.7037282

He's just really angry because OP keeps asking for solutions to his problems yet keeps finding a problem for every solution he is offered
Simply seeing this kind of behavior can be extremely exhausting and provocative to a minority of people, which anon you replied is part of

>> No.7037350

sounds like untreated ADHD

>> No.7037355

How do you treat ADHD over the internet?

>> No.7037356

OP's parents failed him, maybe he does need medication and stay off the internet forever as well

>> No.7037382

A 25 gram magic mushroom trip in silent darkness is the solution to all of your problems, trust me, you do that you crack the code bro you peer into the nature of things as they truly exist. You will never struggle to draw again because you realize there are no lines, there are no boxes, there is no drawing, only one electron flitting about through time and space witnessing all possible phenomena from within all possible atomic configurations simultaneously, moving forward and backward through time, manifesting matter at the same time that it destroys it, thus your question becomes irrelevant, the answer even more so, and all that is and might be is replaced with the eternal experience of what Terence McKenna and Joe Rogan call "the now" in which you shut your fucking autistic retard mouth up and draw until you goddamn die.

>> No.7037388

>proves his point

>> No.7037405

I've actually been on ADHD medicine for years. And it still was always like this.

>> No.7037434

haha i wonder if hes going to post here in 5 years about how he cant draw

>> No.7037439

I hope he offs himself before that. He's the worst schizo we have. The drawing schizos at least produce something funny every now and then.

>> No.7037441

im saving every post of his
then ill impersonate him and get good at art. all the while, he will still be a prebeg

also i always laugh when i see him post. Its like seeing an old friend

>> No.7037445

based machiavellian evilmaxx drawer

>> No.7037456

better than AI faggots

now that i think about it i could post my shit art here too if this faggot attentionwhores here daily

>> No.7037493

i fucking love made in abyss

>> No.7037577


>> No.7037913

I want these threads to take their rightful place at the front of the page and top of the catalog. I don't think we have enough of them and hope op makes more. A lot more

>> No.7037958

Keep trying, op! Those inscrutable scribbles you've made in picture are a sure sign of progress! You can do it!

>> No.7037962

I own this comic number. And I have only bought 4 or 5 marvel comics, more than ten years ago. Weird to see it here, it was pretty bad.

Also since it's the first time I reply in a Howie thread, I must say that I really like what he's doing. I'm depressed and with adhd, these are like "motivation general threads". Whenever I open 4chan I know that there's at least one of these threads up and I can read all the tips that anons give to Howie. His stubborness makes it so that eventually there will be some more advanced advice useful for more desperate cases. But no one is more desperate than Howie... he is like a god or a force of nature.

>> No.7037964
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Made a quick little guide while taking a shit. I want to stress that it doesn't have to pe perfect, but something closer to this would be good.
It might be helpful to
>draw either just squares or lines first
>draw less with your wrist, if at all possible, and more with your arm.
You could try to make it a fun little challenge by making dots to connect as well as you can, again knowing that it does not have to be perfect.

>> No.7037969

Further, I would honestly say you're pretty close. So, I would hate to see you stop here.

>> No.7038010


>> No.7038131

The good ones were made with a straight edge. The rest of them weren't.

>> No.7038134

"Look! I made lines on a paper! They don't look like anything and they're not even good lines. But be proud of me!!!"
It's not drawing. You never draw.

>> No.7038135
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 20240129_113541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good ones were made with a straight edge. The rest of them weren't. The rest of the lines were me attempting to draw with my shoulder. Here's what those look like.

>> No.7038137

not a drawing
you don't draw

>> No.7038141

Actually no, the rest of them were NOT made with a straight edge. I apologize, I misunderstood your post and the image.

>> No.7038142

You should be focused on trying to draw what you like and study occasionally at this moment
Don't bother too much about it looking good or not finishing it

>> No.7038154

he drew more than you, Howie

>> No.7038165

i'm not howie
i don't make lazy lines on the paper like he

>> No.7038311

Progress! Now try to control the length. Try to focus on making them all roughly the same length as you go down the page. Once you can do that reasonably well, again maybe using connect-the-dots as a guide for a little bit, try the cube again using the same technique.

>> No.7038313

Watch this:
Don't worry about drawing anything right now, geometric shapes, nothing, just practice straight lines and hatching. All of your lines right now are lazy scribbling, so at least work on being intentional.

