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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 148 KB, 697x1187, Biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7035016 No.7035016 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>7015273

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/

>> No.7035048
File: 1.20 MB, 1989x2718, 20240128_115529~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started watercolour painting recently. Learning to let go of my perfectionism, and to just enjoy the process. Had a wonderful time drawing this cotton plant and it looks fucking amazing to me. What do u guys think ?

>> No.7035064

I hate you. Why does everyone have such a nice time watercoloring. Everyone just casually picks it up. Just so nonchalantly “oh my first watercolor, I love being free and letting the water flow and do what it wants”

Watercolor is DEATH! It’s the fucking worst. I want to think that you baited me into responding to you. I fucking HATE watercolor. It’s a HORRIBLE medium designed for masochists. Anyone who says they enjoy it is a fucking liar. It just does WHATEVER it wants you have no control over any part of it. It’s a battle between you and physics and you are given some fuck ass paintbrush and toilet paper.

It makes me feel like somebody cut off both my arms and now I have to learn to draw with a paintbrush up my ass. It makes me so angry that nobody else struggles with watercolor. You all just have a merry fucking time letting the paint fuck off all over the paper. It’s like you never struggle with overloading your brush or over working your paper or having edge bleed or mixing the wrong paint or muddying your colors or controlling the water blooms or fucking the layering or lifting too much color or not being able to lift the color or using too much water or picking up too much pigment or warping the paper or pooling paint in the ripples or losing the sizing on your paper or tilting too much or drying too fast before you can blend an edge or drying too slow and it back flows into your layer or painting over too much white space

It’s like you stupid fucks just enjoy all of this. Right? This is what makes watercolor fun for you? Just let it go?

>> No.7035076

Jesus Christ calm down. Ive been painting since late December and felt exactly like you did, until I learned to let go of my perfectionism and just accept whatever final product the watercolour paint decided to give me. An anon from another thread told me to "think like water" and honestly that's some fantastic advice! All the things I hated before are now what makes watercolouring fun for me. Also practically, a hair dryer and plenty of tissue papers to clean your fuck-ups are quite handy.

>> No.7035078

I think it looks nice too :)

>> No.7035082

It's brimming with soul

>> No.7035096

If I was bl*ck I'd p*ck it.

>> No.7035120

I’ve been trying to paint for 2 years. It’s taken every ounce of my strength to not give up. I’m a broken man now. I just knowingly ruin perfectly good drawings with watercolor slop. It feels pretty bad to know that you could color your drawing with any other medium and make it look passable: markers, colored pencil, crayons, digital, but instead I choose watercolor which ruins the drawing and makes it unreadable. It blows out all the linework, flattens the values, smears the faces and details, spills outside the carefully placed lines that I spent 3 hours on. Destroyed in seconds. The only thing more destructive to the drawing would be burning it. Watercolor is literally the most expensive way to destroy my drawings.

I hate that in order to practice watercolor I have to deface a drawing. It’s like I had a litter of puppies and I bring them out back and shoot them all. And I keep killing puppies in cold blood until I see one that I like. At first, it broke my heart every time I put a bullet between their eyes. I would agonize over it, so much potential, why do I have to ruin something so beautiful.

But now I enjoy it. Everyday I make new puppies. I like to see them brutalized. I take photos of the process so I can savor the moment. I find it comical how each of their lives comes to an end.

I don’t like the person watercolor has turned me into. I used to cherish each drawing. But now they mean nothing to me. Canon fodder. Sacrificial lambs to the insatiable watercolor gods.

You fucks never say anything nice about my watercolor paintings!!

>> No.7035121

What a fag! tldr.

>> No.7035131

Two years ????? Good god man, I got to where I am in a month of consistent daily painting. You're clearly doing something wrong. One thing I learned when experimenting with watercolours is that you're half an artist, and half a spectator. You experiment and observe what happens. I cant say I understand watercolours completely but it seems I do more so than you. Why don't u start from complete scratch with water colours and do what I did to get to where I am. Grab a bunch of reference images, do some basic pen sketches of them and then paint, try to experiment with various watercolour techniques to match the colours of the painting with the reference image using your watercolours (don't forget to do it in layers!). Btw I'd love to see some of your watercolour works!

>> No.7035166

Learn to stop being such a bitch
I'm not even kidding, that's the key to stop being so obsessed about making the perfect drawing that will always turn up shitty
If you zoom in any professional drawing you'll start noticing that they're far from perfect

>> No.7035195

Tg is sandbagging. His watercolors are beautiful but he is blind to it. Also I compliment your watercolors every time you see them you bitch you just ignore it

>> No.7035284

>post a compliment on someones submission
>artist in question sees it
>they ignore it

>> No.7035294
File: 200 KB, 1648x1162, 1.28.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this verification period for the gallery uploads is annoying.
Still very beg dont tear me a new asshole

>> No.7035310

t. materiallet
anon, watercolor is 90% materials and 10% skill

>> No.7035346

You don't have to be friend with or loved by everyone. If he/she decided to ignore you then stop interact with him/her. Simple.

>> No.7035370

But I WANT to be loved. It's part of my human nature.

>> No.7035385

Then be prepared for heart breaks.

>> No.7035461

he is just joshing you guys. that's a classic tg anti-watercolor rant

>> No.7035589
File: 3.20 MB, 2060x2708, counttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today's work

>> No.7035675

pyw faggot ass bitch.
put up or shut up.

>> No.7035703

no one will rip into you for being new/bad at drawing. keep a positive gmi attitude for learning and you'll be fine

>> No.7035742

Don't listen to him. I'LL RIP INTO YOU. Jk welcome to dad.

>> No.7035772

It's Tableguy you retard and despite his schizo ramblings he is much better than you.

>> No.7035782

this, if someone doesnt bother responding just never interact with them ever again

>> No.7035791

Thanks lads. While I'm here, are there any tips for making poses more dynamic? Whenever I draw one they usually end up accurate but boring to look at.

>> No.7035792

Meant for >>7035742 not >>7035675

>> No.7035819

practice gesture drawings and try to push the poses. You're wanting to capture the flow of action/motion as you see it not simply draw the contours of the form, and don't worry about detail/accuracy at first. You can then build your construction on top of that for your figures. Just don't mindlessly do them with no understanding or you'll waste a ton of time and effort, speaking from experience.

>> No.7035826
File: 86 KB, 1200x630, trasferimento (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7035931

I would personally try to draw with less circles and more triangles/uneven rectangles. A circle makes sense for a lot of things on the body, but keeping things angular for construction can greatly enhance the dynamics of the figures. Does that make any sense?

>> No.7036018
File: 1.90 MB, 1140x1776, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tier list fresh from the oven.
ranked from left to right, top to bottom.
9 people were skipped because i couldn't find them and then Josselin because i don't know how i'd rank their 3d stuff and the 2d stuff doesn't tell me anything so >skip.

>> No.7036028


>> No.7036042
File: 81 KB, 949x760, 1705814214392348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cybernaut lower than ulala by two tiers

>> No.7036054

congrats, you've made the worst list!!

