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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1009 KB, 2534x903, 1697397458256922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6976095 No.6976095 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this "progress"?
Why did I fail to improve despite practice?

>> No.6976099
File: 751 KB, 1216x3800, 1669032605832756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x months schizo
this you nigga

>> No.6976103

What is your goal.

>> No.6976106
File: 360 KB, 1000x728, 1692382722479515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly my point. Art itself gave me no talent, if I was meant to be good at it I would have been, but since I'm not the odds are zero. ZERO.

>> No.6976109

oh my god, I made that anakin redline in 2020
what the heck, have you become a recurrent /ic/ schizo in that time anon?
just leave this place forever and keep drawing?

>> No.6976110

I can't draw because I have no talent. In 6 months, then 7 and 8 I never improved.

>> No.6976114
File: 863 KB, 1280x1288, 1701963671727112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like drawing, why do you insist on posting about making no progress? just fucking stop. become a farmer or something.

>> No.6976115
File: 124 KB, 1182x1000, 1676456264752123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it when I had hope I would be better, I don't like it when that hope vanished.
Why do I have no talent?

>> No.6976116
File: 82 KB, 1021x518, emot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, your art looks fine, especially 2021. what you don't have is emotional fundies.
you might be too mentally ill for this, but the problem isn't talent.

>> No.6976118
File: 45 KB, 1000x732, 1681324761397129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it should have been better considering all I practiced and was reading lots of resources. I just don't have the genes.

>> No.6976119

ok babe, you got it, you figured it out. what else do you want from this place? quit and never come back

>> No.6976120

I am angry this place made me waste time on something I have no natural talent on.

>> No.6976121

nobody here has enough power over you to do that.

>> No.6976123

and yet you're still here wasting time complaining
fuck off already

>> No.6976124

Yes, you did. By drawing, posting it, not helping me enough or not managing to convince me not to start drawing you wasted my time. I am mad, you have talent I do not.

>> No.6976125

>everyone on /ic/ has talent except me
that's very nice of you

>> No.6976126

is that all you have drawn?

>> No.6976129
File: 1.34 MB, 2734x1995, 1686951743414612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that I cared enough to scan and add. Not even that, I ate many others in anger and sadness, but I haven't drawn at all in years now.

>> No.6976130

it's true anon, you figured it out, I have endeavored only to make your life miserable and your art pointless.
Every time you feel self hatred, my dick gains a tenth of an inch.
Every time you post here, a zero is added to my bank account balance.
Every time you write a self hating note on your art, I get a new patron on pateron.
It's working really well

>> No.6976136

If that's all the work you can show for each time frame then it's obviously you didn't even try
Especially on the last two, you clearly gave up halfway through and got the results for the work you put in

>> No.6976137

>I ate many others in anger and sadness
you turned your shitty drawings into literal shit, That's real art.

Verification not required.

>> No.6976138
File: 72 KB, 1368x1000, 1699078157926707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why try more when I don't have the talent? I did the honest attempt at 6 to 8 months in, after that I realized I didn't have the talent.
It's not all I drew on those dates but fuck it, there's no talent.
I didn't mean that. I meant you have talent and nepotism, I have none.
I'll eat your cock after ripping it off.

>> No.6976141

well, can you quantify that? how much would you estimate you have drawn in the period you have shown?

I can probably demonstrate how much I have drawn in similar period of time.

>> No.6976143

I don't remember, the starting period was the set amount of 4 to 5 hours a day for 6 months?

>> No.6976148
File: 526 KB, 1044x1074, 1607639431122.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am mad, you have talent I do not

Thanks anon that cheered me up.

>> No.6976149

how many studies have you done in 4-5 hours?

>> No.6976150

I have researched new and alternate weapons for my revenge. They are not that new, but they're a success.

>> No.6976151

>Why try more when I don't have the talent? I did the honest attempt at 6 to 8 months in, after that I realized I didn't have the talent.
It's not all I drew on those dates but fuck it, there's no talent.

No, your just lazy. Lack of talent is a cope your just rationalizing your laziness. It's easier to say it would've never worked out no matter how hard you tried then to admit you didn't even try and failed purely by your own fault.

