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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 600x800, hrterhearehj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7032115 No.7032115 [Reply] [Original]

"just draw" is bullshit made by pretentious retards who dont want to actually give advice but also answer someone with something simple so they can feel smart

it completely ignores all the fundamentals like shapes and shit that you need to learn before you can actually draw something

"just draw" is how you stagnate for the rest of your life

>> No.7032123

>"just draw? well look at this."
>post art by Chris-chan or some literal who on DA
>"nuh uh, only practicing fundies means you'll end up like this:"
>post proko kangaroo or equivalent imagination drawing by fundy grinder
see you tomorrow

>> No.7032125


>> No.7032141


>> No.7032145

t. nodraw

>> No.7032148

We need to replace "just draw" with
>just prompt

>> No.7032166

>"just draw" is bullshit made by pretentious retards who dont want to actually give advice
It's made by a professional art teacher to encourage the indecisive or excuse-addicted students who look for reasons they can't draw instead of reasons they can.
Trust a basedjacker to make up his own version of internet history because he's too new to know any better and thinks everybody else is just shitposting like him.

>> No.7032179

Because "just prompt" is equally pretentious advice given by copers who think that anyone can become a pro prompt engineer even though I have been diagnosed with adhd and autism and can't go 5 minutes typing words without going back to my phone. Trust me, you need to be born talented to prompt.

>> No.7032183

Who are you trying to convince with a soijak you retarded shitposter

>> No.7032186

You made this post that doesn't even say anything just to feel smart. You added absolutely nothing to the discourse.

Just drawing means you're naturally going to learn the fundamentals as you draw and improve don't be stupid.

Go draw loser.

>> No.7032195

did you make that basedjak? feels odd at an angle

>> No.7032204

just draw

>> No.7032208
File: 3.26 MB, 1500x2000, Apophis-star-eater-sweetsummerboi-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I will not just draw, I will JUST PAINT and creation will eat your universe.

>> No.7032467

What're you gonna do bozo, not draw?

>> No.7032470

Just draw is very unpretentious advice. People need to look up what this word means before throwing it around. The word you were probably looking for was specious.

>> No.7032473

sure but also stop crying, no one owes you anything

>> No.7032487

So OP are you gonna draw and post your work or what? I'll give you advice after you JUST DRAW


>> No.7032496
File: 15 KB, 215x255, 1706215234302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"just draw" is bullshit made by pretentious retards who dont want to actually give advice but also answer someone with something simple so they can feel smart

>it completely ignores all the fundamentals like shapes and shit that you need to learn before you can actually draw something

>"just draw" is how you stagnate for the rest of your life

>> No.7032536

if you're so fundamentally lacking in curiosity for art and life that "just drawing" doesn't spark a motivation to study everything you can't currently draw, then you were never going to be an artist in the first place.
buy a coloring book and a pack of crayons. it is a visual activity that befits your little mind much better.

>> No.7032537

>just draw
>but also
do... do you not know what "just" means?

>> No.7032580

Correct. "Just draw" is an advice that oversimplifies a good idea so much that it becomes practically useless.

>You added absolutely nothing to the discourse.
He pointed out that people saying "just draw" with no other explanations are intellectually too lazy to help anyone.

>you're naturally going to learn the fundamentals as you draw and improve
That's not how it works, sadly. If you actually drew you'd know how easy it is to stagnate and stay in your comfort zone.

>> No.7032605

just draw is more like
you draw and you mess up and at some point this same mistake is gonna piss you off so much you don't wanna mess up the same way again, so you look up how to fix your mistake, fix it and go back to draw until the next mistake or thing that pisses you off so much you want to fix it comes by and you repeat this process until you get good.

>> No.7032611

This place really has fallen hasn't it? might as well be the new /qa/

>> No.7032616

very good video

>> No.7032621

You stagnate for the rest of your life if you JUST just draw
Just drawing is how you strengthen the habit (aka the pathway in your brain that fires when you draw) so you can literally just draw on command without having to HHHNGNGGGGGGG FORCE yourself to do it every time. Once you break down that procrastination and basically habituize yourself to putting pencil to paper often and without needing to expend energy to overcome the resistance and reluctance to draw it becomes much easier to learn and apply the fundamentals and all that other shit you hear of in your proko videos
12 shit drawings in a week but the 12th applies fundamentals you didn't know about on drawing 1 is a fuckton better than 1 drawing after 2 weeks of procrastination masturbation and agonizing about how to do it exactly precisely right according to the letter of drawing law, that's bullshit
Draw shitty drawings, draw many shitty drawings, if you don't like it fill all remaining white space on the paper with notes explaining to yourself how to fix it and redline your own drawing with a red gel pen and then turn the page and do it again, sketchbooks are worthless and should be treated as such, use them up with a casualness that borders on contempt

>> No.7032738

You're retarded and rightfully filtered by "just draw"

>> No.7032753

Retards need hobbies, too.

