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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 893 KB, 2160x3120, 1693300337089088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7010561 No.7010561 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread >>6791154

>> No.7010848
File: 959 KB, 785x936, 335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7011215

where did you learn how to render?

>> No.7011616
File: 1.30 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_6983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat shotas are under appreciated desu

>> No.7011918
File: 1.41 MB, 1059x1056, 335_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7012424


they're hideous

>> No.7012832
File: 234 KB, 707x1000, 1686058635880150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you just not like fat shotas or is it the style? Do you like fatties like Daichi Kouta or Moki fat shotas?

>> No.7012835


>> No.7012843

I just don't like fat shotas

>> No.7012855


>> No.7012864

shit taste desu ne

>> No.7013437
File: 82 KB, 384x371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young boy

>> No.7013471

moki mentioned. based

>> No.7013479

Basic painting tutorial

>> No.7014035

Niches might sometimes feel too snug for comfort (even more so in the case of niches within niches)... but dammit, these are still our holes! They were made for us!


In all seriousness, your recent streak of Housamo fanart is a very welcomed contribution. I particularly appreciate your renderings of Saruno Yukimaru's character designs.

Regarding this piece, although you effectively conveyed the likenesses of the characters, I can't shake the impression that their heads ended up being a little too large when compared to the rest of their bodies, especially in the case of Amanojaku and (to a lesser extent) Kijimuna.

My suggestion would be that you make sure that the height of the characters' heads does not excessively surpass the measure of the distance between their chins and their nipples (take into account that, in conventional proportions, the area of the chest occupies about half the length of the ribcage).

Lastly, about the nipples themselves, it's my biased but sincere opinion that, although the following artists draw kemono and not shota, you would nonetheless benefit by looking carefully at the way in which they depict male chests.



>> No.7014337
File: 196 KB, 1083x775, 172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oneshota allowed?
if not I shall show myself out.

>> No.7014736

I don't want to speak for the whole thread but I think it's fine to post here as long as you are looking for shota-specific crit
Your boy is very cute! Though his arm might be a little long. You could consider shrinking him down a bit to increase the size difference and amplify his cute little boy vibes but it's up to your taste

>> No.7014777
File: 1.12 MB, 1450x2800, LGP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015089
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x1000, RES3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on designs for some shota brothers
obligatory "little boys wore dresses etc"

>> No.7015519
File: 234 KB, 743x810, 0106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see there's other artists here that appreciate chubby/fat shotas.

>> No.7016483
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1053, RES4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of them

>> No.7017112

These two character sheets feature, hands down, some of the best drawn faces that you have posted so far.

Your character and costume designs are lovely as usual, and the pouty chibis look cute and funny. Is the blue-eyed shota related to Leonard, by any chance? Concerning the older brother, he somewhat reminds me of Johnny Depp in his role as Ichabod Crane.

While on the subject, your characters, being old-school bishonen, kinda resemble those high-quality ball-jointed resin dolls, but without the potential risk of veering too much into the uncanny valley.

Incidentally, given your aesthetic sensibilities, I think that photographs of male BJDs would be quite handy as references. Some dolls even come dressed in Rococo and Victorian outfits:



Returning to your drawings, if I had to single out only one of them, I would say that the bust of the younger brother on the further left of the first sheet came out particularly stunning. All that is missing is an oval frame of roses or gold leaf.

In my opinion, what really sells it is the cartoony three-dimensionality of the eyes, which makes them appear almost Disney-like: one gets the sense that their outlines are actually wrapped around the ocular globes underneath, just as if they were the margins of real eyelids.

In the way of new advice, I don't really have much to offer beyond mentioning that the space between the eyes should encompass the length of a third one (with the lacrimal caruncles taken into account, even if they're not depicted), along with a suggestion to look for eyebrow references and drawing tutorials:



>> No.7018758


>> No.7018771

I've seen your critiques here and the last thread, and they're so well thought out and thorough. I've never seen people give such helpful advice with references and explanations on behalf of the thread I'm grateful. I'm just wondering have you ever posted work? I'd like to see it.

>> No.7019976
File: 1.43 MB, 1091x1053, wip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks as always! Glad to hear the head and face practice I've been doing seems to be working
>Is the blue-eyed shota related to Leonard, by any chance? Concerning the older brother, he somewhat reminds me of Johnny Depp in his role as Ichabod Crane.
They aren't related to Leonard, but it's funny you brought up Ichabod Crane. I thought he really looked like a character from a Tim Burton movie and I couldn't think of which one but it was definitely him lol
I actually never thought of referencing BJDs but it could be really useful, thanks. I'll have to look around for some I like

>> No.7019991

he has the ugly hands of my ex bf

>> No.7020053

>have you ever posted work?

I guess now is a better time than never. I would have wanted my first drawing posted online to be something actually decent, but I'll have to reserve that hypothetical future piece for when I have enough free time and stamina to produce it (or after I buy a tablet).

In what will come off as a predictably disappointing development, so far I've got really nothing to show but unfinished pseudo-gestural scribbles of heads and limbs floating in voids, all done with a mouse in MS Paint. The following is a group of a few of those that make me feel like there's still some hope (since the image doesn't contain shota, I'm using catbox to avoid taking up thread space).


What to make of my critiques, then? Long answer short, my advice is as much for myself as it is for others. I'm kinda like a gourmet who can barely cook. I just really appreciate the craft.

>> No.7020094

can you link it?

>> No.7020152

Cute style anon

>> No.7020665

I like this

>> No.7020741

not that anon but these look quite promising, definitely /int/ and out of /beg/ just from the sketches you've shown. you have a fine taste in male aesthetics as well.

Sometimes this site gives shitty crits, but I find yours consistently high quality and helpful. thanks for your contributions to the thread.

>> No.7022409

After first opening the thumbnail, my reaction stopped just short of holding my chest and audibly going "hnnng". That's just how gorgeous your characters look.

The shading on their noses, in particular, came out super-effective and pleasing. While this compliment is true for both characters, I especially like the rendering of the older brother's nose. I believe it's mostly due to the manner in which you conveyed the presence of the alae without any outlines. Off the top of my head, this method of shading noses reminds me a bit of the one used by Takeshi Obata in his colored illustrations:


Also, kudos once again for the eyes: your rapid improvement in this area has given me a new awareness of how crucial it is to be mindful of the thickness of the eyelids.

It's telling that you managed to make their gazes look deep and soulful with next to no highlights, which makes me wonder what could be the result if you decided to go full-on shojo and gave them mascara and starry irises (perhaps it would be overkill?).

That aside, the thing that would doubtless enhance the three-dimensionality of your characters' eyes even further is adding shading to the sclerae, specifically next to the margins of the upper eyelids.

Regarding the inner outlines of the mouths, while line-weight variation alone works quite fine to provide a sense of volume, there's also the option of interrupting them at the points between the median tubercle of the upper lip and the commissures, as shown in the second example of this picture:


Lastly, concerning the shading of the mouth area, the following resource does a good job covering the basics:


>> No.7023576


>> No.7023748

Sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for the compliment and the encouraging rating. I'm glad that my MS Paint scribbles elicited such a good reaction from you.

To be frank, nowadays I consider myself lucky if I get to draw at least a single passable sketch during the week. But, although I'm going at a snail's pace, I still hold on to the aspiration of one day becoming skilled enough to be able to turn said scribles into full illustrations, worthy of being posted with a signature included.

I'm not even really concerned with "making it", at least in the sense in which it appears to be most often employed in this board, as in, becoming a pro, or living off of commissions (although, obviously, I would be lying if I said that I have never fantasized about those possibilities).

As I currently see it, I believe that I would reach fulfillment as an artist if I ever got to the point of rendering pictures that I would have chosen to save on my computer (or enthusiastically fap to) while still knowing absolutely nothing about their creator. I guess that would be my personal, humble version of "making it".

>> No.7024508
File: 1.47 MB, 1516x2160, 1705703164791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7024759
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x1107, RES5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished/sick of working on it

thank you all :)
>what could be the result if you decided to go full-on shojo and gave them mascara and starry irises
haha it could be fun to do an over the top shoujo piece sometime

>> No.7025043

some silly little sketches

>> No.7026186
File: 1.60 MB, 900x1184, Illustration193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably won't finish this but it was fun

>> No.7027658


>> No.7028430

>haha it could be fun to do an over the top shoujo piece sometime

If the opportunity ever comes, just remember to add flower arrangements and bubbly lens flares. That should make you hit the look for sure. Bonus points if you make your characters strike melodramatic and statuesque poses.

Half-joking aside, it might just be that the thread's subject matter drives away all the normies of /ic/, but I can't help but be a little baffled that pieces of this quality, although they're entirely SFW, can still get little to no engagement.

In my opinion, of all your posted /ssg/ content, this piece arguably stands (for the time being) as your magnum opus, especially, but not solely, in terms of facial rendering.

To help make sure that you consolidate all your recently acquired head-construction gains, I suggest that you take a look at the following video by "hide channel":


About your backgrounds, since this isn't the first time I share my opinion of them, the following praise may sound like a bit of a repetition, but, nonetheless, it's worth acknowledging that all your fully-rendered woodland/garden sceneries so far, with their pleasant color palettes and lucious attention to detail, have come up consistently idyllic, if not outright paradisical.

Your characters are already akin to living porcelain figures by default, but it's the background that infuses them with a fairy-like aura (no pun intended).

Concerning their mouths, although the effect is only noticeable if you zoom in, those subtle highlights just at the bottom of their philtrums really make a difference. It's almost as if the light is propping forward the tops of their upper lips.

Regarding the highlights on the lips themselves, you should keep in mind that, however juicy the latter might be, their surfaces would still be covered in thin and shallow creases (they become more apparent in lipstick prints):


>> No.7029654

Very beautiful and serene.

>> No.7030607

Sorry, I just realized that I messed up the second link:


I take the chance of adding a video tutorial as well:


>> No.7030673
File: 683 KB, 3000x3000, IMG_7013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly had no idea what I was doing with the nipples. Moki draw them in many different ways and I find it hot, but I was just experimenting
Thanks for the feedback about the proportions of the head

>> No.7030681
File: 682 KB, 3000x3000, IMG_7014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediately noticed the eyes are wrong after posting

>> No.7031985
File: 311 KB, 1345x2125, 336_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032192

Now that you have brought up Moki again, it has suddenly dawned on me that in your previous picture you were attempting to follow the sort of chibi-esque/cub-like proportions that are characteristic of his work (i.e., figures that are 4 heads tall). Although, given the prominence of the characters's heads in said piece, it should have been obvious that you weren't going for a 100% on-model look. Sorry for the lapse of judgement.

This little episode has made me notice that, whenever I critique body proportions, I tend to default to realistic Loomis-type ones, I guess out of a sense of security, since I'm still a learner myself. I'll try to be more mindful of cartoony proportions when the topic arises in the future.

Concerning nipples, as a rule of thumb (judging from the GBs of hentai that I have coomsumed so far) the glossier they are, the more sensitive and alluring they look; the downside to this is that they might end up taking too much attention from the rest of the picture.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the highlights are the souls of hentai nipples, whether the latter are stylized as fully-contoured miniature hats topped by puckered lips, or as smooth little berries sprouting from airbrushed gradients.

However, with all of that said, you can't really go wrong by following this basic template of visualizing the areola as a low dome or cone, with a bun-shaped tip as the nipple proper, and then choosing a single clear-cut light source for both volumes:


>> No.7032430

current wip
thanks for the kind words friend. I still have a lot to improve :) thanks for the resources you linked, too

>> No.7032471
File: 302 KB, 658x515, 1680060106839357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the downside to this is that they might end up taking too much attention from the rest of the picture.

