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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.08 MB, 3500x1969, 1686980769643568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6974308 No.6974308 [Reply] [Original]

What job do you do? Does it give you a lot of time for drawing? Surely, most of you are not professional neets / artists, right?

>> No.6974315

Overnight security guard. Literally get paid to draw

>> No.6974321

I’m a stay at home dad. It takes up more time than actual work. But I crammed all my chores in before 9p so then I have free time from 9p-2a so 5 hours of drawing is more than most people get.

I do end up crashing every 4 days or so and just sleeping at 9.. it’s a bit of a gamble to stay up late.

>> No.6974342


>> No.6974344

This truly does sound like the dream job every time someone brings it up but it's 2spooky4me, sadly.

>> No.6974345

need overpaid, overeducated millennial wife who will settle for me due to mate shortage

>> No.6974350
File: 37 KB, 800x778, 278916906_765149721122043_5461374640922039561_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a professional artist, i hate most things i draw and get paid very little (i'm also kinda young so i hope it'll get bettre)

>> No.6974394

I'm in IT/STEM, I draw if there's downtime or work is under control. Just a hobby for me but I enjoy it, wish I had more time/brainpower but that's what I exchange for money so all good.

>> No.6974415

I was scared at first too, but literally nothing happens. Scariest thing that has happened the whole time is I had to drive home in a rain storm once. I used to work in retail for years and every day I wanted to shoot myself. This is the best job I've ever had, my 12 hour shifts feel like what 2 hours in retail felt like and I just draw the entire time.

>> No.6974426
File: 348 KB, 1920x1080, KnyttUnderground-Ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in IT as Desktop Support.
I don't get too much time to draw, but I'm way too invested in it to call drawing a hobby. I practically force time for drawing in on some days.

>> No.6974432

is that your work? It's really awesome

>> No.6974436

It is not. it's from a game called Knytt Underground. I just really liked it.

>> No.6974437

WFH engineer.

They don't give me shit to do lately, so smoke if you got em,' I suppose...

>> No.6974484

I work at an art gallery and a movie theater

>> No.6974486

I’m an auditor. A lazy one. So I get decent drawing time. I never worked those 120 work weeks during busy season.

>> No.6974489

Part time in the IT department of a hospital. It's soul crushingly dull but the pay is really good at it enables me my hobbies such as art

>> No.6974491

why do you hate what you draw?

>> No.6974496

i'm a pc for my mom(who doesn't need it), so i get 1k every 2 weeks for doing literally nothing.

>> No.6974503

what's a pc?

>> No.6974508

penis concubine

>> No.6974512

Personal caregiver. I think. At least I hope it's not penis concubine.

>> No.6974564

software dev

>> No.6974640
File: 546 KB, 961x952, 1650032644156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal trainer and military officer. I love it. It's a good day job for an artist and keeps me active and not sitting too much or socially isolated.

>> No.6974671

I'm a cleaner.
I clean at a school, art department.
I make enough to get by and the job comes with alot of free time but I do use it wisely.
Teachers there know I do some art and gift me paints and stuff from time to time, very sweet of them. I want to make something for them but I dont know what, I want to use the supplies they give me but I dont do much painting.

>> No.6974705

Just a part time job since I'm still in uni but I'm an english tutor

That's my dream job right there. Perfect way to sip some coffee and draw all night and get paid for it

>> No.6974724
File: 3.52 MB, 2784x2320, proapteryx(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a nurse. This is one of my drawings.

>> No.6974745


Obviously. Imagine being so emasculated your wife bringing in the only income and you doodle shitty degenerate porn all day.

>> No.6974778
File: 1.50 MB, 2500x1755, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical Engineer
I'm in a job that doesn't pay well but I can't complain because I neet'd for a long time after the pandemic and I can still draw my big tiddies anime girls for about 3 hours a day

>> No.6974784

You should learn to draw male faces too anon, unless all your girls are gonna get fucked by men wearing grocery bags over their heads (unless that's the plan or something, I don't know). Respect for your art overall though, you're definitely better than me.

>> No.6974800

thanks and I agree about the male faces too

>> No.6974811

Mechanical engineer too drawing after work. I earn more with drawing than my real job. Earning tax free usd as a SEAmonkey feels so good. I pray the global coom market doesnt collapse.

