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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 389 KB, 1082x1491, Chooby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015273 No.7015273 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>6977696

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/

>> No.7015281
File: 167 KB, 1039x1279, reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had already worked on hour on it the day before, keep in mind that 4 hours on the timer is more around 6-7 real hours in front of my computer.
It will come with time! I think I am quite slow as I zoom a bit too much, I hope the lineart will only take between 2 to 3 hours as I already define the sketch quite well but I fear it's going to take much more.

Need to capitalise on it haha also needed some update portrait for my commision sheet.
Picrel, I used the lazy nezumy program to set up a grid based on that quick 3D scene made with magic poser web So I could easily draw lines snaped to that grid.
Then I used the bottom pic for the shelves dimension and spacing so I was sure I won't fuck up the distance.

I see, DAD is not a social media so follows only helps your find the post easily.
As >>7014773 said, commenting helps a lot and don't get discourage if people don't answer.
Most are shy or don't know what to do but they'll always be grateful :)

>> No.7015301
File: 794 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240112_151636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been drawing so much bullshit at work but im too drunk to comment on it rn maybe i will post more later

>> No.7015327

Tableniggas be like AAAAAAAUGH I Can't Wait For Stinktober
Tableniggas be like Draw This In Your Stool

>> No.7015799

tableguy not drawing buttholes and or girls pooping is pretty wild ngl

>> No.7015831
File: 139 KB, 1483x840, Yasuold WIP 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to drink plenty of water anon!

He is trying to stop and focus on drawing for his familly in addition of leaving his internet presence behind.
What a year it is going to be.

Had a few errands to do so only manage to do the sketch and start the line, hoping to finishi old yasuo tommorow.

>> No.7016049

>leaving his internet presence behind.
Because he's focusing on figures recently I'm imagining him getting cancelled from a life drawing session for drawing a fat model as a stick.

>> No.7016084

It’s called drawing without any soul. Boring, badly executed drawings. Ive never felt like less of me has been expressed on paper.

>> No.7016162

nta, but what do you want to express in your work, if you don't mind the ask? Is this going back to roots, or cleaning your hands of adult content? Regardless, hope you find what you're looking for.

>> No.7016505

Oooh, thanks for the OP pic

>> No.7016929

pls critique my artwork, im new to painting

>> No.7016930


>> No.7016969

wtf i love chooby now

>> No.7017060

Nice colours, I think values are the most important thing for you to think about right now
E.g. what things are darker and what's lighter, think about shadow shapes and how they help show whats in the foreground/midground/background etc

>> No.7017102
File: 288 KB, 1403x992, random559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a quick study, plus random spook version

>> No.7017607

top of the thing looks like a dog from the thumbnail
a terrier or something

>> No.7017757

ghost doggo towrrier

>> No.7017880
File: 665 KB, 2500x1407, Yasuold WIP 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pleasure!
It was such a lovely piece :)

Need to focus on shape.
Your shadow are a bit flat and misaligned because you don't quite understand how they should work on basic geometry like cylinder or sphere.
But you have a nice way with color, keep it up buddy :)

Took you way too long.

More texture. Nice color palet.
Done with my Yasuold piece, back to filling my shop BG.

>> No.7017935
File: 506 KB, 1440x2010, IMG_3335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a stupid edit of the goat because it's really cute. What bothered me most was how obviously you painted around everything, kind of blowing the edges. Beyond that I just played with the value composition. And if you want to go full van gogh and do these lines everywhere, try to make them follow the form of the object more tightly.

>> No.7018455

>always get responses when commenting anonymously
>think "new year new me" one day
>comment with profile
I hate this piece of shit website

>> No.7018466

>>comment with profile
how many times? certainly if it's just once I wouldn't worry about it. but even if you've made a few with no response, that's just some people. I've been here a couple months and have gotten maybe ~70% of my comments replied to. just par the course, especially if you're a /beg/ like me.

>> No.7018514
File: 159 KB, 1080x1673, 1000050769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite a lot of time since i posted here

just a little thing to keep the wheel rolling

>> No.7018550

You're right. I'm just blowing things out of proportion for no reason. Brain small and dumb.

>> No.7018596

we are a small community man. i can't imagine not replying to someone's comment

>> No.7018607

sorry, i'm shy :(

>> No.7018667
File: 2.87 MB, 2544x2121, IMG_20240115_145703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been meaning to practice thumbnails

>> No.7018773

if you're talking about zzz then just keep in mind the guy never really replies to comments so you shouldn't take it personally

>> No.7018858
File: 456 KB, 2480x2574, IMG_20240114_224238_978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is my first time posting in the DAD thread. I've been working 7 days / week trying to juggle an internship and an actual money-job so trying to convince myself to draw is difficult.

I spent a lot of time painting and re-painting her face and hair. I'm very rusty, I need to brush up on digital rendering

>> No.7019062

It was someone else

>> No.7019329
File: 45 KB, 474x710, 21724c8037ff2c6f7be1a56f0cf90747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the 1000 faces challenge the same as the 1000 figure challenge in terms of drawings made before the start date being valid for submission? I assume so, but the description it's clear about it and I just wanted clarification. it may seem trivial, but I want to actually challenge myself - to do the challenge and not cut corners.

>> No.7019330

>the description it's clear
is not clear*

>> No.7019418
File: 438 KB, 2000x1241, Morning news WIP 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep in minf people are shy or don't know how to answer sometimes :)
Please keep commenting people are always happy yo see it.

A wise decision, more people should do thumbnails.
What are they for? Just practicing or preparing an illustration?

And well done motivating you to draw :)
If it can help you to start, you can actually post up to once a week on DAD to get your streak going.
your style is interresting and have some solid base already. Keep it up!

Even if the challenge start on the site on the 1st of Februray it's during the whole 2024 year so it "officially " started since 1st of January.

Slowly working on this one, BG is done and cleaned line are half way there but I might take another to make a smaller piece in between as it will take me another 3 days to complete.

>> No.7019557

Jamest Peapis:?

>> No.7019982

Who is that ?

>> No.7020164

Where is the promised tier list?

>> No.7020272

I just want the ram interview already

>> No.7020316
File: 18 KB, 395x352, James. T pearls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly! Good eye anon.
It's a rebrand of an old box I found on a ref.

>> No.7020388

I envy your inking skill. Maybe I should finish something for once.
The clothing folds look especially nice. I'm still kinda struggling with how to design those, it might be what inhibits me from inking complex styles.

>> No.7020401

>tier list never ever
Guess we'll all just have to put ourselves in S tier. Oh well...

>> No.7020417
File: 2.52 MB, 2967x3024, IMG_20240116_205227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired

>> No.7020523

based changing-color-of-pen-all-the-time poster

>> No.7020532

please just fucking don't

>> No.7020594

I did that last time

>> No.7020609

Being good at Art is more impossible than learning Japanese.

>> No.7020616

you will never be japanese, and they do not want you.

>> No.7020619

Unironically. I tried to make one for personal use, and there are too many people I don't know.

>> No.7020622


>> No.7020654
File: 47 KB, 666x666, 1703177864879951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't necessarily say the same as >>7020616, but unless you have a really, really good reason for learning Japanese, I would recommend not continuing to pursue it. I studied it for 4+ years and eventually quit for good when I realized I had gotten out of it what I wanted. oddly enough I was never a hardcore anime fanatic, I was just always interested in languages. I saw a video of a Japanese news broadcaster speaking and thought it sounded interested and took it up. I really only cared to get some sense of how the language worked and its peculiarities, but after I had studied it for so long I got caught up in the sunk-cost fallacy and convinced myself that I needed to pursue it further because the end result would be worth it. if you are really into anime, which you most likely are, you are really not missing all that much by listening to the dub/sub. though that goes for translated media in general. maybe I'm teaching my grandma how to suck an egg, but if not I would really consider the substance of your purposes. it's your life at the end of the day, though.