>> No.7034472

There's a sort of vicarious satisfaction in witnessing the improvement of an artist whose aesthetic sensibilities resonate with one's own (historical fiction and shota are a winning combo for me), especially when it happens at such a lightning pace. It helps making the prospect of an art journey feel a bit less daunting for amateurs like myself, and therefore provides much-needed motivation to keep treading along.

Whatever methods and exercises you're currently following, they're definitely giving results, so don't feel discouraged if there's a lack of replies. At this progress rate, you will be reaching high /int/ level way sooner than you think.

Regarding this promising new WIP, there's not enough space left in this post to give an opinion about every detail that caught my eye, so I'll try to be concise.

The head overall is excellent: the face looks lovely already, and the thin and flowy linework of the hair makes it appear quite soft, almost ethereal. That said, there are a couple of things that need minor adjustments: first, the curvatures of both eyes should be parallel to one another, and second, the angle of inclination of the mouth should match that of the horizontal axis of the head.

Regarding your shota's body, I'm by no means an anatomy expert, but, to my eyes, your depiction of it seems quite competent: one can get a sense of the volumes of the ribcage and the hips, even in the absence of shading. Also, kudos for effectively conveying the foreshortening of the legs.

As a last suggestion, although you're probably already aware of the following artwork, I think that, among the thousands of other options that you could use as references, the marble group "Cupid Rekindling the Torch of Hymen" (ca. 1831) by George Rennie would come in very handy, since it depicts a younger and an older boy side by side, and it has been thoroughly photographed:


>> No.7034679

I owe a lot of my improvement to your crit. It's been incredibly helpful to have such specific feedback on my work
I made some adjustments to his face but it's still bothering me a bit. Going to spend some time on the background and come back to the face before I overwork it though
Can always use more sculpture ref! Thanks for the link

>> No.7035216
File: 1.18 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_7053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the nipples are certainly a dilemma. I draw them and think “this looks good enough” but when I finish they never catch my attention. I will mess around with the glossiness next time

>> No.7036291

It gladdens me to know that my text-wall critiques are actually having an effect for the better. Thank you for holding my advice in such high esteem, it really means a lot.

>I made some adjustments to his face but it's still bothering me a bit.

Now that you have added color and shading, I believe that I have identified the source of that disconfort: there's an issue with the rendering of the upper planes of the nose, although they just require an easy fix.

Whether one is outlining or shading noses, it's important to be mindful of the trapezoidal shape encompassed by the glabella (the area between the eyebrows) and the radix (the starting point of the nose bridge). This shape links the lower margins of the eyebrows with the side edges of the nasal dorsum, so, if one gets it right, the whole area in question is guaranteed to look much more three-dimensional and anatomically accurate, even if the noses themselves are quite simplified:



Concerning the rest of the body, the only really glaring issue is that the nipples are placed a bit too high on the ribcage. To help you better visualize the accurate placement of the former, keep in mind that, ideally, the nipples and the navel should each be the vertex of an upside-down equilateral triangle in the middle of the torso. Conveniently, this guideline remains valid for all height proportions (I checked to be sure).

Having said that, in my opinion, it wouldn't hurt to reduce the size of your character's head a little bit (and, therefore, that of the arms as well). The "1 head under the chin" guideline for placing the nipples works consistently for both men and young boys, but only down to a certain limit. Once the height measurement of the imaginary head reaches the navel, the body proportions of the character will start veering into chibi territory.

>> No.7037394

Still some stuff I could adjust but I'm calling it done
Thanks as always :) I'm still making some silly mistakes with proportions but I'm noticing them more often
Really love your colors here and you always draw super cute faces. His tail could use some darker shading to match the rest of his body, though

>> No.7037644

I feel that my advice would have been better conveyed if the link accompanying it hadn't been made useless by a typo (I don't know where that "ķ" in the middle of it came from). Sorry for the inconvenience.


>> No.7038517
File: 261 KB, 1541x2300, 336_C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wip gon

>> No.7038987

The shading on the glabella-radix area is actually a very nice touch. It's kind of unusual to see it being done outside of pictures with semi-realistic renderings:



However, since the feature in question (judging by its outline) appears to be fairly vertical, a value that dark would look more appropriate in the case of a zenithal light source. I feel that a paler value, just barely darker than that of the forehead, would have looked more suitable for the overall lighting of the picture.

That said, the degree of shading would mostly depend on the inclination angle of the area, which is more noticeable in profile views (in the case of ancient Greek statues, for example, the glabella-radix area and the nasal dorsum form pretty much a single plane):


Another issue is that your shading on the area ends a bit too abruptly at the level of the radix. With this type of rendering, the transition of values should instead be more gradual and soft, almost as if (for lack of a better simile) you were shading a wavy slide.

My only other nitpick about the nose is that the outline of the dorsum makes me a bit confused regarding the placement of the radix/bridge.

The issue is that your shading indicates that the starting point of the nose proper is close to the level of the upper eyelids, but the outline suggests instead that it lies at the height of the bottom of the eyes. Where would you place the radix in a profile view of your character?


Lastly, regarding the proportions and anatomy of youthful male torsos, if you had to default to a single reference for all your pieces, I would say that the so-called "Eros Farnese" is one of your safest bets:


>> No.7039113

some practice
I've got a really bad habit of adjusting facial features by nudging them around with the lasso tool constantly when I paint which just throws everything off, like the nose. Thanks for the links. I'll go practice drawing some more heads on paper where the lasso tool can't tempt me lol

>> No.7040471

Love this. Do you have any sites where you share your work?

>> No.7040703
File: 315 KB, 1313x2300, 336_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042924
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x1500, Illustration195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some boys from today

>> No.7043987
File: 1.12 MB, 947x1051, wip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new wip

>> No.7045712
File: 844 KB, 850x745, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7047709
File: 1.57 MB, 1175x1020, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more progress

>> No.7049463
File: 29 KB, 638x376, 336_NSFW_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nsfw link

>> No.7049544
File: 1.28 MB, 811x1200, tropiccen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got to finish this. didn't have any time since i'm kind of working 2 jobs and on another project

you post a lot
really nice stuff and like the cloth design

>> No.7049554

really like the colors

>> No.7049568

Please post the full image on catbox

>> No.7049584

ok here

>> No.7050815
File: 245 KB, 438x996, 0104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely gorgeous work, anon. Love the level of detail you put not just in the skin and hair, but also in the foreground and in the environment in general. I'm even more impressed you finished this while working 2 jobs. I work full time and I'm a tech student - so I only have enough energy to draw pic related lol. Hoping I can get back into painting cute boys sometime when I finish my exams.

>> No.7051622

thank man
yeah college is a real time sink don't envy you

>> No.7051779
File: 2.00 MB, 1300x1454, RES1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished. bg is a little rough in some spots but I've reached my limit on how many leaves I can tolerate painting on this lol
really beautiful rendering, especially on the muscles of his back. very nice piece overall
>you post a lot
thread needs bumped a lot lol. and thank you
cute boy and good luck on your exams

>> No.7053273

As it has come to be expected from your colored pieces, the rendering quality of your settings and outfits does not disappoint. I'm especially a fan of your depictions of different types of foliage, as well as of the satined finish that you add to certain garments.

In terms of lineart, the main shortcoming that holds it back from matching that level of proficiency is the subtle but frequent presence of loopsidedness in the heads of your characters, particularly regarding those features which are horizontally aligned.

Specifically, in the case of this picture, the eyebrows of the older brother are placed at different heights, and his chin is slightly descentered in relation to his mouth. Concerning the obliqueness of his hairline, it would only be advisable to keep it in the design if it's meant to be a distinguishable trait.

To avoid undesirable slants in relation to the vertical axis of the head, although nothing really beats the combo of using geometric planes and flipping your canvas, artists such as Moto Hagio draw parallel guidelines for troublesome features while sketching:


Concerning the head of the younger brother, it's worth acknowledging the fact that you challenged yourself by drawing it at a more complex angle than that of a usual 3/4 view, and the end result is actually fairly competent. What mars it is the slight discrepancy between the upper and lower halves of the face, which could be mostly corrected by showing just a bit of the furthermost cheek.

Whenever attempting complex angles or instances of foreshortening, don't hesitate to use multiple references:



>> No.7054617


>> No.7055418

Cute face and supple body. You managed to make your character (Demian, wasn't it?) look quite three-dimensional. Your sense of volume was already one of your strongest suits, but you have polished it further by improving your accuracy regarding proportions and anatomy.

In particular, your head-construction skills have gotten noticeably better since the last thread. I especially like the way in which you depicted the roundness of his cheeks, along with the subtle fleshiness of the inner outline of his mouth (it effectively conveys the thickness of the lips wrapped over the curvatures of the dentition).

Also, those dainty, tappering fingers of your shotas' hands always give me Mannerism flashbacks, of the good kind:



In the way of critique, my only nitpicks are the following:

First, I recommend that you slightly lengthen the eyebrow closer to the viewer, specifically towards the vertical axis of the head, in order to make the glabella-radix area slightly narrower (so that it matches better the size and inclination angle of the nose proper), as well as to add a bit of extra depth to the orbit below.

Second, the interval from the chest to the navel is kinda excessive, even when taking the sagging of the belly into account. Regardless of height proportions, the two nipples and the navel tend to be at about an equal distance from eachother:


Therefore, my advice is that you adjust the placement of the nipples and the navel until they encompass an inverted, almost equilateral triangle.

And third, the alignment of the toes should be diagonal, going downwards from the inner one to the outer one. Just keep it in mind for the next time you need to draw feet.

>> No.7055422

i wish /cgsg/ had art critiques like this NGL.

>> No.7055634
File: 1.11 MB, 1300x867, RES2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback as always. I'll keep working on my heads :^)

>> No.7055993
File: 903 KB, 900x1200, disgaea-fanart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your input! Proportions are definitely something I need to work on. I made him about 5.5 heads tall, so not exactly the height of a 12 year old shota, but my 'ideal' height. Same with the body, I've always preferred my boys to have a 'real' body, so I like drawing them with extra fat around the belly, thighs, buttocks, etc. while usually keeping the arms and chest pretty small. My goal ultimately is to get good at drawing boys of all different ages of various body types. Pic related was my work two years ago when I could spend a few days on a painting and not have to worry about school and work at the same time. I hope to one day start painting again as I really miss it.

>> No.7055996
File: 442 KB, 1726x2300, Commission_2024-02-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockman x Emperor Child

>> No.7057462


>> No.7058608
File: 3.13 MB, 1261x2348, 337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059271 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 272x276, 1701902544686248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.7059891

new wip

>> No.7060207
File: 1.01 MB, 1257x1600, 1358279597-0974735-www.nevsepic.com.ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be honest, I've never liked the term "shota." I find it's application very limited and it immediately denotes a sexual interest in the subject matter depicted. I look at art throughout the centuries that were produced were the nude boy was used for allegory, mythology, or purely for aesthetic purposes. I feel like nowadays the term "shota" is actually producing more boring art than what we had before. It could also be cultural homogenization and mass media being our only influence nowadays rather than stories. There's also the problem that it wasn't taboo to depict the nude boy back then, but now if you do have an interest in the boy form then you really don't have an option but to label yourself as a "shotacon." It's frustrating, and it's part of the reason I don't post online anymore.

>> No.7060316

I don't know man everyone here eventually started drawing little boys being molested after drinking the shota Kool-aid for too long. Might as well accept the noice allegations and draw what you want regardless.

>> No.7061020

Had I not known that this is a portrait of an OC named Leonard, I would have been expecting the addition of a pair of wings on the boy's back for the next update. My head doesn't fail to remind me that his name is "Leonard", but my stubborn eyes keep whispering "Eros".