>> No.7036065

It's supposed to be a tier list not a friends list

>> No.7036103

Kill yourself :)

>> No.7036109

>got ranked pretty high
This is a good list!

>> No.7036130

Is this some kind of joke? If not can you elaborate more on how you ranked people?

>> No.7036139

very controversal!

>> No.7036165

are there seriously only 3 dads on dad who work professionally

>> No.7036167

>can kinda handle a pencil and do stuff
yeah, sounds about right

>> No.7036172

There are others who aren't on this list, either cos they're not longer active on DAD or because Urazi forgot. Actually Urazi's a working artist too, now that I think about it.

>> No.7036173

I think Ray works professionally too

>> No.7036175

theres a few people from original LAS who went pro but they usually leave the sites, discords etc when they do

>> No.7036215

pls put me and cyber in our own tier holding hands

>> No.7036311

Nah left the last one and currently unemployed.
Trying the freelance route.

thanks for makig a list!
Now brace for the backlash kek.
I like your ranking system.

>> No.7036345

The only thing that fuels my want for a level-3 streak (and to get my account approved) is so I can comment on Ray's stuff. Ray I love your art so much, please make prints so I can hang them in my studio!

You have so much soul. Your art reminds me of why I wanted to do art in the first place.

>> No.7036361

it's kinda curios that a lot of the tierlists place some really beg artists so high up and do the opposite with some other really good artists

>> No.7036365

Both of these make sense. Thanks.

>> No.7036382

Name some fucking names. Yeah, we all know you won't, pussy.

>> No.7036384

It's all about the appeal. A lot of your "good artists" exclusively post borinng ass studies and draw vanilla or disgusting subjects that nobody want to see.
ex: Ulala's trannies drawing with weak chins and crazy eyes. You can see from page one that that bitch can do way better that the shit that she shitting out daily now.

>> No.7036418

am I the only one who finds tableguy's drawings ugly as fuck
yeah sure they're technically good but they're ugly

>> No.7036423

>if someone doesnt bother responding just never interact with them ever again
Sigh. I suppose you guys are right after all.

I'll drop the tierlist showing how which dads respond to comments (from S tier - Super friendly to D tier - Don't interact with under any circumstances) sometime later.

>> No.7036424

Technically good ≠ appeal. His girls have barely any meat on them.
I personnally like the one that draws mechas a lot.

>> No.7036428

>His girls have barely any meat on them.
Based quad

>> No.7036430
File: 276 KB, 870x790, 1494624514861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally made it onto a tier list.
I'm so happy. Thank you for tolerating my pregnant women art

>> No.7036483

Comment with more substance.
I have no comments, will you skip me or test me?

>> No.7036525

Are the dad jannies artists?

>> No.7036539

Keep up the good work; you got this!

>> No.7036541
File: 370 KB, 927x716, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing it right

>> No.7036611

My exact reaction when I whiff buster

>> No.7036635

Can someone repost link for making tierlists
i either blind or it is vanished

>> No.7036647
File: 138 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what I was thinking, lol

>> No.7036653

it was in the last thread

>> No.7036667

Yeah. The anon who made the list liked my art, and that's all that matters.

>> No.7036716

wow thanks for the compliment. I'm a brother tho

>> No.7036720
File: 1.37 MB, 1040x1141, dad tl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036729
File: 28 KB, 400x400, IMG_3755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goofy list.

>> No.7036745

damn, bro, that hurts.
btw, what was your criteria for placements?

>> No.7036767

technical skill and execution
basically something like:
overall skill
skill in drawing in style/subject they do draw
for example if there is someone that do finished pieces but they are lacking skill i will put them lower than a person drawing mannequins with high skill and confidence

>> No.7036788

ngl I'm getting a little concerned about dad art literacy

>> No.7036796

same anon?
Post your tier list and bless everyone with your knowledge.

>> No.7036801

Gamer Tip, to beat sameposting allegations, use the "Inspect Element" to remove the "(You)" on the posts used as "evidence" before taking a screenshot!

>> No.7036804

Every tier list is worse than the last, maybe most people are low beg and don't know it.

>> No.7036819

not the same person but why would it matter if it was? and why would I take the time to try to provide or falsify evidence? lol. I don't really care that much just making an observation

>> No.7036823

Rest in pieces Mr.Gop

>> No.7036831

Now that we've got a few tierlists let's move on :)

>> No.7036842

whoever has the gamecube, good on you

>> No.7036876

I legit learned a bunch of terms in the past few days ngl
-form (3d), shape 2d
I thought I had a decent grasp on the terms and ideas behind it because I glanced over the stuff in an artbook
Now we're doing academia after the ratings dropped which is cool but I think its a lot better to just draw and pick this stuff up along the way instead of buckbreaking the server begs with it
Cultivate a fun environment and the knowledge will come by itself
Its just important to DRAW

>> No.7036880
File: 570 KB, 954x947, sbadabarababang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036922
File: 67 KB, 456x855, 1700585931273973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this accurate?

>> No.7036928


>> No.7036930
File: 35 KB, 489x499, IMG_2449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I can finally leave /dad/
Later virgins

>> No.7036940

Aw, I had a chance at being rated higher on that list. :(
I think it would be fine if you cut out the "don't interact with". Some people are just quiet. If they really hated comments they could just close it.
From 8 to 0. You made it but then will fall off as soon as you leave.

>> No.7036984
File: 103 KB, 630x1045, Screenshot 2024-01-29 214829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7037027
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 1653936387734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biz lower than ulala by two tiers

>> No.7037052

No, because it implies that art is only "commercializable" once one has reached mastery, which is so clearly incorrect that it feels like it need not be said.
If you ask me, 7 should be "mastery" or something close to it and it should be the highest rank. /ic/ has no place trying to tell others what's "commercializable" and even masterful work can be faulted in very subtle ways.

>> No.7037055

I think there should be a rank 9, 10, and above but they're so much higher that no one even considers themselves close to it

>> No.7037078

>anons consistently put me in low /int/
I am quite happy actually.

>> No.7037140

yeah i think whether or not you make money from your art should not be included as an indication of skill

>> No.7037250

>a brother
Well, your art style has that mentally illed tumblr tranny flare to it.

>> No.7037258
File: 811 KB, 1344x2268, dadHeads_012924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I made it into a tier list :'^). Am I someone who has skill but doesn't make a lot of pieces, or someone who makes a lot of pieces but lacks certain skills?

mid-/beg/... it's over.....

>> No.7037283

tierlist made by begs belong in the trash

>> No.7037298

show me yours oh omnipresent authoriry figure!

>> No.7037473

Thank you. That's pretty much my crowd. It's mostly men that draw the same stuff as me tb h

>> No.7037489

You will never be a man! fucking tranny lover.

>> No.7037502 [DELETED] 

>That's pretty much my crowd.
Based. Good to know there are other trans people on DAD

>> No.7037524

i love a bunch of other stuff too. I got some bara furry boys on the timeline yknow

>> No.7037543

you spelled authority wrong you prebeg

>> No.7037551

Show me yours oh omnipresent authority figure. Where's the list?