>> No.7038946


>> No.7039466

Congrats. You have brain damage!
>Compared with the CG, the MPD group had remarkably decreased GMV in the right superior frontal gyrus (sFG), right inferior frontal gyrus (iFG), bilateral medial frontal gyrus (mFG), right middle occipital gyrus (mOG), left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and bilateral thalamus (Thal) (see Table Table22).

>> No.7039575

This about smart phone usage. I'm sometimes unable to even get on my smartphone

>> No.7039626

Sounds like even worse brain damage.

>> No.7040173

I'm still trying to get myself to draw.

>> No.7041401
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 20240201_105141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some random line practice I did this morning.

>> No.7041414

do that same practice with a razor blade on your wrists.

>> No.7041451

That's not a drawing. I don't care. Post an actual drawing. Draw a stick figure, mr brain damage.

>> No.7041452

not them, but to add, you should go along the forearm not across if you want better results.

>> No.7041453

Another layer of complexity to try, don't let the lines cross while still drawing them close together

>> No.7041468

>making the same exact thread every time to get easy (you)s
Isn't this the textbook definition of a troll post? I guess rule 3 is only enforced when it triggers the tranny janny's dysphoria

>> No.7041479

>Anon is putting in genuine effort to draw which is what people have been asking him to do for every thread
>You still don't care.

>> No.7041497

>genuine effort
again, fucking kill yourself op.

>> No.7041500

>putting in genuine effort to draw
You spend weeks on end posting in these threads and all you have to show for are three single sheets of """line practice""". You have brain damage and you should stop trying.

>> No.7041512

Then should I stop trying anything ever? Because this is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing.

>> No.7041516

Yeah. And get a brain scan.

>> No.7041526

you dropped pretending to be someone else real fast lmao

>> No.7041643

>I'm actually putting in genuine effort to draw now that I have motivation
>You still don't care

>> No.7041648

Just draw like Pewdiepie. He draws 15 minutes a day and is just having fun with it.

>> No.7041649

>I'm actually putting in genuine effort
You don't.

>> No.7041658

I don't know what to draw and I don't know how to have "fun" with anything. I look at everything like work.

>> No.7041661

Put in the work. Draw. There's no shortcut.

>> No.7041667

Don't look at it as work. Work is stressful. Drawing is fun.

>> No.7041668

Draw what? It seems like everything I draw in here you people go
>That doesn't count!

>> No.7041672

Draw a stickman.

>> No.7041676

I don't "have fun" with most things. I look at them like work. Even writing. I don't know what "having fun" counts as or what its supposed to feel like. Putting in any modicum of effort except for thinking about it is impossible for me most of the time.

>> No.7041678

Draw a stickman and post it.

>> No.7041682

You play games don't you? Those don't feel like work, right? Try to think of drawing as playing vidya.

>> No.7041689

>You play games don't you? Those don't feel like work, right?
No I don't play video games. Very very very rarely can I get myself up to play a video game anymore. All I do is just sit and lay in my bed looking at my phone.

>> No.7041697

Stop telling your pathetic life's story again and again and fucking draw.

>> No.7041703

Download a drawing app and doodle with your fingers. You already have your face to your phone all the time anyway, make it an easier process to get to drawing.

>> No.7041711

I'm explaining why I'm unable to.
What apps? My coordination is already bad enough with a pencil.

>> No.7041719

>I'm explaining why I'm unable to.
No one cares. You explained a billion times.
Shut up and draw.

>> No.7041751

I can't.

>> No.7041760

I don't care. Go draw.

>> No.7041780

I can't and I've explained what barriers are blocking me multiple times.

>> No.7041781

I don't care. Go draw.

>> No.7041792

Are you physically capable of responding with something else? Or are you an AI that's trained to send these responses back infinitely? Either way, pretty unhelpful

>> No.7041798

Excuses again. The only thing that will help you if you go draw.

>> No.7041808

>Go draw
>Here are the things preventing me from doing it
>I don't care

>> No.7041818

Correct. I don't care about your shitty life. I will start caring once you draw something.

>> No.7041823

If there are physical barriers blocking you from drawing then you physically can't draw. Go try something that requires less hand eye coordination like pixel art or ANSI art. Do small 16x16 or 32x32 designs.

>> No.7041826
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20240201_201418539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shit ain't much better but in still having fun

>> No.7041825

I have.
>That doesn't count because I say so

>> No.7041828

>I have.
You made lines but not a drawing. Draw a stickman.

>> No.7041829

Find a psychiatrist if you have mental barriers. Get a picture of a voltorb pokemon and copy it in ms paint, whatever the fastest way to get to drawing is. If you dont do this, you dont actually want to draw and only tell yourself such.