Frankly, I was under the impression that it would take at least a month or so until the faces that you depicted in >>7024759 could meet their rival, but, to my pleasant surprise, you have not only surpassed yourself once again (along with my expectations), but have managed to do so in record time. My heartfelt congratulations for reaching a new milestone in your art development.

>> No.7061265


Not too happy with this one to be honest. Poses are pretty boring and story could be more interesting. Gonna table this for now and try something else later.

>> No.7061282

Absolutely love this one! Great colors and such a cute body.

>> No.7061711

finished. trying to work on doing more lineless painting
really appreciate the kind words
I was using a painting of Eros as a reference (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/Paelinck_-_Eros.jpg)) so I'm glad some of that angelic cuteness came though :)

>> No.7061719
File: 251 KB, 1261x1278, 337_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7063148

Given the praise I showered on the preliminary version of this piece, the following critique will likely come out harsher than I intend it to be, but, for the sake of sincerity and of your betterment as an artist, I feel that it's necessary to share it: regarding the head of your character, with the exception of the rendering quality of the skin and hair, I think that the version shown on your WIP was better.

It mostly comes down to simmetry. While the first version already had a couple of minor issues with lopsidedness, they were so subtle as to be easily overlooked, even after flipping the picture (one would need to set the head upright and look at it exhaustively in order to notice them). In the finished version, however, those tiny missalignments have been exacerbated to the point that some of them can be perceived without needing to flip the image.

Imagine a straight line that crosses the centers of the chin, the mouth, and the nose: Apart from some slight skewness of the mouth, these features are pretty much in the same alignment. Now, try to prolong that same line until it reaches the forehead of the character: you will notice that the line does not actually cross the center of it. In fact, the vertical axis is slanted towards the left side of the face, coming very close to the corner of the respective eyebrow.

Now, compare the intervals from both eyebrows to the corresponding upper eyelids: the gap is slightly broader under the eyebrow on the right. Next, check the vertical widths of both upper eyelids: the left one is narrower than the one on the right. The combination of these little discrepancies makes it so that the axis of the eyes ends up being slanted towards the right. Imagine a line connecting the lacrimal caruncles, and said slant will become more evident.

Lastly, while on the topic of the eyes, there's also a disparity in their shape and size: the left one is rounder, while the one on the right is a bit more trapezoidal.

>> No.7063162

I just noticed that I made this critique using a flipped image as reference. Whenever I'm talking about the left side of the face, I actually mean the one on the right, and vice versa. Sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.7063248
File: 1.29 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_7124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I painted the tail with a lighter color because I was looking at another picture that drew wings that way to give the main body more relevance. In my case it didn’t work because it doesn’t take part of the main body, so yeah it was a mistake

>> No.7063471
File: 207 KB, 658x450, disturbance-in-the-night-WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prince Thomas feels an unfamiliar presence in his room while sound asleep with his cousin Damien. Feeling disturbed, he wakes up Damien to find a pair of snakes sent to attack the both of them.

>> No.7063521

2 heads? 4 serpentine cocks?

>> No.7063861 [DELETED] 

that's really good.
you got some real talent
you know how to simplify shapes and separate light from dark so that interesting shapes stand out. Also nice colors. Not fan of the body shaše but nicely rendered.

>> No.7063862 [DELETED] 

>that's really good.
>you got some real talent
>you know how to simplify shapes and separate light from dark so that interesting shapes stand out. Also nice colors. Not fan of the body shape but nicely rendered.

>> No.7063864

that's really good.
you got some real talent
you know how to simplify shapes and separate light from dark so that interesting shapes stand out. Also nice colors. Not fan of the body shape but nicely rendered.

EDIT: re-posting, fucked up my post

>> No.7064094
File: 827 KB, 1585x2500, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great poses and gestures. The level of meticulousness with which you evidently constructed your shotas' bodies really paid off: their moobs, bellies, thighs, and balls all came out looking plump and succulent. I especially like the manner in which you depicted your character's bellies pressed together; very effective use of lineweight variation.

Having said that, regarding the heads of your shotas, you would certainly benefit by incorporating simplified planes of the glabella-radix area in their construction. At first glance, the area in question might appear as too minor a detail to fixate on, but it's actually a crucial unifying landmark of the upper section of the face:


Depending on ethnicity and individual variation, the glabella-radix area can be broad or narrow, short or long, and vertical or oblique. However, even in the cases of people with low radixes (i.e., flat nose bridges), the basic trapezoidal/triangular shape of the area would still be present, and, therefore, depending on the angle of the head, perspective/foreshortening should be applied to it as well.

In the case of the 3/4 views of your shota's heads, imagine a slightly concave line that connects the side edge of the tip of the nose with the inner corner of the eyebrow closer to the viewer. This line would correspond with the edge of the nasal dorsum. By having this linkage in mind, you will notice that, since the glabella-radix area is not properly conveyed, the volume sprouting from it ends up feeling akward, if not outright confusing.

On the topic of references that, given your style, could be helpful for your depictions of heads, there is a 90's biographical manga about sumo wrestling titled "Chikarabito Densetsu: Oni Wo Tsugu Mono" (pic related), which was illustrated by a yet budding Takeshi Obata, of "Death Note" fame:


>> No.7064229
File: 338 KB, 1125x1600, fbddc0b8965e13ac8c1a0ea7d5f4862d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again as always for your insight.

>Great poses and gestures. The level of meticulousness with which you evidently constructed your shotas' bodies really paid off: their moobs, bellies, thighs, and balls all came out looking plump and succulent. I especially like the manner in which you depicted your character's bellies pressed together; very effective use of lineweight variation.
Thank you! The pose for Thomas (boy on the left) originally had him lying down with his arm over Damien. What I want to convey is that these two have a "body" or "skin relationship." Their bellies pressing together, for instance, is their skin "kissing." Damien in this scene, sensing Thomas is afraid - invites his cousin's naked body to "come into him," allowing his cousin's thigh, penis, and hand to explore and touch him for comfort, warmth, and protection. In my worldbuild - it's common for boys to have this type of relationship with other boys, to see their body not as their own but as belonging to another. I'm paraphrasing but I at least want to communicate that through drawings and paintings.

>In the case of the 3/4 views of your shota's heads, imagine a slightly concave line that connects the side edge of the tip of the nose with the inner corner of the eyebrow closer to the viewer. This line would correspond with the edge of the nasal dorsum. By having this linkage in mind, you will notice that, since the glabella-radix area is not properly conveyed, the volume sprouting from it ends up feeling akward, if not outright confusing.
I'll have to look into this! I probably don't do enough anatomical head studies and it shows in my work. I think also what's happening is I still maintain some of the bad habits of the "moe" style I'm trying desperately to leave behind. I'm trying to learn from artists like Kamome Shirahama, Takehiko Inoue, Pierre Joubert, the Old Masters, etc. I'll definitely check out that manga you recommended, as well as do more head studies!

>> No.7064413

>I probably don't do enough anatomical head studies and it shows in my work.

Although nothing would be furthest from my mind than disuading you from studying anatomical resources (such as diagrams, écorchés, and the like), which is guaranteed to be a fruitful endeavor, in the cases of cartoony or manga-like depictions, and even of those rendered in semi-realistic styles, one can keep afloat well enough in the sketching phase through the use of planar simplifications:


My advice would be that you attempt to make individual turn-around head sheets for your OCs. Select the best profile and front views that you have drawn so far of each individual character, put them side by side on their respective sheets, add shared horizontal parallel guidelines/axes for all the relevant facial features, and proceed to make any adjustments necessary to ascertain that the latter remain consistent. Then you can use both views as references for the intermediate head angles of each character, in order to guarantee a sense of both accuracy and three-dimensionality (alternatively, you could also reverse-engineer the front and profile views from a good 3/4 one).

>I think also what's happening is I still maintain some of the bad habits of the "moe" style I'm trying desperately to leave behind.

Moeblobs can be pretty cute, not gonna lie, but after you have seen the thousandth iteration of a chibi-like face with the standard anime/visual novel style of rendering, they all kinda start blending into one another. Although the aestethic effectively delivers what it advertises, once the initial sugar rush wears off, you can't help but develop a craving for slightly more defined noses and mouths.

>> No.7064816
File: 198 KB, 1219x1562, 337_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7066667


>> No.7068511


>> No.7069879
File: 1.46 MB, 1260x2248, 1708554966903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7071507

I feel that you hit the mark with the nipples in this one. Their shading and highlights, coupled with the blurry margins of the areolas, make them look temptingly glossy and pinchable, almost squeaky (in a good way). Also, kudos for the effective foreshortening of your cupid's arms, as well as for the pleasing rendering of his torso.

I would have liked to reply sooner, but, by the looks of it, most of us have been busier than usual during the week.

>> No.7073627


>> No.7074007
File: 717 KB, 3000x3000, IMG_7138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foreshortening was the only reason why I finished that drawing. Making drawings with weird angles but still sexy is rare

>> No.7074866
File: 253 KB, 1140x1874, 338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch only

>> No.7074906

Very cute faces. They came out looking rascally boyish and puppy-like. I'm really a fan of the half-annoyed, half-flustered expression of the shota in the middle. I also appreciate the detailed and ornamental manner in which you depicted all those strands of hair; they came out looking almost feathery.

With that said, however, there are some flaws with your depictions of the pelvic area, particularly regarding their vertical width.

For instance, concerning the boy on the right, the placement of his genitals is too high on the pelvis, to the point that they appear to be sprouting directly from below his abdomen. In other words, the size of the pubic area is noticeably underrepresented.

Keep in mind that the starting point of the genital area (i.e., the pubic bone) is located at a level that corresponds, more or less, with that of half the height of the buttocks (that is, the bottom of the coccyx):


This and other similar problems mostly stem from a lack of height in the box/bucket-shaped volume of the pelvis. When the latter is so vertically narrow that the pubic area looks almost absent, it ends up throwing the whole bottom section of the torso out of whack.

My advice is that, whenever depicting the pelvic region, you give extra attention to two specific landmarks: the external oblique muscles, and the inguinal ligament/crease. Together, these features form a tall handlebar shape, below which the pubic area is located:


A common method to help make the construction of the pelvis feel more intuitive is to visualize it as a pair of briefs:



>> No.7076925


>> No.7077207

Correction: in the last sentence of the penultimate paragraph, I should have written "genital area" instead of "pubic area", since the handlebar shape I mentioned actually encompasses most of the latter. More accurately, it would correspond with the hypogastric/suprapubic region of the abdomen, as shown in this image:


>> No.7077982
File: 281 KB, 675x894, 0228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamer boy sketch

>> No.7078781

Chest and belly look nice; in my opinion, they're both the highlights of the sketch. However, you underrepresented the size of your character's ribcage, particularly in terms of depth. To be more specific, there's not enough space for the presence of the serratus muscles (the zigzaggy volumes located below the armpits, and between the pecs and the lats):


Compare the apparent thickness of your shota's ribcage in the current sketch with that of Laharl in this fanart piece of yours >>7055993 or with that of the following Roman sculpture, and you'll see what I mean.


Furthermore, the left shoulder of your character is attached to his torso in an awkward way. Said flaw, in turn, makes it so that your shota appears to have an extra armpit.

The main issue is that you're approaching the depiction of the volumes of the pectoral and deltoid muscles as if they were fully independent segments, when, in actuality, they're closely linked, with the transition from one into the other being relatively seamless:



Besides that, regarding the lower body, while I totally get the stylistic choice of depicting a chubby shota with broader, femboy-like hips, the gap between your character's legs is definitely too wide for a male (unless you are planning to give him a significantly well-endowed bulge in the final version).

