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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 50 KB, 640x481, 169633481347926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6965857 No.6965857 [Reply] [Original]

>make art
>never show it to anyone

>> No.6965869

There will come day, when all that is hidden shall be revealed

>> No.6965873

>make art
>delete/trash it right when you finish.

>> No.6965878
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>> No.6965904

Post your wor- lmao

>> No.6965913

ahahah, we're sure showing them
ahah, I'm so happy and don't mind having zero interactions with anybody ahah

>> No.6967283

Very based and red pilled. I always love the banksy stuff

>> No.6967288

Your thread is a work of art, bravo. Oh shit...

>> No.6967347

>make art
>get it sold to highest bidder
>it sits in a vault for decades rarely surfacing for the plebs to look at, only at rich people parties are maybe 2 or 3 ever invited to take a look at it

>> No.6967348

Then some asshole takes a picture on his phone and uploads it.

>> No.6967361
File: 6 KB, 250x246, dunnotello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't validate your art through other people, but you do validate that way the fact that you don't. Gotcha.

>> No.6967383

>thinks he's better than the rest, because he doesn't need validation
>opens a thread to get validated
how can you be so dumb?

>> No.6967385

Not even with your family?

>> No.6967389

when do family ever act excited to see art?

>> No.6967505

That's a great song.

>> No.6967852
File: 81 KB, 300x250, 1629175221856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to truly GMI, fren.
Cheers, frens. YOU, are GMI.

>> No.6967859
File: 162 KB, 960x960, 1631290504680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP doesn't post any work
>literal npc replies back

>> No.6967877

This. No one's love for your work is substitute for your own. No one's enjoyment of your work results into your own. No one will ever be as passionate about your art as you are, so why attempt to make them? Showing others your art creates a trap, a transactional relationship is formed where you feel you should only create for others to see, not for yourself. Fuck them. It's about you. No one can ruin what they don't know

>> No.6968378
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>> No.6968380

Best fucking thread I've seen here in YEARS.

>> No.6968382

does anyone outside of online count?

>> No.6968404
File: 74 KB, 657x527, 1496028371036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that, I don't publish my masterpieces because I know deep down some of my fans will unfollow or worse, rebel and form a lynch mob and cancel me.

>> No.6968814
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>> No.6968822
File: 186 KB, 590x469, 1609748776100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post work in threads across /ic/
>anons always asking for blog
>ignore and never create one

>> No.6968843
File: 790 KB, 1127x669, 1683306884630908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make art
>Post it in a 4chan thread
>automatically regret it
>it hunts you for years because people keep reposting it over and over again

I can't go to /co/ anymore

>> No.6968864
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>> No.6968924
File: 2.78 MB, 1878x1326, 1638647626752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh validation
>you got sum validation
>pls gib vaeltio
>pls dialation
>pls i need validation
>validation is what i need
>god pls someone validate me
>you dont validate? you must be validating right now
>how can you hate validation what the hell do you think about all day? you must be clearly validating right now
>G-G-G-GOTCHA (haha i am so valid and witty)
>"i feel so heckin validatedation rite nao"
>never posts work
>is probably the first to call others beg and shit for not feeding him free resources and drawing the porn he likes
I'm invalidating you right now.

>> No.6969043

>make fart
>share it with everyone

>> No.6969082

>baits more instead of realizing he's wasting time online instead of bettering himself as a person and artist
Alright, I guess we will just sage and hide.

>> No.6969553

I literally never daydream about dying and people finding my great hidden art and becoming a post-mortem legend, I never do it at all

>> No.6969616


>> No.6969629


>> No.6969704

>deletes art
>burns it and throws it all out
>mom has birthday present
>old drawing she stole from your room without any consent
>mind blown

>> No.6969769

literally me
I've been trying to do better about deleting my stuff.

>> No.6969777

>make art
>make a thread boasting about it
>never posting my work

>> No.6969782

Unfathomably based.

>> No.6969856
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>> No.6969939
File: 155 KB, 757x949, i-made-a-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah son, you're mostly insulating your ego in safe one-way dynamics that you desperately need to be in control of. It's fine to be self conscious, anon; it only gets really unhealthy when you sell that to yourself as inspiring independence.

