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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 590 KB, 441x851, Filtered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7009796 No.7009796 [Reply] [Original]

Is AI art the final filter for unpassionate artists, those without an intrinsic motivation to draw besides social media clout or money? You either live segregated from it, incorporate it into your workflow, or quit.

>> No.7009803

Twitter trend hopping faggots will be weeded out and hopefully 45% themselves. Artist who love drawing and arent clout chasers will stoll draw.

>> No.7009804
File: 59 KB, 740x717, 1568939185077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai is indeed the great filter for those who chase after clout drawing the dreaded 1girlwhitevoid pin up FOTM slop for the dopamine rushes. Those who are truly passionate about drawing do as you suggested, either you incorporate it or you don't but if you quit you will be doing everybody a favor by no longer posting voidslop. At least with Ai, the FOTM cancer will be redundant to the point it won't be but a couple minutes before images of the current thing are flooded leaving no room or time for clout chasers to try and be the first one to post about the current thing.

>> No.7009805
File: 2.20 MB, 4063x4096, FxY6NtfaQAELnvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If an asian person has developed to this level, I don't think I will find a reason to draw anymore. I don't have asian jeans.
that's what it sounds like to me.

>> No.7009809

Asians got that through hard work and many years of dedication. Those shitters bitching about that are lazy fucks, but same can’t be said about ai slop.

>> No.7009810

>Didn't you post this shit already OP

>> No.7009813

I was just thinking quantity maybe, like there are 1million asians better than you at x skill.

>> No.7009816

I don’t get why Blue Archive has this much fan art for it. It’s not even that good of a game.

>> No.7009817

Because it appeals to the lowest common denominator. You can have a shit game or show, but all it take is sex appeal and it’s a hit. Why else gacha games are mostly filled with shovel ware garbage?

>> No.7009818

Fuck off mikufag

>> No.7009819

I'd rather have mikufag than you around.

>> No.7009820

pick one. also neck yourself for making a slopthread

>> No.7009823


>> No.7009824

It's a massive amount of art, though. Every day without fail my timeline on any image site is nothing but Blue Archive as if Jesus himself is involved with the production.

>> No.7009826

I wish

>> No.7009827

there's nothing to get. it's popular, the characters are appealing, the official art is good, it's backed by a major game company, and free gacha games are easily accessible.

>> No.7009829

>wishing to be permabeg
>bumping like a fag

>> No.7009830
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1674026554190809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if Jesus himself is involved with the production
If only you knew.

>> No.7009833

I know you're jealous, but Miku already has a #1 supporter.

>> No.7009836
File: 254 KB, 635x732, stop being a pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likeable characters with simple, appealing designs which at the same time aren't too plain because of their halos.

>> No.7009839

>drawing the dreaded 1girlwhitevoid pin up FOTM slop
Why do you keep bringing this up? As if AI can't do much more than that now anyway. Did you just learn how to do backgrounds and now you feel to bash anyone that doesn't?
Miku is the biggest trendslop character of all time btw

>> No.7009848

And people will still bump it.

>> No.7009850

I know right?

>> No.7009851


>> No.7009853

What is this from?

>> No.7009927


>> No.7009947
File: 429 KB, 828x561, 9y3vbzc5nhk41_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI produces nothing but souless generic bullshit. It's the ultimate slop vending machine.
>Artists who produce generic slop feel threatened by it.
Perish niggers. Real artists will carry on

>> No.7009998
File: 3.16 MB, 4586x2120, Ilia_Efimovich_Repin_(1844-1930)_-_Volga_Boatmen_(1870-1873).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this person really think this generic anime nsfw shit with no meaning is art? Maybe they should think about what they consider art.

>> No.7010030

AI = Artistic Intelligence

>> No.7010040

AI = Actually Inbred

>> No.7010047

Whats a real artist for you, anon? Post examples.

>> No.7010060
File: 79 KB, 700x521, tombombadil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was actually getting paid for my shit I'd use AI to cut corners here and there , probably for crowds and intradiagetic artwork (I'd proompt the shit out of every fake advertising in a futuristic dystopia), but as a perma/beg/ clout chaser drawing 3/4 anime bitches all day for my 41 followers I think it's the gayest thing ever.

>> No.7010090

ai = absolutely inbred

>> No.7010094
File: 107 KB, 900x1278, 2023_03_186ffbaab10eb794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7010110
File: 60 KB, 588x436, 1657416645233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit is up to 130k likes now
I genuinely love it. Gives me the most malevolent boner. Call me a bitter sour grapes faggot, because I absolutely am, but after years of being gaslit by algorithms, ads, and addicts, I love that these vapid shitter "artists" are finally getting a long overdue anal restructuring. Now you see what it's really about, what it's always really been about. And suddenly they have such high minded ideas about the significance of the human component in art. I just want to see it all burn to the ground. Drag me to hell.

>> No.7010156

it's merely another distraction for NGMIs. It's like tracing, a shortcut for the weak to get famous without putting in the gains. Just like a roider at the gym, they'll be dead soon enough, no need to care for them.
True GMIs always choose the path of most resistance long term.

>> No.7010159
File: 560 KB, 636x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is AI art the final filter for unpassionate artists, those without an intrinsic motivation to draw besides social media clout or money?
absolutely. it may be a blessing in disguise, like how photography caused the advent of impressionism.
if all the sovless artists that are only in it for the money quit or are replaced, allowing more room for more artists with sovl, i think it can only be a good thing

>> No.7010171

Guess what happens to those artist with more sovl. Those ai shitters will take their art and put it through ai

>> No.7010173

It doesn't work like that. The internet content slop machine (ICSM) ever hungers for the next marketable trend. Whatever the next thing is, if there is a next thing (and not merely a doubling down on what already exists), will just get similarly run into the ground. Like the Y2K thing right now. People just don't know when to quit until it's too late.

>> No.7010175

Anon if you were already popular how you feel about fanart. Most AI shitters too barely go beyond sticky to one thing long enough to make anything lasting longer than a goldfish memory

>> No.7010197
File: 73 KB, 1188x523, 1698742711016675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that proompters are failed artists eternally seething at artists better than them, participation trophies were a mistake and Shadiversity is a weenie.


>> No.7010199

Proompters are the react youtubers of the art world. While they might get hugely popular occasionally, anyone who isn't lobotomized will never look up to their content because they know it's devoid of skill.

>> No.7010269

so no one's notice yet how fucking weird her ear is?

>> No.7010396

It's Shrek's ear kek.