>> No.6976152

oh look, the circus is back in town, mom

>> No.6976154

and who do you think took all your talent? I slurped it right up when you weren't looking anon, I've been keeping it in a jar, nibbling on it as I draw

>> No.6976156

People with my knowledge and ideals will get civilians drones banned lmao.
If art denied me my dream, I must have my revenge.

>> No.6976158

why do we pretend schizo didn't kill himself 3 years ago? just role-playing as him to keep the memory alive?

>> No.6976161

nibble nibble nibble :3

>> No.6976162

What's your ethnic group? Asian? Korean? You enjoy the asian drawing gene, I will enjoy revenge.

>> No.6976165

I'm a mutt, I've been hoarding genes the way you hoard chromosomes

>> No.6976166

I wasn't lazy, not on month 6, after that I gave up.

>> No.6976168

>What's your ethnic group? Asian? Korean? You enjoy the asian drawing gene, I will enjoy revenge.

>> No.6976170

That's why you failed, 6 months is not enough time to get good especially if your doing self study. Its not talent your lazy that's all it is

>> No.6976174

I think you have hidden talent that will take longer to unlock. You have a quality that reminds me of Taiyo Matsumoto(google him), if you find the fun in drawing loosely and expressively, not getting hung up on "accurately" you may recover and unlock that "talent". you would have to throw out your preconceived notions of what makes a good drawing, can you do that?

>> No.6976175
File: 153 KB, 792x769, 1695961096020904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months I should have been better than I was at 6 months, statistically I knew I was going to fail.
i can't have talent because it would negate all the years I didn't draw after 2020. I must continue being talentless to not abandon directive and narrative.

>> No.6976177

oh I like this bit
>i can't have talent because it would negate all the years I didn't draw after 2020
it's too late for you (too schizo) but this is a cool example of how you can hold on to self sabotage just to feel better about self sabotaging yourself
like if you were to realize you were sabotaging yourself you'd have to deal with the harrowing feeling that you wasted 3 years of your life hating yourself and that would be too painful
but if you could push through that initial pain and regret, you'd be able to start new and be free from the self sabotage

thanks anon! very enlightening, I won't stand in my own way just to keep old narratives alive.

>> No.6976179
File: 275 KB, 2550x3507, 1685333926131221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't and won't, look at this >>6976175
I failed the reference, I learned nothing.
Pic related too

>> No.6976180

>6 months I should have been better than I was at 6 months, statistically I knew I was going to fail.

You'd still be beg after 6 months unless you drew for 8-10 hours a day which you didn't do.
It's not talent you gave up before you even started to take off. But, whatever helps you cope at night.

>> No.6976181

oh I know you can't, I was talking about me, baka narcissist

>> No.6976182

I could get drones banned lmao

>> No.6976189

I was easily the worst artist in all of /ic/, I still am, I have no talent so I would keep being bad.
I gave up. I could have been one of the greats artists but I just wasn't born with the talent. Only rabid hatred remains.

>> No.6976190

how? I don't think you know and are just bluffing.

>> No.6976191

I don't want to tell you. It would be easier just to use them. I will wait for my revenge on art and life and society and existence, the pain i felt in my heart, i wanted to draw.

>> No.6976193

You're my least favourite schizo

>> No.6976194

read Moby Dick. you would relate to it a lot.

>> No.6976195

I want revenge on people like you, on people, on everyone I can get revenge on.
I wanted to be an artist.

>> No.6976210

>misses the point of moby dick
The book is not "about" a man getting revenge on a whale. it's about self-destructive obsession

>> No.6976213

I'll get revenge, I have no interest on that book.

>> No.6976216
File: 250 KB, 1600x900, 983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6976218
File: 1.83 MB, 1324x1101, gotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6976364

It fascinates me to see people fail to improve despite drawing for a year. It makes no sense to me. I don't understand. Whenever I try drawing something for 2 or, god forbid 3, weeks, and fail or I begin to see that I will fail, I immediately change how I do it to find a better way. I can't imagine going for a month without improving any part of my thinking, preparing, or drawing process. Hell, I can't imagine ending one drawing session without learning at least 2 new things to help me draw better.