>> No.7020656
File: 2.26 MB, 2744x2876, IMG_20240117_050015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7021576
File: 349 KB, 1800x1117, Morning news WIP 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thans anon!
To be fair my lines are still quite messy and not very clean but you only see it when you zoom in.
For the cloth I did a week of just studying men in shirt and suit (maybe 8 to 10 hours) in addition of watching some youtube video. As everything you need to practice and finish some piece to reflect on your journey.
You can do it!

Well done pushing through anon.
Your inks are pretty nice for doing them freehand.

Though it's an odd compaison for sure,hey have both easy and difficult part.
Doing both at the same time is mental, I dropped learning japanese and foccusing solely on drawing.

Same gave up as I don't have one hour or two to dedicate to it.

Lines are done on this one and I am slowly moving to colors.

>> No.7021773

>To be fair my lines are still quite messy and not very clean
I wanted to ask you about this since you posted about using LazyNezumi on the site, is it of any use? I was thinking of trying it out.

>> No.7021828

you're crushing it right now Urazi.
I'm mirin'
keep up this momentum you're over the halfway line for this month.

>> No.7021958

what's a good way to get better line confidence? I've been doing digital since I started and I love it, but I've gotten into a bad habit of hammering ctrl+z for practically every line and even then, I usually go over each line again and again. I recognize it's a crutch for me and it's eating up so much of my time and effort every time I sit down to draw. I want to join a house sometime but I know people would be mad with how long it takes me to do relatively simple things.

>> No.7021998
File: 315 KB, 547x884, 432A76BF-82E4-40B1-8B0B-5F35375CAF26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7022002

>hammering ctrl+z for practically every line
some of my favorite artists do this and i'm shocked everytime

>> No.7022072
File: 125 KB, 586x407, copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know that much about /DAD/ lore: why are these niggas sharing a profile pic?

>> No.7022105

Seconding this. I do traditional and while my lines have improved it's still scratchy. Do I just have to do curve-accuracy training until I "get it"?

>> No.7022120

they're fucking

>> No.7022447

please read the lore before posting

>> No.7022466

> more than 50% of works posted are coomer, animu and female figures.

>> No.7022472

I could do without the coomer and most of the anime subs, but my taste doesn't dictate what people can/should upload. get over yourself.

>> No.7022475


>> No.7022689
File: 834 KB, 4961x3508, 1705535348234251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also asked this in the /beg/ thread and it was recommended to use picrel for practice everyday. Hope this helps you, too, anon.

>> No.7022703

Hey thats my exact ratio of drawing topics
I'll crab you, you little shit

>> No.7022855

today i will draw.... FURRY PORN!!!!

>> No.7022877

Seems useful. Thanks!

>> No.7022884
File: 2.69 MB, 3000x4000, 20231228_103820 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7022906
File: 457 KB, 2000x1241, Morning news WIP 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have it active all the times 2 years ago but it made some bug with Photoshop so I stopped and only use it when I do perspective.
Use the 15 day trial to test it out, I accepted that my lines will never be perfect and when zoomed out (I draw way too zoomed in) the flaw and mistakes are not that noticeable anyway. Though I bumped photoshop built in line correction to 20 lately and up to 50 for long curved stroke. But I don't care about my lines quality and more about line weight lately.

Thank you anon, I have to keep this momentum for a while.
It's my job now kek
I left my previous job to try the freelance life!

Doing some exercise can help but as I said above you also have to accept your line will never be perfect and just move on.
Also try to zoom out, maybe you are too caught up in small details.
In adition you can try to add some line stabilizer (10 to 20% ) to help you with it.
I don't use undo but the eraser a lot so I have a lot of little remanant of old lines that I didn't erased correctly but it's only noticeable on the full size PSD ( I work in 5.000 x 3.500 pixels)

Interresting design ! hat's the story behind ?

They are good friends and work together on a video game :D

This little exercise in addition of inking your drawing should help!
Maybe the scratchiness is the normal part of your art ?
When I do trad, the rough is ugly and have line all over the place that I slowly erase and select them to have the final sketch then ink it.

Speaking of ink and lines that's a very nice example.
Nice abstract drawing anon, could use a little bit more mid tone / value.
Still impressive

Mostly done with the color so I started part of the shadow in the BG because I didn't wanted to do the little objects.

>> No.7022984

sorry, but my asian jeans compel me to draw anime girls and only anime girls. I'm battling these demons and losing.

>> No.7022999
File: 87 KB, 602x642, 1662943147523245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7023030

don't worry, when me and your picrel birth beautiful hapas the plan will be set in motion to extinguish the asian jeans from my lineage. I hope to free my blood from this curse and be able to draw newgrounds kino.

>> No.7023036
File: 1.28 MB, 1360x1920, 1705460003278402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hate against asians, just a meme. but live your life, anon.

>> No.7023039

maybe I shouldn't kill my bloodline, thank you for changing my mind anon.

>> No.7023291

more people should ask for critique.

>> No.7023312
File: 119 KB, 584x332, bye bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7023313

i did art today :D

>> No.7023361


>> No.7023364

I did and nobody commented (yes I used the dashboard site)

>> No.7023379

I just state the obvious. There are a lot of topics that the "people" can draw instead of porn. Show me your hobbies and personalities god damn it. Being horny is not a personality.

>> No.7023383

>I just state the obvious
you're complaining/showing disregard. if you don't want to see some of the things people post about, note who submits what and avoid them. otherwise why even be here? just go somewhere else. no one cares to see your ego.

>> No.7023413

>why do you guys draw the things YOU want instead of drawing the things i want?

>> No.7023414

if you knew more about me, you'd hate me

>> No.7023416

only one way to find out

>> No.7023417

I'll be where ever I please. There are "people" who have been drawing hot anime gals showing bobs and vagines for the last 2, 3 years. I don't get it. Don't they feel bored?
You think that I can some how forbid people to draw porno. I just want the "people" to broaden their horizon.

>> No.7023437

>wait, people who like a thing have that like sustained and don't get bored of it for multiple years?
>broaden their horizon
if they merely did that but didn't post that you would still be here complaing as you are. again, get over yourself.

>> No.7023457

who are some dads that you like?

>> No.7023470

No I won't. Stop painting me as an unreasonable art snob.
You'll narrow me down by my comments on those dads account.

>> No.7023489

>Stop painting me as an unreasonable art snob
I just state the obvious.

>> No.7023507

>You'll narrow me down by my comments on those dads account.
lame. just say some dads you think are doing it right

>> No.7023629
File: 1.29 MB, 1191x1683, Illustration3_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to try to start posting here, and participating in the social aspect of DAD more (instead of just silently posting my stuff daily like a sad loner)

Anyone got any crits for this cover art?

It's for a zine I'm putting together of my art from the past couple years. I decided to paint this at the last-minute for it, before I send the book off for printing in a few days :')

>> No.7023637

i think if you made the shadows darker it would enhance the feeling of strong sunlight

>> No.7023638
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1694566508111067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered using larger or longer knots for her braids? They're somewhat distracting since there's so many and rather detailed.

>> No.7023677
File: 271 KB, 448x1280, eb3d08bc0289c049a00b9297f33d4a3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a coincidentally similar drawing by mr. Yoh Yoshinari. i feel like it addresses a lot of the areas where your illustration is maybe lacking. some varied lineweight, cleaner rendering, more intentional lighting/shadow shapes... look at the difference even in the jean shorts, Yoshinari is very particular about which details to include and how to handle the rendering. even though they look quite detailed, there is a clear light shape in the middle, a shadow shape on either side, and then the detail comes from the small variations within those light shapes to imply creases.
the hands as well sort of bother me... the fingers are very long and meaty and lanky. the action of the hand on the glasses, too, i think is a little vague. it looks like she's pinching the frame, though i assume she's supposed to be adjusting them. as it is now she'd be getting her fingerprints all on the lenses >_< she should either be gripping the arm of the glasses, or have her thumb on the lower part of the frame like in the Yoshinari drawing. UNLESS, the intent here is that the glasses are fake, and there are no lenses.
okay a lot of this stuff is moreso something to consider for your next drawing though. this one did turn out quite nicely in the end. i would still probably fix the hand holding the glasses before finalizing it for the zine, but then otherwise i think it's good to go and very presentable (y)

>> No.7023692

The hands aren't big enough.