Lastly, concerning his face, I suggest that you double-check his eyes (the irises are of different widths) and his mouth (the area of the maxillary teeth looks a bit too large).

>> No.7078898
File: 607 KB, 896x724, wip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I still need to work on my habit of over adjusting facial features while I render. thanks as always
appreciate it :)

>> No.7079500
File: 1.03 MB, 1300x1000, RES4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7079521

Gorgeous as always. You should experiment with more textured and harder brushes for painting the background.

Do you have any socials where you pyw?

>> No.7079570

thank you! I definitely do need to try out some more brushes besides the single one I use for everything lol
I'm only active on deviantart these days: https://www.deviantart.com/wocelot

>> No.7081190
File: 472 KB, 750x965, are-you-awake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You're awake at this hour? Did you need to come to bed with me?"

>> No.7083459


>> No.7085187

Someone else bump

>> No.7086926

a quick one
cute boy and you did a good job implying a story here. significantly higher contrast lighting would help it come across as a nighttime scene. even just making the room behind him much darker (almost completely black) would help a lot. also consider how tall a little boy should be in comparison to a doorframe. right now his head looks to be about 6 inches from the top

>> No.7087407

>also consider how tall a little boy should be in comparison to a doorframe. right now his head looks to be about 6 inches from the top
I didn't think about that! The piece quickly went from rough draft to greyscale so there were a number of things I probably didn't consider in the final. I wanted to test a new coloring method where I take the sketch and use that as my base to fill the rest of the colors in with blacks and greys, refining the sketch instead of making lineart.

>> No.7088365

This new work of yours provides a good opportunity to bring up what I consider to be one of your best depictions (so far) of a head in 3/4 view:


While the quality of your rendering has definitely improved since then, and although the color pallette of the piece in question is subdued when compared to your usual output, you managed to strike a pretty nice balance with the placement of the facial features of your character.

In particular, both the eyebrows and the eyes rest at parallel levels, and you made them follow the general perspective accurately by having the furthermost ones appear relatively smaller and narrower, while keeping their overall shapes consistent.

Although you have made noticeable progress in this regard, it is still not infrequent for your 3/4 views to have one or more issues related to the previous aspects: sometimes the eyebrows and eyes look good by themselves, but the horizontal axis of the head is slanted towards one side or the other, so the former end up being misaligned; and in other occasions, said axis is properly positioned, but the furthermost eye is of the same size as the one closer to the viewer, which in turn makes the former look bigger than the latter.

Except for your OC's left eyebrow, which should have been lenghtened just a little bit towards the vertical axis of the head (so that it properly served as an outline for the "T" shape formed by the sopraorbital rims and the nose), you managed to avoid pretty much all of your most recurrent problems. For this reason, I heartily suggest that you keep this picture at hand as a reference to help you detect and adjust any possible flaws with the 3/4 head views of your characters.

This brings me back to your current piece. While the following issue with Leonard's face is not the only one, it certainly is the most glaring: there's really no good reason for his furthermost eye to not be visible from this angle.

>> No.7088592

Correction: once again, I forgot that I was using a flipped image as a reference for my post. At the beginning of the penultimate paragraph, I'm actually talking about the right eyebrow of your OC.

>> No.7088934
File: 472 KB, 749x1126, young_warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to make a Twitter yesterday (ghost_ink24). Here's a young warrior shota, trying a more relaxed lineart method I'm enjoying.

>> No.7090174
File: 144 KB, 1902x970, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks as always man. the drawing you linked was heavily referenced from a (thomas gainsborough?) painting for the palette with very little thought given to placing the facial features so I guess it was an accident lol. I'll keep working on it

>> No.7090251
File: 3.37 MB, 1000x1743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now draw him in godspeed mode

>> No.7092087


>> No.7092270
File: 41 KB, 743x970, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more sketches

>> No.7092915

Some really good heads and expressions in this study sheet. My personal favorites are the busts in 3/4 view of the older brother (Theodore?) near the bottom left corner of the picture, and those of the younger brother on the top right. That said, all of the drawings are effective at awakening the intended feelings of endearment towards your characters: the chibis, for instance, look satisfactorily cute and petable. Besides that, I really like the manner in which you conveyed the different hair textures of both of your OCs: that of Teo, in particular, came up looking pleasingly fluffy.

In the way of advice, I have not much to offer besides a reminder of my suggestion to apply simplified geometric planes in the construction process of your OC's heads. Frankly, I recommend the use of planar simplifications (at least in the case of heads) because, as a sporadic and lazy drawer with a penchant for convenience and intuitiveness, I personally find it an easier method to help one grasp and remember the facial volumes than the alternative of studying anatomical diagrams:




Having said that, regarding the placement of the upper facial features, I think that the "eye-mask" method of visualization would come in very handy, since it would help you make sure that you keep a sense of balance, while at the same time leaving you with a good amount of room for facial expressivity:



>> No.7094907


>> No.7096232
File: 735 KB, 785x1058, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current wip
appreciate it friend. their names are matteo and alessio if you wanted to know
and thanks for the links :)

>> No.7097319
File: 478 KB, 709x806, wip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

following ref more closely (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/George_Romney_-_John_Bensley_Thornhill_as_a_Boy_%28c.1784-85%29.jpg))

>> No.7098553
File: 436 KB, 1445x2013, IMG_0625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am i doing wrong

>> No.7098626

His pose seems a bit awkward and stiff. Is this just practice or is this a sketch for a painting?

>> No.7099172

practice, but ur right, ill try using a reference or something also

>> No.7099206
File: 2.73 MB, 1488x2266, IMG_0013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ssg/ here is my drawing

>> No.7099706
File: 930 KB, 1108x1046, wip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paying pp tax plus more progress on this >>7097319

>> No.7100102

So aside from here where do you guys pyw?

>> No.7100159

I like where this colored piece is going. Nice choice of reference for the pose; elegant but not stodgy. It isn't often that one gets to see Leonard looking this suave and dignified.

Regarding his face, I'm glad to notice that you made an unprompted adjustment to the size of his left eye, as well as to the placement of the base of his nose; to be sincere, I was a bit worried that your departure from the original lineart had unwittingly started to introduce some amount of lopsidedness into the facial features, but, luckily, your corrections have made you not only regain the missing balance, but noticeably improve the face shown in your first WIP.

That left eye of Leonard, in particular, deserves to be singled out for praise. I feel that you managed to recapture that Disney-y vibe with which you infused the portrait of younger Alessio from back in January >>7015089

In my opinion, what sets this eye apart from those shown in your previous drawings of heads, is mainly a couple of aspects: first, you took into account the space of the lacrimal caruncle, along with that of the crease of the upper eyelid that surrounds the medial canthus; and second, you gave definition to the lower eyelid by rendering its waterline and adding some subtle shading.

Regarding the first detail, while many (if not most) approaches to stylizing the eyes omit the lacrimal caruncle, plenty of artists still convey some hint of the area it occupies, either via the empty space between the eye in question and the volume of the nose, or through some indication of the crease around where the medial cantus should be. Your choice of the second approach has given to the eye in question a pleasing sense of anatomical accuracy.

Lastly, concerning the second feature, it's quite rare for the lower eyelids of young characters to get any amount of detail, (at least outside of certain expressions), so getting to see an effective rendering of one comes in as a breath of fresh air.

>> No.7100274

Correction (sorry for having to do so many of these lately): I meant to say that the crease of the upper eyelid verges the medial canthus. The latter is the point at which both eyelids meet, so my original wording was inaccurate.

>> No.7100448 [DELETED] 

can anyone tell me where i could find good shota references? I don't want to just copy other shota artists or something, i feel like its wrong

>> No.7100605
File: 570 KB, 2065x2909, 339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back and I'm the upgrade

Coffee with Enzan-kun <3

>> No.7100681 [DELETED] 
File: 472 KB, 696x1825, elfsk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a sketch to get back in to drawing again

nice hope you post more

your color are always nice

>> No.7100682
File: 125 KB, 343x900, elfsk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a sketch to get back in to drawing again
Edit: damn it posted wrong pic
nice hope you post more

your color are always nice

>> No.7100912

>I don't want to just copy other shota artists or something, i feel like its wrong
you kinda have to if you can't stylize or use 3d models
also depends on the artstyle youre going for, personally i've begun reffing kaiba from screenshots since the anatomy is easy to understand for my peepee poopoo brain

>> No.7100991
File: 283 KB, 530x900, tumblr_c18163168d297ec11e27067cbbe7bb6c_2dba407e_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any SFW Shota Guides for total noobs? I have had a really lewd story involving Koji from Medabots in my head and I wanna draw it for real. I got tons of free time now and plenty of spare cash, so I don't mind buying a tablet or whatever people use for art. I also don't mind spending money on books and shit. I really want to do this.

Pic related is the style I aim for. I wanna draw him in speedos because he wears cute speedos in the games.

>> No.7101029

You need to learn about the fundamentals of art while doing a reverse art process and rendering if you wanna imitate your favorite artist just like GANGAN doing using Naoko process and rendering from scratch

>> No.7101191

Where do I start? Should I hire a cute twink local mentor to stimumate my noggin and get some ez sex on top of knowledge?

>> No.7101303

I was kidding about the sex part. I am a pure maiden saving myself for marriage.

>> No.7101379
File: 326 KB, 1280x1810, 1706309172706366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bara artist draw shota
>no lewds
why are they like this?

>> No.7101448

Muscle shos IRL just got muscles that are for show so even a normie adult could easily 1vs1 them.

Now go make some rape doujina with this info.

>> No.7101488

Maybe I will

>> No.7101527

>bratty muscle sho tries to pick up a fight with a middle aged gay guy for oogling him and ends up getting Corrected

>> No.7101569

Thank you for answering even if I deleted the post (realized I what I was asking was stupid as fuck so it's cool to get a good answer like that)

>> No.7101694
File: 39 KB, 356x315, 1706200429125321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother goes to the gym with me and I grope him under the guise of massages to prevent muscle pain.

>> No.7101704

Do you have a Pixiv? Your style reminds me of the former Mangaka for the YGO Sevens manga.

>> No.7101822

After rereading my original post, it struck me that, given the character limit, I really didn't get to state the reason behind why the space occupied by the lacrimal caruncle and the contiguous crease is of such relevance, so I figure that I might as well spend a bit of extra time delving into the area in question.

As I have said before, I'm by no means an anatomy expert, so I'm going by what I have managed to find online. From what I can gather, the crease that verges the lacrimal caruncle/medial canthus is actually called the medial canthal sulcus. In order to not overcomplicate things, just keep in mind that, between the lacrimal caruncle and the sidewall of the nose, there is a relatively tiny fringe of skin that separates both features, with the medial canthal sulcus/crease being immediately adjacent to the latter. In other words, the sulcus in question is basically a kind of linkage between the creases of both the upper and the lower eyelids:


As with all facial features, this medial canthal crease is subject to ethnic and individual variation: the sulcus itself can be subtle or pronounced, and the space it verges can be broad or thin, it can taper or remain parallel, and, in the case of people with epicanthic folds, it can be fully or partially covered. What is important to remember is that the space is always there.

Why do I keep bringing up this space so much? Long answer short, the sclera and the nasal sidewall are farther apart than what one might estimate at first glance. Not only there's the lacrimal caruncle between them, but also a fringe of skin. Overly-cartoony depictions of heads aside, this separation, however narrow it might be, should be reflected in the artwork, lest the sidewall of the nose appear to be touching the sclera:


>> No.7101861


>> No.7101864

Learn basic fundamentals of art

>> No.7102205

Can you teach me? I can pretend to be your shota student.