>> No.6974918

professional electrical engineer.

i hardly have time to draw, but I'm already good at it so I'm not too peeves about it.

I earned pretty well, so drawing is more like a theraphy for me. Having a steady income also mean I don't have to go all FOMO with art trend.

I like my little personal bubble. I'm at peace.

>> No.6974919

Been fucking your mom but honestly its such a chore to climb through her fat folds I want to quit so bad

>> No.6974923

Im neet, been neet for maybe 6 years now. Everyones tired of my shit despite my immaculate gains so i need to work soon.

>> No.6974930

Is the art inspired from an event from your job?

>> No.6974942

I hope you get to design some awesome irl mecha at some point

>> No.6974949


if would literally kill my soul if I end being a "stay at home" anything.

>> No.6974981

nta but why? What's wrong with taking care of kids/house?

>> No.6974983

unless you are a neutered souyboy cuck, stay at home bullshit will never fulfill your existential needs as a man

>> No.6974985

And working a corporate wage cage for some dead end job is going to fulfill you somehow?

>> No.6974986

>existential needs as a man
make money for the man. good goy.

>> No.6974989

Hey man, he's got a family of his own and draws
that's miles more than what you've got

>> No.6974990

Neet bux for being mentally ill

>> No.6974991

better to serve the big corp than the family and children you love, right?

wagie wagie back in cagie

>> No.6974992
File: 538 KB, 958x1280, D849A771-C1C4-4A0C-BF2E-4CF2A19FA95B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 a guy under the queens borough bring

>> No.6974998

you could get at least $6 for that

>> No.6975000

I want to become an overnight security guard too, but whenever I tell someone about it they just scoff and say it's dangerous, or whatever. What sort of environment do you work, an office building, or a residential complex or something?

>> No.6975002

software engineer . i doodle on my downtime. Hard to draw digitally when i have to commute 50 mins both to work and back :/

>> No.6975003

this is just an urban legend, right? No way you're paying rent and groceries with that

>> No.6975007

You can’t be a neet and be an artist cause that still means you’re “in training” a true NEET is actually a waste of space autistic freak that does nothing.

>> No.6975032

They are pretty much all spoken for by now. I invested early and didn’t see a positive ROI for the first decade. Only in the past 3 years has she really been delivering huge returns.

This comes up a lot at home as I now have a lot of time to think about it while I cook and clean. A stay at home parent is a lot of work. TONS of work. It’s not glamorous or hard work. It’s just work. Nobody should get a trophy for being a stay at home. There is no admiration for what you do you contribute very little to society.

But all that can also be said about anyone’s work that they do at their “job”. Nobody is doing anything great. People are brainwashed into believing they are important and doing important work. It’s no more important than “stay at home” work. You think you are contributing a lot. If you died someone else would replace you. The machine would continue without you. The only difference is that you derive self worth from your compensation. You think that getting paid for what you do makes you important, and that only you can do it. You think that as a monetary provider you command respect. I think these people have very little to live for.

I find it ridiculous when people are like “I have to stay late at work” like they are really calling the shots and without them their work would devolve into anarchy. I also find it ridiculous when people are like “stay at home is a job too” and demand some equivalent amount of respect as somebody with an ACTUAL job. I respect nobody. You are both doing lame ass unimportant fucking work.

>> No.6975034

tech guy at a bank

>> No.6975094

Fellow nurse anon. Night-shifter working 12hr shifts on a 36hr work week. Can afford the necessities, paid off most of my loans and buy mostly what I want since I still live with my ma, can take my career down a lot of paths, though am getting burned out by nursing in general. Most of my days off I draw or game until the sun comes up

>> No.6975123

i used to dog and house sit before the coof now i’m a neet with autismbux. taking care of dogs is basically just getting paid to draw all day so i highly recommend it.

>> No.6975128

Unfortunately a neet for 5 years now, used to be in a customer service job for ages. The 'rona stopped me from going to find another physical job again. I'm getting close to drawing good enough to open higher paying comms, hopefully next year I can consistently pay the bills enough to support myself fully.

>> No.6975129

I'm living on disability on the condition I partake in studies regarding my disability every so often.

>> No.6975132

Holy insecure lmao

>> No.6975192
File: 289 KB, 1060x1058, jx0wt1ahku771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space tech engy.
It's a lot of work, and I personally hate the design part (it's just simulations). I've been trying to change departments to being purely manufacturing... But they refuse to let me go.