>> No.7023705

Thank you this is very helpful! Especially with the Yoshinari example.

Good point about the hand on the glasses. They are in fact supposed to be real glasses... I'll be sure to address that first when I come back to this tomorrow, and then try working on the other stuff if I have time.

lol this is what I tried to do with this pass, but I guess the contrast is still pretty mild. I'll try messing around the values a little more, thank you!

That's good to note about the braids being distracting, thank you. I think I'll leave it as is due to lack of time, but I'll try experimenting with that next time I draw braids. I'm realizing long and realistic braids are extremely time-consuming to draw, so I might need to re-consider my approach. Especially if it doesn't look as good lol.

>> No.7023710

Retard. I draw anime porn for a living. Of course I'll keep drawing anime porn. Fuck off.

>> No.7024099

best part of dad is seeing people's wips. you learn a whole lot fr

>> No.7024140

Its frustrating watching a dad make the same mistake year after year due to comfort zoning and lack of studies.

>> No.7024158


>> No.7024178


>> No.7024184

Maybe a more intellectual approach is required. I must use reason to discover the why of a line.

>> No.7024224

now that's some good bait dawg

>> No.7024420
File: 147 KB, 553x585, bait rapg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully I have a collection of these for this occasion

>> No.7024445
File: 181 KB, 795x559, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whizzard, nsix, tsutra; one of you guys has to drop streak so we can have Apricot and Grabstein side by side again.
Come now lads, do it for the community.

>> No.7024456
File: 343 KB, 956x456, Screenshot 2024-01-19 221524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7024458

Press Ctrl+-

>> No.7024461

easy fix: zoom your browser in by 10%

>> No.7024467

the instant I saw this I developed complete contempt for you and hope to one day meet you so I can inflict the utmost harm possible on your body save killing you.

>> No.7024468
File: 2.49 MB, 3000x4000, 20231228_103547 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my first drawing after a 2 year drought. This is the second.

>> No.7024470

cool#that was prettym uch the goal @:D

>> No.7024486


>> No.7024566

im autistic sorry

>> No.7024591

There is no bara fags on DAD. I'll fill the hole.

>> No.7024598

Fill mine too while you're at it

>> No.7024637

nice way to put it

>> No.7025048

coward! PYW like a man before shitting on people.

>> No.7025093

I feel called out by this

>> No.7025161

how about both of them drop their streaks simultaneously so I can ignore their dumb meme?

>> No.7025167

quad kinda counts, right? idk i'm not gay

>> No.7025193

this anon doesn't have a friend to have fun with in profile pictures... it's so over...

>> No.7025265

How has it been almost two years and I'm still shit. It's so fucking over. Surely I don't stick it out for another 8 years to see if anything changes.

>> No.7025268

How long does it take for jannies to approve my shit?

>> No.7025275

Two years isn't much, but if you don't see any improvement over your drawings from 2 years ago then yes that might be cause for concern. Could be you're just not drawing enough (ask yourself: "how many drawings have I actually finished?" it should be well over 100 in 2 years if you want to improve) or indeed maybe you are just not cut out for it. Hard to say when it's just a contextless ventpost.

Should happen every day. It only affects visibility, the submission still counts toward your streak even if it's not approved yet.

>> No.7025419

Inflation does not count as bara. Might as well drawing balloons at that point. I seriously do not get the appeal.
Jannies need sleep and have jobs too. Be patient! lv.3 for account approval mate.

>> No.7025422


>> No.7025532


>> No.7025576

I unironically hate seeing others have fun. One day I will break and that'll be the day I get banned

>> No.7025646

I doubt you make any noteworthy work, just hurry up and get banned so you can be forgotten in a day.

>> No.7025761

damn bro chill...

>> No.7025826

name the most positive DAD

>> No.7025866

do DADs actually have identifiable characteristics? nobody ever comments, so I can't tell what anybody thinks or feels about anything. The one that draws cowboys seems pretty positive/uplifting in this thread idk.

>> No.7025872
File: 122 KB, 852x481, Screenshot 2024-01-21 005638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7025883

not naming any names, but one dads submissions have been VERY SUS recently

>> No.7025885

bro it's anonymous. You can start shit without any consequences

>> No.7025896

You are talking about CRAN right? he litterally have been uploading the same picture with minor changes for the last 2 weeks.

>> No.7025913

You spineless shit eating faggots are so pathetic that even with the anonymity of the internet, you can't even voice your opinion.

>> No.7025972

Kek nobody else including you hasn't named any specific names either so it's not just me.

>> No.7026017

anyone who comments/commented on my work
everyone else

>> No.7026021
File: 1.00 MB, 1500x1500, poiurewqwrtyuiytutdsetrsgfbgdhrtsgfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dare to reply! personal grow I say. You want some name dropping? Here's some crack for you.
I am convinced that various works from picrel were drawn by the same person, the local retard Lunatic_Soda. He started posting on DAD yesterday, and I really like his more serious works.
Just because an artist try to draw in a new style or using a new brush, doesn't mean that he/she cheated to keep a streak on an obscure 4chan related art website. It's called copying other artists' styles to find what's interesting about them, and then incorporate those interesting features in your drawings developing your own style.

>> No.7026111

>DADs consistently draw the same shit over and over again
>DADs do something different, accidently make something better than normal.
Damn if you do, damn if you fon't

>> No.7026160

It's okay, you can say my name

>> No.7026323

I try to comment on people's works occasionally (but obviously I can't get to everyone). Drop a name and I'll check yours out

>> No.7026417

it's okay, i want to produce interesring things that will make people naturally comment at some point. one day....

>> No.7026443
File: 74 KB, 474x720, th (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siki here, I am challenging all of you to a 5 minute pose drawing competition

You can find me on the dad discord
We pick a number of refs and take turns posting the ref, after 5 minutes posting the drawings on the Parking lot
Bring your own refs and I'll match the number with my own

>> No.7026463

You fucking retards. I might go so far as to say their submissions have been SUPER SUS recently.

>> No.7026504
File: 1 KB, 132x32, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you didn't draw shit today. Too much time shitting on discord ad fochun.

>> No.7026506

nobody seemed to notice yet. I'm in the clear.

>> No.7026564


>> No.7026613

I noticed. Just pray nsix or urazi don't catch your ass

>> No.7026691
File: 705 KB, 2500x1552, Morning news final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late comment!
Most anons gave you feedback already, I suppose there will be a title at the top and that's why it's empty.
If not I'll add some clouds and saturate that blue a little bit.
Wishing you the best for your zine!

Glad you gave art a second chance!
you have a very unique stule, I could see some indeed rock album have those use for cover.

Ho my, You'll get a follower then.

Could you post a drawing comparaison if you don't mind ?
I am sure you improve but so did your comprehension of art and seeing your mistakes.
Don't give up anon!

Thanks anon :)
You need to come to the DAD discord to get to know the other DADs. They are all pretty supportive and give critics when asked.

Very nice shape! Why did you roll your head on the num pad for your username ....

I'll get you.
One day I'll click on your profile and it'll be over è_é
It's not my first rodeo, kid.

Finally done with my longest piece yet (nearly 31 hours).
Critic welcome!
I(ll take it slow for a bit and just do some easy bust but tonigh I'll go check if Glaze and Nightshade are really usefull or just destroy your work with noise.
I'll keep you updated anons!

>> No.7026892

Aside from that. There'll be any critstream in the future? Those were fun to watch

>> No.7026971

>You need to come to the DAD discord to get to know the other DADs.

GRRR I want to be dark and mysterious and constantly anxious that all other DADs secretly hate me forever. I would lose my competitive edge if I was surrounded by friends who supported me and made me feel welcome BLEGH!