>> No.6969947
File: 32 KB, 600x574, don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That meltdown truly conveys tremendous self-reliance anon, well done

>> No.6969951


what is wrong with you?

>> No.6969954
File: 2 KB, 312x293, 1699410979299223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of this thread?

>> No.6969958

Good point.

And yeah, it is embarrassing to publish your art and expose yourself like that. Every time. All of your mistakes and unintended, regretful lines on display. I personally do want people to see my art with the potential that it would actually appeal to and resonate with some, however small. In hopes that means they understand and feel and think of life and the world in a similar way. I understand never showing your art to anyone, but I think that usually comes from the fact the artist thinks no one will ever truly understand what they are communicating and appreciate the energy and emotion invested in the process. The ego can spin it into “they will never understand.” But they certainly never will if the artist doesn’t share the the message with the audience.

Visual art is a form of contained information communicated and understood largely unconsciously. Most want to be heard and understood. Capture and convey truth and let it stand on its own. Truth is beautiful and beauty is true. Perhaps it is enough that God saw it, but maybe God would want people to depict truth and beauty and moreso, show it and promote it to ‘the masses.’ Those with intelligence, compassion, skill, discipline, and a will to do good, really should recognize their duty and set an example.

>> No.6969965

Muh heckins {you}

>> No.6969967

>make art
>post it all on 4chan
>fall victim to a satanic ritual


>> No.6969970

no God doesn't want that. you should not go to the masses with flat earth conspiracies.

>> No.6969977

>make art
>3/4 done already know it's the best piece you're ever going to make
>humble thyself
>reset you're entire PC to factory

>> No.6969979
File: 2.25 MB, 2048x2560, 79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed: art is an act of communication. The artwork itself is the means, not the end; it's incomplete as art and even as general self-expression if you keep it to yourself. At most, you could keep your drawing and painting private as a means of self-exploration, to understand yourself better; that's valid even if I wouldn't call that process "art", specially if it comes from simple insecurity.

About the other topics you bring up: even when going the whole way, I personally think a proper balance of "unfathomable" and open should be the aim. Too many artists hide behind aggressively performative obscurity and whimsy in their work as mostly a cop out, just leveraging the general misinterpretation of the whole "art is subjective" truism while they may be simply creating pretty objects that people will want to buy.

>> No.6970016
File: 239 KB, 720x750, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo wtf why aren't you making me feel heckin valid rait nou?
i will now post a flavor of the day anime girl on X so i get the heckin validation points and then boast about it with my discord sisters and make a thread on /ic/ how i heckin made it.

If we're not doing anything for feeling heckin valid then wtf do we do all day? Validation is great
Everyone should post more validation and consume validation, unless they make ME feel NOT heckin and valids

btw anyone who doesn't feel the exact same way as ME must be trying to validate themselves
lmao can you believe it that people can have different outlooks on life and not feed on validation 24/7? lol they must be so insecure (only when they disagree with me though)

also you wrote more than one word; you must be seething and coping

>> No.6970018

Still super calm rn, got it

>> No.6970032
File: 37 KB, 600x598, 4chan gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg anon you totally in my head
how did you know? was it the many words?
wow u r so talented i think im going to kill myself now

upvod and sobcribs

>> No.6970038

Surely every post must make your grease fire less and less ironic anon, do keep at it.

>> No.6970170

wow anon ur such a psychoanalogic wow
i am literally seething right now
wow anon can i be your firend? u seem pretty based ngl fr
how many subscribers do you have?
god im so jealous
and seeething!
meltdowning even!
man the less you write the more i seethe anon wow

so based and witty

>> No.6970177

Is this genuinely what you come here for?

