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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 421 KB, 846x743, Screenshot_20231212-084045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6975051 No.6975051 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6975055

that's pretty good I thought, before I got suspended, I got around the same amount and I had 10k.

>> No.6975058

He did basically the same thing before and got a couple thousand followers over night. I think they were out of sympathy, not appreciation for his art.

>> No.6975073

I hate artists who self-pity publicly. Attention-whoring pricks.
You should expect around 1-3% of your followers to like your shit actively. If you have 10k followers and your post gets 100 likes, you've reached the minimum and should be satisfied.
If you get less than the minimum post after post only then can you start crying yourself to sleep.

>> No.6975091

is my art shit and irrelevant? no! it must be my audience's fault...

>> No.6975098

>You should expect around 1-3% of your followers to like your shit actively. If you have 10k followers and your post gets 100 likes, you've reached the minimum and should be satisfied.
This is really not how it works, at all. Sure, you can tell yourself this is fine for coping purposes, but 1-3% is a ultra mega fail bomb of a post. You really think 1k likes off 100k followers is normal and good? I get that shit with a tiny bit of effort, and I'm not even at 5k. Where did you even get that figure, 1-3%? I'd say 10% is the minimum but even that's ultimately an unrealistic approximation that fails to account for numerous variables.
The way Twitter works, you live and die off retweets. You hope for the moonshot, but expect to crash before leaving the atmosphere. But fuck, you're really doing something horrendously wrong if 1% is normative.
Either way I agree you shouldn't be a fag and mope about it, total cringe behavior. Get back on the wagon as always.

>> No.6975100

>hmm why doesnt he get as much interaction
>about four art pieces posted in the last month
>its okay, i liked the boob torture succubus
>the art in question is overshadowed by an admixture of polidicks, memes, social climbing, fucking AI, whatever
He is pooping where he eats and the caliber of his work does not warrant the stench. And he's moping twice now that he's not getting interaction. OP if you are the picture in question then you should try a different game plan. Draw even less, and instead of pitying yourself start going after bigger artists and try to cancel them or something idk go to sleep

>> No.6975101

>tfw have less than 1000 followers but getting 30-90 likes per post

>> No.6975102

IMO it depends on what you draw and how skilled you are. Averaging across the entire spectrum of people who draw and post on twitter I'd say it falls somewhere in the 1-4% neighborhood.

>> No.6975105
File: 134 KB, 517x487, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you are right
keking hard

>> No.6975107

>Averaging across the entire spectrum of people who draw and post on twitter
90% of everything is just not seen and might as well not exist. Was just watching a video about this, actually. Yes, technically there are 100-followers begs posting high volumes of 0-3 likes OCs all over Twitter, but I don't think this is anyone's idea of a basically ok post.
It's really an all or nothing hellzone of a website. The posts that get big, get fucking huge big. There are some midsize pop-offs mixed in (5-10k range), but even that's just an lesser species of virality. The site wouldn't work the way it's supposed to if it didn't tend towards winner-take-all.
1-3% is the usual figure for monetizable figures, not the people who should merely like your post...a like is almost free

>> No.6975108

monetizable followers*

>> No.6975110

aw man, what a little bitch.

>> No.6975111
File: 161 KB, 708x1080, F04r6oKWcAALWvK (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a second note his art is pretty cool in black and white. I can respect drawing you like
but if he wants to grift on the likes on Twitter he should emulate his best-liked work here

>> No.6975112

this doesn't make any sense to me unless you have tiny amounts of followers
I get 2~10K per drawing and I only have 3K followers right now... and I sometimes go for months without posting

>> No.6975113

Do you have any insights on how Twitter works for artists ? To me there's no such thing as cracking the algorithm, and I think all those analytics services are bs.

>> No.6975114

May I see your Twitter ?

>> No.6975118
File: 91 KB, 500x430, 1618352496866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can play on hard mode, or easy mode. Whatever you choose is likely dependent on your innate temperament more or less, but you do need to accept the consequences that come with your choice. Hard mode saves your soul but is thankless work, easy mode is a deal with the devil that will get you bitches and hos (but actually just imaginary numbers, usually).

Trying to be original and ambitious is hard mode and is seriously not a good idea for the socially needy inclined, statistically speaking. Works out for very few, but it's not absolutely impossible.

If you literally just want likes and followers and you don't care where from, play the game. It's that simple.
The game is:
1. fan art
2. lewd/porn
3. "decent" quality
4. popular stylization (anime, anime-toon hybrid, etc.)
5. post weekly or multiweekly

I would defy anyone to post exceptions to this that aren't artists who already have a legacy outside Twitter's walled garden. In fact such outsiders tend not to do as well as those who play the game. We can think wishfully about it, or we can just look at the facts. First thing you should do either way is get good, most people fail at Step 1.

>> No.6975119

Meme your shit up as well. Memes do very well. And can't hurt to be a bit chatty if you're so inclined.

>> No.6975120

I agree
I don't even know what mode I'm playing on lol

>> No.6975122

If you're drawing FOR likes, you're probably on ezmode. If you're following trends, probably ezmode. Not knocking it necessarily...I mean I am, you're kind of a fag if you do this and I don't respect your work, but who cares I'm a giant loser with integrity.
But, some people it's the validation and potentially the money they need (the latter reason being more understandable) and it's not like you can change people's motives.