>> No.7026979
File: 162 KB, 585x273, dust-biter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7027056
File: 2.12 MB, 2500x3500, drawpilehype3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday is Drawpile Day! Let's go


>> No.7027276

>immediately starts uploading again
i kneel, most dads would never

>> No.7027328

People do it everyday. Stop sucking some random people off for no reason.

>> No.7027332

literally name 3 people who have ever done this (with a streak higher than 100)

>> No.7027377

mapache/ Mapple
big matt
Seben ( he posts every 3 days )
Here you go I gave you 5.
Now draw

>> No.7027408
File: 775 KB, 1191x3357, dadJan22_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there will be a title there. And thank you!

as far as crit goes: Great piece overall, and I really like the background art. Solid perspective, and I like all the little items filling up the space.

...HOWEVER, I think the line-work for everything is too straight, especially given that all the furniture is made of wood and it's an old-timey setting, so you'd expect it to be a little more rugged. You should use still use straight lines and perspective tools for the initial drawing ofc, but when inking I would try to add slight variations and wobbles, maybe some tiny chips in the wood for good measure. Or use a textured brush that'll do that for you.

Some of the objects are lined up too perfectly as well. The Wist Wheat boxes in the top-left corner stick out especially.

Good work overall though. I would gladly drink coffee out of a metal cup with these two guys.

I did after I broke my streak of 400+ :^)

>> No.7027888
File: 299 KB, 1800x1622, Arthur portrait WIP 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!
Fair critic for the line, I wanted it to be done and coudn't bother making some by hand.

Starting a new Arthur fanart, struggled with the composition so I scrapped 2 hours of work to reframe it.

>> No.7027949

i kneel, most dad's would never
you don't count

>> No.7028409

Being in an active canvas with artists that are way better than me would make me suicidal. I'll stick to singleplayer

>> No.7028414

tick tock, heavy like a brinks truck-shinin' like a wristwatch

>> No.7028496

You're telling me that you do not draw your own avatars?

>> No.7028672

why would i waste time drawing my own avatar when there are thousands of perfectly good anime girl portraits ripe for the taking

>> No.7028699

Cuz ur bad and draw ugly picture jajajaja benis eater :+)))))))))))

>> No.7028754

I can't believe after all these years /dad/ didn't improve...

>> No.7028758

But I did improve.

>> No.7028816

I'll make you go green with envy in just 1 year, and all you can do is writing these passive aggressive little rants on fochun to cope and seeth.

>> No.7028844

Think I might buy courses and do what they tell me too.

>> No.7028850

How to join DAD discord? I just want to join for about 15 mins know if anyone speaking ill behind my back.

>> No.7028851

Need a 14 day streak on the website and DM Vastian#0988 to get the link.

>> No.7029128

You wont find it on the server unfortunately, they do it on their DMs. sometimes the gossip spills on the thread. you can tell by the passive aggressive shit you see posted here. they won't even mention names directly in fear of their targets catching on to whats happening.

>> No.7029129
File: 711 KB, 2500x2253, 08_Arthur&#039;s spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only person we trashtalk is Table guy (who is on the discord kek) so you are safe.

Final version!

>> No.7029150

Love the lighting! Great work as usual!

>> No.7029161

Hate the lighting! Terrible work as usual! (kidding)

>> No.7029398

We only really talk shit in voice chat. Looks like you'll have to come talk to us to find out!

>> No.7029410
File: 131 KB, 1296x774, random564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally forgot how blender works, so I cobbled up something out of transformed cubes, and winged it.

>> No.7029415

nooo not the cubes get away from me irshad get your fucking boxes out my face

>> No.7029424
File: 90 KB, 1600x956, unfiltered cubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure unfiltered cubes

>> No.7029474


>> No.7029498

That won't help much, how many great story start with I will buy some artist courses and let them tell me what to do.

>> No.7029504

Really? Did you tho? Citation needed. I have been watching Dad for a while now. The quality of art is still the same years. Unless they are hiding their best, if not I'm afraid, they are stuck in slop churning.

Good, do it Chad, prove it. I want to see at least 1 dad amassing the 6 million followers mark with their art or at least have a shot at killing Jazza and the likes of them.

>> No.7029507

>Really? Did you tho?

>> No.7029515

Jesus Christ, that took 3 years? Why are you trying to imitate Eastern art? Is there a specific reason? I want to help but I doubt /dad/ will appreciate my consultation. They have proven to be controlled by slop churners with protective borders and discord of gated communities.

>> No.7029526

>Why are you trying to imitate Eastern art? Is there a specific reason?
To go pro as a mangaka, which I now have. That's beside the point though, you asked why DAD hasn't improved and I showed you that I have.
Have you improved?

>> No.7029549

Anon, when I say improve I mean becoming more than what they /dad/ as a whole, as an organization or a gated community. I recommended them to post their top 10 artists' works, they did it for a few weeks but then got lazy. It may have taken you 3 years, I don't know why it took so long and how long you have been stuck, I acknowledge your self-improvement. But you do know that, even from a glance, your art is a fusion of the Eastern and something else. I won't go too deep into your art because the last time I did an art review I got attacked by them. Ironically, here is some unsolicited advice, take it if you think it is useful. If your goal is to be a mangaka, you are never going to trick me or the people who read manga. Your lineart, aesthetic, composition, and even the manga treatments, eg. Crosshatch background. They all looked forced. The Japanese values are missing. You are not part of their culture and you will never be.
Instead of pretending or pursuing this fruitless endeavor, I suggest you be the Western comic artist that you truly are. Instead of force-fitting yourself into something you will never become. Explore the unknown, set yourself free, bring yourself to kill the old you, and create something beyond mangaka, and Western comics, not hiking up the same path to a mountain you already conquered. An actual solo adventure that not even the mangaka or Western comic artists have dared to venture into. Apply the values of your own culture, the true spirit of your ancestors and motherland. There you will find either doom or glory, may the gods and muses guide you. Good luck. However, churning out slops that pay still is needed for survival.

>> No.7029648

>asian jeans meme

>> No.7029659

It's unfortunate, but /DAD/ is a trap for /int/ level artists.

>> No.7029663

I haven't drawn in several months and will likely quit again pretty soon if i get into it again.
Should i make the attempt regardless?

>> No.7029665

>It may have taken you 3 years, I don't know why it took so long
How long does it normally take somebody to become a pro manga author? Do tell.
> If your goal is to be a mangaka, you are never going to trick me or the people who read manga.
Trick? I'm debuting in an actual, bona fide manga magazine in a couple of months. I don't need to trick anybody. Believe it or don't, I get paid either way.
Regarding the rest of your post: I gotta eat. None of that shit gets me paid, what I'm doing now will. Save the lecture about "following your own path" for when I'm no longer in need of an income.

>> No.7029677

how so?

>> No.7029678

>the most

>> No.7029699

i haven't gotten much better since joining /dad/, but that's mostly my fault. i don't see how i could have gotten any better than i am now by NOT drawing every day

>> No.7029704

>all those words just to be pretentious about a culture they're not even a part of either to crab someone who unironically made it

>> No.7029753

For staters, posting on /dad/ luls you in a false sense of security about being good enough since there's really noone at /pro/ level that posts here. Once you're high /int/, you're pretty much on the top 10% of active posters. You'll have better chances at pushing yourself more towards graduating from /int/ tier if you hang around sites like Twitter where /pros/ gather. Basically, you gotta leave the nest at some point.

>> No.7029771

most of the "/int/" users are also on twitter

>> No.7029778

You can choose not to follow "/int/" users, silly

>> No.7029797

I think I get what you're saying, but that ultimately comes down to the person themself not the platform. being on the platform itself doesn't force your aspirations to merely be about being better than other /DAD/s. and you can still push yourself by looking towards your favorite artists. just because someone posts on /DAD/ doesn't mean they can't strive to be like Raphael or something.

>> No.7029835

But the real question is: did you need dad to improve or would you have improved without some silly website?