Really, I just want to quit and start my own comic. I don't care about space crap and get no fulfillment out of it, but the pay is good and the market sucks.

Engy bros keep it going.

>> No.6975231

Don’t the health effects are damning later.

>> No.6975248

I'm unemployed right now. Before that I was a ceramic decorator and despite having brushes in my hand all day long I had pretty much no time to draw and lost a lot of skills during that year.

>> No.6975250

Computer programmer.
I have tons of time after work to draw but I waste it all anyway because I’m a lazy shit.

>> No.6975256

>You are both doing lame ass unimportant fucking work.
Said the lame ass dork on /ic/.

>> No.6975288

I'm a psychotherapist

>> No.6975295


I'm fucking unemployed, I sometimes manage to get gigs in my country comics industry but its pretty random, so mostly I live off my fifteen years of working like a pack mule. It's a pretty stagnant situation, gotta change something next year

>> No.6975329

I'm really not sure how long being an housewife is going to keep your mental health good. It's not just because culturally we're conditioned in the trad male and female family roles, as in most cases just staying at home is pretty bad for women too. What are you going to do when your kids grow up and you move from needed to annoying? Sure it's your life and I'm just throwing advice based on two lines on 4chan, but I'm pretty sure that having even just a regular odd job or part time to get you out of the kitchen is going to be a lifesaver later in your life

>> No.6975341

He's studying art, obviously. He'll be fine

>> No.6975368

Sell my blood plasma.

>> No.6975388

>able to do major or minor repairs while at home
>able to paint, do construction for add-ons, install carpet, whatever
>can take up woodworking or start a side business selling handmade goods
>has more time to get out of the house than if employed full-time AND taking care of home/kids
He's essentially a daddy bang maid, but has the physical ability to do more heavy lifting. Do you think stay at home parents are barred from leaving the house and have a call button installed to a shock collar on their necks?

>> No.6975389

Someone please end my misery.

>> No.6975397
File: 1.18 MB, 498x227, 1638724919268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WFH inbound customer service
Used to be great and had lots of downtime but then management decided to start making absolutely retarded policy changes and understaffed us for funsies so I'm thinking of quitting hehe

>> No.6975399

would it be weird for someone to go into your shop and draw the flowers there?

>> No.6975423
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1701395423649972 elephant man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trapped in a inescapanlw 9 to 5 with no time or energy to draw. I want to blow out my brains so fucking badly.

>> No.6975437

Tbh that all sounds kinda fun

>> No.6975440

?? That always seemed fun and I thought it wouldn't absolutely drain my balls so I could have the energy to draw later. Why is it bad?

>> No.6975442

Lab tehnician/analyst.
I wish I had the energy to draw 5h after work and make my portfolio I hate this job

>> No.6975455
File: 28 KB, 575x549, FkFa0IPaEAAtjal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work in a kitchen flipping burgers for alcoholic hicks who think they're special because they get their name on a ticket. the hours suck monster cock but i get paid decently and i get free food whenever i feel like it. still wanna quit when it's convenient.

>> No.6975458
File: 300 KB, 826x1024, 1683570322425681m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still in uni majoring in industrial engineering specialized in logistics. I want to work a job where i can oversee and improve complex systems and preferably also code stuff in excel. My autism molded me into the perfect person for this kind of job

>> No.6975465

Doing home repairs isn't going to fulfill your ego you know. You're still an adult baby that has no financial independency nor a life of your own outside your house.
Sure some people can live with that but in the majority of cases it ends very badly, specially if its a guy. And its someone from a country of lazy fucks that do everything they can to avoid working that's telling you this, I can only imagine how poisonous can be in places where people is paper-thin skinned to peer pressure like the usa

>> No.6975467

My two cents are that its super fucking boring and the pay is low

>> No.6975469

I've been there for years, until I told them to fuck off.
I deeply regret it, but I would still do the same mistake if I could go back in time.
So the takeaway is that if you want to make a terrible mistake in your life, just do it because in the end you will regret everything anyway

>> No.6975476

What job do you do?
Consultant as software/electrical engineer
Does it give you a lot of time for drawing?
50/50 as the projects meets deadlines I don't have the time nor energy for that.

living the dream man, better level your handyman skill.

hi lads

>> No.6975543

You have my condolences anon.