>> No.6975124

I draw mostly Greco-Roman history/mythology and everyday I sort of just randomly draw something related to that topic that I feel like doing

>> No.6975126

Oh yeah, that's a tough one. Better work in some anime influences if you want "appeal"
To be serious for one half a second...historical and idiosyncratic work can find a powerful niche, but it takes an insane level of creativity + execution. You really have to go beyond stereotyped conceptions. If you're expecting popularity with weird shit, approach it with the self seriousness of a Xiaolin monk and open mindedness of a rockstar.

>> No.6975130
File: 1.30 MB, 2911x4096, GAl1uz8bkAEcfU_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His art is like the most generic thing possible. He draws what you'd think when someone tells you "my cousin is an artist too". This style of rendering is so dated too

>> No.6975131

Yeah, sometimes a drawing blows up, and some times a drawing flops. The thing I drew that got the most visibility was a random Napoleon comic strip that got 22kish likes and popped up in other places

>> No.6975173

>Xitter screencap thread
Please don't do this.

>> No.6975193

what is it with you guys and shitter? Whats so great about that website lmao

>> No.6975203

has there ever been an artist red Pilled enough to unironically tweet or draw something like this?

>> No.6975205

What is the point of getting followers/likes? Does it translate into more commissions? I don’t understand zoomers.

>> No.6975209

They do translate into more possible comms, but for me it's more of acknowledgement that more people are viewing my art and wanting to see what I draw next and being happy with/interested in what I've posted

>> No.6975213

how did you get suspended

>> No.6975215

Yes, more people engaging with your art does translate into more people that may be interested in commissioning you.

>> No.6975217
File: 132 KB, 800x1036, spider-man 2023-06-05 mayday doodle 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did not specify, but this was the last piece I posted there.

>> No.6975228

My guess is that somebody reported you for the sexy stuff involving fictional minors. That's what usually triggers the mobs.

>> No.6975232

>more people engaging with your art does translate into more people that may be interested in commissioning you.
This is very highly dependent on why they actually began following you in the first place. Some niches attract more people willing to pay than others, so just having a big number doesn't automatically translate into anything.

>> No.6975261

Ah... So it's gonna be his turn to get 3k followers over 2 days aint it?

>> No.6975262

Nvm it's the same fucking faggot. Fuck him and his shitty sympathy baiting posts. Nobody owes you a fucking engagement. If you have 6k followers anyway and your engagement is still shit, guess what? Your content is SHIT, and the last time around it was only out of pity.

>> No.6975266

Your drawing reminds me of id nsfw

>> No.6975273

IT'S THE SAME GUY!? What a whiny chump. I'd have unfollowed him and publicly stated so. Does he have no appreciation for what audience he HAS built?

>> No.6975277

mf got addicted to social media numbers?




>> No.6975281
File: 164 KB, 1200x900, spider-man_2023-07-11_sun-spider_and_Otto_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I draw a lot of anime characters so I guess that's a target rich environment for them.

I used a similar brush to him there but I don't think our art style is that similar. They have a much more stable and recognizable art style to mine, and the way they draw faces is very distinctive.

>> No.6975292

Guess followers don’t mean shit when your art is extremely unappealing

>> No.6975294


>> No.6975299

I have a third of his follower count and that's my usual numbers. He can sincerely go fuck himself.

>> No.6975302

>Have 160 followers
>Get around the same amount of engagement
>concider it a good day and then go silent for weeks cause i have other stuff i am doing and can't play the xitter game seriously
I kind of feel bad for the fella.

>> No.6975304

A lot of times I'll follow an artist because there's an aspect of their style I'd like to reference later, but they only use their skills to draw boring generic shit so I never feel compelled to like particular pieces

>> No.6975314

This nigger should just quit at this point
Holy Christ, I've seen /begs/ here with better engagement ratios

>> No.6975320

ironically, getting pity follows probably fucked him up

>> No.6975325

The mother fucker made the image his header too
This is pathetic. Has he not tried drawing different shit?

>> No.6975328 [DELETED] 

I did not notice that
That's is pathetic

>> No.6975348

I only have about 40 followers and I manage to get 5-10 likes per upload, so that's pretty hype

>> No.6975406

I kneel sensei. Keep up the cute girls to destroy ugliness

>> No.6975418

>tfw 1k followers but only 10 likes for each post thanks to the algorithm hating me

>> No.6975435

How long until this goof reaches lolcow status by art standards?

>> No.6975447


>> No.6975473
File: 228 KB, 580x680, c1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy makes the OC bugfag look based in comparison despite also being cringe.
At least we got funny memes out of this. The other guy is just sad

>> No.6975477

>3 different things that make you say fuck having twatter n' social media n' shiet

>> No.6975509

Every single time.

>> No.6975581

That's what happens when you learn to draw through loomis. Holy fuck, talk about unappealing art.

>> No.6975585

Hideous shit. Learn to draw retarded fuck

>> No.6975786


Also, at least in America, if you're interested in presenting at certain bigger cons, the stronger your popularity/online, the more likely you'll be accepted.