>> No.7029848

Beats me but probably not. I never joined DAD for the habit building, I joined it for the social aspect. I just wanted art frens, and that's what I got out of it.
I don't think that means DAD isn't a useful tool. If it gets you drawing, then that's a good thing. I definitely don't think I'm the only DAD who's made gains, and I don't think only people who would succeed without DAD have improved. I think maple's done very well, I think apricot's done very well, I think 7b2a2f has improved a lot, as has cranihum and so on. These people put in the work and reap the gains, they put in more than the bare minimum and actively seek improvement. That's the key.

>> No.7029876

I only have one artist on my followers list. I'd rather not say who that is tho

>> No.7029878

thats ok, thanks for the support

>> No.7029889

thats okay, thanks for the support

>> No.7029892

that's not okay, you should support me too

>> No.7029919

I think it would be faster to learn off someone who knows than wander about in the dark.

>> No.7029933

> bona fide manga magazine
I can't believe Japan has lowered their standards to this point. Japanese economy must be really bad enough to accept such quality. Or this bona fide manga magazine you are talking about is a Western-based organization? If so it makes sense because only Westerners will accept such art as manga enough.

You are not hearing me, it is not about being Asian, being able to draw like a mangaka or a Japanese illustrator, requires Japanese VALUES. It is all in capital letters. Here is the basic, Shu-ha-ri, wabi-sabi, ikigai, and the 8-fold path. The latter is a dangerous sets of values, Buddhist values which has a long history in Japanese history and art. The dangerous part is falling into nihilism that comes from Buddhism. Japanese people are clean because cleaning is cleansing, they view keeping their streets clean as a part of a Buddhist practice that has kept their society together for a long time. First, start by cleaning your room and then the streets. Accept all the values. Maybe, you can become a mangaka. Good luck, and may the Gods and Muses implant the Asian Genes into your soul.

>> No.7029958

>I can't believe Japan has lowered their standards to this point.
I know you think you're hot shit and god's gift to man, but can you not be a bitter, cynical husk of a person for like twelve seconds?

>> No.7029960

You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.7029963

>I know you think you're hot shit and god's gift to man
I am far from a god's gift, I'm like a learning boy.
I am neither bitter nor cynical, I celebrate your success, my dude, I expected the Japanese people to have better standards, especially manga, one of the most original things on the face of the planet. So many countries in this world have comics, but only Japan has manga. I guess things changed, japan is no longer as high quality as it used to be, I still remember the good old days when Japan still kept all the premium-made stuff for domestic use only and exported the B-grade stuff. And that B-grade stuff was already enough to swoon so many people. I guess now, B-grade is all there is. I haven't been back to Japan for 10 years now, don't know how it is now.

>> No.7029965

>start by cleaning you room
Man I can't believe Togashi was never a real mangaka for that

>> No.7029967
File: 422 KB, 450x306, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these /DAD/ threads usually attract all these haters who do nothing but bitch and moan about some random website instead of posting their work?

>> No.7029973

He lives in a clean society, do you?

>> No.7029974

Maybe I sound rude to the people reading. I can assure you, that I don't hate, hating is silly, just sharing ideas and taste.

>> No.7029982
File: 125 KB, 1436x992, Sketchbook2024_Cover_00108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what I actually came here to post btw. I'm feeling a lot better about this piece now that I re-did the sky and got rid of the ugly blue I had before.

congrats on the manga magazine debut, dingleburied, I can't wait to read whatever you get published! Honestly, just by drawing for a magazine you're probably going to improve as an artist 100x faster than you already are. More so than you would by drinking the Asian Gene meme the other guy is trying to push.

hate or not, just seems silly to waste your time critiquing an obscure website like DAD which has a very straightforward purpose (draw art daily) and a tiny community. Either participate and post your work, or leave and stop wasting our time.

>> No.7029986
File: 224 KB, 752x566, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't believe Japan has lowered their standards to this point.
Their standards have never been higher, but they're still not high at all. The quality of my work is around the level of the average artist in the magazine I'll be in, which isn't crazy high. If you want to see for yourself, it's https://web.mujin-ti.net/
>being able to draw like a mangaka or a Japanese illustrator, requires Japanese VALUES. It is all in capital letters.
Lucky for me my editor doesn't share these delusions, lol.

>congrats on the manga magazine debut
Thanks bro :)
>just by drawing for a magazine you're probably going to improve as an artist 100x faster than you already are.
The more recent stuff I have up on DAD already looks shonky to me so I reckon I've already made significant gains working on this current project.

>> No.7030013

That makes sense now. Congrats man, I don't know if that is the best publisher. I understand now, I thought you were doing manga. You are doing doujinshi. Doujinshi has always been this standard. Manga has great stories, characters, and world-building. Look at one piece, for example, anatomy doesn't even matter. Charming characters and are very soulful. I was comparing you to the standard manga. I hope you understand, I am not hating.

It has been years since I visited /dad/ just find it disappointing that it is the same. Probably the same slop-churning gatekeepers. I only critique dingleburied because he shared with me.

>> No.7030019

>You are doing doujinshi.
Doujinshi are self-published. The only difference between eromanga and any other manga publication is that in eromanga you're not expected to appear in every issue of the magazine. Otherwise, it's functionally identical -- released the same, made the same way. It's just more relaxed with the deadlines. They still expect you to write compelling stories, though obviously the goal is to sell individual tankoubons rather than building franchises.
Ironically what you're suggesting I do -- flying solo -- is doujinshi, not what I'm doing now.

>> No.7030022

I think we have a mistranslation, doujinshi is the term for magazine publishers. Especially when it comes to coom art. Manga on the other hand is published by the likes of Shueisha. Chainsaw man, one piece, one punch man, etc. Sure, you can also call a solo publisher a doujinshi like One Punch Man used to be, but the difference is manga has certain standards. That is my understanding. It doesn't matter man, you already succeeded you are doing doujinshi, getting published, getting paid! Get the bread!

>> No.7030024

Doujinshi are fanzines. This is a full-scale publisher. The website is right there. I dunno if they started as a doujinshi, but they graduated from that long ago.

>> No.7030026

Oh, okay, but you understand what I am saying right? Manga and doujinshi are different. Or at least that is how I distinguish them. Manga is one piece, chain saw man, one punch man, doujinshi is coom art, and other niche works, fan art even. That is what I understand but maybe we have mistranslation.

>> No.7030035

I wish I could draw every day

>> No.7030039

>doesn't even understand the terms he's using
>thinks ero content has to be strictly doujin
just take the L Ken-sama

>> No.7030043
File: 1.48 MB, 1542x808, 1692861520967929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is my third day drawing, do I start from this post? or start from the first day I had a streak?

>> No.7030109

tier list when

>> No.7030122

Never, unless you make one yourself first

>> No.7030126

Kek. Retard-kun, why are you trying to lecture someone who actually has a manga gig, when you don't even know what Doujinshi is? Peak Dunning Krugger.
I wish you snobs would just fuck off already.

>> No.7030161

He is not in the manga industry. I am correct about this. >A major part of doujinshi, whether based on mainstream publications or original, contains sexually explicit material, due to both the large demand for such publications and absence of restrictions official publishing houses have to follow. Indeed, often the main point of a given doujinshi is to present an explicit version of a popular show's characters.

>> No.7030167

What this means is there are no laws regulating such works, therefore such publications original or fanfic are all under doujinshi. Japanese have weird laws. Porn is okay but pixelated. Coom art is okay but doujinshi. Complex but also weirdly free.

>> No.7030251

Start from the first day you make an account. Welcome to the site!

Make an account and make a schedule for yourself, then!

>> No.7030257

the crabbing is so funny
>you got better but you didn't get better fast enough
>you're getting published but it doesn't count

>> No.7030273

Newbie here. Why do you consider DAD to be a gated community? From my experience, getting access to the DADcord was very easy and everyone was welcoming. Not to mention the server is shilled here fairly often so it's not really some kind of secret club that only few gets access to.

>> No.7030291

He's right. That's why it's important I make hapa children so my offspring can enjoy the ability to draw.