>> No.7041831

My physical barriers are my lack of coordination of my hands, my shaky hands, and my ADHD constantly making me forget to do basic stuff.

Pixel art visually overwhelms me when I try to do it and all the pixels hurt my eyes, and my brain can't make sense of trying to fit it all together.

>> No.7041833

>That doesn't count because I say so

>> No.7041836

You have written that hundreds of times. Go draw.
Yes. It doesn't count.

>> No.7041841

It being written hundreds of times doesn't make it any less true. You're just mad because you keep having to see it.

>> No.7041844

Yes. Now fuck off and go draw.

>> No.7041858

I can't.

>> No.7041862

Then give up.

>> No.7041867

Then should I give up every hobby ever?

>> No.7041870

>I can only get myself to draw in random sporadic bursts for less than 30 seconds at most

>> No.7041871

Every hobby you're not physically capable of engaging in, yes. There's lots of things I want in life that I don't get to have, boo hoo, get over it and do something else.

>> No.7041874

Just give up on drawing because you are not drawing anyways.

>> No.7041879

That would include basically everything, because putting in any work for any hobby is impossible for me. Even writing.

>> No.7041880

Why don't you get one of those coloring books for adults? More fun than lines and you can practice hand eye coordination that way.

>> No.7041883

Yet somehow you spend all day writing on 4chan. Funny, you seem perfectly capable of using a keyboard and focusing on it all day without rest and writing here hour after hour. So go do something that involves a keyboard you whiny faggot.

>> No.7041884

Alright then. Tell your therapist about this.

>> No.7041886

The big problem here is that being a whiny faggot is your #1 hobby and you have practically perfected the art. Learning to draw would interfere with your true passion.

>> No.7041888

Yeah, writing. Which I can't ever get myself to do either. The only reason why I stuck with writing was because I thought I'd never be good at drawing. I don't want to do writing anymore, I want to draw.

>> No.7041889

Then draw. Stop writing here and go draw.

>> No.7041890

I don't have one. I have a psychiatrist. I'm on a huge dosage of Vyvanse now with headaches and I still feel like I wanna fall asleep at my desk as I'm typing this.

>> No.7041891

You're writing right now. You keep writing for hours. So go write a story. Write it as a series of posts here if that helps. Write a story about a whiny faggot named Howie and what became of him.

>> No.7041895

I can't because of the reasons I've stated.

>> No.7041896

Yes you can liar

>> No.7041900

You can at least stop posting here. It's the default option.

>> No.7041901

I want to draw. I don't want to write anymore.

>> No.7041903

...he said, writingly.

>> No.7041904

Too bad. You don't get to draw.

>> No.7041910

But I want to draw. Stop projecting your own demoralized feelings onto me and give me advice.

>> No.7041912

are we turbo shitposting to get this thread to bump limit?

>> No.7041915

"It's your fault I don't get to draw!"
No. It's on you. You're the one who is failing.

>> No.7041916

No. There's is literally no advice anyone on earth can give you that will help. It is 100% a question of whether you can sit down and draw something. If you can't, then you can't draw, and nothing will ever change that. It is simply a question of sitting down and making marks on a piece of paper with a pencil.

>> No.7041918

Everytime I see these threads, I fucking lose it at the absolute seethe it causes while OP is just saying the same shit as always. Based schizo.

>> No.7041919

If I stop taking my medication, I have a full on anxiety attack and mental breakdown.

>> No.7041922

But if you want additional advice that might work, I suggest converting to Buddhism. Walk down the eightfold path. Then when you die, you might reincarnate into someone who is capable of drawing.

>> No.7041923

Then should I not do anything?
That would include basically everything, because putting in any work for any hobby is impossible for me. Even writing.

>> No.7041925

don't care just draw or kill yourself

>> No.7041926

You should go draw. Don't make postey. Make drawey. It's on you. YOU have to do it. Not we.

>> No.7041927

>then should I not do anything?
Yes. You don't get to do anything. Life sucks for some people. Too bad for you. People only get what they work for. If you can't work, you get nothing.

>> No.7041940

But I can't.
>Actually proceeding to argue that I should do nothing

>> No.7041943
File: 11 KB, 397x433, justdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: download 4chanX
Step 2: whenever you decide to post, instead press this button (pic related), it will open a window where you can draw
Step 3: draw something. Any time you post first draw something, a line, a shitty box, every post must come with some kind of drawing
That way, you can tie your addiction for shitty posts to an addiction for drawing.