>> No.7037554
File: 645 KB, 1290x2045, Protagonist Concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see a place to park, so fuck it. Here's what I drew today on my phone with my finger. Protagonist for a concept I can describe as Escape From New York meets Final Fantasy VII. Character's stuck in a gigantic prison city-state three times the size a New York, built in a decades-old crater from a big meteorite.

>> No.7037682

Give him a big hooked nose that cuts through the silhouette of his cheek and call him The Jewker.

>> No.7037716
File: 146 KB, 609x1117, 1.30.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7037794
File: 50 KB, 257x258, Screenshot_20240130-135618_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone you tiered low INT, I need to know how serious this list is supposed to be, because I have no confidence that, as I am now, I belong anywhere outside /beg whatsoever.

If it is a serious list, could you tell me what area I should focus on improving first? I can more or less identify what I lack, which is quite a few things, but I'm abysmal at choosing what to prioritize and then stick with that, since I'm uncertain if I prioritized and studied correctly. I am the user in picrel

>> No.7037801

If you can't make money from your art, then it DOES indicate that you suck mad balls, nigga.

She looks like her coat made out of 100 dalmatians is in laundry.

>> No.7037803

>I need to know how serious this list is supposed to be, because I have no confidence that, as I am now, I belong anywhere outside /beg whatsoever.
Hopefully new tier tourney will happen on schedule and it will make everything clear :)

>> No.7037842

I can't wait to be judged by tableguy, counterfella and deskdude!

>> No.7037902

Don’t forget barboy and worktoplad

>> No.7037966
File: 1.08 MB, 1253x1316, 1697668208453950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to sekx was a complete injustice and it really blackpilled me on how much of a circlejerk DAD is behind the scenes.

>> No.7038014

too bad they threw an autistic fit

>> No.7038017

You took those silly tier list way too seriously mate and please don't ask /ic/ for learning direction.

>> No.7038033


Her palette could change, but I wanted to make her coat somethin loud.

>> No.7038059

> You took those silly tier list way too seriously mate

Since I asked if the list is serious or not, I don't think I took it too serious.

>and please don't ask /ic/ for learning direction

I have had some decent advice from /ic before, though I agree, the users who pyw whose advice can be judged by their work are few and far inbetween.

>> No.7038067

>it really blackpilled me on how much of a circlejerk DAD is behind the scenes.
What happened? New DAD user here who's only been using the website but not Discord

>> No.7038073

Someone set him up. Sekx was going to perform a Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at the Talent Show but someone changed the words to B.O.B by Outkast. He was doing really well at first but 3-Stacks's lyrical flow and rapid-fire rhymes ended up messing him up. He hasn't been able to live this one down, unfortunately

>> No.7038101

Sekx spent like a week on a piece that was supposed to be scored during a big tourney only to have Dingleburied give his judge creds to the most unserious and unhinged user, Tableguy. The admin did practically nothing and just accepted Dingle's excuse of "I had work bro". A lot of dads sided with the offenders because Sekx got mad, and because it's a circlejerk.

>> No.7038102

DAD runs a tourney where they grab volunteers for judges and people participate and get judged, and later, tiered.
In 2023 tourney, it was found out that one of the judges was having tableguy ghostwrite the judge scores (while he was participating in it himself).
One of the participants got understandably heated over this, on top of it tableguy basically won everything in the scorings.

That's the gist of it. You can interpret that in bad faith and say that the DADcord is in cahoots to give each other better results because of that. The reality is that there were way too few judge volunteers, the judge got a gig with working with a proper publication that would become a priority over the tier tourney, and ultimately the tourney itself isn't high stakes for many people so they didn't even think twice about circumventing the judge rules like that. None of this excuses the behaviour of the judge and trying to be sneaky about it though, he didn't even see fit to comment on sekx rant over it and properly apologize, shamefur dispray

>> No.7038130

Thanks, now I understand all the Tableguy talk across the board. Whole situation seems fucked. I might just stay on the DAD site and avoid Discord then

Most reasonable answer. Poor Sekx.

>> No.7038136

You all rank me low because you fear my potential. I will become undeniably the best.

>> No.7038144

stay motivated, keep your ear to the floor, and you just might go places, kid. ad astra, and whatnot.

>> No.7038155
File: 644 KB, 668x946, ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic dragons!! :D

>> No.7038177

This sekx dude sounds like he got bamboozled and buttblasted and there is probably more to this story
A proper man takes his defeats graciously and learns the tricks that lead to his failure instead of seething about it

>> No.7038203

The reason more people didin't side with sekx is because he acted like a sperg and started hurling insults.

>> No.7038238
File: 609 KB, 1328x933, tear list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7038421
File: 33 KB, 373x148, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7038422
File: 117 KB, 549x246, adios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7038423

>In 2023 tourney, it was found out that one of the judges was having tableguy ghostwrite the judge scores (while he was participating in it himself).
>None of this excuses the behaviour of the judge and trying to be sneaky about it though
I didn't try to hide it at all.
>he didn't even see fit to comment on sekx rant over it and properly apologize
In his submission description? I didn't want to fan the flames. I did mess up, I definitely should have at least consulted the other judges/banana before just going ahead and submitting tg's crits and I am sorry about it.

>> No.7038451

These tierlists are suck-ass. Goodbye /DAD/ thread.

>> No.7038456

Hey guys new here! When do I get ability to change my icon?

>> No.7038523

t. took emotional damage

>> No.7038526

> check out sekx
> turd-polishing a touhou picture for over a month
Tableguy is right.

>> No.7038528

be like >>7038136. let the hate flow through you and propel you to /pro/ tier.

>> No.7038530
File: 44 KB, 978x640, 1700802767006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touhou and whatever you wanna call what tableguy draws are both cringe, but if I had to choose, I'd take the former any day of the week.

>> No.7038540

I have no problem with touhou, but the "turd-polishing a fucking picture for over a month" part. That's very NGMI way to progress imo.

>> No.7038563

You mean two months, pretty sure he started in november

>> No.7038604

I really do not understand those people. What cana they learn from doing that shit? You have to draw at least 10 sketches a day to see meaningful progress.

>> No.7038657

What are the benefits of joining DAD rather than making art in isolation?

>> No.7038665

You have something outside of yourself keeping you accountable. I probably would have quit already if I didn't have to submit something everyday

>> No.7038675

The challenges are fun and can sometimes push you to draw something new and learn something (though I admit there aren’t as many fun ones these days)

>> No.7038692

Accountable buddies and camaraderie. Boost my productivity.

>> No.7038703


>> No.7038711

Get fucked by a tier list.
He's just a rendering monkey.

>> No.7038716

>"Get fucked by a tier list"
>assuming I haven't been already

>> No.7038719
File: 3.89 MB, 4624x3468, 20240130_204323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn anything in literally years but Ive decided to (try to) start making these quick ink doodles everyday. My attention span when it comes to art is short - I attempted to get back into painting but couldnt stick with it. I think this format will work because I can quickly get something onto a page before I lose interest the next day.

