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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7006133 No.7006133 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss the absolute state of this board.

>> No.7006141

it's shit.

>> No.7006143 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1655009645249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome the Ai generals, they help fend off against the white voidlets.

>> No.7006145
File: 314 KB, 355x343, damQn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate everyone here. Except the guys that draw.

>> No.7006147

You're just as hated mikufag

>> No.7006148

You post Satania, yet you don't draw Satania.
You are a disgrace.

>> No.7006151
File: 186 KB, 329x599, its over .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am forgotten...

>> No.7006154

it's okay but maybe that's because I browse /his/ which makes me appreciate less shitty boards.

>> No.7006159

i wanna know what ic stands for. like how g do o uou get the letters I and C from Artwork Critique

>> No.7006160

stfu mikufag

>> No.7006161

Incredible cretin

>> No.7006162

/i/ critique.

>> No.7006165





>> No.7006166
File: 92 KB, 642x429, 1690853406868640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board need more materials

>> No.7006170

>/i/- Oekak/i/
>C - Critique
>/ic/ Oekaki Critique = Artwork Critique

>> No.7006180

Ban AI art fags

>> No.7006181

Ban AI

>> No.7006183
File: 4 KB, 100x100, 1687762473001381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St/ic/ky is dead. There are many compiled resource lists from generals on this board, just pick one:

AI shitposting is boring. Do something with it.

>> No.7006214
File: 58 KB, 500x544, 1641562495760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it seems at least one janny is here, I'll say that the board would be substantially better if two or three recognizable schizos were permabanned. They all violate the rules too.
>Howie spams copy and paste threads, they're also all off-topic because he doesn't even want to draw.
>Tripfag(illustrat) also spams his shitty AI threads, he's also admitted to being fueled by vendetta towards the board which is why he spams it. Banning him would alleviate a lot of the AI spam.
>Mikufag avatarfags and is overall a low quality shitposter, his post was already deleted in this thread as an example.

And it goes without saying that AI threads should be banned altogether. If there's any real "discussion" that goes on in those threads it's really only about the technology itself which belongs on /g/.
Any other AI poster is really just ragebaiting or vendetta/doom posting ex: >>7005977, which does nothing for the board but bring quality down.
>muh "what's the point in drawing :(" in a board that requires you to already BE drawing

And also update sticky. Even copy and pasting the one in /beg/ would be a good enough temp fix.

>> No.7006227

This. Or at the very least put out a statement about it. It's quite tiring to see AI threads on a board that is for learning to draw

>> No.7006238
File: 194 KB, 640x640, 1618753180483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this post.
Just the handful of anons who are here simply to shit up threads and spam the board with drama, make it impossible to even post or talk about anything without degenerating, actively trying to derail and flooding threads into name calling.

Banning AI threads goes without saying, for the recognizable spammers who are here obviously out for revenge and obviously the thing itself being absolutely off topic since it has nothing to do with learning to draw or criticizing.

Jannies should also start enforcing the low-quality rule to get rid of the usual insult sarcastic twittertier spam which does nothing but further invite low quality shitposters into spamming even more.

Or for god's sake, please integrate IDs and an original post filters.

>> No.7006244

Thirding. Agree about low quality rue too. Why does pol get IDs and not ic anyway?

>> No.7006245

Require drawings to post please

>> No.7006251

>Discuss the absolute state of this board.
Porn addicts, trannie tumblr refugees, coomers, furries and other deviant degenerates, porn addicts, begs asking the same 3 questions over and over again, attempts to copy /v/'s cancerous template-posting, porn addicts, just literally 90% of the board is just threads about porn

>> No.7006264

Fourthing, ban all the fucking schizos

>> No.7006285

>low quality shitposter, his post was already deleted in this thread as an example
I deleted my post when I saw the thread was being derailed that way we may have an actual Meta thread instead of you faggots throwing shit it's not my fault you cannot restrain yourselves. I provided my input if you want to check the archives and still believe the Ai general should be allowed to continue in order to provide us with content that isn't a figure in the void.

>> No.7006286

Seconding this
These are but a few examples

>> No.7006292

How is it possible there's only one janny that browses the catalog? I've seen posts on generals deleted instantly meanwhile there are threads up for hours that only get deleted during the same time during the day, as if the janny wakes up and sees it but when he's asleep it won't get deleted.b

>> No.7006297

Using AI has nothing to do with drawing and there's already existing threads for it on other boards

>> No.7006298

What generals have a dedicated janitor besides /lsg/?

>> No.7006299

For the love of god please get rid of all AI threads.

