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7009031 No.7009031 [Reply] [Original]

Especially if you’re a woman. Is it possible to be both a mother and to make it as an artist?

I don’t have a huge following, but I’ve had a couple of freelance gigs. My day job is WFH as a graphic designer and I do illustration, comics or storyboarding work as a side hustle. I’ve tabled at conventions like NYCC taking commissions at Artists Alley.

Being in my early 30s, my husband and I are thinking of starting a family, but I’m worried I won’t have any time to build my art career nor have any time to draw. We live in a 2 bedroom house and can’t afford to move, so I’d have to sacrifice my home office/art studio for a nursery.

Every female artist/comic book artist I’ve admired has never had kids, so does that mean it’s impossible to have both? I guess it would be hard to network and/or take commissions at artist alleys while pregnant or nursing, or taking care of a child ages 1-5.

Are there any parents here that have made it as artists? Specifically mothers? I know there’s a lot of male artists that become fathers, but most likely the mother is taking care of them while they draw or table at conventions. Meanwhile the mother is the one who has to deal with all the physical changes, so I’m wondering how they balance that with an art career.

>> No.7009037

ask tableguy

>> No.7009040

>have husband happy for me to be at home
>spend time with baby, cook/clean
>more than enough free time to draw

>> No.7009042

b8, women don't come to places like this for advice

>> No.7009051

Spoiler: Yes.

>> No.7009054

Are there any well known talented female comic book artists, illustrations or animators that became mothers? Like actual talent and not mommy blog bullshit like “Momlife Comics”. I know some manga artists, like Hiromu Arakawa had 3 children, but the manga industry works differently.

A lot of artists I admire, like Jo Chen, Joelle Jones, Amanda Conner, Becky Cloonan, etc, don’t have kids. A lot of former female classmates from art school that have careers in animation or comics, also don’t have kids. Meanwhile all the male former classmates have had kids. It just makes me think that you’ll never make it as an artist if you become a mom.

>> No.7009056

Yeah nah, husband works in a different field which is not WFH.

>> No.7009071

Only if you a man.

>> No.7009094

Yes to children ruining art goals, or yes it’s possible to have kids and make it as an artist?

>> No.7009095

If you're one of the special people who has a strong enough motor then sure it's possible but remember you're going to be taking care of kids which requires a lot of time effort care and sleepless nights if they cry a lot. Even if your husband helps with them it wont be easy. The amount of work it takes makes it a lot easier to just put the career on hold until your kids are old enough to look after themselves.

It's possible but most women and people in general give up a lot of their own lives when they have kids as the kid is the priority in their life. The chances are low and I can't think of anyone off the top of my head but I do think it's possible if you're hardworking and intelligent and are lucky to have a good husband and kids that are raised to be low maintenance.

>> No.7009106

there's a lot of female mangaka that makes shoujo/josei manga that also a housewife and mother at the same time

>> No.7009122

44. 4 kids. Full time job.

Only sketching.
So, Yes.

>> No.7009123

Yes to children taking away your time and your art goals.

>> No.7009132

Children require a lot of attention for obvious reasons. It's still more than possible to draw a lot of art, especially once they're taking naps reliably and/or are at school. But in terms of a dedicated career, like working at a company? Yes, children and their needs are going to get in the way. The amount of ridiculous crunch some artists have such as comic book artists is completely at odds with being a fully successful parent.

>> No.7009144

I worked as a live-in nanny for a couple of years to afford art school and the kid's mom and dad were out for about 12 hours every day. I had the housekeeper as my partner in sharing child-rearing duties. I started when the kid was 1 year old and left when he was five.

In my experience, it is possible if you have a village OR work outside the home. I had my classes when kiddo was at school and didn't have to worry about house chores as it was the housekeeper's job.

