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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6990874 No.6990874 [Reply] [Original]

Is cartoonish stylization a detriment when depicting drama and violence in animation or comics, or can a well-crafted story be effective regardless of art style?

>> No.6990899

just add more speed lines, the retards cant tell whats going on then.

>> No.6990938
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One can make up for the other to a certain extent, but the ideal comic is formed from a marriage between the visuals and story

>> No.6991594

>Chainsaw Man
That shit made me go cross-eyed, then the story doesn't even have a satisfying conclusion. Wild to me.

>> No.6991600

I mean, if you draw in a cartoony style, then in my opinion it would be detrimental to have out of this world gore, it just doesn't give justice to the art.
Take happy tree friends, it works (even though it s very shabby, edgy and disgusting) cause it creates a shock factor, but outside of that shock, it brings really nothing to the table.
The art has to work along the story, there are kind of neutral paths like with stickman, where there is only representation of characters and action, so gore can work cause it is representative.
But imagine something like doraemon, where at some point nobita gets cut in half and his intestines come flowing out, it makes no sense, it's just shock factor that has no value to the story and isn't complimentary of the art style.
I think that the more realistic the more gore can be added, then if it is a little less realistic you can add representative damage, deformation, missing teeth and limbs, the such, but showing gore, unless you do it in the first chapter to setthe edgy tone, it's kind of cringe, since dismemberments aren't that enjoyable anyway.

>> No.6991620

Maybe, and yes.

>> No.6991674

i hate you american faggots so much
i can take sonic mickey mouse and pacman and make a serious story that rivals the likes of tolkien or whatever other bullshit you faggots hold in high esteem, you people have this block in your brain that says OH IF STORY SRS THEN ART HAS TO BE SRS wich is just code for realism and if you think it cant be taken seriously if its not realism then you may as fucking well just make a live action fucking movie then since otherwise normalfags wont take you seriously oh wait you mutts already fucking do that wich is why no one in your shithole country takes art seriously anymore you fucking nigger

>> No.6991679

>i can take sonic mickey mouse and pacman and make a serious story that rivals the likes of tolkien
go on

>> No.6991726
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everyone in this thread is a MONGOLOID and also a FAGGOT. KILL YOURSELVES

>> No.6991741

your attitude is why japan and south korea mogs america in animation, your shitty sjw castlevania slop and hitler capeshit isnt going to save it

>> No.6991785

I'm Caucasoid you mong. I thought you said you were gonna stop posting him.

>> No.6991842

Based knower

If you want to make it "serious" then you need to know what that means. For example: pick Mickey mouse and imagine him drawn in the 40s cartoon style.

>Mickey, gets home from work, he stayed overtime today. He promised to Minnie he would get early this time. He lied. He parks his car in the garage, finding it odd that all the lights were out. Minnie always stays in the house at night, she usually doesn't leave but maybe she is mad that he lied again. Mickey enters through the garage door into the dark and quiet house. He smells something... It's dinner. Minnie prepared dinner and made the table. She must have been waiting for him and when she noticed he wouldn't come early, she left. Saddened, he goes upstairs to take a bath and eat dinner. Slowly he goes up the dark stairs. When he approaces the door to his room he smells a weird smell and feels a weak breeze. He opens the door to his room. Too dark to see anything. He tries to find the switch but he steps in liquid. Odd he finds while feeling the weak breeze through the open window. Minnie doesn't let the window open. When he turns the switch on the light weakly flashes on before turning off forever. In the flash of a second that the light turned on, he saw it. He say Minnie's corpse bound to the bed, he body cut in many areas and her eyes and face removed...

If you were to animate this the most important part would be the facial expressions and the light and shadows. The expressions to humanize the characters and the light and shadow to hide and scare, I believe that using extreme light fall offs would help a lot. Maybe having mickey driving through a barely lit street then entering a very dark house in which we have like when a character uses a torch in a cave, type of lighting. I dunno but I believe that while the art style is important, the most important part is creating mood through lighting and humanizing the characters through their expressions and reactions

>> No.6992018

am I retarded because I can't comprehend what's going on in these panels. I can't even tell how many people there are

>> No.6992041

>Is cartoonish stylization a detriment when depicting drama and violence in animation or comics
>can a well-crafted story be effective regardless of art style?
A big problem on why some people, read: mainstream media, think only in the opposite is because they see cartoons and comics for kids and for kids only, like they're above it for some reason.
This is related to how "real" said cartoon or comic is or isn't. Realism is not a switch, i.e., "On" means live-action like a Marvel movie and "Off" means something like Spongebob. Realism is more akin to a volume knob, it can be adjusted and fine-tuned to how "realistic" characters move about, how they show expression, how they react to stimuli, etc.