>> No.6975545

Why? I love my job.

>> No.6975626

Pull pints in a local pub, the charm hasn't warn off yet and the customers are frenly. Barely covers the rent tho.
Best job I've had was working as a a ramp agent for an airline (not a ground handler, important distinction). Payed me enough that I was able to save a significant amount, stayed fit, enough free time that I could spend most of the day drawing. Got fired due to an accident, damaging equipment... God, I'm so stupid.

>> No.6975668

I build houses.

That sucks man. Out of curiosity, what got damaged/how bad was it?

>> No.6975671

It depends. I live in Mexico so on top of Valentine's, Mothers' Day, funerals and weddings, we are also busy during Dia de Muertos and several saints' feast days. I think September is pretty much the only calm month of the year (unless someone well-known in town croaks).

>> No.6975727

Uni art student. Recently worked as a cemetery gardener/grounds crew member

>> No.6975767

I worked as receptionist for an hospital as part of a civil service program. It was really easy and gave me plenty of time to draw but contract only lasted a year. I'm studying Japanese in uni right now but I don't really know what I'm doing

>> No.6975806
File: 38 KB, 570x570, XkSyXXR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in a bit of a hard spot right now, but i feel like i'm constantly working with uninspired retarded writers, even if they have that degree in writing they suck so much both creatively and from a business standpoint and i could do a lot better than that, my hope is building some reputation to start both writing and illustrating stuff

right now i hate what i draw because it's either "Believe in the project so much that you take a lot of time making it better and convincing editors/producers" or "Just draw it fuck it" and i rarely believe in the projects i partake in...................

>> No.6975873

are you a comic book artist? Where do you get your jobs? Publisher? Agent?

>> No.6975902

good luck bro, enjoy some enchiladas suizas on my behalf.

shit happens man, good luck

put mirrors in the graveyard lol

>> No.6975927

From my experience, as long you don't become copyright holder of something that sells like hotcakes or get scouted by some capeshit major (and hopefully your contract lasts long enough that you make up some cred) you're going to barely survive working into comics. The industry is a fucking mess in it current state
For the creativity, just forget about it. Writers are lobotomized sjws 90% of the cases and the bigger the publisher, the more political filters they'll put. better off presenting your own project to a small publisher/make a Kickstarter or something.
And with all this said, even in the best cases there's a number of shit stains on the 'comics career' that make it desirable only if you're really hellbent on doing it and you're willing to give up things like being able to feed kids and buy a house
Things change a bit according to what country you're on, but in general it's all pretty shit

>> No.6975934

manga is the only thing I want to draw. Is it time for me to just go do something else and keep manga a hobby?

>> No.6975956

If I had to give a good reasonable advice and wasn't someone like you >>6975295 that keeps digging into shit thinking "yes next job is going to be the one that changes everything!" and end up again flatting in a week 160 pages of a comic done only for contract obligations that nobody is going to read, all for less than a logistics job paycheck, no contracts, nothing legal, and no promise of if and when another gig will come up, I would definitely say yes, keep it as an hobby because when you're older you're badly going to regret not having experience in a real job.
But that would be the pot calling the kettle black, so just keep in mind to not being too stubborn, if at some point you're really fed up with this shit just throw and fuck it. As long you keep drawing and showing your work to people you can make a comeback.
Manga works ONLY AND FUCKING ONLY if you're asian or live in France. Trying to do comics specifically in a manga format will only pit you against all the easily accessible Korean shit, and I doubt you're good enough to win that if they play at home.
Well all this means nothing if when you close your eyes the only thing there is "I must be the mango". In that case welcome to hell and hope you gmi.

>> No.6975960
File: 44 KB, 1325x898, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a pure comic book artist but the latest job i got is comics, i just pretend to be a professional artist and take literally every job i can get IRL or from previous contacts but yeah i'm planning for an agent and to get into some more "Design" things
favorite type of work is concept art but it doesn't really pay off rn
yes yes yes nigga been there

>> No.6975961

I work and save just to the point where I feel like I want to kill myself then I live on savings and draw just to the point where I'm in danger of dying homeless on the streets

>> No.6975971

>nigga been there
Replying to the manga guy I managed to demoralize myself, and you know, things are starting to make me go schizo
So let me swear an oath here, where a colleague can read it

I, Anonymous, swear on my right hand and my eyes that starting from the last week of next January, until the end of March, I will push myself to the limit, shoot all bullet left, melt the cpu, and grind the pen into dust.
I swear that I'm going to burn myself out and die if I'm not going to make it.
I fucking swear it on my fucking life

>> No.6976057

I work for a call center from home. It’s easy work, and it usually slows down a lot by afternoon, which gives me time to draw between calls. It’s also part of a union, which makes it difficult to lose said job. So I won’t be starving any time soon, and I’ll be able to hone my skills while on the clock.