>> No.7010402

>that first video
Shad is the most pathetic artcel of all time, never forget this is who you are arguing with in ai threads

>> No.7010446

I often feel frustrated that I'm a prebeg who started late and get mogged by teens every day, but then I remember that my existence is inherently better than proompters like shad and I feel better

>> No.7010464

It's just a popular game with likable characters and a decent story.
Oh, and the fanbase isn't toxic as fuck.

>> No.7010491

Anime waifufaggotry simulator.
I tried honkai impact and lost all interest after jerking off.

>> No.7010542
File: 1.56 MB, 1857x776, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this person really think this generic anime nsfw shit with no meaning is art
this is his art go figure

>> No.7010548

Simply playing the market

>> No.7011561


>> No.7011596

stealth marketing by the gooks, they commission popular artists then it creates a chain reaction

>> No.7011661

Artificial intelligence only came to harm new artists to carve out a path, it is no longer enough to be regular, now they have to go one step further BUT it is not bad, in fact What artificial intelligence did was make regular artists try harder and old artists rethink the status quo, I think from now on we will see more unique voices In the digital art community, a bright and creative future is coming.

P.S: Yes, those who use AI are so mediocre that they appropriate words like "art", "creation", "authorship" when they were sitting on a cemetery of stolen artists' work. In that sense the IA bros are the scam mediums of this era, stealing terminology to seem "serious" like "spiritual surgery", "energy alignment", etc. BS they are pure thieves.

>> No.7011664
File: 129 KB, 1024x926, discord trannies 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the people making AI threads are like the ones in picrel, sad psychotic individuals that believe shitposting on 4chan has some kind of greater purpose

>> No.7011674

Or people who are about to be AI bros and in their last breath of artistic morality decide to make an Anti AI post.

>> No.7011678

>all this coordinated energy to shitpost a fucking videogame on 4chan of all places, not a place with more general reach like reddit, etc.

>> No.7011761
File: 817 KB, 320x180, 1703456461334217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I never thought about it like that. Now I can rest at ease knowing it's not me.

>> No.7011777

Barry? Or is there another schizo on his level?

>> No.7012145

Was it Blue Archive or Azur Lane where some faggot proompter tried to rally a personal army against an artist and was promptly told to kill himself?

>> No.7012233

4chan is anonymous therefore there is zero consequence from being banned and zero friction to start shitposting again after a ban.
Compare that to forums/reddit/social media where you have to create an account + verify an e-mail and it becomes obvious why 4chan is the perfect shitposting paradise.

>> No.7012384

Literal coomfag, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7012449

Arknights I think. The faggot who quintupled down had a nuclear meltdown on twitter about freedom of expression or whatever right?

>> No.7012460

Cute girls with sandbox community driven fan works. It's like how Touhou got popular despite most people having never played the games.

>> No.7012631

>the passion that unites us
>hating a videogame
holy shit what a bunch of sad losers

>> No.7012636

I see. I like you real artists.

>> No.7012692

Cope, this tech came out of nowhere and most normies love it

>> No.7012703
File: 178 KB, 892x583, 124542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So artists back then that mastered their craft and made a living out of it who were crowbar'd out of their life's calling because of photography were just soulless grifters? Artists like Norman Rockwell, J. C. Leyendecker? They were lucky enough to get famous (moreso for Rockwell) but imagine all the artists we missed out on because art was no longer an avenue for them and they didn't want to paint abstract bullshit.

>> No.7012761

Look how mindbroken this faggot is that he has to make shit up.

>> No.7012794
File: 362 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20240110-141126_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the narcissistic fuck?

>> No.7012796

no one cares about western artist styles lol. everyone wants to do a authentic anime style with ai

>> No.7012818

Really? a lot of ai does pixar style from what I've seen

>> No.7012820

this is incredibly sad and explains so much at the same time

>> No.7012822

This is literally what happened to 2D animation in America when 3D replaced it. The infrastructure to create 2D animation on the level that America once used to doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.7012875

Majority of the retards here dont even know how good ai will get. Check out novelai v3. Can do shiton of styles an do sex poses etc. The goapost WILLbe moved

>> No.7012889


>> No.7012890


>> No.7012893

I do not care because its not me creating the image.

>> No.7012903

NAI3 is pretty impressive but the lack of LORA is annoying

>> No.7012904


>> No.7013156

hmm, you do make good points.
i guess what i was saying was based on the belief that people who truly love the arts will pursue their passions regardless of financial incentives, but of course that isn't really how the world works...
i suppose the ideal scenario is a careful balance of job opportunities. too many will turn the craft in to soulless slop (t. programmer), and too little will diminish artists numbers over time (eg tailors, calligraphers, furniture makers)

>> No.7013178

Two more weeks, sirs.

>> No.7013204

I don't get what's so amazing about generic anime girl #48382 drinking milk

>> No.7013211

Try and draw, paint, and add drapery together with a background and lighting that compliments the figure drinking milk with her breasts half exposed. You can't.

>> No.7013581


>"When your not famous enough for anyone to make an Al model of your art."

I mean if they want one badly enough I can shit that out tonight if they want one so badly

>no one cares about western artist styles lol.

You sweet summer child lol.....

>> No.7013706

there are unironical paid shills and paid fanart by nexon

>> No.7013709

Nexon a billion dollar corporation with a massive astroturfing campaign, is not even a top earner, it just gets a lot of secondary attention

>> No.7013710

Post or Name artist that won't get replaced by AI

>> No.7013714
File: 185 KB, 360x339, 1689451190180967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nikkers seething at BA even on /ic/

>> No.7013728

Why would we be seething at mindless corporate drones?

>> No.7013735

traditional artists
graffiti artists
performance artists
jewelry artists
me because i am unique and irreplaceable

>> No.7013757

Menstrual blood artists

>> No.7013903

>incorporate it into your workflow
it's been a few years from AI trannies to shill this mantra and 0 answers to how exactly you incorporate AI into your workflow as an artist

>> No.7013907

because they don't actually care. they're just want artists to do it to help push AI acceptance in art communities. the only usage of it that doesn't take a lot away from the artist is using it solely as refrence

>> No.7013911

gen scenario > draw what it spits out

>> No.7013925

but AI is super shitty and slow for references

>> No.7014005

now it's not slow anymore, but it's still worthless for anything requiring more directorial control than outlining a general scenario. want to change the pose, lighting, camera angle? too bad, keep rerolling until you get something you can use :^)

>> No.7014006

Uhh... maybe you should have developed your own artstyle instead of following the animeslop 1 character pinup trend? Kek I'm so glad AI solved the smug animetranny problem.