>> No.7032760

>it completely ignores all the fundamentals like shapes and shit that you need to learn before you can actually draw something

You can draw anything you want at any time. You won't get arrested for drawing without the "proper" fundamentals.

>> No.7032802

>reeeeee I didn't get better at drawing by just mindlessly making swirly marks on my paper what gives??????????????

>> No.7032816


This. I swear some of you are honest to goodness mentally disabled in some way.
You want to badly to win an argument online that you will act like a retard in order to try to shut someone else down. That's pathetic and I mean it.

>> No.7032836

There are many examples of webcomic artists that, despite frankly insane work ethic, didn't improve at all or even regressed.

But nice job with that strawman, I guess, you faggots.

>> No.7032847

>There are many examples of webcomic artists that, despite frankly insane work ethic, didn't improve at all or even regressed
Such as?

>> No.7032859

Just take a look at almost any comic on webtoons dot com.

>> No.7032860

>You can draw anything you want at any time. You won't get arrested for drawing without the "proper" fundamentals.
You can also redraw anything you want that you've already drawn at any later time, applying fundamentals you did not apply the last time
The concept of iteration and improvement seems alien to a lot of people on this board sadly, they want to do it 100% RIGHT, RIGHT NOW
A lot of the questions asked here can translate as "how do I do it perfectly the first time with no practice?" and the answer translates to "you don't" but they resist that idea (wasting their own time)

>> No.7032868

They're drawing in a style they like and aren't actively challenging themselves to have more realistic renderings. I guarantee even the most stagnated or :regressed" artist you are thinking of can draw the same things they drew before quicker and with less effort after years of drawing. If there's any regression, it's just going to be from diminished interest on the subject.

>> No.7032880

>aren't actively challenging themselves to have more realistic renderings
Wow, almost as if "just drawing" wasn't enough!

>> No.7032883

Care to show any examples of people who made it by purely grinding fundies?

>> No.7032890

Almost as if the advice is basically telling you to stop overthinking shit and just pick up a pencil and draw.
It's simple advice meant to get you to start doing something rather than sit there for 8 years worrying about how to start.

>> No.7032892

>I guarantee even the most stagnated or :regressed" artist you are thinking of can draw the same things they drew before quicker and with less effort after years of drawing.
And I can guarantee that's not the case.
With webtoon artists, who generally don't post how much time they've spend on what, it can be hard to tell, but if you'd look at /dad/, you'd see that I'm right.
For example: https://dad.gallery/users/1605
Here's example of his personal work from late 2023: https://dad.gallery/submissions/222523
And from 2021: https://dad.gallery/submissions/106091
Both pieces took roughly the same amount of time, with no improvement in quality.
There are many such cases if you'll bother to look. And all of them prove a simple thing: "just draw" isn't the way to improvement.

>> No.7032897

Then say that, instead of saying "just draw".

Proko is more successful than anyone on /ic/ :^)
But if you dislike him, then the guy he learned from, Jeffrey Watts, in one of his podcasts was talking how he constantly studied fundamentals from books.

>> No.7032905

>Then say that, instead of saying "just draw".
I expect you to have enough common sense to figure out what I said from the simple advice given. If you can't figure it out, you're probably too fucking stupid to be able to make anything decent anyway.

>> No.7032906

>It's simple advice meant to get you to start doing something rather than sit there for 8 years worrying about how to start.
Except that's not how it's used in practice.
Here are some examples I've seen on /ic/, on how it's actually used:

>Anon A: Hey guys, how do I learn to draw well from imagination? I'm already decent at drawing from life, pic related
>Anon B: just draw

>Anon A: My anatomy looks like shit :/ Can you recommend me some books/workshops to learn from?
>Anon B: just draw

>Anon A: Hey guys, I struggle with color theory, how do I pick pleasing colors?
>Anon B: just draw
And so on.