>> No.6976096

call center is the one thing I never want to do. Pretty sure I'd rather clean toilets as a janitor before becoming a call center salesperson.

idk how you can do it

>> No.6976192

I think the fact it’s from home makes it tolerable.
>no annoying coworkers to deal with
>most calls are from other businesses just requesting information
>get to work in my PJs and sleep in till it’s time to work.
>commute is literally me from bed to my desk
>can have tv or YouTube on, albeit low volume because noise canceling headset
>get to draw during work hours.

It has its perks.

>> No.6976198

Nah a good stay at home dad can manage finances way better than mom and deprogram the children from whatever bullshit they're being fed at school.
My uncle was a stay at home dad, now that the kids moved out he's gotten into woodworking. He's much better off than my dad, his kids are much better off than me, he looks ten years younger than my dad despite being five years older, and actually gets along with his kids.

>> No.6976200

Being in prison is less phsychological stress than most jobs.
A comfy invisible job like night shift at a calm place is invaluable.

>> No.6976201

I'm a model. I wish I could leverage my looks to get a larger audience/more money from art, but I'm a coomer so my agency won't let me post that stuff on my social media. Sucks because I often use photos of myself for reference, and I know that kind of post typically does really well comparing self ref + finished art side by side.
As it stands, I only work 2-3 days a week so I have plenty of time to draw. Ironically its during my busier weeks that I actually feel motivated though. im ngmi but I feel very comfy and fulfilled when I draw the things I like (although that only happened once I was financially stable and didn't depend on it for income)

>> No.6976203

Flight stairs, reported as soon as it happened, damage was completely repairable and no one was hurt... but it came at the end of a 6 month probation at the company so I didn't have much recourse when they dropped me.
I was warned before I started that there was a higher safety standard to go along with the higher wages but I was still a bit shocked when they fired me. At least I learned I enjoy working out doors, I've got no desire to go back to officework.
cheers mate

>> No.6976305

Call center jobs are not that bad as long as there's wait times between calls
When it's call after call and your manager starts spamming your teams because he noticed you took an unscheduled piss break it becomes hell on earth

>> No.6976508

Art director and co-owner of a pretty successful indie game studio. 33 and already set for life with stock currently valued at eight figures

>> No.6976582

Which stock did you buy?

>> No.6976586

It's the shares I own in my company

>> No.6976589

meant to reply to >>6976582

>> No.6976590

Assistent manager at a dog daycare. It's okay, used to be more fun a decade ago, I'm becoming majorly burnt out on it. The pay is horrifically bad though despite their being hige demand for the service andthe undertaking making mad bank $$$ and me working more hours a week than the owner does. Also the days are really long with 12 hours.

>> No.6976593

Idk here in the balkans working on the homestead is almost every guys' hobby and they are constantly fixing or making something, the culture here is also to do as little work as possible.
Idk your opinion seems faulty because no1 you think women somehow magically would be more fulfilled with being a SAHM (lmao) and no2 your implying the person in question has 0 ambition or hobbies which is just unrealistic.
Why wouldn't he spend his free time gitting gud and when the kids are older he can go into art professionally? Seems like a sweet deal

>> No.6976596

any tips for a portfolio for companies like yours?

>> No.6976599

We make pixel art games so that would be the main dominating factor. If you're a technical artist (able to do pixel art and knowledge of the engine, shaders, etc) that's even better. Illustration or animation skills along pixel art are also a big plus.
People like snakepixel are highly sought after, probably one of the top people in the industry when it comes to pixel artists

>> No.6976613

Multiple hat wearing art director. I'm glad I don't have to take commissions anymore, but I have terrible imposter syndrome and can't afford much beyond existing.

Crossing my fingers for a hit so I can buy a tiny house and never rent ever again.