>> No.7014037

>implying they draw the backgrounds

dont even get me started with that

>> No.7014085

Allbeatnik artists

>> No.7014086
File: 325 KB, 1280x1856, GCktnH3bsAA6kls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U usually just make a sketch as a reference
(Dont use image generators that use the reference as inspiration)
Generate it with a detailed description
Draw over it with a style that Ai cannot generate at the moment

>> No.7014091

why would I do it? I know how to draw, I only need references for inspiration. I just type "wizard" on pinterest and it shows me thousands of images closely or not related to the word "wizard", instantly. AI is just skill issue, again, for a professional artist it has 0 purpose

>> No.7014126

You don't gain anything by having a computer do nearly all of the work for you

>> No.7014166

i look up to this guy and am one of his 93k loyal followers
cant believe he quit art because of AI. what should i do with my life now

>> No.7014206

>"No one gives us examples on how it can be used"
>Gives examples on how it can be used
>"Yeah but it's useless for me, professionals don't have a use for it, etc"

>> No.7014229

i stopped bothering with anti AI tards.
i'd rather focus on my own shit. and i already have a working sketch > lineart workflow that is very close to being ready now.

>> No.7014231


>> No.7014236

Wonder if the demoralization spam was just tripfag cause he got his thread deleted

>> No.7014240

lol. you sad, pathetic shizo
no. this is my only post since that thread (i got a warning for """"""trolling""""""")
that definitely made me lose interest but i'll probably make a thread to show off the lineart workflow eventually.

honestly, that curtain thread made me realize that i'm mostly arguing with a bunch of retarded permabegs.

>> No.7014241
File: 56 KB, 640x710, can-anyone-provide-the-ltg-memes-lightning-png-v0-xk2rvd689wob1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you keep on coming back...

>> No.7014263

Based, fuck these bandwagoners

>> No.7014558

why lots of artists quitting art?

>> No.7014564

T B H it's just what AIniggers say because all they do is look at Twitter for validation or acceptance.

>> No.7014603
File: 306 KB, 1011x1724, 1cd523aabe4c672798344f25943efa2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artists who were in it for the money no longer earn enough to sustain themselves even at poverty level cost of living, and the AI fears continue to wear down their motivation.
I don't know if I'm going insane but I'm seeing an uptick of actual artists rendering nearly the same way stable diffusion/NAI does and I think it's both funny and sad
this might end up being the universal 'style' that anime artists adapt into.

>> No.7014623

This is literally just tracing with extra steps. It's like that dude who painted over the picture of the pear in the other thread. If you're gonna use AI as efficiently as possible you literally just gen the image and post it. That's how the majority of people use it which still competes easily with anyone trying to incorporate it into their workflow with less work

>> No.7014628

Reminder that Aifags on reddit literally argue that you have to be American to discuss AI topics and issues because majority of discourse stems from the culture of the US

>> No.7014649

It's a waste of time.

>> No.7014653

they have no vision or purpose other than make pretty picture for upboats

>> No.7014677

True but doing that as someone that can draw isn't "fun". It is very much like referencing as in you're not faithfully drawing the reference 1:1 but using it as a visual base, especially seeing what something would vaguely look like if it was done in a particular style

The usefulness of AI was never an issue to begin with, the issue is that it steals work to create it.

>> No.7014698

>bunch of retarded permabegs
aren't you a permabeg yourself? except now you've switched to ai

>> No.7014805

>incorporate it into your Workflow
yeah If I can't think of any position for the arms i use it

>> No.7014814

at least this MF made it, and can be called the creator of those animu girls

>> No.7014831
File: 170 KB, 680x253, 409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It do be like dat...fr fr
Pic unrelated

>> No.7014850
File: 159 KB, 1809x700, 1697134585946838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because AI is just getting stronger and stronger, as evident by the OP image >>7009796

>> No.7014867
File: 389 KB, 828x885, japan loves ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your narrative is falling apart.

>> No.7014877

to have a working sketch > lineart workflow you'd need to do working sketches first :^)

>> No.7014937
File: 24 KB, 220x288, Francis_williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But anon
>Whomst've...doth thyne negro you bring forth?

>> No.7014938
File: 2.59 MB, 4666x3028, 1704157185512857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a matter of fact, no i don't.
of course i still will, with many things, and there is still manual detailing and stuff after the AI part.

but with pic related? it almost feels like trying to compose a setting rather than drawing it.
this entire thing was made in around 20 minutes (i checked).
of course in reality it would still take longer, especially with with manual work after this step, but still. it's pretty nice.

>> No.7014940

You are an unironic /beg/ if you cant tell apart the mistakes ai makes from a real one.

>> No.7014942
File: 454 KB, 1755x660, 1697052357095032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind the tone and lineart is separated, so this is very easy to work with after the fact.

>> No.7014951

congrats you learned about screentones

>> No.7014954

It just looks like you let the entire thing do it for you and you just put it through a bunch of filters after

>> No.7014968
File: 236 KB, 798x733, IMG_20240111_181902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfag you've shown that bitch already near 50x's wtf have you actually been doing that AI was suppose to speed up.
>truly your the are the Cris to this board

>> No.7014970
File: 2.50 MB, 4666x3028, doAIniggersreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, what happens when you need to generate another image in the same setting that requires some level of consistency? what happens when you need a character to interact with that setting?

>> No.7014976

are you that allergic to actually drawing and learning or do you just prefer wasting time

>> No.7014988

i used traditional screentones when you were probably still in kindergarten.
i like how you think the screentones is what makes the workflow special.
this kind of posterization shit is not new. the AI making custom shit to posterize is.

to be clear, this is just an experiment, i went into it wanting to look out of a door, into a garden section and then more barns beyond that. it was a very vague idea and i shaped as i went.
i did not need to draw any of it, merely hint at it. how many hours do you think it would have taken me to compose, draw, redraw, redraw and then INK this kind of shit?

i already told you many many times why i don't like posting in my personal style.
and i feel entirely justified, seeing how you shitters are becoming more and more rabid by the week.
besides, i did use way more than that sketch to test this, i'll never show those here though.

especially for black and white workflows like this, it is trivial to fix after the fact. this is also why i pointed out that the halftone is separated.
the more consistency you need, the harder you'll have to try to generate something similar looking from the get go. the more you have to make big changes after the gen.

if you have the general composition and shapes down, you can still redraw sections to make them fit. a lot of the work has been done for you already after all, and you probably also don't have to think so hard about how to design or draw or render something. the AI's examples are right there. and you'll probably learn from it too.