>> No.7102209
File: 98 KB, 271x226, 1404488237221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on ITT KEK

>> No.7102416
File: 76 KB, 658x457, 966d25de-3892-4df7-9888-e93c3ab54fa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a seasoned roleplayer with an extremely cute uncut penis.

>> No.7102520

Your shotas are always so cute and you definitely have a nice drawing style I always enjoy looking at. Blog?

>> No.7102612

We need more of this trope. Where are the 1000 year old shotas?

>> No.7102628
File: 327 KB, 896x1532, Heaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your 150 year old shota

>> No.7102705
File: 56 KB, 431x529, code__emperor_by_farisviruz_d676dns-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not 1kyo but still pretty old and in need of Correction

>> No.7102711
File: 187 KB, 541x578, 1707778175171639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife left me a really big house after passing away so I plan to rent rooms for cheap to artists and create my own Shotacon Doujin Circle at home. I live in a comfy country where the government doesn't give a fuck about what you do as long as you have $$$.

Just 1 more year and my son will fuck off to complete his training as a customs agent.

>> No.7102713

That sounds like a good way to end up ass raped in a foreign country

>> No.7102746

I'm cute so I'd be the one worried about getting gang raped by horny younger shotacons.

>> No.7102748

but I'll take the risk for the sake of spreading high quality shotacon content all over the world.

My only rule will be No Blacks or Indians allowed.

>> No.7102753

no i don't have a blog. i don't even know where i could post this. does pixiv allow shota?

>> No.7102772

Yes it does. Even hardcore shota sex.

>> No.7103012
File: 213 KB, 381x1000, elfsk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i'll try making an account there

anyway decided to clean up the sketch a little and have a little fun with lighting by copying someone else's style

>> No.7103253

well that's weird because i got a message telling me i need to censor the drawings by pixelizing them

>> No.7103302

Why do you censor here? There is goons posting literal naked twinks under the guise of a "poses" thread lmao

>> No.7103305

Btw have you read Ubel Blatt? The MC is a hyper hottie elf shota and it's getting an anime soon. He gets naked often.

>> No.7103330

you do get banned for uncensored shota posting. Although i guess my drawings do pull more towards twinks than shotas.
you can see the uncensored version here
yeah i did read it however i wasn't much of a fan. SS doesn't really do it for me and i remember the story was kind of badly panned out? If i remember it had too many throw-away characters that lead to nowhere.

>> No.7103407

Cute Penis. I'd love to commission art of him getting captured by a fat bastard duke.

>> No.7103916
File: 349 KB, 770x920, 0319-WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know baraag allows full nudity of shota. I would join but the only sites that seem to allow full nudity of cute shota are porn sites. I'd prefer if we had a forum or art website that catered to niche art interests that allowed artistic nudity without it being just porn if that makes sense. Like pixiv but better.

Anyway here's a WIP of two chubby boys from yesterday. I have no idea what they're looking at desu - still working on the narrative with the gesture.

>> No.7104603 [DELETED] 
File: 888 KB, 1022x1431, tytyugjhgfhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey WHY IS YOU NECROBUMPING A THREAD??? it's because I got more drawings to show.

>> No.7104758

I'm really a fan of the head of the shota on the right. His mouth could benefit from some extra polish and detail, but, overall, your arrangement of his facial features was successful at conveying a pleasing sense of balance and three-dimensionality, similar to the one put across by your rendering of Damian's head in this drawing from last month >>7050815

In the way of advice, regarding common approaches to stylizing the faces of young characters, I think it would be fruitful for you to spend some time researching the standard methods of head construction used by the main 2D Western animation studios, particularly the Disney variant.

Simply put, the classical Disney method for drawing neotenous heads consists in dividing their volumes into two main sections: the cranium, and the combined mass of the cheeks. The trick of this method is that both sections have their own vertical axes, with that of the cheek mass being a continuation of that of the cranium:


The basic division of the head into two round volumes helps explain the frequency of certain stylistic choices regarding the facial features of young Disney characters, such as a low/flat nasal bridge (with the radix being usually close to the baseline of the eyes), and a button nose that rests on the surface of an oblique "shelf" plane (the top of the previously mentioned cheek mass).

Keep in mind that this "shelf" is not a real anatomical feature, but instead a cartoony abstraction, intended mainly as an aid to help determine the correct placement of the nose at different angles.

Lastly, concerning the points of attachment of the shoulders in relation to the area of the chest, since you still have some issues with the placement of the features in question, I suggest that you take a look at the following resource:


>> No.7106784
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1500, RES2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling it finished
thank you as always. I've really been trying to slow down and get my faces and proportions correct and your feedback has been very helpful
>your color are always nice
thank you!
very cute elf boy. I really like how you rendered his hair and face

>> No.7108629


>> No.7109466

Leonard came out looking very handsome in this one. Special kudos for making the skin of his face appear so smooth and warm, as well as for effectively conveying a sense of the different textiles that make up his clothes.

Regarding the faces of your characters, my advice is that you incorporate as many horizontal guidelines as possible into your head construction process. Whatever the preferred method for the latter, one should always make sure that the levels pertaining to the horizontally-aligned facial features remain parallel to one another (all while trying to keep both perspective and the frontal curvature of the head into account):



Concerning this portrait of Leonard, both the level of the eyebrows and that of the mouth share the same angle of inclination. In contrast, however, the level corresponding to the eyes is relatively slanted towards the right. This skewness becomes easier to notice if you compare the distance from each eyebrow to the corresponding upper eyelid: the vertical width of the space between the features in question is noticeably broader on the right side. Fortunately, this discrepancy could be easily fixed just by narrowing down said distance, so, overall (judging by your recent output both here and in your Deviantart account), you have improved your sense of balance quite significantly.

Lastly, I take the opportunity to share the following sculptural references.

An ancient Roman marble portrait of the emperor Marcus Aurelius as a boy:


And a terracotta version of "The Child Achilles" (ca. 1920), a bust by Constant Roux:


>> No.7109893
File: 149 KB, 229x571, ughufuckboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did YOU folks learn the basics? i'm lost.

i wanna draw medabots porn to show it to my japanese buddy that runs a blog for shota nudity in manga.

>> No.7110189

you got a link to the blog

>> No.7110255

loomis and alvin lee comic artist were my intro to basics.
probably why my painting is so shit compared to line art

>> No.7111152
File: 1.92 MB, 2100x1635, 1703180359914673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this. /beg/ as hell but I also suck at backgrounds, feel like it only makes it worse. Critique if you want.

>> No.7111153

Oh also anyone know how to downsize images without them turning out complete shit? They all end up kinda blurry.

>> No.7111186
File: 1.72 MB, 1000x1481, RES7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt version: https://files.catbox.moe/jq448z.png
really love those sculptures you linked thank you friend

>> No.7113105


>> No.7113421
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1027, RES9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt: https://files.catbox.moe/g3hxrh.png

>> No.7114584 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_7242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct. I moved it down a little.
I don’t take care of anatomy of the pelvic area as much as I should

>> No.7114586
File: 953 KB, 2630x2723, IMG_7241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing with a different light source is super confusing

>> No.7115181 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1872x1253, sleepover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with this sketch, just gotta fix the hands.

>> No.7116324
File: 264 KB, 1157x2182, 340_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isamu Bnuny Ears

>> No.7118063


>> No.7119386


>> No.7120599


>> No.7120809
File: 282 KB, 1323x2032, 341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilchuck Speaking

>> No.7121653

Hope all you guys have been enjoying spring break.

>really love those sculptures you linked

I'm glad to know that you liked them. There's really no online shortage of photographs showing full-body sculptures of young males, but those featuring close-ups of heads and busts are unexpectedly harder to come by.

About this piece, I find the subtle shading on the upper lip of your cupid to have been successful at imparting a sense of the main volumes that comprise it. My recommendation is that, from now on, you try to shade the lower lips of your characters with that same level of detail. Specifically, you should attempt to convey the presence of the labial tubercles:


In the case of this work, the eyes came out looking remarkably pretty. The general symmetry of the upper facial features is also worth acknowledging, although the rest of the face still has some issues (the nose, mouth, and chin are slanted towards the left).

My suggestion is that, when drawing the faces of your characters, if they're depicted in oblique positions, you take advantage of the digital medium by rotating your canvas until their heads are set upright, as well as by flipping it as many times as necessary.

Regarding facial-proportion guidelines that could be of help, the most basic approach is the triangulation method, according to which the area of the face should be roughly encompassed by an upside-down equilateral triangle. There are two variants, one for realistic heads, and another for manga-style ones:



>> No.7122635

current wip. been nitpicking it for way too long
really cute boys. love chilchuck. in my opinion the noise filter you've been putting over your art is a bit too strong though. consider lowering the opacity a little
appreciate the feedback :) I'll keep working on my faces

>> No.7122889
File: 209 KB, 2009x2160, 342 A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Len-kun R18+

>> No.7122913

>another twitter clone

>> No.7124185

https://files.catbox.moe/h9dthy.PNG progress

>> No.7124991

there's already lsg

>> No.7125494

Your cupid is looking very cute so far, but there's still room for improvement.

First, you need to double-check the relative sizes of the eyes. Currently, the one on the left appears larger than the eye on the right, when it really should be the other way around. Remember that, in order to convey an accurate sense of perspective, the furthermost eye should be narrower than the one closer to the viewer.

Next, you should keep in mind the degree of separation that exists between both eyes in the frontal view of your character. Ideally, said distance should encompass the width of an extra eye. This guideline remains especially valid in depictions of neotenous characters, even in those of the more cartoony variety (for instance, plenty of cutesy Disney characters share this trait).

Also, the shape of the glabella-radix area feels a bit wonky. In particular, it looks a little too narrow, and the inner corners of the eyebrows are not properly aligned. My recommendation is that, when drawing the area between the eyes of a character, you start by pinpointing the location of the radix/nasal bridge, and then continue by adding a triangular/trapezoidal shape right on top of it.

Keep into consideration that the glabella-radix area sprouts from the bottom of the forehead, and, consequently, its vertical axis should be an extension of that of the latter. In other words, the top of the area in question should protrude over the eyes as much as the bottom of the forehead:


Lastly, the area of the chest is excessively small, and there's a distracting amount of empty space between it and the navel. Take into account that the baseline of the pectoral muscles rests just above the xiphoid process (that is, the bottom of the sternum):


>> No.7125520

Sorry, for the umpteenth time, I mixed up the sides of your character's face.

When I mention the eye on the left side, I'm actually referring to the one on the right, and vice versa.

>> No.7127425

Bumping with a couple of resources featuring planar simplifications of heads in 3/4 view:



Notice how the vertical axis of the glabella-radix area relates to that of the forehead, as well as how the top vertexes of the area in question match the placements of inner corners of the eyebrows.

>> No.7128117
File: 883 KB, 929x845, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't had much time to work on this unfortunately but I made some adjustments

>> No.7128701

They got guides for noobs? Anyway once my papa survives his surgery, I will fuck off and dedicate myself to my true love of everything Shota. I can live off comfy without working but I will study to become a shota doctor.

>> No.7130403

Bumping with some quick advice regarding the eyes of your cupid.

In terms of conveying a sense of volume, you're definitely on the right track. Although both eyes came out looking charming and sleek, I particularly like the appearance of the one on the right: since the shape of its inner outline resembles that of an actual, foreshortened eye, it ends up feeling more anatomically accurate. In order to help you make sure that the eye on the left conveys that same feel, I suggest that you take a look at the following resources:



Keep in mind that, as the head turns around from a frontal view to a profile one, the jutting roundness of the eyeballs gets increasingly more noticeable, with the foreground sections of each eye gradually overlapping the furthermost ones, until the latter are fully occluded.