>> No.6970182
File: 238 KB, 748x1299, apic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why else?
You post here, you farm (you)s, you network by saying how pretty everyone's art is, call anyone a crab and a schizo when they say things you don't like or are trying to sabotage your art career by criticizing your art and then get all the epic followers so then you can get closer to become rich and famous artiste like sakimicsrprokokjg and all the epic nsfw artists and then everyone likes you and worships you and you have all the money so then you can buy stuff and be happy and get more money so you can buy more stuff and be more happy and then everyone joins a discord and we talk about what porn we like and then i get a gf and have sex and we go buy stuff to have sex and more sex and then i buy more stuff and then everyone likes me more and everyone will respect me because i have 6 million followers and then i get my own anime and then i get more famous and rich and everyone loves me.

I would literally commit crossdimensional genocide for an ounce of validation.

pls follow and subscribe
also ur a poopyhead and wrong bcecause u make me feel bad

>> No.6970184

I draw stacked anime girls. Theyre not even naked but I dont wanna show that to my relatives

>> No.6970185


>> No.6970186

ur mad

>> No.6970189


>> No.6970197

stop seething

>> No.6970201

Who are you talking to?

>> No.6970216

why are you angry?

>> No.6970218

Who do you think I am?

>> No.6970230

a angry little crab

>> No.6970241

Even if I don't say anything?

>> No.6970246

uuhm yes? aren't u feeling pretty mad right now? i know you are
omg u r so mad and seething

lmao owned

>> No.6970248

Where do you think I live?

>> No.6970252

Is this the board's latest lolcow

>> No.6970285

We probably have different circumstances then because my family has been very supportive. But even then, if you made something for them I'm sure they'd love it?

Surely you've drawing something else at one point or another. Hell, I've shown my parents plenty of stuff from tasteful pin-ups to basic still-lifes and they only had nice things to say. Christmas is coming soon too, it's the perfect opportunity to make a nice card for them.

>> No.6970360

who the fuck is WE, NIGGA?

>> No.6970414

yeah i make lots of art i just never show it
like i did 3000 paintings last week but i just dont show them

>> No.6970637

Bro your literally doing the thing your trying to throw in ops face but I’ll just assume your fishing for (you) so here you go king bless up

>> No.6970644

All the rage posters here need to realise you don’t fight what you don’t like you ignore it.

>> No.6970645

Anyone ever consider OP might just make art for the joy of creating not for anything else? Is that really such a strange concept?

>> No.6970801

Yes to some people who prioritize glory over passion.

>> No.6970888

Why make a thread to announce it?

>> No.6972134

I accidentally left out a drawing once, was some dumb portrait photocopy and a family member got excited about it.
Was horrifying seeing her act like a complete normalfag plebian. Never subjecting myself to that again.

>> No.6972233
File: 130 KB, 480x480, 9r394omulh351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me.

>> No.6972660
File: 510 KB, 840x488, 1524175178_AutisticPepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, it's freeing to draw just for yourself most the time

>> No.6972813

Thanks bro

>> No.6973523
File: 21 KB, 340x334, 1651064610753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump this amazing thread

>> No.6973526

The act of sharing art with each other is a beautiful, sweet thing humans do. Obviously artists feel compelled and will create even if they are the sole viewer; it is their nature. But humans taking all they sense, think and feel, all moments experienced, processing it through their relatively similar, but still objectively unique internal self, their mind/psyche/soul, and just trying to make a pretty or interesting token of existence for others to see and enjoy is quite something. There is ego attached to this, in that a person wants others to like the piece and perhaps at least appreciate the skill or vision or creativity it took to create, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s like a person telling a joke. They want to get a laugh to make others happy. Maybe out of insecurity, and the laugh reassures them that their peers like them, but that’s okay. The comedian was trying to craft something the audience would enjoy, same as a visual artist. And really, people enjoying your work means they do understand it in some way. Maybe not completely, or in the exact way intended, but some of it resonated and was shared and your creation was appreciated.

And yeah, if a person wants their art to impact the audience and communicate something in a certain way, they should attempt to objectively analyze how the message will be heard and find the best way to communicate.

>> No.6973992
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>> No.6974017
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>people tell jokes because of reasons
I tell jokes and draw because i want to and i would literally implode into a black hole if i didn't. And i don't even do that on purpose or with the intent to make people laugh, it's just part of who i am. It's natural, i don't go out of my way to do that. It's in my genes.
Many might feel this way, but they can't articulate it easily as i can.