>> No.7032909
File: 71 KB, 788x685, 1692068076481729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I feel lost or confused about what's the correct thing to do about drawing, and then someone tells me to "just draw". I felt so completely relieved.
Ahhh, I was such a fool, I've never knew drawing could be so simple yet effective.

>> No.7032910

>can't be bothered to write more than two words, when someone asks for help
Well, you're too fucking lazy to actually help anyone with your "advice" and it would be better if you didn't say anything at all.

>> No.7032911

All of those questions can be answered without even asking them if you're able to think even slightly critically. Just draw answers them all.
Draw, analyze your work, spot shit that looks wrong to you, try to draw it in a different way, rinse and repeat until the result is something you like.

>> No.7032913

Again, it's meant to get you to stop being so far up your own ass about doing something that you become paralyzed with fear of messing it up.

>> No.7032915

...you really think that advice to just figure out everything out on your own is sound?

Fucking mongol. I should've realized earlier you're just trolling. Shame on me for trying to have an intellectually honest talk with a "person" like you.

>> No.7032921

I'm surprised you even learned how to breathe without getting a book to read about it first

>> No.7032924


>> No.7032925

>I don't like the advice therefore it is trolling

>> No.7032931

Great rebuttal

>> No.7032946

Yes anon. If advice is stupid enough then the person giving it is either trolling or a moron. I'm giving anon benefit of the doubt that he's not a drooling retard.

>> No.7032950

Ironic since the advice works for anyone that isn't a drooling retard.

>> No.7032958

If he's being honest, not trolling and his advice to "just draw" actually worked for him, then he has nothing to be afraid of.


>> No.7032959

The truth is that art can't be taught and asking for advice is useless.
That's the true meaning of "just draw"
Abolish all art schools

>> No.7032965

you're just an NPC.

>> No.7032966

Why do I feel like you still think just draw means

>> No.7032975

>Then say that, instead of saying "just draw".
Well now that we explained it better and you understand better can you post what you've drawn more that you're starting your art journey!

>> No.7032987

You can't progress without a step-by-step guide lmao

>> No.7032990
File: 27 KB, 608x342, really now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why you guys are still arguing with a soijak poster that clearly only goes on this board to shitpost. You guys are just making his day by getting mad for no reason.

>> No.7032995

You know in what instances 'just draw' works?
Instance 1: you like drawing
Instance 2: you have some degree of natural disposizioni

You know in what Instances it doesn't work?
Instance 1: you don't actually like drawing
Instance 2: you're a faggot

Now go and think about what needs improvement in your life, son

>> No.7032998

Sometimes you just can't ignore the bait

>> No.7033026

>Now go and think about what needs improvement in your life, son
I think I need new art friends who don't have such retarded opinions.

>> No.7033027

It's cute you think of /ic/ as your friends

>> No.7033037

that's not what i meant, i-idiot!

>> No.7033161


>> No.7033323


>> No.7033326

What are you gonna do about it faggot
Not draw?

>> No.7033328

The problem with this board is the "critique" part.
Nobody cares or should ever respect critics. Critics should be hated and vilified by society.

>> No.7033335

I'd criticize this point of view, but something tells me you wouldn't appreciate it.

>> No.7033364


>> No.7033367

just draw retard, why are you having a mental breakdown
do you just walk into a stationary store and start seizing?

>> No.7033378

If you had more than 2 functioning braincells in your mind you could understand that you can very well draw what you want to draw analyse your work and try to understand what you are doing wrong and fix it
Thats how everyone that has a higher skill than beg does you retard

>> No.7033390

>Thats how everyone that has a higher skill than beg does you retard

>> No.7033392

obvious bait thread is obvious

stop responding to this

>> No.7033393

Okay you want the real truth medium matters more than anyone selling you art lessons admits. Also your strokes are more important than realism. Also following fundies without having cool looking strokes or medium will just look lame. Its really true dude don't listen to the LIARS

>> No.7033395

Our eyes fill in a lot of gaps its not all about fundies. Fundies describe how to make things look 3D. A 3D turd is still a turd.

>> No.7033399

Painting is also very different from drawing if you hate drawing you may love painting. Don't listen to people saying you must master pencil first. No its just a good start.

>> No.7033404

It's a shit test.