Notice as well that, when the eyes are looked at from an angle, the outlines of the curvatures of both ocular globes are parallel to one another. This detail is especially evident in the classical Disney approach to stylizing the eyes:


>> No.7130665
File: 85 KB, 600x450, kyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, i tried.
took me an hour.
it's just practice i guess

>> No.7130757
File: 127 KB, 1369x2160, 344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7130768

it looks amazing but how are his glasses staying on his face

>> No.7130778

i just added for aesthetic or no reason at all

>> No.7132475


>> No.7134526


>> No.7136940


>> No.7137194
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1723, Illustration1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt: https://files.catbox.moe/apc272.png
finally finished

>> No.7137497
File: 526 KB, 1016x1056, face_studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some studies, haven't drawn a lot of shota lately because I've been wanting to practice more environments and urban settings.

>> No.7138232

>Shigemaru Shigeru studies

Ah, I see you're an anon of culture as well.

Half-joking aside, the fact that you left almost nothing to chance with your head-construction process really paid off. Just keep refining it until you build up enough muscle memory to do it intuitively, and you'll be sure to develop a top-notch style.

On this occasion, the only non-nitpicky criticism that I have is one regarding the profile views of your shotas' heads. A frequent issue that I notice is that their mouths have a tendency to end up feeling a bit too prognathic, to the extent that they often appear to have overbites.

While it's certainly within the normal parameters of human variation for a mouth to be ksomewhat jutted when looked at from the side, it's important to take into account the degree of separation that exists between the outline of the maxilla and that of the facial base plane, the latter being the contour formed by linking the apex of the brow ridge with that of the chin (basically, it would be the lateral view of the vertical axis of the face).

For reference, in ancient Greek sculptures, both the maxilla and the base plane of the face tend to be on the same alignment. Of course, the majority of people doesn't boast the profile of an Apollo Belvedere, but the amount of protrusion of the maxilla is still relevant when trying to depict a conventionally attractive profile.

Here's where being aware of the facial base plane comes in handy. The way I see it, as long as the crease of the nasal wing doesn't trespass beyond this contour, the profile of the character in question is sure to remain balanced and aesthetically pleasing.

In other words, the further away the nasal wing gets from said boundary, the more upturned the angle of the nose will end up being, therefore making the dorsum more elongated, to the point that the lower half of the face will start to resemble a snout:


>> No.7138367

>the only non-nitpicky criticism that I have is one regarding the profile views of your shotas' heads. A frequent issue that I notice is that their mouths have a tendency to end up feeling a bit too prognathic, to the extent that they often appear to have overbites.
That's because that's what the boy looked like in the photoref that I copied (not posting it here). But you're right even in my drawings without ref I do prefer the overbite look. I'll take your thoughts into consideration regarding anatomy. I really love 'imperfections' in faces and bodies that often get overlooked because of moe simplification - faces are visually identical, bodies are usually the same for 'ideal' proportions. My goal is to have a style that combines what I like about most Western and Eastern design. I want shota bodies that aren't perfect, with an emphasis on skin folds, fat, etc. Faces that are cute but have flaws (chipped teeth, chin fat, different eye shapes). Kind of like how a lot of Baroque painters will emphasize imperfections of the body rather than hide them.

>> No.7140140
File: 810 KB, 800x1410, RES1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick one. feeling the need for some drapery studies

>> No.7141021
File: 731 KB, 1248x1233, 1693077643074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shigeru but as a character designer he is questionable

>> No.7141984

Kudos for the doll-like faces. Talk about eyemaxxing.

In terms of advice that might be of help for your head-construction process, you should be extra mindful of the inclination angles of both vertical and horizontal axes, specifically of how they relate to the facial base plane, as well as to the position of the head as a whole.



In your current piece, the vertical axis of Leonard's head is slanted forward, which in turn makes it appear as if he had a minor case of the so-called "Habsburg jaw". Just rotate your canvas until both the eye and brow levels of his face are in a horizontal position, and then imagine a line that conects the center of the forehead with that of the chin: you'll notice the relative obliqueness of the lower half of Leonard's face in relation to its upper features.

The solution would consist in adjusting the position of the relevant axis until it's properly vertical, and then making sure that the nose, mouth, and chin follow the alignment of said axis.

Also, you should consider the planar simplifications of the main facial landmarks, especially (but not exclusively) those of the upper section. Concerning the glabella-radix area in particular, my suggestion is that you attempt to visualize it as if it were a prismatic puzzle piece, meant to fit below the brow ridge and between the eyes, inserted at the top middle point of the indentation formed by the imaginary fusion of the orbits:




>> No.7144565


>> No.7145435
File: 147 KB, 1844x1844, 20240425_121445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145653


It's really rough right now, loads of errors I need to correct. The idea I want to convey is a idyllic village market where shotas enjoy comfort and freedom. I'm aware there's probably a number of perspective issues so I'll fix those on the second draft of the sketch.

>> No.7146412

Quite an ambitious WIP. As always, the thoroughness of your construction is worthy of praise. Your sketch looks so full of detail already, and the buildings and props that occupy your market scene feel as convincingly solid as your flesh-and-bone characters do.

In this instance, I must admit that I'm still a total beg when it comes to backgrounds and perspective, so I really can't be of much help concerning those aspects of your drawing. However, after doing some online research, I'm at least capable of sharing a few basic anatomy tips.

First, regarding your depictions of torsos, there's a propensity for the lateral depth of the ribcage to be underrepresented. Keep in mind that, at the level of the baseline of the chest, the width of the profile view of the upper torso encompasses three muscle sections: a bit of the foreground pec, the matching serratus, and a portion of the corresponding lat.


Second, don't forget that, when a person is standing straight, since the posterior section of the ribcage is connected to the vertebral column, the frontal area of the torso is comparatively more jutted in relation to the arms than the dorsal one is. In other words, unless your characters are meant to be hunched over, you should ascertain that their chests protrude more beyond their arms than their upper backs would do behind the same.


Third, it would most certainly benefit you to be aware of the placement and inclination angle of the deltopectoral groove, the indentation through which the cephalic vein passes, and (as the name suggests) the definitive boundary between a pec and its matching deltoid.



>> No.7146647

Yeah this market scene might be a bit much for me. I've only done a handful of environment and urban street drawings. I'm trying to fill my sketchbook with sketches of animals, vehicles, buildings, etc. to get a feel for different ideas. Ideally I'd like my shotas to live in a world that feels grounded in reality rather than just standing in a void or in a partially drawn environment.

>> No.7148040
File: 78 KB, 797x988, 1704876828775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7148043
File: 109 KB, 949x1297, 1713768434117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more porn

>> No.7148046
File: 995 KB, 3000x2963, 1694139740480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not porn but it's based on a porn game

>> No.7149551

It's remarkable how you manage to convey different hair textures mainly through the variations in shape of individual strands.

That said, you should revise the placements of the eyebrows of the shota on the left, and, by extension, the size of his forehead: the brow level is excessively close to that of the hairline.

My recommendation is that, whenever your characters' heads are meant to be tilted, you double-check the layout balance of their facial features by rotating your canvas.

In both variants displayed on this character sheet, the arrangement of Beelzebub's horns is not symmetrical.

While the degree of lopsidedness is relatively minor in the left rendition, it's quite glaring in the version on the right: the sprouting point of the furthermost horn is distractingly close to the middle of the forehead, and its placement is significantly higher than that of the foreground one.

In order for you to better see what I mean, rotate your canvas until the head of the latter variant is set upright, and then imagine its vertical axis, specifically the segment that passes between the eyebrows and across the forehead.

Besides that, the eyes of the left rendition have different shapes, and those of the version on the right are placed a bit too far apart.

Just double-check both variants while comparing them to your references of the character, and then proceed to make the necessary adjustments.

In this piece, both the eye and brow levels of the blushing shota are slanted towards the left. To verify it, just rotate your canvas until the vertical axis of his head is positioned at a right angle.

Apart from that, the root of the catboy's tail is placed a bit too high on his lower back: the appendage in question seems to be sprouting almost at the level of the waistline.

I feel that the attachment point of the character's tail would appear less awkward if its placement were to be slightly lower, just above the cleft of his buttocks.

>> No.7151165 [DELETED] 
File: 726 KB, 1728x2466, IMG_3080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the loli thread?

>> No.7151184 [DELETED] 
File: 726 KB, 1728x2466, IMG_3080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7153138


>> No.7153669
File: 121 KB, 791x811, IMG_7363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simetry is the hardest part of drawing for me. Not only because of technical skill, but also because even if I flip the canvas I still don’t recognize the inconsistencies

>> No.7154615
File: 275 KB, 501x540, market_WIP0503crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. https://files.catbox.moe/xrhy9p.png
Still working on this, I don't know how the Masters could work on the same piece for months at a time. I find myself taking a break to work on thumbnails only to be more interesting in those ideas rather than the current piece I'm working on.

>> No.7154619

Also I'm just now realizing the center boy's little brother is too tall.

>> No.7154762

Came back and fixed some proportion errors. Honestly I think I'm gonna call it quits and say I had a good practice run with this piece. I need to move on and do more perspective and urban setting practice.

>> No.7155298 [DELETED] 

when will jannies ban this general? they took out /lsg/ /ssg/ is just as degen if not worse.

>> No.7155300 [DELETED] 

They banned lsg because it became a pisscord circlejerk that posted on topic maybe half the time, nothing to do with the subject

>> No.7155303 [DELETED] 

Good thing ssg is so slow kek

>> No.7155306 [DELETED] 

you know they could ban the users not the general

>> No.7155363 [DELETED] 

Shotacon isn't as bad as lolicon in practical terms

>> No.7155841
File: 174 KB, 999x960, IMG_7377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rendering pink skin is pretty weird. You can’t move to red colors when it’s time to draw shadows. Feels like it’s impossible to not make it look muddy

>> No.7156247

To be sincere, I know next to nothing regarding color theory (much less about digital painting), but, from what I can gather, when applying three-tone shading to an opaque surface, the latter's color palette (values aside) would be mainly influenced by three factors: the base hue, the color of the lightsource, and the predominant hue of the surrounding environment.

On this subject, the Youtube videos by artist Marco Bucci have been extremely helpful in giving me a new awareness of the different properties of color, as well as of the manner in which they simultaneously interact with both light and shadow:



Roughly summarizing the content of the few videos that I have watched so far, in order to establish a three-tone color palette for a character's skin, you should start by determining its base hue (i.e., that of the halftone areas), and then proceed to select the color of your lightsource.

After that, with respect to the color of the highlights, it would have to be a somewhat intermediate/transitional hue between the base one and that of the lightsource.

If, for example, you were to pick a yellow hue for the latter, depending on its intensity, the color options for the highlights on Beelzebub's skin could go from a reddish pink to an orangey yellow.

On the other hand, if you opted for a blue lightsource, the skin highlights would instead have to be on the more purplish side of the spectrum.

As I understood it, shadows work in pretty much the same way as the highlights, although the effect is not as noticeable. Basically, the hue of the shadow would be a mixture of the skin's base color + a hint of that of the reflected ambient light.

Therefore, hypothetically, if Beelzebub were to be depicted inside a yellow room, but with a blue-colored lightsource next to him, it would theoretically make more sense for his skin to feature purplish highlights coupled with orangey shadows.

>> No.7156305

I forgot the mention that there's also the alternative of color-picking highligths and shadows directly from references, and then making adjustments to the hues and values according to your personal taste.