>> No.7014990

>i used traditional screentones when you were probably still in kindergarten.
good for you eternal permabeg
>the AI making custom shit to posterize is.
no? you can do that with a regular image lol
again you're just trying your damndest to shove your tool down our throats

>> No.7014992
File: 3.85 MB, 498x198, 1679381561006701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i learn AI because i don't want to waste my time. do you see the irony in that?

also i want to say that massively tilted door was pretty obvious (even in my actual "sketch") but i just didn't bother fixing it since i was just trying to see how this goes.
i've posted webms before on this. on how you can shape elements and perspective with some strokes and a fitting prompt.

>> No.7014993

your resistance only makes him harder

>> No.7014995

>no? you can do that with a regular image lol
again, the posterize is not new. but you guiding the AI to make something to posterize is.
also it's not me. it's you who is trying your damnest to shit on AI. and me by extension.
i genuinely don't care. you're just pathetic at this point.

>> No.7014996

>look what AI can do "t.tripfag"
>don't like posting my style
like you even had one
>(YOU)s everyone
>experimenting (for how long now)
>acts like being older means they actually have authority
How does it feel people half your age already prob achieved more with their work than your useless ass bitching here. Then again your are an eternal Beg to begin with

>> No.7014998

so was there really any point showing it off? wow guys you can gen, and then do the same things you can with a normal image, okay? you say you don't care yet here you are, posting ai and getting passive aggressive when people are not very impressed by it. post it in the manga thread maybe they'll be impressed by it

>> No.7015000
File: 140 KB, 1000x720, bdff-boat-shops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially for black and white workflows like this, it is trivial to fix after the fact. this is also why i pointed out that the halftone is separated.
>also i want to say that massively tilted door was pretty obvious (even in my actual "sketch") but i just didn't bother fixing it
i pointed out 3 things, but that doesn't account for the many other mistakes i found later on either. how do you suppose you would edit them out when you don't even have the eye to spot these mistakes in the first place?

>you can still redraw sections to make them fit.
you aren't redrawing anything though, and judging by your line art, you don't know how to match your line art style to whatever is generated in the first place so it would always look like shit in comparison. even if you re-generate the space, it will always be off, just like how your colored version changed when it turned to black and white.

>you probably also don't have to think so hard about how to design or draw or render something
flawed logic; first of all, design needs critical thought put into the process, which otherwise, you get generic slop like what you have just posted, otherwise i don't even care about what your setting is about no matter how "nice" it looks. looks like the 129381290th isekai setting with a vaguely japanese-european fantasy village and farm that no one gives a shit about. why even bother putting a bg at that point, just draw your characters in blank space.

take pic related, it is infinitely more interesting than whatever AI can spit out with much more personality, because the artist took the care and attention it needed to spark curiosity, sense of exploration and immersion, something generative AI cannot do, and something that takes human experience and application of knowedge.

>> No.7015002

>when you don't even have the eye to spot these mistakes in the first place?
This is the part that's going to hit people that rely on AI too much the hardest

>> No.7015010

i'd care if they or you could draw better than me :^)

you should really ask yourself why YOU are mad at me for merely showing it.

>and then do the same things you can with a normal image, okay?
are you trying to be dense? come on anon.
you cannot google a setting that just happens to fit what you want, contain what you want and arranged in the way you want. and that is the difference between googling a random ass reference and what the AI is capable of doing for you.

>how do you suppose you would edit them out when you don't even have the eye to spot these mistakes in the first place?
hahahaha.... jesus christ.
i'll tell you straight up: you have absolutely no idea what i draw like.

>why even bother putting a bg at that point, just draw your characters in blank space.
well done. another thing said completely in bad faith.
unless you believe this? if i wanted a scene where look out of a barn into a garden, i should instead use blank space?
...not to mention i can delete large sections of that gen in order to make it much cleaner and meaningful in terms of composition. are you another shitter or can you really not understand what i'm saying here?

you people just REFUSE to think about what can be done, you can only think about how you can reject AI. it's the same thing every time.

what you don't seem to understand is that i can take something like the AI gen and make it into something like your image by infusing my decisions and style onto it.
from the very beginning it has always been said that AI should aid you. that the goal is not for the AI to spit out finished work.

>> No.7015011
File: 673 KB, 725x3399, IMG_20240111_185144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not related really but...I find that quote funny because...(see pic rel)
>though that might just be a native thing that happens in discord overall
>so trips older then...

>> No.7015017

i'm sorry but you're the mad one here, just by going on how incessant you've been on /ic/. using a regular image is still better because you're injecting your style and it's much more consistent, mangakas/assistants just take their own pictures which is far better than both since it allows for multiple accurate angles and perspectives to utilize characters in. anyway i'll leave you alone for good and let you have your fun, too much /ic/ is a waste of time for all of us

>> No.7015018
File: 180 KB, 800x534, house-made-recycled-wooden-doors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll tell you straight up: you have absolutely no idea what i draw like.
lel, you speak as if you have a hidden artistic talent, but anyone with artistic integrity would not touch this AI slop to "assist" their work. are you some coom artist i'm supposed to care about?

>i can delete large sections of that gen in order to make it much cleaner and meaningful in terms of composition
the point is, you DON'T understand composition and what makes it "meaningful" or what even makes it "clean". nothing you shown us so far is interesting other than it being rendered on a skill level that is beyond your knowledge.

like nigger, if you took 2 more seconds to look at your barn picture again, you'd realize the POV is coming from a house made out of fucking doors. one on the left side that is clearly a door, that opens to ??? and the door entrance in the middle that had its door flown off somewhere which is strange to place right next to when there's a door on the left already. then the right side of the entrance has wood patterning that implies it's another fucking door.

>what you don't seem to understand is that i can take something like the AI gen and make it into something like your image by infusing my decisions and style onto it.
you don't have decisions or style when you can't even recognize the inconsistencies and lack of common sense logic.

>you people just REFUSE to think about what can be done, you can only think about how you can reject AI
the problem here is that niggers like you think you can manhandle AI when it's clear you lack the knowledge to apply AI properly anyways. AI attracts the braindead like yourself, that's the problem.

