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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7000091 No.7000091 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.7000096

Try something simpler and work your way up.

>> No.7000123

this is karma for using short cuts. enjoy the frustration and failure you thought you were cleverly avoiding. here's a pro hint: ugliness and beauty go together like light and dark

>> No.7000137

you can't even match the background colors lmao. get some still lifes under your belt first

>> No.7000142

nigga are you blind? get a better monitor

>> No.7000143


>> No.7000182
File: 187 KB, 1921x901, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't laugh at me. I might have a legitimate disability..

well that was fucking easy. why can't it be this easy when I actually have to choose colors while painting?

>> No.7000196

>can't even draw
>tries painting a face in colour while using a video game screenshot as reference
hello retard department?
Yes, OP is on the loose again.

>> No.7000488
File: 39 KB, 1309x914, 02-01-2024 - 13h49m01s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wiggle mouse around until the slices disappear
I think a better test would be having the sample colour separate from the picker, this shit just feels like the bethesda lockpick minigame

>> No.7000508

>try it by eye
>try again
>repeat 5 times
>color pick to check your work
>make mental note e.g. "it's a cooler tone than I thought it was" "it's halfway to black"
Do this for years and wa la you mastered color

>> No.7000512

Try these tests too

>> No.7000549
File: 1.90 MB, 2466x2000, color block in dec 1st 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend grayscale first before going into color, as it's exponentially more difficult than grayscale

I don't ever color-pick either - you learn how to sensitive your eyes to "is this slightly warmer" or "is this slightly cooler"

It also might've helped a bit that I've spent at least a couple sessions of just practicing mixing colors (irl) with acrylics

This is also evidence that color-picking won't necessarily teach you how to paint; you still have to understand the underlying forms of the skull to actually sculpt it out using values

I would also recommend starting with a grayscale apple that has a very clear delineation of light and shadow - if you can't paint that accurately, you'll have a hard time with the skull, and not to mention with color on top of that no less

It's easier to nail the color of something when you've broken the head down into its major planes, instead of trying to guess individual pixels

>> No.7000651
File: 476 KB, 1232x671, n2t22mns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Copy part A.
2. Paste into a new layer and set it to overlay.
3. Move it over part B.
Colors do not need to be perfect, values do.

>> No.7000903

bruh i got 8.7

>> No.7000906

Dude just color pick why the fuck are you limiting yourself from doing it?

If you wanna get as close as possible, use the tools you have.

If you wanna make it look more interesting, use different, more exaggerated colors.

>> No.7000939

hue hue hue les hombres la cucaracha TACOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7000956

Tools are pharmakons.

>> No.7001391
File: 391 KB, 899x1200, grayscale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truthfully what gives me the most trouble is how terrible designed the square color gamut is. Like 80% of the most important hues/values are condensed in a tiny area, and I can't accurately pick them without enlarging the gamut which takes away screen space from my canvas.
But more than that it's the infinite possibilities of color that you can pick. I honestly think trad oil is easier in this regard because you more or less only need to memorize a limited color palette and how to mix between them. Meanwhile with digital you have 1024 different hues of gray and I have no fucking idea how to differentiate between them.
I guess the solution is to just work in a very rigid simplified setup, where you don't try to replicate the actual colors of the ref and only just focus on getting the heat/coolness and values right. It's similar to how trying to copy a drawing in perfect accuracy ends up in a rigid shitty drawing, while only focusing on conveying the gesture/shapes allows you to be more free and express your actual skills.
I don't think I'll be able to apply your advice and the wall of text I just wrote to my studies but I'll keep it in my while I pump out more dogshit muddy paintings.
Thanks anon.

>> No.7001486
File: 3.31 MB, 2466x2000, before picture january 2nd 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Various paintings from January 2023 to November 2023 or so

>> No.7001499
File: 3.08 MB, 2466x2000, after picture january 2nd 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Various paintings from mostly December 2023

I don't know if there's a name for this phenomenon, but the more saturated a color is, the *exponentially* more difficult that it becomes to control it. I recommend painting everything super-desaturated first when starting out, and then trying to add it later in the painting.

I always noticed in trad painting, the colors on the palette are basically identical to the grayscale-5-value-system that we might use for a portrait (lightest, lighter, midtone, shadow, etc), - and in that sense, you start with one base color, and then mix everything based off of that first color
And then mix the next step (lighter or darker) based off of that one, and the next one, and the next one, etc etc

They always go lighter or darker based off of one color, so you don't have to think about the entire infinite spectrum of colors

If you watch any trad painting video, you can clearly see, every single further brushstroke is either darker, or lighter - there's no other way to mix the next color that's supposed to go onto the canvas.