If you don't draw a lot to begin with you're not worth teaching. If you're not drawing a lot you're probably not seeking out resources on your own as well and just want all the info spoon fed to you. If you aren't drawing a lot those "a-ha!" moments will never come to fruition, and in most people's experiences those moments are integral to improvement. If you're putting in the work people will recognize that and are more likely to give guidance since they know you're more likely to put it to good use. No one likes giving advice to autistic man-children that don't want to listen.

>> No.7033411

every post you replied to has more written than
>just draw
and explains in detail what
>just draw
means in long form, and what people saying it expect others to infer from it.
you're just too stupid to understand it.

>> No.7033419

>Anon A: My anatomy looks like shit :/ Can you recommend me some books/workshops to learn from?
>Anon B: just draw
Good. 9 times out of 10 it's being asked by some fucking /beg/ who can't even draw boxes and cylinders in position, and he's got roughly zero figure studies under his belt.
He needs to go draw, not learn about the pronator teres.

>> No.7033423

Also give up on perfect realism. First of all it is an illusion and there is no such thing as an accurate drawing. Second of all it is boring as shit and pointless.

>> No.7033443
File: 1.35 MB, 4000x3000, 20230803_125516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also how you approach a project that dictates a little planning for its execution.

I say Just Draw,but quickly and roughly on cheap pads of paper, more to construct first the scene, then its elements than to produce "real drawings" Here is where the design work is done, and in sketchbooks, refined. In this picture, blocking out the scene, tucking background here and word balloons there,I am feeling my way to better composition.

>> No.7033474

>Second of all it is boring as shit and pointless.
I don't know why so few people get this.
I don't want to see real life in art. if I want to see real life, I just look outside or at photos. drawings aren't limited by reality, so you're a faggot if you confine yourself to it.

>> No.7033476

Sorry guys but realism is over, this anon has the ultimate word

>> No.7033533

you're goddamn right I do.

>> No.7033594

"Just draw" is meant to filter those who can't extrapolate the real learning process from just those two words, because drawing is obviously such a prestigious skill that it should be gatekept from low IQ individuals.

>> No.7033606

Everything should be gatekept from low IQ individuals. Gatekeeping is genuinely a good thing.

>> No.7033611
File: 198 KB, 424x655, 1706319050970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this is a obvious bait thread to generate the same responses we are tired of writing and we all know this but i think i could ask this question here and use this shit thread for something useful.

How is your guys learning process? Personally i avoid any tutorials or anything like that (unless its something really specific and technical like brush use) and just spend most of my time overanalyzing my own work and the work of people i like. Sometimes i ger scared i might be doing that too much and just straight copying someone else style.
Its strange, i spend so much of my time analyzing other people work than i spend time actually looking at them, to the point i started realizing recently that my art got progressively better even after spending some time not drawing (???????)

>> No.7033630

>watch a video of how a good artist draws something I struggle with(always on mute I never listen to their mumbo jumbo)
>look in a book at how a good artist draws something I'm struggling with(never read the text it's just pseudoscience nonsense)

>> No.7033667

just draw

>> No.7033674

I am the creator of Just Draw. I came up with this simple drawing meme to portray Shu Ha Ri, a Japanese martial art concept of gaining mastery. One must first draw and continue to draw to gain excellence through continued practice. Drawing is mark making, doodling, sketching, illustrating, etching, painting, etc. If one is to attempt and execute them successfully from great effort to great ease, mastery is only a matter of time.

The meme is already taking on it's own life form. And it is out of my control and out of my mind.

>> No.7033794

>Just draw
>But also don't be a literal institutionalized retard who hasn't left the house in 15 years
The second line can be applied to just about anything in life thoughbeit

>> No.7033871

I feel like one of the most dangerous misconception for any artist is thinking drawing from imagination = the only indicator of how good you are. Say you try to draw horse from imagination, and failed, and then you never look back at reference because that is weakness. So you kept on repeating failure one after another like a proompter except million times slower and then wondering why you're not improving.

>> No.7033903
File: 34 KB, 753x1137, claymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw

>> No.7033908

I made up just draw. I was tired of seeing stupid questions spammed on ic. So I would reply to the OP with just draw as the first post. I did it for like a year and then other people picked it up.

>> No.7033911

I made the meme since Mirc. It's been 18 years. You probably saw it somewhere and started spamming it.

