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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7003182 No.7003182 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the art of Speedoru aka Speedosausage? He's an artist/animator and created the anime Punch Punch Forever

>> No.7003189

Looks like a tranny

>> No.7003196


>> No.7003203

Big hands, squared torso, kinda muscular, choker and that face

>> No.7003210

you made this thread two weeks ago

>> No.7003217

Guy draws futa, so odds are 50/50

>> No.7003708

Two more weeks I'll make another one

>> No.7003715

wasted on brainless garbage

>> No.7003717

>created the anime Punch Punch Forever
It's so weird that people know him by his most recent project.
He's been successful for like 12 years. I love his animations. But it's stupid that he deleted some of his best ones, such as Pacman.
He was also the first artist ever I saw drawing futa. I never liked that about him

>> No.7003722

He draws regular gay shit too
It's sexy

>> No.7003723

The way he draws faces can be hit or miss at times

>> No.7003734

A lot of his Asian women end up looking like jews

>> No.7003877

Rent fre-

>> No.7003905

Really basic Newgrounds style IMO.
It’s good for comedy and fluid slapstick in animation but his attempts at pinups end up looking really awkward when his sexualized designs aren’t hot

>> No.7003915


>> No.7004088

>it's another "anons reflexively bitch about an artist that outdraws them in their sleep" thread
I dig his shit and idgaf what the melvins itt say. Futa rules too, suck my dick. Suck her dick too

>> No.7004094

someone posted his work edited by skewing the proportions to make the characters thinner and it looked so much better that I can't really look at his art anymore because they look so wide skewed and fucked up

>> No.7004111

He got good at art rapidly and now has been slowly getting worse for a few years

>> No.7004228


>> No.7005318

When would you say the drop off was?

>> No.7005996

He draws some of the ugliest faces I've seen from a popular artist so I can't stand looking at his work even if he's not technically bad and his colours are pretty alright. The bodies are unpleasantly bulky and fleshy, too, it's just repulsive all around. It boggles the mind that he draws coom, and even more that it finds an audience.
no beef against him tho and there's some idiot here who constantly flips out over him and this "safe horny" boogeyman he's invented and it's the funniest shit in the world to me

>> No.7006128

I completely agree.
His art reminds me a little of Scott Malin and while I think he’s talented at writing comedic timing and pop culture references with a funny-looking art style to match, I’m not attracted to anything he draws, which doesn’t bother me.

If I wanted to ogle NG-style anime girls, Bacun draws pinups for everything

>> No.7006203

Scott is another one that confuses me. The eyes being super close together and the lumpy misshapen heads make it look like baffling coom Shin-chan (no offence intended to Shin-chan of course, it's a marvel of art direction and aesthetic coherence. Just not very sexy)
Usually in pinups a well-executed pretty face is important, I agree that Bacun's are very competently done and the economy of detail adds to the charm if anything. But I don't think I'll understand what people see in the other two for as long as I live.

>> No.7006235
File: 534 KB, 1120x1400, 3456577_scottmalin_milf-lucia-week-part-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott makes 11k a month on patreon too it's fucking weird

>> No.7006280

>waah this mediocre artist can pay rent with his work, why cant i?
Two words: marketing skills. Noone matyer how good you can get technically, you are fucked and you know why

>> No.7006283

>Noone matter
No matter* autocorrecy

>> No.7006318

11 times the rent in a big city?

>> No.7006698

It’s not petty to be curious to know what others see in his work.

I think Family Guy is a mediocre show even by prime time cartoon standards and don’t know how others find it funny but that doesn’t mean I’m jealous of Seth MacFarlane and want to crab him for having a large audience.

Scott’s work probably won’t change or evolve anytime soon now that he’s learned that this is what works from his peers, which is a shame since his early content was a lot more stylistically appealing. It’s like he still knows how to draw but forgot why his art was well-received

>> No.7006705
File: 329 KB, 255x255, 1530859489847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people """""critiquing"""" your art on /ic/

post your work please I would just love to see it.