>> No.7038737

do you check how ex-dads are doing?
i looked up kaz and she looks to be fine and still does art
happy to see that since she encouraged my /beg/ ass

>> No.7038812
File: 33 KB, 640x464, protogen03_lowres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of my drawing? i think i still want to manually clean up some of the dithering a bit. and i ran out of ideas for little buttons to add to the UI. OH WAIT and it still says Lorem Ipsum god dammit

>> No.7038823

you're obviously quite skilled but you're also a furry, so in thinking about you I want to inflict great harm upon you. take that for what it's worth.

>> No.7038864

I think it's dope. Love the early Y2K Microsoft influence/attention to detail.

>> No.7038898

Ha yes I am on the chart :3 its like tom hanks rustling my hair. thank you

>> No.7038917

Sekx's tier list

>> No.7038925
File: 2.72 MB, 4080x3060, 1706043454926543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His tier list is whack
Even after a good look at this masterpiece of mjne he dares say I'm low beg

>> No.7038926

tier lists are detrimental to the community spirit.

>> No.7038928

Tier lists will continue until morale improves

>> No.7038961
File: 288 KB, 1151x2048, 1691417438090256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far Urazi, Winrar, and Sekx have posted transparently. I commend them for that, but I really don't like any of their art. They all have very weak fundamentals, and Winrar is an actual retarded kid, so...

>> No.7039023

>t. has only loomis heads and no finished pieces in his gallery

>> No.7039027

There are none.
With AI around the corner, ready to overtake art jobs, it doesn't make sense to take drawing seriously.
Art should be made and enjoyed for the sake of itself, not because you're trying to maintain the streak, to chase likes/comments, to beat your art rival or even to improve.

>> No.7039030

Cope more howie nodraw

>> No.7039039

Where do I find 1000 figures to draw

>> No.7039049
File: 346 KB, 1565x1800, figgies 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Sekx overreacted about it.
Dingle / Table should have been straight forward about the second crit though.

Don't listen to the board, check the discord for a week then leave if you don't like it.
People seething about it are not in it

Very nice shape and dynamics!
Is it part of a bigger piece ?

Well done getting back anon!
keep it up it's fun.

I didn't dare tell you about the lorem ipsum on the site yesterday kek.
Really lovely nostalgia piece.

Are my fundamentals that bad ?
Damn I guess I really have to grind some figure and keep working on that Scott Eaton’s anatomy course ...

Eithher download pack on the net ( buy them or CGpeers) if not the youtube channel " ges draw draw party" give you 20 min video with around 20 figures each week (they have 150 video).

>> No.7039053

Have fun progress at snail pace with 5-6 deviantart tier "finished pieces" per year. LMAO.

>> No.7039058

wanted to start submitting to dad again but the meat riding is a huge turn off

>> No.7039063

Exhibit A, what excessive social media consumption (and that includes DAD) does to a person: >>7039030
Notice how it communicates with meaningless buzzwords and memes. It doesn't try to convey any intelligent thought, just expresses it's feelings when encountering an idea it disagrees with. I'm not sure if there is a cure for brain rot this advanced. Don't join DAD and severely limit your internet consumption in general, or it could be you.

>> No.7039088

>Eithher download pack on the net ( buy them or CGpeers) if not the youtube channel " ges draw draw party" give you 20 min video with around 20 figures each week (they have 150 video).
I'll do with that youtube channel thanks
I've never done figure copies digitally before and just realized I'm fucking horrendous at it, either it's really hard to do digitally or I'm way worse than I thought

>> No.7039090

Pro tip: draw the other figures that have already been posted in the challenge.

Look here are 12 that have already been selected >>7039049

>> No.7039116

Baby couldn't draw for 15 days to join do art daily? Cry me a river haha

>> No.7039155

nope just a drawing for my roommate, lately i don't feel the confidence to start larger projects :^(

>> No.7039199

the problem I see is that the playing field on DAD is so vast that it's hard to accurately rank even a small pool of maybe the most active users if you're not willing to spend hours in their submissions to get a good grasp of how good they actually are
it also becomes a problem that you have to rank artists against each other at some point to keep the balance
also, what exactly are you ranking? are we talking ALL fundamentals including perspective drawing, rendering, understanding of values, light and form, anatomical knowledge? how would you rank painter-dads against dads who only draw character sketches? what's with personal style, which is a skill in it's own right
this whole idea of ranking each other in a tier list is completely absurd, it's closer to a "who's the hottest person in class" list, it's mostly meaningless ... plus, as others have said, we're all gay artist types and get upset when we're skipped or put into lower tiers, which is the exact fucking opposite of what the list should be
tier lists are a fucking beg trap

>> No.7039203

Define "art literacy"

>> No.7039211

Been on DAD thread for a week now, It's so refreshing to read such a wise and well articulated post. Drawers and painters are two diffrent breed. Some DADs exclusively paint other just sketch. It's like comparing orannge and apple.
Good painter, meh drawer/penciller

>> No.7039215

Also posting DAD tier list /n ew year resolution as the submission of the day is extremely cringe. You should take it down Mr. Sekx

>> No.7039263

Sigh. Seems like you're really too stupid to have a reasonable discussion with. I could explain how ridiculous it is to make assumptions you're making, but you wouldn't understand it any way.

>> No.7039275
File: 111 KB, 673x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting tier list as submission of the day
What are you on about?

>> No.7039308

>ranking each other in a tier list is completely absurd
>it's mostly meaningless
yeah but it's fun

>> No.7039318

Please add in a setting that automatically tags your submissions as Explicit

>> No.7039320

I mean in general. A lot of DADs did that with the resolution challenge. Just take the tier list down and post it here on 4chun.

>> No.7039323
File: 406 KB, 1484x652, DAd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7039325

>the one guy with the grappler character profile picture is not in grappler
what did he mean by this

>> No.7039327

Yeah I follow a few of them too and most are still posting regularly, wish I knew where wasabi, Almond, and Oran went

>> No.7039331

>take the tier list down and post it here on 4chun
I like the idea of DADs posting their tierlists on the site. Makes for a nice way to check progression of posters on the site without having to dig through the archives.

>> No.7039332
File: 565 KB, 712x845, ggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going hardmode for today's submission lesgo

>> No.7039350

Dad's that posted their tierlists on their dad accounts are based.
It takes balls to say to half of users that they're basically awful when you're not anonymous.

>> No.7039395

People will hate you for it. It's like going to work and bring a fucking chart ranking your co-workers. I think that people who make serious tier list are very haughty.
Shut up monkey!

>> No.7039400 [DELETED] 

>hating someone the moment they critique/rank your work
Kek. Maybe that anon on the previous thread was right. DAD might just be full of pussies ass faggots after all.

>> No.7039405

>hating someone the moment they critique/rank your work
Kek. Maybe that anon on the previous thread was right. DAD might just be full of pussy ass faggots after all.

>> No.7039414

not that anon and it seems like he's mad beyond what's reasonable but properly critiquing someones work and just throwing them in a tierlist are two things entirely

>> No.7039419

>pussy ass faggots
Said the pussy talk mad shit behind people back anonymously.

>> No.7039428

I was thinking about making a tier list with me at the top and everyone else at the bottom but thought that would be too Chuunibyou.