>> No.6976629

Do you not have to do routine checks and get made fun off by fellow security guards?
Injection moulding process engineer

>> No.6976632

How do you get the free time in work?
I'd be more concerned about ai taking it.
That sounds cool af, space tech sounds like a dream job, better than designing and processing mould tools to make plastic products for random shit like I do.

>> No.6976648

part-time retail nightshift, 4 days and 16 hours a week. Stock shelves from 4am to 8am, no dealing with customers and I get like a week off every month. I feel like a normal person of society and it doesn't kill my happiness or time, also since it's quite laborious I get to work out.

>> No.6976658

I work on a boat. When I can, I draw on my lunch break. But as an engineers assistant, there are some times where I'll have hours of dead time, and can draw or read for hours as long as I make rounds to check on our engines.

>> No.6976770

I shoot and edit photos and videos for a mid-sized company, it's heaven because I get to work from home almost all the time and the workload is really light. Plenty of time to draw (which I don't always use very efficiently, lol)
Not the best money but I own my own place and get to stay comfy and travel a few times a year

>> No.6976996
File: 14 KB, 208x241, 1702274322892026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life

>> No.6976999
File: 118 KB, 858x918, doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my invention doesn't net me enough to retire I'll rope

>> No.6977019

Anyone have any advice for trading stocks (not-retarded-crypto)? I know this isn't /biz/, but I fantasize about striking big in the stock market and just quitting my job to pursue art.

>captcha: SKTARD

>> No.6977183

I only draw after work

>> No.6977249
File: 7 KB, 234x222, 1702509689327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.6977278

Nanny for my family, their schedule is tied to the school year so there's lots of downtime and travelling. When they vacation I'll tag along but it's more of a work trip. Probably the hardest but also most rewarding job I've done, when the kids are happy and doing well it's a cakewalk, when they're having meltdowns or the house is messy it sucks. Pay isn't great but I also have basically zero expenses beyond food so I just stack the cash in my portfolio and do art as a hobby.

>> No.6977282
File: 9 KB, 217x320, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be intellectually honest, the latest supposed full time job i got in comics was a fucking scam, ridiculous pay and i had to work with a borderline retarded writer. I mean, i'd do it for free if the story was good but man was it terrible. Worst thing i've read in a while
Seems like the publisher had a good time in 2021-22 but is now failing, has no money, no writers and i didn't realize it, feelsbad but also dodged a bullet
Back to the job search

>> No.6977294

I wouldn’t bet on striking it big in the market and having it give big returns in any short amount of time.

In the last 10 years there have been very few stocks that have 10x their value and held it. Even with a measly 100k invested you would barely have 1M today assuming you held on the whole time and picked the right stock. This anon who invested in his own company is very fortunate >>6976508 and probably worked incredibly hard for several years. I can only imagine he had 100x returns through stock compensation to push his holdings up to 10M. A normal human stock compensation package is in the 6 figures range so to make 10M from 100k is impressive (and as an art director no less).

Go for longevity. Find something that you can do for the longest amount of time and avoid burn out. If you are patient and consistent you can save up and outlast everyone else around you who crumbles from wage slavery.

>> No.6977408

Software Engineer. I draw mostly on slower days

>> No.6977418
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The things I do for money, I'll never understand.

>> No.6977426
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I am 33 yo unemployed and in almost 6 figures of debt, any advice you can give?

>> No.6977430

debt from what?

>> No.6977432

Useless degrees

>> No.6977452
File: 105 KB, 485x646, Dood330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freelance AC technician, or assistant, rather. Maintenances, installing, uninstalling, repairs and more on the same vein.
And no, it doesnt give me any time to draw at all. It's an overly demanding job where situations, no house or complex is alike so you got to be quick to problem solving and multitasking in very weird working schedules and circumstances: often skipping lunch, working on weekends, 12 hour days, several heavy jobs at once...
Also I dont get paid lmao, spic family business and all income goes straight to family expenses.

>> No.6977496
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Get back to drawing, fren.

>> No.6977528
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>space tech sounds like a dream job
And that's the issue, honestly. It's a "dream job" to a lot of people, so management expects you to do miraculous shit and pull hours of overtime for the sake of the project.
>better than designing and processing mould tools
I've worked in a shop that designed and processed moulds, actually. It's functionally the same.