I think you should consider that having a baby will get you out of the job market for at least one year, as it happens for any career for most women. You should sit with your husband and discuss what you can do together to guarantee that you'll be able to go back to work as soon as possible. Honestly, the ideal situation to have a child is when the husband can support the whole family on his salary only. I hate all the trad wife stuff but child care is indeed very expensive and pregnancy/childbirth/breastfeeding is the kind of thing that is healthier when mom is not worrying about baby AND the bills.

I had a lot of success going to art school because as much as I was spending most of my days and some nights busy with child care when I was at school/doing freelance work I didn't have to worry about money, cooking meals, house chores, etc. We were FOUR people making this work and it showed.

People are citing famous mangaka, but we need to remember that they had kids after being successful artists and could afford to have help at home. If this is not the case for you it is better to start working on a plan or discuss saving for daycare.

Of course I don't want to scare you off starting a family. Worst case scenario kiddo will go to school soon or later and there's no time limit to "making it" in art. You might make it now in your 30's you might make it in your 40's.

>> No.7009145
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It wont ruin your art goals. It's part of the life and it's something really important as a woman.
Everyone (men or women) have two options:
>1 - matrimony (as a wife or a husband)
<you need to have kids, take care of them and create them to be good people.


>2 - celibacy (as a priest, a catholic monk or a nun)
<you need to have spiritual sons and daughters, people you guide to God.

As you can see, in both cases people need to have children (not biological children if you choose celibacy), that's a fundamental part of the life and it plays a big role in becoming an adult, a mature person.
Also, it's important to remember that you can be an amazing artist and a mother as well. If you want to know how just read A Room of One's Own by Virginia Wolf, it seems it's a really important book for you specifically.
Good luck for you and your family!

>> No.7009155 [DELETED] 

That's what a teenager would say.

>> No.7009209

You've got limited time left before it becomes a higher chance of bringing in interventions for fertility, and then increasing the odds of other problems. Just do it, and you'll figure it out along the way.

>> No.7009218

>asking for women-related advice on a board full of incels and faggots
seriously tho, why would you want to have a child? they're noisy, messy, and expensive. you'll have to work 10x as hard to be a mom and work at the same time or to earn enough to pay a nanny so you can work full-time. you'll get fat for 9 months and ruin your body with stretch marks. even if you lose weight after you will have loose skin that never go away.
do yourself a favor and get a dog or something.

>> No.7009229

I feel like this could be some weird bait thread but I'm responding anyway.

Even as a man, I always wanted children, but fast forward and I'm nearly 40 now-it's just not going to happen. If you have the opportunity, just do it, you'll figure things out as you go along.

>> No.7009230

>guys, is drawing shortcake for minimum wage worth sacrificing the most fulfilling thing a woman can do? uwu

>> No.7009266

if your job is already working in art, probably only minimally
but you're already in your early 30s, its now or never

>> No.7009501

maybe if your husband doesn't mind being a house husband

>> No.7009510

Many women permanently left their working careers after having a kid. Having a kid goes against your dreams, not only if you are a woman

>> No.7009511

>Will having children ruin your freedom?
Fixed that for you.
The answer is yes of course.

>> No.7009522

To be fair, with 4 kids and a full time job were you ever going to get any time to do anything?

>> No.7010033

don't listen to this prick
Unless you're the 10% of woman who are different, 9/10 times you'll regret it if you are over 40 and don't have children. Even more so if you had the opportunity and it went by you. At the end of the day it's your choice but chances are having kids will be a pain at first and blessing way later on

>> No.7010078

You don't have to give up your office for a nursery just yet. Babies don't need a whole separate room, it's gonna be sleeping in a crib right next to your bed for like the first 3 years. I was a nanny for retarded kids with behavior issues for a few years and it's honestly not THAT bad, still had plenty of drawing time.. My own babby's due next month, I'll let you know how it goes lmao.

>> No.7010302

I know we're on 4chan, but Jesus you didn't need to call the kids you cared for retarded

I'm this anon >>7009144 and yeah, the kid I cared for is moderately autistic, and still I had plenty of time to draw.