>> No.7030293
File: 47 KB, 500x462, mediocre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a gated community because the people who runs it are snowflakes. They pretty much reject critique of their work in /ic/, they are like a circle jerking bunch who churns out slops, after I realize what they are, I left them alone, but occasionally their thread pops up, I generally ignore it, but my curiosity gotten the better of me. I strongly believe it is a /beg/ trap from my first discovery of /dad/. The guy literally took 3 years to become a H-doujinshi artist. I am sure it is hard work, but god damm, 3 years. Look at one punch man when it first started, started in 2009, and 3 years later, one punch man was Shueisha. I am just saying, the guy is evidence of /beg/ trap. But people will just say he is making Hentai-money, it means he made it.

>> No.7030296

stop race mixing, your hapa kids will turn out to be anti-social autists or worse, mass murderers. Remember Supreme Gentleman? Well, you do you, when the cock itches for Asia gene, what can you do my dude.

>> No.7030311

>one punch
If i'm not mistaken one punch was a webcomic that Murata liked and then became the artist for?

>> No.7030324

Look at the original art of one punch man, imagine why it took 3 years and how ONE became a mangaka. The problem is, most people in /dad/ probably deserve it. I did tried to help but probably executed it badly. They attacked me. And I learnt the hard way that you can't help people who have hate in their hearts. They can't be saved and can't be loved.

>> No.7030350

>he's still at it

>> No.7030367

are you that winrar schizo?

>> No.7030384
File: 296 KB, 661x950, 09_Kenneth&#039;s cock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon :)


Green boxes are the best boxes

Hell yeah! That sky is juicy :)
Don't hesitate to add a bit of detail in the sand like
seashells or a bit of shading ( maybe a sandcastle ?). Glad to see the cute dogo of your animation made its way there.

Only counts from the moment you post on the website.
Well done commiting anon, keep it up.

Dude nobody cares, go touch grass and drink some hot tea to relax.
Also leave this thread that will be the best for you, you are going to get an aneurysm.

No, doesn't sound like him.

Enjoy my stupid shitpost.

>> No.7030385

namedrop those people so that i can post indirect passive aggressive remarks at them every now and then to break their spirit

>> No.7030397

Yes, we are a gated community, no Howie nodraw opinionated skitzos are allowed.

>> No.7030404
File: 1.76 MB, 2642x3523, IMG_6450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing on pencil and paper. Really felt natural so I'll probably start posting here daily. My drawing tablet feels like shit by comparison.

>> No.7030411

Holy shit. happyboinumber1? Is that you?

>> No.7030426

not all those who wander are lost

>> No.7030430
File: 308 KB, 2627x1295, Myra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030620

Improve your English, then try insulting people afterwards.

>> No.7030624
File: 3 KB, 459x551, dum cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say how disappointed I am in Mello.

>> No.7030627
File: 133 KB, 640x551, IMG_4044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only gated in the sense that you need to post work instead of just hang out and twiddle your thumbs/gossip. There is gossiping for sure, but draw while doing it. Also, don’t cry and shit yourself if someone tells you your drawing is bad. Just ask them why they think so and they’ll probably tell you.

>> No.7030664

I want to practice studying other Artists. How can I look at what someone else has done and understand how to reproduce it.

>> No.7030704

If they upload speedpaints or timelapses, I usually get an understanding on what they did in what order to get to the final look. Some artists upload project files such as .psd/.csp and you can peel back every layer and even see if a blend mode has been applied to them

>> No.7030738

By really sitting down and analyzing their piece alongside learning the tricks that artists use for the specific medium the piece is done in. Also what >>7030664

>> No.7030745

If it's some twitter artist. you should DM them

>> No.7030751

Didn't you say /int/ trap earlier?

>> No.7030783

>restrictions official publishing houses have to follow. Indeed, often the main point of a given doujinshi is to present an explicit version of a popular show's characters.
All the works on that website are original though. It seems like it has nothing to do with doujin publishing and everything to do with official publishing, but porn. Really feels like you're just searching for ways to undermine somebody's achievement, however small.

>The guy literally took 3 years to become a H-doujinshi artist. I am sure it is hard work, but god damm, 3 years
He asked you a question before, that I can't help but notice you ignored.
>How long does it normally take somebody to become a pro manga author?
I wanna know too. How long?

>> No.7030789

how good does your japanese have to be for this
asking for a friend

>> No.7030816

>>A major part of doujinshi, whether based on mainstream publications or original, contains sexually explicit material, due to both the large demand for such publications and absence of restrictions official publishing houses have to follow.

You seem to have ignored the first part. There is a demand for sexually explicit doujinshi. To publish it whether original or fanfic, it goes under the doujinshi, which is not regulated by the law of Japan. You are a H-doujinshi, under a doujinshi publisher. Because that is the only way to publish. Manga have standards. You are far from one punch man.

>> No.7030845

How long? 3 years. I used ONE as an example because when he first started he was /beg/ doujinshi. After 3 years he is a mangaka. Dingle after 3 years of /dad/ is a H-doujinshi. /dad/ is a /beg/ trap, save yourself, people. I'm giving (you) this because some snarky asshole is gaslighting me, I know the difference between manga and doujinshi. Faggots.

>> No.7030851

>Dingle after 3 years of /dad/ is a H-doujinshi.
But isn't the work he was drawing when he joined DAD an h-doujin manga? I think I remember he drew some catgirl coom manga as well that did numbers on eh too. He was already making doujin manga, but now he's managed to convince a fairly well established publication, doujinshi or not, to publish his work and pay him. That's going pro. If it only took him 3 years to do that, I think that's fairly impressive, and I think the work on his page 1 of DAD vs page 35 is leaps and bounds better. It doesn't sound like he's stopped improving either, so more power to him.

>> No.7030858

homie really did learn all he knows about japan from, ironically, manga lmfao

>> No.7030876

nigga it's really not that hard to understand. Self-publishing = doujinshi. If he has an editorial publisher, he's not a doujin creator, but a bona fide author. I understand you're retarded, but it's really not that complicated.
Since you're also so stuck in whether or not it's erotic content as the only determinant factor, let me give you another example. Bocchi the rock creator was selling Blue Archive doujinshi in last year's comiket. Does that mean she's not a mangaka, for indie publishing her work? Of course not, if you're not as dumb as a rock, but here we are.

>> No.7030891

I am not undermining his success, I am pointing out two artists in the same artistry in the three years timeframe. ONE started as /beg/ became a mangaka in 3 years. Dingle started as /beg/ became a h-doujinshi in 3 years. /dad/ is a /beg/ trap. What I learned is that ONE started as doujinshi at the very beginning. It doesn't matter if his art was /beg/. What matters is the great story and cool character. For the person(s) who need to hear this. Good luck. Last (you). All these (you)s because of that few faggots who gaslighted me about the difference between manga and doujinshi, fuck you, and thank you, I will never make the same mistake again.

>> No.7030899
File: 205 KB, 926x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is not in the manga industry. I am correct about this
But the many authors who work in the same magazine and magazines just like it very much ARE in the manga industry.
>due to both the large demand for such publications and absence of restrictions official publishing houses have to follow
There's nothing stopping any seinen manga from including the same sexually explicit material as any eromanga rag, because it's all seinen manga. There is no distinction. This is obviously true because a large amount of seinen manga DO include sexually explicit scenes, they're just not the focus most of the time. Never forget Wolf Guy's rape namek, or the entirety of Parallel Paradise. The only law policing this is the exact same law that eromanga magazines have to abide by too, as do individuals publishing doujin works -- the same law that is why all genitalia are censored.
On the digital storefronts, guess what category these tankoubons are published under: 成年コミック.

>Really feels like you're just searching for ways to undermine somebody's achievement, however small.
Lol, definitely agree there.

I only know a little bit. You do need to know your way around a translator, at the very least, and you should definitely know a fair amount ABOUT the language. Enough to try and word your communication/dialogue in the comic itself well enough to get the point across even if it doesn't sound natural.
I don't think there's much precedent for what I'm doing now -- my editor told me he's never worked with somebody in this way before, entirely through text & image. Normally foreigners would know the language and have meetings in person or over the phone. So I can't honestly say for sure that it's doable until I see more than just one example of it working out, y'know? My case could still just be a fluke.