>> No.7015024
File: 14 KB, 1022x107, Screenshot 2024-01-12 034301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015037
File: 72 KB, 616x411, 1695918522806770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm sorry but you're the mad one here, just by going on how incessant you've been on /ic/.
nah, i'm posting less and less now.

also i just disagree. a normal image takes much more of your time and it cannot be changed. AI on the other hand is not just one reference, but a NEVER ENDING FLOW of references that can be adjusted and used directly too. anything you say about normal references being "better" is just utterly delusional.

you are literally nitpicking some random shit i made for testing workflows and assuming that i don't know any better.
i'll say it again and again: believe that if it makes you feel better.
if you had any sense or any skill on your own, you'd be able to tell at the very least that i'm not a beginner just from seeing what i can shit out in seconds.

besides, i keep telling you that this focus on me does not actually defeat my points. but you people are way too intellectually dishonest to even consider that.
even if you think i can't do it, if you think you're skilled, or for anyone else you consider skilled, the question is if THEY could actually make use of these kind of workflows.
you saying that i can't do it isn't an argument even if it were true.
it's about what can be done. of course you'd rather focus on bitching about AI.

yep ...line quality improved a bit with my latest workflows. it's a dream to be able to turn a sloppy sketch into lines that are +70% done with almost no effort. and with almost no deviation from the sketch.
and that's all from me today.

see you next time retards :D

>> No.7015058

how am i nitpicking when i'm pointing out the flawed method in your "work process"?
>you'd be able to tell at the very least that i'm not a beginner just from seeing what i can shit out in seconds
what, by your prompts? or am i supposed to believe that your chicken scratches like >>7014992 is supposed to prove something?

you don't understand that the full artistic experience includes being well-rounded in your knowledge in order to spot the hallucinations your AI is spitting out. just like how a gunfag would gut you for drawing a girl holding a gun with a scope in a way that would give her a black eye. people like you don't do your due diligence as an artist to understand what the fuck you are actually drawing. for that, i can only assume you're an amateur whose ego is only inflated by the bots you gathered from xitter and the low, LOW experience threshold bar that is set on /ic/.

>it's about what can be done. of course you'd rather focus on bitching about AI.
AI isn't doing anything useful here in its processes and only burdens the artist even further by having to be conscious of the mistakes the AI is hallucinating. but if you aren't hand drawing it anyways, how are you supposed to catch on to the million details AI is spitting out? you can only hope no one else notices.

but in case you didn't realize with your anime drawings, animefags happen to be the biggest autists on the planet that can spot a minor detail that they hope would become relevant later in the future of the storyline. (see, attack on titan tards) that is the people you are pandering to with your "art". you don't think they would notice when you use AI to generate useless details that's irrelevant to your (likely mediocre) story and then get confused when nothing is consistent or made with deliberate choice and thought because you trusted AI to make those things for you?

your work will always be garbage

>> No.7015154

Her hands looks like she were inbred

>> No.7015203

>see you next time retards :D

I hope you at least redraw the buttons on her to be the same. see you next week /g AItard

>> No.7015206

>you don't understand that the full artistic experience includes being well-rounded in your knowledge in order to spot the hallucinations your AI is spitting out. just like how a gunfag would gut you for drawing a girl holding a gun with a scope in a way that would give her a black eye. people like you don't do your due diligence as an artist to understand what the fuck you are actually drawing. for that, i can only assume you're an amateur whose ego is only inflated by the bots you gathered from xitter and the low, LOW experience threshold bar that is set on /ic/.

You give them way too much credit if you think they're actually capable of even applying for any real creative position in the industry. They'd be laughed at for trying to substitute the skills gained and having that trained eye for prompting.

Most likely just grifting by posting on social media lying to people about hand drawn like the other hundreds of AItards getting a few commissions here and there from the minority.

>> No.7015212

> continues to come back here every time to let people know he hates art
Absolute schizo behavior

>> No.7015331

given the time he spends bitching? take a guess

>> No.7015335

>it's a dream to be able to turn a sloppy sketch into lines that are +70% done
lmfao fraudster

>> No.7015339

It's our fault for giving him (You)s and bumping his threads. If he was ignored he would've fucked off day 1.

>> No.7015343
File: 83 KB, 394x283, 1691990865327680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you missed the part where i said
>and with almost no deviation from the sketch.

>oh nooooo i'll have to draw hands.....
>why can't the AI do everything perfectly? i want magic or i want nothing!!!!!
this is you right now.

>> No.7015344

kill yourself

>> No.7015345

>you missed the part where i said
nono I didn't miss your cope mental gymnastics crabby-kun.

>> No.7015347

as always i showed you proof. but go on. tell me how you spin it in your head.
i just traced over the AI to fool you? i took that image from the web? what is it, mr "mental gymnastics crabby-kun"? oh the irony.

>> No.7015349

the only proof you have provided is that you lack several skills you try to make up using ai and are thirsty for acknowledgement. your extra seething makes it sweeter. you want to be "valid" so badly I and probably several others get second hand embarrassment from your lazy ass

>> No.7015352

once again avoiding the point while resorting to blind attacks like a rabid dog. same shit, same shit.
i said almost no deviation from the sketch.
you said that was cope. so where is the cope here?

>> No.7015392

NTA but what ESL place are you from tripfag that those are your comebacks

>> No.7015404

That's a man's hand tripfag your still godawful. And your half assed "fixes" are still shit

>> No.7015414

>before AI
>near infinite amount of art that's way better than mine
>after AI
>near infinite amount of art that's way better than mine
what changed?

>> No.7015418

and if that was suppose to be the "original" sketch it's still shit that comes across as some poor trace attempt for how unsteady all your lines are

>> No.7015421

the AItard tripfag always excuses his shit with its just a test guys, just a sketch blabla
post something good and finished so we can fully judge yoir workflow then

>> No.7015422

There's a lot more shitty noise to waddle through now

>> No.7015425

lmao that hand literally looks like a gorilla’s.

>> No.7015429

I can't understand why over saturation of art is a good thing to you AI bugs, like go on any booru that allows AI and see how much is AI.
Are you guys the same people who onions out whenever disney announces 10 new vapid low production value star wars and marvel shows every year? Would you unironically wish that disney released 100 new vapid ashoka and baby yoda spin-offs?

>> No.7015451
File: 492 KB, 1024x1536, 1695128196193417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes across as some poor trace
and there we go! here's the mental gymnastics. it's a poor trace and i didn't draw it huh? and you still think the goal here is to judge me.
you retards will do anything to not think about AI and its actual, real implications.

it's not a good or bad thing, it's just going to happen.
and somehow the only thing you can think about when faced with this is what will DISNEY do. it's beyond laughable.

it's a sketch. if you look at >>7015037 you can see that the exact same countours will make a fine hand if you just take away some of the lines that make it look more manly/rough. it might still be a bit bit though.

i literally didn't fix ANYTHING in that gen. it's the raw output. the fixes would come after. this is why it's so good.
like i said, you can get 70% of the way there.