At the end of the day having kids around is not the biggest problem. I would worry more about the financial strain that raising a kid can be.

Time is money and very often money buys you time. If you can afford daycare and not work outside the artistic field it is going to go as smoothly as any other career

>> No.7010658

One of them was 9, in diapers, nonverbal and hit people to communicate. Didn't make him a bad kid, but he was retarded.

>> No.7010682

Did you guys make enough and have enough free time as tard wranglers to pursue art on a monetary scale? Even part-time?

>> No.7010750

I was a live-in nanny, my earnings were a bit above minimum wage, but I had a scholarship and close to no bills to pay. I saved a lot while working there and managed to make the downpayment for my apartment last year. (I didn't do it alone, tho. My husband and I joined our savings to make it happen)

My employers love my interest in art and tried to give me as much free time to work on it as possible. I had free time to study in the mornings while kid was at school and some hours in the afternoon when he went to speech therapy.

Lovely people. I loved and still love their baby as if he was my own. Kiddo has the best vibes ever. I'm answering your question because it is a good question, but I'd like to highlight that I would never call this child anything even close to retard.

Overall, being a nanny is living life in easy mode if you have an education and work for a good family.

>> No.7010772

>Having a kid goes against your dreams, not only if you are a woman

Yeah but it’s still a bit harder for women due to physical reasons. Women are the one carrying the baby, birthing the baby, then become a perpetual feeding machine until the baby wanes off. When the mom is not nursing, she’s gotta pump. And that’s only if they decide to have 1 kid.

>> No.7010776

That’s why there’s so much pressure to reach your goals and get your dream job by your early to mid 20s. Especially for women as the window is only open for so long if they want kids.

It sucks, because drawing is a skill that only gets better the more time you put into it, but by the time you become a master, it might be too late to start a family.

>> No.7010777
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Eliza Ivanova has a kid

>> No.7010785

>I think you should consider that having a baby will get you out of the job market for at least one year, as it happens for any career for most women

Even if you work remotely from home? Two of the women I work with both had babies last year. My company gives 4 months of maternity leave, but they went right back to work once it was over. I know one of the women puts her kid in daycare. Not sure about the other woman, but she always has the baby on her lap during our daily meeting.

>> No.7010846

But it will make you truly happy and give your life a meaning you couldn't have imagined before.

>> No.7010847

Why are cartoon babies so cute but real babies are all weird and ugly?

>> No.7010851

but she reached pro level before getting a kid, I think it's almost impossible the other way around at least if you want to reach that technical level of perfection

>> No.7010856

>My company gives 4 months of maternity leave, but they went right back to work once it was over. I know one of the women puts her kid in daycare.

>> No.7010875

it would delay you, but if your kid is well behaved(luck/parenting skill, ymmv), you can go pro still. once they are 2ish years old they will be going to sleep at regular times, not crying, like 6-7pm, and you have hours to draw after that. plus they would be having naps in the afternoon for an hour, so there's another opportunity.

>> No.7010964

>"most women"

I know some women for various reasons can not afford to leave work, I'm not judging anyone here, but pregnancy takes a lot from someone and breastfeeding is highly recommend for the baby's development until they're at least six months old.

Having the last three or two months of pregnancy + six months to breastfeed and heal post partum should be the bare minimum. For everyone.

I am not against daycare, a good day care with proper staff can do wonders for a child's development, but in all my years working in childcare my advice is: (if you can afford to) you should send your child to daycare full time only if they're old enough to communicate a little bit. So you'll know how they feel about it, what activities they do, how was their day.

Idk guys. I'm a woman that spent the last years caring for children of very busy career focused mothers and I often felt like I was stealing the most precious moments from them. I have my own career as an artist now and I can't imagine art gains coming above my own child.

When there's no other options I won't judge a mother doing what she must. Shit happens and kids need to be provided for, but if you're on the "planning the child" stage of things why not try to plan being with the baby for a couple of months. Kids nap, kids love art and might do their own crafts while you work and they'll eventually go to school. What's a couple of years in the grand scheme of things?