For example, in the case of Beelzebub, you could use scans of the original colored illustrations by Toriyama, screenshots from either the game or the anime, or even photographs of figurines.

>> No.7156337
File: 359 KB, 1600x1200, 1688824052181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toriyama coloring
I don't recommend it. Most mangakas in general suck at this

>> No.7157470

The face of the vendor shota on the left came out looking very cute: the overall layout of its features has a harmonious quality that makes me remember, once again, this portrait of Damien from back in February >>7050815

In comparison, however, the faces of the rest of your characters would require a bit more tinkering in terms of balance.

For instance, the lower half of the face of the taller shota in the middle of your drawing feels quite wonky.

The most glaring problem is that the orientation angle of the area in question doesn't fully match that of the rest of the head: while the upper half of your character's face is depicted in a near-profile view, his mouth conveys instead the appearance of being in a fully lateral position.

My advice is that you double-check the alignment of your character's facial features in relation to the vertical axis of his head.

Given your predilection for designing shotas with relatively jutted mouths, I feel that examining the old-timey Disney approach to head-construction would come in very handy >>7104758

For an example of the application of said method, take a look at the following production drawing from "Pinocchio" (1940). Notice how both the nose and the mouth of the titular character are in alignment with the vertical axis of his cheek mass, as well as the manner in which said axis relates to that of the skull:


Another issue with the face of your shota is one of proportion: the amount of space occupied by the mouth looks quite large when compared to both the length of the nose (including the glabella-radix area) and to the vertical width of the chin.

My suggestion is that you keep in mind the "rule of thirds" concerning facial proportions.


>> No.7159659


>> No.7161096


>> No.7163008


>> No.7163298


>> No.7164077

Congratulations on achieving this gorgeous portrait, even if it's still a WIP. In terms of balance, Alessio's face came out pretty much flawless: the level of his oral commissures, that of the inner corners of his eyes, and the level of both sets of upper lashes, are remarkably parallel to one another.

The few discrepancies that exist are barely perceptible, to the point that I feel extra nitpicky for pointing them out. In fact, excluding your viewership of fellow artists, I doubt that most people would find them relevant enough to hinder their appreciation of your piece.

Given the subtlety of said inconsistencies, in order to be able to identify them, you would need to flip your canvas, and then rotate it until both the level of the oral commissures and that of the medial canthi (i.e. the eyes' inner corners) are fully horizontal.

Once you have done so, you should start by focusing on the inner outlines of both sets of lower eyelashes, specifically on the points that are closest to the lateral canthi (i.e., the eye's outer corners).

You'll notice that the outer end of the inner margin of the furthermost set is just a few pixels higher than that of the foreground one: in other words, the inner contour of the foreground set of lashes is slightly more horizontal, while that of the furthermost one is a bit more oblique.

Another minor issue is that Alessio's pupils are of different shapes: while the foreground one is oval, the furthermost one is instead circular. Also, the highlights on both eyes are of different sizes, and they're placed at different heights.

Apart from that, the truly obvious problems are the following: first, the vertical width of the foreground eyelid is a few pixels taller than that of the one closer to the viewer, and second, the arch of the foreground eyebrow is significantly higher than that of the furthermost one.

Luckily, all of the previous issues would require just some very minor tweaks in order to be fixed.

>> No.7164339

Correction: I got mixed up in the penultimate paragraph. I meant to say that, currently, the foreground eyelid is a bit taller than the one furthest from the viewer.

>> No.7164818

Another correction (sorry for the inconvenience): in the antepenultimate paragraph, the problem with the highlights on Alessio's eyes is less the difference in size and more that they aren't following the general perspective of his face. In other words, the highlight on the furthermost eye should be slightly smaller than that on the one closer to the viewer, not the other way around.

That aside, I take the opportunity of praising the Disney-like liveliness of Alessio's eyes, the delicate shapes of his lips, the thin and flowy linework of his hair, the sense of volume and anatomical accuracy put across by his body, the convincing folds of his drapery/towel, and the pleasing color palette of the overall piece. I would have liked to compliment them in my first reply to your WIP, but I had already hit the character limit.

Lastly, regarding Alessio's legs, you should double-check the length of his left shin: currently, it is noticeably longer than his right one.

>> No.7165476
File: 199 KB, 900x881, 1705653493145677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second video is really good. I didn't even know why some drawins had that blue color in their shadows, none of the videos I saw explained thats supposed to be skylight. Also explains really well how that red item turn the blue skylight into purple depending of their saturation.

I made Belzeebub light source white as well as the boucne light so the coloring was correct but because I was afraid I was going to fuck it up. Next time I will pick something more interesting.

>> No.7165689


Current WIP. Hoping I can finish it soon and ink it. Learned a lot about what my major issues are regarding the drawing process, so hopefully my speed and quality will increase.

>> No.7166386

I get the main purpose behind the stylistic use of chromatic aberration: to simultaneously convey both a sense of movement and of stereoscopy, so that a picture kinda resembles a frame out of a 3D movie.

However, personally, I think that you might have gone just a tiny bit overboard with your application of the effect.

Perhaps I'm actually mistaken, and this has to do less with the chromatic aberration itself and more with the image resolution, but I can't shake off the feeling that your current piece looks a little too blurry, especially when zoomed in.

That said, it's not my intention to dissuade you from experimenting with this sort of effects/filters. Rather, my advice is that you apply them in moderation.Think of said tools as frosting on a cake: while the right amount can certainly enhance the flavor, too much of it can end up being cloying.

Regarding your past concerns about symmetry >>7155841 I understand how frustrating it can be when one doesn't achieve it on the first try: I have a propensity for lopsidedness myself, so I've developed a habit of double-checking almost constantly the faces that I draw. You shouldn't let said problem demotivate you; even veteran pros can still mess up sometimes.

In terms of facial balance, my recommendation is that you try to leave no stone unturned: in case the head of a character is meant to be depicted in an oblique position, flipping your canvas might not be enough to ascertain that your drawing is free of discrepancies; you should rotate it as well, preferably until the vertical axis of your character's head is at a right angle.

This rotation is important because, in a face in repose, all the levels of its horizontally aligned features should be parallel to one another. Many, if not most cases of facial lopsidedness, stem from one or more of these levels being inadvertently slanted.

Also, taking a look at this video about the triangulation method might come in handy:


>> No.7167089

Sorry, I just noticed that, in my advice concerning symmetry, I linked the wrong post. I meant to link this one >>7153669

>> No.7167549

I totally wasn't expecting the subject matter of this one. Ironically, I think that a dragon being used as a mount would have taken me by surprise a little less.

I really like the flowy manner in which you drew the hair of your characters: the somewhat whirly arrangements of their strands blowing in the breeze are quite pleasant, and they subtly but effectively communicate a welcomed hint of vitality in an otherwise dormant scenery.

Also worthy of note is the level of three-dimensionality achieved through the painstaking amount of detail involved in your construction method, a most-desirable trait that has come to be expected from your work.

On the subject of the main feature of this piece, that's quite a girthy sauropod... perhaps just a bit too girthy.

I'm no paleontologist, and I hardly ever attempt to draw animals, so I'm mostly going by my memories of conventional depictions of dinosaurs and dragons, but I get the impression that your sauropod's torso might have come out a little too corpulent in relation to its legs.


Of course, one can only make educated guesses regarding the complexions of these long-extinct creatures, but, judging by the following article, the bodies of sauropods in particular might have been akin to those of imaginary hybrids with elephant-like torsos and elongated, hippo-like legs:


For the purpose of enhancing the verisimilitude of your depiction, my advice is that you complement your references of sauropods with the addition of pictures and/or illustrations of both hippos and elephants:



>> No.7169528


>> No.7169678


thank you for your insight as always. made some adjustments but honestly I don't know if they helped lol. the eyes still feel off to me

>> No.7170313

>made some adjustments but honestly I don't know if they helped

They definitely did, in my opinion. I can notice that you chose to raise the outer end of the foreground set of lashes instead of lowering that of the furthermost one, and I think I can guess why: you didn't want to sacrifice Alessio's original foxy expression by de-emphasizing the curving of his eyes, and, by extension, the upwards push of his smiling cheeks. In any case, the gist of my recommendation was to double-check the symmetry of both sets of lower eyelashes, a piece of advice that you followed rigorously and to good effect.

Just make sure to raise slightly both the crease of the furthermost upper eyelid and its corresponding eyebrow. By adding a few extra pixels of vertical width to the area in question, specifically until the levels pertaining to said features are in parallel alignment with those of the eyelashes and the mouth, Alessio's facial balance would be technically irreproachable.

Regarding your discomfort with Alessio's eyes, my best supposition is that it might have something to do with the current amount of distance between them: provided that you intend to follow the proportion guideline of "the width of an eye" as the degree of separation, the distance between a character's eyes in a 3/4 view should encompass, at the very least, the foreshortened width of the furthermost one. In other words, unless your stylistic choice is to depart from said guideline, the eye furthest from the viewer in this portrait of Alessio is a bit too wide to accurately convey the general perspective of his face.

My suggestion is that you attempt to narrow down slightly the width of the eye in question by "squishing" it, just until the distance between both eyes is broad enough to contain the furthermost one.

Apart from that, I would suggest that you accentuate the presence of Alessio's testicles, given that their current size is a bit too understated, even for a prepubescent boy.

>> No.7171309


>> No.7171501

Narrowing down the width of Alessio's furthermost eye was clearly the right call to make: his almost otherworldly prettiness, coupled with the subtle mischief of his expression, makes this portrait feel closer to a depiction of a water sprite.

However, in honor to the truth, it must be mentioned that the height of the eye in question ended up being reduced a little too much: when Alessio's head is set upright, the crease of the furthermost upper eyelid is placed at virtually the same level as the outer margin of the foreground set of upper lashes. Given the effect of perspective on facial features, it indeed makes sense for the eye furthest from the viewer to be depicted just a tiny bit shorter than the foreground one, but said difference in height should be hardly perceptible in relation to the contrast in width.

Also, I've got a hunch that you might have gotten confused with the alignment of the upper facial features: if one takes Alessio's hairline as reference, suddenly the brow level, that of the creases of the upper eyelids, and even the level of the highlights on his eyes, are in flawless horizontal alignment with it. If Alessio's hairline was parallel to the horizontal axis of his head, this would be excellent news; the problem is that it isn't: the hairline is just a bit slanted towards the left. Fortunately, this issue is only really noticeable if one rotates the image.

I attribute this discrepancy to a mix-up during the adjustment of the size of Alessio's furthermost eye, since your previous WIPs were mostly on target concerning the horizontal alignment of his facial features.

That said, all things considered, you are close to achieving a breakthrough in regard to your sense of facial balance. I heartily recommend that you take a look at the following tutorial video by art vtuber "theCecile", since I think that it could provide the extra push that you need to reach that milestone:


>> No.7173496


>> No.7175078


>> No.7177178


>> No.7178621


>> No.7180029


>> No.7180475
File: 234 KB, 1534x2239, IMG_0197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempt replicating lengod naoko

>> No.7181215

That's a nicely drawn Len. Special kudos for the quality of his head, torso, and hands. Although I must admit that I find the body proportions of this rendition a bit too elongated for my personal taste in shotas, he definitely turned out very cute.

In the way of critique, most of the issues that I can point out are minor ones.

First, the vertical axis of Len's face is subtly tilted forward in relation to his eyes. Said slant is barely perceptible: to notice it, you would have to not only flip your canvas, but to rotate it as well, specifically until Len's eye level is fully horizontal. Then, in order to adjust the placements of his nose, mouth, and chin, you would just need to push them back a couple of pixels.