>> No.7015452

>a bit bit

>> No.7015462

on the off chance you're posting in good faith, can you really not see how your own sketch is miles better than the poorly defined simulacrum the AI spits out? have some self-respect

>> No.7015467

please finish an artwork with your workflow and post it

>> No.7015468

Duc is a cuck, he has no self respect unfortunately

>> No.7015473

AI = autistic indian

>> No.7015474

the real answer is that they've dropped the pen and have picked up an axe to swing at an eye level watermelon as a new skill to practice

>> No.7015477
File: 3.10 MB, 638x358, 1699174670773432.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i didn't fix anything in any of the gens i posted itt other than the kangaroo.
i realize now there seems to be a misunderstanding that i "missed" shit i could fix, but no, i didn't touch it to begin with. i wanted to show how far along the process you can get just by putting your raw sketch into an AI workflow without doing anything else.

i wouldn't say so, no.
if you look at how cleanly it did the strap top and the the folds in the dress that i already hinted at, i would call it a decent job. obviously i can set line accents again if it was worth the effort.
but with lineart you want it to be clean, some of the line accents i set were too thick anyway and i wouldn't have inked them myself in the way it was in the sketch either.
it's just important that it is clean and there is a certain varying line quality to it while being clean.

compare the hair tips, the way it weighed the lines where there are occlusion. some of it i already hinted at, and some i didn't. it also gave some additional definition to the far side armpit.
i honestly don't know where you're coming from. it's useable. same with >>7014942, which was a higher res gen than the other one.

why would i do something that takes hours so i can show it to YOU? how hard is this to understand?
you have to realize that i could never do this anyway because i do not want to show you my full style in the first place. so how am i supposed to finish anything with that kind of restriction? even if i wanted to? there's a reason i use pens and brushes i'm not used to here. you think i normally sketch shit with a brush that has no pressure sensitivity?
because anti ai people are unhinged. i've had a lot of (empty) violent theats thrown at me here. it doesn't bother me but it shows in what kind of precarious headspace you lunatics are in.

>> No.7015480

nice kangaroo drawing. I sort of don't understand what's going on at the end. could you upload a higher resolution version somewhere?

>> No.7015485

Retard, nope im not talking about ai.

>> No.7015486

so many of you faggots have a void where your self-awareness should be, you're incapable of understanding why you're even angry, and so all you do is endlessly seethe. ask yourselves what art means to you personally, reflect on what motivates and inspires you and if it's lacking then find a better source of inspiration

of course, yet you can't help but give (You)s to AI content because you lack impulse control, is it because something is wrong in your life and this is an easy target for you to take out your anger on? go ahead, but it's not going to help.

instead get your shit together and just draw, if you don't want to use the AI then don't, but no, you're obsessed with it the moment the subject comes up, every single time

oh and the tripfag is incredibly based, whether you like it or not, agree or disagree with him - he's actually trying to educate people, instead of just bitching and moaning

the only thing that changed with AI is that now instead of shitting on each other and artists you dislike, you've got a new low-hanging fruit, an easy target to shit on, but just like before, shitting on something is not going to help you improve in any way

>> No.7015491

Seeing the way you type and the word you use only makes you seem like some random ESL getting sources from Google searches. Also why do you keep using random words that I've seen no one else use when explaining shit tripnigga

>> No.7015494

TB H he would've bump these threads anyways. I've seen him do it before when it gets to pg 6 or 8 at times

>> No.7015495


>> No.7015498

le dot

>> No.7015499

le diffused dot

>> No.7015502


>> No.7015503

>why would i do something that takes hours so i can show it to YOU?
You can finish it for yourself fine. My point is that your workflow is the same shit as people who keep sketching without effort and produce no finished work. You are the same, except these people at least draw.
You are unable to produce anything even close to finished with your fuck arounds. This "workflow" has no use unless you are able to use it for finished art. This is the same trap as many others here on /ic/ fall, no finished pieces and just fucking around.

>> No.7015504


>> No.7015507
File: 2.93 MB, 4096x2224, IMG_20240102_072734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but honestly more so he just reminds of cris

>> No.7015508

the AI picture looks like a strange horse

>> No.7015509


>> No.7015510

fuck off Cris

>> No.7015511


>> No.7015513

Y know you say this while being on 4chan and /ic/
>also inb4 mikufag

>> No.7015515

I am procastinating doing my work. You are right anon, I will go and do something useful now

>> No.7015521

TB H I just woke because I have work so killing time shit posting. Honestly I'm not gonna drawing at this hr but trip for some reason likes having "discussions" at this time
>Tripnigga really wants to have debates at 3 in morning with other anons

>> No.7015527

>i did not need to draw any of it, merely hint at it. how many hours do you think it would have taken me to compose, draw, redraw, redraw and then INK this kind of shit?
Not many, if you actually knew what you were doing and were a real master. aitards be thinking it took decades to do this as a master, when it would actually just take them a few hours at most just to have the final image itself.

>> No.7015532

I know some people who can do several pretty great sketches in an hr

>> No.7015533
File: 107 KB, 1056x508, 3f46cb1da73001a29622497fccd08400c9db00976f5d10d353af4f024d712088_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015534
File: 76 KB, 828x905, GDmM4QCW0AAswk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one in every 1000 artists reaches this level of popularity, you can bet that it's more like one in every 10,000 proompters will reach it too.

>> No.7015544

Was I not suppose to noticed those hands? Or shitty hair? Or nonsensical buttons? on the dress?
You know, the tool you use to add these filters on would be more useful on a actual hand drawn image because then the underlining construction would be solid and polished with these filters on top. Just like the same exact thing is used on 3D models because, surprise surprise, 3D models are typically hand crafted to look digitally perfect.

>> No.7015550
File: 185 KB, 1200x1800, grilled-blue-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to talk deranged anon I let you know that I have shit posted this before "debating" one of them and had one AInigger actually bug random anon on I think /vrpg/ about his AI generated meat.
And another who didn't know about the Yugoslav wars annoying balkan anons pretending to be communist
>far I can tell most them seem to just be larpers

>> No.7015557

but i am not interested in making a piece for myself with half baked methods. currently i'm more interested in refining a tool for future use and figuring out interesting workflows.
for example, the lineart workflow is not perfect. i could finish any of these pieces just as i could finish them in the past or the future. it makes no difference to my progress with AI. it

only serves to satisfy YOUR CURIOSITY.
you do understand that, right? it's not like i myself need to finish something in order to know what i can do, i already know what i can or can't do.

and how do you reconcile the retarded shit you say with the fact that i am drawing?
or the fact that manually finishing something has no bearing on any of these arguments? you can always manually finish a piece at any point, whether the AI did 10% or 90% of the work.
stop being so intellectually dishonest. these are all ultimatively ad hominems. and in your head you think that putting me down is a win for AI. but it's entirely in bad faith.

how about you stop being an illiterate retard.