>> No.7039434

Yeah, I agree. That doesn't devalue the fact though that tierlists are still helpful in getting external feedback about your work.
Giving proper critique is daunting work and I'd reckon most DADs would rather not spend their time giving detailed critiques every single active users on the site. I'm saying this because people who need feedback the most are go mostly unnoticed because their work isn't deemed interesting enough.
>WAAAAAH!!! Somebody said my 30 minute scribbles aren't A-tier!

>> No.7039450

You are just a prebeg. How can you judge people who are better than you monkey?
Tier list are just power fantasy for the weak and untalented like yourself.

>> No.7039455
File: 802 KB, 1000x4192, dad013024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU I think your figure drawing skills (including Gesture, Construction, and Anatomy), are the big things lacking in your fundamentals right now. Looking at your finished pieces you have a good grasp of perspective, lighting, colors, etc., but it's just your figures that stand out as lacking. So the 1000 Figures challenge would be perfect for you to focus on IMO

I agree (and not just because I got called low-int and mid-beg!!) Tho I think there's still value in it like >>7039434 says, but we really shouldn't take the tierlists so seriously. It's all just for fun guys!!

>> No.7039458

I'm sorry everyone, you can tell I'm new to 4chan because the DESU and BAKA filters keep getting me

>> No.7039467

You're that retard that tried to crab on a /dad/ that became a mangaka and you got banned from /dad/ recently? I'll tell you what I told you the last time
You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.7039473

>pixelated his sketches
Grow a pair buddy.

>> No.7039476

(To be honest) filters into desu, (senpai)ily filters into senpia ect. ect.

>> No.7039480

onions cuck

>> No.7039488

I can understand pixelating your stuff if you're making something that isn't yet finished and you want to surprise someone who could otherwise see your work if you uploaded it normally, but besides that I don't think pixelating your stuff is helpful. if you have anxiety about people seeing your "shitty" art (and maybe it is shitty maybe it isn't), the best thing you could do to get over that is show people your shitty art. even if someone critiques your stuff - though they most likely won't - if you persist you will realize that it's not the end of the world: you showed it to someone, they critiqued/criticized it, and yet you live another day intact. we really should stop pussifying ourselves.

>> No.7039492


>> No.7039496 [DELETED] 

some of us are under NDA or something similiar

>> No.7039500

some of us are under NDA or something similiar also could be loli

>> No.7039501

>under NDA
that's fair
>could be loli
millstone around the neck

>> No.7039504

Kek, it's amusing watching you going full attack mode at the slightest suggestion that someone who's lower than you is ranking your work.
DW, you can literally just ignore the tier list if it's by someone who's opinion you don't value, anon.
Sounds to me that you're just someone who has an incredibly fragile ego. I'll leave you be with your precious little baby scribbles, just tell me which user you are.

>> No.7039513

>even more baseless accusations and attempts to paint me in a negative light, just because I have an opinion you disagree with
Thank you for proving my point I suppose. Hopefully Anon from >>7038657 is still around so he could witness your behavior and make a more informed decision.

>> No.7039517

Interesting. We had many tierlists in the past, but nobody was seething other them that hard.

Probably some new, autistic kid joined. Sad.

>> No.7039520
File: 1.39 MB, 260x454, 1702156474777664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank me higher than my dad crush one more time, fucker, and see what happens.

>> No.7039522
File: 1.05 MB, 706x847, ujvhjfhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y all this flame and no workposting ??? is it a usual thing or what

>> No.7039579


It's just blurred because it's from a student film I'm helping with.

A lot of film festivals will disqualify a film if it's available online, so student films usually keep everything offline to be safe. I'm technically not NDA'd, but we're expected to act like we are.

Granted, the chances of a film getting disqualified because of a 4chan or DAD post are zero, so it's more about saving face on the off-chance that the director finds my DAD account.

>> No.7039610
File: 141 KB, 1075x1327, 1.31.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7039624

I just want the top comment responders tierlist, because i'm a pro at that!

>> No.7039633
File: 1.60 MB, 795x952, RED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.7039634

I like this list haha

>> No.7039670
File: 277 KB, 1260x1800, Kenneth and the cat WIP 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens, keep it up anon.
Your lines are pretty good.

Urgh I signed to it but I didn't intend to actually finish it....
Sigh my lack of studying is finally catching up. I'll grind figures then I have more time so I can manage to squeeze 30 minutes of it daily minimum.
yours are really nice :D
Animators are good with finding quick lines from what I see from a lot of them.

It sadly is, people mostly come here to talk as they already posted on the website.
Let's all pray the blood bird for more art to come!

Keep going anon, for figure I recommand model with no clothe or few of them so you can focus on the basic shape and not loose time on folds or small objects.

>> No.7039689

plz fix all the tangents

>> No.7039715

This is a very intelligent post. Tierlists should just be goofy fun at the most but people always end up taking them too seriously.
Being told you’re good or bad doesn’t really give you a sense of what your strengths are and what you need improvement in. Doing crit/feedback sessions like an art class would be more useful. It’s a lot more useful for a person to hear “you have good gestures but you should work on making your forms more solid” than “you’re a C tier.” But that takes a lot of time and effort.

>> No.7039729
File: 761 KB, 1400x2000, NewCanvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been here for long, but I feel like I haven't seen a lot of workposting and mostly just banter

>> No.7039738

I'm sorry anon, but when I've said I'll make that tierlist, it was a ruse. I wanted dad to finally respond to my comments under the threat of being low on that tierlist. It worked! :D But I also lost all interest in making that tierlist.
Perhaps someone else will make it; would be interesting.

>It’s a lot more useful for a person to hear “you have good gestures but you should work on making your forms more solid” than “you’re a C tier.”
Maybe it's just me, but being rated as C tier, even without a comment, when I thought I'm at the bottom of the barrel was incredibly motivating. Dads that I was looking up to seemed within my grasp. Knowing that someone actually kinda liked my art and that there are many worse artists really helped me with gaining confidence I needed to keep on pushing towards the A tier I am now.

>> No.7039742

The tierlists have always brought out the worst of us

>> No.7039745

>Being told you’re good or bad doesn’t really give you a sense of what your strengths are and what you need improvement in
That's why you need to look at people one tier below and above you. If tierlist is good, then those comparisons should be enough for an average IQ dad to figure out what he needs to work on.

>> No.7039760

Turned out great! Thank you for sharing so many parts of it in progress, amazing to see how it started and what changed. The halos are a nice touch

>> No.7039765

Starting to get the impression that everyone thinks everyone else takes the tier lists too seriously when in reality none of us actually take them that seriously at all lol

>> No.7039786
File: 670 KB, 511x566, crux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inewfag here, didn't you rhink of some soirt of point system where you rank single aspects of an an artist, like draftsmanship, color, compositio...

also my gf's PC only has tableguy desktopsl can this be art cuckolding

sorry for skizo writing, i'm kmowrking on a special occasioj on this crucifixion niceniciencei

>> No.7039794

Spoken like a true pre-beg lol

>> No.7039807

its because we all post on the website linked in the OP. this thread is for shitposting. the only people who post work are avatarfagging attention whores

>> No.7039811

Where ?
Only one I see is the botom of the window and the wall

>> No.7039813

sounds about right, I know I am thank you for the delicious (You) HEH

>> No.7039883

As I hoped, the tier lists gave me motivation to rank higher the next time they're posted in some months. I'm tiermaxxing; you can't stop me.