Also, if you're a employee instead of a business owner: working from home with a small child is hell. Hell. I was there. Your boss will hate that you have a toddler banging on your office door. Your toddler will hate that you're on your phone all the time. It just sucks for everyone most of the time.

>> No.7010966

if you cant even decide whether you can give away your precious fucking time or a little bit of space to RAISE A HUMAN BEING THAT YOU LITERALLY MADE or not then stay childless holy shit. i can already tell you someone as retarded as you would regret it either way since you obviously dont know shit about what you want from your life and what is fullfilling to you. no you cant fucking become a feminist powerhouse business woman and be a mommy raising your children at the same time. yes you can have children and NEGLECT THEM. which is what many modern working career women do nowadays so hey you dont need to feel bad about it right? because everyone does it. either that or you literally let another woman raise your children (basically give up your role as a mother somehow) but dont shit yourself when they cry for their nanny and see the nanny as their real mother instead of you. dont become angry when the nanny knows more about the childs personality/life than you.

>dude no i cant just have a hobby and be a mom i GOTTA be super special!! i gotta be famous!!! without doing any of the insane work and sacrifices that are required of course!!!! let me make a dumb cunt thread to show everyone how fucking dumb i am. :) uhm can you guys recommend me some soft yoga videos i can watch while i eat my low cal white girl cereal while were at it??
completely fucking oblivious at the amount of fucking work it would take to live that sort of life. completely oblivious to the fact that we are talking about child rearing like buying a fucking pet that goes well together with your hand bag because you "feel like you might want it (flower emoji)". shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up and grow up. fucking embarrassing to see a 30 year old fucking grown ass old woman type this sort of shit. not knowing what you want from your fucking life. you should be fucking ashamed if this is real. i fucking spit on you and your casual ass child abuse and infantile mind. fuck you.

>> No.7010986

I think your art is influenced by your life and having children can be a strength to your art than a hindrance. But you do need a supportive partner. This applies for both male and female artists. I've seen many male artists get dragged down by unsupportive female partners who think his art is froufrou bullshit when he should be having a "real job" where he brings in money for the family, and he ends up delaying his passion until he's like 50.

>I know there’s a lot of male artists that become fathers, but most likely the mother is taking care of them while they draw or table at conventions.

not really. most male artists are NGMI and since they don't make much money from art and can barely support themselves, women dont go for them unless the artist has a decent dayjob and after a certain point, the guy becomes a hobbyist than a professional. It's only the cream of crop male artists who make a decent living with art while their wives take care of the kids at home and they are either one-income or the wife has a nice comfy part time job.

Female artists can still find a provider male partner who makes most of the money, but the downside is that she is most likely a hobbyist and too busy taking care of kids, or she doesnt get taken seriously in the bigger art world anyway.

Dont wait on kids. You can always go back to art. You cant always have kids.

>> No.7011044
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>> No.7011054

mommy issues: the post

>> No.7011071

Now how many mothers feel that way but then go on to nevertheless beat their kids, treat them like shit, drown them in a bathtub, sodomize them with broom handles, have sex with them, etc

>> No.7011440

Luckily my WFH job barely has any meetings. Sometimes I’m not at my desk half the time when it’s slow. I just sit and wait until I’m assigned something

>> No.7011445

>have sex with them
win-win I'd say

>> No.7011489

I am a mom of 1 kid, making art and comics as my primary income. I made a really long post for OP but deleted most of it because I don't think anyone gives a fuck about my experience, but yes, it's possible.
Anyway, there are successful female comic artists like Tula Lotay, Fiona Staples who have one or multiple children. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a writer who has 2 kids.

>> No.7011493

did you get pro before or after the child?

>> No.7011502

lucy knisley also managed to draw a fuck ton of comics about being a mom while having a small child. Our kids have around the same age and her comics are very relatable.