>> No.7041946

You have made the same thread hundreds of times and you have received hundreds of different answers. You have made no progress. Accept it's over. Or go ask ChatGPT because maybe the AI will give you different answers than the humans here.

>> No.7041952
File: 6 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I just drew a box and I can't draw for shit. But it doesn't matter because at least it's something.

>> No.7041953

My ADHD doesn't magically go away from ChatGPT

>> No.7041956
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20240201_205637385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix this image then to show how better it is before anyone downloads shit
(Btw any advice on getting better at expressions?

>> No.7041957

And we will not magically give you different answers after months of the same thread.

>> No.7041960

Yeah I did too, in the OP of the thread you're posting.

>> No.7041961
File: 4 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookit this, amazing, I drew a shitty eye in 10 seconds. You can do it too Howie, I believe in you.

>> No.7041964

I'm already shitty enough with a pencil, what makes you think I'll be able to draw with a mouse?

>> No.7041965
File: 4 KB, 428x350, cat 30 seconds in MS Paint drawn with mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7041967

have you considered picking a different hobby
like painting miniatures or maybe sucking cock
the latter might be something you'd enjoy you fucking faggot

>> No.7041972

This is what it's like for any hobby ever. Even if I were to switch to something else, the exact same problems would happen. It's not just me "not liking drawing" or "not being interested in art" its an inability to do literally anything.

>> No.7041974
File: 6 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even use a mouse. I used my laptop trackpad. Here this next one I'll do blind using my nose instead of my fingers. But it doesn't matter because at least I drew something. Now you try, don't worry about results Howie, just draw.

>> No.7041976

I don't want to if it's just going to be shit.

>> No.7041977

Then it's the wrong board for your thread. Fix your inability to do anything.

>> No.7041982
File: 9 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point of drawing. It starts out like shit and then by "just drawing" you slowly get better. Do drawabox, that way you don't even have to worry about what to draw or if it's shitty. It's just boxes.

>> No.7041983
File: 3 KB, 314x255, a box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offering a box for the thread as well. More than Howie has drawn in months made in a manner of seconds.

>> No.7041988

Every time I post a picture of a new drawing, you fags come in and tell me that it's not an actual drawing. So what should I post?

>> No.7041989

Draw a box. Copy the one I just did.

>> No.7041993

Draw a stick man

>> No.7041994

>you fags
Very rude and not helpful at all. It's not a giant conspiracy. Can't you see I need genuine help?

>> No.7041995

Yeah, stick man is good. Do a stick man. Circle for the head, sticks for the body, legs, and arms. You got this Howie.

>> No.7042006

I don't have the energy, even on 70mg extended release Vyvanse.

>> No.7042012

Yes you do. You've been posting all day you attention seeking faggot. Use a paint app on your phone. That way you don't even have to get up. That or give up on drawing.

>> No.7042022
File: 207 KB, 605x495, 1682129635864862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet OP is lmaoing hard at you all falling for his banter and putting so much energy into this retarded back and forth.

Dont you see it? OP is trolling you all, and like the gullible retards you are, you go and continue falling for it every single time he opens a thread.

It's like fucking clockwork. You guys are retarded.

>> No.7042023


>> No.7042026

Well, we have a warning template, too bad more than half of the board can't read. Mods should ban him and anyone trying to pull a le ebin troll

>> No.7042034

Here's your cube. Even worse than the last one.

>> No.7042038
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 20240201_152704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your cube, even worse than the last one.

>> No.7042051

What paint app? I'm even worse with my fingers than a pencil.

>> No.7042061
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20240201_153543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another cube. Look at how shitty this one is.

>> No.7042066
File: 4 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There! You did it, you drew a box. Now we need to work on making your lines intentional. That means for every edge of the box, only drawing a single line. To start, each time you draw an edge first put down a point where you want to start and a point where you want to end. Then try rehearsing the line a few times with your pencil above the paper using the ghosting method (https://youtu.be/o1HAVipdsZM).). Once you've feel like you're making a consistent stroke, lower your pencil to the page and make the same movement. Only do it once, if you mess up the stroke don't worry about it, and go onto the next one. Remember, it's:

>> No.7042072
File: 9 KB, 1146x645, helpmepleasue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help how get better

>> No.7042076
File: 15 KB, 1146x645, itsnotworking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep trying but I'm lactose intolerant

>> No.7042079
File: 6 KB, 1146x645, givemeadvicenow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my chronic hemorrhoids oh no

>> No.7042081
File: 5 KB, 1146x645, fuckyouic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of you are helping me fuck you pieces of shit

>> No.7042084

Stop attempting to derail because you're mad.