>> No.6992075
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Lol, no retard. You need a serious art style to tell a serious story.
The fucking gall of the OP to use Tezuka to defend their dogshit argument. Dororo is an especially poor example because that book was a massive failure at it's time, precisely because of the clashing tone betraying the edgier, more graphic material. Whenever it gets rebooted the FIRST thing they do is give it a more appropriate tone and style. When Tezuka tried to make Astro Boy edgier he got a huge amount of backlash from it. His only books that were able to afford a cartoonish style while being darker in tone are the ones that veer closer to being educational/historical books, like Black Jack and Buddha.

OP's entire argument coasts on being completely detatched from reality, ignorant to any sort of context or nuance.

>> No.6992305
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probably not

>> No.6992309

dude. Mike Mignola has cartoonish stylisation

>> No.6992603

mongoloid take as expected from /ic/

>> No.6992907

Can you prove it wrong?

>> No.6992940

I assume people saying you can do serious stories with cartoony styles are big fans of Genndy's recent cartoon Unicorn Warriors Eternal? One of the biggest, if not the biggest complaint from audiences, was the tonal mismatch between the Popeye cartoon style and the seriousness of the story it attempted to tell. Cartoons and cartoonish motion are so easily interpreted as "fun" or "funny" by the common person, that it's next to impossible to make someone take it with complete seriousness. Cartoons are at their core, caricatures. And caricatures are at their core, exaggerations for the purpose of amusement and mockery. Or in other words, fun/funny. It's like composing a song about the struggles of life but using the slide whistle, xylophone, bells and kazoo. Yes they are instruments technically. But you can't realistically expect someone to take a serious song seriously when it's using audio tones that are, by their nature, lighthearted. That by their nature, elicit a primal emotional reaction from us that is contrary to the emotional tone you intended.
Cartooning to the point of unrecognizability is a problem I've never thought about before but it is also real. A problem you rarely see in cartoons because it's not typical to get overly ambitious with the cartoon style. Probably because this is what happens.

>> No.6993485 [DELETED] 

There is no inherent tone from an art style, there are only biases you've accumulated about art that you apparently are incapable of acknowledging because you struggle to think outside your own experience. This is also probably why encountering something strange upsets you rather than intrigues you. Classic sign of a sub-80 IQ.

>> No.6993487

>One of the biggest, if not the biggest complaint from audiences, was the tonal mismatch between the Popeye cartoon style and the seriousness of the story it attempted to tell.
Show me a single review or person ever saying this ever.

>> No.6993518
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What a fucking hodgepodge of pseudo-intellectual horseshit and verifiably false claims. There are literally hundreds of great, well recognized and revered works that have a cartoonish art style and serious melodrama and themes.
>Barefoot Gen
>Madoka Magica
>Made in Abyss
>Beautiful Darkness
>When the Wind Blows
>Gegege No Kitaro
>Hunter X Hunter
>Girls Last Tour
>The Promised Neverland
>Galaxy Express
>Uchuusen Sagittarius
>Galaxy Express 999
>Penguin's Memory (literally a war movie about fucking cartoon penguins)
>Honeybee Hutch
>Remi and Kimba The White Lion
>One Piece
There is no inherent tone from an art style, there are only biases you've accumulated about art that you apparently are incapable of acknowledging because you struggle to think outside your own experience. This is also probably why encountering something strange upsets you rather than intrigues you. Classic sign of a sub-80 IQ.

>> No.6993566
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This miserable lil nigga has been america's darling child for 73 years. Everyone fucking loves the Peanuts.
It should be obvious that sophisticated writing and infantile presentation is a great combo to reach the human heart but it seems like Japan is the only country that still remembers that today when making new properties.
Every now and then something comes along like Adventure Time which abides by this law and becomes a massive hit. I'm not saying Adventure Time is THAT sophisticated but it feels just mature enough.
You get what I mean.

>> No.6993592

>Genndy's recent cartoon Unicorn Warriors Eternal?
never heard of it
i just dont have brain blockages that keep me from seeing that stylized art can have a serious story while this seems to be the case with boomericans who keep making shit comics that dont sell

>> No.6994978


>> No.6994988
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>> No.6995270

what the fuck what a faggot

>> No.6996087
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The Mother Trilogy and Ojamajo Doremi execute this perfectly with balance alongside having the right amount of subtlety and maturity for it to work, and both were very successful franchises back then.

>> No.6996125

what are you even saying? these 2 different question that have no connection between them
and are you really this fucking dumb? these are almost rhetorical questions!
no and yes

>> No.6996178

I don't feel any drama or actual violence when characters look like they came from Looney Tunes.

>> No.6998146

Mother wasn't successful

>> No.6998150


>> No.6998157

>One example of it done poorly means you should never do it.

>> No.7000460

explain cyborg 009 then that has an art style similar to picrel but works fine as fully serious story

>> No.7000463

>Mother wasn't successful
....In the west way back then? Both 1 and 2 (Earthbound) sold half a million copies when they came out in Japan, which I guess is moderately successful for a famicom JRPG.