>> No.7006827

Oh now that you mentioned the big hands, her appeal immediately drops down to 2/10.

>> No.7006903

Futa has nothing to do with trannies though

>> No.7006910

It's a gateway

>> No.7006922

>Futa has nothing to do with trannies though

>> No.7006933

how do you draw this big? If zoom out then its too blurry to draw lines properly and if I zoom in then I can't draw any forms because I can't see the whole shape.

>> No.7006937

I dont know what to think when I see art like this making 11k. Its like getting pulled over by the police for "speeding" when you weren't, and seeing someone race past but the officer pretends not to see. Its just purely, thoroughly, unfair. Like nothing you do matters, you can't win.

>> No.7006940

zoom out and do your sketch. make a new layer and zoom in to ink it.

>> No.7006948

In a world that's unfair, there's no use playing by the rules.

>> No.7006962

I lose the form when I do that, like I'm just drawing a map.

>> No.7006980
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>> No.7006981

paint a silhouette with bigger brushes.

>> No.7006985

i know exactly what you're talking about, but just keep at it. the feeling goes away with practice.

>> No.7007051


Do you make coomer art?

>> No.7007054


Not originally it didn't. When westerners co-opted the term it did.

>> No.7007082

It does, you closet faggots cope the hardest

>> No.7008088


>> No.7008310
File: 169 KB, 346x357, 1697153855186397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was AIposting.

Reasons are many, but especially the fact that, despite its competence, it lacks any appeal, being very uncanny, even.
Everything is squeaky clean, look at that leek bag, very plasant, and then you have an absolute mess of the shape design. Character have ugly feet, symmetrical pose, twisted knee areas, Madonna arms, unexpressive and ugly face.

Then we have this ugly purple background with nothing, and a very tiny character on the back that doesn't really seem to fit the rest. Is this a child? If so, too small. Is it a toddler? If so, too mature-looking. A chibi adult? Then objects like the crocs and the cup should be normally sized. Just a separate illustration? Then it should be placed somewhere that made that more obvious, because there are only 2 illustrations and our tendency is to group them together.

Not to mention the pillow hsading, the ugly artifacts around lineart to create some sort of effect, which ends up looking simply like a chromatic aberration.

Even the fuck signature looks like AI, a real world mushed into something meaningless.


>> No.7009460

The feet and muscle details look like they were drawn by Shirtbusters.
Legit exactly what Toro would draw, just with cleaner lineart and less chicken scratching

>> No.7009466

check your eyes

>> No.7009474

Pee why double (you)

>> No.7009483

Rent free. I feel sorry for people like you.

>> No.7009484

>If zoom out then its too blurry to draw
Visit a fucking optician, you mongoloid.

>> No.7009514

they tried to make futa a slur a couple of times but it didn't work. the Celest chick got trans art and i remember the mods changing it back to futa.

>> No.7010204

No idea who any of these are, gladly.

Very convincing points, I have been disproven.

>> No.7010696

I hate this beanmouth calart style so much it's unreal

>> No.7010756

It's 10 times more disgusting when slapped to a more complex style like that, at least when it's on Steven Universe you may think "ok, these people suck at art", but this nigger is CHOOSING to suck at art.

>> No.7011174
File: 177 KB, 305x602, IMG_9036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re trying to to the studio Ghibli face but don’t understand the appeal to that style other than “the mouth is shaped like this”

I think the AI models of Speedoru’s art ironically look closer to what he was probably trying to achieve than his actual art does in some places.
Not saying he’s shit enough that AI does it better, but the weird Nutshack limbs aren’t as prominent

>> No.7011191

His colors and line work are very aesthetically pleasing
Personally I don't find any of his work "sexy" mostly because of the chibi-like artstyle with the big bobble heads and small bodies but I still like seeing it.

>> No.7011214

I hate AIslop but this is reaching hysterics.

>> No.7011278

He has a great art and animation style it's a shame he literally has such a terrible sense of humor.