Thanks bro.

Damn dude you're crazy lmao.

>> No.7030945

next time look up term definitions before you say anything and embarass yourself then baka gaijin lol

>> No.7030963

all weebs get the rope

>> No.7031060

go back to drawing birds, boomer

>> No.7031314
File: 185 KB, 1795x1240, Sketchbook2024_Cover_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel comfortable calling this cover art DONE and FINAL now. Now I just need to finish compiling the zine itself... I'm getting down to the wire here, but I'll hopefully have it ready to send in by tomorrow morning. (Probably going to have to shill an extra $30 on shipping though.)

nice cock

I took your suggestion and added some detail work to the sand (no sand castle tho unfortunately.) Thanks for the idea!

Hopefully this guy has left the thread now, but I just want to add ONE is a really weird example to bring up in this discussion. He's very much an outlier in the industry, and in no way representative of what it takes to become a mangaka. His stuff started as a webcomic first, which then got insanely popular to the point that he was able to go pro DESPITE his artistic skill level.

I also can't believe he kept doubling down on an incorrect definition of doujinshi lol. You can literally look it up in a dictionary!

Maybe I should look into eromanga as an option to make some money too, while I wait for the (US) animation industry to come back to life... if you can get published using google translate maybe I have a shot with my /int/ Japanese skills lol. Here's hoping your eromanga is a success!

>> No.7031320

>if you can get published using google translate maybe I have a shot with my /int/ Japanese skills lol.
Yeah, you probably could. You've just gotta find a magazine for the theme you want to draw and bring them an appropriate storyboard + a sample of finished work. You will probably want to finish some works first, but you don't need to be amazing or anything, just around the level of the average artist in their magazine. The skill level varies by publication, some are crazy high level like Kairakuten and others are a pretty low-bar. If you know japanese even a little bit it's definitely a viable route to just apply to japanese magazines, and it'll make researching magazines much easier.

>> No.7031372

what's a finished work in this case, like a short comic?
also have no clue where to begin looking for these mags to apply to

>> No.7031381

Something they would put in their magazine. That depends on the magazine. In my case, a 40ish page story with finished artwork. This would just be a sample though, don't expect to get paid for that work.

>also have no clue where to begin looking for these mags to apply to
Then google the names (in jp of course) to find their websites, where you can see the stuff they publish, other stuff under the same publisher, a way to contact them etc.
DLsite or DMM will probably have a similar thing where you can search for publishers, so you just look for stuff that publishes the stuff you want to make by going through all of 'em until you find one you like.

This doesn't even have to be porn btw, you could apply to same idea to finding any publication. Look for manga like the stuff you wanna make, search up the publisher, go to their site and find a way to get in contact. Then, make something you can show them and show it to them.

>> No.7031404

Enjoy the tier list!
I added all the DADs with a streak of one and an avatar.
Please tell me if you want to be added to the list,I'll do it ASAP :)
I'll do mine later tonight

>> No.7031412

Get rid of crush, that’s just a way to avoid ranking someone you like

>> No.7031426

You have the option to delete and rename tiers when making your list.

>> No.7031445
File: 3.03 MB, 2339x1654, cowidea_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the info, this is really helpful to read! I'll be sure to start researching magazines and try to find some to shoot for.

Whether I get accepted someplace or not, it'd be a good excuse to get back into comic-making. I guess I could use Sleeptaker as a sample depending on the magazine, though it's already a couple years old.

For a second I thought you put everyone in the F tier lol. Maybe I'll play around with this tomorrow.

>> No.7031514
File: 2.31 MB, 2576x3353, IMG_6452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some asshole at uni stole my drawing pencil so I tried some ink sketches with no construction. Think top right probably turned out the best.

>> No.7031727
File: 495 KB, 1160x1405, DADsICheckOnRegularly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left to right, decending

>> No.7031731

Nsix > Urazi
Lmao. You are blind.

Also @ Winrardebernd
wtf is your list

>> No.7031733

What chu talking about?

>> No.7031738

False arlam. He(winrardebernd) made a tier list about drawing subjects that he likes not drawing skills. I am on his prebeg list.

>> No.7031739


>> No.7031740

I say it might be best not to interact with him...i imagine he is either 13 years old or mentally insane...

>> No.7031742

wtf, Urazi is wayyyy too low.

What a sus tierlist

>> No.7031743

Urazi's finished pieces look clean and polished but struggles with solid forms. That's why I can't pud them higher.

>> No.7031772

I think a lot of people overestimate Urazi here for some reason. She is good at making polished pieces, but lacks a lot of other fundamental skills. Her poses are always stiff and her faces all look alike and lack any underlying form. I would probably place her around mid int, but not super high up in the tier. I guess it depends on how much you value how polished something is versus the foundation of a piece.

>> No.7031783


>> No.7031784

begs get dazzled by rim lighting and fancy glows

>> No.7031793

Pretty much. For the N6-Urazi comparison, N6 excels at anatomy, form, and rendering. Even his line art has a lot more character. I'm not saying Urazi is by any means bad, but her art is just not as impressive to me. The things she does best aren't super hard

>> No.7031801
File: 1.29 MB, 1140x1089, Urazi&#039; tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All alone in the low int ....
I came to the same conclusion as with you for my placement though anon :)
Don't fully agree with your list but that's the game!
Can you elaborate on the solid form part pretty please ?

Thanks anon but Low int is a good place, I am slowly getting my way to mid.

Thanks for the crits! yeah my pose are stiff as hell, need to work on that and also loomis more.

I do love my rimlight and my pack of FX that get that last polish feel :)
Here is my tierlist and my honest opinions!
Only did the DADs up to page 3 ( took me 1h30 already ...).
Don't hesitate to message me on discord if you want some detail and don't get discourage, you only progress by drawing and self asserting yourself

>> No.7031804

Tier list sorted by how much I want to bang your avatar (skipped if it seemed like you actually made your avatar yourself which is weird)

>> No.7031805
File: 389 KB, 1031x1114, bangable tier list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7031807

Mapache over Bearslime? There are a few things I would switch around but this seems pretty solid

>> No.7031811

>I am on his prebeg list.
Don't take it too personal :-->) Most people in the prebeg list aren't bad artists. They just draw something that i'd never be interested in.
Lol whatever u say. https://youtu.be/uI1r-FeIK1A?t=34 Take this funny family clip into consideration.

>> No.7031819
File: 39 KB, 550x385, 1a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7031821

first day posting
do i just post itt or what?

>> No.7031822
File: 1.08 MB, 627x944, kub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7015273 (OP)
first day posting
do i just post itt or what?

>> No.7031826

You're not in the same tier as whiff, ulala, bearslime, haebermani, and yoshi

>> No.7031829


>> No.7031832

I'd say you should join the site so yoru art is archive and you'll have to posibility to acces the discord when you have a 14 day streak.
As you wish anon!

I kneel best tier list.

Then make your own and lover me anon, we need way more!
It's always to difficult to judge people and some might entierly disagree with my list.
Go for it put me in high beg and up all the other to mid int.
That's fine!
The more list the better the stats.

>> No.7031835

>I added all the DADs with a streak of one and an avatar
Now I want to see a tier list with everyone WITHOUT an avatar and we have to all guess who's who in what placement

>> No.7031870

Let me get it straight: so you wouldn't fuck a golden fish but totally would smash the tuna?

C'mon dude, if you fuck one fish, you fuck all of them

>> No.7031874

based fellow yakub enjoyer

>> No.7031876

well maybe a filthy fishslut like YOU would. As a gentleman, I'm more selective and discriminating when it comes to the quality of fish I lay with

>> No.7031878

>"cats" are categorically out(even when they are not at all cats like goofs profile which depicts a robot)
>the pig is in
he is an absolute hack

>> No.7031884
File: 5 KB, 225x225, lilguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen buddy, I don't appreciate your TONE. If you want to argue about what constitutes a cat and how fuckable a pig is then either make your own bangable list or come fight me

>> No.7031892

you are completely devoid of any sound judgement and standards, the gottagitgud profile pic clearly depicts cats and yet its ok? Laughable, I'm not coming to fight you because I know men of zero conviction can put up no fight to begin with.