I’m not OP, but I would love to know about your experience.

>> No.7011523

You need to be a millionaire first before you get babies. If not you will be struggling. Unless you are the type who thrives on struggle, then I suggest you give up art, if you want to have children. It is extremely hard to have both, you have to be extremely successful as an artist or become a creative director with a good company. It is doable, but unlikely.

>> No.7011540

fuck no, it may be slower depending your case, but kids take you out of your comfort zone either to make you seek more money or draw something that makes them happy.

pursuit art because you like it not to be liked.

t. some guy who takes care for their elderly and young ones, with a profitable career (not in art but tech) and pursing art on the side.

>> No.7011602

Way after, but I think it took having a kid to make "grow up" and take shit more serious

I'm divorced, but have a kid, his dad is a deadbeat but whatever. But, I'm really close to my family, so they helped me a lot when kid was age 1-5, then I also took on art gigs, studied, kept drawing, etc. Started making merch, small short comics, eventually started getting ad revenue and jumped in on the mobile comics train and doing well.
When my son got into school, I got a really chill remote job, so now I can draw and work, plus got revenue from multiple sources. Eventually decided to try traditional comic work, built a portfolio, now I work with a lot of indie writers doing art. Why indie? Less pay but more free time. Son is also older now, is in clubs, has friends, etc so when I'm not juggling all the mom shit, I have a LOT of time for art.

My son and I do well, I bought a house, go on vacations, I can teach them art, etc. Downside is that I don't date and I miss that. So married moms probably have to balance better with their art careers but I'm ok

>> No.7011611

>You need to be a millionaire first before you get babies

Tell that to the millions of parents on welfare

>> No.7011613

Would love to know what work you’ve done. I understand if you want to keep your anonymity on here though.

>> No.7011629

he's right, unless you are rich enough to outsource a lot of household grunt work you are going to be very busy; those welfare people aren't trying to master a skill let alone be financially stable so having kids doesn't get them off track

>> No.7011638

I'd love to if some people on this site weren't insane. Years ago, I posted my work here with my name, people found me out, got the 12 pizza treatment. Even had to change my phone number. I think it had more to do that I was a woman, though, but whatever
I've met other artists at cons who browse the site in person though, they're ok

>> No.7011662

I totally understand. While we got a surprising amount of thoughtful answers on this thread, safety comes first.

I'm glad you managed to make it work.

>> No.7011683

Such a retarded biological occurrence. Even if it's for a few years the loss of sleep as an adult from having children is tremendous. Humans as a species has some really stupid things going for it.

>> No.7011884

How we function as a society contradicts with biology.

You need money to raise a child, but to earn money you need to work, but it’s hard to work when you have a child to take care of.

If only we had a system where people were paid to have children, maybe even before learning a trade and contribute to society. A working functioning society is worthless if there isn’t another generation to follow.

>> No.7011897
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Wtf??? You are a sick

>> No.7013121

look up crime statistics, you'll be surprised

>> No.7013125

Holy cope haha.

>> No.7013128

Corpos: "Yes, but for a while we had insane shareholder value."

>> No.7013167

This is why Japan’s birth rate is down and suicide rates are high. They believe your life only has value if it’s spent working

>> No.7013173

You'll be more tired but no, you can make it. Most people who switch to art careers later in life have families. Work in the evenings
Basically no different from anything else regarding kids, you have to work harder than somebody without kids

t. mom

>> No.7013184

Jokes on them when their husband inevitably cheats and she has 0 prospects and safety nets so she has to stay with him
You'd have to be dumb as rocks to be a SAHM in this economy

>> No.7013191

It’s pretty shitty for women to shit on other women. Having babies are great, but anyone can have one. Not everyone can win an award like an Oscar or Nobel Prize. You don’t see the woman winning the award telling the mother she didn’t win.

