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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6993369 No.6993369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

to hell with studies
to hell with practice
to hell with talent
to hell with paywall & gate keeping

I will still use AI, you cant stop me!

>> No.6993370

Your funeral.

>> No.6993378

an aislop thread died for this

>> No.6993387

Based. Welcome to the winning team.

>> No.6993398
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>> No.6993406

Until it can take my sketch and turn it into what I want it to, I'm not messing with this garbage technology. Some of the results are nice, but I have no control over it. It's like a retarded artist who will never listen to what I'm telling it. Besides, I actually enjoy drawing.

>> No.6993449
File: 3.00 MB, 1024x1024, pencilsketch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pick up a pencil bro
r u scared of a pencil

>> No.6993534

the universe IQ of Multigod now share some engines don't be a selfish fag
fuck off boom boom
Jewtube tutorials are grifting schemes without any gain for yourself other than deluding yourself

>> No.6993551


>> No.6993567

And that's why no one will remember your name

>> No.6993624

Most youtube tutorials are pretty shit though, they're just here to make you pay for the actual course.

>> No.6993635

Since you don't seem to have gotten into this because of passion for the craft, I'm assuming you want attention and money from it.
Why on earth would anyone give your schlop attention or money when they can make their own for free/cheaper?
Genuinely curious what your endgame is

>> No.6993641

I downloaded this therefore I drew this and own this picture now. I conceptualized an exact image in this pose, style and outfit and hairstyle and background. It's mine.

>> No.6993648
File: 309 KB, 1888x2000, 1700729477790886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> someone spazzing out on twitter about AI art is 'not real art'
> its a tranny

>> No.6993649

I give up

>> No.6993675

>to hell with paywall & gate keeping
Anon I-

>> No.6993677

Trannies are notoriously pro-ai

>> No.6993686

>someone on twitter
imagine my shock

>> No.6993752

a good pc for AI is more like $1500 to $2500.

>> No.6993766
File: 319 KB, 1024x1024, _018e81de-ba69-443c-8e2f-f525be770651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really I must just be attracting the anti crowd, they are usually furry porn artists with palestine flags

>> No.6993767

You are your own gatekeeper

>> No.6993768



>> No.6993769

>Until it can take my sketch and turn it into what I want it to
It's called img2img you goof, and that tech has existed for like 2 years now.

>> No.6993770

The best way to use it is through acly's krita plugin, probably the best "ai as artist tool" implementation thus far, you can literally just draw and see the ai slop update in almost real time
Blows adobe's shitty ai out of the water, easily.

>> No.6993778

Reminder to sage, report and hide obvious bait threads.

>> No.6993787
File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, _bbf3319d-48d9-470f-8d7d-511b50d0d7e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just something else for people to be irrational about if its bad they can mock it, if its good they say its soulless, if its amazing thier heads just explode and if its commercially viable your stealing jerbs. At the end of the day it exists and will only get better so DWI lol

>> No.6993852

It’s trash.

>> No.6994041

> t. too stupid to follow directions
Maybe you retards should use AI to breathe for you

>> No.6994222

Drawing should be about improving oneself. You sharpen your skills and keep your mind engaged. You study and practice because you enjoy a challenge :)

>> No.6994273

good luck showing off your sketchbook of cool drawings

>> No.6994311

tell that to every digifag

>> No.6994320

All these ai dramas on twitter are due to the artist pretending they drew it when it was AI. Stop being dishonest.

>> No.6994371

i imagine in the future ai will become so ubiquitous that at best people are going to lose interest. it's like how the camera was super fascinating when it was first invented, but over the decades people gave less and less of a fuck because just about everyone has a camera nowadays. Camera's didn't replace artists. People still draw and have successful careers drawing.

At worst I can see AI being used to spam low-effort content to the point where everyone gets sick of it. Every time a new an interesting idea emerges, a call center full of Pajeets is cranking out thousands of variations to create knockoff merchandise. You know how it gets annoying when the new flavor of the month is announced and actual artists spam fan art of it for weeks? Imagine that except now they're generating hundreds per hour.

>> No.6994829

That's clearly local slop.

>> No.6994859

If AI is able to continue to steal from the best artists out there the future for artists is looking very bleak. Obviously a guy with a camera can't be a storyboarder, make cute illustrations or do concept art, but an Ai that can freely rip off Craig Mullins can, and more efficiently than 99.9% of us. This shit will be decided on the legal front.

>> No.6994882
File: 349 KB, 884x593, frog879879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw

>> No.6995002

Who's going to tell him?

>> No.6995023

>the legal front
Yeah, just like software piracy was
We have to face the fact that our chances of becoming a commercial artist went from essentially 1% to 0% and move in with our lives.

>> No.6995063

Really all you need to do is keep doing anatomy studies with a bit of fundamentals. Once you can nail down a body, ai can do the rest.

Yea people like to act like its dooming yourself. Consider this, most people have no idea how to hunt for food and instead buy it at their local goymart. Why? Its convenient. The world is driven by it.