You think you get and freedom or a chance to express your own engineering principles? Fuck no.
You learn the process from the Senior Engineer, if you don't do it his way or to his liking you do it again until you do. Once you're a Senior Engineer yourself you've got so many responsibilities you'd rather stick to what works rather than risk delaying the project (or even more overtime).

As of now, I'm responsible for: Mech design of a Cube-sat, including all the purchases, manufacturing (not assembly), and testing. Also, a mech design (purchase, manu...etc.) on a 700kg Satellite which I'm not even supposed to be leading but was handed to me anyway.
That's not work for a single fucking person. That's supposed to be the job of at least a dozen.

>> No.6977894

>the latest supposed full time job i got in comics was a fucking scam
I did part of one of the best selling graphic novels in my country. Writer and main artist are well known. They went on TV and stuff.
I got 200 bucks out of it.
You just can't live off working in comics dude. That's the sad truth

>> No.6978275


>> No.6978397

Doctor, in speciality training, work 37 hours a week. Lucky I never have to do commissions or anything like that for money, sounds horrible. I just do traditional fine art as a hobby, love it.

>> No.6979137

you know you can take those skills and get hired at a normal company, family businesses are designed to ruin the next generation because most aren't super profitable enough.

stop getting used for slave labour, your family can go pound sand

>> No.6979163
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i teach english as a part-time job
not much in terms of pay
but its low effort and i enjoy doing it
picrel is my art

>> No.6979174

There is certainly no quick way to get out of this so this is the point where you maybe apply for a non-art job while building your skills on the side to make you more valuable on the market.
Also try to set up some side income like print on demand stuff for example. Stuff like stickers and shit goes crazy if done right and can yield some nice cash on the side. But you definitely need to buckle down NOW before you become to old to have the energy to do it. And abandon any bad habits like smoking, fast food or procrastination, shits you makes you feel bad and unmotivated

>> No.6979176

get a job nigga

>> No.6979178

Yeah, exactly.

I certainly was also just fucking lucky with the company and I founded it with good people who were the driving force behind many management decisions and talking to the right investors and connections.
Heck, I was actually in a very bad spot as a freelancer before and barely scraped together 1000 bucks to provide my part in the funding of the company.
5 years later these 1k turned into 16mil of value. Lots of it boiled down to be bold towards investors and have a functioning team and good future prospects with the games you make.
There is no guarantee to be this lucky with a gaming company but the gaming market is one of the strongest economies there is right now and it is only growing by the minute. I feel like you can only become financially independent if you build a company of your own. Wageslaving will never get you there

>> No.6979180

Imagine posting on /ic/ and you're getting crabbed by one of top NASA guys who fumbles drawing construction to remake a furry doujin in his free time

>> No.6979256

Reading this thread makes me really guilty being with infinite time to draw, yet only wasting it all cooming to futas and raep
I'm gonna regret this when I'm older

>> No.6979259

I'm a DevOps engineer (aka linux/docker/k8s/terraform/ci wage slave grunt).
I want to kms.

>> No.6979288

make something meaningful, or get a job and join us wagies

>> No.6979304

I think that maybe this thread is just pulling out of the closet some insecurities you got buried by your routine. I myself felt jealous of some anons, and happy that I'm not in the same situation of other ones. At the end of it, I'm extremely unhappy of where I am, but I have no regrets.
Maybe you avoided doing more complex stuff out of fear of failure, or Maybe not, but the only way to know is to shake up your daily schedule for a bit and see what happens

>> No.6980378

I actually worked with those guys for a few weeks.
I wasn't their main contact (he spent like 2 years in the US) but great guys, for some reason the team I got were all fucking giants though.
Like they were all ~200cm right beside my 160cm ass. They're in all the pics so their satellite ends up looking like 50% smaller than reality lmao

Don't you software guys have options for remote/hybrid jobs? Those always seem to have way better work/life balance.
I'd never get that option in my field/specialty

>> No.6981087

I can't blame you.

>> No.6981122

I work at a movie theatre part time. Shit pay, shit hours, disgusting autistic coworkers, customers treat you like scum, but I'm studying animation so hopefully I'll be free someday.

>> No.6981150

>studying animation
>to escape shit pay, shit hours, customers treating you like scum, and disgusting autistic coworkers
Anon, I…

>> No.6981186

I'm an Overnight Baker, get some time to draw a little while waiting for bread to proof or during the day after work.Used to be Head Pastry Chef at a resturant but having to wrangle crackheads and retards for shit pay gets old.