>> No.7039888

Beg to int in 1 year lets fucking goooo

>> No.7039898

I was very unsure of myself. That is now fixed. I want to thank the /DAD/ community for helping me understand my abilities by placing me at the bottom of every tier list.

>> No.7039911

Np Bernd its our pleasure

>> No.7040116

Yes, Potemkin is know for his rushdown potential, you silly

>> No.7040129

I was very unsure of myself. That is now fixed. I want to thank the /DAD/ community for helping me understand my abilities by placing me at the top of every tier list.

>> No.7040147

i was pretty confident of myself. That is now fixed. I want to thank the /DAD/ community for helping me understand my abilities by placing me at the high /int/ of every tier list.

>> No.7040313

I had an ambivalent opinion of myself. That hasn't changed. I would like to not thank the /DAD/ community for confusing me about my abilities by placing me at random in every tier list.

>> No.7040396

I would like to thank the /DAD/ community for their perpetual staffing of fast food places around the globe. Yes, I would like fries with that order.

>> No.7040411
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>> No.7040484

cute. you should post on the website!

>> No.7040517
File: 747 KB, 3000x1688, IMG_20240201_060921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it!

I hope i will have time to finish this and make it look good. I have day work after all, also we beginning repairs on unit 6 so im gonna be dead after work.
Several medium images that makes one big image. Different stuff on each one. All watercolor.

>> No.7040566
File: 639 KB, 904x549, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can have a tldr on this DAD?

>> No.7040685
File: 315 KB, 922x1304, dad013124_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick bird, I love it

good luck, Urazi, you got this!! And thank you!

Interesting political commentary on the Russian-Ukraine situation.

>> No.7040781

He's studying color, obviously.

>> No.7040803

my man just keeping his head down, makin gains

>> No.7040814

Holy shit. Names?

>> No.7040832

mind your fucking business man

>> No.7040925

He is more like Sami Ways on Artstation, or Pawell on /beg/

>> No.7040980

>Googles Sami Ways

Wtf is up with this guy? Is he trolling or is he another Chris Chan?

>> No.7041023


>> No.7041243
File: 173 KB, 1171x1168, 2.1.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New month, new you lads. Hope its a good one.

>> No.7041286

Let's go anon! February is here.

>> No.7041344

head looks too small in comparison with the torso

>> No.7041357

> follower list is full of big name pros
He does it for the LOLZ, and artstation pros follow him as an in joke. Also he might have severe autism.

>> No.7041364

It's a little intentional because I want the jacket to feel huge but I probably overdid it.

>> No.7041461

Strive to be like this ojisan who responds to every single comment on each of his videos

>> No.7041478

Cute of you assume everyone get comments

>> No.7041563

There are a few people I will never respond to, because I secretly hate them.

>> No.7041571
File: 284 KB, 1260x1800, Kenneth and the cat WIP 3 V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress of the day
I hope I got rid of most of the tangent anon >>7039689

>> No.7041770

i want to be that cat

>> No.7041774
File: 713 KB, 1043x731, fazzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for today i'll just chill and just make some faces in the afternoon haha
>2 hours in

very nice and pattable cate

>> No.7041775

i want to be that nail

>> No.7041779

I want to be

>> No.7041954

Outstanding faces. They're fucked and I love them

>> No.7042204

where are the new features
why arent the bugs fixed

>> No.7042222

you sound like an entitled fuck. drop down and give me 20 figure drawings, maggot.

>> No.7042276
File: 1.21 MB, 954x956, dudes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't finish it feelsbad

>> No.7042387
File: 84 KB, 605x351, gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042390

it hurts, i was using a new app to do an alarm and it didn't go off

>> No.7042394

You were almost a page 1er too. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.7042395

I'll just get back; I should focus on higher effort submits this time around...

>> No.7042396

I wonder how many streaks could've been saved had people simply dedicated 30 minutes as soon as the next deadline rolls over or early in their morning of their deadline day (assuming these two times don't converge). o mores, o tempora.

>> No.7042434

Wow, if dads had just drawn, they could have saved their streaks.

>> No.7042464

idk why you have to be condescending. but anyways, I'm specifically talking about /dad/s who did draw but waited until the last minute to do so and/or to upload - not drawing per se.

>> No.7042465

Drawing doesn't save a streak, submitting does.

>> No.7042479

Ur mad

>> No.7042487

based on?

>> No.7042492


>> No.7042612
File: 38 KB, 540x360, One month's worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is anonymous so I'll tell you what you need to hear.
I'm on page one, and anyone else who's number 1 in their field gets to be number 1 because they make it IMPOSSIBLE to fail by breaking rules..
So whether you have to take steroids, or steal the teacher's answer sheet, or even lie to win a court case, YOU HAVE TO be willing to break ethical codes to get ahead of everyone.

I know several other one pagers who have a month's work of work in advance for emergency cases. Those great streak that were lost recently happened because they're playing nice and think everyone else is as well, But they're playing a game where honest people lose and dishonest people win. Advice to everyone who's new: have at least 3 backup drawings and you will be on page one with me some day.

>> No.7042618

nigga i literally don't care i just draw
t.lost 200+ streak 2 times already

>> No.7042623
File: 43 KB, 564x360, Next week's work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is 100% right.

Don't think of drawing, think of submitting. I already have next week's worth of submissions done so I can take a vacation.
Remember, think of submitting, not drawing, and you'll be on page one like us one day.

>> No.7042633
File: 24 KB, 268x268, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042634

it's literally 30 minutes (at least) a day. no one is so bereft of time that they can't find 30 minutes every day to draw. I honestly don't care whether other people are honest with themselves or not - it's their own ability, goals, and integrity that they're neglecting at the end of the day - but 30 minutes a day is easy sauce.

>> No.7042637

I have 50+ in reserve just in case. Adult responsibilities and unexpected accidents.
Just think of it as delay posting :)

>> No.7042639

imagine caring so much about some digits on random website with 10 posters

>> No.7042641

image caring so much about what people say about a random website with 10 posters that you feel the need to interact with them directly

>> No.7042646

Cry more bitch!
I just like looking at big numbers.

>> No.7042647

I know right? bitch just being salty for losing xir one digit streak LOL.

>> No.7042650

That's the ideal. How many streaks died because of unexpected accidents like >>7042637 said? Gotagitgud had a power outage and lost his streak, but he was also honest, and because of his honesty God betrayed him. Don't rely on time, don't rely on technology. ONLY rely on yourself! When YOU determine what gets done, then nothing else can go against you. I'm number one for a reason.

>> No.7042656

>You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>> No.7042671

>How many streaks died because of unexpected accidents
genuine accidents - say, your laptop going to shit with no other available means of uploading - I would guess, are much, much more rare than simple laziness and/or poor scheduling.
>Gotagitgud had a power outage and lost his streak
I don't know their exact circumstances, but in such a case you might wanna ask the point at which their power outage occurred, whether they had access to any other electronics, whether they had access to any trad materials, etc. again, I'm not speaking on Gotagitgud specifically, but even in circumstances where those things happen it's not necessarily true that there aren't other things people could have done to avoid losing their streak. otherwise, oh well, you got dealt a wrong hand. time to start from "square one."