>> No.7013209

If governments had the backbone to force companies to provide 2 years payed maternity for mother (1year full pay, 1 year until a certain cap), a few months for father (more specifically 50/50 but fathers usually have the better income so they'll likely pass their time along to the mothers to have 100% pay), paid and GUARANTEED childcare (not the american version, the educational version from EU) and ofc healthcare.
With this system basically you can pause life, have a child whenever and then go back comfortably to the grind. If your kid is healthy and normal development, 2yo is perfect for them to start kindergarten and your fed up by then from taking care of them 24/7 and hungry to go back to work. 1 year as it is in most of EU is still too soon for most peoples tastes but they have no choice.

That's what a good society who focuses on the peoples comfort and quality of life would do - add in the village to help with care and teaching and you have a pretty good fucking life even as a parent. Makes it a way more enticing prospect

>> No.7013215

No woman (nor man) worth their salt shits on others lives because they chose a different path.
You'd have to be pretty stupid and low IQ to not be able to empathize with how much work others put into things just because it's not the same work you do.

>> No.7013216

I think it depends how far you want to go or how far you already are, because unless you can afford to have someone take care of the house and the kid you are going to be having a really hard time. This mainly works for men who have women willing to take care of them.

That's something a lot of men with families forget to mention. It's about all the people who are willing to help and support them along the way. No one can do that alone when you have the added responsibility of a family. Plus, even as a woman with kids it'll be a good long time before you are at a place where you can even feel comfortable enough to even do that and who knows if you will ever get to that place.

Also, what if you find out that you have ADHD or Autism? ADHD can up your chances of having PPD and having either or will make it damn near impossible for you to be able handle what's alredy on your plate.

I think some of the things you need to be on the lookout for is if your husband is really willing and able to do their part and how supportive they are, because you don't want to be in a situation where, all of a sudden, you're doing all the heavy lifting and your husband refers to himself as 'babysitting the kids.' Having family to help will definitely help a lot, but then you also run he risk of your kids complaining down the line how much their mom was absent in their lives.

Whatever you decide to do, definitely be ready for some time where you probably will have to just focus on motherhood for the meantime, because after that it's going to get harder making your deadlines if getting into a deadline heavy industry was your goal. If the goal is to have have your own business then I feel it could work out a lot more then.

>> No.7013221

to clarify because I write like a spastic:
Governments should have the backbone to tax the fuck out of companies and use that money for paid maternity and kindergartens

>> No.7013223

this anon parents
for me it was 2 years until I could focus on art again

>> No.7013265

good thread. it's going to be tough and the timeline will be VERY different from a single man or woman (and there are a lot of variables involved) but if you're passionate about it you can make it happen. Easier with more support around you, ie a good husband and or good relationships with family and friends.

>> No.7013267

>just consoom and let people enjoy things OKAY?!!!!

>> No.7013290

You'd think they'd be all for it. Making childcare as virtually free as possible would make people want to have children, thus creating more workers. Making education as free as possible would create a country with a smarter workforce, which can in turn lead to more technological breakthroughs. But nah, they'd rather push for people to work as much as possible while paying out the ass for education and healthcare, while simultaneously bitching about people not having children.

>> No.7013291

>If you have the opportunity, just do it, you'll figure things out as you go along.
If anyone here ever wonders where do messed up people, with emotional issues, personality disorders, bad relations with parents, or in general inability to deal with reality come from, look no further than this advice.

>> No.7013298

Going through pregnancy and giving birth changes you so much physically and mentally. It took me around 2 years to recover, too, and I also suffered from postpartum depression. Fucking worst time of my life.
I think during that time I only drew 3 pictures and they were all fucking terrible.
A lot of women think you're gonna pop out the kid and everything's amazing, but no

>> No.7013309

>That's something a lot of men with families forget to mention. It's about all the people who are willing to help and support them along the way

This, a lot of people say society was easier when the wife stayed at home to raise the kids. But really, having any kind of support is needed, regardless who is “designated” to fit that role. My dad’s first wife died when my sisters were 2 and 4 years old from malpractice. From what I’ve heard, my dad tried his best raising two daughters, but it was really tough. Thankfully his first wife’s family was there to help out because it may have been impossible to do on his own.