Second, Len's foreground eye is slightly too tall in comparison to the furthermost one. While the outer corners of both sets of upper lashes are properly aligned, the foreground set is overall thicker than the furthermost one. This extra vertical width makes it so that the distance from the foreground eyebrow to the crease of the corresponding upper eyelid ends up being narrower than the amount of space between the furthermost matching features.

Additionally, Len's foreground iris (and, by extension, its corresponding pupil and highlight) is placed significantly higher than the furthermost one.

Lastly, in regard to anatomy, there are a few problems with the manner in which Len's foreground shoulder is attached to his torso: the most glaring one is that there appears to be no interaction between the former and both the lat and the teres major. In other words, the foreground shoulder feels quite isolated from the back muscles nearby.

To address this issue, I suggest that you watch the following video by "Love Life Drawing", about the musculature of the armpit area:


I also recommend that you take a look at the simplified anatomy tips by "EmilioDekure":


>> No.7181364


appreciate it

cute len

>> No.7181534

thank you, I appreciate this a lot!

>> No.7182190
File: 456 KB, 2623x2062, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried some rough adjustments to the anatomy focusing on the armpit mainly to get an idea of what should be going on there and left still pretty confused haha (I also tried to fix the issues with the face)

>> No.7182192

also gonna add I'm having big trouble with the foreshortening here

>> No.7182409
File: 115 KB, 2160x1636, 20240529_170021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7182437

Getting some strong "Anatomy for Sculptors" vibes from that blocked-out arm. It must be the sleekness of the planar simplifications, coupled with the inclusion of the polygonal mesh. At any rate, it's evident that you have consulted some advanced resources, which is a commendable effort on your part.

>I'm having big trouble with the foreshortening here

The issue is more one of proportion than of perspective. Specifically, the current placement of Len's elbow makes it so that his upper arm looks much shorter than its lower section.

"Kai"/"Alkalinefrog" has a very intuitive way of helping one determine the placement of the elbow in a flexed arm: you should begin by locating the positions of both the shoulder joint and the wrist of your character; next, imagine a line connecting the points in question; then, divide it in half (while trying to keep perspective into account); and, lastly, visualize a second line that projects perpendicularly from the middle point of the first one (with the direction of the former depending on the arm's intended position). The elbow should be placed at some spot along this perpendicular line, irrespective of the chosen length of the character's arm:


That said, however, there's one tricky detail that needs to be considered: in terms of realistic body proportions, the upper arm section is actually longer than that of the forearm, although the difference is certainly not an extreme one:


Therefore, unless you're deliberately following more stylized/cartoony proportions, in order for the previous method to still work, your initial point of reference should be placed at half the height of the deltoid (that is, at the level of the surgical neck of the humerus), rather than at the top of the shoulder mass.

>> No.7182476
File: 654 KB, 1656x756, 0529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183009
File: 254 KB, 2266x2083, IMG_1282_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing a zankuro inspired lalafell for my friend

>> No.7183076
File: 455 KB, 2550x3300, 547F5ED2-8BED-4914-B897-A314FAC054A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip I’m working on, still kind of struggle with clothing folds. Question for other shota enjoyers, do you have a fav shota? Whether it be a favorite to draw or just character overall. Personally I find Butters to be my favorite in both of those aspects

>> No.7183305

Upon further examination, it struck me that I had been so fixated on the anatomy and proportions of Len's arm that I forgot to take into account a similarly crucial factor: the overlap of the different sections of a limb according to their placements in relation to both the background and the foreground.

By bringing this factor into play, one can visualize how the current position of Len's arm could actually work at conveying the desired effect of jutting three-dimensionality: in order for the relatively short length of the upper arm to make sense in relation to that of the forearm, the latter should be overlapping the former. Likewise, the top of Len's shoulder should be overlapping his upper torso.

Curiously enough, these and other accurate overlaps are already present (or, at least, suggested) in the anatomical block-out of the version on the right, but are strangely missing in the cleaned-up rendition on the left. In fact, both the lineart and the shading indicate that the bottom of Len's upper arm is overlapping his forearm, in contradiction to what the excessively short length of the former suggests. Something was lost in translation from the block-out phase to the rendering one, perhaps due to some mix-up with either the lineart or the shading.

Concerning overlaps and their importance when trying to sell the foreshortening of a figure, "EmilioDekure" has a long video on the subject:


>> No.7183378
File: 36 KB, 743x1071, 20240530_150246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183392
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>> No.7183403
File: 550 KB, 1205x1400, muygtfdrtyguhutyguh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom R'adys Class Crasher

>> No.7184621


>> No.7185607

Exquisite hands. Although all four of them are a treat for the eyes, Leonard's left one, in particular, is a scene-stealer: I think that the omission of the outlines of the cuticles made his fingers look even more delicate, in an anime-ish way.

Overall, your OCs are coming out stunning as usual. However, the visible ears of both Shay and Leonard are placed a bit too low on the sides of their heads. If you rotate your canvas until the vertical axis of the face of either one of your characters is at an upright position, you'll notice that the bottom margin of the earlobe currently rests at a height close to that of the oral commissure, when (in terms of conventional proportions) the former should be placed instead at the level of the baseline of the nose.


To correct this issue, you'll just need to raise the ears of both characters (and, along with them, the gonial angles of their jaws) until they're located at the proper height.

In the way of advice, when sketching the heads of your characters, rather than leaving the placements of their facial features to guesswork, you should use as many guidelines and points of reference as you need. Every bit of extra time that you spend polishing your construction method is sure to reflect positively on your work.


Also, remember to always double-check the facial balance of your characters by both flipping and rotating your canvas, even if you don't happen to experience any discomfort with the ongoing state of a piece. In summary, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Lastly, cute pp and balls. You really can't go wrong with a classical Mitsui Jun-esque aesthetic.

>> No.7186747
File: 855 KB, 2440x2432, 1699398821679948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick sketch

>> No.7187325
File: 180 KB, 1592x2392, 126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit of a wonky wip

I played around with it a little more and think I understood a lot better than I did before, thanks for the help!

>> No.7188132
File: 2.56 MB, 2015x2741, 3132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished :)

>> No.7190735


>> No.7191988
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x1356, RES1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt: https://files.catbox.moe/xus8f3.png

thanks for the crit. I was working way too fast and zoomed in on the faces but hopefully they look a bit better now

>> No.7193922


>> No.7194167
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x897, Illustration206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some pencil boys

>> No.7195574

Isnt there a cbsg discord?

>> No.7195864

Pretty sure it died pretty earily on when the second one was made. Alot of people jumped ship because know board schizos and shotaporn became rampant in their iirc

>> No.7196495

damn kms back to fandom lgbt groups i guess

>> No.7196537

You can always make a /ssg/ discord if you want. Who knows people might be down for it.

>> No.7197245

It would have to not be from this site i hate 4chan discords, full of thugs

>> No.7198742

It's been a while. Hopefully everyone is doing ok.

I'll take the opportunity of sharing some tips and resources.

Concerning facial proportions, while Leonard's features look nice when considered individually, the length of the middle horizontal third of his face (the one that encompasses the space between the brow ridge and the baseline of his nose) turned out a bit excessive in relation to those of the upper and lower ones. This issue becomes easier to notice if you focus your attention on the amount of distance that currently exists from the tip of Leonard's nose to the inner corner of either one of his eyebrows. Don't forget that, ideally, all three horizontal sections of a face should have roughly the same vertical width:


Along with said guideline, you should take into consideration a subtle but crucial difference between the standard head-proportions of adults and those of youngsters: in the former, the vertical middle point of the full length of the head tends to rest at around the same level as the eyes, while in the latter case, the middle point is usually located at a height close to that of the brow level. This reduction in facial length when compared to the size of the cranium is an essential neotenous trait; it's the reason why plenty of cute characters tend to have rounder/wider heads. In other words, a relatively larger cranium + bigger eyes + a shorter face = youth/cuteness (most of the time, at least):


Lastly, on the subject of hair stylization and rendering, I think that it would benefit you to take a look at the following tutorial video by "Bobbo Andonova":


>> No.7198828
File: 1.66 MB, 1311x971, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new wip

thanks again. I really mess up proportions when drawing traditionally

>> No.7198974

4chans discords are just like any any other discord desu don't let shitty people run it, don't shitty people in and you will be golden.

>> No.7199684
File: 1.60 MB, 1303x953, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7200653
File: 135 KB, 961x1027, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to stop slacking off and get back to drawing more

>> No.7200658

The facial profile of your black-haired OC (younger Shay?) looks quite pleasing. In this instance, proportion-wise, following the "rule of thirds" more closely definitely worked out in your favor.

Regarding the face of your cupid-like character (Donatien?), although its proportions stick as well to the previously mentioned guideline (a factor that most surely contributes to it retaining an overall cute appearance), his visible eye is a little too deeply set in his skull. This impression of sunkenness is mainly due to the excessive amount of separation between the vertical level of the bottom of your cupid's eye and that of his oral commissure (and, by extension, that of his nasal wing, even if the latter is not depicted). Basically, the current placement of the eye in question heavily implies that the frontal plane of your cupid's cheek is located quite far back in relation to the vertical axis of his face:


Just attempt to visualize the lateral contour of your character's cheek as if it were a curve that links the oral commissure with both the crease of the nasal wing and the bottom of the lower eyelid, and then proceed to make the necessary adjustments.


Apart from that, I suggest that you double-check the proportions of the limbs of both characters. Specifically, the legs of the black-haired shota appear a bit small in relation to the size of his torso, while the arms of the white-haired one appear a little too short when compared to the rest of his body.



Lastly, here's another video tutorial for drawing and painting stylized hair, this time by "ChrissaBug":


>> No.7200748

so beautiful and soft
poor babies

>> No.7202363
File: 1.90 MB, 1478x1042, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you. made some adjustments.
and they are Shay and Donatien :)
thank you

>> No.7203410
File: 533 KB, 1200x1056, img018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pencil stuff

>> No.7203613

love the little bird in his hands, and the boy looking on. his expression is lovely
so cute
hands and feet look very soft and the pose is nice as well

>> No.7204772

The proportions used for the frontal view of Leonard's face work pretty well: according to the standard rule of thirds, the nose of Leonard is still relatively long, but its dimensions nonetheless feel harmonious when considered in tandem with those of the eyes, so the departure from said guideline is virtually unnoticeable (truth be told, I had to use a grid to spot the difference in height between the facial sections).

This success of yours at bending proportions while still upholding a sense of balance, coupled with some further examination of anime-style artworks on my part, has made me aware that a significant portion of mangaka tend to elongate slightly the noses of their characters, presumably in order for the middle horizontal thirds of their faces to better accommodate the enlarged eyes (basically, it's as if the whole middle section of the face were being stretched).

That said, curiously enough, if one takes the tip of Leonard's nose as a point of reference (instead of using the nasal baseline, as dictated by convention), it turns out that you would be following an alternative version of the rule of thirds: the distance from the apex of his chin to the tip of the nose (or, more accurately, to the middle point just above the nostrils) is practically the same as that from the latter to his brow ridge. In fact, this specific variation of the rule of thirds seems to have been followed (at least coincidentally) for the character designs of many series and franchises, from "Naruto" to "Kingdom Hearts".

At any rate, this alternative guideline constitutes a useful tool for helping one avoid the dreaded same-face syndrome.

Tweaking the placement of Donatien's eye was the right call to make: his facial profile now looks more anatomically accurate.

However, you forgot to move forward his visible ear along with the eye. Remember that the former should be positioned just behind the middle point of the lateral width of the skull.

>> No.7206741
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x880, RES3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finished
thank you again
and thank you

>> No.7206745
File: 401 KB, 1000x804, img019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206759

new thread