>> No.7006300

Howie is the only easily identifiable problem with this board that should have been dealt with by now

>> No.7006301

cope and seethe mikufag, you just got banned again permbeg nigger

>> No.7006303


>> No.7006305

I’m so sick of “loomis” being a default response to a poorly drawn portrait. Give better critique than saying “hur durr go look at this book”

>> No.7006306

It's truly the biggest poison of an art community learning to draw and paint

>> No.7006331

Well have you read it?

>> No.7006333

You mean the cat face retard? I remember him in the AI threads specifically being against AI, how could he be the tripfaggot?

>> No.7006334

I need sex. More sexy drawn girls. I dont think there is enough sexy naked boobies and pussy. Please fix it.

>> No.7006336


>> No.7006339

If they're different people that's my bad, I generally think of tripfags the same way and their trips are similar

>> No.7006343

Stop banning people you don't like. Stop removing threads.
Have an open mind. That is what is needed for a creative mind, for a creative board and community to grow and thrive.

>> No.7006347

socialist mindset is cancer

>> No.7006348

lol no we need more gatekeeping, in that light FUCK OFF

>> No.7006351

>we need ai because figure in void
you now that makes no sense. using AI is even more of a cope than avoiding backgrounds. lets not derail further...

>> No.7006355


>> No.7006356

pyw commie

>> No.7006358

Lack of gatekeeping is what ruins communities. Just look what happens whenever women join

>> No.7006360

if you want to talk about ai go to /g/ it's that simple

>> No.7006362

I hate you nigger. You don't draw.

>> No.7006364

Fuck off retard. The people I dont like have ruined the board. Cat face retard, delta,mikutranny, both greens, fred, lunaticsoda and any other retard that has taken to derailing generals, harassing the few people left on the shithole who do draw, and coordinated discords ops needed to be ranged banned years ago. They are all fucking tumors that have been feasting on this site and I'm tired of pretending they are not.

Ban the retards. Implement post IDs. Janny the fucking board

>> No.7006366

>you believe in it
most everyone else doesn't and sounds like you just want it accepted.
>Also complains about figure in void
>wants too immediately go use AI instead learning backgrounds or have a background general instead
>most shit said is basically just use AI instead of actually drawing
>even needs it to render shit because "I don't want to do it" mentality

>> No.7006370

Feel like adding IDs would improve this board by a lot, why haven't they been added? are there any downsides to it or just jannies being lazy?

>> No.7006373

Who do you think is doing the gatekeeping? When it is all bros, we know our limits.

>> No.7006376

Fr women and schizos ruin everything with drama.

>> No.7006378
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if you had a brain, you'd know exactly why i don't get banned. it's because i've proven time and time again that i make art along with the AI. and that's exactly the type of posts that DO belong here,
because they don't belong anywhere else.

>he's also admitted to being fueled by vendetta towards the board
lol what? did your headcanon become truth suddenly? i'm only annoyed by the general discourse around AI.
also that name kind of rings a bell, in a slightly negative way, but i don't remember. probably someone who posted around the same time.

AI is obviously very useful. but look at the kneejerk reaction on these:

>> No.7006379

None of you faggots actually genuinely care. IDs will not solve fags who can turn off/on airplane mode on mobile tablets with cellular, etc. You'd only create a new form of trolling where it looks like you're getting ganged up on when it's just 1 guy.

>> No.7006383

I'm cooooomming anon, hold my hand.

>> No.7006384

Niggers already do that without it. nothing changes

>> No.7006386

The Janny behave like one, soft, sensitive and tranny discord mod behavior.

>> No.7006387

couldn't agree more, a lot of good artists flew away from this board since ai shit got out of control.

>> No.7006389

Funny pic anon. I'm taking it.

>> No.7006393

You spent more time fighting with people over prompting than drawing. This shit belongs on /g/ and is another 24/7 demotivation tactic made by discord schizos like neuroplasticity and asian genes.

Ban AI posters on site, mods.

>> No.7006395

When /ic/ can stop behaving like a woman, stop creating drama, let everyone who wants to create be. Stop safekeeping a fucking board.

>> No.7006396

We need IDs. The howie schizo needs to be banned, the adhd/autism poster needs to be banned, and the “you guys told me I’m ngmi so I quit art” poster needs to be banned. Avatarfagging could have one exception: you must draw the avatar fresh for each new post. That might be a neat trial to run, and it might get more people drawing.

Those anons are right, the sticky desperately needs to be updated. Their suggestions are good ones.