>> No.7033914

I posted it as “just draw already” and it collapsed to just draw.

I would then say that neither of us made it popular because it really wasn’t a board thing until after 2020. Now there are threads about it every 10 minutes.

>> No.7033916

Problem with art is that in the end everything comes down to mileage.
Even if you knew every fundamental like perfect knowledge of anatomy or how color and lighting works, you'd still be a worthless artist without the mileage.
Also when you ask such nebulous questions like "how do I learn how to color" the only advice one can give is to practice it, i.e just draw.
How do you learn how to ride a bike? You do it.
How do you learn how to cook? You do it.
How do I become stronger? Go to the gym.
How do I loose weight? Eat healthy.
How do I become better at art? Just draw.
It's really that simple.
You don't ask a mathematician "How do I become better at math?" and expect anything other than "Practice it" in response so why do you expect art to be any different?

>> No.7033920

>You don't ask a mathematician "How do I become better at math?" and expect anything other than "Practice it" in response
actually they'll probably tell you to "Study it" and might even tell you about some resources you can use to study various specific areas of mathematics

>> No.7033921

Mine is Just draw. Great minds think alike bro. I created a lot of simple memes. XD. Just Draw. No nut November. The latest one I designed is for a global event, NoAi July. If you support human, join me in NoAi July.

>> No.7033923

So you spend all day watching YouTube videos and reading books about math.

But you never actually solve any problems until you have read all the examples.

>> No.7033925

Sure, but what's the difference between the trigonometry book you already have at your local library and the book the mathematician recommended?
Also take into account when you're asking how to get better at any given aspect of art that the answer you'll get differs wildly artist to artist.
Ask H.R Giger how to choose good colors and he'll tell you "Greys and desaturated blues are good color choices" And then ask Nathan Fowkes about choosing good colors and he'll tell you to paint rainbows.

>> No.7033928 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 798x1200, 2009IASOfficialPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you never actually solve any problems until you have read all the examples.
All the *relevant* examples to what you want to use math for

And because you're already familiar with the material, you are less likely to make embarrassing mistakes starting out

>> No.7033929

>But you never actually solve any problems until you have read all the examples.
All the *relevant* examples for what you want to use math for

And because you're already familiar with the material, you are less likely to make embarrassing mistakes starting out

>> No.7033930

If I were a mathematician I would just create a meme saying, Find X. And people will just start calculating top kek.

>> No.7033932

If someone asks a very vague question, then yes, I agree they deserve a very vague answer. Problem is that you faggots insist on giving vague, shitty answer for specific questions.
How do I fix my chain in my bike, that keeps falling off? Lol, just do it.
How do I cook nicely looking meringues, each time I try they turn out ugly yellow? Just do it.
How do I make sure my training program won't result in some muscle imbalances, that could lead to an injury? Just go to the gym.
How much protein is too much? Just eat healthy.
And so on. If you really can't see an issue with those non-answers, you're beyond hope and further discussion with you is pointless.

>> No.7033933

>Chef, how do I become better at julienning?
>Go do it you fucking donkey

>> No.7033937

The problem with drawing is, there is no right way. No rules just tools is my favorite meme. Hence, just draw, meme works because that is the only way, mastery can only be gain through drawing.

>> No.7033939

How many times have you seen someone on here make a thread asking about how the Brachioradialis deforms when you supinate or pronate the arm lmao
Also if someone is versed enough to make a very specific question like that they already have the info they need, they just have to study it more, ergo just draw

>> No.7033940

You're one tutorial away from becoming a master, so keep scrolling youtube anon.

>> No.7033953

>The problem with drawing is, there is no right way
If you're doing anything other than pure abstraction, you're objectively wrong.

I've seen people asking for specific questions about color theory just to get "just draw" response. Lurk more.
>if someone asks a specific question, they already have have the info they need
Let me ask you this specific question: was your whore of a mother a raging alcoholic while pregnant with you or just doing meth?
No, don't tell, I already have the info: she was doing both, that's the only way someone as dumb as you was born.

>> No.7033956

go draw

>> No.7033957

It's ok anon. You got filtered, time to put down the pen and find another hobby.

>> No.7033964


>> No.7033965

You seem frustrated, are you perhaps a perma/beg/?
Maybe try just drawing since your years of grinding doesn't seem to work out for you lmao

>> No.7033971
File: 145 KB, 900x900, alisa chung professional NEET artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, why draw when you can just post basedjaks and complain?

