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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6965162 No.6965162 [Reply] [Original]

I have long grappled with not having any friends. A common piece of advice I always hear is "join clubs" which I always dismissed as I work full time.
However, upon thinking about it more, joining some sort of art club sounds fun. But this scares me, for I am shit at drawing and the million scenarios that run through my mind this at this moment show me the same thing: I draw, they look at it, and judge me in their heads while their mouths say something else.
Is it a worthwhile venture to seek and partake in a local art club as a low beglet?
And, is joining an art club a good way to make friends in the first place? Does anyone here have experience with such things?
Furthermore, I work night shifts, so I can only participate when I have a day off and it coincides when this hypothetical club is open. The people there will not see me veru often and they may forget me.

>> No.6965179
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I don't know what human relationships consist of.

>> No.6965184

Art club is fine but it's also good to find people with similar interests within the hobby. I've had good friendships through art both online and in real life. That said, just from experience sometimes there will be egos at play with some people having insecurities or a "pickme" personality that can fuck up the group dynamic. So be careful out there but don't let that stop you from ever putting yourself out there because you never know the kind of people you'll meet.

>> No.6965317

In the past I made friends from drawing via online drawing games or just forums with art sections but most games now adays are very disconnected and forums are pretty much a relic of a forgotten age

>> No.6965855

you have to PYW to get in

>> No.6965903

>art clubs
are there even such things?
Only things around me a paid art schools, and while very good in level they cost an exorbitant amount of money
I will not pay like 40000€ to the Russian Academy to make some art friends.

>> No.6967986
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Friends? it is a song of vocaloid?
Dont be scared, your drawings are cute

>> No.6967991

I'm scared of joining any clubs online because I assume they'll all be psychos
frankly maybe I should approach some of the artists that follow me, but I don't want to be annoying...
at the same time I'm someone who burns quickly from social interactions, so it's probably better to stick to being on my own

>> No.6967999

I really, really want to join some kind of art community but I am also a total idiot autist person. I'm older, like late 30s, so it's hard because most art groups seem to run like this
>teens or young gen-z people I can't relate to
>super advanced late 20 adults who are very competitive and have super secret clubs
>older boomers who only paint landscapes and talk about their grandbabies
I just want a chill place to talk about art, sometimes dip out for a few days, then come back and everyone just hanging out. I'm so lonely lol

>> No.6968000

>But this scares me, for I am shit at drawing and the million scenarios that run through my mind this at this moment show me the same thing: I draw, they look at it, and judge me in their heads while their mouths say something else.
Turn your brain off and just give it a try.

Most people are as scared, self-conscious than you. There'll be *that guy* who draws like shit but thinks he's a genius. And a few ones with passable skills. You should fit right in.

>> No.6968053

This is an incredibly sad post ngl

>> No.6968056
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>I really, really want to join some kind of art community
You are already in one faggot.

>> No.6968058

I want to befriend other people who draw anime girls...

>> No.6968065

The majority of people irl, especially in hobby art clubs are more likely to encourage you and be nice than to call you a beglet. I think you should go once, try to talk to people and see if you have fun. If not, try a different art group/club and see how that goes.

>> No.6968109

Not OP, but is the New Master's Academy discord a good art club to join?

>> No.6968143

Autists are impossible to be friends with.

>> No.6968270

The worst place on earth one should go to find friends is 4chan

>> No.6968345

Fuck no, /ic/ is only good for shitposting and getting free shit (/dbag/, art books, video courses, etc)

>> No.6969007

This was my experience going to a local art club. People are much nicer than anons, but they kinda have to because crabbing won't make you popular especially if you lack the skill. It's really fun to see the actual humans behind the art.

>> No.6969073

You could start one easily enough. My small local library has a writers club, a reading club, pokemon club, knitting club, etc. They aren't sophisticated organizations. Just people show up to the sessions (hosted at the library) for an hour or so once or twice a month. Librarians are typically friendly, they know what's involved in setting up the meetings, they'll advertise for you, and they often know specific people who might be interested.

You can bring enough artwork (doesn't have to be yours) to the early meetings just in case people don't bring enough of their own. Or you can all watch the same "how to draw x" youtube video and discuss what you all produce.

Consider advertising at your local council on aging or whatever you call it, as you might find a few eager participants there.