I actually think one (1) single ai thread could make sense. There could be value in having a single thread to talk about incorporating it into your own workflow (like using it to do thumbnails or rough lighting mockups of a scene you drew, or having it fill in details in backgrounds, using it like mangaka use assistants, etc.), so I don’t think a complete ban on all AI threads would be ideal. I think a complete ban right now would at least be premature. /g/ just talks about proompting, not about using AI as a tool to be used when producing art. They’re not artists. I think AI could potentially have a place in art similar to photobashing. As long as you only ever allow one (1) single thread at a time and ban/delete the others. Even in that one containment thread, you should probably ban/delete anyone posting fully AI-generated slop as finished output. If that single thread does end up proving to be cancerous, then ban all AI threads. But before doing a complete AI ban, I think it’s worth seeing what potential use it could have for actual artists.

>> No.7006397

>lol what? did your headcanon become truth suddenly? i'm only annoyed by the general discourse around AI.
nta but you did say the other day that it's anti-AI peoples fault you post so fervently. You are less interested in making art and more interested if changing minds.

>> No.7006398

I'm not sure why trip gets to advertise his thread in another one

>> No.7006399

You've been banned before tho. Jannies are just too useless and lazy to commit to keeping you away.

>> No.7006400

socialist mindset is cancer

>> No.7006401

No, you can go somewhere else where you can do all that shit. Not every place has to be the fucking same.

>> No.7006403

That thread just comes off like you're forcing your AI agenda. And I'm sure I've seen you admit to wishing to change /ic/'s ideologies around AI. It doesn't help when you start your threads asking if /ic/ has changed their stance on it.

Also even that elfanon didn't get banned while they were doing nothing but posting straight prompts

>> No.7006404


Those stickies have a discord linked to Nosebros server who is known for board drama. The other links are not secure, either.

>> No.7006405

Also you didn't even give that guy any advice. He was asking how to DRAW something better and all you did was post aislop and then fellate yourself over what a splendid job it did. Fucking pretentious cunt.

>> No.7006406

Exactly, only socialists, commies, women, and discordtranny mods ban people from being different.

>> No.7006407

Why are u guys always fighting instead of drawing?

>> No.7006410

The problem is the AI threads would delve way too much into straight up software discussion, discussion that is already had and best talked in /g/ threads. There wouldn't be any moderation for full on prompts either which is inevitably what it would come down to. The reason it's terrible is that it's an excuse to avoid learning how to draw/render. I'm pretty sure photobashing got laughed out of /ic/. AI needs it's own containment board not thread because we already know how vindictive people using AI can be towards that don't want to adopt to it

>> No.7006411

Because all the threads and people who draw are getting fucking poisoned by schizos and shitposters

>> No.7006412

Ai fags don't care about implementing it into their workflows they're just shitposts made by serial attention whores like>>7006393
>>7006397 >>7006403 >>7006405 >>7006410 pointing out in regards to this faggot>>7006378.

>> No.7006413

When was the last time you seen a photo-bashing thread on /ic/

>> No.7006415
File: 177 KB, 996x515, 1698031634000792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally not inflammatory or vindictive at all

>> No.7006416
File: 143 KB, 483x635, 1703193705383812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Ai has everything to do with drawing, Ai provides you with a plethora of useful references especially backgrounds and lighting information. Somebody once compared Ai to google image search, a poor comparison but if it helps you realize the potential of Ai by all means consider it as a method of searching images for references.
>Using Ai to avoid backgrounds
You may use Ai to help you supplement backgrounds, consider Ai images as various thumbnails you may use for your own background you draw. With that being said, Ai is here to say as a tool whether you use it as a tool or not that is entirely up to you.

>> No.7006417

Wrong authoritarian fascists like me would also kill people for being different

>> No.7006418
File: 224 KB, 1236x1428, FZ1KELhVsAE4RcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful not to let this thread get sidetracked by AI discussion, remember it's only one of the things wrong with /ic/.

>> No.7006419

>I can't draw or contribute to the board because a thing I don't like isn't explicitly against the rules! >:(

>> No.7006420

Yeah, but what does fighting against air do to help the situation?

>> No.7006423

this >>7006411
but also because it has become impossible to post due to drama chasers
I've never seen so many anons mentioned out of the blue as of the last few weeks in an attempt to bait them + ai spammers/trolls/vendettafaggots are going full throttle with no sign of stopping.

Bro, i just wanted to draw wtf
No, it's because shitposters are going wild unless jannies and mods finally do something.
the thing is just the excuse to shitpost.

>> No.7006424

And we don't need threads on it, if people want to learn to use it for references they can easily go to the threads on /g/. We're not a software board

>> No.7006425

>Authoritarians don't ban people
>They kill people
With that in mind, consider why you do not have power.

>> No.7006426

what else will you be using the AI for that your skills will atrophy and the Google comparison usually comes down to them wanting a picture at the ready not actually learning how to create one.

>> No.7006428

you are lucky i don't rule the world comunist scum

>> No.7006429

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/62367150