>> No.7042674

>he post cringe line from vydia gaem
>he live his life based on some tweet
>he do the passive aggressive no (You) reply
LOL. You have to draw to have something to post in the first place. Imagine taking your parents to the hospital, imagine a power outage killing your streak etc.

>> No.7042675

I like where my skill is at right now. Time mangement is what I'm lacking. If I can make up for that flaw by cheating then I'm not losing anything, all I'm doing is gaining.
That way I can have both my skill AND a streak people admire. You're CHOOSING to be at the bottom. I'm choosing to be at the top. Tha'ts the difference between you and me.

>> No.7042686

nsix said he would destroy the site if he loses his streak. It's not healthy to be a pagg1'er

>> No.7042689

>oh no the gay furry lost his streak, whatever shall we do!?

>> No.7042696

He lost power last minute. Yeah, it's foolish to post last minute for reasons like this. But when you have a streak like he did you NEVER want to say, "Oh well, back to square one", that's the whole point. And why he should've taken my advice pulled out the reserve art hidden in his sfur folder one hour in advance.
You KNOW gotagitgud is thinking everyday that he should be the literal number one but isn't anymore. Loss is something you don't recover from.

>> No.7042711

>Yeah, it's foolish to post last minute for reasons like this.
just to reiterate, I don't care whether people ultimately cheat themselves (I just think this is an interesting topic), so I don't mean to be a dick here, but once you acknowledge he was stupid for waiting the last minute to post, that seems like it should be the end of the conversation. it's his fault, plain and simple.
>Loss is something you don't recover from
for most people probably not. I'm not a page 1er, but I have a decent streak atm, and if I were to lose it perhaps I would be demotivated to continue. but perhaps not. and I think there are others (maybe who are currently on /dad/, maybe not) who would take the opportunity to grow and be more dilligent with their drawing and uploading habits going forward. I just think people have more agency here than is being led on.

>> No.7042749

Quality over quantity. Forget the interval, transcend the number. The streak is what matters.

Weekly chads rise up.

>> No.7042920

>month's work of work in advance
literally just draw daily
t. #2

>> No.7042947

I think agency is good if you're a filthy 2nd pager and below (disgusting sinful people).
But when you're in the glory of page one, you realize just how PERFECT your score is, and how IMPERFECT your agency is as a human being.

How can an imperfect human maintain something perfect? They can't. So if Gotagitgud fucked up, it's not simply because his agency was imperfect, but rather because the universe determined his agency would be imperfect and thus the universe it to blame, not him.
Now, we can push the idea that he still could have done something to succeed in perpetuity, but at that point we're describing the perfect human, which we are not, so this argument doesn't work.

That's why at page one, "agency" is not the issue, these are peak humans, rather it is humans natural imperfection that's the issue, and to remediate that you NEED TO CHEAT! It's IRRESPONSIBLE TO NOT CHEAT WHEN YOU"RE ON PAGE ONE!

If you don't make up for your natural human weaknesses by cheating you're killing the perfection of your streak, so non-cheaters are murderers and the worst of human kind.

>> No.7042955

literally just post right after the turnover and it becomes impossible to get eliminated
I've had days when my tablet wasn't working or my internet was down but I still stayed in because I had submitted before going to sleep like always

>> No.7042967

>1 minute into turn over
>DAD user posts a 30 minute work for the day

kys. Suffer with the rest of us.

>> No.7042972

I can't draw when I'm tripping. Sometimes it's just not possible so there's a need to use pre-made drawings.

>> No.7042977

Valentine's day? More like Valentine's Gay!

>> No.7042980


Same guy. Don't ask me how I know. You know I know. I know you know.

>> No.7042982

oops, meant. >>7042920 >>7042618

why are you writing random t.'s

>> No.7042983

not how it works baka

>> No.7042984

dad's streak system is kind of an autist trap

>> No.7043021
File: 24 KB, 612x383, done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're long past the point of talking. Jump.

>> No.7043034

fastest dad thread in a while. are we entering into a golden age...?!?!

>> No.7043035
File: 283 KB, 900x1093, forza and 2330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah thats always been a thing, look at the archive or at pic rel
posting immediately after the turnover puts you in team forza, on the left
posting just before the deadline makes you 2330 crew, on the right
if you post whenever you want then you're a freeman

>> No.7043037
File: 33 KB, 1805x152, Super sus reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supersus got taken care of.
His streak has been adjusted, if you spot any DAD with a submission clearly under 30 minutes please send a message to Banana or Guespierre.
Or say it here maybe I'll see it again and report it.

>> No.7043050

Imagine how good you could be at Art if you took it this seriously.

>> No.7043059

no namedropping but what the fuck that dad drawing jesus

>> No.7043060
File: 80 KB, 485x363, You chose this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But judge! That's always been a thing!!!

Get in line mf, you knew what the rules were.

>> No.7043063

That's pretty merciful considering a few posts down he has one with 2 blocks. lol.

>> No.7043068

Damn, supersus has no "anonymous can comment" submissions so can't point and laugh.

>> No.7043074

Is a machop considered shota? I don't want to be canceled on X.

>> No.7043081

>that dad drawing jesus
Not a single DAD drew Jesus yesterday. What a fucking retard.

>> No.7043091

The age-old adage, "If you have to ask, it's risky" rings true even in the most challenging of times

>> No.7043096

I don't care about the streak I will break it when I go on vacation
By the way I don't even check other people's artworks I just use the dad as a motivation to post daily, which I assumed that was the purpose but apparently it's just a glorified /soc/ platform?

>> No.7043100

I do this because I work past midnight but the turnover time for me is at 1am, so I just consider it the new day already for me
Either way you can't make multiple submissions and I keep drawing daily so nothing changes

>> No.7043150

I refuse to snitch.

>> No.7043212

J finally came back from buying smokes...

>> No.7043240


>> No.7043241

Post a lv. 100 one, you should be fine.

>> No.7043249

It was either supersus himself or some other cheater. You did fine for posting about him.

>> No.7043250

:) I did good?

>> No.7043263

Amazing news, thanks for letting me know - I almost missed him! :D
I hope that now, when he's back, he'll join the tourney and show that desktopbuddy how a real champion of the tourney draws

>> No.7043269

I guess I just enjoy the piece myself.

>> No.7043283

>Now, we can push the idea that he still could have done something to succeed in perpetuity, but at that point we're describing the perfect human, which we are not, so this argument doesn't work
the point is that you can be better, not perfect. Gota could've drawn and uploaded sooner, like plenty of other dads regularly do.

>> No.7043287
File: 244 KB, 1458x1321, 2.2.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying shading techniques

>> No.7043295

just do it onymously like a non-pussy

>> No.7043327

> that dad drawing jesus
> other cheaters
Imagine being this spibeless

>> No.7043352

You could post in /lsg/

>> No.7043369

Maybe he's saying someone drew Jesus as a joke about the unholy state of the website. Something about trying to make one of us say "I can't find Jesus on the DAD website"

>> No.7043382

I did drew a jacked up Jesus carrying a cross 2 years ago. Is he talking about me?