You either adapt or stay stuck in the old ways and fall behind cause of some art pros who feel threatened that their artstation style can be replaced easily.

>> No.6995066

>>6995063 true story bro, trust me

>> No.6995072

Fair enough.
You do you man

>> No.6995074

There is not a single artist out there who learned to draw from rock bottom as an adult. No matter how many hours of study and practice. It has literally never been done before.

The barrier is biological, not economic.

>> No.6995078

Why even draw the body instead of letting AI do it all for you at that point lol. Really all you need to do is pose a 3d model and AI can do the rest

>> No.6995081

Pick up a pencil why is it so hard for your AI guys to figure out.

>> No.6995086

You will never be real artists nor a real women.

>> No.6995089

If you don't already know how to draw as an adult, picking up a pencil will do literally nothing. Just look at sami ways.

>> No.6995097
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Ok, drama queen

>> No.6995099

Life is not an easy thing, let's say you get a pencil and you put some lines on paper and you get on how to draw a book from your library and you do it and you find out hey I like this so you do more of it and maybe you need a little better maybe you don't , it's about enjoying it having fun making weird things are you having fun sitting and letting the computer make everything for you. In life we have to make our decisions and we have to be adults and sometimes it means giving up and sometimes it means trying and yes you're going to fail what that's life. You're basically telling me as an adult you should not try to learn anything because it's too hard. You should not try to get a better job you should not try to gain something in life you should just sit on your butt and collect government checks and watch TV that's the mentality

>> No.6995109

Most skills aren't impossible to learn as an adult, but drawing is. No one has done it, and it is extremely unlikely that you will be the first. You'd have better luck playing the lottery so you can buy all the art you want.

>> No.6995114

>>6995109 they are literally mentally challenging people making art. People without arms are making art with their feet. But because it's a tiny bit discomforting to try something discomforting new you're not going to do it I mean I don't know if you could ever talk to a person like you who so scared of trying anything ,

>> No.6995117

And at what age did those mentally challenged people and people without arms start drawing?

>> No.6995120

Guys it's too hard to lose weight I better just sit around eating donuts all day and become 600 lb. Guys it's too hard to work I guess I should sit on disability all day. Guys it's too hard to cook my own food I'm just going to eat at McDonald's from now on
Guys it's too hard to drive I'm just going to get everything doordash to me. Guys it's too hard to make friends around relationship I'm just going to talk to this AI girlfriend. Guys it's too hard to breathe now that I'm overweight I'm just going to have a machine to it for me

>> No.6995121

Yeah most people are like this unfortunately

>> No.6995125

All of these things are easier than learning to draw as an adult btw

>> No.6995130

And yet you're doing none of them, no wonder you want ai art

>> No.6995140

Keep projecting bub

>> No.6995145

You will not pick up a pencil, and try to draw something, you will make excuses because when you tried to draw a line it didn't magically turn into a Leonardo da Vinci's drawing . You are lazy, and scared of failing at anything.

>> No.6995146

>you cant stop me!
Energy crisis can.

>> No.6995147


>> No.6995204


>> No.6995218

based, AI won.

>> No.6995236

>be me
>poor thirdworldie
>can draw well and already have 50k followers
>take too much to finish a commission that i can sell above 100 bucks
>get a job and stop drawing for months
>with the money build a decent pc
>watch less than 20 mins of videos about AI
>train my own loras with artists i like
>run AI at 10:am
>generate less than 20 pics
>pick one i like
>use everything i know so people dont know is AI
>when its 2-5:pm i "finish" the piece
>new account over 100k on twitter
>sell commissions above 200, 300 some times
>no one knows

only tools...

>> No.6995261

The average skill level for art has drastically increased thanks to these youtube tutorial. Fucking 14 year olds can draw professional level shit now a days. You shitters don’t draw

>> No.6995271

Why are you shitting on your own kind? >>6990434

>> No.6995282

Nice larp. Post your work. (You won't, little bitch)

>> No.6995331
File: 96 KB, 678x1024, 1688259724866397m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoom in on any AI pic.
>Everything looks melted.
Nice warped toes on your tranime waifu. Maybe in 2 more weeks, Raqeesh.

>> No.6995361

George W Bush

>> No.6995363

>to hell with paywall & gate keeping
What the fuck do you think graphics cards are?

>> No.6995365

serious question to AI only users
how you feel when the picture you prompted is complete? There is a feeling of accomplishment or you go to the next one after looking for 5 seconds? What does really mean to you to make Ai art? You collect 200 pics of prompt Asuna feet pics?

>> No.6995442

bruh you are being baited so hard rn

>> No.6995486

I really don't get it. You're cucking yourself. I've generated images and they looked nice but it's no different than searching Google images or asking someone to draw my idea.

>> No.6995552

>There is not a single artist out there who learned to draw from rock bottom as an adult.
there is not a single human being that is starting from rock bottom as an adult. you have drawn something before in your life time, and have lived experiences.

>> No.6995559
File: 103 KB, 750x526, Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 01-40-36 Man Collects His Own Belly Button Lint for 26 Years The Mary Sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prompters in nutshell