>> No.7031905
File: 17 KB, 955x1132, oasiuhdfoasidf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight, i'm in!!!!!!! (yakubanon)
also drew this basedjak today, what do you think?

>> No.7031907

this onions is so cool!!
epic win desu!

>> No.7031914

where are his ears

>> No.7031987
File: 111 KB, 664x648, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's right. mapache's grasp on anatomy utterly mogs me lol

>> No.7032008

>cat category
>posts dogs
Average dad IQ

>> No.7032018

I guess that we can't never be friend. I hate women.

>> No.7032023
File: 628 KB, 421x927, victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dead Last
My talents are finally recognized

>> No.7032053

New least favorite DAD just dropped. This is why women shouldn't have rights.

>> No.7032062

I was gonna say something nice about your work the other day, now I hate you and your art

>> No.7032072
File: 333 KB, 955x1152, random565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the server been updated yet? I wanna use the latest brushes now that it's out of beta and release candidates.

>Only person we trashtalk is Table guy
To think he would lose to me in multiple tierlists... those weird nipples are really holding him back, eh?

Only thing I would crit is the use of hard brush where you were trying to soft shade, like the breasts.

More people posting their works and keeping thread alive is always a good thing. You don't have to join the dad site fi you don't want to.

>> No.7032138


>> No.7032219

Drawing regularly would fix all of my problems but u refuse to do so and haven't even tried to get back to ut for over three months

>> No.7032247

A buddy i'll miss. I shall patiently wait for their return

>> No.7032369
File: 476 KB, 1330x1638, lazy drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy copy today

>> No.7032388


>> No.7032472

get used to it buddy. theres a lot more DADs than end up on those tear lists ;_;

>> No.7032483

Does anyone have the magical power of making more challenges? I signed up for the world building challenge but I would love to have another small challenge to hop into. It seems like DAD is a little dry at the start of the year.

>> No.7032512

If you wanted to be added to the list, you could've just asked? See: >>7031404

Personally I'm happy I've resisted the urge to ask for this. I no longer think that happiness comes from beating your art rivals. The only thing that matters is if you've put in enough effort to overcome old you.

>> No.7032535
File: 185 KB, 850x863, 1684432061713027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was gonna say something nice about your work the other day
Why did you change your mind lmfao. What was "something nice"
>now I hate you and your art
Who are you? I need to hate on your art as well.

>> No.7032632
File: 87 KB, 925x883, Nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032718
File: 836 KB, 955x660, finb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a sketch, but it's the closest i've got to a finished work today

>> No.7032780

Not him but seriously. You are so up your own ass that you think of your comments as some kind of blessing or some shit. Get off your high horse.

>> No.7032784

Nice. They invented a new category of bad to put me in.

>> No.7032830

>sorry, but something went wrong
how the FUCK do i upload a propic!

>> No.7032833
File: 241 KB, 609x610, hgasdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm rarted. nvm

>> No.7032856


>> No.7032984
File: 109 KB, 290x325, 1703871537452208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Urazi, I needed to have my ego assfucked lol. I'm always so caught up In thinking how good I *could* be that I never actually apply myself. I also focus too much on my times and my streak, that I neglect my actual artistic progression/skill acquisition.

-literally who/a child according to the other tierlists in this thread lmao

>> No.7033108

I'll make some later
I thought about making a Figuary one but it'd need people to be on LAScord where I stream them, and the sessions are only like 15mins a day too, so idk how it'd work

>> No.7033123
File: 154 KB, 1080x1049, fatpig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do i need to do to achieve int?
t. tortured

>> No.7033199

I'd also like to know this. Could Dads give us homework based on what we should work on next?

>> No.7033209

Seconding this. I want homework as well.

>> No.7033216

watch Vilppu and/or Huston
read and copy from Bridgeman's

>> No.7033224

I hate it here.

>> No.7033277

m8, you aren't beg. Urazi is not the arbiter of art skill. A beg would not be able to pull this off like you did: https://dad.gallery/submissions/184217
That being said, my suggestion is to try to clean up your lines a little. I know you can do it because you have clean lines in some of your work- just try to get consistent in your line confidence

>> No.7033306

Hm yea, you're about the same level as Urazi. You even know form a little better

>> No.7033361

Regardless of categorization i do think i'm lacking something critical that is preventing me from the next level

>> No.7033409

This tier list is wack.

>> No.7033457

Table is the only person on the website who can make actually professional pieces of art (barring subject matter most times). Everyone else is mid int at best

>> No.7033458

only made it into two tierlists and I'm ranked "pre-beg" and "probably fuckable" baka

good point about the hard brush on the boobs. Ironic since the boobs are usually what I put the most effort into rendering... figuring out how much rendering and hard/soft edges is appropriate for a piece is definitely an area I struggle with.

>> No.7033468

relax tablefucker

>> No.7033469

Professional by who's standards? We have dingle in this thread saying he's working professionally, and he's far from the only dad with an art job. If it's good enough for an employer, how is it not professional? Professional "level" means little because, for example, tableguy is clearly better than dingle, yet dingle is by definition a pro while tg is by definition a hobbiest.

>> No.7033479

Sorry I only posted that to get some (You)s. I don't actually believe what I wrote

>> No.7033492

well, i actually believe that people on dad and 4chan as a whole have distorted perception about what a an actual int and pro is mostly because 99% here are begs and if something remotly better than literally stickman or some super flat fundie lacking crap can be called int or pro or whatever

>> No.7033503

I need to see more tierlists. Post 'em, mofos

>> No.7033539

All they got at the typo factory are leftists, boss.

>> No.7033575
File: 393 KB, 1300x727, 5f3299e29dbda95e26fefbb7d95ec7c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7033628

Made me audibly laugh. thanks anon.

>> No.7033719
File: 189 KB, 605x300, badgersinbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New challenges are up
>Figuary '24
>Year of the Dragon 2024

>> No.7033721

Why'd you change the figuary rules? Isn't it usually just dedicating 30 minutes of drawing figures per day? I don't wanna do gestures every day, I wanna do slower studies like the challenge usually has

>> No.7033722

Wtf I love chooby now

>> No.7033723

This challenge is specifically for doing the croquiscafe figuary sessions, they're only 15 minutes each so they wouldn't work for a streak based challenge
Someone else can make a regular 30min figures a day one if they want to

>> No.7033778

I do not take challenges because I want to keep the badges from pushing my submissions down.
The badges display section is very wanting.

>> No.7033865

Figuary challenge got deleted because croquiscafe is paid content

>> No.7033901
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, helltaker official art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting take. How would you rate pic related? Keep in mind that it was good enough to be used in a very successful game: some would argue that it makes it pro by default.

>> No.7033902

Can we just make a new challenge or is it going to be edited?

>> No.7034080
File: 265 KB, 941x572, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb question for the DADs who color:
how did you learn to do that? I'm currently kind of just winging it when needed (so it comes out usually terrible), but since I've always just doodled on the edge of my notebooks I never bothered learning color for real, it's so bad I didn't even know what my layer types did
I was told to grab a Gurney book and I will, but I'd like to hear about your experiences

>> No.7034177

i thought their figuary videos were free?

>> No.7034193

True. No DAD users on the pro tier imo.

>> No.7034264
File: 289 KB, 795x764, assembling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7034276


>> No.7034388
File: 591 KB, 944x703, EEB1341D-ED1D-4B95-B8A0-00C7F9C0D063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7034407

well actually you did art TODAY. tomorrow and the next will decide whether you did it daily

>> No.7034409

ke k

>> No.7034430

it got deleted so just make a new one desu
idk, theyve put a bunch of things behind the paywall now

>> No.7034457

Just makes the challenge like it normally is ffs