>> No.7033973

I like how people screaming "just draw" the loudest are also terrified of posting their work and proving that approach actually works.

>> No.7033974

Same can be said for you fundie gnomes

>> No.7033977

Pyw and I will as well.

>> No.7033979

Couldn't care less about seeing your work, dunno why you guys are so obsessed with seeing peoples work.
The mere fact that you think that studying fundies are more important than just drawing lots tells me you haven't been drawing for very long.
After a few years you will realize that all there is to art is just doing it lots, unironically.

>> No.7033980

>he shits his pants at the very idea of posting his work
Kek, just as expected. Fuck off troll, listen to your own advice and go draw instead of shitposting.

>> No.7033982

Grow up little guy, I just told you that you guys never post your work either, no need to get all red and angry over that

>> No.7033985
File: 394 KB, 569x815, quick study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my work, I've been drawing for years now. Everything OP said is 100% correct.

>> No.7033988

>drawn for years
>Still can't post a finished piece
>advocates for "fundamentals"
Yeah no thanks.

>> No.7033991
File: 261 KB, 583x753, NewCanvas1235236435641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like your work has been the same since 2017-18

>> No.7033992

>advocates to "just draw"
>still can't post anything at all

>> No.7034000
File: 370 KB, 800x600, witch light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say "Just draw" is a good answer for people too hung up on everything revolving around drawing or art in general. It becomes a bit of analysis paralysis. When you are actually drawing you are making something. Then you can analyze it.
>does this look good
>can i make it better
>what if I try this
>whoa this part is harder to do than this part
>how did they draw this part so good
Or just free form it and enjoy the feeling of making something for yourself.

>> No.7034003


>> No.7034009
File: 119 KB, 828x621, hydra_hercules_and_lolaus_by_sweetsummerboi_dgs3rje-414w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking go. Just draw. I did 40 complete paintings for this new account in 2 months, I have multiple accounts. I paint and draw 8 to 12 hours a day. I fucking love drawing. Now PYW.

>> No.7034015

There is no specific way to draw, I can draw with sand and broken glass, even with lights. The things I have tried to draw within the last 23 years, you have zero clue. You have a limited mind and you have a limited way. Telling me abstract is the only way is saying you can only think in one way. Be free, be wild and you will see yourself become truly happy.

>> No.7034020

my wife

>> No.7034024

This is grim

>> No.7034028
File: 810 KB, 932x1448, sonichuadventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris chan if he drew

>> No.7034034

i'll read the thread but "just draw" to me has always meant to draw your subject over and over and accept the shit drawing. You almost have no choice but to improve if you sit and say "i will draw heads for 2 hours every day this week" and you work from a good instructor. But people think you just put ink to paper and alchemize skill.

>> No.7034089
File: 8 KB, 245x46, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry friends, the famous artist course was bullying people to go fucking draw decades before you.

>> No.7034090

Too long, mine is better. Just draw

>> No.7034103

>no draw wojakfag is mad that he needs to draw to learn how to draw

>> No.7034110

>you are less likely to make embarrassing mistakes starting out
Sorry to hear you were bullied for failing a bunch as a kid, fortunately for you though failing miserably for years on end is part of every artists life.
Just embrace it and stop worrying over bad art you'll never have to show anyone

>> No.7034117

well? we're waiting!

>> No.7034122

maybe in 5 more years you will actually include eyes

>> No.7034178

Read the thread, bozo, I've already posted it.

>> No.7034183

I read it, one person posted work, I thought it was implied another anon ought to post after(the standard fare). Sorry for getting it wrong. Why didn't you improve from 2017 to 2024 from not just drawing?

>> No.7034184

*or was that the point, you just drew? thus stagnated?

>> No.7034185

Ironically, finishing art pieces is what actually gave me gradual improvements over the years and I am much more satisfied with how I am able to draw now compared to when I was first starting out just spamming gestures daily with no noticeable improvements. Literally just draw what you want and then try something new.

>> No.7034195

It works

>> No.7034197

So it's not "just draw", but "just finish pieces" now?

>> No.7034199

Guess what you have to do to finish a piece.

>> No.7034200

Defending "just draw" is like defending multi-millionaire companies, you need severe mental illness to even consider it.

