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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6970432 No.6970432 [Reply] [Original]

I just want a way to consistently make decent, fluid-looking art. This isn’t about fundamental drawing principles shit, I just want to learn how you streamline your art to get a consistent, nice-looking output for making comics, animations, etc.

>rough composition
>rough gesture with landmarks
>background perspective lines
>proportions check, structure, anatomy
>rough line art (both fg and bg, shave down to be more precise)
>clean main lines and secondary lines for fg (specify brush, settings, sizes, etc), repeat with bg
>block shading

Please be specific. How do you make things look finished, consistent, and natural? This is mainly for digital.

>> No.6970434

Just draw. No shortcuts. Bootstraps. Firm hand shake. Straight in the eyes. That's what I did.

>> No.6970435

I’m not talking about fundamental drawing principles like gesture, structure, and anatomy. I’ve been working on a comic for years, making very little progress because I have no clue how to make the output look consistent, readable, and appealing across pages

>> No.6970449

you’re turning into gabe 2.0

>> No.6970457

naive attitude. Fundamentals are important on every level, improving them never ends. Skill is a pyramid, you can't add more to the top without widening the base. The attitude that you "already did" the basics has a lot to do with your lack of ability to learn higher order art skills.

>> No.6970458

gabe's characters at least have some charm

>> No.6970486

>proompt something I want
>trace the good parts
>correct the bad parts

>> No.6970513

copy Dobson & CattyN twice

>> No.6970681

I have seen your drawings that I thought looked finished, just not drawn in a way I thought was appealing to my tastes. I have also not recall seeing you draw any other characters.

>> No.6970905

>I just want a way to consistently make decent, fluid-looking art.
Practice making art and you will eventually, consistently make decent, fluid looking art. Or, in English, Just Draw.

>> No.6970920

This this this. "I have sold product" means nothing, the art industry is full of people who have scrambled or lucked their way into it with shaky grasps of the basics, that doesn't mean they wouldn't stand to improve by going back to actually learn them.

>> No.6970956

Thanks guys. I’m looking into discords for art critique. I’ll let this thread die now

>> No.6972415

well, that's disappointing. I felt putting your own art in opening post takes a lot of courage, but being passive in terms of the way you engage with the subject probably hinders your progress. this is a subject I am interested in, but your definition was pretty vague. As I stated before, I have seen your drawings that I've considered finished, and surely its a good place to start defining your process?

>> No.6972441

>Thanks guys. I’m looking into discords for art critique
does he know.....

>> No.6972442
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But at least they don't like like a man added boobs to a fujo's attempt to draw a very macho Aladdin wearing ballet clothes.

>> No.6972545

Not sure if it's ok to ask, but do you have socials, I like your oc it fits my niche

>> No.6972559

My fucking sides
I always expected to see a penis when looking at OPs shit
It's like a ftm tranny that wants to be a real girl but that girl is a butch lesbian crossdresser who wants to be a man

>> No.6972747

Need moar

>> No.6972772

Yes! My blog is Vispari on Tumblr. Thank you.

That’s what I was thinking. This was more about digital art than practicing foundational drawing. Like, what is your process for making comics that are consistent?

I do know. The discord here isn’t my thing.

Why does everyone want her to be ftm so bad? Just admit your fetish already

>> No.6972774

My blog is currently hidden, but it won’t be when I make stuff that I actually want to post

>> No.6972779


>> No.6972803
File: 3.20 MB, 2623x3090, IMG_20231104_215725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does everyone want her to be ftm so bad? Just admit your fetish already
I don't think she's FtM, I think she's a crossdressing woman.
I too, make abhorrently masculine female OCs who do not want to be men, as someone who is FtM and wants to be a girl who wants to be very masculine, but is ok with being female.
I hope masculine women replace out the femboy craze.

>> No.6972807

I meant to say mtf because people really want her to have a cock. She actually did cross dress frequently, playing male roles in her performances. Your OCs look really fucking cute and I want to draw them.

>> No.6972811

I followed you on tumblr, but I don't really use it.
If you want to do an art trade or something my discord is pseudohalide.

>> No.6972812

Women with big hands will never be a thing
It will always look like a crossdresser, trying to present it as a woman when its got paws the size of baseball mitts and a back wider than hips doesn't work

>> No.6972814

Out of everything you could have pointed out, it's the hands, which are not large.
>back wider than hips doesn't work
Penis talking yawn

>> No.6972821

Yeah she was a coal miner so her hands evolved to shovels, deff not a man no way

>> No.6972828

I didn't even draw the hands retard they're fucking blobs

>> No.6972832

I was talking about OP you mongoloid
Your art is kino got a Bridgeman vibe to it

>> No.6972893

>Why does everyone want her to be ftm so bad? Just admit your fetish already
Personally I just want to never see this character again.
Or at least not until you develop a taste and fix it.

Are you /MENA/ by chance?

>> No.6972920

If you don’t like this character, that’s fine, but I’m not going to stop drawing her. This thread wasn’t really intended to be about her, and I should’ve chosen a different image for the main post. No, I’m not /MENA/.

>> No.6972980

A full scene with multiple characters takes just as long as a single bust of an anime girl. I just spend 90% of my time redrawing lines and fixing things. So fucking sick of it.

>> No.6973252

you should stop drawing her. you should stop drawing entirely desu.

>> No.6973281

Ah, but I won’t

>> No.6973350

>I just want a way to consistently make decent, fluid-looking art.
>This isn’t about fundamental drawing principles
this has to be bait

>> No.6973775

I feel like the fastest way to build speed is just to draw without guidelines or rough sketches, if you can get the lines right the first or maybe second run through and then polish up after then you'll be way faster but in order to get that level of competence you'll need to study structure and anatomy until it becomes second nature which takes time.

I know this boils down to drawing but try this method of drawing slower without sketches/guidelines, and make that your habit.

One thing I've done was to just start with colored shapes and sort of carve them out that way it takes way less time to color, then add lines/ shading ontop. Although thats a more painterly approach I think

>> No.6974252

Isn’t the opposite true? Failing to properly construct your shit from the start leads to endless corrections down the road, because no matter how well you’ve committed basic principles to intuition, there will still be minor things that are off, which will culminate into a janky, awkward-looking product.

Not that you have to draw all the bones and muscles every time, but at least basic structure, proportions, and perspective should be established early on. Ideally, your main corrections should happen early so that you don’t have to alter a billion details around one measurement or perspective line being altered.

>> No.6974265

i thought it looked like a transgender Cuzco but I do see some Aladdin in there too, something about the disney renaissance house style activates deviants

>> No.6975064
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>That’s what I was thinking. This was more about digital art than practicing foundational drawing. Like, what is your process for making comics that are consistent?

its frustrating how passive you are in this conversation, I suggest finding example from your own work or from others work you considered to be finished and start writing down characteristics you observed to be finished and then work on how to streamline your process.

on my part, there are several different style of shadings that I have developed a sort of recipes in which I had step by step process to quickly accomplish certain effects, and preexisting color palette that I can refer to quickly. This is assembly line process that allows me to create consistent qualities for arts I produce for my commissions that expected such, so on those pieces that I don't experiment much, but it really gets pretty dull after a while.

>> No.6975088
File: 183 KB, 1282x2015, 6so11u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6975093

yup, I actually get paid for it, but it usually more complex than the little demo i am whipping up for this thread.

>> No.6977746