>> No.7015561

what lineart? why do you lie to yourself?

>> No.7015562

>You know, the tool you use to add these filters on would be more useful on a actual hand drawn image because then the underlining construction would be solid and polished with these filters on top.
another example of complete and utter, BLIND delusion. if you could turn messy sketches into clean lineart with a filter, then people would do that. it is obviously extremely limited. but you don't think about that when you spout this retarded drivel. because you only care about being anti AI.
you have no sense. i keep saying this but you people are delusional when it comes to AI.

>> No.7015563

lol am i lying to myself? >>7014942

>> No.7015574

>only interested in refining my workflow
>overprinting and photobashing not look highly upon even before AI
Also see here about "workflows" >>7015507
Fuck off Tripfag

>> No.7015575

I feel like it's the same person.

>> No.7015576

Didn't ask for your input, rajsha.

>> No.7015586

this must be the same person

>> No.7015591

AI = Ay Ifarted lol

>> No.7015612

What is comparisons

>> No.7015616

>another example of complete and utter, BLIND delusion. if you could turn messy sketches into clean lineart with a filter, then people would do that.
stop ascribing your own moral failings onto others. the ""line art"" (it isn't but let's keep using that word for simplicity's sake) isn't yours. you can't call being lazy and offloading steps a workflow. you are indeed lying to yourself.

>> No.7015617

Neato burrito

>> No.7015625

AI- Aborted Ideas. Here you go ai fags.

>> No.7015806

T B H he has been he's been talking about workflows but shown that knight girl pic about I think 6 or 7 months ago originally.

so that's 6-7 months he's spent fiddling around with "AI" filters on one piece constantly and not moving on.

>> No.7015946

another bad faith retard.
i reuse it because it's not a "piece". i made it in minutes specifically for this, and when i reuse it with new methods, i get to compare directly with the old workflows to see if it improved.

>> No.7015963

>uses the same word
>must be the same guy!
no, you're just retarded. cris is posting on /g/ literally right now bitching about how AI is shit. he's literally too stupid to get stable diffusion to work.
he's just comparing the two people.

>> No.7015966

Cris is bitching on /g/

>> No.7015974

>You've been "reusing" near 7 months now
and I don't care about your spiel considering you just (YOU) yourself most the times as an example
>even if it's has several glaring errors
>then bitch it's just an experiment
>and try to fix it anyways
>and still fail

>> No.7015994

mangaka do it all the time, it's called assistants. I failed to become the mangaka I was meant to be, now I get an assistant for free, I can finally make my original european fantasy isekai.

>> No.7016019


>> No.7016028

Most you make is trash and no matter what people will likely only see your stuff in the garbage where it belongs

>> No.7016066

you think people would see it and think if one page is AI generated, the rest is? including the story I spent my 20s writing? well... I'm just making it for myself... who cares!

>> No.7016118


>> No.7016312

This, based.

>> No.7016318


>> No.7016327


>> No.7016328

>oh nooooo i'll have to draw hands.....
and you still can't for some reason lmao

>> No.7016538

Do you guys really want to use this shit on your work? Like i can understand if you are doing some kind of self referential artwork that uses ai as a base to make some kind of statement, but aside from that i really cant see myself using a fucking robot to draw for me.
It feels way too much like cheating.

>> No.7016548

Using any kind of digital tools is cheating. Might as well grab a canvas, find someone to pose for you and get to work.

>> No.7016552

Typing sentences in a word document and copy pasting sentences from wikipedia are the same thing to you?

>> No.7016558

Nah. it's just a shitty filter. It's like asking if instagram filters will stop real people from being models. People want real art just like they want real models, not AI slop.

>> No.7016561

Stop acting like a retard dude you know exactly what i mean
Letting a robot do your work for you is just scummy as hell
>buh muh 3d models, muh digital assets
Atleast with that i still need to use my actual drawing skill to make it work

>> No.7016607

it's less that it's cheating and more that it's industrial slop pumped out quick to be cheap feed for the undiscerning masses, devoid of any values

a home cooked meal will be better tasting and more nutritious than some mass produced, economyofsize-leveraging McSlop. would you serve this mcslop to your children or would you take the extra 25mins to make them a meal?
a large chunk of humanity prefers to eat suppamarkit slop and this is why their bodies are fat and sick, this same chunk prefers to consume AIslop and animeshit which is why their souls are sick

>> No.7016656


>> No.7016658


>> No.7016663

anon your on /ic/...
>oh and the tripfag is incredibly based
>actually trying to educate people
shilling is not educating and actually just saying go to /g/ would have been a lot more helpful if all they care about is AI. Seeing his permabeg ass is only gonna teach someone is too "use AI" not learn to draw

>> No.7016665


>> No.7016671


>> No.7016672


>> No.7016674

Proko truly was on something else to create such a masterpiece

>> No.7016675


>> No.7016677

He always was a permabeg he's just looking for an excuse to seem better

>> No.7016678


>> No.7016681

>learned AI not to waste time
>prob fiddled around it for 1-2 years now
>still prob has 0 actual content to show besides their retarded "use AI" posts

>> No.7016682


>> No.7016683


>> No.7016685


>> No.7016697

this reminded me of my friend's grandfather (rip I think). he spent his entire life painting half-naked women - his whole house was decorated with his work. a lot of the paintings were of his wife, which made me feel weird as a kid, seeing my friend's grandma but young and naked lol

he'd often say we were "playing with satan" whenever me and my friend got together to play video games on his sega. He hated anything digital. pretty sure he made copies of his paintings by hand and sold them, they weren't poor but not rich either

looking back at it now, the thing that stands out in my memory is that he was adamantly against any photos being taken of his work, I heard him lay into my friend's older brother for it, I don't know if that ever changed but I remember that he would literally grab some of his paintings and go somewhere with them, my assumption now is that he could have been trying to sell them on our local market as I've seen others do that but I don't really know for sure, I have never again seen his work outside his house ever, and since me and my friend drifted off as I moved to a different country (I'm an eurofag) I have never seen it exist at all

what's the point of this story? no clue, but reading your post reminded me of him

>> No.7016703
File: 2.55 MB, 187x187, 1703375654745793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comfy tech job so my income doesn't rely on art
>never post my art online
>only pay/consume/study pre 2022 genslop-era media
>support my favorite real artists directly via patreon and similar services

Simple as.