>> No.7034208

The meme is just draw. It didn't ask you to draw a shit doodle and leave it be. Drawing is mark-making. Doodle, sketch, linear, etching, painting, etc are all mark-making. I can't believe people are stuck at doing doodles, doing boxes, and think they are done with just draw.

>> No.7034216

Always impressed to see how lefty/pol/ manages to have the worst opinion on absolutely every topic.

>> No.7034219

Forcing yourself to finish pieces is invariably good
Eventually you learn a workmanship where you turn your brain off and just focus on doing the best job you can with what you've laid down and I'm pretty sure that in the code of the game of life you get a pretty strong xp modifier when you're doing that
NTA but in the past I've had drawings I found were absolute fucking shit in line/lay-in, I hated them and thought they looked awkward and shit, but then I forced myself to solidify the forms and render them and shade them properly and somehow it ended up looking decent in the end
Oddly I'm prouder of small faces with many likeness errors I hammered out in a few hours in one of my innumerable sketchbooks that I actually finished than portraits I've poured days and days of time and focus into that still aren't done but are much more accurate and "perfect"
Whittling 20 crappy wooden cups and watching your dumb boy scout troupe (deep in metaphor now) sit around the campfire sipping hot chocolate is way better than making one extremely exquisite gold and crystal chalice that never gets used, you know what I mean?
Take that info and apply it to drawing, often times a quick n dirty sketch you slapped together just for the lulz will end up being more attractive than you trying to do some photoreal portrait that you pour 100 hours into

>> No.7034243

not that guy, but to be honest, if you have anything to post at all you are already past the "just draw" stage. it was suppose to be an admonition for people who will fret and complaint about 100 things before putting one mark on paper, because they are so terrified of wasting time but accomplished nothing at all. People who are giving it as a general advise for someone who posted work is just being disingenuous in my opinion.

>> No.7034248

Stfu. Update your brain with
Draw to learn.

>> No.7034326


>> No.7034476

but I drew and after several years, got good. what's your excuse op? too faggy for a pencil?

>> No.7034479

Don't just draw.
Just paint.
It is more fun. :)

>> No.7034480
File: 261 KB, 1600x1200, 1393817964.tpirman1982_10_years_of_street_light_pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a difference between failing as an adult and "failing" when you're still a kid

It's like when a kid takes an interest in something banal like street lights. Its seen as "cute" or "innocent". But when an adult does it...

>> No.7034482

That is a painting not a drawing.
Why is the internet afraid of the word paint.
Is it more honest and friendly?

>> No.7034484

lolcow is a cringe site fyi

>> No.7034485
File: 26 KB, 567x525, 1701323344068582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did traced today, right? Let's see your variant now

>> No.7034487

Drawing is black and white BORING
Paint is colorful and fun and BRIGHT

>> No.7034498

"Wife" lmao he's so cute

>> No.7034536

what i mean by that is, most artists made their embarrassing mistakes when they were kids. They not only barely remember the mistakes they made, but they made them when it was okay to do so. And then they act like they know what its like to fail as an adult

>> No.7034598


>> No.7034607

>"just draw" is bullshit
it's not, if you draw like chris chan of course you won't learn shit but if you have a working brain it's directly going to lead you to improvement
you also have to look at real life from a drawing perspective when you're not drawing
>post proko kangaroo or equivalent imagination drawing by fundy grinder
proko can't draw. someone who does constructive drawing can't draw like proko from imagination, it's literally impossible

>> No.7035342

This nigga gets it.

>> No.7035351

it's just ego and fear
the same reason why adults struggle to learn languages, or new things in general

>> No.7035361

What about the vast majority of successful artists that started as mid to late teens?
Making mistakes is part of learning it's not like even people who've been drawing since childhood magically stop making mistakes

>> No.7035427

Only draw with a reference.

>> No.7035437

I fail every day, you don't see me get upset or embarrassed, defeated again? I go to sleep, wake up, just draw or NEW UPDATE: Learn 2 draw. I WILL WIN. I WILL BECOME THE MOST POWERFUL ARTIST IN THE UNIVERSE and some say, even the multi-verse (except the gays ones)

>> No.7035539

If your goal were to just draw, then there is one, and only one, way that you could fail at it.

>> No.7035705

/qa/ lost

>> No.7035831

>What about the vast majority of successful artists that started as mid to late teens?
such as?