If you're shy and just want to get a sense of local interest first, put up a poster at the library that reads: Would you be interested in a local art club? Tell the librarian! (Obviously okay this with the library first.) Check in with them after a while and see what kind of response you get. They do the initial socializing for you, and they're good at it.

>> No.6970406

OP here.
I forgot about this thread for a few days, sorry.
I did end up looking for art clubs in my city and the neighboring ones too, but the only ones are for... children. The only "art clubs" I can find for adults are art schools. I do not seek art schools.
What do I do?

>> No.6970411


Finding friends among artist has a high chance of meetings the most egotistical bastard of a human I've ever met. So I stay away from it.

>> No.6970443
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Your art being beg isn't a problem at all. In fact, it looks pretty cute.

You being a schizo who distrusts even imaginary friends, on the other hand, sends me red flags that you'd not only be an ungrateful friend - justifying any disappearance as "getting away from bad people" (according to your imagination). You'd also never be your real self, and as such would never be entertaining to be around.

Sick and tired of giving you fags a chance just for you to be unable to keep a conversation and just disappearing on day two.

>> No.6970468

Go to the children club.
Sit on one of their tiny chairs.
Better if you wear a clown mask.

Start drawing.
Don't say a word.

>> No.6970473

>You being a schizo who distrusts even imaginary friends, on the other hand, sends me red flags that you'd not only be an ungrateful friend - justifying any disappearance as "getting away from bad people" (according to your imagination). You'd also never be your real self, and as such would never be entertaining to be around.
How did you know all this? Have we conversed before?

>> No.6970478

cute candle

>> No.6970495
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>> No.6970505
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>> No.6970616
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No, I just know your type.
You want friends but you fail to reciprocate, be it for being lazy or from being too sperg to keep things natural.

A club might be a good idea just because it's a large group of people, so there is no pressure for you particularly to be decent, just to stick around and not cause problems.

But you won't form any deeper relationships, as soon as the club acitivity ends, you're on your own.

>> No.6970648
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All of us here could be friends xd
I think I said something stupid
i believe in vocaloid supremacy

>> No.6970653

I assure you this predicament is not born out of laziness. Rather, it comes from paranoia.
There have been moments in the past where some have attempted to befriend me. They ask me mundane questions about me, but I cannot bring myself to answer. I have, for a reason I do not understand, a fear of divulging personal information about myself, even if it is something as basic as what I do in my free time.
So I attempt to weasel my way out of the topic by dodging the question or giving a non-answer. It is not that I do not desire a conversation, but that I cannot bring myself to do it. Instead, I turn it around and ask the other person questions. But then it ends up sounding like an interview.
When I was in school, I was described as a kind and well-mannered young man that was nevertheless a very weird, strange one one that no one knew anything about. I still carry that description with me. My co-workers have the same impression of me.
You seem knowledgeable, and I wish to change. Why am I like this? How can I turn normal?

>> No.6970701

Let's make one, I'm 30 too, I hate zoomers and begs, I can help you.

>> No.6970807
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Not sure what to say, other than just bee yourself.

I used to be paranoid like this when I was part of some "dangerous" place, like small chans where if your identity is leaked or accidentally discovered, you'd be in tough shit because people would dox you just for the lulz. Especially high profile people, one time the admin was found out and ended up in prison because the site had a lot of racism, drug discussion and pornography dumps of civilians.

Because of that I was always careful no to post my art as both myself on the Internet and as an anonymous member of the chan, choosing either one or the other for each kind of artwork I posted.

At some point, because chans are not the only thing I got into, I had about 8 or 9 "personas"; some of these personas were okay to disclose to my real life friends, some were only okay to show to the online ones, some were reserved just for the cesspits of the Internet and so on.

These days I only have 3 personas to take care of and I've left behind the small chans, because it was too restricting and I was getting too close to people with whom I couldn't be open with, lest I end up becoming a piñata.
On 4chan, even if you "leak", few people will give a fuck.

My three Internet personas are:
- My real self. I use it to talk to very vanilla Internet communities and my friends, using it for my most public hobbies like gaming, language learning, music discussion, job-related activities, etc.
- My artist self. While I do draw a little bit as my real self, most of my art is only linked to my artist alias, I have a Twitter, Discord and everything, but I never share too much info. I do talk about myself openly, I'm just careful not to say things that would allow people to find my real self. I talk to a bunch of anons from here and other boards, and some could find out who I am that I wouldn't care, but I won't help them to;
- My anonymous self. Here I'll call you a nigger and whatever I want. Or I might be nice, who knows?