In that sense, you may feel less frustration if you just pick one color, and even if it is totally completely wrong, regardless you just do all of your hue shifting / saturation shifting / and value shifting based off that first color choice only, and don't try to get the color correct, but try to match the values / the 3D forms in the reference.

(And again, stay super desaturated for the time being, your paintings should look like old washed out desaturated photographs)

>> No.7001502
File: 521 KB, 788x675, color equals value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pay special attention to how he creates the palette, it's no different from grayscale, this is how you "lock-in" all the colors that you will actually use for the entire painting without getting lost in the entire rainbow of all colors

>> No.7001518

Instead of picking the colors that you see, just navigate a 4 dimensional colorspace and pick the colors that when processed by a computer along with the tones in another drawing will turn into the colors that you see.

>> No.7001535

It's already close to the source, you're just impatient because you don't want to learn and just get slop instantly.

Get back to work, nodraw.

>> No.7001561

>just navigate a 4 dimensional colorspace
Doing greyscale to color using the overlay method means you're dealing purely with temperature. It's one-dimensional.
Real paint can be described by 4 parameters: the color pigment itself, how much white is mixed in, how much black is mixed in, and water. For digital, the greyscale painting takes care of the black and white paints. So to get accurate color on the overlay layer, you simply select the color you want at full saturation, then lower the opacity on the layer to simulate water/dilution, until it looks right. You're only concerned with color temperature, and you're making that decision without having to worry about anything else like value and saturation.

>> No.7001695

Whatever happened to "no rules only tools?"

>> No.7001708

retarded monkey
if you want to learn how to accurately read colours then colour picking is just a way to sabotage your learning experience

>> No.7001720

What kind of shortcuts is he taking? I don't understand...

>> No.7001730


>> No.7001735

I don't know... I get that it simplifies something like the removal of permanent errors, but I think it is a different medium more than a shortcut

>> No.7001848

Try focus on learning how to draw first and practice learning color with easier subjects such as still lives, or even fruit. You aren't ready for this yet. I would even recommend trying to recreate another piece of artwork that's NOT 3D.

>> No.7001878

This is not a good way to practice colors simply by the fact that colors dont work in isolation. If your goal is so that you dont have to use eyedropper ever then by any means go ahead. But colors only work in tandem with other colors to give them contrast, saturation and hue.

>> No.7001882

There are color color-picking tools. Use the technology, they use to spray paint with their mouths on and paint with their fingers on cave walls. Why don't you do that anymore? Because it is retarded for what you want to create.

>> No.7001913


Just copy bargue plates for hours instead of shitty quick color studies.

>> No.7001916

This is such a big trap, use a color picker, you are not a camera, and you can't win a camera. We have photography now. There is no point in copying things without intending to create something meaningful.

>> No.7002444

You do realize that squinting reduces color perception, right?

>> No.7002882
File: 845 KB, 1000x1042, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7002887

Why not both?

>> No.7003676

noice. I like the forms of the head.

>> No.7006129

first, pick a better reference, that pic sucks and if you were to copy it well it would look just as shit.
avoid faces in color studies unless you have every other fundamental involved at a decent level, there's too much noise in shapes/proportions/expression to make it effective practice.
do a very simple pencil/pen shape construction, then fill the shapes with the approx color, go from general to detail, if it doesn't look good at 5 minutes move on and do another, max 15 minutes each.
start with value studies and once those look good do color, keep in mind you'll have to do it for at least a month to see significant results.

>> No.7006669
File: 208 KB, 320x320, 1703986470880404.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ tourist here. why not just use AI? it's 2024 ffs

>> No.7006678

ai is boring in long term, it's like playing video game with cheat codes. Can be fun to fuck around but in the end you didn't beat the game.

>> No.7006710

It already is cheating when you are "painting" digitaly.

>> No.7006824

I'd say it's like playing video games, period. You'll sink 50 hours and feel proud you beat the dragon, and the princess sucked your dick, but after a few years you'll realize your life has gone nowhere and is unfulfilling because all you did was waste your time in vain entertainment and not developing yourself. Only real art can give you that, not AIslop.

>> No.7006911

But that's how I feel now since ai because everyone is assuming my art is ai although I was grinding for the last 17 years. It's over. And don't come at me with "just draw for urself bro"
You know very well all artists need validation for other people.

>> No.7006914

*from other people

>> No.7007013
File: 177 KB, 1280x802, D98DF849-0074-4AF1-A878-0FDCD1C47573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007014

not really. with AI you can cheat your way to the end. digital painting has some shortcuts but you can't get to the end without skills.

>> No.7007022

>everyone is assuming my art is ai
if you are so concerned with that, just post your work with a sped up video of you making it.

>> No.7007036
File: 57 KB, 720x513, IMG_20220922_224356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all artists need validation

Mf can't ever enjoy the fulfillment of his own achievements, its over