>> No.7011711
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> Futa has nothing to do with trannies though

>> No.7011714

Futa and femboyfags will always be hilarious with their denial and rationalization

>> No.7011729

steven universe having a geometric style doesn't mean its artists suck at art

>> No.7011743
File: 332 KB, 540x594, tumblr_inline_p31jutkh6x1snugqy_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7011745

cute. nice feet. too smoll child.

>> No.7011813

I keep checking back on this thread to see if anyone has posted pics of this.

>> No.7011907

Speedo unironically draws gay porn so it wouldn't shock me

>> No.7012230

what point is this trying to make? The character is drawn different/inconsistently therefore the art is bad?

Anon, we get it you don't draw. Why are you here

>> No.7012401

it looks fine you are mindbroken

>> No.7012436

his art style is very nice but not suited to nsfw

>> No.7014580

I like their animations
Every 2 weeks is more considerate than the demoralization spammer's (mikufag) constant everyday ones... Or Howie Cris threads

>> No.7014637
File: 207 KB, 662x568, 1696830780419651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty popular coomslop animator that defends his pedophile best friends

>> No.7014639
File: 169 KB, 946x2048, 1696289871078104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in response to him following Minus8 (a self-admitted pedophile) by the way

>> No.7014762


>following a person on twitter means you endorse everything the person does, believes, and ever thought about ever.

You people are insufferable.

>> No.7014769

Having a picture of Stalin hanging in your bedroom doesn't necessarily mean you support genocide or even communism but it's still best to just not have it.

>> No.7016793

So basically Smekbo?
Valavari admitted to grooming kids and molesting animals but still keeps a massive audience and art moots for his artistic talent and transgender brownie points

>> No.7016799

Literally yes, thats how the new generation thinks.

>> No.7016804

Zoomers think deleting your twitter is the same as committing suicide and can't understand hyperbole, so yeah, that is what we're dealing with.

>> No.7016811

Futa dicks are strapless strap-on dildos, the rest of it's body is normal animu girl.

>> No.7017266

That's a terrible analogy though? Having art made by Stalin would be more appropriate. A picture of him in your home is a tacit endorsement of him as a person. Hanging up art he made means that you thought that piece of art was impressive or whatever. Following an artist on twitter is the same thing.

>> No.7017277

>I rape.

>> No.7017696
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 1683395980068402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a massive fan of Speedo since 2012 and I adore his color choices, but I've never fapped to his stuff. The proportions on his girls are maybe too chunky for my taste. I think I prefer drawn porn when it looks kind of generic, Speedo is actually talented and draws nice cartoons.

Also it was complete whiplash to see SpeedoSausage go from offensive YouTube animations to beautiful music videos, that's a super unique glow up.

>> No.7017975

Please be baiting

>> No.7018038

what does this prove? its a change in style most shows go through this after their pilot season and its still using shapes i dont see how this proves they suck at art

>> No.7018068
File: 58 KB, 1070x792, w6nu1ijh3ve31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a change in style for the worse. what are you doing on an art critique board if you're giving this a pass?

>> No.7018125

based and factually correct
futa are just women with a penis slapped on. thye have a natural vagina, uterus etc. a fictious hermaphorditic woman
trannies are mentally ill and male to boot. they don't have the female characteristics a futa has.
Trannies love trying to co-opt futanarin(hermaphordite) to mean tranny so they feel more """validated""" and accepted.

>> No.7018135

t. faggot cope

>> No.7018179


Are you just this unable to read? HOW does the change in style determine a lack of skill? Like we get it, you don't like the new artstyle and that's whatever but that seems to be the depth of the image's and your critique.

Again, I ask, why are you here still as a nodraw?

>> No.7018218

You're a fag either way.

>> No.7018294

>it's real
Shit, man. I listened to few Snail's House songs and I didn't check description. Well, I didn't know of the guy back then, but still.

>> No.7019803
File: 3.93 MB, 712x747, ejg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty hot draws not gunna lie

>> No.7020062

>HOW does the change in style determine a lack of skill?
NTA but its due to less skilled storyboarders hired off Tumblr. Pretty strange this had to be explained but you seem really adamant on defending fucking Steven Universe