>> No.6970820

All that said, the only reasons I can think for you to be paranoid are:

>you don't wanna get canceled
Maybe you say racist things online or watch naked cartoons in a country where it's a big no-no, and to that I say you shouldn't care.
You don't have to wear a lolipride shirt or spam NIGGERS TONGUE MY ANUS every time you see a brown person, but mild UOOOHHing and off-hand racism is hardly a problem if you're not in communities of mentally ill people - which is most Internet communities these days.
Even if it is the only option you have, I don't think it's hard to just keep your love for child belly and your dislike of minorities to yourself. If a community is too pozzed, just disengage. Come back when they're done bashing Elon Musk or whatever.

You might be running into the risk of stopping yourself from becoming great by finding future obstacles. "Oh, what if when I'm famous people find out I said Trump good once?" - chances are you'll never be famous, and if you become famous, as long as you're not a KKK member most people will not care about the past. Ilya TRACED and works in anime.

>maybe you have done things
Not saying I'm an FBI agent or anything, but from your logs... hm... you shouldn't have clicked that... or saved that file... or looked for more...
Even if that's the case, I'd say you are also worrying about nothing. You might get arrested for your actions, but as long as you're not a retard participating in communities dedicated to illegal stuff with the same handle, I have no idea how revealing your identity to random people - even on 4chan - could be a serious issue. No on can tell from your face that you have your family tied up in the basement and call the police. And if you get arrested, who cares about what Internet randos will think? It's already game over.

>you're innocent, but people are out to get you
In that case, welcome to real life. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Thunder might strike, will you stop going out because of that?

>> No.6970833

Why is everyone in this thread so mentally ill ahah take your meds /ic/

>> No.6970843

I commend and very much appreciate you taking so much effort to give me help, however, I think you may have misunderstood what I meant. That, or I misunderstood what you meant.
This debilitating problem that I have with being socially ill is not something that occurs when I interact with people online (well, to some extent it does, I suppose) but in real life. In fact, this has nothing to do with drawing or the internet.
When I described my problem in my previous post, I was talking about real life situations. Classmates, co-workers, neighbours... anyone. I could not tell any of these people about myself, for I am paranoid about... something. If I get asked what my hobbies are, for example, I begin to feel very uneasy and nervous. I stutter about and give some non-answer or avoid the question.
What are my hobbies, anyway? Drawing and video games. That mundane. Nothing weird or unusual, nothing to be worried about. Yet even something as mundane as this is something I am afraid of telling others.
And it is, of course, not just hobbies. Anything relating to me that is strictly not related to school/work or whatever the relevant setting is, is not something I feel comfortable disclosing.
Why is this?
If I had the courage to just talk... I would live a very different life. I would have friends.
What you said about "just beeing yourself" a generic piece of advice everyone has heard time and time again, but... perhaps this is true to what I should be doing in my case. But then this raises the question: what am I? What is "myself"? I thought it would be everything about me had I not had any social inhibitions or paranoia, but these things are also part of me. They are me.
Still, I wish to cast these traits off.

>> No.6970873

It's uncomfortable because there is something strange, trust your paranoia xd
you like drawing and video games, don't you? that's not going to change I guess, you just need to handle things right, like the other guy who has 3 people
Vocaloid is funny

>> No.6971365

Nta, but you might want to look into paranoid personality disorder. There are videos on youtube about what the thought process of someone with it has. It might not be possible in your situation but therapy is something you should consider.

Have you suffered from a lot of social rejection/bullying? Did you grow up in a family where you could talk openly about your thoughts and feelings? If you didn't feel safe this is just your body's way of protecting yourself.

>Drawing and video games
These are fine hobbies to have but when you think about it there's not a lot to talk about unless the other person is also very interested in the exact games you are. It's a very solitary activity. Usually people bond over hobbies they can do together. Sports, hiking, cooking, mountain climbing, etc. See if you can develop an "extraverted" hobby that would be easy to share with others.

Another thing about you is that you seem to not know what to say about yourself, or how the other person could respond to it. Try talking to an AI chat. It's not real and you're not actually revealing anything to a person, but the AI will give a general and pleasant response. This could help you get used the act of conversation without the risk of failure.