What the hell are you people doing out there?

>> No.6976421
File: 112 KB, 607x910, Adventure Time The Journey 2023-10-31 GOLB REV2023-12-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, we don't know if they in fact draws much at all. I am not studying anymore and my output is at least 1/5 of what it used to be, but I can still demonstrate that I drawn something at least once every 2-3 days for the past 10 years, but this person posted maybe 15 drawings over the course of 2 years, frankly once he said he ate his drawings I know he is just making shit up. It wouldn't be a valid demonstration of their point, because it is not their own work and we couldn't interrogate their process in any detail or with any authenticity.

>> No.6976735

Why would I lie, I'm not the sort of person that continues after failure

>> No.6976736

>I'm not the sort of person that continues after failure

>> No.6977091

Holy shit that was hilarious

>> No.6977103
File: 416 KB, 565x720, 1697690868839338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you worship failure and you've been rewarded with failure. you've succeeded in a sense

>> No.6977110

I can't imagine how people improve, instead... It's so frustrating

>> No.6977117

it's because they're not actually failing. it's like how people with body dysmorphia are unable to see anything but disgust when they look in the mirror

>> No.6977126

It's not rocket science. Improving is honestly so easy that once you figure it out you wonder what the fuck all that struggling was about.

Step 1: "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"
You can't fight with the loomis method forever. Drawing the exact same way will not get you different results. Find out where it is you're going wrong, stop doing that thing that's making you go wrong, try something else.

Step 2. There is no step 2. That's all it is. Stop going around in circles. You can draw a thousand faces in a month if you want, but guess what, drawing a thousand faces incorrectly has only taught you to draw a face incorrectly. There is no sneaky progress, there are no sudden clicks in the brain, there is no divine intervention.

Or you can go back to doing the same shit the same way hoping this time shit will be different, idk. You decide.

>> No.6977148

But I don't know how to overcome my problems. Like how a pelvis is angled, hot to draw a dog muzzle, even worse with a cat muzzle... And that is just the drawing part. Doing something as good as the stuff I see on Pinterest seems unreacheble

>> No.6977163
File: 275 KB, 1744x1029, 6856e1c4a8b1cebbe19d004821ce8b98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like you hate yourself, anon.
Just turn the english captions on. Hopefully, it will help you out.


>> No.6977166

Then figure it out anon or invent your own methods. There is more access to information now than there's ever been. You have no excuse for your incompetence. If you're lazy you will not go far and instead spend the next 5 or 10 years complaining before quitting.

>> No.6978583

I missed you, 6 months schizo. Please never leave ever again.

>> No.6978603

People like you cheer me up and keep on going
I'm way worse than you and yet I see a light in the tunnel for me because I am NOT you
I'm so glad I'm me

>> No.6978610

Anon... 6-8 months is a very short time for hobbies like art. It sounds like typical trap that AIfags like Shad got themselves into. They want the results but never enjoyed the process

>> No.6978626
File: 931 KB, 1190x938, Faggot .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olavo de Carvalho

Kill yourself, and may someone salt the dirt were end up under

>> No.6978633

>salt the dirt were end up under

>> No.6978636

Are you the "IM A FAILURE IM A FAILURE IM A FAILURE" schizo? I remember asking you for a drawing you spent more than a few minutes on and you couldn't deliver. It seems like you're still doing nothing but lazy scribbles. :)

>> No.6978903

You failed because there's no Loomis for your lack of talent and creativity, much like how there's no gym for your height.

>> No.6979004

What makes me talent less?

>> No.6979008
File: 1.66 MB, 398x221, xiao xiao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with talent and creativity can make cool shit even with stick figures.

>> No.6979026

>Completely stops using construction
>doesn't understand that practice doesn't make perfect only perfect practice makes perfect
>Has an external locus of control

>> No.6979351

If everyone could learn at least 2 new things every drawing session, everyone would be Kim Jung-gi. Don't set unrealistic expectations

>> No.6979465


>> No.6979488

>technique from le schools
>epic trending phrase!
>bullshit spiritual buzzword
You aren't a real person

>> No.6979514

Yeah but I didnt improve so I didnt post

>> No.6979673

You didn't improve your ability to draw scribbles for more than a few minutes?