No one ever talks about widows and widowers with young kids.

>> No.7013368

my mother abandon me as a baby
leaving me in another country
my grandfather raised me
then decided she want me back
i didn't recognise her
i felt kidnapped by her
now i cant feel love and fear abandonments

>> No.7013377

Can you really expect better advice from NEET faggots? Raising a child is not only a mental drain, it costs over $500k from infancy to 18 in America. $1m if you're cursed with a retarded or physically disabled child. Art isn't a lucrative career for 99% of people who even make it.

>> No.7013385

Motherhood should be the priority for women. Everything else is bullshit, and a scam.

>> No.7013388

I'm sure the 11 million illegals that have entered the country over the past 4 years will be shitting out children without issue, and paying jack shit for them. Only over-thinking law-abiding citizens worry themselves into childlessness and die alone. Imagine what the average IQ is going to look like in another couple generations. LOL.

>> No.7013399
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there is no escape from the future you chose

>> No.7013402

>dumbass shit
The illegals receive government funds, charity funds, plus cash income from your local mom and pop business who would rather pay Dora and Diego under the table instead of hiring American citizens then go on Facebook and complain "nobody wants to work anymore!!1!1"
Law abiding Americans have to pay their way through this country and it's not getting any cheaper to live here. Only a braindead idiot would compare themselves to an illegal and say it's better to live in poverty or on welfare with a child than to be financially stable without one

>> No.7013407

and this is how you genocide a people without any outcry

>> No.7013416

If you care so much go join the Mormons or Quiverfull, get 30 wives and pop out 9000 kids. Nobody's gonna stop you.

>> No.7013427

he won't draw, he can't breed, millions must whine, etc.

>> No.7014533

Hermits don’t mentor. And the cloistered do not.

>> No.7014550

Outside of their cloisters

>> No.7014619

>Women in the U.S. who are pregnant or who have recently given birth are more likely to be murdered than to die from obstetric causes—and these homicides are linked to a deadly mix of intimate partner violence and firearms, according to researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Huh, interesting.

>> No.7014700

Do not have children if your husband will not sacrifice himself for your family. Is he capable of serving you, doing whatever you ask of him with no complaints and without expecting anything in return? Has he ever taken care of you for a long stretch of time, for example if you've ever had an injury? Pregnancy and labor is a massive injury, and in the ideal family unit, the father should do most of the work for at least the first year because the mother needs recovery.

If he's not a completely selfless man, most of the childcare will fall on you (through his idle laziness or malicious incompetence.) Men are simply groomed by society to act this way.

It's not impossible, but you need a supportive family. Your husband should be ready to do anything and everything for you. If your parents are nearby, even better. Mine does, and we're very happy.
It all depends on whether YOU are confident that you won't be forced to abandon your dreams because your partner won't put in his share of the work.

>> No.7014730

I just read some of this thread. As a stay at home dad that enjoys drawing, I find most of these posts to be very offensive to my lifestyle and gender.

I dont have an advice for making a career out of art, BUT I do have a lot of tips for finding time to draw.

>We live in a 2 bedroom house and can’t afford to move, so I’d have to sacrifice my home office/art studio for a nursery.
I sacrificed my desk for a changing table. BUT it’s temporary. After about a year, i started changing her on the floor so i got my desk back! Also you really only need a desk, so you can squeeze one in the corner of your bedroom. I drew on the dining room table for the better part of a year.

>less than 6 months
No drawing. I just went head down in child care

> 6-12 months
Do chores and draw during the naps. 3 naps are too short, 2 is a sweet spot. Chores during one nap, and drawing during the second nap.

> 12+ months
My kid just transitioned to 1 nap and it’s a 1.5-3 hour block of drawing. I can’t complain. Then do all your chores before you put the kid down and now you have from 8p till 2a to draw. 6 hours is fantastic.