Do people really find it strange that people outwardly express themselves without craving social approval or validation?
Are we supposed to just shut up and say nothing or create content for others?
Is it that unfathomably unbelievable that people enjoy things without the general masses giving their "ok" and everyone just trying to be le epic content creator netwoorking on the epic art forums so they can be rich and famous artistes everyone loves and worships?

What's next; if you don't post on social media you don't actually draw and if you have no followers you have no human rights or if you draw like a baby but have 1 million followers it is testament of your pro-drawing skills and you're an art god?

Is it really just all about COOMSUMING content and if content-not-consumable-and-do-not-appeal-to-me = bad?
If i share my "content", but people don't like it, is it bad or just really about people not feeling heckin valid about coonsooming my "content"?

Many ought to realize that there is always someone more skilled than you that just didn't choose to seek success or the public eye.
But this concept might also lead to a computational errors for most social media addicted and emotionally immature retards because i must clearly be coping and seething and meltupping.

>> No.6974052
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, FettaynVIAEtdfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ech, I don't draw for anyone's validation
>now validate me for my contrarian, independent-minded stance
I don't even get people like this. I think you're full of it, and privately insecure (like the rest of us), or maybe you never made anything that you know is just the tightest, baddest motherfucking shit.
Every now and then, I make a piece that I subconsciously feel it would be a moral wrong not to share, a minor one but still a moral wrong in a utilitarian sense. I feel that if I died before sharing it, the world would be a bit worse off. People NEED to see this shit. It might make the world a little better, a little less ugly, in the tiniest way imaginable. That's how strongly I feel about my work - when it's good. And to know more of that is to come, to know I can keep growing, I have a lifetime to reach mastery...shit just excites me, makes me want to seize the day.

I'm not going attach my work because I know this is a very conceited view of oneself, which is "the faux pas," "the cringe," and I'm still le sheep and all that, but I absolutely don't want my art to be sheepish and hidden away, and it's because of this that I share it with gusto, when it's meritorious. I've experienced that heart-racing, life-affirming, mind-expanding feeling upon discovering great art, that feeling that compels you to save all the artist's work, to greedily hoard it so you can look at it again someday, and I want to engender that same feeling in other people more than I want to live. The ego is lifegiving.

>> No.6974134

>"wow is someone saying things that go against the """"normal behavior"""".. wow they must be trying to validate their contrarianism™ and insecure because they suck... that must explain MY feelings
You're honestly projecting, hence why you can't accept it.
Does one saying a fact about anything or arguing about any thing, a believer of things?
It sure is convenient to brand anyone and put them in categories

What need is there to try to put anyone down while boasting and talking about yourself in the singular sense and accusing others of the crimes you are yourselves committing?
You are quite literally having a display of cognitive dissonance, exactly like an npc.

>> No.6974280
File: 143 KB, 1200x1200, 1560627553915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos validating? you dont even know what that word means you fucking pants shitter. we are shitposting in mockery of /ic/ stop repeating words ppl use on you

>> No.6974318
File: 189 KB, 903x1600, 1_qWm2P0tN3ysJHJ8iUgQg2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>make art
>>never show it to anyone
this is actually normal. A lot of really good art pieces only became available to the public once an artist dies.

>> No.6974498
File: 692 KB, 601x905, 1546615465654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that is true how do you explain his feelings, poopyhead? we must all be shidding n crying and coping and seething
and of course we suck and are beg crab schizo jealous because if you don't constantly voolidate, what do you think about all day?

I'm voolidating right now

>> No.6974729

thanks for the (You)

>> No.6976363
File: 518 KB, 1000x982, 1698755507152338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back from gym
>goon to gay porn for an hour
>sleep and dont draw


>> No.6976371

Oh god the police will find all of my torture artwork once I die
I wonder if they will just throw it away or if someone will keep it

>> No.6977211

Its more just pain from discomfort

>> No.6977264

literally my fujo life