>> No.6979740

you are wasting your energy trying to argue with this retard when he makes the same exact post every three months
but be my guest

>> No.6979743


>> No.6979745
File: 38 KB, 600x593, e5a90fb33eb113af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed you 6 months schizo.

I wonder how esdeath fag is doing nowadays, would love to see one of his schizo threads for old times sake.

>> No.6979749

>rejects all concepts that could help him improve himself and his art because of his internal narrative that he's too intellectually superior to normalfags to engage with basic psychological or art concepts.
NGMI and you're a faggot

>> No.6979770

We have a annual progress thread already, but you felt like you deserved your own thread?

>> No.6979860

anon, meet 6 months schizo

>> No.6981238


>> No.6981601
File: 101 KB, 1113x1015, 48BE620B-2BB5-47D1-A00A-17231E094DA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally never had a chance, move on with your life.

>> No.6981771
File: 68 KB, 739x415, 1702833705502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me OP. i am the one taking your talent away. Before you could even notice anything, i was taking away your skills and you couldn't even draw a house properly.

>> No.6982183


>> No.6982202

You post the same images iver and over which indicates you likely didn't practice enough and probably get worked up over each drawing when it's just about quantity.
You're not working as hard as you think you are, you're simply stressing yourself out over every drawing you do more than necessary. Draw more.

>> No.6983715
File: 107 KB, 320x320, g0VLvAaR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont believe that.

>> No.6983727

It's true. You have no talent. Might as well stop. Fortunately, the rest of us do have talent, so we will keep drawing.

Have a good life, OP. Stop drawing and stop posting and go enjoy yourself.

>> No.6983941
File: 732 KB, 1513x1513, gura laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whether or not this is true, i refuse to believe i cant be the best

>> No.6984013
File: 2.38 MB, 2490x4000, 2002_2021_comic_retrospect_compiled_sd_labeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I encounter many failures, but I persisted.

>> No.6984365
File: 233 KB, 598x622, Goob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think of this "progress"?
>Why did I fail to improve despite practice?
You didn't take Drawabox for 1 year like picrel.

>> No.6984813

>Why try more when I don't have the talent?
good question. I'd recommend you to just quit. You don't have it in you.

>> No.6984814

Why don't i have talent?

>> No.6984821

who cares? Bad genes and worse upbringing.

>> No.6984822

Why don't I have talent? I require a precise cause.

>> No.6984826

That is the exact cause. Your upbringing is done and your genes cannot be changed. What's the importance of that information, though? There's no way for you to gain talent. You will never gonna make it. Better make peace with that and look for a different way to skip time. Maybe focus on career. Do NOT go to university. You will not achieve what you hope there either.

>> No.6984827


>> No.6984834

University requires self-initiative, discipline and intelligence. Your reposting of old images shows you don't do the work, udnerestimate what it takes, your asking of "how" and "why" suggests lack of intelligence and self-initiative, which prevents you from studying.
This is more or less rooted in your upbringing, though initelligenc eis mostly genetic.

Do something simple that requires little effort and shows quick results. A career or more physical hobbies.

>> No.6984835


>> No.6984838

Why what?

>> No.6984839

Why can't I draw, you fucking moron?
I'll eat you and shit on you

>> No.6984844


>> No.6984850

I don't want to draw fucker, not anymore.
I did my hard work in 6 fucking months, do you have any idea how much I practiced? I ate all my work after, I ate it or I threw it to fire.

>> No.6984857

>do you have any idea how much I practiced?
Nobody does, you must quantify it, but it's improbable that you could, because you are making it up.

>> No.6984859

Around 900 pages, I know. Some other grinding. I did my hard work and back then, i never improved

>> No.6984860

good. Soemtimes practice isn't enough. Talent is real. Quit now, before you lose more time.

>> No.6984861

Why? How?

>> No.6984862


>> No.6984864


>> No.6984868

pff, rookie numbers.

>> No.6984871

>I ate all my work after, I ate it or I threw it to fire.
yeah, stop larping.