>> No.6981207

What does it take to become a baker?

>> No.6981225

That's a lot of words just to say you're jealous

>> No.6981235

financial independence fucking blows dude, there's literally no dignity in work and i wish every day i was born to rich parents so I could just spend my time drawing reading and writing awful poetry as god intended.

>> No.6981246
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Floor Tech at a college.
basically a janitor that knows how to strip and wax floors, but due to some guy quiting they decided to place me inbetween floor tech and janitor as the guy that runs the chariot over the basket ball courts as well as pull trash from the concourse at the stadium.
Theres little downtime to draw and when there is, my boss always shows up to check on my work, literally every time its break time and randomly. he really fucking hates break time.

>> No.6981284 [DELETED] 

deputy strategic director.
i draw furry porn in my free time.

>> No.6981294

protip: work for nasa. we're research driven and not profit driven so the workload is reasonable. granted there are times where you have to make miracles happen, but that's only if you're on big projects.

also we write proposals for projects that we want to pursue, which gives us some freedom to choose our own work, though your proposal may not always get selected for funding.

i work a lot on small projects that give me the freedom to pretty much work however i want. smaller projects tend to be more risk tolerant, which means we can use them as proving grounds for trying new things.

t. nasa engineer who draws furry porn on the side uwu

>> No.6981298

Were you the Fucking Werewolf Asso's singer too?

>> No.6981301


>> No.6981325

>inb4 skinwalkers break into your office

>> No.6981608
File: 202 KB, 1280x877, 1702753130710400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a neet for the last 6 years but now I am thinking about becoming a glowniger for my government. I recently found they are looking for the new people. Do I need to an IT guy for such position? Also what should I ask the recruiters at the interview? They set date of the interview for this wendsday

>> No.6981640

Unless your in your dream career or you directly impact other people substantially you won't get fulfilment from doing work you really don't want to

>> No.6981685

damn that's a cool picture
right out of a game or movie

>> No.6981699

Decent math skills and hand-eye coordination. Some culinary classes at your local community college will help more than you'd think too.

>> No.6981726

You dont need some kind of certificate or degree?

>> No.6981789

I work in a call center, well I guess it's not really a call center anymore since it went work from home about three years ago with rona. Like that other anon said, it does have its perks. Working from home is fucking amazing, I won't go back. I always take the later shifts and weekend shifts because no one wants to work them, but that's also the time with the lowest call volume. Plus I enjoy sleeping until noon. I do hate the actual job though, dealing with people in any setting is a mental drain. The only reason I'm still in it is because of the pay, the work from home perks, and the ability to draw every day on the clock.

>> No.6981823

A certificate helps but experience in the kitchen is more valuable. If you're looking for something that'll give you time to work on art go for overnight or early morning baker

>> No.6981845

sounds like a good deal, shit work yh but being able to work on your art and have money comming in is really golden for setting up your art career

>> No.6984474

you wish this was your life

>> No.6984632

depends on country. In Euronations you'd have some sort of 2-4yr apprenticeship. In the US it's the wild west.

>> No.6984693
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Was very fortunate and had a Government Biosecurity Officer job up until 2 months ago. Now I don’t have a job and I am haemorrhaging my savings

>> No.6987765

Im a busser though I say where I work is decent since I benefits like insurance as well as other stuff...
I mostly do art as passion project stuff. Most of it can be considered edgy or not appropriate so being anonymous is better

>> No.6987801

Do you get tips? I used to work in hospitality and was amazed by the amount of money the front of house people took home in tips.

>> No.6987926

I have a friend who is a hospital guard, he sometimes do has time for some things but is exhausted when he arrives, idk if it is worth it... Especially if the company doesn't care who you work with
This friend of mine had a colleague, but recently he got scared of a pacient who hit him and then this coward quit and the company let my friend do the work of two people…i feel bad for him to this day bro

>> No.6988115

I substitute teach. Pay is pretty good and depending on what grade I’m teaching I literally just draw on my tablet 90% of the time.

It’s nice choosing when to work, and so far there are assignments everyday if I want to do it full-time. Some downsides are when there is no school that means no work - so summer and holiday breaks I will have to supplement my income by other means.