>> No.7042086

Even plotting and planning out something like this looks impossible for me. My ADHD would make me forget everything over and over.

>> No.7042094

Just do two dots at a time, draw a line, then add in one dot after that, next line, next dot, etc. Don't do them all at once.

>> No.7042097
File: 80 KB, 665x572, 1686882338567392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.7042109

>there's perspective in this drawing
Okay, I guess this really is a /pro/ mocking the website.

>> No.7042112

How do I get good at drawing? I have anxiety, I have depression, I have ADD, I have ADHD, I've got anxiety, I've got PTSD, I got a bullet wound, I've got a scratch on my forehead, I got a lamp, I got a bullet wound, I got a scratch, I got a bum eye, I've got 80/40 vision in this one eye, I've got bipolar disorder, I've got schizophrenia, I've got varicose veins, I've got a bum leg, I've got inflated blood vessels. Almost 24.

>> No.7042113

Nice! Now draw stick man

>> No.7042121


>> No.7042128

By blowing your brains out with a shotgun

>> No.7042129

Stop trying to derail because you're mad.

>> No.7042158

It still sucks and my lines suck.

>> No.7042164

Please tell me how to draw. No I will not listen to your advice, just do all the thinking for me and tell me how to do it.

And it better be very easy, otherwise I won't do it and will just make another thread until the solution magically appears before me. Think for me, slaves.

>> No.7042181

Stop derailing because you're mad.

>> No.7042193

How is it a derail when it's the exact same topic as the OP and the exact same motivation and outcome. Just tell me how to draw please, just give me the answer

>> No.7042194

That's not on topic. You're copy-pasting and editing what I'm saying, thats not on topic.

>> No.7042211

>280 replies
>65 posters
>page 1

>> No.7042228

But how do I post on topic?

>> No.7042233

Stop derailing and trolling.

>> No.7042246

I am not derailing please just tell me how to draw I am physically incapable of not shitposting. I drop everything I do to shitpost here. Please tell me how.

>> No.7042249

Stop not being able to draw because you can't.

>> No.7042254

Why you guys answered this schizo/troll again?

>> No.7042258


>> No.7042259

I'm enjoying myself. It's fun seeing how he's not able to draw the simplest of things.
Although we made him draw a box this time. Howie is healing. :3

>> No.7042260

But how? You are not helping me please I literally cannot do anything about this just tell me clearly what to do

>> No.7042266

>Anon puts genuine effort into trying to draw
>People still shit on him and try to derail his threads
You guys are the schizos, not him.

>> No.7042267
File: 3 KB, 314x384, stickman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll figure it out. Maybe in the next. Or in the one after that.
Anyways, here's a stickman I drew because you didn't.

>> No.7042271

The only effort you put in is making excuses. Go draw.

>> No.7042272
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986_1703572533581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042275

Yeah. Putting a reaction image and greentext isn't going to make it not true.

>> No.7042281

He is a late zoomer, their brain is completely poop

>> No.7042286

stop pretending to be a hero for yourself you dumb faggot.

>> No.7042289

And Im making a genuine question that he is not replying to, how do I stop derailing this thread? You're not telling me what to do, you're just calling me a schizo when all I want is to stop derailing the thread.

>> No.7042295

But how do i give you the answer? Anon please stop trolling and tell me how do I give you the answer, I can't give you the answer please tell me how I have been scrolling for hours and my day is all gone again please I just wanna do it but I don't know how please stop trolling and tell me already I am mentally ill please pity me and tell me what to do

>> No.7042296


>> No.7042299


>> No.7042308

hurray, fuck you schizo shithead op and fuck your dumb fucking thread

>> No.7042309

See you in the next one.
We did it, Reddit! We made him draw TWO BOXES! Good job, everyone!
Short break and the next thread will come right up. At this pace he will draw stickmen in a month or two.

>> No.7042326

>At this pace he will draw stickmen in a month or two.
But how

>> No.7042330

We'll teach him about circles next. We'll get there.

>> No.7044163

>But how?
this is literally you >>7037080

>> No.7044911

>. I can only get myself to draw in random sporadic bursts for less than 30 seconds at most.
you sound like you want to be an artist because its cool and an identify but dont actually have any ability to do it. hence you are already giving up on writing.

>> No.7044919

pewds is definitely doing more than 15 min a day on those colored pieces. its got to be closer to an hour considering how much he erased.