>> No.7016715

your favorite artists are gonna start using AI sooner or later, enjoy

>> No.7016725

Thats a good thing
People follow artists because of their personality and large following, not because of their talent or artistic skill

>> No.7016736

Holy non artist clout chaser holy fuck lmao

>> No.7016788


>> No.7016791


>> No.7016792

People follow and subscribe to artists because they have a distinctive eye candy artstyle that they like though

>> No.7016800
File: 1.97 MB, 154x273, 1585190181442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People follow artists because of their personality and large following
I wish it weren't true

>> No.7016801

Though anon with that is it their personality or if it's at times girl their "personality"
Or stonetoss and some others political rage baiting

>> No.7016825
File: 135 KB, 375x375, 1700783910895134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my own shit

>that definitely made me lose interest but i'll probably make a thread to show off the lineart workflow eventually.
I thought you said you would stop if it was made clear that AI stuff was off topic on /ic/
or something along those lines

>lol. you sad, pathetic shizo
>a bunch of retarded permabegs.
more projection

>> No.7016832

i dunno but i feel like there is no point in even following an artist if they will generate picture with ai or no point to even look at what other do and say if i can generate everything myself from chatting and pictures

if i can generate a live chat i can as well generate any interaction i want and i don't need to interact with other people anymore

>> No.7016841

youll be surprised how many thousand likes and praises shexyo will get if he posts an AI art he made and he clearly states its AI art.
People are fucking retarded especially on twitter

>> No.7016848

you're ignoring the matter of the fact that this shexyo posts lewds of the anime girls and twitter is full of kiddies who go crazy after seeing anything remotely female
they most probably don't even read or know what ai is

>> No.7016869

Hobbyistbros... Our time has come!

>> No.7016870


>> No.7016872

That how it be

>> No.7016891


>> No.7017115

Technically good but artistically uninspired.

>> No.7017183
File: 24 KB, 739x415, 1919wj010100850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7016697 I dont care how outdated it makes me look like im not using a robot to draw for me

>> No.7017209

>you don't understand that the full artistic experience
lol, lmao even

>> No.7017215
File: 411 KB, 640x828, r3omcrhsnj6c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you.

>> No.7017248


>> No.7017252

AI = Average Idiot

>> No.7017255


>> No.7017257


>> No.7017263

>on the art board?
>more likely than you think

>> No.7017268

>artstation type art
Are these the biggest casualties of Ai art

>> No.7017281
File: 785 KB, 1000x1000, 00009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only makes sense.

>> No.7017300

so this is mikufag then

>> No.7017321
File: 227 KB, 1024x1024, 84f48b6f5eaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you figure it out, I even signed it as "Anon"

>> No.7017354


>> No.7017357
File: 28 KB, 600x315, 82b50cea133461ff96ede2e23248d69b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only (YOU) can be this much of a c(YOU)m slut

>> No.7017365


>> No.7017366

>t.forgot ya trip

>> No.7017368


>> No.7017371

>old workflows to see if it improved
The Cris comparisons every grows

>> No.7017377


>> No.7017385

Barry lore?

>> No.7017387

T B H I never heard of it til now because I avoid gachas like the plague

>> No.7017423

>midjourney users out themselves being parasites

>> No.7017429
File: 2.60 MB, 1923x2868, barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo on /v/ who shilled Final Fantasy XV (as in 15) hard and had a melty when it didn't do so great and started trolling games that did better than FFXV. Started with DMC, then KH and his newest object of ire is Final Fantasy XIV and XVI that he would try and fail to start a war between the XIV and WoW threads. Pretending or not, there is something horribly wrong with him.

>> No.7017472

When Photoshop or other drawing software was introduced to the masses, were digitalfags also scream "HAHA TRADFAGS ARE DEAD AND JOBLESS" at the top of their lungs?

>> No.7017482

Ahhh. I wonder what lvl of schizo some of the AI guys are then because I know I have seem them randomly pop up in other boards parroting something random anons told em before

>> No.7017496

no. digital artists all respected trad artists since they were trad artists first, and all their inspiration was from trad work.

>> No.7017629

It's the only good one

>> No.7017641

yeah, i don't think i've seen a louder group of people than the small one spouting off about AI. it really is strange how dedicated they are. a lot of them feel personally slighted by artists existing for some reason. the entire situation is bizarre.

>> No.7017644

AI can't make fine art... GG Stop drawing anime girls.

>> No.7017748

All the people you see quitting and whining about ai are the low skill, slop producing artist. The people making flavor of the month, off model anime girl floating in white void or photobashing concept artist. The people who are not being replaced are the ones with a solid distinctive style and/or are able to work in other styles. Ai will get better and probably do some major damage if protective legislation isn't put into place, but don't think for a second that actual skilled, professional artists are being replaced.

>> No.7017769

>shit...it's nice...must find reason to put it down!
not every pic has to blow the roof off the gallery...

>> No.7017841

I think society would be better without you

>> No.7018074
File: 41 KB, 958x960, 526a7c03ee8d75282acaf816cd4b1752d201c4f6a393c6e8e8e94abeb115138b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>quit drawing in 2018
>ai comes out
>"holy shit, i can 'create' things now!"
>one year later
>have generated countless things
>people dm me all the time asking me [how to do x]
>posts in sdg always get a lot of (you)'s -- or did, when i posted
>totally unsatisfied
>picking up art to practice again because i now realize unless this shit can literally look into my mind it'll never make what i want it to make
>tfw i wasted all that time on nothing

for the first time in my life i've studied consistently for multiple days. am i improving? i don't know. will i at least be able to stand a standing figure, colored, if i really am just totally shit at art by the end of this year? yeah.

i think you're right op, people who don't really have any passion for art will break on this, but all it did was piss me off that i couldn't actually draw.

>> No.7018141

mad pornfag is contributing to "society"

>> No.7018176

>posts in sdg always get a lot of (you)'s
i actually don't believe you, link for proof

>> No.7018313

Skill issue

>> No.7018910


>> No.7019020

You are understimating your own worth and intelligence not only as an artist but also as a human. You just are replacing yourself.
>>7015477 and i have to mention it, you're not bad at drawing just you need to be more patient with yourself when it comes to results. I encourage (you) to try other mediums and enjoy the process of them.

>> No.7019856


>> No.7019862

>why lots of artists quitting art?

Besides AI, shit was already pretty bad with 3rd world artists doing commissions for pennies. There were no positions for concept artists in the industry either, since the old dogs hoarded all the jobs.

After AI all the artists are like "omg artist unity" but before that it was a shitshow of infighting already.

>> No.7019891

it was funny to see established artists being all like "well sucks for the new guys it wont affect me cause Ive already made it tee hee"


>> No.7020916

3d artists will still be safe for a long time. take the 3d pill.