>> No.6984882

If you know who he is from TBL the greatest, funniest part of it all is that he isn't joking when he says he ate paper.

>> No.6984912

I ate paper, I ate drawings, I ate and tore through anything that was a failure
Bitch, who you think you're talking to? I am petty, I am that bitch

>> No.6984915

idk I like these. Idk why you didnt keep w/e was working here. Almost like you started backsliding.

>> No.6984917

Come back to the server, we're waiting.

>> No.6984921

sMOKING OUt the windows
must have spent 35 40 45

>> No.6985096

Important question that's just ignored.

>> No.6985103

You have mental issues that you need to seek help for. Good luck.

>> No.6985283

I miss xiaoxiao and stickpage crazymonkeygames etc

>> No.6985315
File: 75 KB, 512x512, 1698909815903481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 month schizo
I remember you. I started drawing a few months after you did and I remember all the schizo threads you made back then. Insane how it's been 3 years since and you're still as schizo as ever.

>> No.6985325

I'm short-sighted in one eye, hates art back in school, have tism, yet i can say i'm proud of my works no matter how crude it is since i started drawing 1,5 years ago. You lack the will and the confidence. Keep this up and arts wouldn't be the only thing you "think" have failed

>> No.6985422

I think he actually doesn't have the mental faculties to improve. The meme that everyone can draw needs to die. An autist might be able to draw photorealistic, if he is functioning. A down syndrome kid never will.

>> No.6985528

Should've elaborated that "everyone" means someone with properly functioning brain

>> No.6985534

same. he'll always be 4-months schizo to me. found him when i first started my art journey. it's insane how much he's stagnated and how much i've grown. every time i feel bad about my productivity or my improvements, i just look in my folder of 4months-kun's ultimate failures and return to my craft with renewed vigour.
thanks for everything

>> No.6985582

Why did i fail?

>> No.6985599
File: 172 KB, 792x482, sadasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You failed because you stayed in the circle here in pic rel, longer than your temperament could handle. You really needed to take a break when you first started hitting a wall(the first time you ate a drawing?), taken up another medium like clay sculpture for a time or something like that.

>> No.6985787

Ask yourself, did you actually learn something during your time practicing and studying? Did you actually take the time to examine and understand things while you were doing exercises and applied what you learned in later drawings? Or did you simply draw what you were told to draw, expecting that you would simply "level up" after gaining enough "drawing xp"?

>> No.6985847

I hope you shit yourself to death, faggot.

>> No.6985849

Hey man, it's just a website. No need to get mad.

>> No.6985872

Because you have schizophrenia.

>> No.6986009

The problem with threads like these is there are so many resources and proven study methods online that if an artist actually had the drive to get good they would be researching, following tutorials, practicing, and they would inevitably get good at drawing.
Talent comes from passion, having a deeper purpose for your work, and having a clear goal in mind. I can tell at a glance OP's only drawing for the sake of drawing, and when you're doing that you physically can't improve.
Add on top of that a self-destructive mindset (e.g. Ugh, I'm shit so I may as well not try), a lack of personal responsibility, and a victim complex that makes them see legit advice as flippant dismissal, and you get a dickweed who makes threads solely to frustrate people who try to help them.
They're seriously doing that thing children under 6 do where they just repeat "Why? Why? Why?" because it's an easy way to exert control over someone and stress them out. Excusable for a child because they don't know any better, but deeply worrying behaviour for an adult.

Long story short, ignore this fucking loser, they're an energy vampire.

>> No.6986033

Interestingly I feel like I learned a lot just by having a sketchbook and a clear goal. It showed me how much fear can stunt your growth and make you avoid drawing the things that are difficult. When we do finally draw the things that are difficult and the result is poor as a result of our inaction, our perspective may become distorted believing that we worked harder than we actually have.
Nowadays I take note of how much I'm actually drawing trying to not also be self deprecative about it. Whenever I do fail, it's become 'I didn't draw it enough because I've been avoiding it' rather than anything about talent. I think it's a better mindset that shifts it to a position of responsibility rather than determinism or fatalism, therefore something that can be controlled and changed.