>> No.7043394

Jesus is love. Jesus is life.

>> No.7043467
File: 255 KB, 908x1180, faceprogress2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total novice here. Starting with tracing and using Bezier curves in Inkscape. Want to make cute faces and stuff but simple, nothing flashy.

>> No.7043469
File: 576 KB, 4000x4000, face5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this one too and yes it's a trace from the princess in drawn together who looks like Aerial. Tracing is helping me understand proportions and stuff. I like the slightly side on face.

an anon from aggydaggy told me about this thread

>> No.7043480

No tablet? Do you have any trad art we can look at?

>> No.7043483

I just want to do it with my mouse. I don't really want to buy a tablet or want the extra clutter in my already cluttered room.

I'm graphic art only, no trad art.

>> No.7043500

I would recommend not using the bezier curve tool. If you want to draw better, you need to practice drawing the lines yourself. No traditional art and no tablet means you're in for a long journey on the path of suffering. Even a shitty Wacom intuos small would help improve your abilities. Please actually draw.

>> No.7043544
File: 1.98 MB, 4000x4000, PrettyEyes-4000x4000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this with Bezier curves for my online clothes store. I think I can get good results with them.

>> No.7043633

It looks good, but it's impractical if you want to draw seriously
You can totally draw with a mouse or at least do a draft with the mouse and then do over using vector lines. Make sure to use stabilization on the mouse and that it has no lag

>> No.7043647

Anon, please... a screenless tablet costs 20-40 dollars.

>> No.7043653

>NO WORKING AHEAD - Your submission, or the progress represented on said submission, must have been made within one day of your submission period.
apologies in advance for the potential illiteracy (I'm brown, if that clears things up), but would this not disqualify submissions that are uploaded less than 30 minutes after the next submission period starts? I've seen multiple dads do this but either I'm misunderstanding the rules or they're simply being overlooked.

>> No.7043655
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x1000, simpatici esserini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished these
fun faxts:
color choices are stolen straight from a paul klee painting
center and bottom right faces are stolen from anons here

>> No.7043660
File: 31 KB, 526x545, photo_2023-12-08_14-29-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the original for bottom right
it's still one of the funniest drawings i've ever seen

>> No.7043673

Nah, it just needs to show that you worked on it for at least 30mins before posting

>> No.7043675

it's gross, but I appreciate the creaitvity
I really like how distinct all of these are and how you are able to emulate watercolors(I only work with graphite, let alone watercolors, so I would't know where to begin with emulating watercolors in digital).

>> No.7043686

so then why is this part
>must have been made within one day of your submission period
included? if you submit something 15 minutes after your submission period begins, say, and you really did work on it for at least 30 minutes, then obviously you couldn't have started making it "within one day of your submission period."

>> No.7043690

but with bezier curves I don't have to worry about wobbly lines, they can auto smooth and curve. It's all vectors done in Inkscape.

I am tempted to get one, but not sure what to get, I wouldn't use it that much because why do I need one to use bezier curves? Also I put my money towards other things and that 20-30 bucks could be used on something else I'd use more like a hooker and booze.

I do everything in layers, the eyes are a layer and the pupils a sub layer etc so I can reuse layers on different images.

>> No.7043700

I always considered it to be like "anything drawn within the last 24 hours". So even though the submission period just began, you can still submit things drawn hours before.

>> No.7043714

I get what you mean, and probably other dads are on the same boat, I just don't think that's what the rule is actually saying. and to be clear I'm not trying to stir the pot and get dads' streaks removed - it doesn't matter to me either way - I just genuinely want to verify my understanding. because if your interpretation is right then I could in good conscience adjust my drawing and uploading schedule accordingly to make things easier for myself.

>> No.7043715

it's this brushpack, a bit confusing to use initially but it has everything
if you can get your hands on good quality materials (paper mainly) and work in light washes watercolors are very forgiving btw

>> No.7043734

>here you go, download all of this Chinese malware
no thanks, retard (only kidding). while I'm only doing trad atm, I do have a tablet and would like to try to get into digital at some point, so thanks.
>if you can get your hands on good quality materials (paper mainly) and work in light washes watercolors are very forgiving btw
any you would recommend? I actually have some Canson 140lb watercolor paper, but I've only used it like twice a couple years ago so I don't remember how well the paper worked (not to mention my technique simply could've been shite).

>> No.7043759

winsor and newton/daniel smith for cheaper ones probably?
idk about that paper brand but weight is ok, key thing to look for is cotton % (more cotton = better colors)
a small kit of soluble color pencils is also a good buy, caran d'ache is top notch

>> No.7043770

Go back.

>> No.7043773

>I'm not trying to stir the pot and get dads' streaks removed
I AM. MODS!!!!!!!

>> No.7043788

I see, will look into. thanks anon.

>> No.7043804

I can see how the rule's wording might seem vague, but IMO it's quite deliberate. It doesn't say "your drawings must be done the same day as your submission period." It says "within one day," ie. "within 24 hours". Everyone on DAD has a different submission rollover time, so this wiggle room is intended to accomodate people in inconvenient timezones. Adjust your schedule to make things easier on yourself, man.

>> No.7043849

People can read meta data from an image and that consist of creation date. I always export the drawing from the PSD around 10 AM to avoid being sus.

>> No.7043850

>within one day of the submission period
So within 24 hours of you posting it, so it's fine

>> No.7043855

>within one day of the submission period
>within one day of you posting it
these are not the same thing, though.

>> No.7043870

Admin can still see who posted. It's not worth it, you'd still get a warning

>> No.7043884

How long does it take for an account to get approved? Bummed can't change profile picture or name shiiiitttt

>> No.7043890

You can change avatar and name without being approve. Are you dumb?

>> No.7043891

Apparently so because everytime I try nothing saves!!! Either way how long does it take to get verified king?

>> No.7043898

Yeah I am certified retarded. turns out browser was autofilling the password change and that was bugging it. RETARD! Now how long does it take.. to get verfied!?

>> No.7043903

For me about 2 weeks. Just don't be sus.

>> No.7043980
File: 1.01 MB, 1945x1640, really awful looking figures because im genuinely bad at anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this here because im having a weird issue on the site posting the picture and while it posted as a post it didnt post as a picture lol and at least then the nana has proof i did, in fact, draw something behind that error

>> No.7043985

If you want to update a submission. You have to change the name of the newer one. ex: untitled_a, untitl_b....

>> No.7043989

Am I a good DAD?

>> No.7044062

if you're not a snitch you're cool

>> No.7044551

I want all the cute dads to be used by me ONLY

>> No.7044586

>cute dads

>> No.7044599

Can you tell the genders of DAD users? How many DAD users are female? % wise.

>> No.7044601
File: 210 KB, 480x480, 1698294140746066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the past meet the dad challenges. there are A LOT of ladies

>> No.7044609

Ty :)

>> No.7044630

Why do you care? What will you do with this knowledge?

>> No.7044645

New thread!