At some point your kids go to school and then you get the whole day to draw. Think of the daycare work is a 5 year temp job.

>Meanwhile the mother is the one who has to deal with all the physical changes, so I’m wondering how they balance that with an art career.
I cant speak directly to this as i am not a woman. But my wife doesnt do any cooking or cleaning or grocery shopping. The daycare work is very physical and my body was hitting its limits because i needed more sleep to recover. I would sleep only during the breast feeding sessions which was like 8-10 minutes every couple hours. Also every pregnancy is different it’s completely random what hand you get dealt. Be prepared to want nothing. When you have an agenda or something you want to achieve it can be very frustrating when you cant do it. I can’t even poop when i want to anymore.

>> No.7014781

>sacrificed desk for changing table
You fool. They have the changing table cushions that have belts across them. I'm pretty sure they've even got temporary stations that just fold back when they're not in use, but still sturdy enough to support weight. Any of that could have been used instead of giving up desk space for a while during the adjustments. You've got the floor now, which is optimal since they move too much to safely do anything on a higher surface. Hope you're strengthening your core, because your back is going to be boned.
>doing whatever you ask of him with no complaints and without expecting anything in return?
This is unrealistic. Everyone gets tired, everyone deserves to complain sometimes, everyone deserves a break, no matter which role is usually theirs.
>Men are simply groomed by society to act this way.
You made a point about incompetence, and it's not always malicious. Sometimes incompetence is just incompetence and lack of sense or instinct.

>> No.7015601

Every illegal alien I know is pretty happy, most of them are contractor yard guys, or work for contractors. Cash pay, government bennies, charities giving them free money, DMV and other government institutions waive fees and fines for them, and they get to work outside instead of a desk. Not a bad life imo

>> No.7015658

Yeah, plus women are more likely to be emotionally abused by husbands when they’re pregnant or new moms. Dunno if it’s hormones impairing judgement, or there’s something about children that makes husbands true colors come out or something. Not all husbands of course, but it’s scary that there is a large percentage. I guess having responsibility for a child does something to a person emotionally.

>> No.7015659

What if you can’t afford to move for years, the kid gets older and will want their own room? That’s gonna be tough with only a 2 bedroom home.

>> No.7015681

Who cares if the kid wants their own room? if they don't like living with you they can move out the ungrateful little shite should try earning money and see how easy it is to afford a room

>> No.7016105

I'll never understand people who think this way about children. They're not going to be babies forever. What would be the point of having kids if I'm immediately hostile and throw them out the minute they express discomfort? Didn't I want to take care of them? Are they not human beings with feelings? When I'm old and not a single one of my children want anything to do with me, Would it have been worth it?

>> No.7016116

From the top of my head for female animators with kids:

Joana Davidovich
Heidi Jo Gilbert

Neither are not exactly "famous" but appear to have healthy relationships to their families in regard to being mothers while still in the art industry.

>> No.7016140

Holy hell. I feel disgusted looking at this thread and reading op and the replies about having kids. You people seriously have a family with kids? What the actual fuck is this place?!

>> No.7016346

Glad you said this, people forget that kids are still individuals with their own feelings. They didn't choose their parents, but the parents chose to give birth to them and bring them into the world
If you want to draw, you'll find a place and you don't need a big desk. use the kitchen table. Hell, I used the arm of my couch and still do. Five Below has shitty little art easel things, but they're portable and cheap.
Sounds like that anon is a parent planning on kicking them out when they turn 18, then wondering why their kid never talks to them when they're older

>> No.7016867

w mom.

>> No.7018469

If it was not an expected or desired pregnancy I suppose the guy might might think killing the wife and child is a way to leave

>> No.7018475

So the choices are kill your family or troon out? Why not just be normal?

>> No.7018478

A lot of the time dudes are not ready to be a father but legally they are bound to take care of the baby
So they either kill the mom and baby or preten to be a troon to avoid responsibilities